diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml
index cb6a920060..0d026748b5 100644
--- a/.appveyor.yml
+++ b/.appveyor.yml
@@ -1,58 +1,62 @@
version: '{branch}.{build}'
skip_tags: true
-image: Visual Studio 2017
+image: Previous Visual Studio 2019
configuration: Release
platform: x64
clone_depth: 5
- PACKAGES: berkeleydb boost-filesystem boost-signals2 boost-test libevent openssl rapidcheck zeromq
PATH: 'C:\Python37-x64;C:\Python37-x64\Scripts;%PATH%'
-- C:\tools\vcpkg\installed -> appveyor.yml
-- C:\Users\appveyor\clcache -> appveyor.yml, build_msvc\**, **\Makefile.am, **\*.vcxproj.in
+ QT_DOWNLOAD_URL: 'https://github.com/sipsorcery/qt_win_binary/releases/download/v1.6/Qt5.9.8_x64_static_vs2019.zip'
+ QT_DOWNLOAD_HASH: '9a8c6eb20967873785057fdcd329a657c7f922b0af08c5fde105cc597dd37e21'
+ QT_LOCAL_PATH: 'C:\Qt5.9.8_x64_static_vs2019'
+ VCPKG_INSTALL_PATH: 'C:\tools\vcpkg\installed'
+ VCPKG_COMMIT_ID: '40230b8e3f6368dcb398d649331be878ca1e9007'
-- cmd: pip install --quiet git+https://github.com/frerich/clcache.git@v4.2.0
# Disable zmq test for now since python zmq library on Windows would cause Access violation sometimes.
# - cmd: pip install zmq
-- cmd: vcpkg remove --outdated --recurse
-- cmd: vcpkg install --triplet %PLATFORM%-windows-static %PACKAGES% > NUL
-- cmd: del /s /q C:\Tools\vcpkg\installed\%PLATFORM%-windows-static\debug # Remove unused debug library
+# Powershell block below is to install the c++ dependencies via vcpkg. The pseudo code is:
+# a. Checkout the vcpkg source (including port files) for the specific checkout and build the vcpkg binary,
+# b. Install the missing packages using the vcpkg manifest.
+- ps: |
+ cd c:\tools\vcpkg
+ $env:GIT_REDIRECT_STDERR = '2>&1' # git is writing non-errors to STDERR when doing git pull. Send to STDOUT instead.
+ git pull origin master > $null
+ git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout $env:VCPKG_COMMIT_ID
+ .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat > $null
-- ps: clcache -M 536870912
+# Powershell block below is to download and extract the Qt static libraries. The pseudo code is:
+# a. Download the zip file with the prebuilt Qt static libraries.
+# b. Check that the downloaded file matches the expected hash.
+# c. Extract the zip file to the specific destination path expected by the msbuild projects.
+- ps: |
+ Write-Host "Downloading Qt binaries.";
+ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $env:QT_DOWNLOAD_URL -Out qtdownload.zip;
+ Write-Host "Qt binaries successfully downloaded, checking hash against $env:QT_DOWNLOAD_HASH...";
+ if((Get-FileHash qtdownload.zip).Hash -eq $env:QT_DOWNLOAD_HASH) {
+ Expand-Archive qtdownload.zip -DestinationPath $env:QT_LOCAL_PATH;
+ Write-Host "Qt binary download matched the expected hash.";
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "ERROR: Qt binary download did not match the expected hash.";
+ Exit-AppveyorBuild;
+ }
- cmd: python build_msvc\msvc-autogen.py
-- ps: $files = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse | where {$_.extension -eq ".vcxproj"}).FullName
-- ps: for (${i} = 0; ${i} -lt ${files}.length; ${i}++) {
- ${content} = (Get-Content ${files}[${i}]);
- ${content} = ${content}.Replace("", "None");
- ${content} = ${content}.Replace("true", "false");
- Set-Content ${files}[${i}] ${content};
- }
-- ps: Start-Process clcache-server
-- ps: fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0 # Enable Access time feature on Windows (for clcache)
-- cmd: msbuild /p:TrackFileAccess=false /p:CLToolExe=clcache.exe build_msvc\bitcoin.sln /m /v:q /nologo
+- cmd: msbuild /p:TrackFileAccess=false build_msvc\bitcoin.sln /m /v:q /nologo
-- ps: fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1 # Disable Access time feature on Windows (better performance)
-- ps: clcache -z
-- ps: ${conf_ini} = (Get-Content([IO.Path]::Combine(${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}, "test", "config.ini.in")))
-- ps: ${conf_ini} = ${conf_ini}.Replace("@abs_top_srcdir@", ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER})
-- ps: ${conf_ini} = ${conf_ini}.Replace("@abs_top_builddir@", ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER})
-- ps: ${conf_ini} = ${conf_ini}.Replace("@EXEEXT@", ".exe")
-- ps: ${conf_ini} = ${conf_ini}.Replace("@ENABLE_WALLET_TRUE@", "")
-- ps: ${conf_ini} = ${conf_ini}.Replace("@BUILD_BITCOIN_CLI_TRUE@", "")
-- ps: ${conf_ini} = ${conf_ini}.Replace("@BUILD_BITCOIND_TRUE@", "")
-- ps: ${conf_ini} = ${conf_ini}.Replace("@ENABLE_ZMQ_TRUE@", "")
-- ps: ${utf8} = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding ${false}
-- ps: '[IO.File]::WriteAllLines([IO.Path]::Combine(${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}, "test", "config.ini"), ${conf_ini}, ${utf8})'
-- ps: move "build_msvc\${env:PLATFORM}\${env:CONFIGURATION}\*.exe" src
+#- 7z a bitcoin-%APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION%.zip %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build_msvc\%platform%\%configuration%\*.exe
-- cmd: src\test_bitcoin.exe -k stdout -e stdout 2> NUL
-- cmd: src\bench_bitcoin.exe -evals=1 -scaling=0 > NUL
+- cmd: src\test_bitcoin.exe -l test_suite
+- cmd: src\bench_bitcoin.exe > NUL
- ps: python test\util\bitcoin-util-test.py
- cmd: python test\util\rpcauth-test.py
-- cmd: python test\functional\test_runner.py --ci --quiet --combinedlogslen=4000 --failfast
+# Fee estimation test failing on appveyor with: WinError 10048] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
+# functional tests disabled for now. See
+# https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/18626#issuecomment-613396202
+# https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/18623
+# - cmd: python test\functional\test_runner.py --ci --quiet --combinedlogslen=4000 --failfast --exclude feature_fee_estimation
+#- path: bitcoin-%APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION%.zip
deploy: off
diff --git a/.cirrus.yml b/.cirrus.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c4ba4ab41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.cirrus.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+### Global defaults
+timeout_in: 120m # https://cirrus-ci.org/faq/#instance-timed-out
+ # https://cirrus-ci.org/faq/#are-there-any-limits
+ # Each project has 16 CPU in total, assign 2 to each container, so that 8 tasks run in parallel
+ cpu: 2
+ memory: 8G # Set to 8GB to avoid OOM. https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/linux/#linux-containers
+ kvm: true # Use kvm to avoid spurious CI failures in the default virtualization cluster, see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/20093
+ SECP256K1_TEST_ITERS: 16 # ELEMENTS: avoid test timeouts on arm
+ PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALL: "apt-get update && apt-get install -y"
+ MAKEJOBS: "-j3" # ELEMENTS: reduced from j4
+ DANGER_RUN_CI_ON_HOST: "1" # Containers will be discarded after the run, so there is no risk that the ci scripts modify the system
+ TEST_RUNNER_PORT_MIN: "14000" # Must be larger than 12321, which is used for the http cache. See https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/writing-tasks/#http-cache
+ CCACHE_DIR: "/tmp/ccache_dir"
+### Global task template
+# https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/tips-and-tricks/#sharing-configuration-between-tasks
+global_task_template: &GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE
+ skip: $CIRRUS_REPO_FULL_NAME == "bitcoin-core/gui" && $CIRRUS_PR == "" # No need to run on the read-only mirror, unless it is a PR. https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/writing-tasks/#conditional-task-execution
+ ccache_cache:
+ folder: "/tmp/ccache_dir"
+ depends_built_cache:
+ folder: "/tmp/cirrus-ci-build/depends/built"
+ depends_sdk_cache:
+ folder: "/tmp/cirrus-ci-build/depends/sdk-sources"
+ depends_releases_cache:
+ folder: "/tmp/cirrus-ci-build/releases"
+ merge_base_script:
+ - if [ "$CIRRUS_PR" = "" ]; then exit 0; fi
+ - bash -c "$PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALL git"
+ - git config --global user.email "ci@ci.ci"
+ - git config --global user.name "ci"
+ - git merge FETCH_HEAD # Merge base to detect silent merge conflicts
+ ci_script:
+ - ./ci/test_run_all.sh
+# name: "Windows"
+# windows_container:
+# image: cirrusci/windowsservercore:2019
+# env:
+# CIRRUS_SHELL: powershell
+# PATH: 'C:\Python37;C:\Python37\Scripts;%PATH%'
+# QT_DOWNLOAD_URL: 'https://github.com/sipsorcery/qt_win_binary/releases/download/v1.6/Qt5.9.8_x64_static_vs2019.zip'
+# QT_DOWNLOAD_HASH: '9a8c6eb20967873785057fdcd329a657c7f922b0af08c5fde105cc597dd37e21'
+# QT_LOCAL_PATH: 'C:\Qt5.9.8_x64_static_vs2019'
+# VCPKG_INSTALL_PATH: 'C:\tools\vcpkg\installed'
+# VCPKG_COMMIT_ID: 'ed0df8ecc4ed7e755ea03e18aaf285fd9b4b4a74'
+# install_script:
+# - choco install python --version=3.7.7 -y
+ name: 'ARM [GOAL: install] [buster] [unit tests, no functional tests]'
+ container:
+ image: debian:buster
+ env:
+ FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_arm.sh"
+ name: 'Win64 [GOAL: deploy] [unit tests, no gui, no boost::process, no functional tests]'
+ container:
+ image: ubuntu:bionic
+ env:
+ FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_win64.sh"
+ name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [bionic] [C++17, previous releases, uses qt5 dev package and some depends packages] [unsigned char]'
+ container:
+ image: ubuntu:bionic
+ env:
+ FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_qt5.sh"
+ name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [focal] [depends, sanitizers: thread (TSan), no gui]'
+ container:
+ image: ubuntu:focal
+ cpu: 4 # Double CPU and Memory to avoid timeout
+ memory: 16G
+ env:
+ MAKEJOBS: "-j6" # ELEMENTS: reduced from -j8
+ FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_tsan.sh"
+ name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [focal] [depends, sanitizers: memory (MSan)]'
+ container:
+ image: ubuntu:focal
+ env:
+ FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_msan.sh"
+ name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [focal] [no depends, only system libs, sanitizers: address/leak (ASan + LSan) + undefined (UBSan) + integer]'
+ container:
+ image: ubuntu:focal
+ memory: 12G # ELEMENTS: need more memory
+ env:
+ FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_asan.sh"
+ name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [focal] [no depends, only system libs, sanitizers: fuzzer,address,undefined]'
+ container:
+ image: ubuntu:focal
+ env:
+ FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_fuzz.sh"
+ name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [focal] [multiprocess]'
+ container:
+ image: ubuntu:focal
+ env:
+ FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_multiprocess.sh"
+ name: 'macOS 10.12 [GOAL: deploy] [no functional tests]'
+ container:
+ image: ubuntu:bionic
+ env:
+ FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_mac.sh"
+ name: 'macOS 10.14 native [GOAL: install] [GUI] [no depends]'
+ macos_brew_addon_script:
+ - brew install boost libevent berkeley-db4 qt miniupnpc ccache zeromq qrencode sqlite libtool automake pkg-config gnu-getopt
+ osx_instance:
+ # Use latest image, but hardcode version to avoid silent upgrades (and breaks)
+ image: catalina-xcode-12.1 # https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/macOS
+ env:
+ PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALL: "echo" # Nothing to do
+ FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_mac_host.sh"
diff --git a/.fuzzbuzz.yml b/.fuzzbuzz.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d44ac27eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.fuzzbuzz.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+base: ubuntu:16.04
+language: c++
+engine: libFuzzer
+ - CXXFLAGS=-fcoverage-mapping -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fprofile-instr-generate -gline-tables-only -O1
+ - sudo apt-get update
+ - sudo apt-get install -y autoconf bsdmainutils clang git libboost-all-dev libboost-program-options-dev libc++1 libc++abi1 libc++abi-dev libc++-dev libclang1 libclang-dev libdb5.3++ libevent-dev libllvm-ocaml-dev libomp5 libomp-dev libprotobuf-dev libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 libqt5gui5 libssl-dev libtool llvm llvm-dev llvm-runtime pkg-config protobuf-compiler qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools software-properties-common
+ - ./autogen.sh
+ - CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./configure --enable-fuzz --with-sanitizers=address,fuzzer,undefined
+ - make
+ - git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets
+ find_targets_command: find src/test/fuzz/ -executable -type f ! -name "*.cpp" ! -name "*.h"
+ base_corpus_dir: qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus/
+ memory_limit: none
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
index 8768a8ca6b..eedeeb4e54 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ General bitcoin questions and/or support requests are best directed to the Bitco
For reporting security issues, please read instructions at https://bitcoincore.org/en/contact/.
-If the node is "stuck" during sync or giving "block checksum mismatch" errors, please ensure your hardware is stable by running memtest and observe CPU temperature with a load-test tool such as linpack before creating an issue! -->
+If the node is "stuck" during sync or giving "block checksum mismatch" errors, please ensure your hardware is stable by running memtest and observe CPU temperature with a load-test tool such as linpack before creating an issue!
+Any report, issue or feature request related to the GUI should be reported at
@@ -17,7 +21,7 @@ If the node is "stuck" during sync or giving "block checksum mismatch" errors, p
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb91208954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+name: Bug report
+about: Create a report to help us improve (use this for suspected bugs only, if not sure, open a regular issue below)
+title: ''
+labels: Bug
+assignees: ''
+**Expected behavior**
+**Actual behavior**
+**To reproduce**
+**System information**
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d5685185e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+name: Feature request
+about: Suggest an idea for this project
+title: ''
+labels: Feature
+assignees: ''
+**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
+**Describe the solution you'd like**
+**Describe alternatives you've considered**
+**Additional context**
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/good_first_issue.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/good_first_issue.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d32e22d360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/good_first_issue.md
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+name: Good first issue
+about: '(Regular devs only): Suggest a new good first issue'
+title: ''
+labels: ''
+assignees: ''
+#### Useful skills:
+#### Want to work on this issue?
+For guidance on contributing, please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) before opening your pull request.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/gui_issue.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/gui_issue.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37acc81e21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/gui_issue.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+name: An issue or feature request related to the GUI
+about: Any report, issue or feature request related to the GUI should be reported at https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/issues/
+title: Any report, issue or feature request related to the GUI should be reported at https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/issues/
+labels: GUI
+assignees: ''
+Any report, issue or feature request related to the GUI should be reported at
diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
index 00d5478c4e..ae92fc78f2 100644
--- a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
+++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7c5856577e..5554fd1a84 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
# autoreconf
@@ -27,6 +31,7 @@ build-aux/m4/ltversion.m4
@@ -34,6 +39,7 @@ libtool
@@ -62,10 +68,10 @@ src/qt/bitcoin-qt.includes
@@ -74,6 +80,10 @@ src/qt/bitcoin-qt.includes
+# Only ignore unexpected patches
#libtool object files
@@ -81,10 +91,14 @@ src/qt/bitcoin-qt.includes
# Compilation and Qt preprocessor part
+# Qt Creator
# Unit-tests
@@ -96,13 +110,19 @@ qrc_*.cpp
+# Previous releases
#build tests
@@ -110,6 +130,7 @@ linux-build
@@ -120,3 +141,10 @@ contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh
# Output from running db4 installation
+# clang-check
diff --git a/.python-version b/.python-version
index 7bcbb3808b..c49282585a 100644
--- a/.python-version
+++ b/.python-version
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/.style.yapf b/.style.yapf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69d8c6aee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.style.yapf
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# Align closing bracket with visual indentation.
+# Allow dictionary keys to exist on multiple lines. For example:
+# x = {
+# ('this is the first element of a tuple',
+# 'this is the second element of a tuple'):
+# value,
+# }
+# Allow lambdas to be formatted on more than one line.
+# Allow splits before the dictionary value.
+# Number of blank lines surrounding top-level function and class
+# definitions.
+# Insert a blank line before a class-level docstring.
+# Insert a blank line before a module docstring.
+# Insert a blank line before a 'def' or 'class' immediately nested
+# within another 'def' or 'class'. For example:
+# class Foo:
+# # <------ this blank line
+# def method():
+# ...
+# Do not split consecutive brackets. Only relevant when
+# dedent_closing_brackets is set. For example:
+# call_func_that_takes_a_dict(
+# {
+# 'key1': 'value1',
+# 'key2': 'value2',
+# }
+# )
+# would reformat to:
+# call_func_that_takes_a_dict({
+# 'key1': 'value1',
+# 'key2': 'value2',
+# })
+# The column limit.
+# The style for continuation alignment. Possible values are:
+# - SPACE: Use spaces for continuation alignment. This is default behavior.
+# - FIXED: Use fixed number (CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH) of columns
+# (ie: CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH/INDENT_WIDTH tabs) for continuation
+# alignment.
+# - LESS: Slightly left if cannot vertically align continuation lines with
+# indent characters.
+# - VALIGN-RIGHT: Vertically align continuation lines with indent
+# characters. Slightly right (one more indent character) if cannot
+# vertically align continuation lines with indent characters.
+# For options FIXED, and VALIGN-RIGHT are only available when USE_TABS is
+# enabled.
+# Indent width used for line continuations.
+# Put closing brackets on a separate line, dedented, if the bracketed
+# expression can't fit in a single line. Applies to all kinds of brackets,
+# including function definitions and calls. For example:
+# config = {
+# 'key1': 'value1',
+# 'key2': 'value2',
+# } # <--- this bracket is dedented and on a separate line
+# time_series = self.remote_client.query_entity_counters(
+# entity='dev3246.region1',
+# key='dns.query_latency_tcp',
+# transform=Transformation.AVERAGE(window=timedelta(seconds=60)),
+# start_ts=now()-timedelta(days=3),
+# end_ts=now(),
+# ) # <--- this bracket is dedented and on a separate line
+# Disable the heuristic which places each list element on a separate line
+# if the list is comma-terminated.
+# Place each dictionary entry onto its own line.
+# The regex for an i18n comment. The presence of this comment stops
+# reformatting of that line, because the comments are required to be
+# next to the string they translate.
+# The i18n function call names. The presence of this function stops
+# reformattting on that line, because the string it has cannot be moved
+# away from the i18n comment.
+# Indent the dictionary value if it cannot fit on the same line as the
+# dictionary key. For example:
+# config = {
+# 'key1':
+# 'value1',
+# 'key2': value1 +
+# value2,
+# }
+# The number of columns to use for indentation.
+# Join short lines into one line. E.g., single line 'if' statements.
+# Do not include spaces around selected binary operators. For example:
+# 1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 5
+# will be formatted as follows when configured with "*,/":
+# 1 + 2*3 - 4/5
+# Use spaces around default or named assigns.
+# Use spaces around the power operator.
+# The number of spaces required before a trailing comment.
+# Insert a space between the ending comma and closing bracket of a list,
+# etc.
+# Split before arguments
+# Split before arguments if the argument list is terminated by a
+# comma.
+# Set to True to prefer splitting before '&', '|' or '^' rather than
+# after.
+# Split before the closing bracket if a list or dict literal doesn't fit on
+# a single line.
+# Split before a dictionary or set generator (comp_for). For example, note
+# the split before the 'for':
+# foo = {
+# variable: 'Hello world, have a nice day!'
+# for variable in bar if variable != 42
+# }
+# Split before the '.' if we need to split a longer expression:
+# foo = ('This is a really long string: {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(a, b, c, d))
+# would reformat to something like:
+# foo = ('This is a really long string: {}, {}, {}, {}'
+# .format(a, b, c, d))
+# Split after the opening paren which surrounds an expression if it doesn't
+# fit on a single line.
+# If an argument / parameter list is going to be split, then split before
+# the first argument.
+# Set to True to prefer splitting before 'and' or 'or' rather than
+# after.
+# Split named assignments onto individual lines.
+# Set to True to split list comprehensions and generators that have
+# non-trivial expressions and multiple clauses before each of these
+# clauses. For example:
+# result = [
+# a_long_var + 100 for a_long_var in xrange(1000)
+# if a_long_var % 10]
+# would reformat to something like:
+# result = [
+# a_long_var + 100
+# for a_long_var in xrange(1000)
+# if a_long_var % 10]
+# The penalty for splitting right after the opening bracket.
+# The penalty for splitting the line after a unary operator.
+# The penalty for splitting right before an if expression.
+# The penalty of splitting the line around the '&', '|', and '^'
+# operators.
+# The penalty for splitting a list comprehension or generator
+# expression.
+# The penalty for characters over the column limit.
+# The penalty incurred by adding a line split to the unwrapped line. The
+# more line splits added the higher the penalty.
+# The penalty of splitting a list of "import as" names. For example:
+# from a_very_long_or_indented_module_name_yada_yad import (long_argument_1,
+# long_argument_2,
+# long_argument_3)
+# would reformat to something like:
+# from a_very_long_or_indented_module_name_yada_yad import (
+# long_argument_1, long_argument_2, long_argument_3)
+# The penalty of splitting the line around the 'and' and 'or'
+# operators.
+# Use the Tab character for indentation.
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 7d4dec74db..77b59da75f 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,9 @@
-# The test build matrix (stage: test) is constructed to test a wide range of
-# configurations, rather than a single pass/fail. This helps to catch build
-# failures and logic errors that present on platforms other than the ones the
-# author has tested.
-# Some builders use the dependency-generator in `./depends`, rather than using
-# apt-get to install build dependencies. This guarantees that the tester is
-# using the same versions as Gitian, so the build results are nearly identical
-# to what would be found in a final release.
-# In order to avoid rebuilding all dependencies for each build, the binaries
-# are cached and re-used when possible. Changes in the dependency-generator
-# will trigger cache-invalidation and rebuilds as necessary.
-# These caches can be manually removed if necessary. This is one of the very
+# Travis caches can be manually removed if necessary. This is one of the very
# few manual operations that is possible with Travis, and it can be done by a
# Bitcoin Core GitHub member via the Travis web interface [0].
# Travis CI uploads the cache after the script phase of the build [1].
-# However, the build is terminated without saving the chache if it takes over
+# However, the build is terminated without saving the cache if it takes over
# 50 minutes [2]. Thus, if we spent too much time in early build stages, fail
# with an error and save the cache.
@@ -25,203 +11,67 @@
# [1] https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/caching/#build-phases
# [2] https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build#build-timeouts
-dist: xenial
+version: ~> 1.0
+dist: bionic
os: linux
language: minimal
+arch: amd64
- ccache: true
- - depends/built
- - depends/sdk-sources
- - $HOME/.ccache
+ - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/depends/built
+ - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/depends/sdk-sources
+ - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci/scratch/.ccache
+ - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/releases/$HOST
- lint
- test
- - MAKEJOBS=-j3
- - RUN_FUZZ_TESTS=false
- - DOCKER_NAME_TAG=ubuntu:18.04
- - CCACHE_TEMPDIR=/tmp/.ccache-temp
- - CCACHE_DIR=$HOME/.ccache
- - SDK_URL=https://bitcoincore.org/depends-sources/sdks
- - COMMON_PACKAGES="icnsutils librsvg2-bin imagemagick"
- - WINEDEBUG=fixme-all
- - DOCKER_PACKAGES="build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config bsdmainutils curl git ca-certificates ccache"
- - CACHE_ERR_MSG="Error! Initial build successful, but not enough time remains to run later build stages and tests. Please manually re-run this job by using the travis restart button or asking a bitcoin maintainer to restart. The next run should not time out because the build cache has been saved."
+ - CI_RETRY_EXE="travis_retry"
+ - CACHE_ERR_MSG="Error! Initial build successful, but not enough time remains to run later build stages and tests. See https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build#build-timeouts . Please manually re-run this job by using the travis restart button. The next run should not time out because the build cache has been saved."
- - set -o errexit; source .travis/test_03_before_install.sh
+ - set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/00_setup_env.sh
+ - set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/03_before_install.sh
- - set -o errexit; source .travis/test_04_install.sh
+ - set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/04_install.sh
- - set -o errexit; source .travis/test_05_before_script.sh
+ # Temporary workaround for https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/16368
+ - for i in {1..4}; do echo "$(sleep 500)" ; done &
+ - set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/05_before_script.sh &> "/dev/null"
- export CONTINUE=1
- if [ $SECONDS -gt 1200 ]; then export CONTINUE=0; fi # Likely the depends build took very long
- - if [ $CONTINUE = "1" ]; then set -o errexit; source .travis/test_06_script_a.sh; else set +o errexit; echo "$CACHE_ERR_MSG"; false; fi
- - if [ $SECONDS -gt 1800 ]; then export CONTINUE=0; fi # Likely the build took very long
- - if [ $CONTINUE = "1" ]; then set -o errexit; source .travis/test_06_script_b.sh; else set +o errexit; echo "$CACHE_ERR_MSG"; false; fi
+ - if [ $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG = "bitcoin/bitcoin" ]; then export CONTINUE=1; fi # continue on repos with extended build time (90 minutes)
+ - if [ $CONTINUE = "1" ]; then set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/06_script_a.sh; else set +o errexit; echo "$CACHE_ERR_MSG"; false; fi
+ - if [[ $SECONDS -gt 50*60-$EXPECTED_TESTS_DURATION_IN_SECONDS ]]; then export CONTINUE=0; fi
+ - if [ $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG = "bitcoin/bitcoin" ]; then export CONTINUE=1; fi # continue on repos with extended build time (90 minutes)
+ - if [ $CONTINUE = "1" ]; then set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/06_script_b.sh; else set +o errexit; echo "$CACHE_ERR_MSG"; false; fi
- stage: lint
name: 'lint'
- cache: false
+ cache: pip
language: python
- python: '3.4' # Oldest supported version according to doc/dependencies.md
+ python: '3.5' # Oldest supported version according to doc/dependencies.md
- - set -o errexit; source .travis/lint_04_install.sh
+ - set -o errexit; source ./ci/lint/04_install.sh
- - set -o errexit; source .travis/lint_05_before_script.sh
+ - set -o errexit; source ./ci/lint/05_before_script.sh
- - set -o errexit; source .travis/lint_06_script.sh
- - stage: test
- name: 'ARM [GOAL: install] [no unit or functional tests]'
- env: >-
- HOST=arm-linux-gnueabihf
- PACKAGES="python3 g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
- GOAL="install"
- # -Wno-psabi is to disable ABI warnings: "note: parameter passing for argument of type ... changed in GCC 7.1"
- # This could be removed once the ABI change warning does not show up by default
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports CXXFLAGS=-Wno-psabi"
- - stage: test
- name: 'Win32 [GOAL: deploy] [no gui or functional tests]'
- env: >-
- HOST=i686-w64-mingw32
- DPKG_ADD_ARCH="i386"
- PACKAGES="python3 nsis g++-mingw-w64-i686 wine-binfmt wine32"
- GOAL="deploy"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-reduce-exports --disable-gui-tests"
- RUN_UNIT_TESTS=false # secp-zkp times out Travis, get 32-bit build in upstream?
-# Win64
- - stage: test
- name: 'Win64 [GOAL: deploy] [no gui or functional tests]'
- env: >-
- HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32
- PACKAGES="python3 nsis g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 wine-binfmt wine64"
- GOAL="deploy"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-reduce-exports --disable-gui-tests"
- - stage: test
- name: '32-bit + dash [GOAL: install] [GUI: no BIP70]'
- env: >-
- HOST=i686-pc-linux-gnu
- PACKAGES="g++-multilib python3-zmq"
- GOAL="install"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-gui=qt5 --disable-bip70 --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports LDFLAGS=-static-libstdc++"
- CONFIG_SHELL="/bin/dash"
- RUN_UNIT_TESTS=false # secp-zkp times out Travis, get 32-bit build in upstream?
-# x86_64 Linux (uses qt5 dev package instead of depends Qt to speed up build and avoid timeout), no functional tests
- - stage: test
- env: >-
- HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools protobuf-compiler libdbus-1-dev libharfbuzz-dev libprotobuf-dev"
- GOAL="install"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-gui=qt5 --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --enable-debug CXXFLAGS=\"-g0 -O2\""
-# x86_64 Linux (uses qt5 dev package instead of depends Qt to speed up build and avoid timeout), no unit tests
- - stage: test
- name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [bionic] [uses qt5 dev package instead of depends Qt to speed up build and avoid timeout]'
- env: >-
- HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools protobuf-compiler libdbus-1-dev libharfbuzz-dev libprotobuf-dev"
- GOAL="install"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-gui=qt5 --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --enable-debug CXXFLAGS=\"-g0 -O2\""
-# x86_64 Linux (xenial, no depends, only system libs)
- - stage: test
- name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [xenial] [no depends, only system libs, sanitizers: thread (TSan), no wallet]'
- env: >-
- HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- DOCKER_NAME_TAG=ubuntu:16.04
- PACKAGES="clang llvm python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev"
- GOAL="install"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --disable-wallet --with-gui=qt5 CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER --with-sanitizers=thread --disable-hardening --disable-asm CC=clang CXX=clang++"
+ - set -o errexit; source ./ci/lint/06_script.sh
- - stage: test
- name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [bionic] [no depends, only system libs, sanitizers: address/leak (ASan + LSan) + undefined (UBSan) + integer]'
- env: >-
- HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- PACKAGES="clang llvm python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libssl1.0-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev"
- GOAL="install"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-incompatible-bdb --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --with-gui=qt5 CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER --with-sanitizers=integer,undefined CC=clang CXX=clang++"
-# x86_64 Linux, No wallet, no QT(build timing out with for some reason)
- - stage: test
- name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [bionic] [no wallet]'
- env: >-
- HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- PACKAGES="python3"
- GOAL="install"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports"
+# Disabled due to new Travis restrictions; will be removed as part of 0.22 rebase
+# - stage: test
+# name: '32-bit + dash [GOAL: install] [CentOS 7] [gui]'
+# env: >-
+# FILE_ENV="./ci/test/00_setup_env_i686_centos.sh"
- stage: test
- name: 'macOS 10.10 [GOAL: deploy] [no functional tests]'
+ name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [xenial] [no wallet]'
env: >-
- HOST=x86_64-apple-darwin14
- PACKAGES="cmake imagemagick libcap-dev librsvg2-bin libz-dev libbz2-dev libtiff-tools python-dev python3-setuptools-git"
- OSX_SDK=10.11
- GOAL="deploy"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-gui --enable-reduce-exports --enable-werror"
-# x86_64 Linux w/ Bitcoin functional tests (Qt5 & system libs)
- - stage: test
- name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [bitcoin functional]'
- env: >-
- HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libssl1.0-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev"
- GOAL="install"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-incompatible-bdb --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --with-gui=qt5 CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER"
-# x86_64 Linux w/ single fedpeg test that uses upstream bitcoind as mainchain
- - stage: test
- name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [bitcoind fedpeg test]'
- env: >-
- HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libssl1.0-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev"
- GOAL="install"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-incompatible-bdb --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER"
-# x86_64 Linux (uses qt5 dev package instead of depends Qt to speed up build and avoid timeout), no functional tests, LIQUID BUILD
- - stage: test
- name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [liquid build]'
- env: >-
- HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools protobuf-compiler libdbus-1-dev libharfbuzz-dev libprotobuf-dev"
- GOAL="install"
- BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-gui=qt5 --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --enable-debug --enable-liquid CXXFLAGS=\"-g0 -O2\""
+ FILE_ENV="./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_nowallet.sh"
diff --git a/.travis/README.md b/.travis/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d1b9cc03..0000000000
--- a/.travis/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-## travis build scripts
-The `.travis` directory contains scripts for each build step in each build stage.
-Currently the travis build defines two stages `lint` and `test`. Each stage has
-it's own [lifecycle](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build/#the-build-lifecycle).
-Every script in here is named and numbered according to which stage and lifecycle
-step it belongs to.
diff --git a/.travis/lint_04_install.sh b/.travis/lint_04_install.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d3fbb0f499..0000000000
--- a/.travis/lint_04_install.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-export LC_ALL=C
-travis_retry pip install codespell==1.13.0
-travis_retry pip install flake8==3.5.0
-travis_retry pip install vulture==0.29
-curl -Ls "${SHELLCHECK_URL}" | tar --xz -xf - --directory /tmp/
-export PATH="/tmp/shellcheck-${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}:${PATH}"
diff --git a/.travis/test_04_install.sh b/.travis/test_04_install.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d4c670101e..0000000000
--- a/.travis/test_04_install.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
-travis_retry docker pull "$DOCKER_NAME_TAG"
-export DIR_FUZZ_IN=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/qa-assets
-git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets ${DIR_FUZZ_IN}
-export DIR_FUZZ_IN=${DIR_FUZZ_IN}/fuzz_seed_corpus/
-mkdir -p "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/sanitizer-output/"
-export ASAN_OPTIONS=""
-export LSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/test/sanitizer_suppressions/lsan"
-export TSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/test/sanitizer_suppressions/tsan:log_path=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/sanitizer-output/tsan"
-export UBSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/test/sanitizer_suppressions/ubsan:print_stacktrace=1:halt_on_error=1"
-if [[ $HOST = *-mingw32 ]]; then
-elif [[ $BITCOIN_CONFIG = *--with-sanitizers=*address* ]]; then # If ran with (ASan + LSan), Docker needs access to ptrace (https://github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/764)
-DOCKER_ID=$(docker run $DOCKER_ADMIN -idt --mount type=bind,src=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR,dst=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR --mount type=bind,src=$CCACHE_DIR,dst=$CCACHE_DIR -w $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR --env-file /tmp/env $DOCKER_NAME_TAG)
- docker exec $DOCKER_ID bash -c "cd $PWD && $*"
-if [ -n "$DPKG_ADD_ARCH" ]; then
- DOCKER_EXEC dpkg --add-architecture "$DPKG_ADD_ARCH"
-travis_retry DOCKER_EXEC apt-get update
-travis_retry DOCKER_EXEC apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-upgrade -qq $COMMON_PACKAGES $PACKAGES $DOCKER_PACKAGES
diff --git a/.travis/test_05_before_script.sh b/.travis/test_05_before_script.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 60a0f2f47a..0000000000
--- a/.travis/test_05_before_script.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
-DOCKER_EXEC echo \> \$HOME/.elements # Make sure default datadir does not exist and is never read by creating a dummy file
-mkdir -p depends/SDKs depends/sdk-sources
-if [ -n "$OSX_SDK" -a ! -f depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz ]; then
- curl --location --fail $SDK_URL/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz -o depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz
-if [ -n "$OSX_SDK" -a -f depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz ]; then
- tar -C depends/SDKs -xf depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz
-if [[ $HOST = *-mingw32 ]]; then
- DOCKER_EXEC update-alternatives --set $HOST-g++ \$\(which $HOST-g++-posix\)
-if [ -z "$NO_DEPENDS" ]; then
diff --git a/.travis/test_06_script_a.sh b/.travis/test_06_script_a.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 7282edf93c..0000000000
--- a/.travis/test_06_script_a.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
-TRAVIS_COMMIT_LOG=$(git log --format=fuller -1)
-BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL="--disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/depends/$HOST --bindir=$OUTDIR/bin --libdir=$OUTDIR/lib"
-if [ -z "$NO_DEPENDS" ]; then
- DOCKER_EXEC ccache --max-size=$CCACHE_SIZE
-BEGIN_FOLD autogen
-if [ -n "$CONFIG_SHELL" ]; then
- DOCKER_EXEC "$CONFIG_SHELL" -c "./autogen.sh"
- DOCKER_EXEC ./autogen.sh
-mkdir build
-cd build || (echo "could not enter build directory"; exit 1)
-BEGIN_FOLD configure
-DOCKER_EXEC ../configure --cache-file=config.cache $BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL $BITCOIN_CONFIG || ( cat config.log && false)
-BEGIN_FOLD distdir
-cd "elements-$HOST" || (echo "could not enter distdir elemenst-$HOST"; exit 1)
-BEGIN_FOLD configure
-DOCKER_EXEC ./configure --cache-file=../config.cache $BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL $BITCOIN_CONFIG || ( cat config.log && false)
-set -o errtrace
-trap 'DOCKER_EXEC "cat ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/sanitizer-output/* 2> /dev/null"' ERR
-DOCKER_EXEC make $MAKEJOBS $GOAL || ( echo "Build failure. Verbose build follows." && DOCKER_EXEC make $GOAL V=1 ; false )
-cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} || (echo "could not enter travis build dir $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR"; exit 1)
diff --git a/.travis/test_06_script_b.sh b/.travis/test_06_script_b.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 98ce0d5ce0..0000000000
--- a/.travis/test_06_script_b.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
-cd "build/elements-$HOST" || (echo "could not enter distdir build/bitcoin-$HOST"; exit 1)
-if [ "$RUN_UNIT_TESTS" = "true" ]; then
- BEGIN_FOLD unit-tests
-if [ "$RUN_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS" = "true" ]; then
- BEGIN_FOLD functional-tests
- DOCKER_EXEC test/functional/test_runner.py --ci --combinedlogslen=4000 --coverage --quiet --failfast
-if [ "$RUN_FUZZ_TESTS" = "true" ]; then
- BEGIN_FOLD fuzz-tests
- DOCKER_EXEC test/fuzz/test_runner.py -l DEBUG ${DIR_FUZZ_IN}
-if [ "$RUN_UNIT_TESTS" = "true" ]; then
- BEGIN_FOLD unit-tests
-if [ "$RUN_BITCOIN_TESTS" = "true" ]; then
- BEGIN_FOLD bitcoin-functional-tests
- DOCKER_EXEC test/bitcoin_functional/functional/test_runner.py --combinedlogslen=4000 --coverage --quiet --failfast ${extended}
-if [ "$RUN_FEDPEG_BITCOIND_TEST" = "true" ]; then
- BEGIN_FOLD fedpeg-bitcoind-test
- BITCOIND_ARCH=x86_64-linux-gnu
- DOCKER_EXEC curl -O https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-$BITCOIND_VERSION/bitcoin-$BITCOIND_VERSION-$BITCOIND_ARCH.tar.gz
- DOCKER_EXEC test/functional/feature_fedpeg.py --parent_bitcoin --parent_binpath $(pwd)/bitcoin-$BITCOIND_VERSION/bin/bitcoind
-if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ]; then
- extended="--extended --exclude feature_pruning"
diff --git a/.tx/config b/.tx/config
index 743510a7f2..86b517a612 100644
--- a/.tx/config
+++ b/.tx/config
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
host = https://www.transifex.com
file_filter = src/qt/locale/bitcoin_.ts
source_file = src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.ts
source_lang = en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24a80fb35d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# ==============================================================================
+# Bitcoin Core CODEOWNERS
+# ==============================================================================
+# Configuration of code ownership and review approvals for the bitcoin/bitcoin
+# repo.
+# Order is important; the last matching pattern takes the most precedence.
+# More info on how this file works can be found at:
+# https://help.github.com/articles/about-codeowners/
+# This file is called CODEOWNERS because it is a magic file for GitHub to
+# automatically suggest reviewers. In this project's case, the names below
+# should be thought of as code reviewers rather than owners. Regular
+# contributors are free to add their names to specific directories or files
+# provided that they are willing to provide a review when automatically
+# assigned.
+# Absence from this list should not be interpreted as a discouragement to
+# review a pull request. Peer review is always welcome and is a critical
+# component of the progress of the codebase. Information on peer review
+# guidelines can be found in the CONTRIBUTING.md doc.
+# Maintainers
+# @laanwj
+# @sipa
+# @fanquake
+# @jonasschnelli
+# @marcofalke
+# @meshcollider
+# Docs
+/doc/*[a-zA-Z-].md @harding
+/doc/Doxyfile.in @fanquake
+/doc/REST-interface.md @jonasschnelli
+/doc/benchmarking.md @ariard
+/doc/bitcoin-conf.md @hebasto
+/doc/build-freebsd.md @fanquake
+/doc/build-netbsd.md @fanquake
+/doc/build-openbsd.md @laanwj
+/doc/build-osx.md @fanquake
+/doc/build-unix.md @laanwj
+/doc/build-windows.md @sipsorcery
+/doc/dependencies.md @fanquake
+/doc/developer-notes.md @laanwj
+/doc/files.md @hebasto
+/doc/gitian-building.md @laanwj
+/doc/reduce-memory.md @fanquake
+/doc/reduce-traffic.md @jonasschnelli
+/doc/release-process.md @laanwj
+/doc/translation_strings_policy.md @laanwj
+# Build aux
+/build-aux/m4/bitcoin_qt.m4 @hebasto
+# MSVC build system
+/build_msvc/ @sipsorcery
+# Settings
+/src/util/settings.* @ryanofsky
+# Fuzzing
+/src/test/fuzz/ @practicalswift
+/doc/fuzzing.md @practicalswift
+# Test framework
+/test/functional/mempool_updatefromblock.py @hebasto
+/test/functional/feature_asmap.py @jonatack
+/test/functional/interface_bitcoin_cli.py @jonatack
+/test/functional/tool_wallet.py @jonatack
+# Translations
+/src/util/translation.h @hebasto
+# Dev Tools
+/contrib/devtools/security-check.py @fanquake
+/contrib/devtools/test-security-check.py @fanquake
+/contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py @fanquake
+# Gitian/Guix
+/contrib/gitian-build.py @hebasto
+/contrib/guix/ @dongcarl
+# Compatibility
+/src/compat/glibc_* @fanquake
+# GUI
+/src/qt/forms/ @hebasto
+# Wallet
+/src/wallet/ @achow101
+# CLI
+/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp @jonatack
+# Coinstats
+/src/node/coinstats.* @fjahr
+# Index
+/src/index/ @fjahr
+# Descriptors
+*descriptor* @achow101 @sipa
+# Interfaces
+/src/interfaces/ @ryanofsky
+# DB
+/src/txdb.* @jamesob
+/src/dbwrapper.* @jamesob
+# Scripts/Linter
+*.sh @practicalswift
+/test/lint/ @practicalswift
+/test/lint/lint-shell.sh @hebasto
+# Bech32
+/src/bech32.* @sipa
+/src/bench/bech32.* @sipa
+/src/psbt* @achow101
+/src/node/psbt* @achow101
+/doc/psbt.md @achow101
+# P2P
+/src/net_processing.* @sipa
+/src/protocol.* @sipa
+# Consensus
+/src/coins.* @sipa @jamesob
+/src/script/script.* @sipa
+/src/script/interpreter.* @sipa
+/src/validation.* @sipa
+/src/consensus/ @sipa
index 7356b99989..5144ddc25e 100644
@@ -6,34 +6,69 @@ welcome to contribute towards development in the form of peer review, testing
and patches. This document explains the practical process and guidelines for
-Firstly in terms of structure, there is no particular concept of "Core
+First, in terms of structure, there is no particular concept of "Bitcoin Core
developers" in the sense of privileged people. Open source often naturally
-revolves around meritocracy where longer term contributors gain more trust from
-the developer community. However, some hierarchy is necessary for practical
-purposes. As such there are repository "maintainers" who are responsible for
-merging pull requests as well as a "lead maintainer" who is responsible for the
-release cycle, overall merging, moderation and appointment of maintainers.
+revolves around a meritocracy where contributors earn trust from the developer
+community over time. Nevertheless, some hierarchy is necessary for practical
+purposes. As such, there are repository "maintainers" who are responsible for
+merging pull requests, as well as a "lead maintainer" who is responsible for the
+release cycle as well as overall merging, moderation and appointment of
+Getting Started
+New contributors are very welcome and needed.
+Reviewing and testing is highly valued and the most effective way you can contribute
+as a new contributor. It also will teach you much more about the code and
+process than opening pull requests. Please refer to the [peer review](#peer-review)
+section below.
+Before you start contributing, familiarize yourself with the Bitcoin Core build
+system and tests. Refer to the documentation in the repository on how to build
+Bitcoin Core and how to run the unit tests, functional tests, and fuzz tests.
+There are many open issues of varying difficulty waiting to be fixed.
If you're looking for somewhere to start contributing, check out the
[good first issue](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22)
+list or changes that are
+[up for grabs](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=label%3A%22Up+for+grabs%22).
+Some of them might no longer be applicable. So if you are interested, but
+unsure, you might want to leave a comment on the issue first.
+You may also participate in the weekly
+[Bitcoin Core PR Review Club](https://bitcoincore.reviews/) meeting.
+### Good First Issue Label
+The purpose of the `good first issue` label is to highlight which issues are
+suitable for a new contributor without a deep understanding of the codebase.
+However, good first issues can be solved by anyone. If they remain unsolved
+for a longer time, a frequent contributor might address them.
+You do not need to request permission to start working on an issue. However,
+you are encouraged to leave a comment if you are planning to work on it. This
+will help other contributors monitor which issues are actively being addressed
+and is also an effective way to request assistance if and when you need it.
Communication Channels
Most communication about Bitcoin Core development happens on IRC, in the
-#bitcoin-core-dev channel on Freenode. The easiest way to participate on IRC is
+`#bitcoin-core-dev` channel on Freenode. The easiest way to participate on IRC is
with the web client, [webchat.freenode.net](https://webchat.freenode.net/). Chat
history logs can be found
on [http://www.erisian.com.au/bitcoin-core-dev/](http://www.erisian.com.au/bitcoin-core-dev/)
and [http://gnusha.org/bitcoin-core-dev/](http://gnusha.org/bitcoin-core-dev/).
-Discussion about code base improvements happens in GitHub issues and on pull
+Discussion about codebase improvements happens in GitHub issues and pull
The developer
[mailing list](https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev)
-should be used to discuss complicated or controversial changes before working on
+should be used to discuss complicated or controversial consensus or P2P protocol changes before working on
a patch set.
@@ -41,34 +76,59 @@ Contributor Workflow
The codebase is maintained using the "contributor workflow" where everyone
-without exception contributes patch proposals using "pull requests". This
+without exception contributes patch proposals using "pull requests" (PRs). This
facilitates social contribution, easy testing and peer review.
To contribute a patch, the workflow is as follows:
- 1. Fork repository
+ 1. Fork repository ([only for the first time](https://help.github.com/en/articles/fork-a-repo))
1. Create topic branch
1. Commit patches
+For GUI-related issues or pull requests, the https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui repository should be used.
+For all other issues and pull requests, the https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin node repository should be used.
+The master branch for all monotree repositories is identical.
+As a rule of thumb, everything that only modifies `src/qt` is a GUI-only pull
+request. However:
+* For global refactoring or other transversal changes the node repository
+ should be used.
+* For GUI-related build system changes, the node repository should be used
+ because the change needs review by the build systems reviewers.
+* Changes in `src/interfaces` need to go to the node repository because they
+ might affect other components like the wallet.
+For large GUI changes that include build system and interface changes, it is
+recommended to first open a pull request against the GUI repository. When there
+is agreement to proceed with the changes, a pull request with the build system
+and interfaces changes can be submitted to the node repository.
The project coding conventions in the [developer notes](doc/developer-notes.md)
-must be adhered to.
+must be followed.
+### Committing Patches
-In general [commits should be atomic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_commit#Atomic_commit_convention)
-and diffs should be easy to read. For this reason do not mix any formatting
+In general, [commits should be atomic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_commit#Atomic_commit_convention)
+and diffs should be easy to read. For this reason, do not mix any formatting
fixes or code moves with actual code changes.
+Make sure each individual commit is hygienic: that it builds successfully on its
+own without warnings, errors, regressions, or test failures.
Commit messages should be verbose by default consisting of a short subject line
(50 chars max), a blank line and detailed explanatory text as separate
paragraph(s), unless the title alone is self-explanatory (like "Corrected typo
in init.cpp") in which case a single title line is sufficient. Commit messages should be
helpful to people reading your code in the future, so explain the reasoning for
-your decisions. Further explanation [here](http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/).
