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ProSnippets Editing
Uma Harano edited this page Jun 26, 2018
21 revisions
Language: C#
Subject: Editing
Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>
Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com
Date: 6/25/2018
ArcGIS Pro: 2.2
Visual Studio: 2015, 2017
.NET Target Framework: 4.6.1
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//get the templates
var map = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapView.Active.Map;
if (map == null)
var mainTemplate = map.FindLayers("main").FirstOrDefault()?.GetTemplate("Distribution");
var mhTemplate = map.FindLayers("Manhole").FirstOrDefault()?.GetTemplate("Active");
var myTemplate = ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Templates.EditingTemplate.Current;
var myGeometry = _geometry;
//Create edit operation and execute
var op = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.EditOperation();
op.Name = "Create my feature";
op.Create(myTemplate, myGeometry);
var disLayer = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("Distribution mains").FirstOrDefault() as BasicFeatureLayer;
var insp = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Inspector();
insp.Load(disLayer, 86);
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// modify attributes if necessary
// insp["Field1"] = newValue;
//Create new feature from an existing inspector (copying the feature)
var op = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.EditOperation();
op.Name = "Create from insp";
op.Create(insp.MapMember, insp.ToDictionary(a => a.FieldName, a => a.CurrentValue));
//Run on MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create the edit operation
var createOperation = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.EditOperation();
createOperation.Name = "Generate points";
createOperation.SelectNewFeatures = false;
// determine the shape field name - it may not be 'Shape'
string shapeField = layer.GetFeatureClass().GetDefinition().GetShapeField();
//Loop through csv data
foreach (var item in csvData)
//Create the point geometry
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MapPoint newMapPoint = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(item.X, item.Y);
// include the attributes via a dictionary
var atts = new Dictionary<string, object>();
atts.Add("StopOrder", item.StopOrder);
atts.Add("FacilityID", item.FacilityID);
atts.Add(shapeField, newMapPoint);
// queue feature creation
createOperation.Create(layer, atts);
// execute the edit (feature creation) operation
return createOperation.Execute();
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//find layer
var disLayer = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("Distribution mains").FirstOrDefault() as BasicFeatureLayer;
//Search by attribute
var queryFilter = new ArcGIS.Core.Data.QueryFilter();
queryFilter.WhereClause = "CONTRACTOR = 'KCGM'";
var oidSet = new List<long>();
using (var rc = disLayer.Search(queryFilter))
//Create list of oids to update
while (rc.MoveNext())
//Create edit operation
var op = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.EditOperation();
op.Name = "Update date";
// load features into inspector and update field
var insp = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Inspector();
insp.Load(disLayer, oidSet);
insp["InspDate"] = "9/21/2013";
// modify and execute
var createFeatures = new EditOperation();
createFeatures.Name = "Create Features";
//Create a feature with a polygon
createFeatures.Create(featureLayer, polygon);
//with a callback
createFeatures.Create(featureLayer, polygon, (object_id) => {
//TODO - use the oid of the created feature
//in your callback
//Do a create features and set attributes
var attributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
attributes.Add("SHAPE", polygon);
attributes.Add("NAME", "Corner Market");
attributes.Add("SIZE", 1200.5);
attributes.Add("DESCRIPTION", "Corner Market");
createFeatures.Create(featureLayer, attributes);
//Create features using the current template
//Must be within a MapTool
createFeatures.Create(this.CurrentTemplate, polygon);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await createFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var clipFeatures = new EditOperation();
clipFeatures.Name = "Clip Features";
clipFeatures.Clip(featureLayer, oid, clipPoly, ClipMode.PreserveArea);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await clipFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var select = MapView.Active.SelectFeatures(clipPoly);
var cutFeatures = new EditOperation();
cutFeatures.Name = "Cut Features";
cutFeatures.Cut(featureLayer, oid, cutLine);
//Cut all the selected features in the active view
