The Node Base offers an easier way to implement the coding practices recommended to the Global Sales Platform.
- Docker environment
- Isomorphic code, capable to run in local environment, lambda and kubernetes
- Logging using the structure recommended
- Logger module supporting with correlation id, session id, etc
- Logging middleware to log input and output data
- TypeORM logger module using the logger module
- Tests helpers to improve productivity
- Abstraction to use code practices recommended
- Base Command to create events based commands
- Express Handler to create the interface between your domain and the Express
- Environment variables from AWS SSM
- Debug mode for development and tests
This project helps achieve the good maintainability
need, providing a common base for all Node projects that share some common features.
Also this project helps the ease troubleshooting
need, in two different moments:
- In the local development providing a debug mode
- In different running stages (ex: production) providing a Logger
You can contribute submitting pull requests.
Run npm install
Just run npm test
To verify if any lint rule was broken run: npm run lint
Run npm run docs
to generate a new documentation version.