+your decisions. Further explanation [here](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/).
If a particular commit references another issue, please add the reference. For
example: `refs #1234` or `fixes #4321`. Using the `fixes` or `closes` keywords
will cause the corresponding issue to be closed when the pull request is merged.
-Commit messages should never contain any `@` mentions.
+Commit messages should never contain any `@` mentions (usernames prefixed with "@").
Please refer to the [Git manual](https://git-scm.com/doc) for more information
about Git.
@@ -76,58 +136,67 @@ about Git.
- Push changes to your fork
- Create pull request
+### Creating the Pull Request
The title of the pull request should be prefixed by the component or area that
the pull request affects. Valid areas as:
- - *Consensus* for changes to consensus critical code
- - *Docs* for changes to the documentation
- - *Qt* for changes to elements-qt
- - *Mining* for changes to the mining code
- - *Net* or *P2P* for changes to the peer-to-peer network code
- - *RPC/REST/ZMQ* for changes to the RPC, REST or ZMQ APIs
- - *Scripts and tools* for changes to the scripts and tools
- - *Tests* for changes to the bitcoin unit tests or QA tests
- - *Trivial* should **only** be used for PRs that do not change generated
- executable code. Notably, refactors (change of function arguments and code
- reorganization) and changes in behavior should **not** be marked as trivial.
- Examples of trivial PRs are changes to:
- - comments
- - whitespace
- - variable names
- - logging and messages
- - *Utils and libraries* for changes to the utils and libraries
- - *Wallet* for changes to the wallet code
+ - `consensus` for changes to consensus critical code
+ - `doc` for changes to the documentation
+ - `qt` or `gui` for changes to elements-qt
+ - `log` for changes to log messages
+ - `mining` for changes to the mining code
+ - `net` or `p2p` for changes to the peer-to-peer network code
+ - `refactor` for structural changes that do not change behavior
+ - `rpc`, `rest` or `zmq` for changes to the RPC, REST or ZMQ APIs
+ - `script` for changes to the scripts and tools
+ - `test`, `qa` or `ci` for changes to the unit tests, QA tests or CI code
+ - `util` or `lib` for changes to the utils or libraries
+ - `wallet` for changes to the wallet code
+ - `build` for changes to the GNU Autotools or reproducible builds
- Consensus: Add new opcode for BIP-XXXX OP_CHECKAWESOMESIG
- Net: Automatically create hidden service, listen on Tor
- Qt: Add feed bump button
- Trivial: Fix typo in init.cpp
+ consensus: Add new opcode for BIP-XXXX OP_CHECKAWESOMESIG
+ net: Automatically create onion service, listen on Tor
+ qt: Add feed bump button
+ log: Fix typo in log message
+The body of the pull request should contain sufficient description of *what* the
+patch does, and even more importantly, *why*, with justification and reasoning.
+You should include references to any discussions (for example, other issues or
+mailing list discussions).
+The description for a new pull request should not contain any `@` mentions. The
+PR description will be included in the commit message when the PR is merged and
+any users mentioned in the description will be annoyingly notified each time a
+fork of Bitcoin Core copies the merge. Instead, make any username mentions in a
+subsequent comment to the PR.
-Note that translations should not be submitted as pull requests, please see
-[Translation Process](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/translation_process.md)
+### Translation changes
+Note that translations should not be submitted as pull requests. Please see
+[Translation Process](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/translation_process.md)
for more information on helping with translations.
+### Work in Progress Changes and Requests for Comments
If a pull request is not to be considered for merging (yet), please
prefix the title with [WIP] or use [Tasks Lists](https://help.github.com/articles/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax/#task-lists)
in the body of the pull request to indicate tasks are pending.
-The body of the pull request should contain enough description about what the
-patch does together with any justification/reasoning. You should include
-references to any discussions (for example other tickets or mailing list
+### Address Feedback
-At this stage one should expect comments and review from other contributors. You
+At this stage, one should expect comments and review from other contributors. You
can add more commits to your pull request by committing them locally and pushing
to your fork until you have satisfied all feedback.
-Note: Code review is a burdensome but important part of the development process, and as such, certain types of pull requests are rejected. In general, if the **improvements** do not warrant the **review effort** required, the PR has a high chance of being rejected. It is up to the PR author to convince the reviewers that the changes warrant the review effort, and if reviewers are "Concept NAK'ing" the PR, the author may need to present arguments and/or do research backing their suggested changes.
+Note: Code review is a burdensome but important part of the development process, and as such, certain types of pull requests are rejected. In general, if the **improvements** do not warrant the **review effort** required, the PR has a high chance of being rejected. It is up to the PR author to convince the reviewers that the changes warrant the review effort, and if reviewers are "Concept NACK'ing" the PR, the author may need to present arguments and/or do research backing their suggested changes.
+### Squashing Commits
-Squashing Commits
-If your pull request is accepted for merging, you may be asked by a maintainer
-to squash and or [rebase](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase) your commits
+If your pull request contains fixup commits (commits that change the same line of code repeatedly) or too fine-grained
+commits, you may be asked to [squash](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase#_interactive_mode) your commits
before it will be merged. The basic squashing workflow is shown below.
git checkout your_branch_name
@@ -138,13 +207,13 @@ before it will be merged. The basic squashing workflow is shown below.
# Save and quit.
git push -f # (force push to GitHub)
-Please update the resulting commit message if needed, it should read as a
-coherent message. In most cases this means that you should not just list the
-interim commits.
+Please update the resulting commit message, if needed. It should read as a
+coherent message. In most cases, this means not just listing the interim
-If you have problems with squashing (or other workflows with `git`), you can
-alternatively enable "Allow edits from maintainers" in the right GitHub
-sidebar and ask for help in the pull request.
+If you have problems with squashing or other git workflows, you can enable
+"Allow edits from maintainers" in the right-hand sidebar of the GitHub web
+interface and ask for help in the pull request.
Please refrain from creating several pull requests for the same change.
Use the pull request that is already open (or was created earlier) to amend
@@ -154,6 +223,20 @@ the respective change set.
The length of time required for peer review is unpredictable and will vary from
pull request to pull request.
+### Rebasing Changes
+When a pull request conflicts with the target branch, you may be asked to rebase it on top of the current target branch.
+The `git rebase` command will take care of rebuilding your commits on top of the new base.
+This project aims to have a clean git history, where code changes are only made in non-merge commits. This simplifies
+auditability because merge commits can be assumed to not contain arbitrary code changes. Merge commits should be signed,
+and the resulting git tree hash must be deterministic and reproducible. The script in
+[/contrib/verify-commits](/contrib/verify-commits) checks that.
+After a rebase, reviewers are encouraged to sign off on the force push. This should be relatively straightforward with
+the `git range-diff` tool explained in the [productivity
+notes](/doc/productivity.md#diff-the-diffs-with-git-range-diff). To avoid needless review churn, maintainers will
+generally merge pull requests that received the most review attention first.
Pull Request Philosophy
@@ -178,9 +261,9 @@ in the future, they may be removed by the Repository Maintainer.
Refactoring is a necessary part of any software project's evolution. The
following guidelines cover refactoring pull requests for the project.
-There are three categories of refactoring, code only moves, code style fixes,
-code refactoring. In general refactoring pull requests should not mix these
-three kinds of activity in order to make refactoring pull requests easy to
+There are three categories of refactoring: code-only moves, code style fixes, and
+code refactoring. In general, refactoring pull requests should not mix these
+three kinds of activities in order to make refactoring pull requests easy to
review and uncontroversial. In all cases, refactoring PRs must not change the
behaviour of code within the pull request (bugs must be preserved as is).
@@ -214,12 +297,13 @@ In general, all pull requests must:
- Have a clear use case, fix a demonstrable bug or serve the greater good of
the project (for example refactoring for modularisation);
- - Be well peer reviewed;
- - Have unit tests and functional tests where appropriate;
+ - Be well peer-reviewed;
+ - Have unit tests, functional tests, and fuzz tests, where appropriate;
- Follow code style guidelines ([C++](doc/developer-notes.md), [functional tests](test/functional/README.md));
- Not break the existing test suite;
- Where bugs are fixed, where possible, there should be unit tests
demonstrating the bug and also proving the fix. This helps prevent regression.
+ - Change relevant comments and documentation when behaviour of code changes.
Patches that change Bitcoin consensus rules are considerably more involved than
normal because they affect the entire ecosystem and so must be preceded by
@@ -236,31 +320,43 @@ request. Typically reviewers will review the code for obvious errors, as well as
test out the patch set and opine on the technical merits of the patch. Project
maintainers take into account the peer review when determining if there is
consensus to merge a pull request (remember that discussions may have been
-spread out over GitHub, mailing list and IRC discussions). The following
-language is used within pull-request comments:
- - ACK means "I have tested the code and I agree it should be merged";
- - NACK means "I disagree this should be merged", and must be accompanied by
- sound technical justification (or in certain cases of copyright/patent/licensing
- issues, legal justification). NACKs without accompanying reasoning may be
- disregarded;
- - utACK means "I have not tested the code, but I have reviewed it and it looks
- OK, I agree it can be merged";
- - Concept ACK means "I agree in the general principle of this pull request";
- - Nit refers to trivial, often non-blocking issues.
+spread out over GitHub, mailing list and IRC discussions).
+#### Conceptual Review
+A review can be a conceptual review, where the reviewer leaves a comment
+ * `Concept (N)ACK`, meaning "I do (not) agree with the general goal of this pull
+ request",
+ * `Approach (N)ACK`, meaning `Concept ACK`, but "I do (not) agree with the
+ approach of this change".
+A `NACK` needs to include a rationale why the change is not worthwhile.
+NACKs without accompanying reasoning may be disregarded.
-Reviewers should include the commit hash which they reviewed in their comments.
+#### Code Review
+After conceptual agreement on the change, code review can be provided. A review
+begins with `ACK BRANCH_COMMIT`, where `BRANCH_COMMIT` is the top of the PR
+branch, followed by a description of how the reviewer did the review. The
+following language is used within pull request comments:
+ - "I have tested the code", involving change-specific manual testing in
+ addition to running the unit, functional, or fuzz tests, and in case it is
+ not obvious how the manual testing was done, it should be described;
+ - "I have not tested the code, but I have reviewed it and it looks
+ OK, I agree it can be merged";
+ - A "nit" refers to a trivial, often non-blocking issue.
Project maintainers reserve the right to weigh the opinions of peer reviewers
-using common sense judgement and also may weight based on meritocracy: Those
-that have demonstrated a deeper commitment and understanding towards the project
-(over time) or have clear domain expertise may naturally have more weight, as
-one would expect in all walks of life.
+using common sense judgement and may also weigh based on merit. Reviewers that
+have demonstrated a deeper commitment and understanding of the project over time
+or who have clear domain expertise may naturally have more weight, as one would
+expect in all walks of life.
-Where a patch set affects consensus critical code, the bar will be set much
+Where a patch set affects consensus-critical code, the bar will be much
higher in terms of discussion and peer review requirements, keeping in mind that
mistakes could be very costly to the wider community. This includes refactoring
-of consensus critical code.
+of consensus-critical code.
Where a patch set proposes to change the Bitcoin consensus, it must have been
discussed extensively on the mailing list and IRC, be accompanied by a widely
@@ -277,7 +373,7 @@ about:
- It may be because of a feature freeze due to an upcoming release. During this time,
only bug fixes are taken into consideration. If your pull request is a new feature,
- it will not be prioritized until the release is over. Wait for release.
+ it will not be prioritized until after the release. Wait for the release.
- It may be because the changes you are suggesting do not appeal to people. Rather than
nits and critique, which require effort and means they care enough to spend time on your
contribution, thundering silence is a good sign of widespread (mild) dislike of a given change
@@ -287,17 +383,44 @@ about:
[developer notes](doc/developer-notes.md), is dangerous or insecure, is messily written, etc.
Identify and address any of the issues you find. Then ask e.g. on IRC if someone could give
their opinion on the concept itself.
- - It may be because your code is too complex for all but a few people. And those people
+ - It may be because your code is too complex for all but a few people, and those people
may not have realized your pull request even exists. A great way to find people who
are qualified and care about the code you are touching is the
[Git Blame feature](https://help.github.com/articles/tracing-changes-in-a-file/). Simply
- find the person touching the code you are touching before you and see if you can find
- them and give them a nudge. Don't be incessant about the nudging though.
+ look up who last modified the code you are changing and see if you can find
+ them and give them a nudge. Don't be incessant about the nudging, though.
- Finally, if all else fails, ask on IRC or elsewhere for someone to give your pull request
- a look. If you think you've been waiting an unreasonably long amount of time (month+) for
- no particular reason (few lines changed, etc), this is totally fine. Try to return the favor
- when someone else is asking for feedback on their code, and universe balances out.
+ a look. If you think you've been waiting for an unreasonably long time (say,
+ more than a month) for no particular reason (a few lines changed, etc.),
+ this is totally fine. Try to return the favor when someone else is asking
+ for feedback on their code, and the universe balances out.
+ - Remember that the best thing you can do while waiting is give review to others!
+Security and bug fixes can be backported from `master` to release
+If the backport is non-trivial, it may be appropriate to open an
+additional PR to backport the change, but only after the original PR
+has been merged.
+Otherwise, backports will be done in batches and
+the maintainers will use the proper `Needs backport (...)` labels
+when needed (the original author does not need to worry about it).
+A backport should contain the following metadata in the commit body:
+Github-Pull: #
+Have a look at [an example backport PR](
+Also see the [backport.py script](
Release Policy
@@ -307,7 +430,7 @@ The project leader is the release manager for each Bitcoin Core release.
-By contributing to this repository, you agree to license your work under the
-MIT license unless specified otherwise in `contrib/debian/copyright` or at
-the top of the file itself. Any work contributed where you are not the original
+By contributing to this repository, you agree to license your work under the
+MIT license unless specified otherwise in `contrib/debian/copyright` or at
+the top of the file itself. Any work contributed where you are not the original
author must contain its license header with the original author(s) and source.
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
index 9d54ecbde1..461bc73100 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2009-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
-Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Bitcoin Developers
+Copyright (c) 2009-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+Copyright (c) 2009-2020 Bitcoin Developers
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 49114568ab..38d984c1a9 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Pattern rule to print variables, e.g. make print-top_srcdir
+ @echo $* = $($*)
ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I build-aux/m4
@@ -21,7 +25,7 @@ BITCOIN_QT_BIN=$(top_builddir)/src/qt/$(BITCOIN_GUI_NAME)$(EXEEXT)
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
@@ -35,16 +39,14 @@ OSX_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_DPIS=36 72
OSX_PLIST=$(top_builddir)/share/qt/Info.plist #not installed
-OSX_QT_TRANSLATIONS = da,de,es,hu,ru,uk,zh_CN,zh_TW
-DIST_DOCS = $(wildcard doc/*.md) $(wildcard doc/release-notes/*.md)
-DIST_CONTRIB = $(top_srcdir)/contrib/bitcoin-cli.bash-completion \
- $(top_srcdir)/contrib/bitcoin-tx.bash-completion \
- $(top_srcdir)/contrib/bitcoind.bash-completion \
- $(top_srcdir)/contrib/init \
- $(top_srcdir)/contrib/install_db4.sh
+OSX_QT_TRANSLATIONS = ar,bg,ca,cs,da,de,es,fa,fi,fr,gd,gl,he,hu,it,ja,ko,lt,lv,pl,pt,ru,sk,sl,sv,uk,zh_CN,zh_TW
+ $(top_srcdir)/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py \
+ $(top_srcdir)/contrib/linearize/linearize-hashes.py
$(top_srcdir)/share/genbuild.sh \
@@ -52,9 +54,9 @@ DIST_SHARE = \
BIN_CHECKS=$(top_srcdir)/contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py \
-WINDOWS_PACKAGING = src/qt/res/rendered_icons/bitcoin.ico \
+WINDOWS_PACKAGING = $(top_srcdir)/share/pixmaps/bitcoin.ico \
$(top_srcdir)/share/pixmaps/nsis-header.bmp \
- src/qt/res/rendered_icons/nsis-wizard.bmp \
+ $(top_srcdir)/share/pixmaps/nsis-wizard.bmp \
$(top_srcdir)/contrib/macdeploy/detached-sig-apply.sh \
-COVERAGE_INFO = baseline.info \
+COVERAGE_INFO = $(COV_TOOL_WRAPPER) baseline.info \
test_bitcoin_filtered.info total_coverage.info \
baseline_filtered.info functional_test.info functional_test_filtered.info \
- test_bitcoin_coverage.info test_bitcoin.info
+ test_bitcoin_coverage.info test_bitcoin.info fuzz.info fuzz_filtered.info fuzz_coverage.info
-$(GIT) archive --format=tar HEAD -- src/clientversion.cpp | $(AMTAR) -C $(top_distdir) -xf -
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ $(BITCOIN_WIN_INSTALLER): all-recursive
- @test -f $(MAKENSIS) && $(MAKENSIS) -V2 $(top_builddir)/share/setup.nsi || \
+ @test -f $(MAKENSIS) && echo 'OutFile "$@"' | cat $(top_builddir)/share/setup.nsi - | $(MAKENSIS) -V2 - || \
echo error: could not build $@
@echo built $@
@@ -88,15 +90,12 @@ $(OSX_APP)/Contents/PkgInfo:
$(MKDIR_P) $(@D)
- @touch $@
+ @touch $@
$(OSX_APP)/Contents/Info.plist: $(OSX_PLIST)
$(MKDIR_P) $(@D)
-src/qt/res/rendered_icons/%: FORCE
- $(MAKE) -C src $(patsubst src/%,%,$@)
$(OSX_APP)/Contents/Resources/bitcoin.icns: $(OSX_INSTALLER_ICONS)
$(MKDIR_P) $(@D)
@@ -181,15 +180,41 @@ $(BITCOIN_WALLET_BIN): FORCE
$(MAKE) -C src $(@F)
-LCOV_FILTER_PATTERN=-p "/usr/include/" -p "/usr/lib/" -p "src/leveldb/" -p "src/bench/" -p "src/univalue" -p "src/crypto/ctaes" -p "src/secp256k1"
+ -p "/usr/local/" \
+ -p "/usr/include/" \
+ -p "/usr/lib/" \
+ -p "/usr/lib64/" \
+ -p "src/leveldb/" \
+ -p "src/crc32c/" \
+ -p "src/bench/" \
+ -p "src/univalue" \
+ -p "src/crypto/ctaes" \
+ -p "src/secp256k1" \
+ -p "depends"
+DIR_FUZZ_SEED_CORPUS ?= qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus
+ @echo 'exec $(COV_TOOL) "$$@"' > $(COV_TOOL_WRAPPER)
+ @chmod +x $(COV_TOOL_WRAPPER)
+baseline.info: $(COV_TOOL_WRAPPER)
$(LCOV) -c -i -d $(abs_builddir)/src -o $@
baseline_filtered.info: baseline.info
$(abs_builddir)/contrib/filter-lcov.py $(LCOV_FILTER_PATTERN) $< $@
$(LCOV) -a $@ $(LCOV_OPTS) -o $@
+fuzz.info: baseline_filtered.info
+ @TIMEOUT=15 test/fuzz/test_runner.py $(DIR_FUZZ_SEED_CORPUS) -l DEBUG
+ $(LCOV) -c $(LCOV_OPTS) -d $(abs_builddir)/src --t fuzz-tests -o $@
+ $(LCOV) -z $(LCOV_OPTS) -d $(abs_builddir)/src
+fuzz_filtered.info: fuzz.info
+ $(abs_builddir)/contrib/filter-lcov.py $(LCOV_FILTER_PATTERN) $< $@
+ $(LCOV) -a $@ $(LCOV_OPTS) -o $@
test_bitcoin.info: baseline_filtered.info
$(MAKE) -C src/ check
$(LCOV) -c $(LCOV_OPTS) -d $(abs_builddir)/src -t test_bitcoin -o $@
@@ -200,7 +225,7 @@ test_bitcoin_filtered.info: test_bitcoin.info
$(LCOV) -a $@ $(LCOV_OPTS) -o $@
functional_test.info: test_bitcoin_filtered.info
- -@TIMEOUT=15 test/functional/test_runner.py $(EXTENDED_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS)
+ @TIMEOUT=15 test/functional/test_runner.py $(EXTENDED_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS)
$(LCOV) -c $(LCOV_OPTS) -d $(abs_builddir)/src --t functional-tests -o $@
$(LCOV) -z $(LCOV_OPTS) -d $(abs_builddir)/src
@@ -208,12 +233,19 @@ functional_test_filtered.info: functional_test.info
$(abs_builddir)/contrib/filter-lcov.py $(LCOV_FILTER_PATTERN) $< $@
$(LCOV) -a $@ $(LCOV_OPTS) -o $@
+fuzz_coverage.info: fuzz_filtered.info
+ $(LCOV) -a $(LCOV_OPTS) baseline_filtered.info -a fuzz_filtered.info -o $@ | $(GREP) "\%" | $(AWK) '{ print substr($$3,2,50) "/" $$5 }' > coverage_percent.txt
test_bitcoin_coverage.info: baseline_filtered.info test_bitcoin_filtered.info
$(LCOV) -a $(LCOV_OPTS) baseline_filtered.info -a test_bitcoin_filtered.info -o $@
total_coverage.info: test_bitcoin_filtered.info functional_test_filtered.info
$(LCOV) -a $(LCOV_OPTS) baseline_filtered.info -a test_bitcoin_filtered.info -a functional_test_filtered.info -o $@ | $(GREP) "\%" | $(AWK) '{ print substr($$3,2,50) "/" $$5 }' > coverage_percent.txt
+fuzz.coverage/.dirstamp: fuzz_coverage.info
+ $(GENHTML) -s $(LCOV_OPTS) $< -o $(@D)
+ @touch $@
test_bitcoin.coverage/.dirstamp: test_bitcoin_coverage.info
$(GENHTML) -s $(LCOV_OPTS) $< -o $(@D)
@touch $@
@@ -222,13 +254,15 @@ total.coverage/.dirstamp: total_coverage.info
$(GENHTML) -s $(LCOV_OPTS) $< -o $(@D)
@touch $@
+cov_fuzz: fuzz.coverage/.dirstamp
cov: test_bitcoin.coverage/.dirstamp total.coverage/.dirstamp
dist_noinst_SCRIPTS = autogen.sh
-EXTRA_DIST = $(DIST_SHARE) test/functional/test_runner.py test/functional test/bitcoin_functional/functional test/bitcoin_functional/functional/test_runner.py test/fuzz $(DIST_CONTRIB) $(DIST_DOCS) $(WINDOWS_PACKAGING) $(OSX_PACKAGING) $(BIN_CHECKS)
+EXTRA_DIST = $(DIST_SHARE) test/functional/test_runner.py test/functional test/bitcoin_functional/functional test/bitcoin_functional/functional/test_runner.py test/fuzz $(DIST_CONTRIB) $(WINDOWS_PACKAGING) $(OSX_PACKAGING) $(BIN_CHECKS)
test/util/bitcoin-util-test.py \
@@ -279,6 +313,8 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
test/util/data/txcreatescript3.json \
test/util/data/txcreatescript4.hex \
test/util/data/txcreatescript4.json \
+ test/util/data/txcreatescript5.hex \
+ test/util/data/txcreatescript6.hex \
test/util/data/txcreatesignv1.hex \
test/util/data/txcreatesignv1.json \
test/util/data/txcreatesignv2.hex \
@@ -308,6 +344,17 @@ clean-docs:
rm -rf doc/doxygen
clean-local: clean-docs
- rm -rf coverage_percent.txt test_bitcoin.coverage/ total.coverage/ test/tmp/ cache/ $(OSX_APP)
+ rm -rf coverage_percent.txt test_bitcoin.coverage/ total.coverage/ fuzz.coverage/ test/tmp/ cache/ $(OSX_APP)
rm -rf test/functional/__pycache__ test/functional/test_framework/__pycache__ test/cache share/rpcauth/__pycache__
+ rm -rf osx_volname dist/ dpi36.background.tiff dpi72.background.tiff
+ $(AM_V_at) $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/contrib/devtools/test-security-check.py TestSecurityChecks.test_MACHO
+ $(AM_V_at) $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/contrib/devtools/test-security-check.py TestSecurityChecks.test_PE
+ $(AM_V_at) $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/contrib/devtools/test-security-check.py TestSecurityChecks.test_ELF
diff --git a/SECURITY.md b/SECURITY.md
index 88af8b82f7..d25a930f11 100644
--- a/SECURITY.md
+++ b/SECURITY.md
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-# Security
-The maintainers of Elements take security very seriously and are committed to addressing any disclosed security vulnerabilities quickly and carefully. If you find a security vulnerability, please report it to us following the steps described here.
+# Security Policy
## Reporting a Vulnerability
@@ -298,62 +296,16 @@ W5zENLshru7sd+PHfNyyje1/ht9FXbSw
If there is no response from the authors within 3 days, please escalate your vulnerability report by emailing security@blockstream.com using this PGP key:
+## Reporting a Vulnerability
+To report security issues send an email to security@bitcoincore.org (not for support).
+The following keys may be used to communicate sensitive information to developers:
-## Acknowledgement
+| Name | Fingerprint |
+| Wladimir van der Laan | 71A3 B167 3540 5025 D447 E8F2 7481 0B01 2346 C9A6 |
+| Jonas Schnelli | 32EE 5C4C 3FA1 5CCA DB46 ABE5 29D4 BCB6 416F 53EC |
+| Pieter Wuille | 133E AC17 9436 F14A 5CF1 B794 860F EB80 4E66 9320 |
-Your help in maintaining and improving the security of this software is deeply appreciated. When the vulnerability you have reported is patched here and in downstream dependencies, we will publicly disclose it. Let us know if you would like to remain anonymous or would like to be acknowledged. We would be happy to acknowledge your contributions to closing the vulnerability you found in the release notes, source code and/or documentation in this repository.
+You can import a key by running the following command with that individual’s fingerprint: `gpg --recv-keys ""` Ensure that you put quotes around fingerprints containing spaces.
diff --git a/autogen.sh b/autogen.sh
index 0c05626ccc..de16260b56 100755
--- a/autogen.sh
+++ b/autogen.sh
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
export LC_ALL=C
set -e
-srcdir="$(dirname $0)"
+srcdir="$(dirname "$0")"
cd "$srcdir"
-if [ -z ${LIBTOOLIZE} ] && GLIBTOOLIZE="`which glibtoolize 2>/dev/null`"; then
+if [ -z "${LIBTOOLIZE}" ] && GLIBTOOLIZE="$(command -v glibtoolize)"; then
-which autoreconf >/dev/null || \
+command -v autoreconf >/dev/null || \
(echo "configuration failed, please install autoconf first" && exit 1)
autoreconf --install --force --warnings=all
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_base.m4 b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_base.m4
index 650c94fa64..2ae33f7140 100644
--- a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_base.m4
+++ b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_base.m4
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# ===========================================================================
-# http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_base.html
+# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_base.html
# ===========================================================================
@@ -33,7 +33,15 @@
# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
# warranty.
-#serial 27
+#serial 48
+# example boost program (need to pass version)
+(void) ((void)sizeof(char[1 - 2*!!((BOOST_VERSION) < ($1))]));
@@ -44,110 +52,123 @@ AC_ARG_WITH([boost],
or disable it (ARG=no)
@<:@ARG=yes@:>@ ])],
- if test "$withval" = "no"; then
- want_boost="no"
- elif test "$withval" = "yes"; then
- want_boost="yes"
- ac_boost_path=""
- else
- want_boost="yes"
- ac_boost_path="$withval"
- fi
+ AS_CASE([$withval],
+ [no],[want_boost="no";_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path=""],
+ [yes],[want_boost="yes";_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path=""],
+ [want_boost="yes";_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path="$withval"])
- AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boost-libdir=LIB_DIR],
- [Force given directory for boost libraries. Note that this will override library path detection, so use this parameter only if default library detection fails and you know exactly where your boost libraries are located.]),
- [
- if test -d "$withval"
- then
- ac_boost_lib_path="$withval"
- else
- AC_MSG_ERROR(--with-boost-libdir expected directory name)
- fi
- ],
- [ac_boost_lib_path=""]
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boost-libdir=LIB_DIR],
+ [Force given directory for boost libraries.
+ Note that this will override library path detection,
+ so use this parameter only if default library detection fails
+ and you know exactly where your boost libraries are located.])],
+ [
+ AS_IF([test -d "$withval"],
+ [_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_lib_path="$withval"],
+ [AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-boost-libdir expected directory name])])
+ ],
+ [_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_lib_path=""])
-if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
- boost_lib_version_req=ifelse([$1], ,1.20.0,$1)
- boost_lib_version_req_shorten=`expr $boost_lib_version_req : '\([[0-9]]*\.[[0-9]]*\)'`
- boost_lib_version_req_major=`expr $boost_lib_version_req : '\([[0-9]]*\)'`
- boost_lib_version_req_minor=`expr $boost_lib_version_req : '[[0-9]]*\.\([[0-9]]*\)'`
- boost_lib_version_req_sub_minor=`expr $boost_lib_version_req : '[[0-9]]*\.[[0-9]]*\.\([[0-9]]*\)'`
- if test "x$boost_lib_version_req_sub_minor" = "x" ; then
- boost_lib_version_req_sub_minor="0"
- fi
- WANT_BOOST_VERSION=`expr $boost_lib_version_req_major \* 100000 \+ $boost_lib_version_req_minor \* 100 \+ $boost_lib_version_req_sub_minor`
- AC_MSG_CHECKING(for boostlib >= $boost_lib_version_req)
+AS_IF([test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"],
+ [_AX_BOOST_BASE_RUNDETECT([$1],[$2],[$3])])
+# convert a version string in $2 to numeric and affect to polymorphic var $1
+ AS_IF([test "x$2" = "x"],[_AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req="1.20.0"],[_AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req="$2"])
+ _AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req_shorten=`expr $_AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req : '\([[0-9]]*\.[[0-9]]*\)'`
+ AS_IF([test "x$_AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req_major" = "x"],
+ [AC_MSG_ERROR([You should at least specify libboost major version])])
+ _AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req_minor=`expr $_AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req : '[[0-9]]*\.\([[0-9]]*\)'`
+ AS_IF([test "x$_AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req_minor" = "x"],
+ _AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req_sub_minor=`expr $_AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req : '[[0-9]]*\.[[0-9]]*\.\([[0-9]]*\)'`
+ AS_IF([test "X$_AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req_sub_minor" = "X"],
+ [_AX_BOOST_BASE_TONUMERICVERSION_req_sub_minor="0"])
+dnl Run the detection of boost should be run only if $want_boost
dnl On 64-bit systems check for system libraries in both lib64 and lib.
dnl The former is specified by FHS, but e.g. Debian does not adhere to
dnl this (as it rises problems for generic multi-arch support).
dnl The last entry in the list is chosen by default when no libraries
dnl are found, e.g. when only header-only libraries are installed!
- libsubdirs="lib"
- ax_arch=`uname -m`
- case $ax_arch in
- x86_64)
- libsubdirs="lib64 libx32 lib lib64"
- ;;
- ppc64|s390x|sparc64|aarch64|ppc64le)
- libsubdirs="lib64 lib lib64"
- ;;
- esac
+ AS_CASE([${host_cpu}],
+ [x86_64],[libsubdirs="lib64 libx32 lib lib64"],
+ [mips*64*],[libsubdirs="lib64 lib32 lib lib64"],
+ [ppc64|powerpc64|s390x|sparc64|aarch64|ppc64le|powerpc64le|riscv64],[libsubdirs="lib64 lib lib64"],
+ [libsubdirs="lib"]
+ )
dnl allow for real multi-arch paths e.g. /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu. Give
dnl them priority over the other paths since, if libs are found there, they
dnl are almost assuredly the ones desired.
- libsubdirs="lib/${host_cpu}-${host_os} $libsubdirs"
- case ${host_cpu} in
- i?86)
- libsubdirs="lib/i386-${host_os} $libsubdirs"
- ;;
- esac
- dnl some arches may advertise a cpu type that doesn't line up with their
- dnl prefix's cpu type. For example, uname may report armv7l while libs are
- dnl installed to /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf. Try getting the compiler's
- dnl value for an extra chance of finding the correct path.
- libsubdirs="lib/`$CXX -dumpmachine 2>/dev/null` $libsubdirs"
+ AS_CASE([${host_cpu}],
+ [i?86],[multiarch_libsubdir="lib/i386-${host_os}"],
+ [armv7l],[multiarch_libsubdir="lib/arm-${host_os}"],
+ [multiarch_libsubdir="lib/${host_cpu}-${host_os}"]
+ )
dnl first we check the system location for boost libraries
dnl this location ist chosen if boost libraries are installed with the --layout=system option
dnl or if you install boost with RPM
- if test "$ac_boost_path" != ""; then
- BOOST_CPPFLAGS="-I$ac_boost_path/include"
- for ac_boost_path_tmp in $libsubdirs; do
- if test -d "$ac_boost_path"/"$ac_boost_path_tmp" ; then
- BOOST_LDFLAGS="-L$ac_boost_path/$ac_boost_path_tmp"
- break
- fi
- done
- elif test "$cross_compiling" != yes; then
- for ac_boost_path_tmp in /usr /usr/local /opt /opt/local ; do
- if test -d "$ac_boost_path_tmp/include/boost" && test -r "$ac_boost_path_tmp/include/boost"; then
- for libsubdir in $libsubdirs ; do
- if ls "$ac_boost_path_tmp/$libsubdir/libboost_"* >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then break; fi
+ AS_IF([test "x$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path" != "x"],[
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for boostlib >= $1 ($WANT_BOOST_VERSION) includes in "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/include"])
+ AS_IF([test -d "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/include" && test -r "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/include"],[
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+ BOOST_CPPFLAGS="-I$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/include"
+ for _AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp in $multiarch_libsubdir $libsubdirs; do
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for boostlib >= $1 ($WANT_BOOST_VERSION) lib path in "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp"])
+ AS_IF([test -d "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp" && test -r "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp" ],[
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+ BOOST_LDFLAGS="-L$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp";
+ break;
+ ],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])])
+ done],[
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([no])])
+ ],[
+ if test X"$cross_compiling" = Xyes; then
+ search_libsubdirs=$multiarch_libsubdir
+ else
+ search_libsubdirs="$multiarch_libsubdir $libsubdirs"
+ fi
+ for _AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp in /usr /usr/local /opt /opt/local ; do
+ if test -d "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp/include/boost" && test -r "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp/include/boost" ; then
+ for libsubdir in $search_libsubdirs ; do
+ if ls "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp/$libsubdir/libboost_"* >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then break; fi
- BOOST_LDFLAGS="-L$ac_boost_path_tmp/$libsubdir"
- BOOST_CPPFLAGS="-I$ac_boost_path_tmp/include"
+ BOOST_LDFLAGS="-L$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp/$libsubdir"
+ BOOST_CPPFLAGS="-I$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path_tmp/include"
- fi
+ ])
dnl overwrite ld flags if we have required special directory with
dnl --with-boost-libdir parameter
- if test "$ac_boost_lib_path" != ""; then
- BOOST_LDFLAGS="-L$ac_boost_lib_path"
- fi
+ AS_IF([test "x$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_lib_path" != "x"],
+ [BOOST_LDFLAGS="-L$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_lib_path"])
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for boostlib >= $1 ($WANT_BOOST_VERSION)])
@@ -158,15 +179,7 @@ if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
- @%:@include
- ]], [[
- // Everything is okay
- #else
- # error Boost version is too old
- #endif
- ]])],[
@@ -178,40 +191,50 @@ if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
dnl if we found no boost with system layout we search for boost libraries
dnl built and installed without the --layout=system option or for a staged(not installed) version
- if test "x$succeeded" != "xyes"; then
+ if test "x$succeeded" != "xyes" ; then
+ if test -z "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_lib_path" ; then
+ fi
- if test "$ac_boost_path" != ""; then
- if test -d "$ac_boost_path" && test -r "$ac_boost_path"; then
- for i in `ls -d $ac_boost_path/include/boost-* 2>/dev/null`; do
- _version_tmp=`echo $i | sed "s#$ac_boost_path##" | sed 's/\/include\/boost-//' | sed 's/_/./'`
+ if test -n "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path" ; then
+ if test -d "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path" && test -r "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path"; then
+ for i in `ls -d $_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/include/boost-* 2>/dev/null`; do
+ _version_tmp=`echo $i | sed "s#$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path##" | sed 's/\/include\/boost-//' | sed 's/_/./'`
V_CHECK=`expr $_version_tmp \> $_version`
- if test "$V_CHECK" = "1" ; then
+ if test "x$V_CHECK" = "x1" ; then
VERSION_UNDERSCORE=`echo $_version | sed 's/\./_/'`
- BOOST_CPPFLAGS="-I$ac_boost_path/include/boost-$VERSION_UNDERSCORE"
dnl if nothing found search for layout used in Windows distributions
if test -z "$BOOST_CPPFLAGS"; then
- if test -d "$ac_boost_path/boost" && test -r "$ac_boost_path/boost"; then
- BOOST_CPPFLAGS="-I$ac_boost_path"
+ if test -d "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/boost" && test -r "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/boost"; then
+ dnl if we found something and BOOST_LDFLAGS was unset before
+ dnl (because "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_lib_path" = ""), set it here.
+ if test -n "$BOOST_CPPFLAGS" && test -z "$BOOST_LDFLAGS"; then
+ for libsubdir in $libsubdirs ; do
+ if ls "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/$libsubdir/libboost_"* >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then break; fi
+ done
+ BOOST_LDFLAGS="-L$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/$libsubdir"
+ fi
- if test "$cross_compiling" != yes; then
- for ac_boost_path in /usr /usr/local /opt /opt/local ; do
- if test -d "$ac_boost_path" && test -r "$ac_boost_path"; then
- for i in `ls -d $ac_boost_path/include/boost-* 2>/dev/null`; do
- _version_tmp=`echo $i | sed "s#$ac_boost_path##" | sed 's/\/include\/boost-//' | sed 's/_/./'`
+ if test "x$cross_compiling" != "xyes" ; then
+ for _AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path in /usr /usr/local /opt /opt/local ; do
+ if test -d "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path" && test -r "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path" ; then
+ for i in `ls -d $_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path/include/boost-* 2>/dev/null`; do
+ _version_tmp=`echo $i | sed "s#$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path##" | sed 's/\/include\/boost-//' | sed 's/_/./'`
V_CHECK=`expr $_version_tmp \> $_version`
- if test "$V_CHECK" = "1" ; then
+ if test "x$V_CHECK" = "x1" ; then
- best_path=$ac_boost_path
+ best_path=$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_path
@@ -219,7 +242,7 @@ if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
VERSION_UNDERSCORE=`echo $_version | sed 's/\./_/'`
- if test "$ac_boost_lib_path" = ""; then
+ if test -z "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_lib_path" ; then
for libsubdir in $libsubdirs ; do
if ls "$best_path/$libsubdir/libboost_"* >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then break; fi
@@ -227,7 +250,7 @@ if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
- if test "x$BOOST_ROOT" != "x"; then
+ if test -n "$BOOST_ROOT" ; then
for libsubdir in $libsubdirs ; do
if ls "$BOOST_ROOT/stage/$libsubdir/libboost_"* >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then break; fi
@@ -236,7 +259,7 @@ if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
stage_version=`echo $version_dir | sed 's/boost_//' | sed 's/_/./g'`
stage_version_shorten=`expr $stage_version : '\([[0-9]]*\.[[0-9]]*\)'`
V_CHECK=`expr $stage_version_shorten \>\= $_version`
- if test "$V_CHECK" = "1" -a "$ac_boost_lib_path" = "" ; then
+ if test "x$V_CHECK" = "x1" && test -z "$_AX_BOOST_BASE_boost_lib_path" ; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE(We will use a staged boost library from $BOOST_ROOT)
@@ -251,15 +274,7 @@ if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
export LDFLAGS
- @%:@include
- ]], [[
- // Everything is okay
- #else
- # error Boost version is too old
- #endif
- ]])],[
@@ -268,17 +283,15 @@ if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
- if test "$succeeded" != "yes" ; then
- if test "$_version" = "0" ; then
- AC_MSG_NOTICE([[We could not detect the boost libraries (version $boost_lib_version_req_shorten or higher). If you have a staged boost library (still not installed) please specify \$BOOST_ROOT in your environment and do not give a PATH to --with-boost option. If you are sure you have boost installed, then check your version number looking in . See http://randspringer.de/boost for more documentation.]])
+ if test "x$succeeded" != "xyes" ; then
+ if test "x$_version" = "x0" ; then
+ AC_MSG_NOTICE([[We could not detect the boost libraries (version $1 or higher). If you have a staged boost library (still not installed) please specify \$BOOST_ROOT in your environment and do not give a PATH to --with-boost option. If you are sure you have boost installed, then check your version number looking in . See http://randspringer.de/boost for more documentation.]])
AC_MSG_NOTICE([Your boost libraries seems to old (version $_version).])
# execute ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND (if present):
ifelse([$3], , :, [$3])
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BOOST,,[define if the Boost library is available])
# execute ACTION-IF-FOUND (if present):
ifelse([$2], , :, [$2])
@@ -286,6 +299,5 @@ if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_chrono.m4 b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_chrono.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ea77b9b3e..0000000000
--- a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_chrono.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# ===========================================================================
-# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_chrono.html
-# ===========================================================================
-# Test for Chrono library from the Boost C++ libraries. The macro requires
-# a preceding call to AX_BOOST_BASE. Further documentation is available at
-# .
-# This macro calls:
-# And sets:
-# Copyright (c) 2012 Xiyue Deng
-# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
-# permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
-# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
-# warranty.
-#serial 4
- AC_ARG_WITH([boost-chrono],
- AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boost-chrono@<:@=special-lib@:>@],
- [use the Chrono library from boost - it is possible to specify a certain library for the linker
- e.g. --with-boost-chrono=boost_chrono-gcc-mt ]),
- [
- if test "$withval" = "no"; then
- want_boost="no"
- elif test "$withval" = "yes"; then
- want_boost="yes"
- ax_boost_user_chrono_lib=""
- else
- want_boost="yes"
- ax_boost_user_chrono_lib="$withval"
- fi
- ],
- [want_boost="yes"]
- )
- if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
- export CPPFLAGS
- export LDFLAGS
- AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether the Boost::Chrono library is available,
- ax_cv_boost_chrono,
- [AC_LANG_PUSH([C++])
- [[boost::chrono::system_clock::time_point* time = new boost::chrono::system_clock::time_point; delete time;]])],
- ax_cv_boost_chrono=yes, ax_cv_boost_chrono=no)
- AC_LANG_POP([C++])
- ])
- if test "x$ax_cv_boost_chrono" = "xyes"; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BOOST_CHRONO,,[define if the Boost::Chrono library is available])
- BOOSTLIBDIR=`echo $BOOST_LDFLAGS | sed -e 's/@<:@^\/@:>@*//'`
- if test "x$ax_boost_user_chrono_lib" = "x"; then
- for libextension in `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_chrono*.so* $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_chrono*.dylib* $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_chrono*.a* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^lib\(boost_chrono.*\)\.so.*$;\1;' -e 's;^lib\(boost_chrono.*\)\.dylib.*$;\1;' -e 's;^lib\(boost_chrono.*\)\.a.*$;\1;'` ; do
- ax_lib=${libextension}
- AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
- [BOOST_CHRONO_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_CHRONO_LIB) link_chrono="yes"; break],
- [link_chrono="no"])
- done
- if test "x$link_chrono" != "xyes"; then
- for libextension in `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/boost_chrono*.dll* $BOOSTLIBDIR/boost_chrono*.a* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^\(boost_chrono.*\)\.dll.*$;\1;' -e 's;^\(boost_chrono.*\)\.a.*$;\1;'` ; do
- ax_lib=${libextension}
- AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
- [BOOST_CHRONO_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_CHRONO_LIB) link_chrono="yes"; break],
- [link_chrono="no"])
- done
- fi
- else
- for ax_lib in $ax_boost_user_chrono_lib boost_chrono-$ax_boost_user_chrono_lib; do
- AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
- [BOOST_CHRONO_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_CHRONO_LIB) link_chrono="yes"; break],
- [link_chrono="no"])
- done
- fi
- if test "x$ax_lib" = "x"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the library!)
- fi
- if test "x$link_chrono" = "xno"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not link against $ax_lib !)
- fi
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_filesystem.m4 b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_filesystem.m4
index f5c9d56470..12f7bc5e2e 100644
--- a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_filesystem.m4
+++ b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_filesystem.m4
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# ===========================================================================
-# http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_filesystem.html
+# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_filesystem.html
# ===========================================================================
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
# warranty.
-#serial 26
+#serial 28
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_BOOST_FILESYSTEM],
if test "x$ax_cv_boost_filesystem" = "xyes"; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BOOST_FILESYSTEM,,[define if the Boost::Filesystem library is available])
BOOSTLIBDIR=`echo $BOOST_LDFLAGS | sed -e 's/@<:@^\/@:>@*//'`
- ax_lib=
if test "x$ax_boost_user_filesystem_lib" = "x"; then
for libextension in `ls -r $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_filesystem* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/lib,,' | sed 's,\..*,,'` ; do
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_BOOST_FILESYSTEM],
if test "x$ax_lib" = "x"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the boost_filesystem library!)
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the Boost::Filesystem library!)
if test "x$link_filesystem" != "xyes"; then
AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not link against $ax_lib !)
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_process.m4 b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_process.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d20e67464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_process.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# ===========================================================================
+# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_process.html
+# ===========================================================================
+# Test for Process library from the Boost C++ libraries. The macro
+# requires a preceding call to AX_BOOST_BASE. Further documentation is
+# available at .
+# This macro calls:
+# And sets:
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Thomas Porschberg
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Michael Tindal
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Daniel Casimiro
+# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
+# permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
+# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
+# warranty.
+#serial 2
+ AC_ARG_WITH([boost-process],
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boost-process@<:@=special-lib@:>@],
+ [use the Process library from boost - it is possible to specify a certain library for the linker
+ e.g. --with-boost-process=boost_process-gcc-mt ]),
+ [
+ if test "$withval" = "no"; then
+ want_boost_process="no"
+ elif test "$withval" = "yes"; then
+ want_boost_process="yes"
+ ax_boost_user_process_lib=""
+ else
+ want_boost_process="yes"
+ ax_boost_user_process_lib="$withval"
+ fi
+ ],
+ [want_boost_process="yes"]
+ )
+ if test "x$want_boost_process" = "xyes"; then
+ export CPPFLAGS
+ export LDFLAGS
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether the Boost::Process library is available,
+ ax_cv_boost_process,
+ [AC_LANG_PUSH([C++])
+ [[boost::process::child* child = new boost::process::child; delete child;]])],
+ ax_cv_boost_process=yes, ax_cv_boost_process=no)
+ AC_LANG_POP([C++])
+ ])
+ if test "x$ax_cv_boost_process" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BOOST_PROCESS,,[define if the Boost::Process library is available])
+ BOOSTLIBDIR=`echo $BOOST_LDFLAGS | sed -e 's/@<:@^\/@:>@*//'`
+ if test "x$ax_boost_user_process_lib" = "x"; then
+ for libextension in `ls -r $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_process* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/lib,,' | sed 's,\..*,,'` ; do
+ ax_lib=${libextension}
+ AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
+ [BOOST_PROCESS_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_PROCESS_LIB) link_process="yes"; break],
+ [link_process="no"])
+ done
+ if test "x$link_process" != "xyes"; then
+ for libextension in `ls -r $BOOSTLIBDIR/boost_process* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's,\..*,,'` ; do
+ ax_lib=${libextension}
+ AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
+ [BOOST_PROCESS_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_PROCESS_LIB) link_process="yes"; break],
+ [link_process="no"])
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ for ax_lib in $ax_boost_user_process_lib boost_process-$ax_boost_user_process_lib; do
+ AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
+ [BOOST_PROCESS_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_PROCESS_LIB) link_process="yes"; break],
+ [link_process="no"])
+ done
+ fi
+ if test "x$ax_lib" = "x"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the Boost::Process library!)
