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Federico Matías edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 5 revisions


* Return the current mod index based on JSON position.
* @return (int)        Index of the current mod.
native mm_get_mod_id();

* Retrieves mod name.
* @note If the destination buffer is too small to hold the source string, the 
*       destination will be truncated.
* @param iModId        Mod index.
* @param szOutput      Buffer to copy mod name to.
* @param iLen          Buffer size.
* @return (int)        -1 on error.
*                      >= 0 Number of cells written.
native mm_get_mod_name(const iModId, szOutput[], const iLen);

* Retrieves mod tag.
* @note If the destination buffer is too small to hold the source string, the 
*       destination will be truncated.
* @param iModId        Mod index.
* @param szOutput      Buffer to copy mod tag to.
* @param iLen          Buffer size.
* @return (int)        -1 on error.
*                      >= 0 Number of cells written.
native mm_get_mod_tag(const iModId, szOutput[], const iLen);

* Return the next mod index based on JSON position if nextmod is already chosen.
* @return (int)        -1 if nextmod is not chosen yet.
*                      >= 0 Index of the next mod.
native mm_get_nextmod_id();

* Retrieves next mod name.
* @note If the destination buffer is too small to hold the source string, the 
*       destination will be truncated.
* @param szOutput      Buffer to copy mod name to.
* @param iLen          Buffer size.
* @return (int)        -1 on error.
*                      >= 0 Number of cells written.
native mm_get_nextmod_name(szOutput[], const iLen);

* Force a votemod.
* @return (int)        1 on success, 0 otherwise
native mm_force_votemod();


* Called when a votemod gets started
* @param bSecondVote   True if this is the second votemod for tiebreaker
forward multimod_start_votemod(const bool:bSecondVote);

* Called when a votemod gets ended
* @param bSecondVote   True if this is the second votemod for tiebreaker
forward multimod_end_votemod(const bool:bSecondVote);

* Called when a votemap gets started
* @param bSecondVote   True if this is the second votemap for tiebreaker
forward multimod_start_votemap(const bool:bSecondVote);

* Called when a votemap gets ended
* @param bSecondVote   True if this is the second votemap for tiebreaker
forward multimod_end_votemap(const bool:bSecondVote);

* Called when a admin forces a votemod
* @param iAdminId      Admin index
* @return              PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the admin force a votemod
*                      PLUGIN_HANDLED or higher to stop the admin from forcing a votemod
forward multimod_admin_force_votemod(const iAdminId);
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