//Select using a polygon (for example)
var kvps = MapView.Active.SelectFeatures(polygon).Select(
k => new KeyValuePair<MapMember, List<long>>(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));
cutFeatures.Cut(kvps, cutLine);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await cutFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var deleteFeatures = new EditOperation();
deleteFeatures.Name = "Delete Features";
var table = MapView.Active.Map.StandaloneTables[0];
//Delete a row in a standalone table
deleteFeatures.Delete(table, oid);
//Delete all the selected features in the active view
//Select using a polygon (for example)
var selection = MapView.Active.SelectFeatures(polygon).Select(
k => new KeyValuePair<MapMember, List<long>>(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await deleteFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var duplicateFeatures = new EditOperation();
duplicateFeatures.Name = "Duplicate Features";
//Duplicate with an X and Y offset of 500 map units
duplicateFeatures.Duplicate(featureLayer, oid, 500.0, 500.0, 0.0);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await duplicateFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var explodeFeatures = new EditOperation();
explodeFeatures.Name = "Explode Features";
//Take a multipart and convert it into one feature per part
//Provide a list of ids to convert multiple
explodeFeatures.Explode(featureLayer, new List<long>() {oid}, true);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await explodeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var mergeFeatures = new EditOperation();
mergeFeatures.Name = "Merge Features";
//Merge three features into a new feature using defaults
//defined in the current template
mergeFeatures.Merge(this.CurrentTemplate as EditingFeatureTemplate, featureLayer, new List<long>() { 10, 96, 12 });
//Merge three features into a new feature in the destination layer
mergeFeatures.Merge(destinationLayer, featureLayer, new List<long>() { 10, 96, 12 });
//Use an inspector to set the new attributes of the merged feature
var inspector = new Inspector();
inspector.Load(featureLayer, oid);//base attributes on an existing feature
//change attributes for the new feature
inspector["NAME"] = "New name";
inspector["DESCRIPTION"] = "New description";
//Merge features into a new feature in the same layer using the
//defaults set in the inspector
mergeFeatures.Merge(featureLayer, new List<long>() {10, 96, 12}, inspector);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await mergeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var modifyFeature = new EditOperation();
modifyFeature.Name = "Modify a feature";
//use an inspector
var modifyInspector = new Inspector();
modifyInspector.Load(featureLayer, oid);//base attributes on an existing feature
//change attributes for the new feature
modifyInspector["SHAPE"] = polygon;//Update the geometry
modifyInspector["NAME"] = "Updated name";//Update attribute(s)
//update geometry and attributes using overload
var featureAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
featureAttributes["NAME"] = "Updated name";//Update attribute(s)
modifyFeature.Modify(featureLayer, oid, polygon, featureAttributes);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await modifyFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
//Search by attribute
var queryFilter = new QueryFilter();
queryFilter.WhereClause = "OBJECTID < 1000000";
//Create list of oids to update
var oidSet = new List<long>();
using (var rc = featureLayer.Search(queryFilter))
while (rc.MoveNext())
//create and execute the edit operation
var modifyFeatures = new EditOperation();
modifyFeatures.Name = "Modify features";
modifyFeatures.ShowProgressor = true;
var insp = new Inspector();
insp.Load(featureLayer, oidSet);
insp["MOMC"] = 24;
//Get all of the selected ObjectIDs from the layer.
var firstLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
var selectionfromMap = firstLayer.GetSelection();
// set up a dictionary to store the layer and the object IDs of the selected features
var selectionDictionary = new Dictionary<MapMember, List<long>>();
selectionDictionary.Add(firstLayer as MapMember, selectionfromMap.GetObjectIDs().ToList());
var moveFeature = new EditOperation();
moveFeature.Name = "Move features";
moveFeature.Move(selectionDictionary, 10, 10); //specify your units along axis to move the geometry
//Get all of the selected ObjectIDs from the layer.
var abLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
var mySelection = abLayer.GetSelection();
var selOid = mySelection.GetObjectIDs().FirstOrDefault();
var moveToPoint = new MapPointBuilder(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference); //can pass in coordinates.
