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Inventory, Shop and User Settings

Fabricio20 edited this page Sep 10, 2017 · 3 revisions

Inventory System

As of update () LewdBot got an inventory system, this allows LewdBot to save information about a lot of features, like cosmetic profile items or (LewdBot) in-game items.

You can take a look at your inventory by using: L!inventory

That's cool and all, but I have no items!!

Indeed, inventory items can be obtained by using the Shop command or by playing LewdBot Games.

Shop System

So you want to buy some cosmetics? Take a look at the following examples.

Searching for an item on the shop: L!shop search <term>, where term can be anything.

After you receive your search results, you may want to take a look at the item's description: L!shop info <id>, where id is the item id returned by the search command (like Yuno02).

That's cool and all, but how do I buy the item?

To purchase one of the items, first, make sure you have enough LewdCookies by using L!cookies, after that, simply type in L!shop buy <id>, where id is the same id you used on the info command.

Item purchased, now how do I enable it?

Please proceed to the User Settings help section below.

User Settings

To change a setting, please use the following command: L!cfg set <setting> <value>.

Where <setting> corresponds to any entry on the available settings table, and <value> is valid according to the same table.


L!cfg set Header Yuno02

Currently available user settings:

Setting Default Description Valid Values
Header null Your profile header/background An Item ID (that you own)
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