+ fi
+ if test "x$link_process" = "xno"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not link against $ax_lib !)
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_system.m4 b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_system.m4
index 1c05450cbe..323e2a676a 100644
--- a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_system.m4
+++ b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_system.m4
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# ===========================================================================
-# http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_system.html
+# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_system.html
# ===========================================================================
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
# warranty.
-#serial 18
+#serial 20
@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_BOOST_SYSTEM],
if test "x$ax_boost_user_system_lib" = "x"; then
- ax_lib=
for libextension in `ls -r $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_system* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/lib,,' | sed 's,\..*,,'` ; do
AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_BOOST_SYSTEM],
if test "x$ax_lib" = "x"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the boost_system library!)
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the Boost::System library!)
if test "x$link_system" = "xno"; then
AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not link against $ax_lib !)
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_thread.m4 b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_thread.m4
index 9f0bd0b23c..75e80e6e75 100644
--- a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_thread.m4
+++ b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_thread.m4
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# ===========================================================================
-# http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_thread.html
+# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_thread.html
# ===========================================================================
@@ -30,73 +30,96 @@
# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
# warranty.
-#serial 27
+#serial 33
- AC_ARG_WITH([boost-thread],
- AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boost-thread@<:@=special-lib@:>@],
- [use the Thread library from boost - it is possible to specify a certain library for the linker
- e.g. --with-boost-thread=boost_thread-gcc-mt ]),
+ AC_ARG_WITH([boost-thread],
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boost-thread@<:@=special-lib@:>@],
+ [use the Thread library from boost -
+ it is possible to specify a certain library for the linker
+ e.g. --with-boost-thread=boost_thread-gcc-mt ]),
- if test "$withval" = "no"; then
- want_boost="no"
- elif test "$withval" = "yes"; then
+ if test "$withval" = "yes"; then
- want_boost="yes"
- ax_boost_user_thread_lib="$withval"
- fi
+ want_boost="yes"
+ ax_boost_user_thread_lib="$withval"
+ fi
- )
+ )
- if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
+ if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
- export CPPFLAGS
+ export CPPFLAGS
- export LDFLAGS
+ export LDFLAGS
AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether the Boost::Thread library is available,
- ax_cv_boost_thread,
+ ax_cv_boost_thread,
+ case "x$host_os" in
+ xsolaris )
+ CXXFLAGS="-pthreads $CXXFLAGS"
+ break;
+ ;;
+ xmingw32 )
+ CXXFLAGS="-mthreads $CXXFLAGS"
+ break;
+ ;;
+ *android* )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ * )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ esac
- if test "x$host_os" = "xsolaris" ; then
- CXXFLAGS="-pthreads $CXXFLAGS"
- elif test "x$host_os" = "xmingw32" ; then
- CXXFLAGS="-mthreads $CXXFLAGS"
- else
- fi
- [[boost::thread_group thrds;
- return 0;]])],
- ax_cv_boost_thread=yes, ax_cv_boost_thread=no)
+ [[@%:@include ]],
+ [[boost::thread_group thrds;
+ return 0;]])],
+ ax_cv_boost_thread=yes, ax_cv_boost_thread=no)
- ])
- if test "x$ax_cv_boost_thread" = "xyes"; then
- if test "x$host_os" = "xsolaris" ; then
- elif test "x$host_os" = "xmingw32" ; then
- else
- fi
+ ])
+ if test "x$ax_cv_boost_thread" = "xyes"; then
+ case "x$host_os" in
+ xsolaris )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ xmingw32 )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ *android* )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ * )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ esac
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BOOST_THREAD,,[define if the Boost::Thread library is available])
+ [define if the Boost::Thread library is available])
BOOSTLIBDIR=`echo $BOOST_LDFLAGS | sed -e 's/@<:@^\/@:>@*//'`
case "x$host_os" in
*bsd* )
@@ -104,47 +127,61 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_BOOST_THREAD],
if test "x$ax_boost_user_thread_lib" = "x"; then
- ax_lib=
for libextension in `ls -r $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_thread* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/lib,,' | sed 's,\..*,,'`; do
- AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
- [BOOST_THREAD_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_THREAD_LIB) link_thread="yes"; break],
+ AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
+ [link_thread="yes"; break],
- done
+ done
if test "x$link_thread" != "xyes"; then
for libextension in `ls -r $BOOSTLIBDIR/boost_thread* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed 's,\..*,,'`; do
- AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
- [BOOST_THREAD_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_THREAD_LIB) link_thread="yes"; break],
+ AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
+ [link_thread="yes"; break],
- done
+ done
for ax_lib in $ax_boost_user_thread_lib boost_thread-$ax_boost_user_thread_lib; do
- AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
- [BOOST_THREAD_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_THREAD_LIB) link_thread="yes"; break],
+ AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
+ [link_thread="yes"; break],
if test "x$ax_lib" = "x"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the boost_thread library!)
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the Boost::Thread library!)
- if test "x$link_thread" = "xno"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not link against $ax_lib !)
- else
- case "x$host_os" in
- *bsd* )
- break;
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- fi
+ if test "x$link_thread" = "xno"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not link against $ax_lib !)
+ else
+ BOOST_THREAD_LIB="-l$ax_lib"
+ case "x$host_os" in
+ *bsd* )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ xsolaris )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ xmingw32 )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ *android* )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ * )
+ break;
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ fi
- fi
+ fi
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4 b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4
index 3d8e93e964..4cca32fcfd 100644
--- a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4
+++ b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
# warranty.
-#serial 21
+#serial 22
if test "x$ax_lib" = "x"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the library!)
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the Boost::Unit_Test_Framework library!)
if test "x$link_unit_test_framework" != "xyes"; then
AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not link against $ax_lib !)
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4 b/build-aux/m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4
index f147cee3b1..43087b2e68 100644
--- a/build-aux/m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4
+++ b/build-aux/m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# ===========================================================================
-# http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.html
+# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.html
# ===========================================================================
@@ -33,21 +33,23 @@
# Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Google Inc.; contributed by Alexey Sokolov
# Copyright (c) 2015 Paul Norman
# Copyright (c) 2015 Moritz Klammler
+# Copyright (c) 2016, 2018 Krzesimir Nowak
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Enji Cooper
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
# permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
# warranty.
-#serial 4
+#serial 11
dnl This macro is based on the code from the AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11 macro
dnl (serial version number 13).
- m4_if([$1], [11], [],
- [$1], [14], [],
- [$1], [17], [m4_fatal([support for C++17 not yet implemented in AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX])],
+ m4_if([$1], [11], [ax_cxx_compile_alternatives="11 0x"],
+ [$1], [14], [ax_cxx_compile_alternatives="14 1y"],
+ [$1], [17], [ax_cxx_compile_alternatives="17 1z"],
[m4_fatal([invalid first argument `$1' to AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX])])dnl
m4_if([$2], [], [],
[$2], [ext], [],
@@ -57,26 +59,13 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX], [dnl
[$3], [mandatory], [ax_cxx_compile_cxx$1_required=true],
[$3], [optional], [ax_cxx_compile_cxx$1_required=false],
[m4_fatal([invalid third argument `$3' to AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX])])
- m4_if([$4], [], [ax_cxx_compile_cxx$1_try_default=true],
- [$4], [default], [ax_cxx_compile_cxx$1_try_default=true],
- [$4], [nodefault], [ax_cxx_compile_cxx$1_try_default=false],
- [m4_fatal([invalid fourth argument `$4' to AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX])])
- m4_if([$4], [nodefault], [], [dnl
- AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether $CXX supports C++$1 features by default,
- ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx$1,
- [ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx$1=yes],
- [ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx$1=no])])
- if test x$ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx$1 = xyes; then
- ac_success=yes
- fi])
m4_if([$2], [noext], [], [dnl
if test x$ac_success = xno; then
- for switch in -std=gnu++$1 -std=gnu++0x; do
+ for alternative in ${ax_cxx_compile_alternatives}; do
+ switch="-std=gnu++${alternative}"
AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether $CXX supports C++$1 features with $switch,
@@ -102,22 +91,27 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX], [dnl
dnl HP's aCC needs +std=c++11 according to:
dnl http://h21007.www2.hp.com/portal/download/files/unprot/aCxx/PDF_Release_Notes/769149-001.pdf
dnl Cray's crayCC needs "-h std=c++11"
- for switch in -std=c++$1 -std=c++0x +std=c++$1 "-h std=c++$1"; do
- cachevar=AS_TR_SH([ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx$1_$switch])
- AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether $CXX supports C++$1 features with $switch,
- $cachevar,
- [ac_save_CXX="$CXX"
- CXX="$CXX $switch"
- [eval $cachevar=yes],
- [eval $cachevar=no])
- CXX="$ac_save_CXX"])
- if eval test x\$$cachevar = xyes; then
- CXX="$CXX $switch"
- if test -n "$CXXCPP" ; then
- CXXCPP="$CXXCPP $switch"
+ for alternative in ${ax_cxx_compile_alternatives}; do
+ for switch in -std=c++${alternative} +std=c++${alternative} "-h std=c++${alternative}"; do
+ cachevar=AS_TR_SH([ax_cv_cxx_compile_cxx$1_$switch])
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether $CXX supports C++$1 features with $switch,
+ $cachevar,
+ [ac_save_CXX="$CXX"
+ CXX="$CXX $switch"
+ [eval $cachevar=yes],
+ [eval $cachevar=no])
+ CXX="$ac_save_CXX"])
+ if eval test x\$$cachevar = xyes; then
+ CXX="$CXX $switch"
+ if test -n "$CXXCPP" ; then
+ CXXCPP="$CXXCPP $switch"
+ fi
+ ac_success=yes
+ break
- ac_success=yes
+ done
+ if test x$ac_success = xyes; then
@@ -154,6 +148,11 @@ m4_define([_AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_testbody_14],
+ _AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_testbody_new_in_11
+ _AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_testbody_new_in_14
+ _AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_testbody_new_in_17
dnl Tests for new features in C++11
@@ -191,11 +190,13 @@ namespace cxx11
struct Base
+ virtual ~Base() {}
virtual void f() {}
struct Derived : public Base
+ virtual ~Derived() override {}
virtual void f() override {}
@@ -524,7 +525,7 @@ namespace cxx14
- namespace test_digit_seperators
+ namespace test_digit_separators
constexpr auto ten_million = 100'000'000;
@@ -566,3 +567,385 @@ namespace cxx14
#endif // __cplusplus >= 201402L
+dnl Tests for new features in C++17
+m4_define([_AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_testbody_new_in_17], [[
+// If the compiler admits that it is not ready for C++17, why torture it?
+// Hopefully, this will speed up the test.
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#error "This is not a C++ compiler"
+#elif __cplusplus < 201703L
+#error "This is not a C++17 compiler"
+namespace cxx17
+ namespace test_constexpr_lambdas
+ {
+ constexpr int foo = [](){return 42;}();
+ }
+ namespace test::nested_namespace::definitions
+ {
+ }
+ namespace test_fold_expression
+ {
+ template
+ int multiply(Args... args)
+ {
+ return (args * ... * 1);
+ }
+ template
+ bool all(Args... args)
+ {
+ return (args && ...);
+ }
+ }
+ namespace test_extended_static_assert
+ {
+ static_assert (true);
+ }
+ namespace test_auto_brace_init_list
+ {
+ auto foo = {5};
+ auto bar {5};
+ static_assert(std::is_same, decltype(foo)>::value);
+ static_assert(std::is_same::value);
+ }
+ namespace test_typename_in_template_template_parameter
+ {
+ template typename X> struct D;
+ }
+ namespace test_fallthrough_nodiscard_maybe_unused_attributes
+ {
+ int f1()
+ {
+ return 42;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] int f2()
+ {
+ [[maybe_unused]] auto unused = f1();
+ switch (f1())
+ {
+ case 17:
+ f1();
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case 42:
+ f1();
+ }
+ return f1();
+ }
+ }
+ namespace test_extended_aggregate_initialization
+ {
+ struct base1
+ {
+ int b1, b2 = 42;
+ };
+ struct base2
+ {
+ base2() {
+ b3 = 42;
+ }
+ int b3;
+ };
+ struct derived : base1, base2
+ {
+ int d;
+ };
+ derived d1 {{1, 2}, {}, 4}; // full initialization
+ derived d2 {{}, {}, 4}; // value-initialized bases
+ }
+ namespace test_general_range_based_for_loop
+ {
+ struct iter
+ {
+ int i;
+ int& operator* ()
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ const int& operator* () const
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ iter& operator++()
+ {
+ ++i;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ };
+ struct sentinel
+ {
+ int i;
+ };
+ bool operator== (const iter& i, const sentinel& s)
+ {
+ return i.i == s.i;
+ }
+ bool operator!= (const iter& i, const sentinel& s)
+ {
+ return !(i == s);
+ }
+ struct range
+ {
+ iter begin() const
+ {
+ return {0};
+ }
+ sentinel end() const
+ {
+ return {5};
+ }
+ };
+ void f()
+ {
+ range r {};
+ for (auto i : r)
+ {
+ [[maybe_unused]] auto v = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ namespace test_lambda_capture_asterisk_this_by_value
+ {
+ struct t
+ {
+ int i;
+ int foo()
+ {
+ return [*this]()
+ {
+ return i;
+ }();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ namespace test_enum_class_construction
+ {
+ enum class byte : unsigned char
+ {};
+ byte foo {42};
+ }
+ namespace test_constexpr_if
+ {
+ template
+ int f ()
+ {
+ if constexpr(cond)
+ {
+ return 13;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 42;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ namespace test_selection_statement_with_initializer
+ {
+ int f()
+ {
+ return 13;
+ }
+ int f2()
+ {
+ if (auto i = f(); i > 0)
+ {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ switch (auto i = f(); i + 4)
+ {
+ case 17:
+ return 2;
+ default:
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ namespace test_template_argument_deduction_for_class_templates
+ {
+ template
+ struct pair
+ {
+ pair (T1 p1, T2 p2)
+ : m1 {p1},
+ m2 {p2}
+ {}
+ T1 m1;
+ T2 m2;
+ };
+ void f()
+ {
+ [[maybe_unused]] auto p = pair{13, 42u};
+ }
+ }
+ namespace test_non_type_auto_template_parameters
+ {
+ template
+ struct B
+ {};
+ B<5> b1;
+ B<'a'> b2;
+ }
+ namespace test_structured_bindings
+ {
+ int arr[2] = { 1, 2 };
+ std::pair pr = { 1, 2 };
+ auto f1() -> int(&)[2]
+ {
+ return arr;
+ }
+ auto f2() -> std::pair&
+ {
+ return pr;
+ }
+ struct S
+ {
+ int x1 : 2;
+ volatile double y1;
+ };
+ S f3()
+ {
+ return {};
+ }
+ auto [ x1, y1 ] = f1();
+ auto& [ xr1, yr1 ] = f1();
+ auto [ x2, y2 ] = f2();
+ auto& [ xr2, yr2 ] = f2();
+ const auto [ x3, y3 ] = f3();
+ }
+ namespace test_exception_spec_type_system
+ {
+ struct Good {};
+ struct Bad {};
+ void g1() noexcept;
+ void g2();
+ template
+ Bad
+ f(T*, T*);
+ template
+ Good
+ f(T1*, T2*);
+ static_assert (std::is_same_v);
+ }
+ namespace test_inline_variables
+ {
+ template void f(T)
+ {}
+ template inline T g(T)
+ {
+ return T{};
+ }
+ template<> inline void f<>(int)
+ {}
+ template<> int g<>(int)
+ {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace cxx17
+#endif // __cplusplus < 201703L
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/ax_pthread.m4 b/build-aux/m4/ax_pthread.m4
index 4c4051ea37..1598d077ff 100644
--- a/build-aux/m4/ax_pthread.m4
+++ b/build-aux/m4/ax_pthread.m4
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# ===========================================================================
-# http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_pthread.html
+# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_pthread.html
# ===========================================================================
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008 Steven G. Johnson
# Copyright (c) 2011 Daniel Richard G.
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Marc Stevens
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program. If not, see .
+# with this program. If not, see .
# As a special exception, the respective Autoconf Macro's copyright owner
# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@
# modified version of the Autoconf Macro, you may extend this special
# exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well.
-#serial 23
+#serial 27
@@ -123,10 +124,12 @@ fi
# (e.g. DEC) have both -lpthread and -lpthreads, where one of the
# libraries is broken (non-POSIX).
-# Create a list of thread flags to try. Items starting with a "-" are
-# C compiler flags, and other items are library names, except for "none"
-# which indicates that we try without any flags at all, and "pthread-config"
-# which is a program returning the flags for the Pth emulation library.
+# Create a list of thread flags to try. Items with a "," contain both
+# C compiler flags (before ",") and linker flags (after ","). Other items
+# starting with a "-" are C compiler flags, and remaining items are
+# library names, except for "none" which indicates that we try without
+# any flags at all, and "pthread-config" which is a program returning
+# the flags for the Pth emulation library.
ax_pthread_flags="pthreads none -Kthread -pthread -pthreads -mthreads pthread --thread-safe -mt pthread-config"
@@ -194,14 +197,47 @@ case $host_os in
# that too in a future libc.) So we'll check first for the
# standard Solaris way of linking pthreads (-mt -lpthread).
- ax_pthread_flags="-mt,pthread pthread $ax_pthread_flags"
+ ax_pthread_flags="-mt,-lpthread pthread $ax_pthread_flags"
+# Are we compiling with Clang?
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $CC is Clang],
+ [ax_cv_PTHREAD_CLANG],
+ [ax_cv_PTHREAD_CLANG=no
+ # Note that Autoconf sets GCC=yes for Clang as well as GCC
+ if test "x$GCC" = "xyes"; then
+ [/* Note: Clang 2.7 lacks __clang_[a-z]+__ */
+# if defined(__clang__) && defined(__llvm__)
+# endif
+ ],
+ [ax_cv_PTHREAD_CLANG=yes])
+ fi
+ ])
# GCC generally uses -pthread, or -pthreads on some platforms (e.g. SPARC)
+# Note that for GCC and Clang -pthread generally implies -lpthread,
+# except when -nostdlib is passed.
+# This is problematic using libtool to build C++ shared libraries with pthread:
+# [1] https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25460
+# [2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=661333
+# [3] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=468555
+# To solve this, first try -pthread together with -lpthread for GCC
AS_IF([test "x$GCC" = "xyes"],
- [ax_pthread_flags="-pthread -pthreads $ax_pthread_flags"])
+ [ax_pthread_flags="-pthread,-lpthread -pthread -pthreads $ax_pthread_flags"])
+# Clang takes -pthread (never supported any other flag), but we'll try with -lpthread first
+AS_IF([test "x$ax_pthread_clang" = "xyes"],
+ [ax_pthread_flags="-pthread,-lpthread -pthread"])
# The presence of a feature test macro requesting re-entrant function
# definitions is, on some systems, a strong hint that pthreads support is
@@ -224,25 +260,86 @@ AS_IF([test "x$ax_pthread_check_macro" = "x--"],
-# Are we compiling with Clang?
-AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $CC is Clang],
- [ax_cv_PTHREAD_CLANG],
- [ax_cv_PTHREAD_CLANG=no
- # Note that Autoconf sets GCC=yes for Clang as well as GCC
- if test "x$GCC" = "xyes"; then
- [/* Note: Clang 2.7 lacks __clang_[a-z]+__ */
-# if defined(__clang__) && defined(__llvm__)
-# endif
- ],
- [ax_cv_PTHREAD_CLANG=yes])
- fi
- ])
+if test "x$ax_pthread_ok" = "xno"; then
+for ax_pthread_try_flag in $ax_pthread_flags; do
+ case $ax_pthread_try_flag in
+ none)
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether pthreads work without any flags])
+ ;;
+ *,*)
+ PTHREAD_CFLAGS=`echo $ax_pthread_try_flag | sed "s/^\(.*\),\(.*\)$/\1/"`
+ PTHREAD_LIBS=`echo $ax_pthread_try_flag | sed "s/^\(.*\),\(.*\)$/\2/"`
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether pthreads work with "$PTHREAD_CFLAGS" and "$PTHREAD_LIBS"])
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether pthreads work with $ax_pthread_try_flag])
+ PTHREAD_CFLAGS="$ax_pthread_try_flag"
+ ;;
+ pthread-config)
+ AC_CHECK_PROG([ax_pthread_config], [pthread-config], [yes], [no])
+ AS_IF([test "x$ax_pthread_config" = "xno"], [continue])
+ PTHREAD_CFLAGS="`pthread-config --cflags`"
+ PTHREAD_LIBS="`pthread-config --ldflags` `pthread-config --libs`"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for the pthreads library -l$ax_pthread_try_flag])
+ PTHREAD_LIBS="-l$ax_pthread_try_flag"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ax_pthread_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+ ax_pthread_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ # Check for various functions. We must include pthread.h,
+ # since some functions may be macros. (On the Sequent, we
+ # need a special flag -Kthread to make this header compile.)
+ # We check for pthread_join because it is in -lpthread on IRIX
+ # while pthread_create is in libc. We check for pthread_attr_init
+ # due to DEC craziness with -lpthreads. We check for
+ # pthread_cleanup_push because it is one of the few pthread
+ # functions on Solaris that doesn't have a non-functional libc stub.
+ # We try pthread_create on general principles.
+# if $ax_pthread_check_cond
+# error "$ax_pthread_check_macro must be defined"
+# endif
+ static void *some_global = NULL;
+ static void routine(void *a)
+ {
+ /* To avoid any unused-parameter or
+ unused-but-set-parameter warning. */
+ some_global = a;
+ }
+ static void *start_routine(void *a) { return a; }],
+ [pthread_t th; pthread_attr_t attr;
+ pthread_create(&th, 0, start_routine, 0);
+ pthread_join(th, 0);
+ pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+ pthread_cleanup_push(routine, 0);
+ pthread_cleanup_pop(0) /* ; */])],
+ [ax_pthread_ok=yes],
+ [])
+ CFLAGS="$ax_pthread_save_CFLAGS"
+ LIBS="$ax_pthread_save_LIBS"
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$ax_pthread_ok])
+ AS_IF([test "x$ax_pthread_ok" = "xyes"], [break])
# Clang needs special handling, because older versions handle the -pthread
# option in a rather... idiosyncratic way
@@ -261,11 +358,6 @@ if test "x$ax_pthread_clang" = "xyes"; then
# -pthread does define _REENTRANT, and while the Darwin headers
# ignore this macro, third-party headers might not.)
- PTHREAD_CFLAGS="-pthread"
- ax_pthread_ok=yes
# However, older versions of Clang make a point of warning the user
# that, in an invocation where only linking and no compilation is
# taking place, the -pthread option has no effect ("argument unused
@@ -320,78 +412,7 @@ if test "x$ax_pthread_clang" = "xyes"; then
fi # $ax_pthread_clang = yes
-if test "x$ax_pthread_ok" = "xno"; then
-for ax_pthread_try_flag in $ax_pthread_flags; do
- case $ax_pthread_try_flag in
- none)
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether pthreads work without any flags])
- ;;
- -mt,pthread)
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether pthreads work with -mt -lpthread])
- PTHREAD_LIBS="-lpthread"
- ;;
- -*)
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether pthreads work with $ax_pthread_try_flag])
- PTHREAD_CFLAGS="$ax_pthread_try_flag"
- ;;
- pthread-config)
- AC_CHECK_PROG([ax_pthread_config], [pthread-config], [yes], [no])
- AS_IF([test "x$ax_pthread_config" = "xno"], [continue])
- PTHREAD_CFLAGS="`pthread-config --cflags`"
- PTHREAD_LIBS="`pthread-config --ldflags` `pthread-config --libs`"
- ;;
- *)
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for the pthreads library -l$ax_pthread_try_flag])
- PTHREAD_LIBS="-l$ax_pthread_try_flag"
- ;;
- esac
- ax_pthread_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
- ax_pthread_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
- # Check for various functions. We must include pthread.h,
- # since some functions may be macros. (On the Sequent, we
- # need a special flag -Kthread to make this header compile.)
- # We check for pthread_join because it is in -lpthread on IRIX
- # while pthread_create is in libc. We check for pthread_attr_init
- # due to DEC craziness with -lpthreads. We check for
- # pthread_cleanup_push because it is one of the few pthread
- # functions on Solaris that doesn't have a non-functional libc stub.
- # We try pthread_create on general principles.
-# if $ax_pthread_check_cond
-# error "$ax_pthread_check_macro must be defined"
-# endif
- static void routine(void *a) { a = 0; }
- static void *start_routine(void *a) { return a; }],
- [pthread_t th; pthread_attr_t attr;
- pthread_create(&th, 0, start_routine, 0);
- pthread_join(th, 0);
- pthread_attr_init(&attr);
- pthread_cleanup_push(routine, 0);
- pthread_cleanup_pop(0) /* ; */])],
- [ax_pthread_ok=yes],
- [])
- CFLAGS="$ax_pthread_save_CFLAGS"
- LIBS="$ax_pthread_save_LIBS"
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$ax_pthread_ok])
- AS_IF([test "x$ax_pthread_ok" = "xyes"], [break])
# Various other checks:
if test "x$ax_pthread_ok" = "xyes"; then
@@ -438,7 +459,8 @@ if test "x$ax_pthread_ok" = "xyes"; then
- [[int i = PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT;]])],
+ return i;]])],
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/bitcoin_find_bdb48.m4 b/build-aux/m4/bitcoin_find_bdb48.m4
index ea9c795daa..aa0111e5a2 100644
--- a/build-aux/m4/bitcoin_find_bdb48.m4
+++ b/build-aux/m4/bitcoin_find_bdb48.m4
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([BITCOIN_FIND_BDB48],[
if test "x$BDB_LIBS" = "x"; then
# TODO: Ideally this could find the library version and make sure it matches the headers being used
for searchlib in db_cxx-4.8 db_cxx db4_cxx; do
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/bitcoin_qt.m4 b/build-aux/m4/bitcoin_qt.m4
index 1a7c5d5f7d..6c7665830b 100644
--- a/build-aux/m4/bitcoin_qt.m4
+++ b/build-aux/m4/bitcoin_qt.m4
@@ -72,32 +72,33 @@ AC_DEFUN([BITCOIN_QT_INIT],[
- [enable DBus support (default is yes if qt is enabled and QtDBus is found)])],
+ [enable DBus support (default is yes if qt is enabled and QtDBus is found, except on Android)])],
+ dnl Android doesn't support D-Bus and certainly doesn't use it for notifications
+ case $host in
+ *android*)
+ if test "x$use_dbus" != xyes; then
+ use_dbus=no
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
-dnl Find the appropriate version of Qt libraries and includes.
-dnl Inputs: $1: Whether or not pkg-config should be used. yes|no. Default: yes.
-dnl Inputs: $2: If $1 is "yes" and --with-gui=auto, which qt version should be
-dnl tried first.
-dnl Outputs: See _BITCOIN_QT_FIND_LIBS_*
+dnl Find Qt libraries and includes.
+dnl Outputs: See _BITCOIN_QT_FIND_LIBS
dnl Outputs: Sets variables for all qt-related tools.
dnl Outputs: bitcoin_enable_qt, bitcoin_enable_qt_dbus, bitcoin_enable_qt_test
- use_pkgconfig=$1
- if test "x$use_pkgconfig" = x; then
- use_pkgconfig=yes
- fi
- if test "x$use_pkgconfig" = xyes; then
- else
- fi
+ qt_version=">= $1"
+ qt_lib_prefix="Qt5"
dnl This is ugly and complicated. Yuck. Works as follows:
dnl For Qt5, we can check a header to find out whether Qt is build
@@ -116,8 +117,10 @@ AC_DEFUN([BITCOIN_QT_CONFIGURE],[
if test "x$bitcoin_cv_static_qt" = xyes; then
AC_DEFINE(QT_STATICPLUGIN, 1, [Define this symbol if qt plugins are static])
- _BITCOIN_QT_CHECK_STATIC_PLUGINS([Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QMinimalIntegrationPlugin)],[-lqminimal])
- AC_DEFINE(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_MINIMAL, 1, [Define this symbol if the minimal qt platform exists])
+ if test "x$TARGET_OS" != xandroid; then
+ _BITCOIN_QT_CHECK_STATIC_PLUGINS([Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QMinimalIntegrationPlugin)],[-lqminimal])
+ AC_DEFINE(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_MINIMAL, 1, [Define this symbol if the minimal qt platform exists])
+ fi
if test "x$TARGET_OS" = xwindows; then
AC_DEFINE(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_WINDOWS, 1, [Define this symbol if the qt platform is windows])
@@ -128,13 +131,16 @@ AC_DEFUN([BITCOIN_QT_CONFIGURE],[
AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-framework IOKit]],[QT_LIBS="$QT_LIBS -framework IOKit"],[AC_MSG_ERROR(could not iokit framework)])
AC_DEFINE(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_COCOA, 1, [Define this symbol if the qt platform is cocoa])
+ elif test "x$TARGET_OS" = xandroid; then
+ QT_LIBS="-Wl,--export-dynamic,--undefined=JNI_OnLoad -lqtforandroid -ljnigraphics -landroid -lqtfreetype -lQt5EglSupport $QT_LIBS"
+ AC_DEFINE(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_ANDROID, 1, [Define this symbol if the qt platform is android])
- if test "x$use_pkgconfig$qt_bin_path" = xyes; then
+ if test "x$qt_bin_path" = x; then
qt_bin_path="`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=host_bins Qt5Core 2>/dev/null`"
@@ -208,7 +214,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([BITCOIN_QT_CONFIGURE],[
dnl enable qt support
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build ]AC_PACKAGE_NAME[ GUI])
@@ -228,7 +234,11 @@ AC_DEFUN([BITCOIN_QT_CONFIGURE],[
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$bitcoin_enable_qt (Qt5)])
+ if test x$bitcoin_enable_qt = xyes; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$bitcoin_enable_qt ($qt_lib_prefix)])
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$bitcoin_enable_qt])
+ fi
@@ -246,57 +256,15 @@ dnl All macros below are internal and should _not_ be used from the main
dnl configure.ac.
dnl ----
-dnl Internal. Check included version of Qt against minimum specified in doc/dependencies.md
-dnl Requires: INCLUDES must be populated as necessary.
-dnl Output: bitcoin_cv_qt5=yes|no
- AC_CACHE_CHECK(for Qt 5, bitcoin_cv_qt5,[
- #include
- #ifndef QT_VERSION
- # include
- #endif
- ]],
- [[
- #if QT_VERSION < 0x050501
- choke
- #endif
- ]])],
- [bitcoin_cv_qt5=yes],
- [bitcoin_cv_qt5=no])
-dnl Internal. Check if the included version of Qt is greater than Qt58.
-dnl Requires: INCLUDES must be populated as necessary.
-dnl Output: bitcoin_cv_qt5=yes|no
- AC_CACHE_CHECK(for > Qt 5.7, bitcoin_cv_qt58,[
- #include
- #ifndef QT_VERSION
- # include
- #endif
- ]],
- [[
- choke
- #endif
- ]])],
- [bitcoin_cv_qt58=yes],
- [bitcoin_cv_qt58=no])
dnl Internal. Check if the linked version of Qt was built as static libs.
dnl Requires: Qt5.
dnl Requires: INCLUDES and LIBS must be populated as necessary.
dnl Output: bitcoin_cv_static_qt=yes|no
-dnl Output: Defines QT_STATICPLUGIN if plugins are static.
AC_CACHE_CHECK(for static Qt, bitcoin_cv_static_qt,[
+ #ifndef QT_VERSION
# include
@@ -308,9 +276,6 @@ AC_DEFUN([_BITCOIN_QT_IS_STATIC],[
- if test "x$bitcoin_cv_static_qt" = xyes; then
- AC_DEFINE(QT_STATICPLUGIN, 1, [Define this symbol for static Qt plugins])
- fi
dnl Internal. Check if the link-requirements for static plugins are met.
@@ -341,169 +306,52 @@ AC_DEFUN([_BITCOIN_QT_FIND_STATIC_PLUGINS],[
if test -d "$qt_plugin_path/accessible"; then
QT_LIBS="$QT_LIBS -L$qt_plugin_path/accessible"
- if test "x$use_pkgconfig" = xyes; then
- : dnl
- m4_ifdef([PKG_CHECK_MODULES],[
- if test x$bitcoin_cv_qt58 = xno; then
- else
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTFONTDATABASE], [Qt5FontDatabaseSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5FontDatabaseSupport $QT_LIBS"])
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTEVENTDISPATCHER], [Qt5EventDispatcherSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5EventDispatcherSupport $QT_LIBS"])
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTTHEME], [Qt5ThemeSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5ThemeSupport $QT_LIBS"])
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTDEVICEDISCOVERY], [Qt5DeviceDiscoverySupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5DeviceDiscoverySupport $QT_LIBS"])
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTACCESSIBILITY], [Qt5AccessibilitySupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5AccessibilitySupport $QT_LIBS"])
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTFB], [Qt5FbSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5FbSupport $QT_LIBS"])
- fi
- if test "x$TARGET_OS" = xlinux; then
- elif test "x$TARGET_OS" = xdarwin; then
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTCLIPBOARD], [Qt5ClipboardSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5ClipboardSupport $QT_LIBS"])
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTGRAPHICS], [Qt5GraphicsSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5GraphicsSupport $QT_LIBS"])
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTCGL], [Qt5CglSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5CglSupport $QT_LIBS"])
- fi
- ])
- else
- if test "x$TARGET_OS" = xwindows; then
- AC_CACHE_CHECK(for Qt >= 5.6, bitcoin_cv_need_platformsupport,[
- #include
- #ifndef QT_VERSION
- # include
- #endif
- ]],
- [[
- #if QT_VERSION < 0x050600 || QT_VERSION_MINOR < 6
- choke
- #endif
- ]])],
- [bitcoin_cv_need_platformsupport=yes],
- [bitcoin_cv_need_platformsupport=no])
- ])
- if test "x$bitcoin_cv_need_platformsupport" = xyes; then
- if test x$bitcoin_cv_qt58 = xno; then
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_CHECK_LIB([${QT_LIB_PREFIX}PlatformSupport],[main],,BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(lib$QT_LIB_PREFIXPlatformSupport not found)))
- else
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_CHECK_LIB([${QT_LIB_PREFIX}FontDatabaseSupport],[main],,BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(lib$QT_LIB_PREFIXFontDatabaseSupport not found)))
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_CHECK_LIB([${QT_LIB_PREFIX}EventDispatcherSupport],[main],,BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(lib$QT_LIB_PREFIXEventDispatcherSupport not found)))
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_CHECK_LIB([${QT_LIB_PREFIX}ThemeSupport],[main],,BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(lib$QT_LIB_PREFIXThemeSupport not found)))
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_CHECK_LIB([${QT_LIB_PREFIX}DeviceDiscoverySupport],[main],,BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(lib$QT_LIB_PREFIXDeviceDiscoverySupport not found)))
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_CHECK_LIB([${QT_LIB_PREFIX}AccessibilitySupport],[main],,BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(lib$QT_LIB_PREFIXAccessibilitySupport not found)))
- QT_LIBS="$QT_LIBS -lversion -ldwmapi -luxtheme"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
-dnl Internal. Find Qt libraries using pkg-config.
-dnl Inputs: bitcoin_qt_want_version (from --with-gui=). The version to check
-dnl first.
-dnl Inputs: $1: If bitcoin_qt_want_version is "auto", check for this version
-dnl first.
-dnl Outputs: All necessary QT_* variables are set.
-dnl Outputs: have_qt_test and have_qt_dbus are set (if applicable) to yes|no.
- m4_ifdef([PKG_CHECK_MODULES],[
- qt5_modules="Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Network Qt5Widgets"
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QT5], [$qt5_modules], [QT_INCLUDES="$QT5_CFLAGS"; QT_LIBS="$QT5_LIBS" have_qt=yes],[have_qt=no])
- if test "x$have_qt" != xyes; then
- have_qt=no
- BITCOIN_QT_FAIL([Qt dependencies not found])
+ if test -d "$qt_plugin_path/platforms/android"; then
+ QT_LIBS="$QT_LIBS -L$qt_plugin_path/platforms/android -lqtfreetype -lEGL"
- ])
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QT_TEST], [${QT_LIB_PREFIX}Test], [QT_TEST_INCLUDES="$QT_TEST_CFLAGS"; have_qt_test=yes], [have_qt_test=no])
- if test "x$use_dbus" != xno; then
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QT_DBUS], [${QT_LIB_PREFIX}DBus], [QT_DBUS_INCLUDES="$QT_DBUS_CFLAGS"; have_qt_dbus=yes], [have_qt_dbus=no])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTFONTDATABASE], [Qt5FontDatabaseSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5FontDatabaseSupport $QT_LIBS"])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTEVENTDISPATCHER], [Qt5EventDispatcherSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5EventDispatcherSupport $QT_LIBS"])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTTHEME], [Qt5ThemeSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5ThemeSupport $QT_LIBS"])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTDEVICEDISCOVERY], [Qt5DeviceDiscoverySupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5DeviceDiscoverySupport $QT_LIBS"])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTACCESSIBILITY], [Qt5AccessibilitySupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5AccessibilitySupport $QT_LIBS"])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTFB], [Qt5FbSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5FbSupport $QT_LIBS"])
+ if test "x$TARGET_OS" = xlinux; then
+ elif test "x$TARGET_OS" = xdarwin; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTCLIPBOARD], [Qt5ClipboardSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5ClipboardSupport $QT_LIBS"])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTGRAPHICS], [Qt5GraphicsSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5GraphicsSupport $QT_LIBS"])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QTCGL], [Qt5CglSupport], [QT_LIBS="-lQt5CglSupport $QT_LIBS"])
- ])
- ])
- true; dnl
+ fi
-dnl Internal. Find Qt libraries without using pkg-config. Version is deduced
-dnl from the discovered headers.
-dnl Inputs: bitcoin_qt_want_version (from --with-gui=). The version to use.
-dnl If "auto", the version will be discovered by _BITCOIN_QT_CHECK_QT5.
+dnl Internal. Find Qt libraries using pkg-config.
dnl Outputs: All necessary QT_* variables are set.
dnl Outputs: have_qt_test and have_qt_dbus are set (if applicable) to yes|no.
- if test "x$qt_include_path" != x; then
- QT_INCLUDES="-I$qt_include_path -I$qt_include_path/QtCore -I$qt_include_path/QtGui -I$qt_include_path/QtWidgets -I$qt_include_path/QtNetwork -I$qt_include_path/QtTest -I$qt_include_path/QtDBus"
- fi
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QT_CORE], [${qt_lib_prefix}Core $qt_version], [],
+ [BITCOIN_QT_FAIL([${qt_lib_prefix}Core $qt_version not found])])
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK([AC_CHECK_HEADER([QtPlugin],,BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(QtCore headers missing))])
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK([AC_CHECK_HEADER([QApplication],, BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(QtGui headers missing))])
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK([AC_CHECK_HEADER([QLocalSocket],, BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(QtNetwork headers missing))])
- if test "x$bitcoin_qt_want_version" = xauto; then
- fi
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QT_GUI], [${qt_lib_prefix}Gui $qt_version], [],
+ [BITCOIN_QT_FAIL([${qt_lib_prefix}Gui $qt_version not found])])
- if test "x$qt_lib_path" != x; then
- LIBS="$LIBS -L$qt_lib_path"
- fi
- if test "x$TARGET_OS" = xwindows; then
- AC_CHECK_LIB([imm32], [main],, BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(libimm32 not found))
- fi
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QT_WIDGETS], [${qt_lib_prefix}Widgets $qt_version], [],
+ [BITCOIN_QT_FAIL([${qt_lib_prefix}Widgets $qt_version not found])])
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_CHECK_LIB([z] ,[main],,AC_MSG_WARN([zlib not found. Assuming qt has it built-in])))
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_SEARCH_LIBS([jpeg_create_decompress] ,[qtjpeg jpeg],,AC_MSG_WARN([libjpeg not found. Assuming qt has it built-in])))
- if test x$bitcoin_cv_qt58 = xno; then
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_SEARCH_LIBS([png_error] ,[qtpng png],,AC_MSG_WARN([libpng not found. Assuming qt has it built-in])))
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_SEARCH_LIBS([pcre16_exec], [qtpcre pcre16],,AC_MSG_WARN([libpcre16 not found. Assuming qt has it built-in])))
- else
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_SEARCH_LIBS([png_error] ,[qtlibpng png],,AC_MSG_WARN([libpng not found. Assuming qt has it built-in])))
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_SEARCH_LIBS([pcre2_match_16], [qtpcre2 libqtpcre2],,AC_MSG_WARN([libqtpcre2 not found. Assuming qt has it built-in])))
- fi
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_SEARCH_LIBS([hb_ot_tags_from_script] ,[qtharfbuzzng qtharfbuzz harfbuzz],,AC_MSG_WARN([libharfbuzz not found. Assuming qt has it built-in or support is disabled])))
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QT_NETWORK], [${qt_lib_prefix}Network $qt_version], [],
+ [BITCOIN_QT_FAIL([${qt_lib_prefix}Network $qt_version not found])])
+ ])
- if test "x$qt_lib_path" != x; then
- LIBS="-L$qt_lib_path"
- fi
- AC_CHECK_LIB([${QT_LIB_PREFIX}Test], [main],, have_qt_test=no)
- AC_CHECK_HEADER([QTest],, have_qt_test=no)
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QT_TEST], [${qt_lib_prefix}Test $qt_version], [QT_TEST_INCLUDES="$QT_TEST_CFLAGS"; have_qt_test=yes], [have_qt_test=no])
if test "x$use_dbus" != xno; then
- if test "x$qt_lib_path" != x; then
- LIBS="-L$qt_lib_path"
- fi
- AC_CHECK_LIB([${QT_LIB_PREFIX}DBus], [main],, have_qt_dbus=no)
- AC_CHECK_HEADER([QtDBus],, have_qt_dbus=no)
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QT_DBUS], [${qt_lib_prefix}DBus $qt_version], [QT_DBUS_INCLUDES="$QT_DBUS_CFLAGS"; have_qt_dbus=yes], [have_qt_dbus=no])
diff --git a/build_msvc/.gitignore b/build_msvc/.gitignore
index d5aa22c05e..ae8120fdf3 100644
--- a/build_msvc/.gitignore
+++ b/build_msvc/.gitignore
@@ -8,4 +8,20 @@ packages/*
+# .vcxproj files that are auto-generated by the msvc-autogen.py script.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build_msvc/README.md b/build_msvc/README.md
index 63c5babf35..87ea556a23 100644
--- a/build_msvc/README.md
+++ b/build_msvc/README.md
@@ -3,13 +3,23 @@ Building Bitcoin Core with Visual Studio
-Solution and project files to build the Bitcoin Core applications (except Qt dependent ones) with Visual Studio 2017 can be found in the build_msvc directory.
+Solution and project files to build the Bitcoin Core applications `msbuild` or Visual Studio can be found in the `build_msvc` directory. The build has been tested with Visual Studio 2017 and 2019.
Building with Visual Studio is an alternative to the Linux based [cross-compiler build](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/build-windows.md).
+Quick Start
+The minimal steps required to build Bitcoin Core with the msbuild toolchain are below. More detailed instructions are contained in the following sections.
+cd build_msvc
+py -3 msvc-autogen.py
+msbuild /m bitcoin.sln /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release /t:build
-A number of [open source libraries](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/dependencies.md) are required in order to be able to build Bitcoin.
+A number of [open source libraries](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/dependencies.md) are required in order to be able to build Bitcoin Core.
Options for installing the dependencies in a Visual Studio compatible manner are:
@@ -17,33 +27,53 @@ Options for installing the dependencies in a Visual Studio compatible manner are
- Download the source code, build each dependency, add the required include paths, link libraries and binary tools to the Visual Studio project files.
- Use [nuget](https://www.nuget.org/) packages with the understanding that any binary files have been compiled by an untrusted third party.
-The external dependencies required for the Visual Studio build are (see the [dependencies doc](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/dependencies.md) for versions):
+The [external dependencies](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/dependencies.md) required for building are listed in the `build_msvc/vcpkg.json` file. The `msbuild` project files are configured to automatically install the `vcpkg` dependencies.
-- Berkeley DB,
-- OpenSSL,
-- Boost,
-- libevent,
-- ZeroMQ
+In order to build the Bitcoin Core a static build of Qt is required. The runtime library version (e.g. v141, v142) and platform type (x86 or x64) must also match.
+Some prebuilt x64 versions of Qt can be downloaded from [here](https://github.com/sipsorcery/qt_win_binary/releases). Please be aware these downloads are NOT officially sanctioned by Bitcoin Core and are provided for developer convenience only. They should NOT be used for builds that will be used in a production environment or with real funds.
+To determine which Qt prebuilt version to download open the `.appveyor.yml` file and note the `QT_DOWNLOAD_URL`. When extracting the zip file the destination path must be set to `C:\`. This is due to the way that Qt includes, libraries and tools use internal paths.
-Additional dependencies required from the [bitcoin-core](https://github.com/bitcoin-core) github repository are:
-- SECP256K1,
-- LevelDB
+To build Bitcoin Core without Qt unload or disable the `bitcoin-qt`, `libbitcoin_qt` and `test_bitcoin-qt` projects.
The instructions below use `vcpkg` to install the dependencies.
-- Clone `vcpkg` from the [github repository](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg) and install as per the instructions in the main README.md.
-- Install the required packages (replace x64 with x86 as required):
+- Install [`vcpkg`](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg).
+- Use Python to generate `*.vcxproj` from Makefile
+PS >py -3 msvc-autogen.py
+- An optional step is to adjust the settings in the `build_msvc` directory and the `common.init.vcxproj` file. This project file contains settings that are common to all projects such as the runtime library version and target Windows SDK version. The Qt directories can also be set.
+- To build from the command line with the Visual Studio 2017 toolchain use:
- PS >.\vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows-static boost-filesystem boost-signals2 boost-test libevent openssl zeromq berkeleydb secp256k1 leveldb
+msbuild /m bitcoin.sln /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release /p:PlatformToolset=v141 /t:build
-- Use Python to generate *.vcxproj from Makefile
+- To build from the command line with the Visual Studio 2019 toolchain use:
- PS >python msvc-autogen.py
+msbuild /m bitcoin.sln /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release /t:build
-- Build in Visual Studio.
+- Alternatively open the `build_msvc/bitcoin.sln` file in Visual Studio.
+The .appveyor.yml in the root directory is suitable to perform builds on [AppVeyor](https://www.appveyor.com/) Continuous Integration servers. The simplest way to perform an AppVeyor build is to fork Bitcoin Core and then configure a new AppVeyor Project pointing to the forked repository.
