Releases: EmicoEcommerce/Magento2Tweakwise-archived
Fix for issue: EmicoEcommerce/Magento2Tweakwise#95
When "Use default magento filter renderer" is set to yes and there are filters which do not come from a magento attribute then a type error was thrown.
Merged pull request: EmicoEcommerce/Magento2Tweakwise#92
Use the already defined autocomplete dataprovider in a graphql resolver.
Added configuration for search language, this is exposed by the navigator. It can be used to signify the language in which a searchterm is written. Tweakwise will then account for that when evaluating word conjugations.
Resize the product image in search autocomplete results. Before the product small_image was used this could result in large images being displayed in a small format which is bad for performance. The resize "profile" being used is: "product_thumbnail_image" as defined in magento/theme-frontend-blank etc/view.xml
<image id="product_thumbnail_image" type="thumbnail">
Same as v2.1.1, However release 2.1.1 had an error which has been fixed. For clarity the release notes of 2.1.1 have been included
Fixed issue where featured product template does not have an empty option when editing a category. This would lead to it being saved on all categories. The issue being that if one wants to change the default featured product template one has to adjust it for all categories saved prior to changing the default template.
Fixed issue where seo urls are applied on search page, this leads to incorrect filtering. Fallback to query param strategy has been implemented
Recommendation response data was different than expected in some cases. Take that into account.
Fixed issue where category permissions throws an exception when price is disabled (this is only relevant for enterprise). Filters in Magento need to have an attribute model, however tweakwise filters can be derived from magento attributes so its not always clear that a filter coming from tweakwise has a magento attribute associated to it. If there is no way to relate an attribute to a tweakwise filter we now mock one so that any potential "missing attribute model" errors are fixed.
Due to an error this version has been marked as unstable
Fixed issue where featured product template does not have an empty option when editing a category. This would lead to it being saved on all categories. The issue being that if one wants to change the default featured product template one has to adjust it for all categories saved prior to changing the default template.
Fixed issue where seo urls are applied on search page, this leads to incorrect filtering. Fallback to query param strategy has been implemented
Recommendation response data was different than expected in some cases. Take that into account.
Fixed issue where category permissions throws an exception when price is disabled (this is only relevant for enterprise). Filters in Magento need to have an attribute model, however tweakwise filters can be derived from magento attributes so its not always clear that a filter coming from tweakwise has a magento attribute associated to it. If there is no way to relate an attribute to a tweakwise filter we now mock one so that any potential "missing attribute model" errors are fixed.
Added dependency on emico/tweakwise-export ^1.4, we need changes to introduced there to correctly initialize attribute models on filters. Removed call to magento FilterableAttributeInterface::getList and use emico/tweakwise-export Model\ProductAttributes to provide filters which are exported as there is a difference between what is filterable in magento versus whats filterable in tweakwise.
This release should make sure that if a tweakwise filter comes from a magento attribute then that attribute is available on the filter. Most likely this should not affect existing installations however there is a potentially breaking change as explained below. If you do not have custom code in place everything should remain the same.
class src/Model/Catalog/Layer/NavigationContext.php
has different constructor arguments so this could be breaking if you have plugins or preferences.
For more information check:
Merged: EmicoEcommerce/Magento2Tweakwise#83
Fixed di issue where interceptors for Related an upsells where not created during setup:di:compile. This was because the plugin had a virtual type as type argument
M2 docs tell us that this should be possible but it is not.
Added tweakwise version to requests, this will be the currently installed module version (as defined in composer.lock)
Merged pull: EmicoEcommerce/Magento2Tweakwise#64
Removed unimplemented config settings.
Added support for adding sort templates to navigation requests
This release provides various improvements for seo purposes.
- Filter segments instead of url query params, see
layered > url_strategy
in tweakwise config - Render anchor tag with data attribute instead of href to make sure links will not be indexed see
, this is only available when default link renderer is set to 'no'.
Backwards compatibility breaks:
UrlInterface::getSliderUrl(Filter $facet)
changed to UrlInterface::getSliderUrl(Item $item)
forces return types now. When you implement this interface you need to change your signatures.
We have split up UrlInterface
into seperate interfaces, UrlInterface
, CategoryUrlInterface
and FilterApplierInterface
When you have a custom implementation for UrlInterace
you need to update your concrete class to use these new interfaces.
full documentation will be provided in a new release.