Scorpion is a simple instruction language, with a very small instruction set.
Cub is compiled to Scorpion, which can be executed using an interpreter. The interpreter included in this project does not perform any JIT compilation, making it safe to use in sandboxed environments, such as in iOS apps.
Mnemonic | Opcode (UInt8) |
Arguments | Stack [before] ➡️ [after] |
Description |
push_const | 0 | value | ➡️ value | push value onto the stack |
add | 1 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | add two numbers | |
sub | 2 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | subtract two numbers (value1 - value2 ) |
mul | 3 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | multiply two numbers | |
div | 4 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | divide two numbers (value1 / value2 ) |
pow | 5 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | raise value2 to power of value1 |
and | 6 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | AND two booleans | |
or | 7 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | OR two booleans | |
not | 8 | value ➡️ result | inverse boolean | |
eq | 9 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | compare two values (equal), push result (boolean) | |
neq | 10 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | compare two values (not equal), push result (boolean) | |
if_true | 11 | label | value ➡️ | pop boolean and if true: jump to label |
if_false | 12 | label | value ➡️ | pop boolean and if false: jump to label |
cmple | 13 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | compare two values (less than or equal), push result (boolean) | |
cmplt | 14 | value1, value2 ➡️ result | compare two values (less than), push result (boolean) | |
goto | 15 | label | jump to label | |
reg_store | 16 | reg | value ➡️ | pop value and store in reg register |
reg_update | 17 | reg | value ➡️ | pop value and update in reg register |
reg_clear | 18 | reg | clear register reg |
reg_load | 19 | reg | ➡️ value | get value in reg register and push onto stack |
invoke_virt | 20 | id | invoke virtual #id |
exit_virt | 21 | exit current virtual | ||
pop | 22 | value ➡️ | pop value and discard | |
skip_past | 23 | label | skip program counter one past label |
struct_init | 24 | ➡️ struct | initialize empty struct and push onto stack | |
struct_set | 25 | member | struct, value ➡️ struct | pop struct, pop value, set value to member , push updated struct |
struct_update | 26 | key-path | struct, value ➡️ struct | pop struct, pop value, set value to the member at key-path , push updated struct |
struct_get | 27 | member | struct ➡️ value | pop struct, get member value and push it onto the stack |
virt_h | 28 | virtual header, increments register depth | ||
pvirt_h | 29 | private virtual header, does not increment register depth | ||
virt_e | 30 | virtual end, decrements register depth | ||
pvirt_e | 31 | private virtual end, does not decrement register depth |
Cub | Scorpion |
a = 1
b = 2
c = a + b |
1: push_const vnumber(1.0)
2: reg_store i1 ; a
3: push_const vnumber(2.0)
4: reg_store i2 ; b
5: reg_load i1 ; a
6: reg_load i2 ; b
7: add ; +
8: reg_store i3 ; c |
func isPositive(x) returns {
return x > 0
a = isPositive(2.0) |
1: virt_h i1 ; isPositive(x)
2: skip_past i4 ; skip exit instruction
3: invoke_virt i2 ; cleanup_isPositive()
4: exit_virt ; exit function
5: reg_store i1 ; x
6: push_const vnumber(0.0)
7: reg_load i1 ; x
8: cmplt ; >
9: goto i3 ; return
10: pvirt_h i2 ; cleanup_isPositive
11: reg_clear i1 ; cleanup x
12: pvirt_e
13: virt_e
14: push_const vnumber(2.0)
15: invoke_virt i1 ; isPositive
16: reg_store i2 ; a |