+For safety reasons the Bitcoin Core .appveyor.yml file has the artifact options disabled. The build will be performed but no executable files will be available. To enable artifacts on a forked repository uncomment the lines shown below:
+ #- 7z a bitcoin-%APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION%.zip %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build_msvc\%platform%\%configuration%\*.exe
+ #- path: bitcoin-%APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION%.zip
diff --git a/build_msvc/bench_bitcoin/bench_bitcoin.vcxproj b/build_msvc/bench_bitcoin/bench_bitcoin.vcxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 771e8a56f4..0000000000
--- a/build_msvc/bench_bitcoin/bench_bitcoin.vcxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- {2b384fa8-9ee1-4544-93cb-0d733c25e8ce}
- {7c87e378-df58-482e-aa2f-1bc129bc19ce}
- {6190199c-6cf4-4dad-bfbd-93fa72a760c1}
- {460fee33-1fe1-483f-b3bf-931ff8e969a5}
- {b53a5535-ee9d-4c6f-9a26-f79ee3bc3754}
- {93b86837-b543-48a5-a89b-7c87abb77df2}
- {792d487f-f14c-49fc-a9de-3fc150f31c3f}
- {5724ba7d-a09a-4ba8-800b-c4c1561b3d69}
- {bb493552-3b8c-4a8c-bf69-a6e7a51d2ea6}
- {18430fef-6b61-4c53-b396-718e02850f1b}
- 15.0
- {1125654E-E1B2-4431-8B5C-62EA9A2FEECB}
- Win32Proj
- bench_bitcoin
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- false
- static
- true
- static
- true
- static
- false
- static
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- There was an error executing the raw bench header generation task.
diff --git a/build_msvc/bench_bitcoin/bench_bitcoin.vcxproj.in b/build_msvc/bench_bitcoin/bench_bitcoin.vcxproj.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..128c1bd8e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_msvc/bench_bitcoin/bench_bitcoin.vcxproj.in
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ {1125654E-E1B2-4431-8B5C-62EA9A2FEECB}
+ Application
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\
+ {2b384fa8-9ee1-4544-93cb-0d733c25e8ce}
+ {7c87e378-df58-482e-aa2f-1bc129bc19ce}
+ {6190199c-6cf4-4dad-bfbd-93fa72a760c1}
+ {460fee33-1fe1-483f-b3bf-931ff8e969a5}
+ {b53a5535-ee9d-4c6f-9a26-f79ee3bc3754}
+ {93b86837-b543-48a5-a89b-7c87abb77df2}
+ {792d487f-f14c-49fc-a9de-3fc150f31c3f}
+ {5724ba7d-a09a-4ba8-800b-c4c1561b3d69}
+ {bb493552-3b8c-4a8c-bf69-a6e7a51d2ea6}
+ {18430fef-6b61-4c53-b396-718e02850f1b}
+ {1e065f03-3566-47d0-8fa9-daa72b084e7d}
+ There was an error executing the raw bench header generation task.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build_msvc/bitcoin-cli/bitcoin-cli.vcxproj b/build_msvc/bitcoin-cli/bitcoin-cli.vcxproj
index 6c82b1e7de..e5e0e978f8 100644
--- a/build_msvc/bitcoin-cli/bitcoin-cli.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/bitcoin-cli/bitcoin-cli.vcxproj
@@ -1,30 +1,16 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
+ {0B2D7431-F876-4A58-87BF-F748338CD3BF}
+ Application
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\
- {0667528c-d734-4009-adf9-c0d6c4a5a5a6}
@@ -39,142 +25,7 @@
- 15.0
- {0B2D7431-F876-4A58-87BF-F748338CD3BF}
- Win32Proj
- bitcoincli
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- false
- true
- true
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
diff --git a/build_msvc/bitcoin-qt/bitcoin-qt.vcxproj b/build_msvc/bitcoin-qt/bitcoin-qt.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17cd31a52e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_msvc/bitcoin-qt/bitcoin-qt.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ {7E99172D-7FF2-4CB6-B736-AC9B76ED412A}
+ Application
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\
+ {2b384fa8-9ee1-4544-93cb-0d733c25e8ce}
+ {0667528c-d734-4009-adf9-c0d6c4a5a5a6}
+ {7c87e378-df58-482e-aa2f-1bc129bc19ce}
+ {6190199c-6cf4-4dad-bfbd-93fa72a760c1}
+ {2b4abff8-d1fd-4845-88c9-1f3c0a6512bf}
+ {460fee33-1fe1-483f-b3bf-931ff8e969a5}
+ {b53a5535-ee9d-4c6f-9a26-f79ee3bc3754}
+ {93b86837-b543-48a5-a89b-7c87abb77df2}
+ {792d487f-f14c-49fc-a9de-3fc150f31c3f}
+ {18430fef-6b61-4c53-b396-718e02850f1b}
+ {bb493552-3b8c-4a8c-bf69-a6e7a51d2ea6}
+ {5724ba7d-a09a-4ba8-800b-c4c1561b3d69}
+ $(QtIncludes);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ $(QtReleaseLibraries);%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ /ignore:4206
+ ..\..\src;
+ HAVE_CONFIG_H;_UNICODE;UNICODE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ $(QtIncludes);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ $(QtDebugLibraries);%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ /ignore:4206
+ ..\..\src;
+ HAVE_CONFIG_H;_UNICODE;UNICODE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
diff --git a/build_msvc/bitcoin-tx/bitcoin-tx.vcxproj b/build_msvc/bitcoin-tx/bitcoin-tx.vcxproj
index c52dfdb28c..4e9b4916a0 100644
--- a/build_msvc/bitcoin-tx/bitcoin-tx.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/bitcoin-tx/bitcoin-tx.vcxproj
@@ -1,24 +1,13 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
+ {D3022AF6-AD33-4CE3-B358-87CB6A1B29CF}
+ Application
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\
@@ -42,142 +31,7 @@
- 15.0
- {D3022AF6-AD33-4CE3-B358-87CB6A1B29CF}
- Win32Proj
- bitcointx
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- false
- true
- true
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
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index a83529c782..40c5db5522 100644
--- a/build_msvc/bitcoin-wallet/bitcoin-wallet.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/bitcoin-wallet/bitcoin-wallet.vcxproj
@@ -1,24 +1,13 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
+ {84DE8790-EDE3-4483-81AC-C32F15E861F4}
+ Application
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\
@@ -60,142 +49,7 @@
- 15.0
- {84DE8790-EDE3-4483-81AC-C32F15E861F4}
- Win32Proj
- bitcointx
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- false
- true
- true
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
diff --git a/build_msvc/bitcoin.sln b/build_msvc/bitcoin.sln
index 45bc934d77..5e9715451f 100644
--- a/build_msvc/bitcoin.sln
+++ b/build_msvc/bitcoin.sln
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
-# Visual Studio 15
-VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.27130.2027
+# Visual Studio Version 16
+VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.28803.452
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libbitcoin_consensus", "libbitcoinconsensus\libbitcoinconsensus.vcxproj", "{2B384FA8-9EE1-4544-93CB-0D733C25E8CE}"
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@@ -40,6 +40,14 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libsecp256k1", "libsecp256k
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+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "test_bitcoin-qt", "test_bitcoin-qt\test_bitcoin-qt.vcxproj", "{51201D5E-D939-4854-AE9D-008F03FF518E}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
@@ -200,14 +208,45 @@ Global
{18430FEF-6B61-4C53-B396-718E02850F1B}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{18430FEF-6B61-4C53-B396-718E02850F1B}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{18430FEF-6B61-4C53-B396-718E02850F1B}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {2B4ABFF8-D1FD-4845-88C9-1F3C0A6512BF}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {2B4ABFF8-D1FD-4845-88C9-1F3C0A6512BF}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {2B4ABFF8-D1FD-4845-88C9-1F3C0A6512BF}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {2B4ABFF8-D1FD-4845-88C9-1F3C0A6512BF}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {2B4ABFF8-D1FD-4845-88C9-1F3C0A6512BF}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {2B4ABFF8-D1FD-4845-88C9-1F3C0A6512BF}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {2B4ABFF8-D1FD-4845-88C9-1F3C0A6512BF}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {2B4ABFF8-D1FD-4845-88C9-1F3C0A6512BF}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {7E99172D-7FF2-4CB6-B736-AC9B76ED412A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {7E99172D-7FF2-4CB6-B736-AC9B76ED412A}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {7E99172D-7FF2-4CB6-B736-AC9B76ED412A}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {7E99172D-7FF2-4CB6-B736-AC9B76ED412A}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {7E99172D-7FF2-4CB6-B736-AC9B76ED412A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {7E99172D-7FF2-4CB6-B736-AC9B76ED412A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {7E99172D-7FF2-4CB6-B736-AC9B76ED412A}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {7E99172D-7FF2-4CB6-B736-AC9B76ED412A}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {868474FD-35F6-4400-8EED-30A33E7521D4}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {868474FD-35F6-4400-8EED-30A33E7521D4}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {868474FD-35F6-4400-8EED-30A33E7521D4}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {868474FD-35F6-4400-8EED-30A33E7521D4}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {868474FD-35F6-4400-8EED-30A33E7521D4}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {868474FD-35F6-4400-8EED-30A33E7521D4}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {868474FD-35F6-4400-8EED-30A33E7521D4}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {868474FD-35F6-4400-8EED-30A33E7521D4}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {51201D5E-D939-4854-AE9D-008F03FF518E}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {51201D5E-D939-4854-AE9D-008F03FF518E}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {51201D5E-D939-4854-AE9D-008F03FF518E}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {51201D5E-D939-4854-AE9D-008F03FF518E}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {51201D5E-D939-4854-AE9D-008F03FF518E}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {51201D5E-D939-4854-AE9D-008F03FF518E}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {51201D5E-D939-4854-AE9D-008F03FF518E}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {51201D5E-D939-4854-AE9D-008F03FF518E}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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- SolutionGuid = {4ABD1207-9A90-4EC9-A8EB-203638A2605D}
- SolutionGuid = {2FB733C9-24CB-4BA5-A26B-F43DAD7996B7}
- SolutionGuid = {D0CAE2D0-8DB1-4A0B-80EE-800AA6C64323}
- SolutionGuid = {DA7D16A6-E5F0-45B3-B194-C3FE64F1BFCD}
+ SolutionGuid = {8AA72EDA-2CD4-4564-B1E4-688B760EEEE9}
+ SolutionGuid = {8607C0F4-F33D-41B8-8D51-18E366A0F8DF}
+ SolutionGuid = {58AAB032-7274-49BD-845E-5EF4DBB69B70}
diff --git a/build_msvc/bitcoin_config.h b/build_msvc/bitcoin_config.h
index 817bb57cea..9d0b50a0b4 100644
--- a/build_msvc/bitcoin_config.h
+++ b/build_msvc/bitcoin_config.h
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@@ -11,10 +15,10 @@
/* Major version */
/* Minor version */
/* Build revision */
@@ -29,7 +33,7 @@
/* Copyright year */
-#define COPYRIGHT_YEAR 2018
+#define COPYRIGHT_YEAR 2019
/* Define to 1 to enable wallet functions */
@@ -37,20 +41,14 @@
/* Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions */
#define ENABLE_ZMQ 1
-/* parameter and return value type for __fdelt_chk */
-/* #undef FDELT_TYPE */
/* define if the Boost library is available */
#define HAVE_BOOST /**/
-/* define if the Boost::Chrono library is available */
-#define HAVE_BOOST_CHRONO /**/
/* define if the Boost::Filesystem library is available */
-/* define if the Boost::PROGRAM_OPTIONS library is available */
+/* define if the Boost::Process library is available */
+#define HAVE_BOOST_PROCESS /**/
/* define if the Boost::System library is available */
#define HAVE_BOOST_SYSTEM /**/
@@ -98,10 +96,6 @@
-/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `EVP_MD_CTX_new', and to 0 if
- you don't. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `htobe16', and to 0 if you
don't. */
#define HAVE_DECL_HTOBE16 0
@@ -146,18 +140,6 @@
don't. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `__builtin_clz', and to 0 if you
- don't. */
-//#define HAVE_DECL___BUILTIN_CLZ 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `__builtin_clzl', and to 0 if
- you don't. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `__builtin_clzll', and to 0 if
- you don't. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
/* #undef HAVE_DLFCN_H */
@@ -183,75 +165,6 @@
/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `advapi32' library (-ladvapi32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBADVAPI32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `comctl32' library (-lcomctl32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBCOMCTL32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `comdlg32' library (-lcomdlg32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBCOMDLG32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `crypt32' library (-lcrypt32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBCRYPT32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `gdi32' library (-lgdi32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBGDI32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `imm32' library (-limm32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBIMM32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `iphlpapi' library (-liphlpapi). */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `kernel32' library (-lkernel32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBKERNEL32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `mingwthrd' library (-lmingwthrd). */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `mswsock' library (-lmswsock). */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `ole32' library (-lole32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBOLE32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `oleaut32' library (-loleaut32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBOLEAUT32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `rpcrt4' library (-lrpcrt4). */
-#define HAVE_LIBRPCRT4 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `rt' library (-lrt). */
-/* #undef HAVE_LIBRT */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `shell32' library (-lshell32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBSHELL32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `shlwapi' library (-lshlwapi). */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `ssp' library (-lssp). */
-#define HAVE_LIBSSP 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `user32' library (-luser32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBUSER32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `uuid' library (-luuid). */
-#define HAVE_LIBUUID 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `winmm' library (-lwinmm). */
-#define HAVE_LIBWINMM 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `winspool' library (-lwinspool). */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `ws2_32' library (-lws2_32). */
-#define HAVE_LIBWS2_32 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `z ' library (-lz ). */
-#define HAVE_LIBZ_ 1
/* Define this symbol if you have malloc_info */
/* #undef HAVE_MALLOC_INFO */
@@ -330,12 +243,6 @@
/* Define if the visibility attribute is supported. */
-/* Define this symbol if boost sleep works */
-/* Define this symbol if boost sleep_for works */
/* Define to the sub-directory where libtool stores uninstalled libraries. */
#define LT_OBJDIR ".libs/"
@@ -346,7 +253,7 @@
#define PACKAGE_NAME "Bitcoin Core"
/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
-#define PACKAGE_STRING "Bitcoin Core 0.17.99"
+#define PACKAGE_STRING "Bitcoin Core 0.19.99"
/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "bitcoin"
@@ -355,7 +262,7 @@
#define PACKAGE_URL "https://bitcoincore.org/"
/* Define to the version of this package. */
-#define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.17.99"
+#define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.19.99"
/* Define to necessary symbol if this constant uses a non-standard name on
your system. */
@@ -385,9 +292,6 @@
/* Define this symbol to build in assembly routines */
//#define USE_ASM 1
-/* Define this symbol if coverage is enabled */
-/* #undef USE_COVERAGE */
/* Define if dbus support should be compiled in */
/* #undef USE_DBUS */
@@ -421,4 +325,14 @@
/* Define for large files, on AIX-style hosts. */
/* #undef _LARGE_FILES */
+/* Windows Universal Platform constraints */
+/* Either a desktop application without API restrictions, or and older system
+ before these macros were defined. */
+/* ::wsystem is available */
+#define HAVE_SYSTEM 1
diff --git a/build_msvc/bitcoind/bitcoind.vcxproj b/build_msvc/bitcoind/bitcoind.vcxproj
index 9a42f141c9..ae24cb100e 100644
--- a/build_msvc/bitcoind/bitcoind.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/bitcoind/bitcoind.vcxproj
@@ -1,157 +1,13 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{D4513DDF-6013-44DC-ADCC-12EAF6D1F038}
- Win32Proj
- bitcoind
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
+ Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- false
@@ -187,5 +43,33 @@
+ ..\..\test\config.ini.in
+ ..\..\test\config.ini
diff --git a/build_msvc/common.init.vcxproj b/build_msvc/common.init.vcxproj
index c3c0f665c2..ed227519ae 100644
--- a/build_msvc/common.init.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/common.init.vcxproj
@@ -1,14 +1,135 @@
- $(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0@ProductVersion)
- $(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0@ProductVersion)
- $(WindowsTargetPlatformVersion_10).0
- $(WindowsTargetPlatformVersion_10)
- Win32
\ No newline at end of file
+ 16.0
+ x86-windows-static
+ x64-windows-static
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ $(Configuration)
+ $(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0@ProductVersion)
+ $(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0@ProductVersion)
+ $(WindowsTargetPlatformVersion_10).0
+ $(WindowsTargetPlatformVersion_10)
+ Release
+ x64
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ v142
+ Unicode
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\$(ProjectName)\
+ $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\$(ProjectName)\
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ v142
+ Unicode
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\$(ProjectName)\
+ $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\$(ProjectName)\
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ MultiThreaded
+ true
+ true
+ Disabled
+ _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ true
+ MultiThreadedDebug
+ /bigobj %(AdditionalOptions)
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ MultiThreaded
+ true
+ true
+ Disabled
+ _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ true
+ MultiThreadedDebug
+ /bigobj %(AdditionalOptions)
+ Level3
+ NotUsing
+ /utf-8 /std:c++17 %(AdditionalOptions)
+ 4018;4221;4244;4267;4334;4715;4805;4834
+ true
+ ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\secp256k1\include;..\..\src\leveldb\include;..\..\src\leveldb\helpers\memenv;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ Console
+ true
+ Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ /ignore:4221
diff --git a/build_msvc/common.qt.init.vcxproj b/build_msvc/common.qt.init.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42150a2310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_msvc/common.qt.init.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ C:\Qt5.9.8_x64_static_vs2019
+ $(QtBaseDir)\plugins
+ $(QtBaseDir)\lib
+ $(QtBaseDir)\include
+ $(QtIncludeDir);$(QtIncludeDir)\QtNetwork;$(QtIncludeDir)\QtCore;$(QtIncludeDir)\QtWidgets;$(QtIncludeDir)\QtGui;
+ .\QtGeneratedFiles\qt
+ $(QtBaseDir)\bin
+ $(QtPluginsLibraryDir)\platforms\qminimal.lib;$(QtPluginsLibraryDir)\platforms\qwindows.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\qtfreetype.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\qtharfbuzz.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\qtlibpng.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\qtpcre2.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5AccessibilitySupport.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5Core.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5Concurrent.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5EventDispatcherSupport.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5FontDatabaseSupport.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5Gui.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5Network.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5PlatformCompositorSupport.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5ThemeSupport.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5Widgets.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5WinExtras.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\qtmain.lib;userenv.lib;netapi32.lib;imm32.lib;Dwmapi.lib;version.lib;winmm.lib;UxTheme.lib
+ $(QtPluginsLibraryDir)\platforms\qwindowsd.lib;$(QtPluginsLibraryDir)\platforms\qminimald.lib;$(QtLibraryDir)\*d.lib;crypt32.lib;userenv.lib;netapi32.lib;imm32.lib;Dwmapi.lib;version.lib;winmm.lib;UxTheme.lib
diff --git a/build_msvc/common.vcxproj b/build_msvc/common.vcxproj
index 93004dda7c..4bbcc3767f 100644
--- a/build_msvc/common.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/common.vcxproj
@@ -1,29 +1,12 @@
- CopyBitcoinConfig;
- CopySecp256k1Config;
- $(BuildDependsOn);
- /utf-8 %(AdditionalOptions)
- 4018;4244;4267;4715;4805;
- true
- _WIN32_WINNT=0x0601;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
diff --git a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_cli/libbitcoin_cli.vcxproj.in b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_cli/libbitcoin_cli.vcxproj.in
index 1b24acd8ce..620df72a2f 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_cli/libbitcoin_cli.vcxproj.in
+++ b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_cli/libbitcoin_cli.vcxproj.in
@@ -1,162 +1,16 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{0667528C-D734-4009-ADF9-C0D6C4A5A5A6}
- Win32Proj
- libbitcoin_cli
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- false
- true
- true
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;WIN32;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;WIN32;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
diff --git a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_common/libbitcoin_common.vcxproj.in b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_common/libbitcoin_common.vcxproj.in
index 459e81eb0c..b47d62b295 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_common/libbitcoin_common.vcxproj.in
+++ b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_common/libbitcoin_common.vcxproj.in
@@ -1,174 +1,16 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{7C87E378-DF58-482E-AA2F-1BC129BC19CE}
- Win32Proj
- libbitcoin_common
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\secp256k1\include;
- false
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\secp256k1\include;
- false
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\secp256k1\include;
- false
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\secp256k1\include;
- false
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
diff --git a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_crypto/libbitcoin_crypto.vcxproj.in b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_crypto/libbitcoin_crypto.vcxproj.in
index ad183d4904..32cb75bf87 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_crypto/libbitcoin_crypto.vcxproj.in
+++ b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_crypto/libbitcoin_crypto.vcxproj.in
@@ -1,157 +1,16 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{6190199C-6CF4-4DAD-BFBD-93FA72A760C1}
- Win32Proj
- libbitcoin_crypto
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- _DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- WIN32;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- _CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
diff --git a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_qt/libbitcoin_qt.vcxproj b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_qt/libbitcoin_qt.vcxproj
index 73ba90aa88..6a3c9f1dc1 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_qt/libbitcoin_qt.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_qt/libbitcoin_qt.vcxproj
@@ -1,976 +1,232 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static{2B4ABFF8-D1FD-4845-88C9-1F3C0A6512BF}
+ StaticLibrary
- "$(QTDIR)\bincc.exe" -name bitcoin "%(Fullpath)" -o .\GeneratedFiles\qrc_bitcoin.cpp
- Qt rcc generation for %(Identity)
- .\GeneratedFiles\qrc_bitcoin.cpp
- (QTDIR)\bincc.exe
- "$(QTDIR)\bincc.exe" -name bitcoin_locale "%(Fullpath)" -o .\GeneratedFiles\qrc_bitcoin_locale.cpp
- Qt rcc generation for %(Identity)
- .\GeneratedFiles\qrc_bitcoin_locale.cpp
- (QTDIR)\bincc.exe
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- Document
- F:\Dependencies\protobuf-cpp-3.4.1\protobuf-3.4.1\cmake\build\vs\Debug\protoc.exe --proto_path=%(RootDir)%(Directory) %(Fullpath) --cpp_out=.\GeneratedFiles
- ProtoBuf source generation %(RootDir)%(Directory) %(Filename)
- .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).pb.h;.\GeneratedFiles\(%Filename).pb.cc
- F:\Dependencies\protobuf-cpp-3.4.1\protobuf-3.4.1\cmake\build\vs\Debug\protoc.exe
- false
- F:\deps\protobuf\protobuf-3.4.1\cmake\build\vs\Debug\protoc.exe --proto_path=%(RootDir)%(Directory) %(Fullpath) --cpp_out=.\GeneratedFiles
- F:\deps\protobuf\protobuf-3.4.1\cmake\build\vs\Debug\protoc.exe
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- "$(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe" "%(Fullpath)" -o .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).moc $(MOC_DEF)
- Qt moc generation for %(Identity)
- .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).moc
- (QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe
- "$(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe" "%(Fullpath)" -o .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).moc $(MOC_DEF)
- Qt moc generation for %(Identity)
- .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).moc
- (QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe
- "$(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe" "%(Fullpath)" -o .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).moc $(MOC_DEF)
- Qt moc generation for %(Identity)
- .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).moc
- (QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe
- "$(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe" "%(Fullpath)" -o .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).moc $(MOC_DEF)
- Qt moc generation for %(Identity)
- .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).moc
- (QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe
- "$(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe" "%(Fullpath)" -o .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).moc $(MOC_DEF)
- Qt moc generation for %(Identity)
- .\GeneratedFiles\%(Filename).moc
- (QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- false
- static
- ClCompile
- true
- static
- ClCompile
- true
- static
- ClCompile
- false
- static
- ClCompile
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- false
- _X86_;WIN32;HAVE_CONFIG_H;_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;WIN32;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- .\GeneratedFiles;..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;.\QtGenerated\mocheaders
- MultiThreaded
+ _AMD64_;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ $(QtIncludes);$(GeneratedFilesOutDir)\..;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- .\GeneratedFiles;..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;.\QtGenerated\mocheaders
- MultiThreadedDebug
+ _AMD64_;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ $(QtIncludes);$(GeneratedFilesOutDir)\..;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- .\GeneratedFiles;..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;.\QtGenerated\mocheaders
- MultiThreadedDebug
+ _X86_;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ $(QtIncludes);$(GeneratedFilesOutDir)\..;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- .\GeneratedFiles;..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;.\QtGenerated\mocheaders
- MultiThreaded
+ _X86_;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ $(QtIncludes);$(GeneratedFilesOutDir)\..;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- There was an error executing the Qt headers moc code generation tasks.
+ There was an error executing the libbitcoin_qt moc code include generation task.
- There was an error executing the Qt forms code generation tasks.
+ There was an error executing the libbitcoin_qt moc header generation task.
- There was an error executing the Qt local code generation tasks.
+ There was an error executing the libbitcoin_qt forms header generation task.
+ There was an error executing the libbitcoin_qt translation file generation task.
+ There was an error executing the libbitcoin_qt resource code generation task.
+ moccode;
+ mocheader;
+ forms;
+ translation;
+ resource;
+ $(BuildDependsOn);
+ qtclean;
+ $(CleanDependsOn);
diff --git a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_server/libbitcoin_server.vcxproj.in b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_server/libbitcoin_server.vcxproj.in
index acb827bd95..58e90dbaeb 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_server/libbitcoin_server.vcxproj.in
+++ b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_server/libbitcoin_server.vcxproj.in
@@ -1,166 +1,19 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{460FEE33-1FE1-483F-B3BF-931FF8E969A5}
- Win32Proj
- libbitcoin_server
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\leveldb\include;..\..\src\leveldb\helpers\memenv;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\leveldb\include;..\..\src\leveldb\helpers\memenv;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- false
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\leveldb\include;..\..\src\leveldb\helpers\memenv;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\leveldb\include;..\..\src\leveldb\helpers\memenv;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
+ $(IntDir)wallet_init.obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_util/libbitcoin_util.vcxproj.in b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_util/libbitcoin_util.vcxproj.in
index 855c9353fc..6ec40461c2 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_util/libbitcoin_util.vcxproj.in
+++ b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_util/libbitcoin_util.vcxproj.in
@@ -1,180 +1,17 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{B53A5535-EE9D-4C6F-9A26-F79EE3BC3754}
- Win32Proj
- libbitcoin_util
- libbitcoin_util
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- false
diff --git a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_wallet/libbitcoin_wallet.vcxproj.in b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_wallet/libbitcoin_wallet.vcxproj.in
index b19f1e2396..9c8279c72a 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_wallet/libbitcoin_wallet.vcxproj.in
+++ b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_wallet/libbitcoin_wallet.vcxproj.in
@@ -1,166 +1,16 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{93B86837-B543-48A5-A89B-7C87ABB77DF2}
- Win32Proj
- libbitcoin_wallet
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\wallet;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- /bigobj %(AdditionalOptions)
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\wallet;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- /bigobj %(AdditionalOptions)
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\wallet;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- /bigobj %(AdditionalOptions)
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\wallet;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- /bigobj %(AdditionalOptions)
- Console
- true
- true
- true
diff --git a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_wallet_tool/libbitcoin_wallet_tool.vcxproj.in b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_wallet_tool/libbitcoin_wallet_tool.vcxproj.in
index 2e32c25762..1a6b7b6b92 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_wallet_tool/libbitcoin_wallet_tool.vcxproj.in
+++ b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_wallet_tool/libbitcoin_wallet_tool.vcxproj.in
@@ -1,166 +1,16 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{F91AC55E-6F5E-4C58-9AC5-B40DB7DEEF93}
- Win32Proj
- libbitcoin_zmq
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- false
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- false
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- false
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- false
- Console
- true
- true
- true
diff --git a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_zmq/libbitcoin_zmq.vcxproj.in b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_zmq/libbitcoin_zmq.vcxproj.in
index 7aba987cd1..e86eea81e6 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libbitcoin_zmq/libbitcoin_zmq.vcxproj.in
+++ b/build_msvc/libbitcoin_zmq/libbitcoin_zmq.vcxproj.in
@@ -1,166 +1,16 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{792D487F-F14C-49FC-A9DE-3FC150F31C3F}
- Win32Proj
- libbitcoin_zmq
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- false
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- false
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- false
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- false
- Console
- true
- true
- true
diff --git a/build_msvc/libbitcoinconsensus/libbitcoinconsensus.vcxproj b/build_msvc/libbitcoinconsensus/libbitcoinconsensus.vcxproj
index 32ea070a05..4cb0bdc902 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libbitcoinconsensus/libbitcoinconsensus.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/libbitcoinconsensus/libbitcoinconsensus.vcxproj
@@ -1,27 +1,16 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
+ {2B384FA8-9EE1-4544-93CB-0D733C25E8CE}
+ StaticLibrary
@@ -42,158 +31,7 @@
- 15.0
- {2B384FA8-9EE1-4544-93CB-0D733C25E8CE}
- Win32Proj
- bitcoind
- libbitcoin_consensus
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- false
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\secp256k1\include;
- Sync
- false
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- false
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\secp256k1\include;
- Sync
- false
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- WIN32;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- false
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\secp256k1\include;
- Sync
- false
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- WIN32;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- false
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\secp256k1\include;
- Sync
- false
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build_msvc/libleveldb/libleveldb.vcxproj b/build_msvc/libleveldb/libleveldb.vcxproj
index 545508001e..1610ae7d86 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libleveldb/libleveldb.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/libleveldb/libleveldb.vcxproj
@@ -1,24 +1,12 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
+ {18430FEF-6B61-4C53-B396-718E02850F1B}
+ StaticLibrary
@@ -36,8 +24,6 @@
@@ -54,7 +40,7 @@
@@ -62,141 +48,14 @@
- 15.0
- {18430FEF-6B61-4C53-B396-718E02850F1B}
- Win32Proj
- libunivalue
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src\leveldb;..\..\src\leveldb\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src\leveldb;..\..\src\leveldb\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src\leveldb;..\..\src\leveldb\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src\leveldb;..\..\src\leveldb\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- false
+ 4244;4267;4312;4722;
+ ..\..\src\leveldb;..\..\src\leveldb\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
diff --git a/build_msvc/libsecp256k1/libsecp256k1.vcxproj b/build_msvc/libsecp256k1/libsecp256k1.vcxproj
index b4c9ec28ee..c42918d6e1 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libsecp256k1/libsecp256k1.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/libsecp256k1/libsecp256k1.vcxproj
@@ -1,157 +1,22 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{BB493552-3B8C-4A8C-BF69-A6E7A51D2EA6}
- Win32Proj
- libunivalue
+ StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src\secp256k1;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src\secp256k1;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src\secp256k1;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src\secp256k1;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
+ ..\..\src\secp256k1;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build_msvc/libsecp256k1_config.h b/build_msvc/libsecp256k1_config.h
index 5187c946a0..5978b9a0d9 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libsecp256k1_config.h
+++ b/build_msvc/libsecp256k1_config.h
@@ -26,4 +26,7 @@
#define USE_FIELD_10X26 1
#define USE_SCALAR_8X32 1
diff --git a/build_msvc/libtest_util/libtest_util.vcxproj.in b/build_msvc/libtest_util/libtest_util.vcxproj.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5e844010e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_msvc/libtest_util/libtest_util.vcxproj.in
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ {868474FD-35F6-4400-8EED-30A33E7521D4}
+ StaticLibrary
diff --git a/build_msvc/libunivalue/libunivalue.vcxproj b/build_msvc/libunivalue/libunivalue.vcxproj
index c3799b6408..0f13a57241 100644
--- a/build_msvc/libunivalue/libunivalue.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/libunivalue/libunivalue.vcxproj
@@ -1,160 +1,19 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
+ {5724BA7D-A09A-4BA8-800B-C4C1561B3D69}
+ StaticLibrary
- 15.0
- {5724BA7D-A09A-4BA8-800B-C4C1561B3D69}
- Win32Proj
- libunivalue
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- StaticLibrary
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- _DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- WIN32;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- _CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src\univalue\include;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
diff --git a/build_msvc/msbuild/tasks/replaceinfile.targets b/build_msvc/msbuild/tasks/replaceinfile.targets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ccb8b30e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_msvc/msbuild/tasks/replaceinfile.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build_msvc/msvc-autogen.py b/build_msvc/msvc-autogen.py
index c8df29eecb..d99b17d381 100644
--- a/build_msvc/msvc-autogen.py
+++ b/build_msvc/msvc-autogen.py
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import os
import re
+import argparse
+from shutil import copyfile
SOURCE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'src'))
libs = [
@@ -14,6 +20,8 @@
+ 'bench_bitcoin',
+ 'libtest_util',
ignore_list = [
@@ -42,8 +50,21 @@ def parse_makefile(makefile):
lib_sources[current_lib] = []
+def set_common_properties(toolset):
+ with open(os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, '../build_msvc/common.init.vcxproj'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as rfile:
+ s = rfile.read()
+ s = re.sub('.*?', ''+toolset+'', s)
+ with open(os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, '../build_msvc/common.init.vcxproj'), 'w', encoding='utf-8',newline='\n') as wfile:
+ wfile.write(s)
def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Bitcoin-core msbuild configuration initialiser.')
+ parser.add_argument('-toolset', nargs='?',help='Optionally sets the msbuild platform toolset, e.g. v142 for Visual Studio 2019.'
+ ' default is %s.'%DEFAULT_PLATFORM_TOOLSET)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.toolset:
+ set_common_properties(args.toolset)
for makefile_name in os.listdir(SOURCE_DIR):
if 'Makefile' in makefile_name:
parse_makefile(os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, makefile_name))
@@ -58,7 +79,8 @@ def main():
with open(vcxproj_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as vcxproj_file:
'@SOURCE_FILES@\n', content))
+ copyfile(os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR,'../build_msvc/bitcoin_config.h'), os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, 'config/bitcoin-config.h'))
+ copyfile(os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR,'../build_msvc/libsecp256k1_config.h'), os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, 'secp256k1/src/libsecp256k1-config.h'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/build_msvc/test_bitcoin-qt/test_bitcoin-qt.vcxproj b/build_msvc/test_bitcoin-qt/test_bitcoin-qt.vcxproj
index a5d666c114..2095c0c321 100644
--- a/build_msvc/test_bitcoin-qt/test_bitcoin-qt.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/test_bitcoin-qt/test_bitcoin-qt.vcxproj
@@ -1,146 +1,122 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{51201D5E-D939-4854-AE9D-008F03FF518E}
- Win32Proj
- test_bitcoinqt
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\
+ {2b384fa8-9ee1-4544-93cb-0d733c25e8ce}
+ {0667528c-d734-4009-adf9-c0d6c4a5a5a6}
+ {7c87e378-df58-482e-aa2f-1bc129bc19ce}
+ {6190199c-6cf4-4dad-bfbd-93fa72a760c1}
+ {2b4abff8-d1fd-4845-88c9-1f3c0a6512bf}
+ {460fee33-1fe1-483f-b3bf-931ff8e969a5}
+ {b53a5535-ee9d-4c6f-9a26-f79ee3bc3754}
+ {93b86837-b543-48a5-a89b-7c87abb77df2}
+ {792d487f-f14c-49fc-a9de-3fc150f31c3f}
+ {18430fef-6b61-4c53-b396-718e02850f1b}
+ {bb493552-3b8c-4a8c-bf69-a6e7a51d2ea6}
+ {5724ba7d-a09a-4ba8-800b-c4c1561b3d69}
- false
- true
- true
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- WIN32;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
+ ..\libbitcoin_qt\$(GeneratedFilesOutDir)\..\;$(QtIncludeDir)\QtTest;$(QtIncludes);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- Console
- true
- true
- true
+ $(QtLibraryDir)\Qt5Test.lib;$(QtReleaseLibraries);%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ /ignore:4206
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
+ ..\libbitcoin_qt\$(GeneratedFilesOutDir)\..\;$(QtIncludeDir)\QtTest;$(QtIncludes);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
- Console
- true
+ $(QtDebugLibraries);%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ /ignore:4206
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- _DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- _CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- Console
- true
- true
- true
+ There was an error executing the test_bitcoin-qt moc code generation task.
+ moccode;
+ $(BuildDependsOn);
+ QtTestCleanGeneratedFiles;
+ $(CleanDependsOn);
diff --git a/build_msvc/test_bitcoin/test_bitcoin.vcxproj b/build_msvc/test_bitcoin/test_bitcoin.vcxproj
index 03db97c647..5c4b777d51 100644
--- a/build_msvc/test_bitcoin/test_bitcoin.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/test_bitcoin/test_bitcoin.vcxproj
@@ -1,32 +1,21 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
+ {A56B73DB-D46D-4882-8374-1FE3FFA08F07}
+ Application
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\
@@ -53,6 +42,9 @@
+ {1e065f03-3566-47d0-8fa9-daa72b084e7d}
+ {5724ba7d-a09a-4ba8-800b-c4c1561b3d69}
@@ -63,153 +55,19 @@
- 15.0
- {A56B73DB-D46D-4882-8374-1FE3FFA08F07}
- Win32Proj
- test_bitcoin
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- true
- true
- false
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\leveldb\include;..\..\src\test;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- false
- boost_test_exec_monitor-vc140-mt-gd.lib;crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\leveldb\include;..\..\src\test;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- boost_test_exec_monitor-vc140-mt-gd.lib;crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\leveldb\include;..\..\src\test;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- boost_test_exec_monitor-vc140-mt.lib;crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src;..\..\src\univalue\include;..\..\src\leveldb\include;..\..\src\test;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- boost_test_exec_monitor-vc140-mt.lib;crypt32.lib;Iphlpapi.lib;ws2_32.lib;Shlwapi.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- There was an error executing the JSON test header generation task.
diff --git a/build_msvc/testconsensus/testconsensus.cpp b/build_msvc/testconsensus/testconsensus.cpp
index 0068f588cc..5fdd97dc78 100644
--- a/build_msvc/testconsensus/testconsensus.cpp
+++ b/build_msvc/testconsensus/testconsensus.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
// bitcoin includes.
diff --git a/build_msvc/testconsensus/testconsensus.vcxproj b/build_msvc/testconsensus/testconsensus.vcxproj
index db2f8a6216..776c40920a 100644
--- a/build_msvc/testconsensus/testconsensus.vcxproj
+++ b/build_msvc/testconsensus/testconsensus.vcxproj
@@ -1,176 +1,28 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- 15.0{E78473E9-B850-456C-9120-276301E04C06}
- Win32Proj
- testconsensus
- test_libbitcoinconsensus
- x86-windows-static
- x64-windows-static
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
- Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
- Application
- true
- v141
- Unicode
+ Application
- false
- v141
- true
- Unicode
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\
- true
- static
- true
- static
- false
- static
- false
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src\;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- Disabled
- true
- ..\..\src\;
- MultiThreadedDebug
- Console
- true
- true
- kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- true
- ..\..\src\;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- NotUsing
- Level3
- MaxSpeed
- true
- true
- HAVE_CONFIG_H;WIN32;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
- true
- ..\..\src\;
- MultiThreaded
- Console
- true
- true
- true
- {2b384fa8-9ee1-4544-93cb-0d733c25e8ce}
+ {2B384FA8-9EE1-4544-93CB-0D733C25E8CE}
- {b53a5535-ee9d-4c6f-9a26-f79ee3bc3754}
+ {B53A5535-EE9D-4C6F-9A26-F79EE3BC3754}
- {bb493552-3b8c-4a8c-bf69-a6e7a51d2ea6}
+ {BB493552-3B8C-4A8C-BF69-A6E7A51D2EA6}
diff --git a/build_msvc/vcpkg.json b/build_msvc/vcpkg.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfd3929c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_msvc/vcpkg.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "name": "bitcoin-core",
+ "version-string": "1",
+ "dependencies": [
+ "berkeleydb",
+ "boost-filesystem",
+ "boost-multi-index",
+ "boost-process",
+ "boost-signals2",
+ "boost-test",
+ "boost-thread",
+ "sqlite3",
+ "double-conversion",
+ {
+ "name": "libevent",
+ "features": ["thread"]
+ },
+ "zeromq"
+ ]
diff --git a/ci/README.md b/ci/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c5f04c39e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+## CI Scripts
+This directory contains scripts for each build step in each build stage.
+### Running a Stage Locally
+Be aware that the tests will be built and run in-place, so please run at your own risk.
+If the repository is not a fresh git clone, you might have to clean files from previous builds or test runs first.
+The ci needs to perform various sysadmin tasks such as installing packages or writing to the user's home directory.
+While most of the actions are done inside a docker container, this is not possible for all. Thus, cache directories,
+such as the depends cache, previous release binaries, or ccache, are mounted as read-write into the docker container. While it should be fine to run
+the ci system locally on you development box, the ci scripts can generally be assumed to have received less review and
+testing compared to other parts of the codebase. If you want to keep the work tree clean, you might want to run the ci
+system in a virtual machine with a Linux operating system of your choice.
+To allow for a wide range of tested environments, but also ensure reproducibility to some extent, the test stage
+requires `docker` to be installed. To install all requirements on Ubuntu, run
+sudo apt install docker.io bash
+To run the default test stage,
+To run the test stage with a specific configuration,
+FILE_ENV="./ci/test/00_setup_env_arm.sh" ./ci/test_run_all.sh
+### Configurations
+The test files (`FILE_ENV`) are constructed to test a wide range of
+configurations, rather than a single pass/fail. This helps to catch build
+failures and logic errors that present on platforms other than the ones the
+author has tested.
+Some builders use the dependency-generator in `./depends`, rather than using
+the system package manager to install build dependencies. This guarantees that
+the tester is using the same versions as the release builds, which also use
+If no `FILE_ENV` has been specified or values are left out, `00_setup_env.sh`
+is used as the default configuration with fallback values.
+It is also possible to force a specific configuration without modifying the
+file. For example,
+MAKEJOBS="-j1" FILE_ENV="./ci/test/00_setup_env_arm.sh" ./ci/test_run_all.sh
+The files starting with `0n` (`n` greater than 0) are the scripts that are run
+in order.
+### Cache
+In order to avoid rebuilding all dependencies for each build, the binaries are
+cached and re-used when possible. Changes in the dependency-generator will
+trigger cache-invalidation and rebuilds as necessary.
diff --git a/ci/lint/04_install.sh b/ci/lint/04_install.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fae424051d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/lint/04_install.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C
+travis_retry sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y clang-format-9
+sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-format clang-format $(which clang-format-9 ) 100
+sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-format-diff clang-format-diff $(which clang-format-diff-9) 100
+travis_retry pip3 install codespell==1.17.1
+travis_retry pip3 install flake8==3.8.3
+travis_retry pip3 install yq
+travis_retry pip3 install mypy==0.781
+curl -sL "https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/releases/download/${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}/shellcheck-${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}.linux.x86_64.tar.xz" | tar --xz -xf - --directory /tmp/
+export PATH="/tmp/shellcheck-${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}:${PATH}"
diff --git a/.travis/lint_05_before_script.sh b/ci/lint/05_before_script.sh
similarity index 78%
rename from .travis/lint_05_before_script.sh
rename to ci/lint/05_before_script.sh
index 28bcbb47f7..2987812c8e 100755
--- a/.travis/lint_05_before_script.sh
+++ b/ci/lint/05_before_script.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
diff --git a/.travis/lint_06_script.sh b/ci/lint/06_script.sh
similarity index 61%
rename from .travis/lint_06_script.sh
rename to ci/lint/06_script.sh
index f2f2ea8a03..dc0f9b923b 100755
--- a/.travis/lint_06_script.sh
+++ b/ci/lint/06_script.sh
@@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
export LC_ALL=C
if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "pull_request" ]; then
- test/lint/commit-script-check.sh $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE
+ # TRAVIS_BRANCH will be present in a Travis environment. For builds triggered
+ # by a pull request this is the name of the branch targeted by the pull request.
+ # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/
+ test/lint/commit-script-check.sh $COMMIT_RANGE
test/lint/git-subtree-check.sh src/crypto/ctaes
test/lint/git-subtree-check.sh src/secp256k1
test/lint/git-subtree-check.sh src/univalue
test/lint/git-subtree-check.sh src/leveldb
+test/lint/git-subtree-check.sh src/crc32c
test/lint/check-rpc-mappings.py .
-if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" = "ElementsProject/elements" -a "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ]; then
+if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" = "bitcoin/bitcoin" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ]; then
git log --merges --before="2 days ago" -1 --format='%H' > ./contrib/verify-commits/trusted-sha512-root-commit
travis_retry gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys $( $max_sleep ? $max_sleep : t)}"`
+ fi
+__log_out() {
+ echo "$1" 1>&2
+# Parameters: max_tries min_sleep max_sleep constant_sleep fail_script EXECUTION_COMMAND
+ local max_tries="$1"; shift
+ local min_sleep="$1"; shift
+ local max_sleep="$1"; shift
+ local constant_sleep="$1"; shift
+ local fail_script="$1"; shift
+ if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then
+ __log_out "Retry Parameters: max_tries=$max_tries min_sleep=$min_sleep max_sleep=$max_sleep constant_sleep=$constant_sleep"
+ if [ -n "$fail_script" ]; then __log_out "Fail script: $fail_script"; fi
+ __log_out ""
+ __log_out "Execution Command: $*"
+ __log_out ""
+ fi
+ local attempts=0
+ local return_code=1
+ while [[ $return_code -ne 0 && $attempts -le $max_tries ]]; do
+ if [ $attempts -gt 0 ]; then
+ __sleep_amount
+ __log_out "Before retry #$attempts: sleeping $sleep_time seconds"
+ sleep $sleep_time
+ fi
+ P="$1"
+ for param in "${@:2}"; do P="$P '$param'"; done
+ #TODO: replace single quotes in each arg with '"'"' ?
+ export RETRY_ATTEMPT=$attempts
+ bash -c "$P"
+ return_code=$?
+ #__log_out "Process returned $return_code on attempt $attempts"
+ if [ $return_code -eq 127 ]; then
+ # command not found
+ exit $return_code
+ elif [ $return_code -ne 0 ]; then
+ attempts=$[$attempts +1]
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ $attempts -gt $max_tries ]; then
+ if [ -n "$fail_script" ]; then
+ __log_out "Retries exhausted, running fail script"
+ eval $fail_script
+ else
+ __log_out "Retries exhausted"
+ fi
+ fi
+ exit $return_code
+# If we're being sourced, don't worry about such things
+if [ "$BASH_SOURCE" == "$0" ]; then
+ # Prints the help text
+ help()
+ {
+ local retry=$(basename $0)
+ cat < /dev/null
+ if [[ $? -ne 4 ]]; then
+ echo "I’m sorry, 'getopt --test' failed in this environment. Please load GNU getopt."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ OPTIONS=vt:s:m:x:f:
+ LONGOPTIONS=verbose,tries:,sleep:,min:,max:,fail:
+ PARSED=$($GETOPT_BIN --options="$OPTIONS" --longoptions="$LONGOPTIONS" --name "$0" -- "$@")
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+ # e.g. $? == 1
+ # then getopt has complained about wrong arguments to stdout
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ # read getopt’s output this way to handle the quoting right:
+ eval set -- "$PARSED"
+ max_tries=10
+ min_sleep=0.3
+ max_sleep=60.0
+ constant_sleep=
+ fail_script=
+ # now enjoy the options in order and nicely split until we see --
+ while true; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -v|--verbose)
+ VERBOSE=true
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -t|--tries)
+ max_tries="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -s|--sleep)
+ constant_sleep="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -m|--min)
+ min_sleep="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -x|--max)
+ max_sleep="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -f|--fail)
+ fail_script="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Programming error"
+ exit 3
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ retry "$max_tries" "$min_sleep" "$max_sleep" "$constant_sleep" "$fail_script" "$@"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..72e29141a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+# The root dir.
+# The ci system copies this folder.
+# This is where the depends build is done.
+BASE_ROOT_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"/../../ >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )
+echo "Setting specific values in env"
+if [ -n "${FILE_ENV}" ]; then
+ set -o errexit;
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ source "${FILE_ENV}"
+echo "Fallback to default values in env (if not yet set)"
+# The number of parallel jobs to pass down to make and test_runner.py
+export MAKEJOBS=${MAKEJOBS:--j4}
+# A folder for the ci system to put temporary files (ccache, datadirs for tests, ...)
+# This folder only exists on the ci host.
+# What host to compile for. See also ./depends/README.md
+# Tests that need cross-compilation export the appropriate HOST.
+# Tests that run natively guess the host
+export HOST=${HOST:-$("$BASE_ROOT_DIR/depends/config.guess")}
+# Whether to prefer BusyBox over GNU utilities
+export USE_BUSY_BOX=${USE_BUSY_BOX:-false}
+# By how much to scale the test_runner timeouts (option --timeout-factor).
+# This is needed because some ci machines have slow CPU or disk, so sanitizers
+# might be slow or a reindex might be waiting on disk IO.
+export CONTAINER_NAME=${CONTAINER_NAME:-ci_unnamed}
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG=${DOCKER_NAME_TAG:-ubuntu:18.04}
+# Randomize test order.
+# See https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_71_0/libs/test/doc/html/boost_test/utf_reference/rt_param_reference/random.html
+# See man 7 debconf
+export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+export CCACHE_TEMPDIR=${CCACHE_TEMPDIR:-/tmp/.ccache-temp}
+# The cache dir.
+# This folder exists on the ci host and ci guest. Changes are propagated back and forth.
+# The depends dir.
+# This folder exists on the ci host and ci guest. Changes are propagated back and forth.
+# Folder where the build result is put (bin and lib).
+# Folder where the build is done (dist and out-of-tree build).
