Git Log Markdown Formater is a command line tool to convert a git log one line output to markdown syntax by reformating and adding content like commit and issue links.
./glmf format -o --header "# Release 1.0.0"
--footer "Autogenerated by pipeline 56748" --iBaseUrl ""
--cBaseUrl ""
--from="1.0.0" --to="1.0.1"
Option | Description | Allowed values | Required |
--from | The tag from which the git log should be generated | ||
--to | The tag until the git log should be generated | ||
--outputfile, -o | The file to write the markdown to. If left, the markdown will be printed to standard out. | ||
--template, -t | The template to use for each line. | See The template (default= "- %s %H by %an") | |
--issueType | The issue management software you use. | JIRA (default), GITHUB, GITLAB | |
--iBaseUrl | The base url to display the issue. | Required if addIssueLink != NONE | |
--cBaseUrl | The base url to display the commit. | Required if addCommitLink != NONE | |
--addIssueLink | Whether to add a issue link within the subject (%s) if one is found. | NONE, REPLACE (default), REPLACE_ALL, PREPEND, APPEND | |
--addCommitLink | Whether to add a commit link to the hash (%H) or replace it. | NONE, REPLACE (default), PREPEND, APPEND | |
--header | String to append at the beginning of the markdown. | ||
--footer | String to append at the end of the markdown. | ||
--excludeAuthor | The author to exclude. You can use * to perform a 'like' search. | ||
--noMerges | Ignore merge requests | true, false (default) | |
--filterDuplicates | Filter entries with already existing commit messages | true, false (default) |
Assuming you have the following commit message as the subject "JIRA-1234 - Fixing some stuff" and the following template "- %s".
- NONE "- JIRA-1234 - Fixing some stuff"
- REPLACE (default): "- JIRA-1234 - Fixing some stuff"
- REPLACE_ALL: "- JIRA-1234"
- PREPEND: "- JIRA-1234 JIRA-1234 - Fixing some stuff"
- APPEND: "- JIRA-1234 - Fixing some stuff JIRA-1234"
You can define a custom template to order the values in a certain order or to create a readable markdown. The default template is set to "- %s %H by %an" and with all other default settings, this will result in something similar to this:
- [JIRA-2]( [aa1114f4d27a049ac4e01fa78402eee965a1528a]( by Ephenodrom
- Update [c491eb38b129b85a21e6482c8e7e7a8cdd02e03a]( by Ephenodrom
The allowed values:
- %H: Commit hash (full).
- %h: Abbreviated commit hash.
- %T: Tree hash.
- %t: Abbreviated tree hash.
- %P: Parent hashes.
- %p: Abbreviated parent hashes.
- %an: Author name.
- %ae: Author email.
- %ad: Author date (default format).
- %ar: Author date, relative.
- %cn: Committer name.
- %ce: Committer email.
- %cd: Committer date (default format).
- %cr: Committer date, relative.
- %s: Subject (commit message).
The allowed values are basically the same as you can use in git log except the new line %N.
stage: release
- tags
- # Get the latest release information using the GitHub API
- RELEASE_INFO=$(curl -s "")
- # Extract the download URL for the artifact
- DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo "$RELEASE_INFO" | jq -r ".assets[] | select(.name == \"glmf\") | .browser_download_url")
- # Download the artifact using curl
- chmod
- FROM=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 $(git rev-list --tags --skip=1 --max-count=1))
- ./glmf format --from=$FROM --to=$CI_COMMIT_TAG -o --header "# Release $CI_COMMIT_TAG" --footer "Autogenerated by pipeline $CI_PIPELINE_ID" --iBaseUrl "$ISSUE_BASEURL" --cBaseUrl "" --excludeAuthor=*bot*
The CI CD job assumes that the tag for the current release was created before this job is running and $CI_COMMIT_TAG contains the current tag you want to release.
The binary can be fetched from the latest release on Github or you can compile it yourself.
git clone
dart pub get --directory Git-Log-Markdown-Formatter
dart Git-Log-Markdown-Formatter/update_meta.dart
dart compile exe Git-Log-Markdown-Formatter/bin/git_log_markdown_formatter.dart -o glmf
- build
stage: build
image: dart:latest
- git clone
- dart pub get --directory Git-Log-Markdown-Formatter
- dart Git-Log-Markdown-Formatter/update_meta.dart
- dart compile exe Git-Log-Markdown-Formatter/bin/git_log_markdown_formatter.dart -o glmf
- glmf