We would like to thank the following free and open-source software that makes Scoutradioz possible, in no particular order:
- ExpressJS
- PugJS
- BcryptJS
- Log4js
- Passport
- MongoDB
- Svelte / SvelteKit
- TypeScript
- NodeJS
- Svelte Material UI
- Koder
- ESLint
- Jimp
- Git
- W3.CSS
- JQuery
- ChartJS
We would like to thank the following free services that make Scoutradioz possible:
- The Blue Alliance
- Weblate
- GitHub
We would like to recognize the following services that form the Scoutradioz infrastructure (This is not a paid endorsement):
- Amazon Web Services
- MongoDB Atlas
We would like to credit the following for art assets used within Scoutradioz:
- FIRST, for the headers and background images between 2018 and 2024
- Julia Petretta, for designing Keania One, the font on which the Scoutradioz logo is based
- Marz Gallery, for the Voyager probe sprite
- FIRST, for their logo
- The Blue Alliance, for their logo
- Discord, for their own logo
- GitHub, for their own logo