+export SDK_URL=${SDK_URL:-https://bitcoincore.org/depends-sources/sdks}
+export DOCKER_PACKAGES=${DOCKER_PACKAGES:-build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config bsdmainutils curl ca-certificates ccache python3 rsync git procps}
+export GOAL=${GOAL:-install}
+export PATH=${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/ci/retry:$PATH
+export CI_RETRY_EXE=${CI_RETRY_EXE:-"retry --"}
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_arm.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_arm.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..610e55c4c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_arm.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export HOST=arm-linux-gnueabihf
+# The host arch is unknown, so we run the tests through qemu.
+# If the host is arm and wants to run the tests natively, it can set QEMU_USER_CMD to the empty string.
+if [ -z ${QEMU_USER_CMD+x} ]; then export QEMU_USER_CMD="${QEMU_USER_CMD:-"qemu-arm -L /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/"}"; fi
+export DPKG_ADD_ARCH="armhf"
+export PACKAGES="python3-zmq g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf busybox libc6:armhf libstdc++6:armhf libfontconfig1:armhf libxcb1:armhf"
+if [ -n "$QEMU_USER_CMD" ]; then
+ # Likely cross-compiling, so install the needed gcc and qemu-user
+ export PACKAGES="$PACKAGES qemu-user"
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_arm_linux
+# Use debian to avoid 404 apt errors when cross compiling
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG="debian:buster"
+export USE_BUSY_BOX=true
+export RUN_UNIT_TESTS=true
+export GOAL="install"
+# -Wno-psabi is to disable ABI warnings: "note: parameter passing for argument of type ... changed in GCC 7.1"
+# This could be removed once the ABI change warning does not show up by default
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports CXXFLAGS=-Wno-psabi --enable-werror --with-boost-process"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_i686_centos.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_i686_centos.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e58003ab19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_i686_centos.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export HOST=i686-pc-linux-gnu
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_i686_centos_7
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG=centos:7
+export DOCKER_PACKAGES="gcc-c++ glibc-devel.x86_64 libstdc++-devel.x86_64 glibc-devel.i686 libstdc++-devel.i686 ccache libtool make git python3 python36-zmq which patch lbzip2 dash"
+export GOAL="install"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-gui=qt5 --enable-reduce-exports --with-boost-process"
+export CONFIG_SHELL="/bin/dash"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_mac.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_mac.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4450a65ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_mac.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_macos_cross
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG=ubuntu:18.04 # Check that bionic can cross-compile to macos (bionic is used in the gitian build as well)
+export HOST=x86_64-apple-darwin16
+export PACKAGES="cmake imagemagick libcap-dev librsvg2-bin libz-dev libbz2-dev libtiff-tools python3-dev python3-setuptools"
+export XCODE_VERSION=11.3.1
+export XCODE_BUILD_ID=11C505
+export RUN_UNIT_TESTS=false
+export GOAL="deploy"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--with-gui --enable-reduce-exports --enable-werror --with-boost-process"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_mac_host.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_mac_host.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c4cf0fce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_mac_host.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export HOST=x86_64-apple-darwin16
+export PIP_PACKAGES="zmq"
+export GOAL="install"
+# ELEMENTS: add -fno-stack-check to work around clang bug on macos
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--with-gui --enable-reduce-exports --enable-werror --with-boost-process CXXFLAGS=-fno-stack-check"
+export CI_OS_NAME="macos"
+export NO_DEPENDS=1
+export OSX_SDK=""
+export CCACHE_SIZE=300M
+export RUN_SECURITY_TESTS="true"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_asan.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_asan.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..191b8049b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_asan.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_native_asan
+export PACKAGES="clang llvm python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libqrencode-dev libsqlite3-dev"
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG=ubuntu:20.04
+export NO_DEPENDS=1
+export GOAL="install"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-incompatible-bdb --with-gui=qt5 CPPFLAGS='-DARENA_DEBUG -DDEBUG_LOCKORDER' --with-sanitizers=address,integer,undefined CC=clang CXX=clang++ --with-boost-process"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_fuzz.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_fuzz.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a32de4a6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_fuzz.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG="ubuntu:20.04"
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_native_fuzz
+export PACKAGES="clang llvm python3 libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev"
+export NO_DEPENDS=1
+export RUN_UNIT_TESTS=false
+export RUN_FUZZ_TESTS=true
+export GOAL="install"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-fuzz --with-sanitizers=fuzzer,address,undefined CC=clang CXX=clang++ --with-boost-process"
+export CCACHE_SIZE=200M
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_fuzz_with_valgrind.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_fuzz_with_valgrind.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e06a40eb23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_fuzz_with_valgrind.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG="ubuntu:20.04"
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_native_fuzz_valgrind
+export PACKAGES="clang llvm python3 libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev valgrind"
+export NO_DEPENDS=1
+export RUN_UNIT_TESTS=false
+export RUN_FUZZ_TESTS=true
+export FUZZ_TESTS_CONFIG="--valgrind"
+export GOAL="install"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-fuzz --with-sanitizers=fuzzer CC=clang CXX=clang++"
+export CCACHE_SIZE=200M
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_msan.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_msan.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b88ee2b50f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_msan.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG="ubuntu:20.04"
+export MSAN_FLAGS="-fsanitize=memory -fsanitize-memory-track-origins=2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -O1 -fno-optimize-sibling-calls"
+LIBCXX_FLAGS="-nostdinc++ -stdlib=libc++ -L${LIBCXX_DIR}lib -lc++abi -I${LIBCXX_DIR}include -I${LIBCXX_DIR}include/c++/v1 -lpthread -Wl,-rpath,${LIBCXX_DIR}lib -Wno-unused-command-line-argument"
+export BDB_PREFIX="${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/db4"
+export CONTAINER_NAME="ci_native_msan"
+export PACKAGES="clang-9 llvm-9 cmake"
+export DEP_OPTS="NO_BDB=1 NO_QT=1 CC='clang' CXX='clang++' CFLAGS='${MSAN_FLAGS}' CXXFLAGS='${MSAN_AND_LIBCXX_FLAGS}' boost_cxxflags='-std=c++11 -fvisibility=hidden -fPIC ${MSAN_AND_LIBCXX_FLAGS}' zeromq_cxxflags='-std=c++11 ${MSAN_AND_LIBCXX_FLAGS}'"
+export GOAL="install"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-wallet --with-sanitizers=memory --with-asm=no --prefix=${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/depends/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/ CC=clang CXX=clang++ CFLAGS='${MSAN_FLAGS}' CXXFLAGS='${MSAN_AND_LIBCXX_FLAGS}' BDB_LIBS='-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib -ldb_cxx-4.8' BDB_CFLAGS='-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include'"
+export RUN_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS="false"
+export CCACHE_SIZE=250M
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_multiprocess.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_multiprocess.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..754ee894d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_multiprocess.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_native_multiprocess
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG=ubuntu:20.04
+export PACKAGES="cmake python3"
+export GOAL="install"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--with-boost-process"
+export TEST_RUNNER_ENV="BITCOIND=elements-node"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_nowallet.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_nowallet.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a09bfe230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_nowallet.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_native_nowallet
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG=ubuntu:16.04 # Use xenial to have one config run the tests in python3.5, see doc/dependencies.md
+export PACKAGES="python3-zmq clang-3.8 llvm-3.8" # Use clang-3.8 to test C++11 compatibility, see doc/dependencies.md
+export DEP_OPTS="NO_WALLET=1"
+export GOAL="install"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports CC=clang-3.8 CXX=clang++-3.8 --with-boost-process"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_qt5.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_qt5.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8668662299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_qt5.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_native_qt5
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG=ubuntu:18.04 # Check that bionic can compile our c++17 and run our functional tests in python3
+export PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libdbus-1-dev libharfbuzz-dev"
+export TEST_RUNNER_EXTRA="--previous-releases --coverage --extended --exclude feature_dbcrash" # Run extended tests so that coverage does not fail, but exclude the very slow dbcrash
+export RUN_SECURITY_TESTS="true"
+export RUN_UNIT_TESTS="false"
+export GOAL="install"
+export PREVIOUS_RELEASES_TO_DOWNLOAD="v0.15.2 v0.16.3 v0.17.2 v0.18.1 v0.19.1"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-libs=no --with-gui=qt5 --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --enable-c++17 --enable-debug CFLAGS=\"-g0 -O2 -funsigned-char\" CXXFLAGS=\"-g0 -O2 -funsigned-char\" --with-boost-process"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_tsan.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_tsan.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b14a46562c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_tsan.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_native_tsan
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG=ubuntu:20.04
+export PACKAGES="clang llvm libc++abi-dev libc++-dev python3-zmq"
+export DEP_OPTS="CC=clang CXX='clang++ -stdlib=libc++'"
+export TEST_RUNNER_EXTRA="--exclude feature_block" # Low memory on Travis machines, exclude feature_block.
+export GOAL="install"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-gui=no CPPFLAGS='-DARENA_DEBUG -DDEBUG_LOCKORDER' CXXFLAGS='-g' --with-sanitizers=thread CC=clang CXX='clang++ -stdlib=libc++' --with-boost-process"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_valgrind.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_valgrind.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfaea13a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_native_valgrind.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_native_valgrind
+export PACKAGES="valgrind clang llvm python3-zmq libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libsqlite3-dev"
+export USE_VALGRIND=1
+export NO_DEPENDS=1
+export TEST_RUNNER_EXTRA="--exclude rpc_bind" # Excluded for now, see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/17765#issuecomment-602068547
+export GOAL="install"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-incompatible-bdb --with-gui=no CC=clang CXX=clang++" # TODO enable GUI
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_s390x.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_s390x.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..accbd07e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_s390x.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export HOST=s390x-linux-gnu
+# The host arch is unknown, so we run the tests through qemu.
+# If the host is s390x and wants to run the tests natively, it can set QEMU_USER_CMD to the empty string.
+if [ -z ${QEMU_USER_CMD+x} ]; then export QEMU_USER_CMD="${QEMU_USER_CMD:-"qemu-s390x"}"; fi
+export PACKAGES="python3-zmq"
+if [ -n "$QEMU_USER_CMD" ]; then
+ # Likely cross-compiling, so install the needed gcc and qemu-user
+ export DPKG_ADD_ARCH="s390x"
+ export PACKAGES="$PACKAGES g++-s390x-linux-gnu qemu-user libc6:s390x libstdc++6:s390x libfontconfig1:s390x libxcb1:s390x"
+# Use debian to avoid 404 apt errors
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_s390x
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG="debian:buster"
+export RUN_UNIT_TESTS=true
+export GOAL="install"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-reduce-exports --with-incompatible-bdb --with-boost-process"
diff --git a/ci/test/00_setup_env_win64.sh b/ci/test/00_setup_env_win64.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72cc3f63c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/00_setup_env_win64.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export CONTAINER_NAME=ci_win64
+export DOCKER_NAME_TAG=ubuntu:18.04 # Check that bionic can cross-compile to win64 (bionic is used in the gitian build as well)
+export HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32
+export PACKAGES="python3 nsis g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 wine-binfmt wine64 file"
+export RUN_SECURITY_TESTS="true"
+export GOAL="deploy"
+export BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-reduce-exports --disable-gui-tests --without-boost-process"
diff --git a/.travis/test_03_before_install.sh b/ci/test/03_before_install.sh
similarity index 61%
rename from .travis/test_03_before_install.sh
rename to ci/test/03_before_install.sh
index 3c9fcf3f98..80806aab75 100755
--- a/.travis/test_03_before_install.sh
+++ b/ci/test/03_before_install.sh
@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
-PATH=$(echo $PATH | tr ':' "\n" | sed '/\/opt\/python/d' | tr "\n" ":" | sed "s|::|:|g")
-# Add llvm-symbolizer directory to PATH. Needed to get symbolized stack traces from the sanitizers.
-export PATH
echo ""
diff --git a/ci/test/04_install.sh b/ci/test/04_install.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..db74fe6569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/04_install.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+if [[ $DOCKER_NAME_TAG == centos* ]]; then
+ export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
+if [[ $QEMU_USER_CMD == qemu-s390* ]]; then
+ export LC_ALL=C
+if [ "$CI_OS_NAME" == "macos" ]; then
+ IN_GETOPT_BIN="/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin/getopt" ${CI_RETRY_EXE} pip3 install --user $PIP_PACKAGES
+# Create folders that are mounted into the docker
+mkdir -p "${CCACHE_DIR}"
+export ASAN_OPTIONS="detect_stack_use_after_return=1:check_initialization_order=1:strict_init_order=1"
+export LSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/test/sanitizer_suppressions/lsan"
+export TSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/test/sanitizer_suppressions/tsan:halt_on_error=1:log_path=${BASE_SCRATCH_DIR}/sanitizer-output/tsan"
+export UBSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/test/sanitizer_suppressions/ubsan:print_stacktrace=1:halt_on_error=1:report_error_type=1"
+if [[ $BITCOIN_CONFIG = *--with-sanitizers=*address* ]]; then # If ran with (ASan + LSan), Docker needs access to ptrace (https://github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/764)
+export P_CI_DIR="$PWD"
+if [ -z "$DANGER_RUN_CI_ON_HOST" ]; then
+ echo "Creating $DOCKER_NAME_TAG container to run in"
+ ${CI_RETRY_EXE} docker pull "$DOCKER_NAME_TAG"
+ DOCKER_ID=$(docker run $DOCKER_ADMIN -idt \
+ --mount type=bind,src=$BASE_ROOT_DIR,dst=/ro_base,readonly \
+ --mount type=bind,src=$CCACHE_DIR,dst=$CCACHE_DIR \
+ --mount type=bind,src=$DEPENDS_DIR,dst=$DEPENDS_DIR \
+ --env-file /tmp/env \
+ --name $CONTAINER_NAME \
+ export DOCKER_CI_CMD_PREFIX="docker exec $DOCKER_ID"
+ echo "Running on host system without docker wrapper"
+ $DOCKER_CI_CMD_PREFIX bash -c "export PATH=$BASE_SCRATCH_DIR/bins/:\$PATH && cd $P_CI_DIR && $*"
+export -f DOCKER_EXEC
+if [ -n "$DPKG_ADD_ARCH" ]; then
+ DOCKER_EXEC dpkg --add-architecture "$DPKG_ADD_ARCH"
+if [[ $DOCKER_NAME_TAG == centos* ]]; then
+ ${CI_RETRY_EXE} DOCKER_EXEC yum -y install epel-release
+elif [ "$CI_USE_APT_INSTALL" != "no" ]; then
+ ${CI_RETRY_EXE} DOCKER_EXEC apt-get update
+ ${CI_RETRY_EXE} DOCKER_EXEC apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-upgrade -y $PACKAGES $DOCKER_PACKAGES
+if [ "$CI_OS_NAME" == "macos" ]; then
+ top -l 1 -s 0 | awk ' /PhysMem/ {print}'
+ echo "Number of CPUs: $(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)"
+ DOCKER_EXEC free -m -h
+ DOCKER_EXEC echo "Number of CPUs \(nproc\):" \$\(nproc\)
+ DOCKER_EXEC echo $(lscpu | grep Endian)
+DOCKER_EXEC echo "Free disk space:"
+if [ ! -d ${DIR_QA_ASSETS} ]; then
+ DOCKER_EXEC git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets ${DIR_QA_ASSETS}
+export DIR_FUZZ_IN=${DIR_QA_ASSETS}/fuzz_seed_corpus/
+export DIR_UNIT_TEST_DATA=${DIR_QA_ASSETS}/unit_test_data/
+DOCKER_EXEC mkdir -p "${BASE_SCRATCH_DIR}/sanitizer-output/"
+if [[ ${USE_MEMORY_SANITIZER} == "true" ]]; then
+ DOCKER_EXEC "update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ \$(which clang++-9) 100"
+ DOCKER_EXEC "update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang \$(which clang-9) 100"
+ DOCKER_EXEC "mkdir -p ${BASE_SCRATCH_DIR}/msan/build/"
+ DOCKER_EXEC "git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project -b llvmorg-10.0.0 ${BASE_SCRATCH_DIR}/msan/llvm-project"
+ DOCKER_EXEC "cd ${BASE_SCRATCH_DIR}/msan/build/ && cmake -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='libcxx;libcxxabi' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_USE_SANITIZER=Memory -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=X86 ../llvm-project/llvm/"
+ DOCKER_EXEC "cd ${BASE_SCRATCH_DIR}/msan/build/ && make $MAKEJOBS cxx"
+if [ -z "$DANGER_RUN_CI_ON_HOST" ]; then
+ echo "Create $BASE_ROOT_DIR"
+ DOCKER_EXEC rsync -a /ro_base/ $BASE_ROOT_DIR
+if [ "$USE_BUSY_BOX" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Setup to use BusyBox utils"
+ # tar excluded for now because it requires passing in the exact archive type in ./depends (fixed in later BusyBox version)
+ # find excluded for now because it does not recognize the -delete option in ./depends (fixed in later BusyBox version)
+ # ar excluded for now because it does not recognize the -q option in ./depends (unknown if fixed)
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1010
+ DOCKER_EXEC for util in \$\(busybox --list \| grep -v "^ar$" \| grep -v "^tar$" \| grep -v "^find$"\)\; do ln -s \$\(command -v busybox\) $BASE_SCRATCH_DIR/bins/\$util\; done
+ # Print BusyBox version
+ DOCKER_EXEC patch --help
diff --git a/ci/test/05_before_script.sh b/ci/test/05_before_script.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..42c244c2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/05_before_script.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+# Make sure default datadir does not exist and is never read by creating a dummy file
+if [ "$CI_OS_NAME" == "macos" ]; then
+ echo > $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin
+ DOCKER_EXEC echo \> \$HOME/.bitcoin
+DOCKER_EXEC mkdir -p ${DEPENDS_DIR}/SDKs ${DEPENDS_DIR}/sdk-sources
+if [ -n "$XCODE_VERSION" ] && [ ! -f "$OSX_SDK_PATH" ]; then
+ curl --location --fail "${SDK_URL}/${OSX_SDK_BASENAME}" -o "$OSX_SDK_PATH"
+if [[ ${USE_MEMORY_SANITIZER} == "true" ]]; then
+ # Use BDB compiled using install_db4.sh script to work around linking issue when using BDB
+ # from depends. See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/18288#discussion_r433189350 for
+ # details.
+ DOCKER_EXEC "contrib/install_db4.sh \$(pwd) --enable-umrw CC=clang CXX=clang++ CFLAGS='${MSAN_FLAGS}' CXXFLAGS='${MSAN_AND_LIBCXX_FLAGS}'"
+if [ -n "$XCODE_VERSION" ] && [ -f "$OSX_SDK_PATH" ]; then
+if [[ $HOST = *-mingw32 ]]; then
+ DOCKER_EXEC update-alternatives --set $HOST-g++ \$\(which $HOST-g++-posix\)
+if [ -z "$NO_DEPENDS" ]; then
+ if [[ $DOCKER_NAME_TAG == centos* ]]; then
+ # CentOS has problems building the depends if the config shell is not explicitly set
+ # (i.e. for libevent a Makefile with an empty SHELL variable is generated, leading to
+ # an error as the first command is executed)
+ else
+ fi
+ BEGIN_FOLD previous-versions
diff --git a/ci/test/06_script_a.sh b/ci/test/06_script_a.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e18c373abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/06_script_a.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL="--disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=$DEPENDS_DIR/$HOST --bindir=$BASE_OUTDIR/bin --libdir=$BASE_OUTDIR/lib"
+DOCKER_EXEC "ccache --zero-stats --max-size=$CCACHE_SIZE"
+BEGIN_FOLD autogen
+if [ -n "$CONFIG_SHELL" ]; then
+ DOCKER_EXEC "$CONFIG_SHELL" -c "./autogen.sh"
+ DOCKER_EXEC ./autogen.sh
+export P_CI_DIR="${BASE_BUILD_DIR}"
+BEGIN_FOLD configure
+DOCKER_EXEC "${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/configure" --cache-file=config.cache $BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL $BITCOIN_CONFIG || ( (DOCKER_EXEC cat config.log) && false)
+BEGIN_FOLD distdir
+export P_CI_DIR="${BASE_BUILD_DIR}/elements-$HOST"
+BEGIN_FOLD configure
+DOCKER_EXEC ./configure --cache-file=../config.cache $BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL $BITCOIN_CONFIG || ( (DOCKER_EXEC cat config.log) && false)
+set -o errtrace
+trap 'DOCKER_EXEC "cat ${BASE_SCRATCH_DIR}/sanitizer-output/* 2> /dev/null"' ERR
+if [[ ${USE_MEMORY_SANITIZER} == "true" ]]; then
+ # MemorySanitizer (MSAN) does not support tracking memory initialization done by
+ # using the Linux getrandom syscall. Avoid using getrandom by undefining
+ # HAVE_SYS_GETRANDOM. See https://github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/852 for
+ # details.
+ DOCKER_EXEC 'grep -v HAVE_SYS_GETRANDOM src/config/bitcoin-config.h > src/config/bitcoin-config.h.tmp && mv src/config/bitcoin-config.h.tmp src/config/bitcoin-config.h'
+DOCKER_EXEC make $MAKEJOBS $GOAL || ( echo "Build failure. Verbose build follows." && DOCKER_EXEC make $GOAL V=1 ; false )
+BEGIN_FOLD cache_stats
+DOCKER_EXEC "ccache --version | head -n 1 && ccache --show-stats"
diff --git a/ci/test/06_script_b.sh b/ci/test/06_script_b.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..c10bd21f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/06_script_b.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+if [[ $HOST = *-mingw32 ]]; then
+ BEGIN_FOLD wrap-wine
+ # Generate all binaries, so that they can be wrapped
+ DOCKER_EXEC make $MAKEJOBS -C src/secp256k1 VERBOSE=1
+ DOCKER_EXEC make $MAKEJOBS -C src/univalue VERBOSE=1
+ DOCKER_EXEC "${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/ci/test/wrap-wine.sh"
+if [ -n "$QEMU_USER_CMD" ]; then
+ BEGIN_FOLD wrap-qemu
+ # Generate all binaries, so that they can be wrapped
+ DOCKER_EXEC make $MAKEJOBS -C src/secp256k1 VERBOSE=1
+ DOCKER_EXEC make $MAKEJOBS -C src/univalue VERBOSE=1
+ DOCKER_EXEC "${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/ci/test/wrap-qemu.sh"
+if [ -n "$USE_VALGRIND" ]; then
+ BEGIN_FOLD wrap-valgrind
+ DOCKER_EXEC "${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/ci/test/wrap-valgrind.sh"
+if [ "$RUN_UNIT_TESTS" = "true" ]; then
+ BEGIN_FOLD unit-tests
+if [ "$RUN_UNIT_TESTS_SEQUENTIAL" = "true" ]; then
+ BEGIN_FOLD unit-tests-seq
+ DOCKER_EXEC ${TEST_RUNNER_ENV} DIR_UNIT_TEST_DATA=${DIR_UNIT_TEST_DATA} LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DEPENDS_DIR/$HOST/lib "${BASE_BUILD_DIR}/elements-*/src/test/test_bitcoin*" --catch_system_errors=no -l test_suite
+if [ "$RUN_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS" = "true" ]; then
+ BEGIN_FOLD functional-tests
+ DOCKER_EXEC LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DEPENDS_DIR/$HOST/lib ${TEST_RUNNER_ENV} test/functional/test_runner.py --ci $MAKEJOBS --tmpdirprefix "${BASE_SCRATCH_DIR}/test_runner/" --ansi --combinedlogslen=4000 --timeout-factor=${TEST_RUNNER_TIMEOUT_FACTOR} ${TEST_RUNNER_EXTRA} --quiet --failfast
+if [ "$RUN_SECURITY_TESTS" = "true" ]; then
+ BEGIN_FOLD security-tests
+ DOCKER_EXEC make test-security-check
+if [ "$RUN_FUZZ_TESTS" = "true" ]; then
+ BEGIN_FOLD fuzz-tests
diff --git a/ci/test/wrap-qemu.sh b/ci/test/wrap-qemu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..be7d7fcc1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/wrap-qemu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+for b_name in {"${BASE_OUTDIR}/bin"/*,src/secp256k1/*tests,src/univalue/{no_nul,test_json,unitester,object}}; do
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2044
+ for b in $(find "${BASE_ROOT_DIR}" -executable -type f -name $(basename $b_name)); do
+ echo "Wrap $b ..."
+ mv "$b" "${b}_orig"
+ echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > "$b"
+ echo "$QEMU_USER_CMD \"${b}_orig\" \"\$@\"" >> "$b"
+ chmod +x "$b"
+ done
diff --git a/ci/test/wrap-valgrind.sh b/ci/test/wrap-valgrind.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6b3e6eb7e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/wrap-valgrind.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+for b_name in "${BASE_OUTDIR}/bin"/*; do
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2044
+ for b in $(find "${BASE_ROOT_DIR}" -executable -type f -name $(basename $b_name)); do
+ echo "Wrap $b ..."
+ mv "$b" "${b}_orig"
+ echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > "$b"
+ echo "valgrind --gen-suppressions=all --quiet --error-exitcode=1 --suppressions=${BASE_ROOT_DIR}/contrib/valgrind.supp \"${b}_orig\" \"\$@\"" >> "$b"
+ chmod +x "$b"
+ done
diff --git a/ci/test/wrap-wine.sh b/ci/test/wrap-wine.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..58a8983e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test/wrap-wine.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+for b_name in {"${BASE_OUTDIR}/bin"/*,src/secp256k1/*tests,src/univalue/{no_nul,test_json,unitester,object}}.exe; do
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2044
+ for b in $(find "${BASE_ROOT_DIR}" -executable -type f -name "$(basename $b_name)"); do
+ if (file "$b" | grep "Windows"); then
+ echo "Wrap $b ..."
+ mv "$b" "${b}_orig"
+ echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > "$b"
+ echo "wine64 \"${b}_orig\" \"\$@\"" >> "$b"
+ chmod +x "$b"
+ fi
+ done
diff --git a/ci/test_run_all.sh b/ci/test_run_all.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a1d4bd1952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/test_run_all.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/00_setup_env.sh
+set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/03_before_install.sh
+set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/04_install.sh
+set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/05_before_script.sh
+set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/06_script_a.sh
+set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/06_script_b.sh
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index cf08ac241f..42674a7072 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-dnl require autoconf 2.60 (AS_ECHO/AS_ECHO_N)
define(_COPYRIGHT_YEAR, 2021)
define(_COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS,[The %s developers])
define(_COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS_SUBSTITUTION,[[Elements Project]])
@@ -15,6 +14,12 @@ AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([src/config/bitcoin-config.h])
+m4_ifndef([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG], [AC_MSG_ERROR([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG macro not found. Please install pkg-config and re-run autogen.sh])])
+if test "x$PKG_CONFIG" = x; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([pkg-config not found])
@@ -37,14 +42,14 @@ dnl faketime breaks configure and is only needed for make. Disable it here.
dnl Automake init set-up and checks
-AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([no-define subdir-objects foreign])
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.13 no-define subdir-objects foreign])
dnl faketime messes with timestamps and causes configure to be re-run.
dnl --disable-maintainer-mode can be used to bypass this.
dnl make the compilation flags quiet unless V=1 is used
-m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])])
dnl Compiler checks (here before libtool).
if test "x${CXXFLAGS+set}" = "xset"; then
@@ -62,8 +67,20 @@ case $host in
-dnl Require C++11 compiler (no GNU extensions)
-AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX([11], [noext], [mandatory], [nodefault])
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-c++17],
+ [enable compilation in c++17 mode (disabled by default)])],
+ [use_cxx17=$enableval],
+ [use_cxx17=no])
+dnl Require C++11 or C++17 compiler (no GNU extensions)
+if test "x$use_cxx17" = xyes -o "x$enable_fuzz" = xyes ; then
+ AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX([17], [noext], [mandatory])
+ AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX([11], [noext], [mandatory])
dnl Check if -latomic is required for
@@ -76,6 +93,10 @@ fi
+dnl Since libtool 1.5.2 (released 2004-01-25), on Linux libtool no longer
+dnl sets RPATH for any directories in the dynamic linker search path.
+dnl See more: https://wiki.debian.org/RpathIssue
dnl Libtool init checks.
@@ -84,9 +105,10 @@ AC_PATH_TOOL(AR, ar)
-dnl Python 3.4 is specified in .python-version and should be used if available, see doc/dependencies.md
-AC_PATH_PROGS([PYTHON], [python3.4 python3.5 python3.6 python3.7 python3 python])
+dnl Python 3.5 is specified in .python-version and should be used if available, see doc/dependencies.md
+AC_PATH_PROGS([PYTHON], [python3.5 python3.6 python3.7 python3.8 python3 python])
AC_PATH_PROG([GIT], [git])
@@ -96,9 +118,6 @@ AC_PATH_TOOL(READELF, readelf)
-if test -z "$DOXYGEN"; then
- AC_MSG_WARN([Doxygen not found])
AC_ARG_VAR(PYTHONPATH, Augments the default search path for python module files)
@@ -109,6 +128,12 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([wallet],
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-sqlite=yes|no|auto],
+ [enable sqlite wallet support (default: auto, i.e., enabled if wallet is enabled and sqlite is found)])],
+ [use_sqlite=$withval],
+ [use_sqlite=auto])
[enable UPNP (default is yes if libminiupnpc is found)])],
@@ -131,12 +156,6 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(gui-tests,
- [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-rapidcheck],
- [enable RapidCheck property based tests (default is yes if librapidcheck is found)])],
- [use_rapidcheck=$withval],
- [use_rapidcheck=auto])
AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-bench],[do not compile benchmarks (default is to compile)]),
@@ -148,7 +167,8 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([extended-functional-tests],
- AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-fuzz],[enable building of fuzz targets (default no)]),
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-fuzz],
+ [enable building of fuzz targets (default no). enabling this will disable all other targets]),
@@ -176,6 +196,16 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([ccache],
+dnl Suppress warnings from external headers (e.g. Boost, Qt).
+dnl May be useful if warnings from external headers clutter the build output
+dnl too much, so that it becomes difficult to spot Bitcoin Core warnings
+dnl or if they cause a build failure with --enable-werror.
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-suppress-external-warnings],
+ [Suppress warnings from external headers (default is no)])],
+ [suppress_external_warnings=$enableval],
+ [suppress_external_warnings=no])
[enable lcov testing (default is no)])],
@@ -194,9 +224,15 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([glibc-back-compat],
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-threadlocal],
+ [enable features that depend on the c++ thread_local keyword (currently just thread names in debug logs). (default is to enabled if there is platform support and glibc-back-compat is not enabled)])],
+ [use_thread_local=$enableval],
+ [use_thread_local=auto])
- [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-asm],
- [Enable assembly routines (default is yes)])],
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-asm],
+ [disable assembly routines (enabled by default)])],
@@ -225,13 +261,24 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([zmq],
[disable ZMQ notifications])],
- [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-bip70],
- [disable BIP70 (payment protocol) support in GUI (enabled by default)])],
- [enable_bip70=$enableval],
- [enable_bip70=auto])
-AC_ARG_WITH([protoc-bindir],[AS_HELP_STRING([--with-protoc-bindir=BIN_DIR],[specify protoc bin path])], [protoc_bin_path=$withval], [])
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libmultiprocess=yes|no|auto],
+ [Build with libmultiprocess library. (default: auto, i.e. detect with pkg-config)])],
+ [with_libmultiprocess=$withval],
+ [with_libmultiprocess=auto])
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mpgen=yes|no|auto|PREFIX],
+ [Build with libmultiprocess codegen tool. Useful to specify different libmultiprocess host system library and build system codegen tool prefixes when cross-compiling (default is host system libmultiprocess prefix)])],
+ [with_mpgen=$withval],
+ [with_mpgen=auto])
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-multiprocess],
+ [build multiprocess bitcoin-node, bitcoin-wallet, and bitcoin-gui executables in addition to monolithic bitcoind and bitcoin-qt executables. Requires libmultiprocess library. Experimental (default is no)])],
+ [enable_multiprocess=$enableval],
+ [enable_multiprocess=no])
@@ -239,27 +286,34 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(man,
AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_MAN, test "$enable_man" != no)
-# Enable debug
+dnl Enable debug
- [use debug compiler flags and macros (default is no)])],
+ [use compiler flags and macros suited for debugging (default is no)])],
-# Enable different -fsanitize options
+dnl Enable different -fsanitize options
[comma separated list of extra sanitizers to build with (default is none enabled)])],
-# Enable gprof profiling
+dnl Enable gprof profiling
[use gprof profiling compiler flags (default is no)])],
-# Turn warnings into errors
+dnl Pass compiler & linker flags that make builds deterministic
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-determinism],
+ [Enable compilation flags that make builds deterministic (default is no)])],
+ [enable_determinism=$enableval],
+ [enable_determinism=no])
+dnl Turn warnings into errors
[Treat certain compiler warnings as errors (default is no)])],
@@ -267,21 +321,40 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([werror],
+dnl Check for a flag to turn compiler warnings into errors. This is helpful for checks which may
+dnl appear to succeed because by default they merely emit warnings when they fail.
+dnl Note that this is not necessarily a check to see if -Werror is supported, but rather to see if
+dnl a compile with -Werror can succeed. This is important because the compiler may already be
+dnl warning about something unrelated, for example about some path issue. If that is the case,
+dnl -Werror cannot be used because all of those warnings would be turned into errors.
+dnl Check for a flag to turn linker warnings into errors. When flags are passed to linkers via the
+dnl compiler driver using a -Wl,-foo flag, linker warnings may be swallowed rather than bubbling up.
+dnl See note above, the same applies here as well.
+dnl LDFLAG_WERROR Should only be used when testing -Wl,*
+case $host in
+ *darwin*)
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([-Wl,-fatal_warnings],[LDFLAG_WERROR="-Wl,-fatal_warnings"],[LDFLAG_WERROR=""])
+ ;;
+ *)
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([-Wl,--fatal-warnings],[LDFLAG_WERROR="-Wl,--fatal-warnings"],[LDFLAG_WERROR=""])
+ ;;
if test "x$enable_debug" = xyes; then
- # Clear default -g -O2 flags
+ dnl Clear default -g -O2 flags
if test "x$CXXFLAGS_overridden" = xno; then
- # Prefer -Og, fall back to -O0 if that is unavailable.
- [-Og],
- # Prefer -g3, fall back to -g if that is unavailable.
+ dnl Disable all optimizations
+ dnl Prefer -g3, fall back to -g if that is unavailable.
@@ -294,19 +367,19 @@ if test "x$enable_debug" = xyes; then
if test x$use_sanitizers != x; then
- # First check if the compiler accepts flags. If an incompatible pair like
- # -fsanitize=address,thread is used here, this check will fail. This will also
- # fail if a bad argument is passed, e.g. -fsanitize=undfeined
+ dnl First check if the compiler accepts flags. If an incompatible pair like
+ dnl -fsanitize=address,thread is used here, this check will fail. This will also
+ dnl fail if a bad argument is passed, e.g. -fsanitize=undfeined
[AC_MSG_ERROR([compiler did not accept requested flags])])
- # Some compilers (e.g. GCC) require additional libraries like libasan,
- # libtsan, libubsan, etc. Make sure linking still works with the sanitize
- # flag. This is a separate check so we can give a better error message when
- # the sanitize flags are supported by the compiler but the actual sanitizer
- # libs are missing.
+ dnl Some compilers (e.g. GCC) require additional libraries like libasan,
+ dnl libtsan, libubsan, etc. Make sure linking still works with the sanitize
+ dnl flag. This is a separate check so we can give a better error message when
+ dnl the sanitize flags are supported by the compiler but the actual sanitizer
+ dnl libs are missing.
@@ -325,33 +398,74 @@ if test "x$enable_werror" = "xyes"; then
if test "x$CXXFLAG_WERROR" = "x"; then
AC_MSG_ERROR("enable-werror set but -Werror is not usable")
- AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=thread-safety-analysis],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=thread-safety-analysis"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=shadow-field],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=shadow-field"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=thread-safety],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=thread-safety"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=range-loop-analysis],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=range-loop-analysis"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=unused-variable],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=unused-variable"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=date-time],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=date-time"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=return-type],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=return-type"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=conditional-uninitialized],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=conditional-uninitialized"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=sign-compare],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=sign-compare"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ dnl -Wsuggest-override is broken with GCC before 9.2
+ dnl https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=78010
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=suggest-override],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=suggest-override"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]],
+ [AC_LANG_SOURCE([[struct A { virtual void f(); }; struct B : A { void f() final; };]])])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=unreachable-code-loop-increment],[ERROR_CXXFLAGS="$ERROR_CXXFLAGS -Werror=unreachable-code-loop-increment"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
if test "x$CXXFLAGS_overridden" = "xno"; then
+ dnl some compilers will ignore -Wformat-security without -Wformat, so just combine the two here.
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wformat -Wformat-security],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wformat -Wformat-security"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
- AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wformat-security],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wformat-security"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
- AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wthread-safety-analysis],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wthread-safety-analysis"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wrange-loop-analysis],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wrange-loop-analysis"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wredundant-decls],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wredundant-decls"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
- ## Some compilers (gcc) ignore unknown -Wno-* options, but warn about all
- ## unknown options if any other warning is produced. Test the -Wfoo case, and
- ## set the -Wno-foo case if it works.
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wunused-variable],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wunused-variable"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wconditional-uninitialized],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wconditional-uninitialized"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wduplicated-branches],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wduplicated-branches"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wduplicated-cond],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wduplicated-cond"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Woverloaded-virtual],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Woverloaded-virtual"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wsuggest-override],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wsuggest-override"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]],
+ [AC_LANG_SOURCE([[struct A { virtual void f(); }; struct B : A { void f() final; };]])])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wunreachable-code-loop-increment],[WARN_CXXFLAGS="$WARN_CXXFLAGS -Wunreachable-code-loop-increment"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ dnl Some compilers (gcc) ignore unknown -Wno-* options, but warn about all
+ dnl unknown options if any other warning is produced. Test the -Wfoo case, and
+ dnl set the -Wno-foo case if it works.
AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wunused-parameter],[NOWARN_CXXFLAGS="$NOWARN_CXXFLAGS -Wno-unused-parameter"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wunused-local-typedef],[NOWARN_CXXFLAGS="$NOWARN_CXXFLAGS -Wno-unused-local-typedef"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wdeprecated-register],[NOWARN_CXXFLAGS="$NOWARN_CXXFLAGS -Wno-deprecated-register"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wimplicit-fallthrough],[NOWARN_CXXFLAGS="$NOWARN_CXXFLAGS -Wno-implicit-fallthrough"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wdeprecated-copy],[NOWARN_CXXFLAGS="$NOWARN_CXXFLAGS -Wno-deprecated-copy"],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
-# Check for optional instruction set support. Enabling these does _not_ imply that all code will
-# be compiled with them, rather that specific objects/libs may use them after checking for runtime
-# compatibility.
+dnl Don't allow extended (non-ASCII) symbols in identifiers. This is easier for code review.
+AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-fno-extended-identifiers],[[CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-extended-identifiers"]],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
+if test "x$use_asm" = "xyes"; then
+dnl Check for optional instruction set support. Enabling these does _not_ imply that all code will
+dnl be compiled with them, rather that specific objects/libs may use them after checking for runtime
+dnl compatibility.
+dnl x86
AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-mavx -mavx2],[[AVX2_CXXFLAGS="-mavx -mavx2"]],,[[$CXXFLAG_WERROR]])
@@ -359,7 +473,7 @@ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-msse4 -msha],[[SHANI_CXXFLAGS="-msse4 -msha"]],,[[$CXXFL
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(for assembler crc32 support)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for SSE4.2 intrinsics)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
@@ -374,7 +488,7 @@ AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
l = _mm_crc32_u64(l, 0);
return l;
- [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); enable_hwcrc32=yes],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); enable_sse42=yes],
@@ -426,6 +540,26 @@ AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
+# ARM
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ARM CRC32 intrinsics)
+ #include
+ #include
+ ]],[[
+ __crc32cb(0, 0); __crc32ch(0, 0); __crc32cw(0, 0); __crc32cd(0, 0);
+ vmull_p64(0, 0);
+ ]])],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); enable_arm_crc=yes; ],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]
@@ -464,47 +598,26 @@ AC_ARG_WITH([daemon],
-AC_PATH_PROGS([RSVG_CONVERT],[rsvg-convert rsvg],no)
-if test x$RSVG_CONVERT = xno; then
- can_render_icons='rsvg-convert'
-elif test x$IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT = xno; then
- can_render_icons='(ImageMagick) convert'
case $host in
- #pkgconfig does more harm than good with MinGW
- use_pkgconfig=no
- AC_CHECK_LIB([mingwthrd], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libmingwthrd missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([kernel32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libkernel32 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([user32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libuser32 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([gdi32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libgdi32 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([comdlg32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libcomdlg32 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([winspool], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libwinspool missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([winmm], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libwinmm missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([shell32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libshell32 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([comctl32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libcomctl32 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([ole32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libole32 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([oleaut32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(liboleaut32 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([uuid], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libuuid missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([rpcrt4], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(librpcrt4 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([advapi32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libadvapi32 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([ws2_32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libws2_32 missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([mswsock], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libmswsock missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([shlwapi], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libshlwapi missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([iphlpapi], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libiphlpapi missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([crypt32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libcrypt32 missing))
- # -static is interpreted by libtool, where it has a different meaning.
- # In libtool-speak, it's -all-static.
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([kernel32], [GetModuleFileNameA],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libkernel32 missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([user32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libuser32 missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([gdi32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libgdi32 missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([comdlg32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libcomdlg32 missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([winmm], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libwinmm missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([shell32], [SHGetSpecialFolderPathW],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libshell32 missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([comctl32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libcomctl32 missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([ole32], [CoCreateInstance],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libole32 missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([oleaut32], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(liboleaut32 missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([uuid], [main],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libuuid missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([advapi32], [CryptAcquireContextW],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libadvapi32 missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([ws2_32], [WSAStartup],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libws2_32 missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([shlwapi], [PathRemoveFileSpecW],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libshlwapi missing))
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([iphlpapi], [GetAdaptersAddresses],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libiphlpapi missing))
+ dnl -static is interpreted by libtool, where it has a different meaning.
+ dnl In libtool-speak, it's -all-static.
AC_PATH_PROG([MAKENSIS], [makensis], none)
@@ -517,17 +630,7 @@ case $host in
AC_MSG_ERROR("windres not found")
- if test "x$CXXFLAGS_overridden" = "xno"; then
- fi
- case $host in
- i?86-*) WINDOWS_BITS=32 ;;
- x86_64-*) WINDOWS_BITS=64 ;;
- *) AC_MSG_ERROR("Could not determine win32/win64 for installer") ;;
- esac
dnl libtool insists upon adding -nostdlib and a list of objects/libs to link against.
dnl That breaks our ability to build dll's with static libgcc/libstdc++/libssp. Override
@@ -537,14 +640,11 @@ case $host in
archive_cmds_CXX="\$CC -shared \$libobjs \$deplibs \$compiler_flags -static -o \$output_objdir/\$soname \${wl}--enable-auto-image-base -Xlinker --out-implib -Xlinker \$lib"
+ dnl We require Windows 7 (NT 6.1) or later
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--major-subsystem-version -Wl,6 -Wl,--minor-subsystem-version -Wl,1]],[LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--major-subsystem-version -Wl,6 -Wl,--minor-subsystem-version -Wl,1"],,[[$LDFLAG_WERROR]])
- if test x$PNG2ICNS = xno; then
- can_render_icons='png2icns'
- fi
if test x$cross_compiling != xyes; then
AC_PATH_PROGS([RSVG_CONVERT], [rsvg-convert rsvg],rsvg-convert)
@@ -556,13 +656,8 @@ case $host in
dnl It's safe to add these paths even if the functionality is disabled by
dnl the user (--without-wallet or --without-gui for example).
- openssl_prefix=`$BREW --prefix openssl 2>/dev/null`
- bdb_prefix=`$BREW --prefix berkeley-db4 2>/dev/null`
- qt5_prefix=`$BREW --prefix qt5 2>/dev/null`
- if test x$openssl_prefix != x; then
- PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$openssl_prefix/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
- fi
+ bdb_prefix=$($BREW --prefix berkeley-db4 2>/dev/null)
+ qt5_prefix=$($BREW --prefix qt5 2>/dev/null)
if test x$bdb_prefix != x && test "x$BDB_CFLAGS" = "x" && test "x$BDB_LIBS" = "x"; then
dnl This must precede the call to BITCOIN_FIND_BDB48 below.
@@ -579,9 +674,12 @@ case $host in
+ AC_PATH_TOOL([DSYMUTIL], [dsymutil], dsymutil)
AC_PATH_TOOL([INSTALLNAMETOOL], [install_name_tool], install_name_tool)
AC_PATH_TOOL([OTOOL], [otool], otool)
AC_PATH_PROGS([GENISOIMAGE], [genisoimage mkisofs],genisoimage)
+ AC_PATH_PROGS([RSVG_CONVERT], [rsvg-convert rsvg],rsvg-convert)
AC_PATH_PROGS([TIFFCP], [tiffcp],tiffcp)
dnl libtool will try to strip the static lib, which is a problem for
@@ -593,56 +691,19 @@ case $host in
- AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names]], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names"])
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names]], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names"],, [[$LDFLAG_WERROR]])
dnl make sure android stays above linux for hosts like *linux-android*
+ TARGET_OS=android
- ;;
- *kfreebsd*)
- ;;
- *freebsd*)
- ;;
- *openbsd*)
- ;;
- *netbsd*)
- ;;
- *dragonfly*)
- ;;
- *solaris*)
- ;;
- *hpux*)
- ;;
- *)
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot build leveldb for $host. Please file a bug report.)
-AM_CONDITIONAL([CAN_RENDER_ICONS], [test x$can_render_icons = xyes])
-if test x$use_pkgconfig = xyes; then
- m4_ifndef([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG], [AC_MSG_ERROR(PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG macro not found. Please install pkg-config and re-run autogen.sh.)])
- m4_ifdef([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG], [
- if test x"$PKG_CONFIG" = "x"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(pkg-config not found.)
- fi
- ])
if test x$use_extended_functional_tests != xno; then
@@ -651,21 +712,41 @@ if test x$use_lcov = xyes; then
if test x$LCOV = x; then
AC_MSG_ERROR("lcov testing requested but lcov not found")
- if test x$GCOV = x; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR("lcov testing requested but gcov not found")
- fi
if test x$PYTHON = x; then
AC_MSG_ERROR("lcov testing requested but python not found")
if test x$GENHTML = x; then
AC_MSG_ERROR("lcov testing requested but genhtml not found")
- LCOV="$LCOV --gcov-tool=$GCOV"
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether compiler is Clang])
+ #if defined(__clang__) && defined(__llvm__)
+ // Compiler is Clang
+ #else
+ # error Compiler is not Clang
+ #endif
+ ]])],[
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+ if test x$LLVM_COV = x; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([lcov testing requested but llvm-cov not found])
+ fi
+ ],[
+ if test x$GCOV = x; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([lcov testing requested but gcov not found])
+ fi
+ ])
+ AC_SUBST(COV_TOOL_WRAPPER, "cov_tool_wrapper.sh")
+ LCOV="$LCOV --gcov-tool $(pwd)/$COV_TOOL_WRAPPER"
AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[--coverage]], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS --coverage"],
[AC_MSG_ERROR("lcov testing requested but --coverage linker flag does not work")])
AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([--coverage],[CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS --coverage"],
[AC_MSG_ERROR("lcov testing requested but --coverage flag does not work")])
- AC_DEFINE(USE_COVERAGE, 1, [Define this symbol if coverage is enabled])
@@ -679,11 +760,11 @@ AC_C_BIGENDIAN
dnl Check for pthread compile/link requirements
-# The following macro will add the necessary defines to bitcoin-config.h, but
-# they also need to be passed down to any subprojects. Pull the results out of
-# the cache and add them to CPPFLAGS.
+dnl The following macro will add the necessary defines to bitcoin-config.h, but
+dnl they also need to be passed down to any subprojects. Pull the results out of
+dnl the cache and add them to CPPFLAGS.
