- ✨ handle react memo [03740ec]
- ⬆️ upgrading dependencies [58c9f58]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [96250ef]
- ⬆️ Update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.19.0 [f3291c6]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [6e11ded]
- ⬆️ Update ts-jest to version 25.2.1 [c7dd2c3]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [b478945]
- ⬆️ Update eslint-config-xo-react to version 0.23.0 [2c6e183]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [0f7e8a4]
- ⬆️ Update @types/jest to version 25.1.2 [bc49f62]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [5f32f4e]
- ⬆️ Update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.18.3 [9642694]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [0dd45d5]
- ⬆️ Update @babel/preset-react to version 7.8.0 [925edb3]
- ⬆️ Update @babel/preset-env to version 7.8.2 [b8936c0]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [be28656]
- ⬆️ Update eslint-config-xo-react to version 0.21.0 [9051d7a]
- Merge pull request #81 from FBerthelot/reactMemo [bdba614]
- Merge pull request #71 from FBerthelot/greenkeeper/eslint-plugin-react-7.19.0 [dd65ec2]
- Merge pull request #70 from FBerthelot/greenkeeper/ts-jest-25.2.1 [5d8a3af]
- Merge pull request #68 from FBerthelot/greenkeeper/eslint-config-xo-react-0.23.0 [dfcc447]
- Merge pull request #66 from FBerthelot/greenkeeper/eslint-plugin-react-7.18.3 [05e87b9]
- Merge pull request #65 from FBerthelot/greenkeeper/@types/jest-25.1.2 [da2a619]
- Merge pull request #59 from FBerthelot/greenkeeper/monorepo.babel7-20200114032734 [d238c22]
- Merge pull request #57 from FBerthelot/greenkeeper/eslint-config-xo-react-0.21.0 [1f1abcc]
- Merge pull request #56 from FBerthelot/betaRelease [73ad6bf]
- 📝 anouncing beta [87728a6]
- 📝 update changelog to latest alpha [13b65b6]
- 🐛 handle react component that render nullish values [243d03c]
- ✨ handle hooks setState with function [2022724]
- 📝 update changelog to latest alpha [938f486]
- 🐛 Fix the boolean and nullish jsx value for react [3dcbe1b]
- 📝 update Changelog to latest beta [bdf977c]
- ✨ add className and nested css selector for querySelector [b206066]
- ✨ add react contexts externals option [88c837f]
- 🔧 lauch test in a CI compatible way [d4a7761]
- ⬆️ Update each dependencies [7d11d2f]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [a78534f]
- ⬆️ Update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.17.0 [648f720]
- 📝 improve getting started and concept doc [62f8c25]
- Merge pull request #50 from FBerthelot/doc [19f49f7]
- 📝 add all README in each project [2853021]
- ✨ accept complexe JSX structure [de1e15d]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [43aa65e]
- ⬆️ Update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.15.0 [fcef3e5]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [1bf9d46]
- ⬆️ Update eslint-plugin-react-hooks to version 2.0.0 [4047b59]
- ✨ handle displayName for querySelector in react [4527dca]
- ✨ handle deep find for querySelector for react [90106af]
- ⬆️ Update bunch of dependencies [0371092]
- ⬆️ Update @typescript-eslint to version 2.0.0 [2eb3aa1]
- ⬆️ update lockfile packages/component-test-utils-angular/package-lock.json [9c86eb3]
- ⬆️ Update core-js to version 3.2.1 [8b235e1]
- 🐛 fix mocks true on white list mode [2ea5dc1]
- 🐛 use commonjs export for updater now [856e982]
- 📝 add circleci badge in the readme [f8f7606]
- 📝 initialize react readme with readme-generator [a0445d0]
- ✅ add test of default export [620eb8c]
- ⬆️ Update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.14.2 [200d7a3]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [1e0de40]
- ⬆️ Update @babel/preset-env to version 7.5.5 [5af6b69]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [7b9ddba]
- ⬆️ Update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.14.3 [e9b9254]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [8d7c049]
- ➖ Upgrade and remove some dependencies [1eaf632]
- 👷♂️ add coveralls notification on pull request [d8d1e01]
- 👷♂️ Initialize greenkeeper [933868e]
- ✨ add dispatchEvent for react [e7a3569]
- ✨ Handle useEffect and add setProps method [ccbe527]
- ✨ handle react useContext hooks [efccfeb]
- ✨ add queryselector methods and handle useReducer react hooks [5a22ace]
- ✨ Initial support for class component [8b84c40]
- ✨ handle useMemo and useCallback react hooks [9470711]
- ✨ handle react refs system [7972438]
- ✨ Handle useImperativeHandle react hook method [72ed91d]
- ✨ handle useLayoutEffect react hook [b6ffc7a]
- ✨ handle useDebugValue react hook [266fbb4]
- ✨ introducing first version of angular 🎉 [43c2eb0]
- ✨ handle setState for react [a0f9b55]
- ✨ handle displayName for react [660cf2c]
- ✨ handle componentWillUnmount for react [ec4e57f]
- ✨ handle forceUpdate for react [5cfabe0]
- ✨ handle error boundaries [cb2f2d7]
- ✨ handle blackListMode [8ec125d]
- ✨ handle events shallow configuration for react [f2d4ca3]
- ✨ expose react props for testing purpose [72a00ff]
- ✅ Add test to ensure direct props to the component shallowed are used [043fef5]
- ✅ split shallow test into multiple files [453c447]
- ⬆️ Update dependencies [5d15923]
- ⬆️ update lockfile packages/component-test-utils-react/package-lock.json [32491e4]
- ⬆️ update lockfile @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to version 1.10.2 [2f82e4e]
- ⬆️ Update eslint to version 6.0.0 [6a8c95f]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [dbbf6fb]
- ⬆️ Upgrades dependencies before release [b941cb8]
- ⬆️ Update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.14.1 [410d874]
- ⬆️ update lockfile package-lock.json [8dec06f]
- 🎨 improve dispatchEvent string case [b6fa7a1]
- 💬 custom lockfile update commit message for greenkeeper [077dfa3]
- 🔧 update learna config to be gitmoji compliant [36c018f]
- ✏️ Fixing english typos [805b551]
- ✏️ fix typo in main page subtitle [24ab0b7]
- ✏️ fix dispatcher function typo [e7aae3e]
- 📝 add informations about mock system [c4eaa36]
- 📝 Add Greenkeeper badge [dbba5d8]
- 📝 philosophy documentation [74f0cdd]
- 📝 add changelog' [0478236]
- 🎉 First release 🎉 [7850af6]