This is a program that makes your screen's window rounded just like displaperture but for windows.
The program is in strong Alpha state, but I'm planning on continuing this project.
Currently it only supports 1920*1080 (16:9), but im planning to make it universal and also the corner radius to be adjusted.
A deployed version is partly added, asap I'm ready with it I will commit it to the "Release" branch.
The Release branch contains a "bin" Folder with an EXE file and a Settings(Probably, still under planning stage).
If you want to deploy for yourself you will need Visual Studio, .NET 5 SDK and Runtime.
~Usage (Currently):
You have to clone the Release branch and inside the Bin folder there are the two distributions which you can run as an exe.
Download here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0 (.NET Desktop Runtime 5.0.11)
Use the following command to deploy for yourself: dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained -r win-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true
~Features to be added:
-New Icon
-Run invisibly at background
-Reduce cpu and memory usage
-Adjustable borders
-Start as service in background, when windows boots
-Config file
-Support more resolution
-Set custom color for border
-Custom overlay support for games
Please if you can help develop my project or have any ideas, make an Issue ticket or
do a pull request with detailed descriptions of your code, what you did and why.