-# detect POSIX or GNU variant of strerror_r
+dnl detect POSIX or GNU variant of strerror_r
if test x$ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits != x &&
@@ -698,31 +779,11 @@ if test x$ac_cv_sys_large_files != x &&
CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -D_LARGE_FILES=$ac_cv_sys_large_files"
-AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--large-address-aware]], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--large-address-aware"])
if test x$use_glibc_compat != xno; then
- #glibc absorbed clock_gettime in 2.17. librt (its previous location) is safe to link
- #in anyway for back-compat.
- AC_CHECK_LIB([rt],[clock_gettime],, AC_MSG_ERROR(librt missing))
- #__fdelt_chk's params and return type have changed from long unsigned int to long int.
- # See which one is present here.
- AC_MSG_CHECKING(__fdelt_chk type)
- #endif
- #define _FORTIFY_SOURCE 2
- #include
- extern "C" long unsigned int __fdelt_warn(long unsigned int);]],[[]])],
- [ fdelt_type="long unsigned int"],
- [ fdelt_type="long int"])
- AC_MSG_RESULT($fdelt_type)
- AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(FDELT_TYPE, $fdelt_type,[parameter and return value type for __fdelt_chk])
AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--wrap=__divmoddi4]], [COMPAT_LDFLAGS="$COMPAT_LDFLAGS -Wl,--wrap=__divmoddi4"])
AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--wrap=log2f]], [COMPAT_LDFLAGS="$COMPAT_LDFLAGS -Wl,--wrap=log2f"])
@@ -747,27 +808,45 @@ if test "x$enable_gprof" = xyes; then
if test x$TARGET_OS != xwindows; then
- # All windows code is PIC, forcing it on just adds useless compile warnings
+ dnl All windows code is PIC, forcing it on just adds useless compile warnings
+dnl All versions of gcc that we commonly use for building are subject to bug
+dnl https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=90348. To work around that, set
+dnl -fstack-reuse=none for all gcc builds. (Only gcc understands this flag)
+AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-fstack-reuse=none],[HARDENED_CXXFLAGS="$HARDENED_CXXFLAGS -fstack-reuse=none"])
if test x$use_hardening != xno; then
AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-fstack-protector-all],[HARDENED_CXXFLAGS="$HARDENED_CXXFLAGS -fstack-protector-all"])
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-fcf-protection=full],[HARDENED_CXXFLAGS="$HARDENED_CXXFLAGS -fcf-protection=full"])
+ dnl stack-clash-protection does not work properly when building for Windows.
+ dnl We use the test case from https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=90458
+ dnl to determine if it can be enabled.
+ AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-fstack-clash-protection],[HARDENED_CXXFLAGS="$HARDENED_CXXFLAGS -fstack-clash-protection"],[],["-O0"],
+ [AC_LANG_SOURCE([[class D {public: unsigned char buf[32768];}; int main() {D d; return 0;}]])])
+ dnl When enable_debug is yes, all optimizations are disabled.
+ dnl However, FORTIFY_SOURCE requires that there is some level of optimization, otherwise it does nothing and just creates a compiler warning.
+ dnl Since FORTIFY_SOURCE is a no-op without optimizations, do not enable it when enable_debug is yes.
+ if test x$enable_debug != xyes; then
+ ])
- ])
+ fi
- AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--dynamicbase]], [HARDENED_LDFLAGS="$HARDENED_LDFLAGS -Wl,--dynamicbase"])
- AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--nxcompat]], [HARDENED_LDFLAGS="$HARDENED_LDFLAGS -Wl,--nxcompat"])
- AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--high-entropy-va]], [HARDENED_LDFLAGS="$HARDENED_LDFLAGS -Wl,--high-entropy-va"])
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--dynamicbase]], [HARDENED_LDFLAGS="$HARDENED_LDFLAGS -Wl,--dynamicbase"],, [[$LDFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--high-entropy-va]], [HARDENED_LDFLAGS="$HARDENED_LDFLAGS -Wl,--high-entropy-va"],, [[$LDFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,-z,separate-code]], [HARDENED_LDFLAGS="$HARDENED_LDFLAGS -Wl,-z,separate-code"],, [[$LDFLAG_WERROR]])
case $host in
@@ -777,12 +856,22 @@ if test x$use_hardening != xno; then
-dnl this flag screws up non-darwin gcc even when the check fails. special-case it.
+dnl These flags are specific to ld64, and may cause issues with other linkers.
+dnl For example: GNU ld will interpret -dead_strip as -de and then try and use
+dnl "ad_strip" as the symbol for the entry point.
if test x$TARGET_OS = xdarwin; then
- AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,-dead_strip]], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-dead_strip"])
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,-dead_strip]], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-dead_strip"],, [[$LDFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs]], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs"],, [[$LDFLAG_WERROR]])
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,-bind_at_load]], [HARDENED_LDFLAGS="$HARDENED_LDFLAGS -Wl,-bind_at_load"],, [[$LDFLAG_WERROR]])
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS([endian.h sys/endian.h byteswap.h stdio.h stdlib.h unistd.h strings.h sys/types.h sys/stat.h sys/select.h sys/prctl.h])
+if test x$enable_determinism = xyes; then
+ if test x$TARGET_OS = xwindows; then
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--no-insert-timestamp]], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--no-insert-timestamp"],, [[$LDFLAG_WERROR]])
+ fi
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS([endian.h sys/endian.h byteswap.h stdio.h stdlib.h unistd.h strings.h sys/types.h sys/stat.h sys/select.h sys/prctl.h sys/sysctl.h vm/vm_param.h sys/vmmeter.h sys/resources.h])
AC_CHECK_DECLS([getifaddrs, freeifaddrs],,,
@@ -790,7 +879,7 @@ AC_CHECK_DECLS([getifaddrs, freeifaddrs],,,
-# Check for daemon(3), unrelated to --with-daemon (although used by it)
+dnl Check for daemon(3), unrelated to --with-daemon (although used by it)
AC_CHECK_DECLS([le16toh, le32toh, le64toh, htole16, htole32, htole64, be16toh, be32toh, be64toh, htobe16, htobe32, htobe64],,,
@@ -805,7 +894,21 @@ AC_CHECK_DECLS([bswap_16, bswap_32, bswap_64],,,
-AC_CHECK_DECLS([__builtin_clz, __builtin_clzl, __builtin_clzll])
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for __builtin_clzl)
+ (void) __builtin_clzl(0);
+ ]])],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZL, 1, [Define this symbol if you have __builtin_clzl])],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for __builtin_clzll)
+ (void) __builtin_clzll(0);
+ ]])],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZLL, 1, [Define this symbol if you have __builtin_clzll])],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]
dnl Check for malloc_info (for memory statistics information in getmemoryinfo)
AC_MSG_CHECKING(for getmemoryinfo)
@@ -823,6 +926,22 @@ AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include ]],
+dnl Check for posix_fallocate
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for posix_fallocate)
+ // same as in src/util/system.cpp
+ #ifdef __linux__
+ #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+ #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+ #endif
+ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L
+ #endif // __linux__
+ #include ]],
+ [[ int f = posix_fallocate(0, 0, 0); ]])],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); AC_DEFINE(HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE, 1,[Define this symbol if you have posix_fallocate]) ],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for visibility attribute])
int foo_def( void ) __attribute__((visibility("default")));
@@ -840,29 +959,65 @@ AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for thread_local support])
- #include
- static thread_local int foo = 0;
- static void run_thread() { foo++;}
- int main(){
- for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { std::thread(run_thread).detach();}
- return foo;
- }
- ])],
- [
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_THREAD_LOCAL,1,[Define if thread_local is supported.])
- ],
- [
+dnl thread_local is currently disabled when building with glibc back compat.
+dnl Our minimum supported glibc is 2.17, however support for thread_local
+dnl did not arrive in glibc until 2.18.
+if test "x$use_thread_local" = xyes || { test "x$use_thread_local" = xauto && test "x$use_glibc_compat" = xno; }; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for thread_local support])
+ #include
+ static thread_local int foo = 0;
+ static void run_thread() { foo++;}
+ int main(){
+ for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { std::thread(run_thread).detach();}
+ return foo;
+ }
+ ])],
+ [
+ case $host in
+ *mingw*)
+ dnl mingw32's implementation of thread_local has also been shown to behave
+ dnl erroneously under concurrent usage; see:
+ dnl https://gist.github.com/jamesob/fe9a872051a88b2025b1aa37bfa98605
+ ;;
+ *freebsd*)
+ dnl FreeBSD's implementation of thread_local is also buggy (per
+ dnl https://groups.google.com/d/msg/bsdmailinglist/22ncTZAbDp4/Dii_pII5AwAJ)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_THREAD_LOCAL,1,[Define if thread_local is supported.])
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ],
+ [
+ ]
+ )
+dnl check for gmtime_r(), fallback to gmtime_s() if that is unavailable
+dnl fail if neither are available.
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for gmtime_r)
+ [[ gmtime_r((const time_t *) nullptr, (struct tm *) nullptr); ]])],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GMTIME_R, 1, [Define this symbol if gmtime_r is available]) ],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(no);
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for gmtime_s);
+ [[ gmtime_s((struct tm *) nullptr, (const time_t *) nullptr); ]])],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(no); AC_MSG_ERROR(Both gmtime_r and gmtime_s are unavailable) ]
+ )
-# Check for different ways of gathering OS randomness
+dnl Check for different ways of gathering OS randomness
AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Linux getrandom syscall)
@@ -887,10 +1042,24 @@ AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for sysctl)
+ #include ]],
+ [[ #ifdef __linux__
+ #error "Don't use sysctl on Linux, it's deprecated even when it works"
+ #endif
+ sysctl(nullptr, 2, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0); ]])],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SYSCTL, 1,[Define this symbol if the BSD sysctl() is available]) ],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]
#include ]],
- [[ static const int name[2] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_ARND};
+ [[ #ifdef __linux__
+ #error "Don't use sysctl on Linux, it's deprecated even when it works"
+ #endif
+ static int name[2] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_ARND};
sysctl(name, 2, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0); ]])],
[ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SYSCTL_ARND, 1,[Define this symbol if the BSD sysctl(KERN_ARND) is available]) ],
@@ -904,12 +1073,100 @@ AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include
-# Check for reduced exports
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for fdatasync)
+ [[ fdatasync(0); ]])],
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([HAVE_FDATASYNC], [$HAVE_FDATASYNC], [Define to 1 if fdatasync is available.])
+ [[ fcntl(0, F_FULLFSYNC, 0); ]])],
+ [[ open("", O_CLOEXEC); ]])],
+dnl crc32c platform checks
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for __builtin_prefetch)
+ char data = 0;
+ const char* address = &data;
+ __builtin_prefetch(address, 0, 0);
+ ]])],
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for _mm_prefetch)
+ char data = 0;
+ const char* address = &data;
+ _mm_prefetch(address, _MM_HINT_NTA);
+ ]])],
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for strong getauxval support in the system headers)
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ ]], [[
+ getauxval(AT_HWCAP);
+ ]])],
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for weak getauxval support in the compiler)
+ unsigned long getauxval(unsigned long type) __attribute__((weak));
+ #define AT_HWCAP 16
+ ]], [[
+ getauxval(AT_HWCAP);
+ ]])],
+dnl Check for reduced exports
if test x$use_reduce_exports = xyes; then
[AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot set default symbol visibility. Use --disable-reduce-exports.])])
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for std::system])
+ [[ #include ]],
+ [[ int nErr = std::system(""); ]]
+ )],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); AC_DEFINE(HAVE_STD__SYSTEM, 1, Define to 1 if std::system is available.)],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ]
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ::_wsystem])
+ [[ ]],
+ [[ int nErr = ::_wsystem(""); ]]
+ )],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes); AC_DEFINE(HAVE_WSYSTEM, 1, Define to 1 if ::wsystem is available.)],
+ [ AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ]
+AC_DEFINE([HAVE_SYSTEM], [HAVE_STD__SYSTEM || HAVE_WSYSTEM], [std::system or ::wsystem])
@@ -918,9 +1175,89 @@ AC_SUBST(LEVELDB_CPPFLAGS)
+dnl Replace -I with -isystem in $SOME_CPPFLAGS to suppress warnings from
+dnl headers from its include directories and return the result.
+dnl See -isystem documentation:
+dnl https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Directory-Options.html
+dnl https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangCommandLineReference.html#cmdoption-clang-isystem-directory
+dnl Do not change "-I/usr/include" to "-isystem /usr/include" because that
+dnl is not necessary (/usr/include is already a system directory) and because
+dnl it would break GCC's #include_next.
+ [$(echo $1 |${SED} -E -e 's/(^| )-I/\1-isystem /g' -e 's;-isystem /usr/include([/ ]|$);-I/usr/include\1;g')])
+dnl enable-fuzz should disable all other targets
+if test "x$enable_fuzz" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_MSG_WARN(enable-fuzz will disable all other targets)
+ build_bitcoin_utils=no
+ build_bitcoin_cli=no
+ build_bitcoin_tx=no
+ build_bitcoin_wallet=no
+ build_bitcoind=no
+ build_bitcoin_libs=no
+ bitcoin_enable_qt=no
+ bitcoin_enable_qt_test=no
+ bitcoin_enable_qt_dbus=no
+ enable_wallet=no
+ use_bench=no
+ use_upnp=no
+ use_zmq=no
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether main function is needed])
+ [[-fsanitize=$use_sanitizers]],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+ [],
+ #include
+ #include
+ extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { return 0; }
+ /* unterminated comment to remove the main function ...
+ ]],[[]])])
+ dnl sets $bitcoin_enable_qt, $bitcoin_enable_qt_test, $bitcoin_enable_qt_dbus
+ dnl Keep a copy of the original $QT_INCLUDES and use it when invoking qt's moc
+ if test x$suppress_external_warnings != xno ; then
+ fi
if test x$enable_wallet != xno; then
dnl Check for libdb_cxx only if wallet enabled
+ if test x$suppress_external_warnings != xno ; then
+ fi
+ dnl Check for sqlite3
+ if test "x$use_sqlite" != "xno"; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([SQLITE], [sqlite3 >= 3.7.17], [have_sqlite=yes], [have_sqlite=no])
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build wallet with support for sqlite])
+ if test "x$use_sqlite" = "xno"; then
+ use_sqlite=no
+ elif test "x$have_sqlite" = "xno"; then
+ if test "x$use_sqlite" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([sqlite support requested but cannot be built. Use --without-sqlite])
+ fi
+ use_sqlite=no
+ else
+ if test x$use_sqlite != xno; then
+ AC_DEFINE([USE_SQLITE],[1],[Define if sqlite support should be compiled in])
+ use_sqlite=yes
+ fi
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$use_sqlite])
dnl Check for libminiupnpc (optional)
@@ -930,12 +1267,27 @@ if test x$use_upnp != xno; then
[AC_CHECK_LIB([miniupnpc], [upnpDiscover], [MINIUPNPC_LIBS=-lminiupnpc], [have_miniupnpc=no])],
+dnl The minimum supported miniUPnPc API version is set to 10. This keeps compatibility
+dnl with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Debian 8 libminiupnpc-dev packages.
+if test x$have_miniupnpc != xno; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether miniUPnPc API version is supported])
+ @%:@include
+ ]], [[
+ // Everything is okay
+ #else
+ # error miniUPnPc API version is too old
+ #endif
+ ]])],[
+ ],[
+ AC_MSG_WARN([miniUPnPc API version < 10 is unsupported, disabling UPnP support.])
+ have_miniupnpc=no
+ ])
-dnl sets $bitcoin_enable_qt, $bitcoin_enable_qt_test, $bitcoin_enable_qt_dbus
if test x$build_bitcoin_wallet$build_bitcoin_cli$build_bitcoin_tx$build_bitcoind$bitcoin_enable_qt$use_tests$use_bench = xnonononononono; then
@@ -946,9 +1298,9 @@ fi
if test x$use_boost = xyes; then
dnl Minimum required Boost version
-dnl Check for boost libs
+dnl Check for Boost libs
if test x$want_boost = xno; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([[only libbitcoinconsensus can be built without boost]])
@@ -956,37 +1308,25 @@ fi
+dnl Opt-in to boost-process
+AS_IF([ test x$with_boost_process != x ], [ AX_BOOST_PROCESS ], [ ax_cv_boost_process=no ] )
+if test x$suppress_external_warnings != xno; then
dnl Boost 1.56 through 1.62 allow using std::atomic instead of its own atomic
dnl counter implementations. In 1.63 and later the std::atomic approach is default.
m4_pattern_allow(DBOOST_AC_USE_STD_ATOMIC) dnl otherwise it's treated like a macro
-if test x$use_reduce_exports = xyes; then
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for working boost reduced exports])
- @%:@include
- ]], [[
- #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104900
- // Everything is okay
- #else
- # error Boost version is too old
- #endif
- ]])],[
- ],[
- AC_MSG_ERROR([boost versions < 1.49 are known to be broken with reduced exports. Use --disable-reduce-exports.])
- ])
if test x$use_reduce_exports = xyes; then
- AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL]], [RELDFLAGS="-Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL"])
+ AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL]], [RELDFLAGS="-Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL"],, [[$LDFLAG_WERROR]])
if test x$use_tests = xyes; then
@@ -995,7 +1335,6 @@ if test x$use_tests = xyes; then
AC_MSG_ERROR(hexdump is required for tests)
if test x$use_boost = xyes; then
@@ -1021,252 +1360,110 @@ if test x$use_tests = xyes; then
-if test x$use_boost = xyes; then
+dnl libevent check
-dnl If boost (prior to 1.57) was built without c++11, it emulated scoped enums
-dnl using c++98 constructs. Unfortunately, this implementation detail leaked into
-dnl the abi. This was fixed in 1.57.
-dnl When building against that installed version using c++11, the headers pick up
-dnl on the native c++11 scoped enum support and enable it, however it will fail to
-dnl link. This can be worked around by disabling c++11 scoped enums if linking will
-dnl fail.
-dnl BOOST_NO_SCOPED_ENUMS was changed to BOOST_NO_CXX11_SCOPED_ENUMS in 1.51.
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for mismatched boost c++11 scoped enums])
- #include
- #include
- #if !defined(BOOST_NO_SCOPED_ENUMS) && !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_SCOPED_ENUMS) && BOOST_VERSION < 105700
- #define CHECK
- #endif
- #include
- ]],[[
- #if defined(CHECK)
- boost::filesystem::copy_file("foo", "bar");
- #else
- choke;
- #endif
- ]])],
-dnl Boost >= 1.50 uses sleep_for rather than the now-deprecated sleep, however
-dnl it was broken from 1.50 to 1.52 when backed by nanosleep. Use sleep_for if
-dnl a working version is available, else fall back to sleep. sleep was removed
-dnl after 1.56.
-dnl If neither is available, abort.
- #include
- #include
- ]],[[
- #if BOOST_VERSION >= 105000 && (!defined(BOOST_HAS_NANOSLEEP) || BOOST_VERSION >= 105200)
- boost::this_thread::sleep_for(boost::chrono::milliseconds(0));
- #else
- choke me
- #endif
- ]])],
- [boost_sleep=yes;
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_WORKING_BOOST_SLEEP_FOR, 1, [Define this symbol if boost sleep_for works])],
- [boost_sleep=no])
-if test x$boost_sleep != xyes; then
- #include
- #include
- #include
- ]],[[
- #if BOOST_VERSION <= 105600
- boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(0));
- #else
- choke me
- #endif
- ]])],
- [boost_sleep=yes; AC_DEFINE(HAVE_WORKING_BOOST_SLEEP, 1, [Define this symbol if boost sleep works])],
- [boost_sleep=no])
+if test x$build_bitcoin_cli$build_bitcoind$bitcoin_enable_qt$use_tests$use_bench != xnonononono; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([EVENT], [libevent >= 2.0.21], [use_libevent=yes], [AC_MSG_ERROR([libevent version 2.0.21 or greater not found.])])
+ if test x$TARGET_OS != xwindows; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([EVENT_PTHREADS], [libevent_pthreads >= 2.0.21],, [AC_MSG_ERROR([libevent_pthreads version 2.0.21 or greater not found.])])
+ fi
-if test x$boost_sleep != xyes; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(No working boost sleep implementation found.)
+dnl QR Code encoding library check
+if test "x$use_qr" != xno; then
+ BITCOIN_QT_CHECK([PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QR], [libqrencode], [have_qrencode=yes], [have_qrencode=no])])
-if test x$use_pkgconfig = xyes; then
- : dnl
- m4_ifdef(
- [
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([SSL], [libssl],, [AC_MSG_ERROR(openssl not found.)])
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CRYPTO], [libcrypto],,[AC_MSG_ERROR(libcrypto not found.)])
- if test x$enable_bip70 != xno; then
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK([PKG_CHECK_MODULES([PROTOBUF], [protobuf], [have_protobuf=yes], [have_protobuf=no])])
- fi
- if test x$use_qr != xno; then
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK([PKG_CHECK_MODULES([QR], [libqrencode], [have_qrencode=yes], [have_qrencode=no])])
- fi
- if test x$build_bitcoin_cli$build_bitcoind$bitcoin_enable_qt$use_tests != xnononono; then
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([EVENT], [libevent],, [AC_MSG_ERROR(libevent not found.)])
- if test x$TARGET_OS != xwindows; then
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([EVENT_PTHREADS], [libevent_pthreads],, [AC_MSG_ERROR(libevent_pthreads not found.)])
- fi
- fi
+dnl ZMQ check
- if test "x$use_zmq" = "xyes"; then
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([ZMQ],[libzmq >= 4],
- [AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_ZMQ],[1],[Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions])],
- [AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_ZMQ],[0],[Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions])
- AC_MSG_WARN([libzmq version 4.x or greater not found, disabling])
- use_zmq=no])
- else
- AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([ENABLE_ZMQ],[0],[Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions])
- fi
- ]
- )
+if test "x$use_zmq" = xyes; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([ZMQ], [libzmq >= 4],
+ AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_ZMQ], [1], [Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions]),
+ [AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_ZMQ], [0], [Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions])
+ AC_MSG_WARN([libzmq version 4.x or greater not found, disabling])
+ use_zmq=no])
- AC_CHECK_HEADER([openssl/crypto.h],,AC_MSG_ERROR(libcrypto headers missing))
- AC_CHECK_LIB([crypto], [main],CRYPTO_LIBS=-lcrypto, AC_MSG_ERROR(libcrypto missing))
- AC_CHECK_HEADER([openssl/ssl.h],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libssl headers missing),)
- AC_CHECK_LIB([ssl], [main],SSL_LIBS=-lssl, AC_MSG_ERROR(libssl missing))
- if test x$build_bitcoin_cli$build_bitcoind$bitcoin_enable_qt$use_tests != xnononono; then
- AC_CHECK_HEADER([event2/event.h],, AC_MSG_ERROR(libevent headers missing),)
- AC_CHECK_LIB([event],[main],EVENT_LIBS=-levent,AC_MSG_ERROR(libevent missing))
- if test x$TARGET_OS != xwindows; then
- AC_CHECK_LIB([event_pthreads],[main],EVENT_PTHREADS_LIBS=-levent_pthreads,AC_MSG_ERROR(libevent_pthreads missing))
- fi
- fi
- if test "x$use_zmq" = "xyes"; then
- AC_CHECK_HEADER([zmq.h],
- [AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_ZMQ],[1],[Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions])],
- [AC_MSG_WARN([zmq.h not found, disabling zmq support])
- use_zmq=no
- AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_ZMQ],[0],[Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions])])
- AC_CHECK_LIB([zmq],[zmq_ctx_shutdown],ZMQ_LIBS=-lzmq,
- [AC_MSG_WARN([libzmq >= 4.0 not found, disabling zmq support])
- use_zmq=no
- AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_ZMQ],[0],[Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions])])
- else
- AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([ENABLE_ZMQ],[0],[Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions])
- fi
- if test "x$use_zmq" = "xyes"; then
- dnl Assume libzmq was built for static linking
- case $host in
- *mingw*)
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- if test x$enable_bip70 != xno; then
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_CHECK_LIB([protobuf] ,[main],[PROTOBUF_LIBS=-lprotobuf], [have_protobuf=no]))
- fi
- if test x$use_qr != xno; then
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK([AC_CHECK_LIB([qrencode], [main],[QR_LIBS=-lqrencode], [have_qrencode=no])])
- BITCOIN_QT_CHECK([AC_CHECK_HEADER([qrencode.h],, have_qrencode=no)])
- fi
-dnl RapidCheck Property Based Testing
-if test "x$use_rapidcheck" = xauto; then
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS([rapidcheck.h], [enable_property_tests=yes])
-elif test "x$use_rapidcheck" != xno; then
- enable_property_tests=yes
+ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([ENABLE_ZMQ], [0], [Define to 1 to enable ZMQ functions])
-if test "x$enable_property_tests" = xyes; then
- RAPIDCHECK_LIBS=-lrapidcheck
+if test "x$use_zmq" = xyes; then
+ dnl Assume libzmq was built for static linking
+ case $host in
+ *mingw*)
+ ;;
+ esac
-AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_PROPERTY_TESTS], [test x$enable_property_tests = xyes])
dnl univalue check
if test x$build_bitcoin_wallet$build_bitcoin_cli$build_bitcoin_tx$build_bitcoind$bitcoin_enable_qt$use_tests$use_bench = xnonononononono; then
-if test x$system_univalue != xno ; then
- found_univalue=no
- if test x$use_pkgconfig = xyes; then
- : #NOP
- m4_ifdef(
- [
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([UNIVALUE],[libunivalue >= 1.0.4],[found_univalue=yes],[true])
- ]
- )
- else
- AC_CHECK_HEADER([univalue.h],[
- AC_CHECK_LIB([univalue], [main],[
- UNIVALUE_LIBS=-lunivalue
- found_univalue=yes
- ],[true])
- ],[true])
+ if test x$system_univalue != xno; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([UNIVALUE], [libunivalue >= 1.0.4], [found_univalue=yes], [found_univalue=no])
+ if test x$found_univalue = xyes; then
+ system_univalue=yes
+ need_bundled_univalue=no
+ elif test x$system_univalue = xyes; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([univalue not found])
+ else
+ system_univalue=no
+ fi
- if test x$found_univalue = xyes ; then
- system_univalue=yes
- need_bundled_univalue=no
- elif test x$system_univalue = xyes ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([univalue not found])
- else
- system_univalue=no
+ if test x$need_bundled_univalue = xyes; then
+ UNIVALUE_CFLAGS='-I$(srcdir)/univalue/include'
+ UNIVALUE_LIBS='univalue/libunivalue.la'
-if test x$need_bundled_univalue = xyes ; then
- UNIVALUE_CFLAGS='-I$(srcdir)/univalue/include'
- UNIVALUE_LIBS='univalue/libunivalue.la'
+AM_CONDITIONAL([EMBEDDED_UNIVALUE],[test x$need_bundled_univalue = xyes])
+dnl libmultiprocess library check
+if test "x$with_libmultiprocess" = xyes || test "x$with_libmultiprocess" = xauto; then
+ m4_ifdef([PKG_CHECK_MODULES], [PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBMULTIPROCESS], [libmultiprocess], [
+ libmultiprocess_found=yes;
+ libmultiprocess_prefix=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=prefix libmultiprocess`;
+ ], [true])])
+elif test "x$with_libmultiprocess" != xno; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-libmultiprocess=$with_libmultiprocess value is not yes, auto, or no])
+dnl Enable multiprocess check
+if test "x$enable_multiprocess" = xyes; then
+ if test "x$libmultiprocess_found" != xyes; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([--enable-multiprocess=yes option specified but libmultiprocess library was not found. May need to install libmultiprocess library, or specify install path with PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. Running 'pkg-config --debug libmultiprocess' may be helpful for debugging.])
+ fi
+ build_multiprocess=yes
+elif test "x$enable_multiprocess" = xauto; then
+ build_multiprocess=$libmultiprocess_found
+ build_multiprocess=no
-AM_CONDITIONAL([EMBEDDED_UNIVALUE],[test x$need_bundled_univalue = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_MULTIPROCESS],[test "x$build_multiprocess" = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_BITCOIN_NODE], [test "x$build_multiprocess" = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_BITCOIN_GUI], [test "x$build_multiprocess" = xyes])
+dnl codegen tools check
-if test x$have_protobuf != xno &&
- test x$enable_bip70 != xno; then
- BITCOIN_QT_PATH_PROGS([PROTOC], [protoc],$protoc_bin_path)
+if test x$build_multiprocess != xno; then
+ if test "x$with_mpgen" = xyes || test "x$with_mpgen" = xauto; then
+ MPGEN_PREFIX="$libmultiprocess_prefix"
+ elif test "x$with_mpgen" != xno; then
+ MPGEN_PREFIX="$with_mpgen";
+ fi
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build bitcoind])
@@ -1310,9 +1507,6 @@ if test "x$use_ccache" != "xno"; then
-if test "x$use_ccache" = "xyes"; then
- AX_CHECK_PREPROC_FLAG([-Qunused-arguments],[CPPFLAGS="-Qunused-arguments $CPPFLAGS"])
dnl enable wallet
AC_MSG_CHECKING([if wallet should be enabled])
@@ -1328,9 +1522,10 @@ dnl enable upnp support
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build with support for UPnP])
if test x$have_miniupnpc = xno; then
if test x$use_upnp = xyes; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR("UPnP requested but cannot be built. use --without-miniupnpc")
+ AC_MSG_ERROR("UPnP requested but cannot be built. Use --without-miniupnpc.")
+ use_upnp=no
if test x$use_upnp != xno; then
@@ -1365,18 +1560,16 @@ if test x$bitcoin_enable_qt != xno; then
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build GUI with support for QR codes])
if test x$have_qrencode = xno; then
if test x$use_qr = xyes; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR("QR support requested but cannot be built. use --without-qrencode")
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([QR support requested but cannot be built. Use --without-qrencode])
+ use_qr=no
if test x$use_qr != xno; then
AC_DEFINE([USE_QRCODE],[1],[Define if QR support should be compiled in])
- else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$use_qr])
if test x$XGETTEXT = x; then
AC_MSG_WARN("xgettext is required to update qt translations")
@@ -1389,23 +1582,6 @@ if test x$bitcoin_enable_qt != xno; then
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build BIP70 support])
- if test x$have_protobuf = xno; then
- if test x$enable_bip70 = xyes; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(protobuf missing)
- fi
- enable_bip70=no
- else
- if test x$enable_bip70 != xno; then
- AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_BIP70],[1],[Define if BIP70 support should be compiled in])
- enable_bip70=yes
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
- else
- fi
- fi
AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_ZMQ], [test "x$use_zmq" = "xyes"])
@@ -1432,23 +1608,27 @@ fi
AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_WALLET],[test x$enable_wallet = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_SQLITE], [test "x$use_sqlite" = "xyes"])
AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_FUZZ],[test x$enable_fuzz = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_QT],[test x$bitcoin_enable_qt = xyes])
-AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_BIP70],[test x$enable_bip70 = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_BENCH],[test x$use_bench = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_QRCODE], [test x$use_qr = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_LCOV],[test x$use_lcov = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_LIBEVENT],[test x$use_libevent = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([GLIBC_BACK_COMPAT],[test x$use_glibc_compat = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([HARDEN],[test x$use_hardening = xyes])
-AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_HWCRC32],[test x$enable_hwcrc32 = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_SSE42],[test x$enable_sse42 = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_SSE41],[test x$enable_sse41 = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_AVX2],[test x$enable_avx2 = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_SHANI],[test x$enable_shani = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_ARM_CRC],[test x$enable_arm_crc = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_ASM],[test x$use_asm = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([WORDS_BIGENDIAN],[test x$ac_cv_c_bigendian = xyes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([LIQUID],[test x$liquid_build = xyes])
@@ -1496,27 +1676,37 @@ AC_SUBST(SSE42_CXXFLAGS)
AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile doc/man/Makefile share/setup.nsi share/qt/Info.plist test/config.ini])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh],[chmod +x contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh])
@@ -1547,22 +1737,11 @@ if test x$need_bundled_univalue = xyes; then
-ac_configure_args="${ac_configure_args} --disable-shared --with-pic --with-bignum=no --enable-module-recovery --disable-jni --enable-experimental --enable-module-whitelist --enable-module-rangeproof --enable-module-generator --enable-module-surjectionproof --enable-module-ecdh"
+ac_configure_args="${ac_configure_args} --disable-shared --with-pic --enable-benchmark=no --with-bignum=no --enable-module-recovery --enable-module-schnorrsig --enable-experimental --enable-module-whitelist --enable-module-rangeproof --enable-module-generator --enable-module-surjectionproof --enable-module-ecdh"
-dnl Taken from https://wiki.debian.org/RpathIssue
-case $host in
- *-*-linux-gnu)
- AC_MSG_RESULT([Fixing libtool for -rpath problems.])
- sed < libtool > libtool-2 \
- 's/^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec.*$'/'hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=" -D__LIBTOOL_IS_A_FOOL__ "/'
- mv libtool-2 libtool
- chmod 755 libtool
- ;;
dnl Replace the BUILDDIR path with the correct Windows path if compiling on Native Windows
case ${OS} in
@@ -1573,10 +1752,14 @@ esac
echo "Options used to compile and link:"
+echo " boost process = $ax_cv_boost_process"
+echo " multiprocess = $build_multiprocess"
echo " with wallet = $enable_wallet"
+if test "x$enable_wallet" != "xno"; then
+ echo " with sqlite = $use_sqlite"
echo " with gui / qt = $bitcoin_enable_qt"
if test x$bitcoin_enable_qt != xno; then
- echo " with bip70 = $enable_bip70"
echo " with qr = $use_qr"
echo " with zmq = $use_zmq"
@@ -1594,13 +1777,13 @@ echo " gprof enabled = $enable_gprof"
echo " werror = $enable_werror"
echo " target os = $TARGET_OS"
-echo " build os = $BUILD_OS"
+echo " build os = $build_os"
echo " CC = $CC"
-echo " CFLAGS = $CFLAGS"
echo " CXX = $CXX"
diff --git a/contrib/README.md b/contrib/README.md
index 8915919766..361975baa4 100644
--- a/contrib/README.md
+++ b/contrib/README.md
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ Repository Tools
### [Developer tools](/contrib/devtools) ###
Specific tools for developers working on this repository.
-Contains the script `github-merge.py` for merging GitHub pull requests securely and signing them using GPG.
+Additional tools, including the `github-merge.py` script, are available in the [maintainer-tools](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-maintainer-tools) repository.
### [Verify-Commits](/contrib/verify-commits) ###
-Tool to verify that every merge commit was signed by a developer using the above `github-merge.py` script.
+Tool to verify that every merge commit was signed by a developer using the `github-merge.py` script.
### [Linearize](/contrib/linearize) ###
Construct a linear, no-fork, best version of the blockchain.
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ Files used during the gitian build process. For more information about gitian, s
PGP keys used for signing Bitcoin Core [Gitian release](/doc/release-process.md) results.
### [MacDeploy](/contrib/macdeploy) ###
-Scripts and notes for Mac builds.
+Scripts and notes for Mac builds.
### [Gitian-build](/contrib/gitian-build.py) ###
Script for running full Gitian builds.
-Test and Verify Tools
+Test and Verify Tools
### [TestGen](/contrib/testgen) ###
diff --git a/contrib/assets_tutorial/test_framework/authproxy.py b/contrib/assets_tutorial/test_framework/authproxy.py
index 09ed611299..a2267d3935 100644
--- a/contrib/assets_tutorial/test_framework/authproxy.py
+++ b/contrib/assets_tutorial/test_framework/authproxy.py
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ def _batch(self, rpc_call_list):
def _get_response(self):
http_response = self.__conn.getresponse()
- except socket.timeout as e:
+ except socket.timeout:
raise JSONRPCException({
'code': -344,
'message': '%r RPC took longer than %f seconds. Consider '
diff --git a/contrib/bitcoin-cli.bash-completion b/contrib/bitcoin-cli.bash-completion
index 28565300f3..33ccae3945 100644
--- a/contrib/bitcoin-cli.bash-completion
+++ b/contrib/bitcoin-cli.bash-completion
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# bash programmable completion for bitcoin-cli(1)
-# Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@@ -17,13 +17,6 @@ _bitcoin_rpc() {
$bitcoin_cli "${rpcargs[@]}" "$@"
-# Add wallet accounts to COMPREPLY
-_bitcoin_accounts() {
- local accounts
- accounts=$(_bitcoin_rpc listaccounts | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }')
- COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]}" $( compgen -W "$accounts" -- "$cur" ) )
_bitcoin_cli() {
local cur prev words=() cword
local bitcoin_cli
@@ -60,10 +53,9 @@ _bitcoin_cli() {
if ((cword > 3)); then
case ${words[cword-3]} in
- _bitcoin_accounts
return 0
- getbalance|gettxout|importaddress|importpubkey|importprivkey|listreceivedbyaccount|listreceivedbyaddress|listsinceblock)
+ getbalance|gettxout|importaddress|importpubkey|importprivkey|listreceivedbyaddress|listsinceblock)
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "true false" -- "$cur" ) )
return 0
@@ -80,14 +72,10 @@ _bitcoin_cli() {
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "add remove" -- "$cur" ) )
return 0
- fundrawtransaction|getblock|getblockheader|getmempoolancestors|getmempooldescendants|getrawtransaction|gettransaction|listaccounts|listreceivedbyaccount|listreceivedbyaddress|sendrawtransaction)
+ fundrawtransaction|getblock|getblockheader|getmempoolancestors|getmempooldescendants|getrawtransaction|gettransaction|listreceivedbyaddress|sendrawtransaction)
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "true false" -- "$cur" ) )
return 0
- move|setaccount)
- _bitcoin_accounts
- return 0
- ;;
@@ -96,12 +84,11 @@ _bitcoin_cli() {
return 0
- getaddednodeinfo|getrawmempool|lockunspent|setgenerate)
+ getaddednodeinfo|getrawmempool|lockunspent)
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "true false" -- "$cur" ) )
return 0
- getaccountaddress|getaddressesbyaccount|getbalance|getnewaddress|getreceivedbyaccount|listtransactions|move|sendfrom|sendmany)
- _bitcoin_accounts
+ getbalance|getnewaddress|listtransactions|sendmany)
return 0
diff --git a/contrib/bitcoin-qt.pro b/contrib/bitcoin-qt.pro
index b8133bf789..0e4eeee0a7 100644
--- a/contrib/bitcoin-qt.pro
+++ b/contrib/bitcoin-qt.pro
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ FORMS += \
../src/qt/forms/sendcoinsentry.ui \
../src/qt/forms/signverifymessagedialog.ui \
../src/qt/forms/transactiondescdialog.ui \
+ ../src/qt/forms/createwalletdialog.ui
diff --git a/contrib/bitcoind.bash-completion b/contrib/bitcoind.bash-completion
index 7c951b6f3b..ef67c00610 100644
--- a/contrib/bitcoind.bash-completion
+++ b/contrib/bitcoind.bash-completion
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# bash programmable completion for bitcoind(1) and bitcoin-qt(1)
-# Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ _bitcoind() {
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n = cur prev words cword
case "$cur" in
- -conf=*|-pid=*|-loadblock=*|-rootcertificates=*|-rpccookiefile=*|-wallet=*)
+ -conf=*|-pid=*|-loadblock=*|-rpccookiefile=*|-wallet=*)
return 0
diff --git a/contrib/debian/copyright b/contrib/debian/copyright
index 2d5b0188d2..581fe712e9 100644
--- a/contrib/debian/copyright
+++ b/contrib/debian/copyright
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Upstream-Contact: Satoshi Nakamoto
Source: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
Files: *
-Copyright: 2009-2019, Bitcoin Core Developers
+Copyright: 2009-2020, Bitcoin Core Developers
License: Expat
Comment: The Bitcoin Core Developers encompasses the current developers listed on bitcoin.org,
as well as the numerous contributors to the project.
@@ -26,21 +26,14 @@ License: GNU-All-permissive-License
Files: src/qt/res/icons/add.png
- src/qt/res/icons/configure.png
- src/qt/res/icons/debugwindow.png
- src/qt/res/icons/filesave.png
- src/qt/res/icons/info.png
- src/qt/res/icons/key.png
- src/qt/res/icons/open.png
- src/qt/res/icons/quit.png
@@ -60,7 +53,7 @@ Files: src/qt/res/icons/connect*.png
Copyright: Marco Falke
Luke Dashjr
License: Expat
-Comment: Inspired by Stephan Hutchings Typicons
+Comment: Inspired by Stephen Hutchings' Typicons
Files: src/qt/res/icons/tx_mined.png
@@ -72,21 +65,17 @@ Files: src/qt/res/icons/tx_mined.png
Copyright: Jonas Schnelli
License: Expat
Files: src/qt/res/icons/clock*.png
- src/qt/res/icons/verify.png
- src/qt/res/src/verify.svg
-Copyright: Stephan Hutching, Jonas Schnelli
+Copyright: Stephen Hutchings, Jonas Schnelli
License: Expat
-Comment: Modifications of Stephan Hutchings Typicons
+Comment: Modifications of Stephen Hutchings' Typicons
-Files: src/qt/res/icons/about.png
- src/qt/res/icons/bitcoin.*
+Files: src/qt/res/icons/bitcoin.*
Copyright: Bitboy, Jonas Schnelli
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/README.md b/contrib/devtools/README.md
index 6ee65f40be..bdff7a84b0 100644
--- a/contrib/devtools/README.md
+++ b/contrib/devtools/README.md
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ clang-format-diff.py
A script to format unified git diffs according to [.clang-format](../../src/.clang-format).
+Requires `clang-format`, installed e.g. via `brew install clang-format` on macOS.
For instance, to format the last commit with 0 lines of context,
the script should be called from the git root folder as follows.
@@ -87,109 +89,35 @@ example:
BUILDDIR=$PWD/build contrib/devtools/gen-manpages.sh
-A small script to automate merging pull-requests securely and sign them with GPG.
-For example:
- ./github-merge.py 3077
-(in any git repository) will help you merge pull request #3077 for the
-bitcoin/bitcoin repository.
-What it does:
-* Fetch master and the pull request.
-* Locally construct a merge commit.
-* Show the diff that merge results in.
-* Ask you to verify the resulting source tree (so you can do a make
-check or whatever).
-* Ask you whether to GPG sign the merge commit.
-* Ask you whether to push the result upstream.
-This means that there are no potential race conditions (where a
-pullreq gets updated while you're reviewing it, but before you click
-merge), and when using GPG signatures, that even a compromised GitHub
-couldn't mess with the sources.
-Configuring the github-merge tool for the bitcoin repository is done in the following way:
- git config githubmerge.repository bitcoin/bitcoin
- git config githubmerge.testcmd "make -j4 check" (adapt to whatever you want to use for testing)
- git config --global user.signingkey mykeyid
-Authentication (optional)
-The API request limit for unauthenticated requests is quite low, but the
-limit for authenticated requests is much higher. If you start running
-into rate limiting errors it can be useful to set an authentication token
-so that the script can authenticate requests.
-- First, go to [Personal access tokens](https://github.com/settings/tokens).
-- Click 'Generate new token'.
-- Fill in an arbitrary token description. No further privileges are needed.
-- Click the `Generate token` button at the bottom of the form.
-- Copy the generated token (should be a hexadecimal string)
-Then do:
- git config --global user.ghtoken "pasted token"
-Create and verify timestamps of merge commits
-To create or verify timestamps on the merge commits, install the OpenTimestamps
-client via `pip3 install opentimestamps-client`. Then, dowload the gpg wrapper
-`ots-git-gpg-wrapper.sh` and set it as git's `gpg.program`. See
-[the ots git integration documentation](https://github.com/opentimestamps/opentimestamps-client/blob/master/doc/git-integration.md#usage)
-for further details.
-A script to optimize png files in the bitcoin
-repository (requires pngcrush).
security-check.py and test-security-check.py
-Perform basic ELF security checks on a series of executables.
+Perform basic security checks on a series of executables.
-A script to check that the (Linux) executables produced by gitian only contain
-allowed gcc, glibc and libstdc++ version symbols. This makes sure they are
-still compatible with the minimum supported Linux distribution versions.
+A script to check that the executables produced by gitian only contain
+certain symbols and are only linked against allowed libraries.
+For Linux this means checking for allowed gcc, glibc and libstdc++ version symbols.
+This makes sure they are still compatible with the minimum supported distribution versions.
+For macOS and Windows we check that the executables are only linked against libraries we allow.
Example usage after a gitian build:
- find ../gitian-builder/build -type f -executable | xargs python contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py
+ find ../gitian-builder/build -type f -executable | xargs python3 contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py
-If only supported symbols are used the return value will be 0 and the output will be empty.
+If no errors occur the return value will be 0 and the output will be empty.
-If there are 'unsupported' symbols, the return value will be 1 a list like this will be printed:
+If there are any errors the return value will be 1 and output like this will be printed:
.../64/test_bitcoin: symbol memcpy from unsupported version GLIBC_2.14
.../64/test_bitcoin: symbol __fdelt_chk from unsupported version GLIBC_2.15
.../64/test_bitcoin: symbol std::out_of_range::~out_of_range() from unsupported version GLIBCXX_3.4.15
.../64/test_bitcoin: symbol _ZNSt8__detail15_List_nod from unsupported version GLIBCXX_3.4.15
-Run this script from the root of the repository to update all translations from transifex.
-It will do the following automatically:
-- fetch all translations
-- post-process them into valid and committable format
-- add missing translations to the build system (TODO)
-See doc/translation-process.md for more information.
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/circular-dependencies.py b/contrib/devtools/circular-dependencies.py
index abfa5ed5ae..bc5f09a3e2 100755
--- a/contrib/devtools/circular-dependencies.py
+++ b/contrib/devtools/circular-dependencies.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import sys
import re
@@ -8,9 +11,18 @@
'core_write.cpp': 'core_io.cpp',
+# Directories with header-based modules, where the assumption that .cpp files
+# define functions and variables declared in corresponding .h files is
+# incorrect.
+ 'interfaces/'
def module_name(path):
if path in MAPPING:
path = MAPPING[path]
+ if any(path.startswith(dirpath) for dirpath in HEADER_MODULE_PATHS):
+ return path
if path.endswith(".h"):
return path[:-2]
if path.endswith(".c"):
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/clang-format-diff.py b/contrib/devtools/clang-format-diff.py
index f322b3a880..98eee67f43 100755
--- a/contrib/devtools/clang-format-diff.py
+++ b/contrib/devtools/clang-format-diff.py
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def main():
filename = None
lines_by_file = {}
for line in sys.stdin:
- match = re.search('^\+\+\+\ (.*?/){%s}(\S*)' % args.p, line)
+ match = re.search(r'^\+\+\+\ (.*?/){%s}(\S*)' % args.p, line)
if match:
filename = match.group(2)
if filename is None:
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def main():
if not re.match('^%s$' % args.iregex, filename, re.IGNORECASE):
- match = re.search('^@@.*\+(\d+)(,(\d+))?', line)
+ match = re.search(r'^@@.*\+(\d+)(,(\d+))?', line)
if match:
start_line = int(match.group(1))
line_count = 1
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/copyright_header.py b/contrib/devtools/copyright_header.py
index f2987f2260..9a555c70bb 100755
--- a/contrib/devtools/copyright_header.py
+++ b/contrib/devtools/copyright_header.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@@ -19,7 +19,10 @@
# other external copyrights:
+ 'src/reverse_iterator.h',
+ 'src/test/fuzz/FuzzedDataProvider.h',
+ 'src/bench/nanobench.h',
# python init:
@@ -32,9 +35,10 @@
+ "src/crc32c/",
-INCLUDE = ['*.h', '*.cpp', '*.cc', '*.c', '*.py']
+INCLUDE = ['*.h', '*.cpp', '*.cc', '*.c', '*.mm', '*.py', '*.sh', '*.bash-completion']
INCLUDE_COMPILED = re.compile('|'.join([fnmatch.translate(m) for m in INCLUDE]))
def applies_to_file(filename):
@@ -71,7 +75,7 @@ def get_filenames_to_examine(base_directory):
-COPYRIGHT_WITH_C = 'Copyright \(c\)'
+COPYRIGHT_WITH_C = r'Copyright \(c\)'
@@ -85,23 +89,21 @@ def get_filenames_to_examine(base_directory):
def compile_copyright_regex(copyright_style, year_style, name):
- return re.compile('%s %s,? %s' % (copyright_style, year_style, name))
+ return re.compile(r'%s %s,? %s( +\*)?\n' % (copyright_style, year_style, name))
- "Satoshi Nakamoto\n",
- "The Bitcoin Core developers\n",
- "Bitcoin Core Developers\n",
- "BitPay Inc\.\n",
- "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\.\n",
- "Pieter Wuille\n",
- "Wladimir J. van der Laan\n",
- "Jeff Garzik\n",
- "Jan-Klaas Kollhof\n",
- "Sam Rushing\n",
- "ArtForz -- public domain half-a-node\n",
- "Intel Corporation",
- "The Zcash developers",
- "Jeremy Rubin",
+ r"Satoshi Nakamoto",
+ r"The Bitcoin Core developers",
+ r"BitPay Inc\.",
+ r"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\.",
+ r"Pieter Wuille",
+ r"Wladimir J\. van der Laan",
+ r"Jeff Garzik",
+ r"Jan-Klaas Kollhof",
+ r"ArtForz -- public domain half-a-node",
+ r"Intel Corporation ?",
+ r"The Zcash developers",
+ r"Jeremy Rubin",
@@ -331,7 +333,7 @@ def write_file_lines(filename, file_lines):
# update header years execution
-COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright \(c\)'
+COPYRIGHT = r'Copyright \(c\)'
YEAR = "20[0-9][0-9]"
YEAR_RANGE = '(%s)(-%s)?' % (YEAR, YEAR)
HOLDER = 'The Bitcoin Core developers'
@@ -457,14 +459,14 @@ def get_header_lines(header, start_year, end_year):
def get_cpp_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year):
return reversed(get_header_lines(CPP_HEADER, start_year, end_year))
# Copyright (c) %s The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-def get_python_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year):
- return reversed(get_header_lines(PYTHON_HEADER, start_year, end_year))
+def get_script_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year):
+ return reversed(get_header_lines(SCRIPT_HEADER, start_year, end_year))
# query git for year of last change
@@ -493,17 +495,18 @@ def file_has_hashbang(file_lines):
return False
return file_lines[0][:2] == '#!'