var modifyFeatureCoord = new EditOperation();
modifyFeatureCoord.Name = "Move features";
modifyFeatureCoord.Modify(abLayer, selOid, moveToPoint.ToGeometry()); //Modify the feature to the new geometry
var planarizeFeatures = new EditOperation();
planarizeFeatures.Name = "Planarize Features";
//Planarize one or more features
planarizeFeatures.Planarize(featureLayer, new List<long>() { oid });
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await planarizeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var reshapeFeatures = new EditOperation();
reshapeFeatures.Name = "Reshape Features";
reshapeFeatures.Reshape(featureLayer, oid, modifyLine);
//Reshape a set of features that intersect some geometry....
var selFeatures = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(modifyLine).Select(
k => new KeyValuePair<MapMember, List<long>>(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));
reshapeFeatures.Reshape(selFeatures, modifyLine);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await reshapeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var rotateFeatures = new EditOperation();
rotateFeatures.Name = "Rotate Features";
//Rotate works on a selected set of features
//Get all features that intersect a polygon
var rotateSelection = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(polygon).Select(
k => new KeyValuePair<MapMember, List<long>>(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));
//Rotate selected features 90 deg about "origin"
rotateFeatures.Rotate(rotateSelection, origin, Math.PI / 2);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await rotateFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var scaleFeatures = new EditOperation();
scaleFeatures.Name = "Scale Features";
//Rotate works on a selected set of features
var scaleSelection = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(polygon).Select(
k => new KeyValuePair<MapMember, List<long>>(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));
//Scale the selected features by 2.0 in the X and Y direction
scaleFeatures.Scale(scaleSelection, origin, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await scaleFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var splitFeatures = new EditOperation();
splitFeatures.Name = "Split Features";
var splitPoints = new List<MapPoint>() {mp1, mp2, mp3};
//Split the feature at 3 points
splitFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, splitPoints);
// split using percentage
var splitByPercentage = new SplitByPercentage() { Percentage = 33, SplitFromStartPoint = true };
splitFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, splitByPercentage);
// split using equal parts
var splitByEqualParts = new SplitByEqualParts() { NumParts = 3 };
splitFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, splitByEqualParts);
// split using single distance
var splitByDistance = new SplitByDistance() { Distance = 27.3, SplitFromStartPoint = false };
splitFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, splitByDistance);
// split using varying distance
var distances = new List<double>() { 12.5, 38.2, 89.99 };
var splitByVaryingDistance = new SplitByVaryingDistance() { Distances = distances, SplitFromStartPoint = true, ProportionRemainder = true };
splitFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, splitByVaryingDistance);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await splitAtPointsFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
var transformFeatures = new EditOperation();
transformFeatures.Name = "Transform Features";
//Transform a selected set of features
var transformSelection = MapView.Active.GetFeatures(polygon).Select(
k => new KeyValuePair<MapMember, List<long>>(k.Key as MapMember, k.Value));
transformFeatures.Transform(transformSelection, linkLayer);
//Transform just a layer
transformFeatures.Transform(featureLayer, linkLayer);
//Perform an affine transformation
transformFeatures.TransformAffine(featureLayer, linkLayer);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
//or use async flavor
//await transformFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
//Multiple operations can be performed by a single
//edit operation.
var clipCutPlanarizeFeatures = new EditOperation();
clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Name = "Clip, Cut, and Planarize Features";
clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Clip(featureLayer, oid, clipPoly);
clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Cut(featureLayer, oid, cutLine);
clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Planarize(featureLayer, new List<long>() { oid});
//Note: An edit operation is a single transaction.
//Execute the operations (in the order they were declared)
//or use async flavor
//await clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
//Chaining operations is a special case. Use "Chained Operations" when you require multiple transactions
//to be undo-able with a single "Undo".
//The most common use case for operation chaining is creating a feature with an attachement.
