The following guide describes how C++ works with EMOTIV LSL Interface.
- Require C++ compiler (gcc, MinGW, etc)
- Install CMake version 3.5 or later
- Clone this repository
git clone
Go to
and create the build directory -
Configure the project using cmake
For Windows 64-bit please add the param -DWIN64=1
mkdir build && cd build
# if you prefer to generate a project file for your IDE
# checkout
cmake .. -G <generator name>
For example:
Generates Visual Studio 15 (VS 2017) project files.
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -DWIN64=1
Generate Xcode project files
cmake .. -G Xcode
If you use a generator, you can now open the generated project file with your IDE. Then build the install
Alternatively, you can build directly from command line:
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
Go to Lab Streaming Layer page, Outlet tab in EmotivPRO, choose the desire Data stream type and Data format Click Start button to start streaming.
Build and run
If you run it from IDE, please enter a field name and the desired value and transmitType (sample or chunk) on console as below:
type EEG sample
name EmotivDataStream-EEG sample
If you run the executable directly on command line:
ReceiveData type Motion chunk 50
ReceiveData name EmotivDataStream-Motion chunk 50
The last parameter is the number of sample to be printed out in console.
- If succeeded you can see the result like this:
EMOTIV LSL Inlet supports add both simple marker and marker with desire event time.
Build and Run
. -
Go to Lab Streaming Layer page, Inlet tab on EmotivPRO, choose MarkerWithTimeStamp or SimpleMarker in stream name. Then click the Connect button.
If succeeded you can see the result like this:
- LabStreamingLayer