-def insert_python_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year):
+def insert_script_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year):
if file_has_hashbang(file_lines):
insert_idx = 1
insert_idx = 0
- header_lines = get_python_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year)
+ header_lines = get_script_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year)
for line in header_lines:
file_lines.insert(insert_idx, line)
write_file_lines(filename, file_lines)
def insert_cpp_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year):
+ file_lines.insert(0, '\n')
header_lines = get_cpp_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year)
for line in header_lines:
file_lines.insert(0, line)
@@ -515,8 +518,8 @@ def exec_insert_header(filename, style):
sys.exit('*** %s already has a copyright by The Bitcoin Core developers'
% (filename))
start_year, end_year = get_git_change_year_range(filename)
- if style == 'python':
- insert_python_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year)
+ if style in ['python', 'shell']:
+ insert_script_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year)
insert_cpp_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year)
@@ -557,11 +560,13 @@ def insert_cmd(argv):
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
sys.exit("*** bad filename: %s" % filename)
_, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
- if extension not in ['.h', '.cpp', '.cc', '.c', '.py']:
+ if extension not in ['.h', '.cpp', '.cc', '.c', '.py', '.sh']:
sys.exit("*** cannot insert for file extension %s" % extension)
if extension == '.py':
style = 'python'
+ elif extension == '.sh':
+ style = 'shell'
style = 'cpp'
exec_insert_header(filename, style)
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/gen-manpages.sh b/contrib/devtools/gen-manpages.sh
index 81e5411d1a..2329e04a33 100755
--- a/contrib/devtools/gen-manpages.sh
+++ b/contrib/devtools/gen-manpages.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
export LC_ALL=C
TOPDIR=${TOPDIR:-$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)}
@@ -16,7 +19,7 @@ BITCOINQT=${BITCOINQT:-$BINDIR/qt/elements-qt}
[ ! -x $BITCOIND ] && echo "$BITCOIND not found or not executable." && exit 1
# The autodetected version git tag can screw up manpage output a little bit
-BTCVER=($($BITCOINCLI --version | head -n1 | awk -F'[ -]' '{ print $6, $7 }'))
+read -r -a BTCVER <<< "$($BITCOINCLI --version | head -n1 | awk -F'[ -]' '{ print $6, $7 }')"
# Create a footer file with copyright content.
# This gets autodetected fine for bitcoind if --version-string is not set,
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/github-merge.py b/contrib/devtools/github-merge.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ab834b7623..0000000000
--- a/contrib/devtools/github-merge.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Bitcoin Core Developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-# This script will locally construct a merge commit for a pull request on a
-# github repository, inspect it, sign it and optionally push it.
-# The following temporary branches are created/overwritten and deleted:
-# * pull/$PULL/base (the current master we're merging onto)
-# * pull/$PULL/head (the current state of the remote pull request)
-# * pull/$PULL/merge (github's merge)
-# * pull/$PULL/local-merge (our merge)
-# In case of a clean merge that is accepted by the user, the local branch with
-# name $BRANCH is overwritten with the merged result, and optionally pushed.
-import os
-from sys import stdin,stdout,stderr
-import argparse
-import hashlib
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import json
-import codecs
-from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
-from urllib.error import HTTPError
-# External tools (can be overridden using environment)
-GIT = os.getenv('GIT','git')
-BASH = os.getenv('BASH','bash')
-# OS specific configuration for terminal attributes
-ATTR_PR = ''
-COMMIT_FORMAT = '%h %s (%an)%d'
-if os.name == 'posix': # if posix, assume we can use basic terminal escapes
- ATTR_RESET = '\033[0m'
- ATTR_PR = '\033[1;36m'
- COMMIT_FORMAT = '%C(bold blue)%h%Creset %s %C(cyan)(%an)%Creset%C(green)%d%Creset'
-def git_config_get(option, default=None):
- '''
- Get named configuration option from git repository.
- '''
- try:
- return subprocess.check_output([GIT,'config','--get',option]).rstrip().decode('utf-8')
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- return default
-def retrieve_pr_info(repo,pull,ghtoken):
- '''
- Retrieve pull request information from github.
- Return None if no title can be found, or an error happens.
- '''
- try:
- req = Request("https://api.github.com/repos/"+repo+"/pulls/"+pull)
- if ghtoken is not None:
- req.add_header('Authorization', 'token ' + ghtoken)
- result = urlopen(req)
- reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8')
- obj = json.load(reader(result))
- return obj
- except HTTPError as e:
- error_message = e.read()
- print('Warning: unable to retrieve pull information from github: %s' % e)
- print('Detailed error: %s' % error_message)
- return None
- except Exception as e:
- print('Warning: unable to retrieve pull information from github: %s' % e)
- return None
-def ask_prompt(text):
- print(text,end=" ",file=stderr)
- stderr.flush()
- reply = stdin.readline().rstrip()
- print("",file=stderr)
- return reply
-def get_symlink_files():
- files = sorted(subprocess.check_output([GIT, 'ls-tree', '--full-tree', '-r', 'HEAD']).splitlines())
- ret = []
- for f in files:
- if (int(f.decode('utf-8').split(" ")[0], 8) & 0o170000) == 0o120000:
- ret.append(f.decode('utf-8').split("\t")[1])
- return ret
-def tree_sha512sum(commit='HEAD'):
- # request metadata for entire tree, recursively
- files = []
- blob_by_name = {}
- for line in subprocess.check_output([GIT, 'ls-tree', '--full-tree', '-r', commit]).splitlines():
- name_sep = line.index(b'\t')
- metadata = line[:name_sep].split() # perms, 'blob', blobid
- assert(metadata[1] == b'blob')
- name = line[name_sep+1:]
- files.append(name)
- blob_by_name[name] = metadata[2]
- files.sort()
- # open connection to git-cat-file in batch mode to request data for all blobs
- # this is much faster than launching it per file
- p = subprocess.Popen([GIT, 'cat-file', '--batch'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- overall = hashlib.sha512()
- for f in files:
- blob = blob_by_name[f]
- # request blob
- p.stdin.write(blob + b'\n')
- p.stdin.flush()
- # read header: blob, "blob", size
- reply = p.stdout.readline().split()
- assert(reply[0] == blob and reply[1] == b'blob')
- size = int(reply[2])
- # hash the blob data
- intern = hashlib.sha512()
- ptr = 0
- while ptr < size:
- bs = min(65536, size - ptr)
- piece = p.stdout.read(bs)
- if len(piece) == bs:
- intern.update(piece)
- else:
- raise IOError('Premature EOF reading git cat-file output')
- ptr += bs
- dig = intern.hexdigest()
- assert(p.stdout.read(1) == b'\n') # ignore LF that follows blob data
- # update overall hash with file hash
- overall.update(dig.encode("utf-8"))
- overall.update(" ".encode("utf-8"))
- overall.update(f)
- overall.update("\n".encode("utf-8"))
- p.stdin.close()
- if p.wait():
- raise IOError('Non-zero return value executing git cat-file')
- return overall.hexdigest()
-def print_merge_details(pull, title, branch, base_branch, head_branch):
- print('%s#%s%s %s %sinto %s%s' % (ATTR_RESET+ATTR_PR,pull,ATTR_RESET,title,ATTR_RESET+ATTR_PR,branch,ATTR_RESET))
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'log','--graph','--topo-order','--pretty=format:'+COMMIT_FORMAT,base_branch+'..'+head_branch])
-def parse_arguments():
- epilog = '''
- In addition, you can set the following git configuration variables:
- githubmerge.repository (mandatory),
- user.signingkey (mandatory),
- user.ghtoken (default: none).
- githubmerge.host (default: git@github.com),
- githubmerge.branch (no default),
- githubmerge.testcmd (default: none).
- '''
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Utility to merge, sign and push github pull requests',
- epilog=epilog)
- parser.add_argument('pull', metavar='PULL', type=int, nargs=1,
- help='Pull request ID to merge')
- parser.add_argument('branch', metavar='BRANCH', type=str, nargs='?',
- default=None, help='Branch to merge against (default: githubmerge.branch setting, or base branch for pull, or \'master\')')
- return parser.parse_args()
-def main():
- # Extract settings from git repo
- repo = git_config_get('githubmerge.repository')
- host = git_config_get('githubmerge.host','git@github.com')
- opt_branch = git_config_get('githubmerge.branch',None)
- testcmd = git_config_get('githubmerge.testcmd')
- ghtoken = git_config_get('user.ghtoken')
- signingkey = git_config_get('user.signingkey')
- if repo is None:
- print("ERROR: No repository configured. Use this command to set:", file=stderr)
- print("git config githubmerge.repository /", file=stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- if signingkey is None:
- print("ERROR: No GPG signing key set. Set one using:",file=stderr)
- print("git config --global user.signingkey ",file=stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- if host.startswith(('https:','http:')):
- host_repo = host+"/"+repo+".git"
- else:
- host_repo = host+":"+repo
- # Extract settings from command line
- args = parse_arguments()
- pull = str(args.pull[0])
- # Receive pull information from github
- info = retrieve_pr_info(repo,pull,ghtoken)
- if info is None:
- sys.exit(1)
- title = info['title'].strip()
- body = info['body'].strip()
- # precedence order for destination branch argument:
- # - command line argument
- # - githubmerge.branch setting
- # - base branch for pull (as retrieved from github)
- # - 'master'
- branch = args.branch or opt_branch or info['base']['ref'] or 'master'
- # Initialize source branches
- head_branch = 'pull/'+pull+'/head'
- base_branch = 'pull/'+pull+'/base'
- merge_branch = 'pull/'+pull+'/merge'
- local_merge_branch = 'pull/'+pull+'/local-merge'
- devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w', encoding="utf8")
- try:
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'checkout','-q',branch])
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- print("ERROR: Cannot check out branch %s." % (branch), file=stderr)
- sys.exit(3)
- try:
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'fetch','-q',host_repo,'+refs/pull/'+pull+'/*:refs/heads/pull/'+pull+'/*',
- '+refs/heads/'+branch+':refs/heads/'+base_branch])
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- print("ERROR: Cannot find pull request #%s or branch %s on %s." % (pull,branch,host_repo), file=stderr)
- sys.exit(3)
- try:
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'log','-q','-1','refs/heads/'+head_branch], stdout=devnull, stderr=stdout)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- print("ERROR: Cannot find head of pull request #%s on %s." % (pull,host_repo), file=stderr)
- sys.exit(3)
- try:
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'log','-q','-1','refs/heads/'+merge_branch], stdout=devnull, stderr=stdout)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- print("ERROR: Cannot find merge of pull request #%s on %s." % (pull,host_repo), file=stderr)
- sys.exit(3)
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'checkout','-q',base_branch])
- subprocess.call([GIT,'branch','-q','-D',local_merge_branch], stderr=devnull)
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'checkout','-q','-b',local_merge_branch])
- try:
- # Go up to the repository's root.
- toplevel = subprocess.check_output([GIT,'rev-parse','--show-toplevel']).strip()
- os.chdir(toplevel)
- # Create unsigned merge commit.
- if title:
- firstline = 'Merge #%s: %s' % (pull,title)
- else:
- firstline = 'Merge #%s' % (pull,)
- message = firstline + '\n\n'
- message += subprocess.check_output([GIT,'log','--no-merges','--topo-order','--pretty=format:%h %s (%an)',base_branch+'..'+head_branch]).decode('utf-8')
- message += '\n\nPull request description:\n\n ' + body.replace('\n', '\n ') + '\n'
- try:
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'merge','-q','--commit','--no-edit','--no-ff','-m',message.encode('utf-8'),head_branch])
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- print("ERROR: Cannot be merged cleanly.",file=stderr)
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'merge','--abort'])
- sys.exit(4)
- logmsg = subprocess.check_output([GIT,'log','--pretty=format:%s','-n','1']).decode('utf-8')
- if logmsg.rstrip() != firstline.rstrip():
- print("ERROR: Creating merge failed (already merged?).",file=stderr)
- sys.exit(4)
- symlink_files = get_symlink_files()
- for f in symlink_files:
- print("ERROR: File %s was a symlink" % f)
- if len(symlink_files) > 0:
- sys.exit(4)
- # Put tree SHA512 into the message
- try:
- first_sha512 = tree_sha512sum()
- message += '\n\nTree-SHA512: ' + first_sha512
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- print("ERROR: Unable to compute tree hash")
- sys.exit(4)
- try:
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'commit','--amend','-m',message.encode('utf-8')])
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- print("ERROR: Cannot update message.", file=stderr)
- sys.exit(4)
- print_merge_details(pull, title, branch, base_branch, head_branch)
- print()
- # Run test command if configured.
- if testcmd:
- if subprocess.call(testcmd,shell=True):
- print("ERROR: Running %s failed." % testcmd,file=stderr)
- sys.exit(5)
- # Show the created merge.
- diff = subprocess.check_output([GIT,'diff',merge_branch+'..'+local_merge_branch])
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'diff',base_branch+'..'+local_merge_branch])
- if diff:
- print("WARNING: merge differs from github!",file=stderr)
- reply = ask_prompt("Type 'ignore' to continue.")
- if reply.lower() == 'ignore':
- print("Difference with github ignored.",file=stderr)
- else:
- sys.exit(6)
- else:
- # Verify the result manually.
- print("Dropping you on a shell so you can try building/testing the merged source.",file=stderr)
- print("Run 'git diff HEAD~' to show the changes being merged.",file=stderr)
- print("Type 'exit' when done.",file=stderr)
- if os.path.isfile('/etc/debian_version'): # Show pull number on Debian default prompt
- os.putenv('debian_chroot',pull)
- subprocess.call([BASH,'-i'])
- second_sha512 = tree_sha512sum()
- if first_sha512 != second_sha512:
- print("ERROR: Tree hash changed unexpectedly",file=stderr)
- sys.exit(8)
- # Sign the merge commit.
- print_merge_details(pull, title, branch, base_branch, head_branch)
- while True:
- reply = ask_prompt("Type 's' to sign off on the above merge, or 'x' to reject and exit.").lower()
- if reply == 's':
- try:
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'commit','-q','--gpg-sign','--amend','--no-edit'])
- break
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- print("Error while signing, asking again.",file=stderr)
- elif reply == 'x':
- print("Not signing off on merge, exiting.",file=stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- # Put the result in branch.
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'checkout','-q',branch])
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'reset','-q','--hard',local_merge_branch])
- finally:
- # Clean up temporary branches.
- subprocess.call([GIT,'checkout','-q',branch])
- subprocess.call([GIT,'branch','-q','-D',head_branch],stderr=devnull)
- subprocess.call([GIT,'branch','-q','-D',base_branch],stderr=devnull)
- subprocess.call([GIT,'branch','-q','-D',merge_branch],stderr=devnull)
- subprocess.call([GIT,'branch','-q','-D',local_merge_branch],stderr=devnull)
- # Push the result.
- while True:
- reply = ask_prompt("Type 'push' to push the result to %s, branch %s, or 'x' to exit without pushing." % (host_repo,branch)).lower()
- if reply == 'push':
- subprocess.check_call([GIT,'push',host_repo,'refs/heads/'+branch])
- break
- elif reply == 'x':
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/optimize-pngs.py b/contrib/devtools/optimize-pngs.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e9481dbbcf..0000000000
--- a/contrib/devtools/optimize-pngs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-Run this script every time you change one of the png files. Using pngcrush, it will optimize the png files, remove various color profiles, remove ancillary chunks (alla) and text chunks (text).
-#pngcrush -brute -ow -rem gAMA -rem cHRM -rem iCCP -rem sRGB -rem alla -rem text
-import os
-import sys
-import subprocess
-import hashlib
-from PIL import Image # pip3 install Pillow
-def file_hash(filename):
- '''Return hash of raw file contents'''
- with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
- return hashlib.sha256(f.read()).hexdigest()
-def content_hash(filename):
- '''Return hash of RGBA contents of image'''
- i = Image.open(filename)
- i = i.convert('RGBA')
- data = i.tobytes()
- return hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()
-pngcrush = 'pngcrush'
-git = 'git'
-folders = ["src/qt/res/movies", "src/qt/res/icons", "share/pixmaps"]
-basePath = subprocess.check_output([git, 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'], universal_newlines=True, encoding='utf8').rstrip('\n')
-totalSaveBytes = 0
-noHashChange = True
-outputArray = []
-for folder in folders:
- absFolder=os.path.join(basePath, folder)
- for file in os.listdir(absFolder):
- extension = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
- if extension.lower() == '.png':
- print("optimizing {}...".format(file), end =' ')
- file_path = os.path.join(absFolder, file)
- fileMetaMap = {'file' : file, 'osize': os.path.getsize(file_path), 'sha256Old' : file_hash(file_path)}
- fileMetaMap['contentHashPre'] = content_hash(file_path)
- try:
- subprocess.call([pngcrush, "-brute", "-ow", "-rem", "gAMA", "-rem", "cHRM", "-rem", "iCCP", "-rem", "sRGB", "-rem", "alla", "-rem", "text", file_path],
- stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
- except:
- print("pngcrush is not installed, aborting...")
- sys.exit(0)
- #verify
- if "Not a PNG file" in subprocess.check_output([pngcrush, "-n", "-v", file_path], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, encoding='utf8'):
- print("PNG file "+file+" is corrupted after crushing, check out pngcursh version")
- sys.exit(1)
- fileMetaMap['sha256New'] = file_hash(file_path)
- fileMetaMap['contentHashPost'] = content_hash(file_path)
- if fileMetaMap['contentHashPre'] != fileMetaMap['contentHashPost']:
- print("Image contents of PNG file {} before and after crushing don't match".format(file))
- sys.exit(1)
- fileMetaMap['psize'] = os.path.getsize(file_path)
- outputArray.append(fileMetaMap)
- print("done")
-for fileDict in outputArray:
- oldHash = fileDict['sha256Old']
- newHash = fileDict['sha256New']
- totalSaveBytes += fileDict['osize'] - fileDict['psize']
- noHashChange = noHashChange and (oldHash == newHash)
- print(fileDict['file']+"\n size diff from: "+str(fileDict['osize'])+" to: "+str(fileDict['psize'])+"\n old sha256: "+oldHash+"\n new sha256: "+newHash+"\n")
-print("completed. Checksum stable: "+str(noHashChange)+". Total reduction: "+str(totalSaveBytes)+" bytes")
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/security-check.py b/contrib/devtools/security-check.py
index 44b7f6c7cc..02615edb54 100755
--- a/contrib/devtools/security-check.py
+++ b/contrib/devtools/security-check.py
@@ -1,89 +1,114 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-Perform basic ELF security checks on a series of executables.
+Perform basic security checks on a series of executables.
Exit status will be 0 if successful, and the program will be silent.
Otherwise the exit status will be 1 and it will log which executables failed which checks.
-Needs `readelf` (for ELF) and `objdump` (for PE).
+Needs `readelf` (for ELF), `objdump` (for PE) and `otool` (for MACHO).
import subprocess
import sys
import os
+from typing import List, Optional
READELF_CMD = os.getenv('READELF', '/usr/bin/readelf')
OBJDUMP_CMD = os.getenv('OBJDUMP', '/usr/bin/objdump')
-NONFATAL = {} # checks which are non-fatal for now but only generate a warning
+OTOOL_CMD = os.getenv('OTOOL', '/usr/bin/otool')
+def run_command(command) -> str:
+ p = subprocess.run(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, universal_newlines=True)
+ return p.stdout
-def check_ELF_PIE(executable):
+def check_ELF_PIE(executable) -> bool:
Check for position independent executable (PIE), allowing for address space randomization.
- p = subprocess.Popen([READELF_CMD, '-h', '-W', executable], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
- (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
- if p.returncode:
- raise IOError('Error opening file')
+ stdout = run_command([READELF_CMD, '-h', '-W', executable])
ok = False
for line in stdout.splitlines():
- line = line.split()
- if len(line)>=2 and line[0] == 'Type:' and line[1] == 'DYN':
+ tokens = line.split()
+ if len(line)>=2 and tokens[0] == 'Type:' and tokens[1] == 'DYN':
ok = True
return ok
def get_ELF_program_headers(executable):
'''Return type and flags for ELF program headers'''
- p = subprocess.Popen([READELF_CMD, '-l', '-W', executable], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
- (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
- if p.returncode:
- raise IOError('Error opening file')
+ stdout = run_command([READELF_CMD, '-l', '-W', executable])
in_headers = False
- count = 0
headers = []
for line in stdout.splitlines():
if line.startswith('Program Headers:'):
in_headers = True
+ count = 0
if line == '':
in_headers = False
if in_headers:
if count == 1: # header line
- ofs_typ = line.find('Type')
- ofs_offset = line.find('Offset')
- ofs_flags = line.find('Flg')
- ofs_align = line.find('Align')
- if ofs_typ == -1 or ofs_offset == -1 or ofs_flags == -1 or ofs_align == -1:
+ header = [x.strip() for x in line.split()]
+ ofs_typ = header.index('Type')
+ ofs_flags = header.index('Flg')
+ # assert readelf output is what we expect
+ if ofs_typ == -1 or ofs_flags == -1:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot parse elfread -lW output')
+ elif count > 1:
+ splitline = [x.strip() for x in line.split()]
+ typ = splitline[ofs_typ]
+ if not typ.startswith('[R'): # skip [Requesting ...]
+ splitline = [x.strip() for x in line.split()]
+ flags = splitline[ofs_flags]
+ # check for 'R', ' E'
+ if splitline[ofs_flags + 1] == 'E':
+ flags += ' E'
+ headers.append((typ, flags, []))
+ count += 1
+ if line.startswith(' Section to Segment mapping:'):
+ in_mapping = True
+ count = 0
+ if line == '':
+ in_mapping = False
+ if in_mapping:
+ if count == 1: # header line
+ ofs_segment = line.find('Segment')
+ ofs_sections = line.find('Sections...')
+ if ofs_segment == -1 or ofs_sections == -1:
raise ValueError('Cannot parse elfread -lW output')
elif count > 1:
- typ = line[ofs_typ:ofs_offset].rstrip()
- flags = line[ofs_flags:ofs_align].rstrip()
- headers.append((typ, flags))
+ segment = int(line[ofs_segment:ofs_sections].strip())
+ sections = line[ofs_sections:].strip().split()
+ headers[segment][2].extend(sections)
count += 1
return headers
-def check_ELF_NX(executable):
+def check_ELF_NX(executable) -> bool:
Check that no sections are writable and executable (including the stack)
have_wx = False
have_gnu_stack = False
- for (typ, flags) in get_ELF_program_headers(executable):
+ for (typ, flags, _) in get_ELF_program_headers(executable):
if typ == 'GNU_STACK':
have_gnu_stack = True
if 'W' in flags and 'E' in flags: # section is both writable and executable
have_wx = True
return have_gnu_stack and not have_wx
-def check_ELF_RELRO(executable):
+def check_ELF_RELRO(executable) -> bool:
Check for read-only relocations.
GNU_RELRO program header must exist
Dynamic section must have BIND_NOW flag
have_gnu_relro = False
- for (typ, flags) in get_ELF_program_headers(executable):
+ for (typ, flags, _) in get_ELF_program_headers(executable):
# Note: not checking flags == 'R': here as linkers set the permission differently
- # This does not affect security: the permission flags of the GNU_RELRO program header are ignored, the PT_LOAD header determines the effective permissions.
+ # This does not affect security: the permission flags of the GNU_RELRO program
+ # header are ignored, the PT_LOAD header determines the effective permissions.
# However, the dynamic linker need to write to this area so these are RW.
# Glibc itself takes care of mprotecting this area R after relocations are finished.
# See also https://marc.info/?l=binutils&m=1498883354122353
@@ -91,98 +116,221 @@ def check_ELF_RELRO(executable):
have_gnu_relro = True
have_bindnow = False
- p = subprocess.Popen([READELF_CMD, '-d', '-W', executable], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
- (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
- if p.returncode:
- raise IOError('Error opening file')
+ stdout = run_command([READELF_CMD, '-d', '-W', executable])
for line in stdout.splitlines():
tokens = line.split()
if len(tokens)>1 and tokens[1] == '(BIND_NOW)' or (len(tokens)>2 and tokens[1] == '(FLAGS)' and 'BIND_NOW' in tokens[2:]):
have_bindnow = True
return have_gnu_relro and have_bindnow
-def check_ELF_Canary(executable):
+def check_ELF_Canary(executable) -> bool:
Check for use of stack canary
- p = subprocess.Popen([READELF_CMD, '--dyn-syms', '-W', executable], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
- (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
- if p.returncode:
- raise IOError('Error opening file')
+ stdout = run_command([READELF_CMD, '--dyn-syms', '-W', executable])
ok = False
for line in stdout.splitlines():
if '__stack_chk_fail' in line:
ok = True
return ok
-def get_PE_dll_characteristics(executable):
+def check_ELF_separate_code(executable):
- Get PE DllCharacteristics bits.
- Returns a tuple (arch,bits) where arch is 'i386:x86-64' or 'i386'
- and bits is the DllCharacteristics value.
+ Check that sections are appropriately separated in virtual memory,
+ based on their permissions. This checks for missing -Wl,-z,separate-code
+ and potentially other problems.
- p = subprocess.Popen([OBJDUMP_CMD, '-x', executable], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
- (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
- if p.returncode:
- raise IOError('Error opening file')
- arch = ''
+ # Read + execute
+ '.init': 'R E',
+ '.plt': 'R E',
+ '.plt.got': 'R E',
+ '.plt.sec': 'R E',
+ '.text': 'R E',
+ '.fini': 'R E',
+ # Read-only data
+ '.interp': 'R',
+ '.note.gnu.property': 'R',
+ '.note.gnu.build-id': 'R',
+ '.note.ABI-tag': 'R',
+ '.gnu.hash': 'R',
+ '.dynsym': 'R',
+ '.dynstr': 'R',
+ '.gnu.version': 'R',
+ '.gnu.version_r': 'R',
+ '.rela.dyn': 'R',
+ '.rela.plt': 'R',
+ '.rodata': 'R',
+ '.eh_frame_hdr': 'R',
+ '.eh_frame': 'R',
+ '.qtmetadata': 'R',
+ '.gcc_except_table': 'R',
+ '.stapsdt.base': 'R',
+ # Writable data
+ '.init_array': 'RW',
+ '.fini_array': 'RW',
+ '.dynamic': 'RW',
+ '.got': 'RW',
+ '.data': 'RW',
+ '.bss': 'RW',
+ }
+ # For all LOAD program headers get mapping to the list of sections,
+ # and for each section, remember the flags of the associated program header.
+ flags_per_section = {}
+ for (typ, flags, sections) in get_ELF_program_headers(executable):
+ if typ == 'LOAD':
+ for section in sections:
+ assert(section not in flags_per_section)
+ flags_per_section[section] = flags
+ # Spot-check ELF LOAD program header flags per section
+ # If these sections exist, check them against the expected R/W/E flags
+ for (section, flags) in flags_per_section.items():
+ if section in EXPECTED_FLAGS:
+ if EXPECTED_FLAGS[section] != flags:
+ return False
+ return True
+def get_PE_dll_characteristics(executable) -> int:
+ '''Get PE DllCharacteristics bits'''
+ stdout = run_command([OBJDUMP_CMD, '-x', executable])
bits = 0
for line in stdout.splitlines():
tokens = line.split()
- if len(tokens)>=2 and tokens[0] == 'architecture:':
- arch = tokens[1].rstrip(',')
if len(tokens)>=2 and tokens[0] == 'DllCharacteristics':
bits = int(tokens[1],16)
- return (arch,bits)
+ return bits
-def check_PE_DYNAMIC_BASE(executable):
+def check_PE_DYNAMIC_BASE(executable) -> bool:
'''PIE: DllCharacteristics bit 0x40 signifies dynamicbase (ASLR)'''
- (arch,bits) = get_PE_dll_characteristics(executable)
- return (bits & reqbits) == reqbits
+ bits = get_PE_dll_characteristics(executable)
-# On 64 bit, must support high-entropy 64-bit address space layout randomization in addition to DYNAMIC_BASE
-# to have secure ASLR.
-def check_PE_HIGH_ENTROPY_VA(executable):
+# Must support high-entropy 64-bit address space layout randomization
+# in addition to DYNAMIC_BASE to have secure ASLR.
+def check_PE_HIGH_ENTROPY_VA(executable) -> bool:
'''PIE: DllCharacteristics bit 0x20 signifies high-entropy ASLR'''
- (arch,bits) = get_PE_dll_characteristics(executable)
- if arch == 'i386:x86-64':
- else: # Unnecessary on 32-bit
- assert(arch == 'i386')
- reqbits = 0
- return (bits & reqbits) == reqbits
-def check_PE_NX(executable):
+ bits = get_PE_dll_characteristics(executable)
+def check_PE_RELOC_SECTION(executable) -> bool:
+ '''Check for a reloc section. This is required for functional ASLR.'''
+ stdout = run_command([OBJDUMP_CMD, '-h', executable])
+ for line in stdout.splitlines():
+ if '.reloc' in line:
+ return True
+ return False
+def check_PE_NX(executable) -> bool:
'''NX: DllCharacteristics bit 0x100 signifies nxcompat (DEP)'''
- (arch,bits) = get_PE_dll_characteristics(executable)
+ bits = get_PE_dll_characteristics(executable)
+def get_MACHO_executable_flags(executable) -> List[str]:
+ stdout = run_command([OTOOL_CMD, '-vh', executable])
+ flags = []
+ for line in stdout.splitlines():
+ tokens = line.split()
+ # filter first two header lines
+ if 'magic' in tokens or 'Mach' in tokens:
+ continue
+ # filter ncmds and sizeofcmds values
+ flags += [t for t in tokens if not t.isdigit()]
+ return flags
+def check_MACHO_PIE(executable) -> bool:
+ '''
+ Check for position independent executable (PIE), allowing for address space randomization.
+ '''
+ flags = get_MACHO_executable_flags(executable)
+ if 'PIE' in flags:
+ return True
+ return False
+def check_MACHO_NOUNDEFS(executable) -> bool:
+ '''
+ Check for no undefined references.
+ '''
+ flags = get_MACHO_executable_flags(executable)
+ if 'NOUNDEFS' in flags:
+ return True
+ return False
+def check_MACHO_NX(executable) -> bool:
+ '''
+ Check for no stack execution
+ '''
+ flags = get_MACHO_executable_flags(executable)
+ if 'ALLOW_STACK_EXECUTION' in flags:
+ return False
+ return True
+def check_MACHO_LAZY_BINDINGS(executable) -> bool:
+ '''
+ Check for no lazy bindings.
+ We don't use or check for MH_BINDATLOAD. See #18295.
+ '''
+ stdout = run_command([OTOOL_CMD, '-l', executable])
+ for line in stdout.splitlines():
+ tokens = line.split()
+ if 'lazy_bind_off' in tokens or 'lazy_bind_size' in tokens:
+ if tokens[1] != '0':
+ return False
+ return True
+def check_MACHO_Canary(executable) -> bool:
+ '''
+ Check for use of stack canary
+ '''
+ stdout = run_command([OTOOL_CMD, '-Iv', executable])
+ ok = False
+ for line in stdout.splitlines():
+ if '___stack_chk_fail' in line:
+ ok = True
+ return ok
'ELF': [
('PIE', check_ELF_PIE),
('NX', check_ELF_NX),
('RELRO', check_ELF_RELRO),
- ('Canary', check_ELF_Canary)
+ ('Canary', check_ELF_Canary),
+ ('separate_code', check_ELF_separate_code),
'PE': [
- ('NX', check_PE_NX)
+ ('NX', check_PE_NX),
+'MACHO': [
+ ('PIE', check_MACHO_PIE),
+ ('NX', check_MACHO_NX),
+ ('Canary', check_MACHO_Canary)
-def identify_executable(executable):
+def identify_executable(executable) -> Optional[str]:
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
magic = f.read(4)
if magic.startswith(b'MZ'):
return 'PE'
elif magic.startswith(b'\x7fELF'):
return 'ELF'
+ elif magic.startswith(b'\xcf\xfa'):
+ return 'MACHO'
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -196,18 +344,12 @@ def identify_executable(executable):
failed = []
- warning = []
for (name, func) in CHECKS[etype]:
if not func(filename):
- if name in NONFATAL:
- warning.append(name)
- else:
- failed.append(name)
+ failed.append(name)
if failed:
print('%s: failed %s' % (filename, ' '.join(failed)))
retval = 1
- if warning:
- print('%s: warning %s' % (filename, ' '.join(warning)))
except IOError:
print('%s: cannot open' % filename)
retval = 1
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh.in b/contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh.in
index deda49cc54..92b72b1446 100644
--- a/contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh.in
+++ b/contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh.in
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+set -e
if [ $# -ne 3 ];
then echo "usage: $0 "
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py b/contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py
index c6158c9422..6949cb7ced 100755
--- a/contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py
+++ b/contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py
@@ -3,43 +3,43 @@
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-A script to check that the (Linux) executables produced by gitian only contain
-allowed gcc, glibc and libstdc++ version symbols. This makes sure they are
-still compatible with the minimum supported Linux distribution versions.
+A script to check that the executables produced by gitian only contain
+certain symbols and are only linked against allowed libraries.
Example usage:
- find ../gitian-builder/build -type f -executable | xargs python contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py
+ find ../gitian-builder/build -type f -executable | xargs python3 contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py
import subprocess
import re
import sys
import os
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
-# Debian 6.0.9 (Squeeze) has:
+# Debian 8 (Jessie) EOL: 2020. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianReleases#Production_Releases
-# - g++ version 4.4.5 (https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=g%2B%2B)
-# - libc version 2.11.3 (https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libc6)
-# - libstdc++ version 4.4.5 (https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libstdc%2B%2B6)
+# - g++ version 4.9.2 (https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=jessie&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=g%2B%2B)
+# - libc version 2.19 (https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=jessie&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libc6)
-# Ubuntu 10.04.4 (Lucid Lynx) has:
+# Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) EOL: 2024. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases
-# - g++ version 4.4.3 (http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=g%2B%2B&searchon=names&suite=lucid§ion=all)
-# - libc version 2.11.1 (http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libc6&searchon=names&suite=lucid§ion=all)
-# - libstdc++ version 4.4.3 (http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=lucid§ion=all&arch=any&keywords=libstdc%2B%2B&searchon=names)
+# - g++ version 5.3.1 (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=g%2B%2B&searchon=names&suite=xenial§ion=all)
+# - libc version 2.23.0 (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libc6&searchon=names&suite=xenial§ion=all)
+# CentOS 7 EOL: 2024. https://wiki.centos.org/FAQ/General
+# - g++ version 4.8.5 (http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/)
+# - libc version 2.17 (http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/)
# Taking the minimum of these as our target.
-# According to GNU ABI document (http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/abi.html) this corresponds to:
-# GCC 4.4.0: GCC_4.4.0
-# GCC 4.4.2: GLIBCXX_3.4.13, CXXABI_1.3.3
-# (glibc) GLIBC_2_11
+# According to GNU ABI document (https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/abi.html) this corresponds to:
+# GCC 4.8.5: GCC_4.8.0
+# (glibc) GLIBC_2_17
-'GCC': (4,4,0),
-'CXXABI': (1,3,3),
-'GLIBCXX': (3,4,13),
-'GLIBC': (2,11),
+'GCC': (4,8,0),
+'GLIBC': (2,17),
'LIBATOMIC': (1,0)
# See here for a description of _IO_stdin_used:
@@ -47,17 +47,20 @@
# Ignore symbols that are exported as part of every executable
-'_edata', '_end', '__end__', '_init', '__bss_start', '__bss_start__', '_bss_end__', '__bss_end__', '_fini', '_IO_stdin_used', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr'
+'_edata', '_end', '__end__', '_init', '__bss_start', '__bss_start__', '_bss_end__', '__bss_end__', '_fini', '_IO_stdin_used', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr',
+'environ', '_environ', '__environ',
READELF_CMD = os.getenv('READELF', '/usr/bin/readelf')
CPPFILT_CMD = os.getenv('CPPFILT', '/usr/bin/c++filt')
+OBJDUMP_CMD = os.getenv('OBJDUMP', '/usr/bin/objdump')
+OTOOL_CMD = os.getenv('OTOOL', '/usr/bin/otool')
# Allowed NEEDED libraries
# bitcoind and bitcoin-qt
'libgcc_s.so.1', # GCC base support
'libc.so.6', # C library
'libpthread.so.0', # threading
-'libanl.so.1', # DNS resolve
'libm.so.6', # math library
'librt.so.1', # real-time (clock)
@@ -67,8 +70,6 @@
'ld-linux-armhf.so.3', # 32-bit ARM dynamic linker
'ld-linux-riscv64-lp64d.so.1', # 64-bit RISC-V dynamic linker
# bitcoin-qt only
-'libX11-xcb.so.1', # part of X11
-'libX11.so.6', # part of X11
'libxcb.so.1', # part of X11
'libfontconfig.so.1', # font support
'libfreetype.so.6', # font parsing
@@ -81,6 +82,45 @@
'RISC-V': (2,27)
+# bitcoind and bitcoin-qt
+'libc++.1.dylib', # C++ Standard Library
+'libSystem.B.dylib', # libc, libm, libpthread, libinfo
+# bitcoin-qt only
+'AppKit', # user interface
+'ApplicationServices', # common application tasks.
+'Carbon', # deprecated c back-compat API
+'CoreFoundation', # low level func, data types
+'CoreGraphics', # 2D rendering
+'CoreServices', # operating system services
+'CoreText', # interface for laying out text and handling fonts.
+'Foundation', # base layer functionality for apps/frameworks
+'ImageIO', # read and write image file formats.
+'IOKit', # user-space access to hardware devices and drivers.
+'libobjc.A.dylib', # Objective-C runtime library
+'ADVAPI32.dll', # security & registry
+'IPHLPAPI.DLL', # IP helper API
+'KERNEL32.dll', # win32 base APIs
+'msvcrt.dll', # C standard library for MSVC
+'SHELL32.dll', # shell API
+'USER32.dll', # user interface
+'WS2_32.dll', # sockets
+# bitcoin-qt only
+'dwmapi.dll', # desktop window manager
+'GDI32.dll', # graphics device interface
+'IMM32.dll', # input method editor
+'ole32.dll', # component object model
+'OLEAUT32.dll', # OLE Automation API
+'SHLWAPI.dll', # light weight shell API
+'VERSION.dll', # version checking
+'WINMM.dll', # WinMM audio API
class CPPFilt(object):
Demangle C++ symbol names.
@@ -100,15 +140,15 @@ def close(self):
-def read_symbols(executable, imports=True):
+def read_symbols(executable, imports=True) -> List[Tuple[str, str, str]]:
- Parse an ELF executable and return a list of (symbol,version) tuples
+ Parse an ELF executable and return a list of (symbol,version, arch) tuples
for dynamic, imported symbols.
p = subprocess.Popen([READELF_CMD, '--dyn-syms', '-W', '-h', executable], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode:
- raise IOError('Could not read symbols for %s: %s' % (executable, stderr.strip()))
+ raise IOError('Could not read symbols for {}: {}'.format(executable, stderr.strip()))
syms = []
for line in stdout.splitlines():
line = line.split()
@@ -123,7 +163,7 @@ def read_symbols(executable, imports=True):
syms.append((sym, version, arch))
return syms
-def check_version(max_versions, version, arch):
+def check_version(max_versions, version, arch) -> bool:
if '_' in version:
(lib, _, ver) = version.rpartition('_')
@@ -134,7 +174,7 @@ def check_version(max_versions, version, arch):
return False
return ver <= max_versions[lib] or lib == 'GLIBC' and ver <= ARCH_MIN_GLIBC_VER[arch]
-def read_libraries(filename):
+def elf_read_libraries(filename) -> List[str]:
p = subprocess.Popen([READELF_CMD, '-d', '-W', filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode:
@@ -143,35 +183,124 @@ def read_libraries(filename):
for line in stdout.splitlines():
tokens = line.split()
if len(tokens)>2 and tokens[1] == '(NEEDED)':
- match = re.match('^Shared library: \[(.*)\]$', ' '.join(tokens[2:]))
+ match = re.match(r'^Shared library: \[(.*)\]$', ' '.join(tokens[2:]))
if match:
raise ValueError('Unparseable (NEEDED) specification')
return libraries
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+def check_imported_symbols(filename) -> bool:
+ cppfilt = CPPFilt()
+ ok = True
+ for sym, version, arch in read_symbols(filename, True):
+ if version and not check_version(MAX_VERSIONS, version, arch):
+ print('{}: symbol {} from unsupported version {}'.format(filename, cppfilt(sym), version))
+ ok = False
+ return ok
+def check_exported_symbols(filename) -> bool:
cppfilt = CPPFilt()
+ ok = True
+ for sym,version,arch in read_symbols(filename, False):
+ if arch == 'RISC-V' or sym in IGNORE_EXPORTS:
+ continue
+ print('{}: export of symbol {} not allowed'.format(filename, cppfilt(sym)))
+ ok = False
+ return ok
+def check_ELF_libraries(filename) -> bool:
+ ok = True
+ for library_name in elf_read_libraries(filename):
+ if library_name not in ELF_ALLOWED_LIBRARIES:
+ print('{}: NEEDED library {} is not allowed'.format(filename, library_name))
+ ok = False
+ return ok
+def macho_read_libraries(filename) -> List[str]:
+ p = subprocess.Popen([OTOOL_CMD, '-L', filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
+ (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
+ if p.returncode:
+ raise IOError('Error opening file')
+ libraries = []
+ for line in stdout.splitlines():
+ tokens = line.split()
+ if len(tokens) == 1: # skip executable name
+ continue
+ libraries.append(tokens[0].split('/')[-1])
+ return libraries
+def check_MACHO_libraries(filename) -> bool:
+ ok = True
+ for dylib in macho_read_libraries(filename):
+ if dylib not in MACHO_ALLOWED_LIBRARIES:
+ print('{} is not in ALLOWED_LIBRARIES!'.format(dylib))
+ ok = False
+ return ok
+def pe_read_libraries(filename) -> List[str]:
+ p = subprocess.Popen([OBJDUMP_CMD, '-x', filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
+ (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
+ if p.returncode:
+ raise IOError('Error opening file')
+ libraries = []
+ for line in stdout.splitlines():
+ if 'DLL Name:' in line:
+ tokens = line.split(': ')
+ libraries.append(tokens[1])
+ return libraries
+def check_PE_libraries(filename) -> bool:
+ ok = True
+ for dylib in pe_read_libraries(filename):
+ if dylib not in PE_ALLOWED_LIBRARIES:
+ print('{} is not in ALLOWED_LIBRARIES!'.format(dylib))
+ ok = False
+ return ok
+'ELF': [
+ ('IMPORTED_SYMBOLS', check_imported_symbols),
+ ('EXPORTED_SYMBOLS', check_exported_symbols),
+ ('LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES', check_ELF_libraries)
+'MACHO': [
+ ('DYNAMIC_LIBRARIES', check_MACHO_libraries)
+'PE' : [
+ ('DYNAMIC_LIBRARIES', check_PE_libraries)
+def identify_executable(executable) -> Optional[str]:
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ magic = f.read(4)
+ if magic.startswith(b'MZ'):
+ return 'PE'
+ elif magic.startswith(b'\x7fELF'):
+ return 'ELF'
+ elif magic.startswith(b'\xcf\xfa'):
+ return 'MACHO'
+ return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
retval = 0
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
- # Check imported symbols
- for sym,version,arch in read_symbols(filename, True):
- if version and not check_version(MAX_VERSIONS, version, arch):
- print('%s: symbol %s from unsupported version %s' % (filename, cppfilt(sym), version))
- retval = 1
- # Check exported symbols
- if arch != 'RISC-V':
- for sym,version,arch in read_symbols(filename, False):
- if sym in IGNORE_EXPORTS:
- continue
- print('%s: export of symbol %s not allowed' % (filename, cppfilt(sym)))
- retval = 1
- # Check dependency libraries
- for library_name in read_libraries(filename):
- if library_name not in ALLOWED_LIBRARIES:
- print('%s: NEEDED library %s is not allowed' % (filename, library_name))
+ try:
+ etype = identify_executable(filename)
+ if etype is None:
+ print('{}: unknown format'.format(filename))
retval = 1
+ continue
+ failed = []
+ for (name, func) in CHECKS[etype]:
+ if not func(filename):
+ failed.append(name)
+ if failed:
+ print('{}: failed {}'.format(filename, ' '.join(failed)))
+ retval = 1
+ except IOError:
+ print('{}: cannot open'.format(filename))
+ retval = 1
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/test-security-check.py b/contrib/devtools/test-security-check.py
index fd374f6328..ec2d886653 100755
--- a/contrib/devtools/test-security-check.py
+++ b/contrib/devtools/test-security-check.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ def write_testcode(filename):
def call_security_check(cc, source, executable, options):
- subprocess.check_call([cc,source,'-o',executable] + options)
- p = subprocess.Popen(['./security-check.py',executable], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
- (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
- return (p.returncode, stdout.rstrip())
+ subprocess.run([cc,source,'-o',executable] + options, check=True)
+ p = subprocess.run(['./contrib/devtools/security-check.py',executable], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
+ return (p.returncode, p.stdout.rstrip())
class TestSecurityChecks(unittest.TestCase):
def test_ELF(self):
@@ -32,39 +31,54 @@ def test_ELF(self):
cc = 'gcc'
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-zexecstack','-fno-stack-protector','-Wl,-znorelro','-no-pie','-fno-PIE']),
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-zexecstack','-fno-stack-protector','-Wl,-znorelro','-no-pie','-fno-PIE', '-Wl,-z,separate-code']),
(1, executable+': failed PIE NX RELRO Canary'))
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-znoexecstack','-fno-stack-protector','-Wl,-znorelro','-no-pie','-fno-PIE']),
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-znoexecstack','-fno-stack-protector','-Wl,-znorelro','-no-pie','-fno-PIE', '-Wl,-z,separate-code']),
(1, executable+': failed PIE RELRO Canary'))
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-znoexecstack','-fstack-protector-all','-Wl,-znorelro','-no-pie','-fno-PIE']),
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-znoexecstack','-fstack-protector-all','-Wl,-znorelro','-no-pie','-fno-PIE', '-Wl,-z,separate-code']),
(1, executable+': failed PIE RELRO'))
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-znoexecstack','-fstack-protector-all','-Wl,-znorelro','-pie','-fPIE']),
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-znoexecstack','-fstack-protector-all','-Wl,-znorelro','-pie','-fPIE', '-Wl,-z,separate-code']),
(1, executable+': failed RELRO'))
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-znoexecstack','-fstack-protector-all','-Wl,-zrelro','-Wl,-z,now','-pie','-fPIE']),
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-znoexecstack','-fstack-protector-all','-Wl,-zrelro','-Wl,-z,now','-pie','-fPIE', '-Wl,-z,noseparate-code']),
+ (1, executable+': failed separate_code'))
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-znoexecstack','-fstack-protector-all','-Wl,-zrelro','-Wl,-z,now','-pie','-fPIE', '-Wl,-z,separate-code']),
(0, ''))
- def test_32bit_PE(self):
+ def test_PE(self):
source = 'test1.c'
executable = 'test1.exe'
- cc = 'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc'
+ cc = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc'
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--no-nxcompat','-Wl,--no-dynamicbase']),
- (1, executable+': failed DYNAMIC_BASE NX'))
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--nxcompat','-Wl,--no-dynamicbase']),
- (1, executable+': failed DYNAMIC_BASE'))
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--nxcompat','-Wl,--dynamicbase']),
- (0, ''))
- def test_64bit_PE(self):
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--no-nxcompat','-Wl,--no-dynamicbase','-Wl,--no-high-entropy-va','-no-pie','-fno-PIE']),
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--nxcompat','-Wl,--no-dynamicbase','-Wl,--no-high-entropy-va','-no-pie','-fno-PIE']),
+ (1, executable+': failed DYNAMIC_BASE HIGH_ENTROPY_VA RELOC_SECTION'))
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--nxcompat','-Wl,--dynamicbase','-Wl,--no-high-entropy-va','-no-pie','-fno-PIE']),
+ (1, executable+': failed HIGH_ENTROPY_VA RELOC_SECTION'))
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--nxcompat','-Wl,--dynamicbase','-Wl,--high-entropy-va','-no-pie','-fno-PIE']),
+ (1, executable+': failed RELOC_SECTION'))
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--nxcompat','-Wl,--dynamicbase','-Wl,--high-entropy-va','-pie','-fPIE']),
+ (0, ''))
+ def test_MACHO(self):
source = 'test1.c'
- executable = 'test1.exe'
- cc = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc'
+ executable = 'test1'
+ cc = 'clang'
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--no-nxcompat','-Wl,--no-dynamicbase','-Wl,--no-high-entropy-va']), (1, executable+': failed DYNAMIC_BASE HIGH_ENTROPY_VA NX'))
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--nxcompat','-Wl,--no-dynamicbase','-Wl,--no-high-entropy-va']), (1, executable+': failed DYNAMIC_BASE HIGH_ENTROPY_VA'))
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--nxcompat','-Wl,--dynamicbase','-Wl,--no-high-entropy-va']), (1, executable+': failed HIGH_ENTROPY_VA'))
- self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,--nxcompat','-Wl,--dynamicbase','-Wl,--high-entropy-va']), (0, ''))
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-no_pie','-Wl,-flat_namespace','-Wl,-allow_stack_execute','-fno-stack-protector']),
+ (1, executable+': failed PIE NOUNDEFS NX LAZY_BINDINGS Canary'))
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-no_pie','-Wl,-flat_namespace','-Wl,-allow_stack_execute','-fstack-protector-all']),
+ (1, executable+': failed PIE NOUNDEFS NX LAZY_BINDINGS'))
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-no_pie','-Wl,-flat_namespace','-fstack-protector-all']),
+ (1, executable+': failed PIE NOUNDEFS LAZY_BINDINGS'))
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-no_pie','-fstack-protector-all']),
+ (1, executable+': failed PIE LAZY_BINDINGS'))
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-no_pie','-Wl,-bind_at_load','-fstack-protector-all']),
+ (1, executable+': failed PIE'))
+ self.assertEqual(call_security_check(cc, source, executable, ['-Wl,-pie','-Wl,-bind_at_load','-fstack-protector-all']),
+ (0, ''))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/test_deterministic_coverage.sh b/contrib/devtools/test_deterministic_coverage.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8501c72f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/devtools/test_deterministic_coverage.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test for deterministic coverage across unit test runs.
