This is a Point of Sales System developed using JavaEE.
- Install MySQL and create a database called POS.
- Create tables using the SQL script given below.
- Install Node.js and run the following commands in the terminal.
npm install -g serve
- In the Frontend folder run the following command.
- Run the project in the IDE.
- Open the browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to access the application.
- Use the following credentials to login.
username: root password: 1234
- You can change the credentials in reset form.
- You can add new users using the application.
- You can add new customers, items, orders and order details using the application.
create table customer
ID varchar(20) not null
primary key,
Name varchar(50) not null,
Address varchar(50) not null,
Salary int not null
create table item
ID varchar(20) not null
primary key,
Name varchar(50) not null,
Price double not null,
QTY int not null
create table orders
ID varchar(20) null,
CID varchar(20) not null,
order_total float not null,
discount float not null,
Date date null,
constraint Order_customer_ID_fk
foreign key (CID) references customer (ID)
on update cascade on delete cascade
create table order_details
order_id varchar(20) not null,
item_id varchar(20) not null,
item_name varchar(50) not null,
price float not null,
qty int not null,
total float not null,
constraint order_details_item_ID_fk
foreign key (item_id) references item (ID)
on update cascade on delete cascade,
constraint order_details_orders_ID_fk
foreign key (order_id) references orders (ID)
on update cascade on delete cascade
create index ID
on orders (ID);
create table user
username char(10) not null,
password char(12) not null
insert into POS.user (username, password)
values ('root','1234');