//Adding an attachment requires the object id (of a new feature) has already been created.
var editOperation1 = new EditOperation();
editOperation1.Name = string.Format("Create point in '{0}'", CurrentTemplate.Layer.Name);
long newFeatureID = -1;
//The Create operation has to execute so we can get an object_id
editOperation1.Create(this.CurrentTemplate, polygon, (object_id) => newFeatureID = object_id);
//Must be within a QueuedTask
//or use async flavor
//await editOperation1.ExecuteAsync();
//Now, because we have the object id, we can add the attachment. As we are chaining it, adding the attachment
//can be undone as part of the "Undo Create" operation. In other words, only one undo operation will show on the
//Pro UI and not two.
var editOperation2 = editOperation1.CreateChainedOperation();
//Add the attachement using the new feature id
editOperation2.AddAttachment(this.CurrentTemplate.Layer, newFeatureID, @"C:\data\images\Hydrant.jpg");
//editOperation1 and editOperation2 show up as a single Undo operation on the UI even though
//we had two transactions
//Must be within a QueuedTask
//or use async flavor
//await editOperation2.ExecuteAsync();
// SetOnUndone, SetOnRedone and SetOnComittedManage can be used to manage
// external actions(such as writing to a log table) that are associated with
// each edit operation.
//get selected feature and update attribute
var selectedFeatures = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
var testInspector = new Inspector();
testInspector.Load(selectedFeatures.Keys.First(), selectedFeatures.Values.First());
testInspector["Name"] = "test";
//create and execute the edit operation
var updateTestField = new EditOperation();
updateTestField.Name = "Update test field";
//actions for SetOn...
updateTestField.SetOnUndone(() =>
//Sets an action that will be called when this operation is undone.
Debug.WriteLine("Operation is undone");
updateTestField.SetOnRedone(() =>
//Sets an action that will be called when this editoperation is redone.
Debug.WriteLine("Operation is redone");
updateTestField.SetOnComitted((bool b) => //called on edit session save(true)/discard(false).
// Sets an action that will be called when this editoperation is committed.
Debug.WriteLine("Operation is committed");
public static void StopADelete()
Table table = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault().GetTable();
RowDeletedEvent.Subscribe(OnRowDeletedEvent, table);
private static void OnRowDeletedEvent(RowChangedEventArgs obj)
if (_lastEdit != obj.Guid)
//cancel with dialog
// Note - feature edits on Hosted and Standard Feature Services cannot be cancelled.
obj.CancelEdit("Delete Event\nAre you sure", true);
_lastEdit = obj.Guid;
private static FeatureLayer featureLayer;
private static void DetermineGeometryChange()
featureLayer = MapView.Active?.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (featureLayer == null)
QueuedTask.Run(() => {
//Listen to the RowChangedEvent that occurs when a Row is changed.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Events.RowChangedEvent.Subscribe(OnRowChangedEvent, featureLayer.GetTable());
private static void OnRowChangedEvent(RowChangedEventArgs obj)
//Get the layer's definition
var lyrDefn = featureLayer.GetFeatureClass().GetDefinition();
//Get the shape field of the feature class
string shapeField = lyrDefn.GetShapeField();
//Index of the shape field
var shapeIndex = lyrDefn.FindField(shapeField);
//Original geometry of the modified row
var geomOrig = obj.Row.GetOriginalValue(shapeIndex) as Geometry;
//New geometry of the modified row
var geomNew = obj.Row[shapeIndex] as Geometry;
//Compare the two
bool shapeChanged = geomOrig.IsEqual(geomNew);
// get the currently selected features in the map
var selectedFeatures = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
// get the first layer and its corresponding selected feature OIDs
var firstSelectionSet = selectedFeatures.First();
// create an instance of the inspector class
var inspector = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Inspector();
// load the selected features into the inspector using a list of object IDs
await inspector.LoadAsync(firstSelectionSet.Key, firstSelectionSet.Value);
// get the first feature layer in the map
var firstFeatureLayer = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().
