A project of box office predictor for EIE3280 in CUHKSZ.
Here is the report of this project where you can find more details. Box Office Predictor Project
Here we wanna build a dash application for the visualization of the predictions.
Steps to run in local:
# Enter the directory
cd box-office-predictor
# Install the env management tool pipenv
pip install pipenv
# Install dependencies
pipenv install
# Enter the virtual environment
pipenv shell
# Open the jupyter book
python application.py
We use AWS Elastic Beanstalk service to deploy the web application. We recommend Elastic Beanstalk CLI.
Steps to deploy:
eb init -p python-3.6 box-office-predictor #Initialize the repository
eb init # Set the configurations
eb create box-office-predictor-env # Deploy the web, upload whole application files
eb open # Open the web on browser