Model418 is a nice-to-use & highly flexible ORM
It maps your data, from a database or another source, and its relationships into accessible objects.
It could be used with or without a framework.
For now, Model418 supports only the following storage:
- File System:
- Encoding: in Yaml (default), JSON, Text or Markdown
- Subfile: Write the data of an attribute in another file
- Multi folders: Use multiple folders, like plugins folder
- Session System
// Save a new Model
$user = (new UserModel)
->set('firstName', 'John')
// Retrieve all models
$userList = (new UserModel)->query()->fetchAll();
count($userList) // 1
// Retrieve by primary key
$john = (new UserModel)->query()->fetchById(1);
// Update an existing Model
$john->set('lastName', 'Doe')
// Delete an existing Model
To go further, you should read the complete documentation.
This library package requires PHP 5.4
or later.
Install Composer and run the following command to get the latest version:
composer require baddum/model418:1.2.*
- Star the project!
- Report a bug that you find
- Tweet and blog about Model418 and Let me know about it.
Pull requests are highly appreciated.
Please review the guidelines for contributing to go further.
Model418 is under MIT License.
It was created & is maintained by Thomas ZILLIOX.