// create an instance of the inspector class
var inspector = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Inspector();
// load the feature with ObjectID 'oid' into the inspector
await inspector.LoadAsync(firstFeatureLayer, oid);
// get the currently selected features in the map
var selectedFeatures = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
// get the first layer and its corresponding selected feature OIDs
var firstSelectionSet = selectedFeatures.First();
// create an instance of the inspector class
var inspector = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Inspector();
// load the selected features into the inspector using a list of object IDs
await inspector.LoadAsync(firstSelectionSet.Key, firstSelectionSet.Value);
// assign the new attribute value to the field "Description"
// if more than one features are loaded, the change applies to all features
inspector["Description"] = "The new value.";
// apply the changes as an edit operation - but with no undo/redo
await inspector.ApplyAsync();
// get the currently selected features in the map
var selectedFeatures = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
// get the first layer and its corresponding selected feature OIDs
var firstSelectionSet = selectedFeatures.First();
// create an instance of the inspector class
var inspector = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Inspector();
// load the selected features into the inspector using a list of object IDs
inspector.Load(firstSelectionSet.Key, firstSelectionSet.Value);
//get the value of
var pscode = inspector["STATE_NAME"];
var plugin = FrameworkApplication.GetPlugInWrapper("esri_editing_EditVerticesText");
if (plugin.Enabled)
if (MapView.Active.Map.OperationManager.CanUndo)
MapView.Active.Map.OperationManager.UndoAsync();//await as needed
if (MapView.Active.Map.OperationManager.CanRedo)
MapView.Active.Map.OperationManager.RedoAsync();//await as needed
public Task ChangeTemplateDefaultToolAsync(ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.FeatureLayer flayer,
string toolContentGUID, string templateName)
return ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// retrieve the edit template form the layer by name
var template = flayer?.GetTemplate(templateName) as ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Templates.EditingTemplate;
// get the definition of the layer
var layerDef = flayer?.GetDefinition() as ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFeatureLayer;
if ((template == null) || (layerDef == null))
if (template.DefaultToolID != this.ID)
bool updateLayerDef = false;
if (layerDef.AutoGenerateFeatureTemplates)
layerDef.AutoGenerateFeatureTemplates = false;
updateLayerDef = true;
// retrieve the CIM edit template definition
var templateDef = template.GetDefinition();
// assign the GUID from the tool DAML definition, for example
// <tool id="TestConstructionTool_SampleSDKTool" categoryRefID="esri_editing_construction_polyline" ….>
// <tooltip heading="">Tooltip text<disabledText /></tooltip>
// <content guid="e58239b3-9c69-49e5-ad4d-bb2ba29ff3ea" />
// </tool>
// then the toolContentGUID would be "e58239b3-9c69-49e5-ad4d-bb2ba29ff3ea"
templateDef.ToolProgID = toolContentGUID;
// set the definition back to
// update the layer definition too
if (updateLayerDef)
var layer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (layer == null)
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var insp = new Inspector();
insp["Field1"] = value1;
insp["Field2"] = value2;
insp["Field3"] = value3;
var tags = new[] { "Polygon", "tag1", "tag2" };
// set defaultTool using a daml-id
string defaultTool = "esri_editing_SketchCirclePolygonTool";
// tool filter is the tools to filter OUT
var toolFilter = new[] { "esri_editing_SketchTracePolygonTool" };
// create a new template
var newTemplate = layer.CreateTemplate("My new template", "description", insp, defaultTool, tags, toolFilter);
// get an anno layer
AnnotationLayer annoLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<AnnotationLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (annoLayer == null)
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
Inspector insp = null;
// get the anno feature class
var fc = annoLayer.GetFeatureClass() as ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.AnnotationFeatureClass;
// get the featureclass CIM definition which contains the labels, symbols
var cimDefinition = fc.GetDefinition() as ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.AnnotationFeatureClassDefinition;
var labels = cimDefinition.GetLabelClassCollection();
var symbols = cimDefinition.GetSymbolCollection();
// make sure there are labels, symbols
if ((labels.Count == 0) || (symbols.Count == 0))
// find the label class required
// typically you would use a subtype name or some other characteristic
// in this case lets just use the first one
var label = labels[0];
// each label has a textSymbol
// the symbolName *should* be the symbolID to be used
var symbolName = label.TextSymbol.SymbolName;
int symbolID = -1;
if (!int.TryParse(symbolName, out symbolID))
// int.TryParse fails - attempt to find the symbolName in the symbol collection
foreach (var symbol in symbols)
if (symbol.Name == symbolName)
symbolID = symbol.ID;
// no symbol?
