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File metadata and controls

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FAIR Data Point metadata specification

The FAIR Data Point's metadata layered approach is composed of five layers, namely, the FAIR Data Point itself, the collection of datasets, each one of the offered datasets, the datasets' distribution and the structure and semantics of each of dataset.

For an overview of the FDP motivation and design, see


The specification is currently at version 0.1.0.

Table of contents

FAIR Data Point metadata layer

The FAIR Data Point metadata contains information about the FDP itself and its governing authority. The FAIR Data Point metadata content is based on the RE3Data Schema.

FDP metadata content table

Ontology Term name Datatype Required/Optional Description
RDF rdf:type IRI Required Required to be of type r3d:Repository
DC terms dct:title String Required Name of the repository with the language tag
dct:hasVersion String Required Version of the repository
dct:description String Optional Description of the repository with the language tag
dct:publisher IRI Required Organisation(s) responsible for the repository
dct:language IRI Optional
dct:license IRI Optional
dct:conformsTo IRI Optional The specification of the repository metadata schema (for example ShEx)
dct:rights IRI Optional
dct:references IRI Optional Reference to documentation (API or otherwise).
dct:accessRights IRI Optional Description of the access rights, see Access rights rdf model
FDP ontology fdp:metadataIdentifier IRI Required Identifier of the metadata entry. Define new sub property ‘metadataID’ for dct:identifier
fdp:metadataIssued DateTime Required Created date of the metadata entry
fdp:metadataModified DateTime Required Last modified date of the metadata entry
RDF Schema rdfs:label String Optional Name of the repository with the language tag
RE3Data r3d:institution IRI Optional
r3d:startDate DateTime Optional Release date of the repository
r3d:lastUpdate DateTime Optional Last update timestamp of the repository
r3d:dataCatalog IRI Required List of catalog metadata URLs
r3d:country IRI Optional
r3d:repositoryIdentifier IRI Required Identifier of the repository.

An example of FDP metadata

@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix fdp: <> .
@prefix lang: <> .
@prefix r3d: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a r3d:Repository;
  dcterms:accessRights <>;
  dcterms:conformsTo <>;
  dcterms:description "This is a prototype FDP for hosting research and student projects datasets";
  dcterms:hasVersion "1.0";
  dcterms:language lang:en;
  dcterms:license <>;
  dcterms:publisher <>;
  dcterms:title "FDP of biosemantics group";
  fdp:metadataIdentifier <>;
  fdp:metadataIssued "2017-05-23T09:43:15.57Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
  fdp:metadataModified "2018-08-20T13:09:55"^^xsd:dateTime;
  r3d:dataCatalog <>, <>, 
  r3d:institutionCountry <>;
  r3d:repositoryIdentifier <>;
  rdfs:label "FDP of biosemantics group";
  dcterms:references <> .

<> a <>;
  dcterms:identifier "fdp" .

<> a <>;
  <> "Biosemantic group" .

<> a dcterms:RightsStatement;
  dcterms:description "This resource has no access restriction" .

<> a <>;
  dcterms:identifier "176c810f-504a-421a-903b-742a70c2806a" .

Catalog, Dataset and Distribution metadata layers

For the representation of the catalog of datasets, each one of the offered datasets and their distributions, we adopt as basis the W3C's Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT). DCAT defines three main classes:

  • dcat:Catalog: defines the catalog, i.e., the collection of datasets;
  • dcat:Dataset: represents an individual dataset in the collection;
  • dcat:Distribution: represent an accessible form of a dataset, e.g., a downloadable file or a web service that gives access to the data.

Catalog metadata layer

Catalog metadata content table

Ontology Term name DataType Required/Optional Description
RDF rdf:type IRI Required Required to be of type dcat:Catalog
DC terms dct:title String Required Name of the catalog with the language tag
dct:hasVersion String Required Version of the catalog
dct:publisher IRI Required Organisation(s) or Persons(s) responsible for the catalog
dct:description String Optional Description of the catalog with the language tag
dct:language IRI Optional
dct:license IRI Optional
dct:issued DateTime Optional Created date of the catalog entry
dct:modified DateTime Optional Last modified date of the catalog entry
dct:conformsTo IRI Optional The specification of the catalog metadata schema (for example ShEx)
dct:rights IRI Optional
dct:accessRights IRI Optional Description of the access rights, see Access rights rdf model
dct:isPartOf IRI Required Relation to the parent metadata.
FDP ontology fdp:metadataIdentifier IRI Required Identifier of the metadata entry. Define new sub property ‘metadataID’ for dct:identifier
fdp:metadataIssued DateTime Required Created date of the metadata entry
fdp:metadataModified DateTime Required Last modified date of the metadata entry
RDF Schema rdfs:label String Optional Name of the catalog with the language tag
FOAF foaf:homepage IRI Optional
DCAT dcat:dataset IRI Required List of dataset URLs
dcat:themeTaxonomy IRI Required List of taxonomy URLs