if (symbolID == -1)
// load the schema
insp = new Inspector();
// ok to assign these fields using the inspector[fieldName] methodology
// these fields are guaranteed to exist in the annotation schema
insp["AnnotationClassID"] = label.ID;
insp["SymbolID"] = symbolID;
// set up some additional annotation properties
AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties();
annoProperties.FontSize = 36;
annoProperties.TextString = "My Annotation feature";
annoProperties.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
annoProperties.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify;
var tags = new[] { "Annotation", "tag1", "tag2" };
// use daml-id rather than guid
string defaultTool = "esri_editing_SketchStraightAnnoTool";
// tool filter is the tools to filter OUT
var toolFilter = new[] { "esri_editing_SketchCurvedAnnoTool" };
// create a new template
var newTemplate = annoLayer.CreateTemplate("new anno template", "description", insp, defaultTool, tags, toolFilter);
//In your config.daml...set the categoryRefID
//<tool id="..." categoryRefID="esri_editing_construction_annotation" caption="Create Anno" ...>
//Sketch type Point or Line or BezierLine in the constructor...
//internal class AnnoConstructionTool : MapTool {
// public AnnoConstructionTool() {
// IsSketchTool = true;
// UseSnapping = true;
// SketchType = SketchGeometryType.Point;
protected async override Task<bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)
if (CurrentTemplate == null || geometry == null)
return false;
// Create an edit operation
var createOperation = new EditOperation();
createOperation.Name = string.Format("Create {0}", CurrentTemplate.Layer.Name);
createOperation.SelectNewFeatures = true;
var insp = CurrentTemplate.Inspector;
var result = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// get the annotation properties class
AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties();
// set custom annotation properties
annoProperties.TextString = "my custom text";
annoProperties.Color = ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB;
annoProperties.FontSize = 24;
annoProperties.FontName = "Arial";
annoProperties.HorizontalAlignment = ArcGIS.Core.CIM.HorizontalAlignment.Right;
annoProperties.Shape = geometry;
// assign annotation properties back to the inspector
// Queue feature creation
createOperation.Create(CurrentTemplate.Layer, insp);
// Execute the operation
return createOperation.Execute();
return result;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//annoLayer is ~your~ Annotation layer...
// use the inspector methodology
var insp = new Inspector(true);
insp.Load(annoLayer, oid);
// get the annotation properties
AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties();
// set the attribute
annoProperties.TextString = "Hello World";
// assign the annotation proeprties back to the inspector
//create and execute the edit operation
EditOperation op = new EditOperation();
op.Name = "Update annotation";
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Don't use 'Shape'....Shape is the bounding box of the annotation text. This is NOT what you want...
//var insp = new Inspector();
//insp.Load(annoLayer, oid);
//var shape = insp["SHAPE"] as Polygon;
//...wrong shape...
//Instead, we must use the AnnotationProperties
//annoLayer is ~your~ Annotation layer
var insp = new Inspector(true);
insp.Load(annoLayer, oid);
AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties();
var shape = annoProperties.Shape;
if (shape.GeometryType != GeometryType.GeometryBag)
var newGeometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(shape, 10, 10);
annoProperties.Shape = newGeometry;
EditOperation op = new EditOperation();
op.Name = "Change annotation angle";
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var selection = annoLayer.GetSelection();
if (selection.GetCount() == 0)
// use the first selelcted feature
var insp = new Inspector(true);
insp.Load(annoLayer, selection.GetObjectIDs().FirstOrDefault());
// getAnnoProperties should return null if not an annotation feature
AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties();
// get the textGraphic
CIMTextGraphic textGraphic = annoProperties.TextGraphic;
// change text
textGraphic.Text = "Hello world";
// set x,y offset via the symbol
var symbol = textGraphic.Symbol.Symbol;
var textSymbol = symbol as CIMTextSymbol;
textSymbol.OffsetX = 2;
textSymbol.OffsetY = 3;
textSymbol.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
// load the updated textGraphic
// assign the annotation properties back
EditOperation op = new EditOperation();
op.Name = "modify symbol";
bool result = op.Execute();
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Edit Operation - check for actions before Execute
Edit Operation Create Features
Create a feature using the current template
Create feature from a modified inspector
Create features from a CSV file
Edit Operation Create row in a table using a table template
Edit Operation Clip Features
Edit Operation Cut Features
Edit Operation Delete Features
Edit Operation Duplicate Features
Edit Operation Explode Features
Edit Operation Merge Features
Edit Operation Modify single feature
Edit Operation Modify multiple features
Search for layer features and update a field
Move features
Move feature to a specific coordinate
Edit Operation Planarize Features
Edit Operation ParallelOffset
Edit Operation Reshape Features
Edit Operation Rotate Features
Edit Operation Scale Features
Edit Operation Split Features
Edit Operation Transform Features
Edit Operation Rubbersheet Features
Edit Operation Perform a Clip, Cut, and Planarize
Edit Operation Chain Edit Operations
Edit Operation add attachment via RowToken
Order edits sequentially
SetOnUndone, SetOnRedone, SetOnComitted
Convert vertices in a polyline to a Control Point
Subscribe to Row Events
Create a record in a separate table in the Map within Row Events
Create a record in a separate table within Row Events
Modify a record within Row Events - using Row.Store
Modify a record within Row Events - using EditOperation.Modify
Determine if Geometry Changed while editing
Cancel a delete
Load a feature from a layer into the inspector
Load map selection into Inspector
Get selected feature's attribute value
Load map selection into Inspector and Change Attributes
Get a layers schema using Inspector
Read and Write blob fields with the attribute inspector
Read and Write blob fields with a row cursor in a callback
Read from a raster field
Write an image to a raster field
Write a compressed image to a raster field
Toggle sketch selection mode
Listen to the sketch modified event
Listen to the before sketch completed event and modify the sketch
Listen to the sketch completed event
Custom construction tool that fires sketch events
Customizing the Sketch Symbol of a Custom Sketch Tool
Configure Snapping - Turn Snapping on or off
Configure Snapping - Application SnapModes
Configure Snapping - Layer Snappability
Configure Snapping - LayerSnapModes
Configure Snapping - Combined Example
Snap Options
Find edit template by name on a layer
Find table templates belonging to a standalone table
Current template
Change Default Edit tool for a template
Hide or show editing tools on templates
Create New Template using layer.CreateTemplate
Create New Table Template using table.CreateTemplate
Update a Table Template
Create Annotation Template
Remove a table template
Active Template Changed
Annotation Construction Tool
Programmatically start Edit Annotation
Programmatically Create an Annotation Feature
Update Annotation Text
Modify Annotation Shape
Modify Annotation Text Graphic
Get List of available topologies in the map
Get the properties of the active topology in the map
Get map topology properties
Get geodatabase topology properties by name
Set Map Topology as the current topology
Set 'No Tpology' as the current topology
Set the current topology by name
Set the current topology by topologyProperties
Get/Set Editing Options
Get/Set Editing Annotation Options
Get Sketch Vertex Symbology Options
Get Sketch Segment Symbology Options
Set Sketch Vertex Symbol Options
Set Sketch Segment Symbol Options
Set Sketch Vertex Symbol Back to Default
Set Sketch Segment Symbol Back to Default
Get and Set Versioning Options
Create Annotation Construction Tool
Update Annotation Text via attribute. Caveat: The TEXTSTRING Anno attribute must exist
Rotate or Move the Annotation
Change Annotation Text Graphic
Utility Network
Create a Utility Network Association
Create Utility Network Features and Associations in a Single Edit Operation