An example of catalog metadata.

@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix fdp: <> .
@prefix lang: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a dcat:Catalog;
  dcterms:accessRights <>;
  dcterms:conformsTo <>;
  dcterms:description "Catalog for describing textmining datasets";
  dcterms:hasVersion "1.0";
  dcterms:isPartOf <>;
  dcterms:language lang:en;
  dcterms:license <>;
  dcterms:publisher <>;
  dcterms:title "Catalog for textmining datasets";
  fdp:metadataIdentifier <>;
  fdp:metadataIssued "2018-03-20T10:20:37.08Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
  fdp:metadataModified "2018-08-20T13:09:55"^^xsd:dateTime;
  rdfs:label "Catalog for textmining datasets";
  dcat:dataset <>;
  dcat:themeTaxonomy <>, <> .

<> a <>;
  dcterms:identifier "textmining" .

<> a <>;
  <> "Biosemantic group" .

<> a dcterms:RightsStatement;
  dcterms:description "This resource has no access restriction" .

Dataset metadata layer

Ontology Term name DataType Required/Optional Description
RDF rdf:type IRI Required Required to be of type dcat:Dataset
DC terms dct:title String Required Name of the dataset with the language tag
dct:publisher IRI Required Organisation(s) or Persons(s) responsible for the dataset
dct:hasVersion String Required Version of the dataset
dct:description String Optional Description of the dataset with the language tag
dct:conformsTo IRI Optional The specification of the dataset metadata schema (for example ShEx)
dct:issued DateTime Optional Created date of the dataset entry
dct:modified DateTime Optional Last modified date of the dataset entry
dct:language IRI Optional
dct:license IRI Optional
dct:rights IRI Optional
dct:accessRights IRI Optional Description of the access rights, see Access rights rdf model
dct:isPartOf IRI Required Relation to the parent metadata.
FDP ontology fdp:metadataIdentifier IRI Required Identifier of the metadata entry. Define new sub property ‘metadataID’ for dct:identifier
fdp:metadataIssued DateTime Required Created date of the metadata entry
fdp:metadataModified DateTime Required Last modified date of the metadata entry
RDF Schema rdfs:label String Optional Name of the dataset with the language tag
DCAT dcat:distribution IRI Required List of distribution URLs
dcat:theme IRI Required List of concepts that describe the dataset
dcat:contactPoint IRI Optional
dcat:keyword String Optional Keyword(s) related to the dataset with the language tag
dcat:landingPage IRI Optional Home page of the dataset

An example of dataset metadata.

@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix fdp: <> .
@prefix lang: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a dcat:Dataset;
  dcterms:accessRights <>;
  dcterms:conformsTo <>;
  dcterms:description "High-throughput experimental methods such as medical sequencing and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) identify increasingly large numbers of potential relations between genetic variants and diseases. Both biological complexity (millions of potential gene-disease associations) and the accelerating rate of data production necessitate computational approaches to prioritize and rationalize potential gene-disease relations. Here, we use concept profile technology to expose from the biomedical literature both explicitly stated gene-disease relations (the explicitome) and a much larger set of implied gene-disease associations (the implicitome). Implicit relations are largely unknown to, or are even unintended by the original authors, but they vastly extend the reach of existing biomedical knowledge for identification and interpretation of gene-disease associations. The implicitome can be used in conjunction with experimental data resources to rationalize both known and novel associations. We demonstrate the usefulness of the implicitome by rationalizing known and novel gene-disease associations, including those from GWAS. To facilitate the re-use of implicit gene-disease associations, we publish our data in compliance with FAIR Data Publishing recommendations [] using nanopublications. An online tool ( is available to explore established and potential gene-disease associations in the context of other biomedical relations.";
  dcterms:hasVersion "1.0";
  dcterms:isPartOf <>;
  dcterms:language lang:en;
  dcterms:license <>;
  dcterms:publisher <>;
  dcterms:title "Gene disease association (LUMC)";
  fdp:metadataIdentifier <>;
  fdp:metadataIssued "2018-03-20T10:30:18.662Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
  fdp:metadataModified "2018-08-20T13:09:55"^^xsd:dateTime;
  rdfs:label "Gene disease association (LUMC)";
  dcat:distribution <>,
    <>, <>;
  dcat:keyword "GDA", "Gene disease association (LUMC)", "LWAS", "Text mining", "The Explicitome",
    "The Implicitome";
  dcat:theme <>, <> .

<> a <>;
  dcterms:identifier "gene_disease_association" .

<> a <>;
  <> "Biosemantic group" .

<> a dcterms:RightsStatement;
  dcterms:description "This resource has no access restriction" .

Distribution metadata layer

Ontology Term name DataType Required/Optional Description
RDF rdf:type IRI Required Required to be of type dcat:Distribution
DC terms dct:title String Required Name of the data distribution with the language tag
dct:conformsTo IRI Optional The specification of the distribution metadata schema (for example ShEx)
dct:license IRI Required Link to the license description
dct:hasVersion String Required Version of the distribution
dct:issued DateTime Optional Created date of the distribution entry
dct:modified DateTime Optional Last modified date of the distribution entry
dct:rights IRI Optional
dct:description String Optional Description of the description with the language tag
dct:accessRights IRI Optional Description of the access rights, see Access rights rdf model
dct:isPartOf IRI Required Relation to the parent metadata.
FDP ontology fdp:metadataIdentifier IRI Required Identifier of the metadata entry. Define new sub property ‘metadataID’ for dct:identifier
fdp:metadataIssued DateTime Required Created date of the metadata entry
fdp:metadataModified DateTime Required Last modified date of the metadata entry
RDF Schema rdfs:label String Optional Name of the data distribution with the language tag
DCAT dcat:accessURL IRI Required (or dcat:downloadURL) A landing page, feed, SPARQL endpoint or other type of resource that gives access to the distribution of the dataset
dcat:downloadURL IRI Required (or dcat:accessURL) A file that contains the distribution of the dataset in a given format
dcat:mediaType String Required The media type of the distribution
dcat:format String Optional
dcat:byteSize Decimal Optional

An example of distribution metadata.

@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix fdp: <> .
@prefix lang: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

  a dcat:Distribution;
  dcterms:accessRights <>;
  dcterms:conformsTo <>;
  dcterms:description "The complete set of all ~204 million associations (explicit and implicit) as nanopublications. Each nanopublication asserts an association between a gene and a disease concept and the percentile rank of the match score.";
  dcterms:hasVersion "1.0";
  dcterms:isPartOf <>;
  dcterms:language lang:en;
  dcterms:license <>;
  dcterms:publisher <>;
  dcterms:title "Gene disease association (LUMC) nquads as gzip distribution";
  fdp:metadataIdentifier <>;
  fdp:metadataIssued "2018-03-20T10:40:17.677Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
  fdp:metadataModified "2018-08-20T13:09:55"^^xsd:dateTime;
  rdfs:label "Gene disease association (LUMC) nquads as gzip distribution";
  dcat:downloadURL <>;
  dcat:mediaType "application/gzip" .

  a <>;
  dcterms:identifier "gene_disease_association_nquads_gzip" .

<> a <>;
  <> "Biosemantic group" .

  a dcterms:RightsStatement;
  dcterms:description "This resource has no access restriction" .

Access rights rdf model

In the current implementation we use WebAccessControl Vocabulary to describe the access restriction of a resource. In the current of the FDP we are using this model to describe the access restriction of metadata, in future we would like to extend this model to describe the access restriction of dcat:downloadUrl and dcat:accessUrl of the dataset.

An example of access rights.

@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix acl: <> .
    a dcat:Distribution ;
        dct:accessRights <> .

<> a dct:RightsStatement ;
    dct:description "This resource has access restriction";
dct:isPartOf <>.

<> a acl:Authorization;
        acl:mode acl:Read;
        acl:agent <>.

The figure below illustrate the Access rights rdf model