+export LC_ALL=C
+# Use GCOV_EXECUTABLE="gcov" if compiling with gcc.
+# Use GCOV_EXECUTABLE="llvm-cov gcov" if compiling with clang.
+# Disable tests known to cause non-deterministic behaviour and document the source or point of non-determinism.
+ "blockfilter_index_tests/blockfilter_index_initial_sync" # src/checkqueue.h: In CCheckQueue::Loop(): while (queue.empty()) { ... }
+ "coinselector_tests/knapsack_solver_test" # coinselector_tests.cpp: if (equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2))
+ "fs_tests/fsbridge_fstream" # deterministic test failure?
+ "miner_tests/CreateNewBlock_validity" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "scheduler_tests/manythreads" # scheduler.cpp: CScheduler::serviceQueue()
+ "scheduler_tests/singlethreadedscheduler_ordered" # scheduler.cpp: CScheduler::serviceQueue()
+ "txvalidationcache_tests/checkinputs_test" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "txvalidationcache_tests/tx_mempool_block_doublespend" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "txindex_tests/txindex_initial_sync" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "txvalidation_tests/tx_mempool_reject_coinbase" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "validation_block_tests/processnewblock_signals_ordering" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "wallet_tests/coin_mark_dirty_immature_credit" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "wallet_tests/dummy_input_size_test" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "wallet_tests/importmulti_rescan" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "wallet_tests/importwallet_rescan" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "wallet_tests/ListCoins" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "wallet_tests/scan_for_wallet_transactions" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+ "wallet_tests/wallet_disableprivkeys" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10)
+print_usage() {
+ echo "Usage: $0 [custom test filter (default: all but known non-deterministic tests)] [number of test runs (default: 2)]"
+if [[ $# != 0 ]]; then
+ if [[ $1 == "--help" ]]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [[ $1 =~ [a-z] ]]; then
+ shift
+ fi
+ if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+ shift
+ fi
+ if [[ ${PARSED_ARGUMENTS} == 0 || $# -gt 2 || ${N_TEST_RUNS} -lt 2 ]]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit
+ fi
+if [[ ${BOOST_TEST_RUN_FILTERS} == "" ]]; then
+ BOOST_TEST_RUN_FILTERS="$(IFS=":"; echo "!${NON_DETERMINISTIC_TESTS[*]}" | sed 's/:/:!/g')"
+ echo "Using Boost test filter: ${BOOST_TEST_RUN_FILTERS}"
+ echo
+if ! command -v gcov > /dev/null; then
+ echo "Error: gcov not installed. Exiting."
+ exit 1
+if ! command -v gcovr > /dev/null; then
+ echo "Error: gcovr not installed. Exiting."
+ exit 1
+if [[ ! -e ${TEST_BITCOIN_BINARY} ]]; then
+ echo "Error: Executable ${TEST_BITCOIN_BINARY} not found. Run \"./configure --enable-lcov\" and compile."
+ exit 1
+get_file_suffix_count() {
+ find src/ -type f -name "*.$1" | wc -l
+if [[ $(get_file_suffix_count gcno) == 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Error: Could not find any *.gcno files. The *.gcno files are generated by the compiler. Run \"./configure --enable-lcov\" and re-compile."
+ exit 1
+get_covr_filename() {
+ echo "gcovr.run-$1.txt"
+while [[ ${TEST_RUN_ID} -lt ${N_TEST_RUNS} ]]; do
+ echo "[$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")] Measuring coverage, run #${TEST_RUN_ID} of ${N_TEST_RUNS}"
+ find src/ -type f -name "*.gcda" -exec rm {} \;
+ if [[ $(get_file_suffix_count gcda) != 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Error: Stale *.gcda files found. Exiting."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $(get_file_suffix_count gcda) == 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Error: Running the test suite did not create any *.gcda files. The gcda files are generated when the instrumented test programs are executed. Run \"./configure --enable-lcov\" and re-compile."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ GCOVR_TEMPFILE=$(mktemp)
+ if ! gcovr --gcov-executable "${GCOV_EXECUTABLE}" -r src/ > "${GCOVR_TEMPFILE}"; then
+ echo "Error: gcovr failed. Output written to ${GCOVR_TEMPFILE}. Exiting."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ GCOVR_FILENAME=$(get_covr_filename ${TEST_RUN_ID})
+ if grep -E "^TOTAL *0 *0 " "${GCOVR_FILENAME}"; then
+ echo "Error: Spurious gcovr output. Make sure the correct GCOV_EXECUTABLE variable is set in $0 (\"gcov\" for gcc, \"llvm-cov gcov\" for clang)."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ ${TEST_RUN_ID} != 1 ]]; then
+ COVERAGE_DIFF=$(diff -u "$(get_covr_filename 1)" "${GCOVR_FILENAME}")
+ if [[ ${COVERAGE_DIFF} != "" ]]; then
+ echo
+ echo "The line coverage is non-deterministic between runs. Exiting."
+ echo
+ echo "The test suite must be deterministic in the sense that the set of lines executed at least"
+ echo "once must be identical between runs. This is a necessary condition for meaningful"
+ echo "coverage measuring."
+ echo
+ echo "${COVERAGE_DIFF}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+echo "Coverage test passed: Deterministic coverage across ${N_TEST_RUNS} runs."
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/update-translations.py b/contrib/devtools/update-translations.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b9d3a4c27..0000000000
--- a/contrib/devtools/update-translations.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Wladimir J. van der Laan
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-Run this script from the root of the repository to update all translations from
-It will do the following automatically:
-- fetch all translations using the tx tool
-- post-process them into valid and committable format
- - remove invalid control characters
- - remove location tags (makes diffs less noisy)
-- auto-add new translations to the build system according to the translation process
-import subprocess
-import re
-import sys
-import os
-import io
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-# Name of transifex tool
-TX = 'tx'
-# Name of source language file
-SOURCE_LANG = 'bitcoin_en.ts'
-# Directory with locale files
-LOCALE_DIR = 'src/qt/locale'
-# Minimum number of messages for translation to be considered at all
-# Regexp to check for Bitcoin addresses
-ADDRESS_REGEXP = re.compile('([13]|bc1)[a-zA-Z0-9]{30,}')
-def check_at_repository_root():
- if not os.path.exists('.git'):
- print('No .git directory found')
- print('Execute this script at the root of the repository', file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
-def fetch_all_translations():
- if subprocess.call([TX, 'pull', '-f', '-a']):
- print('Error while fetching translations', file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
-def find_format_specifiers(s):
- '''Find all format specifiers in a string.'''
- pos = 0
- specifiers = []
- while True:
- percent = s.find('%', pos)
- if percent < 0:
- break
- specifiers.append(s[percent+1])
- pos = percent+2
- return specifiers
-def split_format_specifiers(specifiers):
- '''Split format specifiers between numeric (Qt) and others (strprintf)'''
- numeric = []
- other = []
- for s in specifiers:
- if s in {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}:
- numeric.append(s)
- else:
- other.append(s)
- # If both numeric format specifiers and "others" are used, assume we're dealing
- # with a Qt-formatted message. In the case of Qt formatting (see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstring.html#arg)
- # only numeric formats are replaced at all. This means "(percentage: %1%)" is valid, without needing
- # any kind of escaping that would be necessary for strprintf. Without this, this function
- # would wrongly detect '%)' as a printf format specifier.
- if numeric:
- other = []
- # numeric (Qt) can be present in any order, others (strprintf) must be in specified order
- return set(numeric),other
-def sanitize_string(s):
- '''Sanitize string for printing'''
- return s.replace('\n',' ')
-def check_format_specifiers(source, translation, errors, numerus):
- source_f = split_format_specifiers(find_format_specifiers(source))
- # assert that no source messages contain both Qt and strprintf format specifiers
- # if this fails, go change the source as this is hacky and confusing!
- assert(not(source_f[0] and source_f[1]))
- try:
- translation_f = split_format_specifiers(find_format_specifiers(translation))
- except IndexError:
- errors.append("Parse error in translation for '%s': '%s'" % (sanitize_string(source), sanitize_string(translation)))
- return False
- else:
- if source_f != translation_f:
- if numerus and source_f == (set(), ['n']) and translation_f == (set(), []) and translation.find('%') == -1:
- # Allow numerus translations to omit %n specifier (usually when it only has one possible value)
- return True
- errors.append("Mismatch between '%s' and '%s'" % (sanitize_string(source), sanitize_string(translation)))
- return False
- return True
-def all_ts_files(suffix=''):
- for filename in os.listdir(LOCALE_DIR):
- # process only language files, and do not process source language
- if not filename.endswith('.ts'+suffix) or filename == SOURCE_LANG+suffix:
- continue
- if suffix: # remove provided suffix
- filename = filename[0:-len(suffix)]
- filepath = os.path.join(LOCALE_DIR, filename)
- yield(filename, filepath)
-FIX_RE = re.compile(b'[\x00-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]')
-def remove_invalid_characters(s):
- '''Remove invalid characters from translation string'''
- return FIX_RE.sub(b'', s)
-# Override cdata escape function to make our output match Qt's (optional, just for cleaner diffs for
-# comparison, disable by default)
-_orig_escape_cdata = None
-def escape_cdata(text):
- text = _orig_escape_cdata(text)
- text = text.replace("'", ''')
- text = text.replace('"', '"')
- return text
-def contains_bitcoin_addr(text, errors):
- if text is not None and ADDRESS_REGEXP.search(text) is not None:
- errors.append('Translation "%s" contains a bitcoin address. This will be removed.' % (text))
- return True
- return False
-def postprocess_translations(reduce_diff_hacks=False):
- print('Checking and postprocessing...')
- if reduce_diff_hacks:
- global _orig_escape_cdata
- _orig_escape_cdata = ET._escape_cdata
- ET._escape_cdata = escape_cdata
- for (filename,filepath) in all_ts_files():
- os.rename(filepath, filepath+'.orig')
- have_errors = False
- for (filename,filepath) in all_ts_files('.orig'):
- # pre-fixups to cope with transifex output
- parser = ET.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8') # need to override encoding because 'utf8' is not understood only 'utf-8'
- with open(filepath + '.orig', 'rb') as f:
- data = f.read()
- # remove control characters; this must be done over the entire file otherwise the XML parser will fail
- data = remove_invalid_characters(data)
- tree = ET.parse(io.BytesIO(data), parser=parser)
- # iterate over all messages in file
- root = tree.getroot()
- for context in root.findall('context'):
- for message in context.findall('message'):
- numerus = message.get('numerus') == 'yes'
- source = message.find('source').text
- translation_node = message.find('translation')
- # pick all numerusforms
- if numerus:
- translations = [i.text for i in translation_node.findall('numerusform')]
- else:
- translations = [translation_node.text]
- for translation in translations:
- if translation is None:
- continue
- errors = []
- valid = check_format_specifiers(source, translation, errors, numerus) and not contains_bitcoin_addr(translation, errors)
- for error in errors:
- print('%s: %s' % (filename, error))
- if not valid: # set type to unfinished and clear string if invalid
- translation_node.clear()
- translation_node.set('type', 'unfinished')
- have_errors = True
- # Remove location tags
- for location in message.findall('location'):
- message.remove(location)
- # Remove entire message if it is an unfinished translation
- if translation_node.get('type') == 'unfinished':
- context.remove(message)
- # check if document is (virtually) empty, and remove it if so
- num_messages = 0
- for context in root.findall('context'):
- for message in context.findall('message'):
- num_messages += 1
- if num_messages < MIN_NUM_MESSAGES:
- print('Removing %s, as it contains only %i messages' % (filepath, num_messages))
- continue
- # write fixed-up tree
- # if diff reduction requested, replace some XML to 'sanitize' to qt formatting
- if reduce_diff_hacks:
- out = io.BytesIO()
- tree.write(out, encoding='utf-8')
- out = out.getvalue()
- out = out.replace(b' />', b'/>')
- with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(out)
- else:
- tree.write(filepath, encoding='utf-8')
- return have_errors
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- check_at_repository_root()
- fetch_all_translations()
- postprocess_translations()
diff --git a/contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh b/contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..dee25ff67b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+export LC_ALL=C
+set -ueo pipefail
+if (( $# < 3 )); then
+ echo 'Usage: utxo_snapshot.sh '
+ echo
+ echo " if is '-', don't produce a snapshot file but instead print the "
+ echo " expected assumeutxo hash"
+ echo
+ echo 'Examples:'
+ echo
+ echo " ./contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh 570000 utxo.dat ./src/bitcoin-cli -datadir=\$(pwd)/testdata"
+ echo ' ./contrib/devtools/utxo_snapshot.sh 570000 - ./src/bitcoin-cli'
+ exit 1
+GENERATE_AT_HEIGHT="${1}"; shift;
+OUTPUT_PATH="${1}"; shift;
+# Most of the calls we make take a while to run, so pad with a lengthy timeout.
+BITCOIN_CLI_CALL="${*} -rpcclienttimeout=9999999"
+# Block we'll invalidate/reconsider to rewind/fast-forward the chain.
+(>&2 echo "Rewinding chain back to height ${GENERATE_AT_HEIGHT} (by invalidating ${PIVOT_BLOCKHASH}); this may take a while")
+${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} invalidateblock "${PIVOT_BLOCKHASH}"
+if [[ "${OUTPUT_PATH}" = "-" ]]; then
+ (>&2 echo "Generating txoutset info...")
+ ${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} gettxoutsetinfo | grep hash_serialized_2 | sed 's/^.*: "\(.\+\)\+",/\1/g'
+ (>&2 echo "Generating UTXO snapshot...")
+ ${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} dumptxoutset "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
+(>&2 echo "Restoring chain to original height; this may take a while")
+${BITCOIN_CLI_CALL} reconsiderblock "${PIVOT_BLOCKHASH}"
diff --git a/contrib/filter-lcov.py b/contrib/filter-lcov.py
index df1db76e92..e005cb96da 100755
--- a/contrib/filter-lcov.py
+++ b/contrib/filter-lcov.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import argparse
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-build.py b/contrib/gitian-build.py
index fc7fbb764d..d498c9e2c8 100755
--- a/contrib/gitian-build.py
+++ b/contrib/gitian-build.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import argparse
import os
@@ -7,20 +10,20 @@
def setup():
global args, workdir
- programs = ['ruby', 'git', 'apt-cacher-ng', 'make', 'wget']
+ programs = ['ruby', 'git', 'make', 'wget', 'curl']
if args.kvm:
- programs += ['python-vm-builder', 'qemu-kvm', 'qemu-utils']
- elif args.docker:
+ programs += ['apt-cacher-ng', 'python-vm-builder', 'qemu-kvm', 'qemu-utils']
+ elif args.docker and not os.path.isfile('/lib/systemd/system/docker.service'):
dockers = ['docker.io', 'docker-ce']
for i in dockers:
return_code = subprocess.call(['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-qq', i])
if return_code == 0:
if return_code != 0:
- print('Cannot find any way to install docker', file=sys.stderr)
- exit(1)
+ print('Cannot find any way to install Docker.', file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
- programs += ['lxc', 'debootstrap']
+ programs += ['apt-cacher-ng', 'lxc', 'debootstrap']
subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-qq'] + programs)
if not os.path.isdir('gitian.sigs'):
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gitian.sigs.git'])
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ def setup():
if args.is_bionic and not args.kvm and not args.docker:
subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'sed', '-i', 's/lxcbr0/br0/', '/etc/default/lxc-net'])
print('Reboot is required')
- exit(0)
+ sys.exit(0)
def build():
global args, workdir
@@ -51,10 +54,8 @@ def build():
os.makedirs('inputs', exist_ok=True)
- subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-N', '-P', 'inputs', 'https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/osslsigncode/osslsigncode/osslsigncode-1.7.1.tar.gz'])
- subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-N', '-P', 'inputs', 'https://bitcoincore.org/cfields/osslsigncode-Backports-to-1.7.1.patch'])
- subprocess.check_call(["echo 'a8c4e9cafba922f89de0df1f2152e7be286aba73f78505169bc351a7938dd911 inputs/osslsigncode-Backports-to-1.7.1.patch' | sha256sum -c"], shell=True)
- subprocess.check_call(["echo 'f9a8cdb38b9c309326764ebc937cba1523a3a751a7ab05df3ecc99d18ae466c9 inputs/osslsigncode-1.7.1.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c"], shell=True)
+ subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-O', 'inputs/osslsigncode-2.0.tar.gz', 'https://github.com/mtrojnar/osslsigncode/archive/2.0.tar.gz'])
+ subprocess.check_call(["echo '5a60e0a4b3e0b4d655317b2f12a810211c50242138322b16e7e01c6fbb89d92f inputs/osslsigncode-2.0.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c"], shell=True)
subprocess.check_call(['make', '-C', '../bitcoin/depends', 'download', 'SOURCES_PATH=' + os.getcwd() + '/cache/common'])
if args.linux:
@@ -68,14 +69,14 @@ def build():
subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-j', args.jobs, '-m', args.memory, '--commit', 'bitcoin='+args.commit, '--url', 'bitcoin='+args.url, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml'])
subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version+'-win-unsigned', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml'])
subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*-win-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/', shell=True)
- subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*.zip build/out/bitcoin-*.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
+ subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*.zip build/out/bitcoin-*.exe build/out/src/bitcoin-*.tar.gz ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
if args.macos:
print('\nCompiling ' + args.version + ' MacOS')
subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-j', args.jobs, '-m', args.memory, '--commit', 'bitcoin='+args.commit, '--url', 'bitcoin='+args.url, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml'])
subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version+'-osx-unsigned', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml'])
subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*-osx-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/', shell=True)
- subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*.tar.gz build/out/bitcoin-*.dmg ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
+ subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*.tar.gz build/out/bitcoin-*.dmg build/out/src/bitcoin-*.tar.gz ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
@@ -95,15 +96,14 @@ def sign():
if args.windows:
print('\nSigning ' + args.version + ' Windows')
subprocess.check_call('cp inputs/bitcoin-' + args.version + '-win-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/bitcoin-win-unsigned.tar.gz', shell=True)
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-i', '--commit', 'signature='+args.commit, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '--skip-image', '--upgrade', '--commit', 'signature='+args.commit, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml'])
subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version+'-win-signed', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml'])
subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*win64-setup.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
- subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*win32-setup.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
if args.macos:
print('\nSigning ' + args.version + ' MacOS')
subprocess.check_call('cp inputs/bitcoin-' + args.version + '-osx-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/bitcoin-osx-unsigned.tar.gz', shell=True)
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-i', '--commit', 'signature='+args.commit, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '--skip-image', '--upgrade', '--commit', 'signature='+args.commit, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml'])
subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version+'-osx-signed', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml'])
subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-osx-signed.dmg ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version+'/bitcoin-'+args.version+'-osx.dmg', shell=True)
@@ -119,25 +119,41 @@ def sign():
def verify():
global args, workdir
+ rc = 0
print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Linux\n')
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-linux', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml'])
+ if subprocess.call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-linux', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml']):
+ print('Verifying v'+args.version+' Linux FAILED\n')
+ rc = 1
print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Windows\n')
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-win-unsigned', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml'])
+ if subprocess.call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-win-unsigned', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml']):
+ print('Verifying v'+args.version+' Windows FAILED\n')
+ rc = 1
print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' MacOS\n')
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-osx-unsigned', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml'])
+ if subprocess.call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-osx-unsigned', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml']):
+ print('Verifying v'+args.version+' MacOS FAILED\n')
+ rc = 1
print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Signed Windows\n')
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-win-signed', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml'])
+ if subprocess.call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-win-signed', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml']):
+ print('Verifying v'+args.version+' Signed Windows FAILED\n')
+ rc = 1
print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Signed MacOS\n')
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-osx-signed', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml'])
+ if subprocess.call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-osx-signed', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml']):
+ print('Verifying v'+args.version+' Signed MacOS FAILED\n')
+ rc = 1
+ return rc
def main():
global args, workdir
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [options] signer version')
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script for running full Gitian builds.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--commit', action='store_true', dest='commit', help='Indicate that the version argument is for a commit or branch')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pull', action='store_true', dest='pull', help='Indicate that the version argument is the number of a github repository pull request')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='url', default='https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin', help='Specify the URL of the repository. Default is %(default)s')
@@ -150,64 +166,70 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('-m', '--memory', dest='memory', default='2000', help='Memory to allocate in MiB. Default %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('-k', '--kvm', action='store_true', dest='kvm', help='Use KVM instead of LXC')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--docker', action='store_true', dest='docker', help='Use Docker instead of LXC')
- parser.add_argument('-S', '--setup', action='store_true', dest='setup', help='Set up the Gitian building environment. Uses LXC. If you want to use KVM, use the --kvm option. Only works on Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Debian)')
+ parser.add_argument('-S', '--setup', action='store_true', dest='setup', help='Set up the Gitian building environment. Only works on Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Debian)')
parser.add_argument('-D', '--detach-sign', action='store_true', dest='detach_sign', help='Create the assert file for detached signing. Will not commit anything.')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-commit', action='store_false', dest='commit_files', help='Do not commit anything to git')
- parser.add_argument('signer', help='GPG signer to sign each build assert file')
- parser.add_argument('version', help='Version number, commit, or branch to build. If building a commit or branch, the -c option must be specified')
+ parser.add_argument('signer', nargs='?', help='GPG signer to sign each build assert file')
+ parser.add_argument('version', nargs='?', help='Version number, commit, or branch to build. If building a commit or branch, the -c option must be specified')
args = parser.parse_args()
workdir = os.getcwd()
- args.linux = 'l' in args.os
- args.windows = 'w' in args.os
- args.macos = 'm' in args.os
args.is_bionic = b'bionic' in subprocess.check_output(['lsb_release', '-cs'])
- if args.buildsign:
- args.build=True
- args.sign=True
if args.kvm and args.docker:
raise Exception('Error: cannot have both kvm and docker')
- args.sign_prog = 'true' if args.detach_sign else 'gpg --detach-sign'
- # Set environment variable USE_LXC or USE_DOCKER, let gitian-builder know that we use lxc or docker
+ # Ensure no more than one environment variable for gitian-builder (USE_LXC, USE_VBOX, USE_DOCKER) is set as they
+ # can interfere (e.g., USE_LXC being set shadows USE_DOCKER; for details see gitian-builder/libexec/make-clean-vm).
+ os.environ['USE_LXC'] = ''
+ os.environ['USE_VBOX'] = ''
+ os.environ['USE_DOCKER'] = ''
if args.docker:
os.environ['USE_DOCKER'] = '1'
elif not args.kvm:
os.environ['USE_LXC'] = '1'
- if not 'GITIAN_HOST_IP' in os.environ.keys():
+ if 'GITIAN_HOST_IP' not in os.environ.keys():
os.environ['GITIAN_HOST_IP'] = ''
- if not 'LXC_GUEST_IP' in os.environ.keys():
+ if 'LXC_GUEST_IP' not in os.environ.keys():
os.environ['LXC_GUEST_IP'] = ''
+ if args.setup:
+ setup()
+ if args.buildsign:
+ args.build = True
+ args.sign = True
+ if not args.build and not args.sign and not args.verify:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ args.linux = 'l' in args.os
+ args.windows = 'w' in args.os
+ args.macos = 'm' in args.os
# Disable for MacOS if no SDK found
- if args.macos and not os.path.isfile('gitian-builder/inputs/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz'):
+ if args.macos and not os.path.isfile('gitian-builder/inputs/Xcode-11.3.1-11C505-extracted-SDK-with-libcxx-headers.tar.gz'):
print('Cannot build for MacOS, SDK does not exist. Will build for other OSes')
args.macos = False
+ args.sign_prog = 'true' if args.detach_sign else 'gpg --detach-sign'
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
- # Signer and version shouldn't be empty
- if args.signer == '':
- print(script_name+': Missing signer.')
+ if not args.signer:
+ print(script_name+': Missing signer')
print('Try '+script_name+' --help for more information')
- exit(1)
- if args.version == '':
- print(script_name+': Missing version.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not args.version:
+ print(script_name+': Missing version')
print('Try '+script_name+' --help for more information')
- exit(1)
+ sys.exit(1)
# Add leading 'v' for tags
if args.commit and args.pull:
raise Exception('Cannot have both commit and pull')
args.commit = ('' if args.commit else 'v') + args.version
- if args.setup:
- setup()
if args.pull:
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'fetch', args.url, 'refs/pull/'+args.version+'/merge'])
@@ -220,6 +242,10 @@ def main():
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', args.commit])
+ os.chdir('gitian-builder')
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'pull'])
+ os.chdir(workdir)
if args.build:
@@ -227,7 +253,10 @@ def main():
if args.verify:
- verify()
+ os.chdir('gitian.sigs')
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'pull'])
+ os.chdir(workdir)
+ sys.exit(verify())
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..55d2acc730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# A helper script to be sourced into the gitian descriptors
+if RECENT_TAG="$(git describe --exact-match HEAD)"; then
+ VERSION="$(git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD)"
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
index d0d7cd96c2..0c4af0a779 100644
--- a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
+++ b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
@@ -1,61 +1,60 @@
-name: "elements-linux-0.18"
+name: "elements-linux-0.21"
enable_cache: true
+distro: "ubuntu"
- "bionic"
- "amd64"
+# Common dependencies.
+- "autoconf"
+- "automake"
+- "binutils"
+- "bsdmainutils"
+- "ca-certificates"
- "curl"
-- "g++-aarch64-linux-gnu"
-- "g++-8-aarch64-linux-gnu"
-- "gcc-8-aarch64-linux-gnu"
-- "binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu"
-- "g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
-- "g++-8-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
-- "gcc-8-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
+- "faketime"
+- "git"
+- "libtool"
+- "patch"
+- "pkg-config"
+- "python3"
+# Cross compilation HOSTS:
+# - arm-linux-gnueabihf
- "binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
-- "g++-riscv64-linux-gnu"
-- "g++-8-riscv64-linux-gnu"
-- "gcc-8-riscv64-linux-gnu"
+- "g++-8-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
+# - aarch64-linux-gnu
+- "binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu"
+- "g++-8-aarch64-linux-gnu"
+# - riscv64-linux-gnu
- "binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu"
-- "g++-8-multilib"
-- "gcc-8-multilib"
-- "binutils-gold"
-- "git"
+- "g++-8-riscv64-linux-gnu"
+# Elements
- "icnsutils"
- "imagemagick"
- "librsvg2-2"
- "librsvg2-bin"
-- "pkg-config"
-- "autoconf"
-- "libtool"
-- "automake"
-- "faketime"
-- "bsdmainutils"
-- "ca-certificates"
-- "python"
- "url": "https://github.com/ElementsProject/elements.git"
"dir": "elements"
files: []
script: |
+ set -e -o pipefail
- HOSTS="i686-pc-linux-gnu x86_64-linux-gnu arm-linux-gnueabihf aarch64-linux-gnu riscv64-linux-gnu"
+ HOSTS="x86_64-linux-gnu arm-linux-gnueabihf aarch64-linux-gnu riscv64-linux-gnu"
CONFIGFLAGS="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --disable-bench --disable-gui-tests"
FAKETIME_PROGS="date ar ranlib nm"
- HOST_LDFLAGS=-static-libstdc++
+ HOST_LDFLAGS_BASE="-static-libstdc++ -Wl,-O2"
export QT_RCC_TEST=1
- export GZIP="-9n"
export TZ="UTC"
- export BUILD_DIR=`pwd`
+ export BUILD_DIR="$PWD"
mkdir -p ${WRAP_DIR}
if test -n "$GBUILD_CACHE_ENABLED"; then
@@ -63,11 +62,12 @@ script: |
+ # Use $LIB in LD_PRELOAD to avoid hardcoding the dir (See `man ld.so`)
function create_global_faketime_wrappers {
for prog in ${FAKETIME_PROGS}; do
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "REAL=\`which -a ${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
+ echo "export LD_PRELOAD='/usr/\$LIB/faketime/libfaketime.so.1'" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${prog}
chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ script: |
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
echo "REAL=\`which -a ${i}-${prog}-8 | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
+ echo "export LD_PRELOAD='/usr/\$LIB/faketime/libfaketime.so.1'" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}-${prog}
+ echo "\$REAL \"\$@\"" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}-${prog}
chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
@@ -96,45 +96,11 @@ script: |
create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
- # x86 needs /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm pointed to /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm,
- # but we can't write there. Instead, create a link here and force it to be included in the
- # search paths by wrapping gcc/g++.
- mkdir -p $EXTRA_INCLUDES_BASE/i686-pc-linux-gnu
- rm -f $WRAP_DIR/extra_includes/i686-pc-linux-gnu/asm
- ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm $EXTRA_INCLUDES_BASE/i686-pc-linux-gnu/asm
- for prog in gcc g++; do
- rm -f ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- cat << EOF > ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- REAL="`which -a ${prog}-8 | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog} | head -1`"
- for var in "\$@"
- do
- if [ "\$var" = "-m32" ]; then
- export C_INCLUDE_PATH="$EXTRA_INCLUDES_BASE/i686-pc-linux-gnu"
- export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="$EXTRA_INCLUDES_BASE/i686-pc-linux-gnu"
- break
- fi
- done
- \$REAL \$@
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- done
cd elements
- BASEPREFIX=`pwd`/depends
+ BASEPREFIX="${PWD}/depends"
# Build dependencies for each host
for i in $HOSTS; do
- if [ -d "$EXTRA_INCLUDES" ]; then
- fi
- unset HOST_ID_SALT
# Faketime for binaries
@@ -143,37 +109,34 @@ script: |
create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
- # Create the release tarball using (arbitrarily) the first host
- ./autogen.sh
- CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/`echo "${HOSTS}" | awk '{print $1;}'`/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/
- make dist
- SOURCEDIST=`echo elements-*.tar.gz`
- DISTNAME=`echo ${SOURCEDIST} | sed 's/.tar.*//'`
- # Correct tar file order
- mkdir -p temp
- pushd temp
- tar xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- find elements-* | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ../$SOURCEDIST
- popd
+ # Define DISTNAME variable.
+ # shellcheck source=contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME
+ source contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME
+ GIT_ARCHIVE="${OUTDIR}/src/${DISTNAME}.tar.gz"
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version (prep)
- make -C src obj/build.h
+ # Create the source tarball
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$GIT_ARCHIVE")"
+ git archive --prefix="${DISTNAME}/" --output="$GIT_ARCHIVE" HEAD
- # Extract the release tarball into a dir for each host and build
+ # Extract the git archive into a dir for each host and build
for i in ${HOSTS}; do
export PATH=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin:${ORIGPATH}
+ if [ "${i}" = "riscv64-linux-gnu" ]; then
+ # Workaround for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-8-cross-ports/+bug/1853740
+ # TODO: remove this when no longer needed
+ HOST_LDFLAGS="${HOST_LDFLAGS_BASE} -Wl,-z,noexecstack"
+ else
+ fi
mkdir -p distsrc-${i}
cd distsrc-${i}
- INSTALLPATH=`pwd`/installed/${DISTNAME}
+ INSTALLPATH="${PWD}/installed/${DISTNAME}"
mkdir -p ${INSTALLPATH}
- tar --strip-components=1 -xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version
- echo '#!/bin/true' >share/genbuild.sh
- mkdir src/obj
- cp ../src/obj/build.h src/obj/
+ tar --strip-components=1 -xf "${GIT_ARCHIVE}"
+ ./autogen.sh
CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/ --disable-ccache --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking ${CONFIGFLAGS} CFLAGS="${HOST_CFLAGS}" CXXFLAGS="${HOST_CXXFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${HOST_LDFLAGS}"
make ${MAKEOPTS}
make ${MAKEOPTS} -C src check-security
@@ -184,13 +147,11 @@ script: |
find . -name "lib*.a" -delete
rm -rf ${DISTNAME}/lib/pkgconfig
- find ${DISTNAME}/bin -type f -executable -exec ../contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh {} {} {}.dbg \;
- find ${DISTNAME}/lib -type f -exec ../contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh {} {} {}.dbg \;
- cp ../doc/README.md ${DISTNAME}/
- find ${DISTNAME} -not -name "*.dbg" | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}.tar.gz
- find ${DISTNAME} -name "*.dbg" | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}-debug.tar.gz
+ find ${DISTNAME}/bin -type f -executable -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} ../contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh {} {} {}.dbg
+ find ${DISTNAME}/lib -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} ../contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh {} {} {}.dbg
+ cp ../README.md ${DISTNAME}/
+ find ${DISTNAME} -not -name "*.dbg" | sort | tar --mtime="$REFERENCE_DATETIME" --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}.tar.gz
+ find ${DISTNAME} -name "*.dbg" | sort | tar --mtime="$REFERENCE_DATETIME" --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}-debug.tar.gz
cd ../../
rm -rf distsrc-${i}
- mkdir -p $OUTDIR/src
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-liquid-linux.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-liquid-linux.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index dc16a194f5..0000000000
--- a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-liquid-linux.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-name: "liquid-linux-0.18"
-enable_cache: true
-- "bionic"
-- "amd64"
-- "curl"
-- "g++-aarch64-linux-gnu"
-- "g++-8-aarch64-linux-gnu"
-- "gcc-8-aarch64-linux-gnu"
-- "binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu"
-- "g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
-- "g++-8-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
-- "gcc-8-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
-- "binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
-- "g++-riscv64-linux-gnu"
-- "g++-8-riscv64-linux-gnu"
-- "gcc-8-riscv64-linux-gnu"
-- "binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu"
-- "g++-8-multilib"
-- "gcc-8-multilib"
-- "binutils-gold"
-- "git"
-- "icnsutils"
-- "imagemagick"
-- "librsvg2-2"
-- "librsvg2-bin"
-- "pkg-config"
-- "autoconf"
-- "libtool"
-- "automake"
-- "faketime"
-- "bsdmainutils"
-- "ca-certificates"
-- "python"
-- "url": "https://github.com/ElementsProject/elements.git"
- "dir": "elements"
-files: []
-script: |
- WRAP_DIR=$HOME/wrapped
- HOSTS="i686-pc-linux-gnu x86_64-linux-gnu arm-linux-gnueabihf aarch64-linux-gnu riscv64-linux-gnu"
- CONFIGFLAGS="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --disable-bench --disable-gui-tests --enable-liquid"
- FAKETIME_PROGS="date ar ranlib nm"
- HOST_CFLAGS="-O2 -g"
- HOST_LDFLAGS=-static-libstdc++
- export QT_RCC_TEST=1
- export GZIP="-9n"
- export TZ="UTC"
- export BUILD_DIR=`pwd`
- mkdir -p ${WRAP_DIR}
- if test -n "$GBUILD_CACHE_ENABLED"; then
- mkdir -p ${BASE_CACHE} ${SOURCES_PATH}
- fi
- function create_global_faketime_wrappers {
- for prog in ${FAKETIME_PROGS}; do
- echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo "REAL=\`which -a ${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${prog}
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- done
- }
- function create_per-host_faketime_wrappers {
- for i in $HOSTS; do
- for prog in ${FAKETIME_HOST_PROGS}; do
- if which ${i}-${prog}-8
- then
- echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "REAL=\`which -a ${i}-${prog}-8 | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}-${prog}
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- fi
- done
- done
- }
- # Faketime for depends so intermediate results are comparable
- export PATH_orig=${PATH}
- create_global_faketime_wrappers "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
- create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
- export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
- # x86 needs /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm pointed to /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm,
- # but we can't write there. Instead, create a link here and force it to be included in the
- # search paths by wrapping gcc/g++.
- mkdir -p $EXTRA_INCLUDES_BASE/i686-pc-linux-gnu
- rm -f $WRAP_DIR/extra_includes/i686-pc-linux-gnu/asm
- ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm $EXTRA_INCLUDES_BASE/i686-pc-linux-gnu/asm
- for prog in gcc g++; do
- rm -f ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- cat << EOF > ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- REAL="`which -a ${prog}-8 | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog} | head -1`"
- for var in "\$@"
- do
- if [ "\$var" = "-m32" ]; then
- export C_INCLUDE_PATH="$EXTRA_INCLUDES_BASE/i686-pc-linux-gnu"
- export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="$EXTRA_INCLUDES_BASE/i686-pc-linux-gnu"
- break
- fi
- done
- \$REAL \$@
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- done
- cd elements
- BASEPREFIX=`pwd`/depends
- # Build dependencies for each host
- for i in $HOSTS; do
- if [ -d "$EXTRA_INCLUDES" ]; then
- fi
- make ${MAKEOPTS} -C ${BASEPREFIX} HOST="${i}"
- unset HOST_ID_SALT
- done
- # Faketime for binaries
- export PATH=${PATH_orig}
- create_global_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
- create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
- export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
- # Create the release tarball using (arbitrarily) the first host
- ./autogen.sh
- CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/`echo "${HOSTS}" | awk '{print $1;}'`/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/
- make dist
- SOURCEDIST=`echo elements-*.tar.gz`
- LIQUIDSOURCEDIST=`echo elements-*.tar.gz`
- LIQUIDSOURCEDIST=`echo ${LIQUIDSOURCEDIST} | sed 's/elements/liquid/'`
- DISTNAME=`echo ${SOURCEDIST} | sed 's/.tar.*//'`
- DISTNAME=`echo ${DISTNAME} | sed 's/elements/liquid/'`
- # Correct tar file order
- mkdir -p temp
- pushd temp
- tar xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- find elements-* | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ../$SOURCEDIST
- popd
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version (prep)
- make -C src obj/build.h
- # Extract the release tarball into a dir for each host and build
- for i in ${HOSTS}; do
- export PATH=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin:${ORIGPATH}
- mkdir -p distsrc-${i}
- cd distsrc-${i}
- INSTALLPATH=`pwd`/installed/${DISTNAME}
- mkdir -p ${INSTALLPATH}
- tar --strip-components=1 -xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version
- echo '#!/bin/true' >share/genbuild.sh
- mkdir src/obj
- cp ../src/obj/build.h src/obj/
- CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/ --disable-ccache --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking ${CONFIGFLAGS} CFLAGS="${HOST_CFLAGS}" CXXFLAGS="${HOST_CXXFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${HOST_LDFLAGS}"
- make ${MAKEOPTS}
- make ${MAKEOPTS} -C src check-security
- make ${MAKEOPTS} -C src check-symbols
- make install DESTDIR=${INSTALLPATH}
- cd installed
- find . -name "lib*.la" -delete
- find . -name "lib*.a" -delete
- rm -rf ${DISTNAME}/lib/pkgconfig
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elements-qt ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquid-qt
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elements-cli ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquid-cli
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elementsd ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquidd
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elements-tx ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquid-tx
- find ${DISTNAME}/bin -type f -executable -exec ../contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh {} {} {}.dbg \;
- find ${DISTNAME}/lib -type f -exec ../contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh {} {} {}.dbg \;
- cp ../doc/README.md ${DISTNAME}/
- find ${DISTNAME} -not -name "*.dbg" | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}.tar.gz
- find ${DISTNAME} -name "*.dbg" | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}-debug.tar.gz
- cd ../../
- rm -rf distsrc-${i}
- done
- mkdir -p $OUTDIR/src
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-liquid-osx.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-liquid-osx.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 307b09b6ae..0000000000
--- a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-liquid-osx.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-name: "liquid-osx-0.18"
-enable_cache: true
-- "bionic"
-- "amd64"
-- "ca-certificates"
-- "curl"
-- "g++"
-- "git"
-- "icnsutils"
-- "pkg-config"
-- "autoconf"
-- "librsvg2-2"
-- "librsvg2-bin"
-- "libtiff-tools"
-- "libtool"
-- "automake"
-- "faketime"
-- "bsdmainutils"
-- "cmake"
-- "imagemagick"
-- "libcap-dev"
-- "libz-dev"
-- "libbz2-dev"
-- "python"
-- "python-dev"
-- "python-setuptools"
-- "fonts-tuffy"
-- "url": "https://github.com/ElementsProject/elements.git"
- "dir": "elements"
-- "MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz"
-script: |
- WRAP_DIR=$HOME/wrapped
- HOSTS="x86_64-apple-darwin14"
- CONFIGFLAGS="--enable-reduce-exports --disable-bench --disable-gui-tests --enable-liquid GENISOIMAGE=$WRAP_DIR/genisoimage"
- FAKETIME_PROGS="ar ranlib date dmg genisoimage"
- export QT_RCC_TEST=1
- export GZIP="-9n"
- export TZ="UTC"
- export BUILD_DIR=`pwd`
- mkdir -p ${WRAP_DIR}
- if test -n "$GBUILD_CACHE_ENABLED"; then
- mkdir -p ${BASE_CACHE} ${SOURCES_PATH}
- fi
- export ZERO_AR_DATE=1
- function create_global_faketime_wrappers {
- for prog in ${FAKETIME_PROGS}; do
- echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo "REAL=\`which -a ${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${prog}
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- done
- }
- function create_per-host_faketime_wrappers {
- for i in $HOSTS; do
- for prog in ${FAKETIME_HOST_PROGS}; do
- echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "REAL=\`which -a ${i}-${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}-${prog}
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- done
- done
- }
- # Faketime for depends so intermediate results are comparable
- export PATH_orig=${PATH}
- create_global_faketime_wrappers "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
- create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
- export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
- cd elements
- BASEPREFIX=`pwd`/depends
- mkdir -p ${BASEPREFIX}/SDKs
- tar -C ${BASEPREFIX}/SDKs -xf ${BUILD_DIR}/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz
- # Build dependencies for each host
- for i in $HOSTS; do
- make ${MAKEOPTS} -C ${BASEPREFIX} HOST="${i}"
- done
- # Faketime for binaries
- export PATH=${PATH_orig}
- create_global_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
- create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
- export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
- # Create the release tarball using (arbitrarily) the first host
- ./autogen.sh
- CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/`echo "${HOSTS}" | awk '{print $1;}'`/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/
- make dist
- SOURCEDIST=`echo elements-*.tar.gz`
- LIQUIDSOURCEDIST=`echo elements-*.tar.gz`
- LIQUIDSOURCEDIST=`echo ${LIQUIDSOURCEDIST} | sed 's/elements/liquid/'`
- DISTNAME=`echo ${SOURCEDIST} | sed 's/.tar.*//'`
- DISTNAME=`echo ${DISTNAME} | sed 's/elements/liquid/'`
- # Correct tar file order
- mkdir -p temp
- pushd temp
- tar xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- find elements-* | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ../$SOURCEDIST
- popd
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version (prep)
- make -C src obj/build.h
- # Extract the release tarball into a dir for each host and build
- for i in ${HOSTS}; do
- export PATH=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin:${ORIGPATH}
- mkdir -p distsrc-${i}
- cd distsrc-${i}
- INSTALLPATH=`pwd`/installed/${DISTNAME}
- mkdir -p ${INSTALLPATH}
- tar --strip-components=1 -xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version
- echo '#!/bin/true' >share/genbuild.sh
- mkdir src/obj
- cp ../src/obj/build.h src/obj/
- CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/ --disable-ccache --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking ${CONFIGFLAGS}
- make ${MAKEOPTS}
- make install-strip DESTDIR=${INSTALLPATH}
- make osx_volname
- make deploydir
- OSX_VOLNAME="$(cat osx_volname)"
- mkdir -p unsigned-app-${i}
- cp osx_volname unsigned-app-${i}/
- cp contrib/macdeploy/detached-sig-apply.sh unsigned-app-${i}
- cp contrib/macdeploy/detached-sig-create.sh unsigned-app-${i}
- cp ${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin/dmg ${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin/genisoimage unsigned-app-${i}
- cp ${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin/${i}-codesign_allocate unsigned-app-${i}/codesign_allocate
- cp ${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin/${i}-pagestuff unsigned-app-${i}/pagestuff
- mv dist unsigned-app-${i}
- pushd unsigned-app-${i}
- find . | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-osx-unsigned.tar.gz
- popd
- make deploy
- ${WRAP_DIR}/dmg dmg "${OSX_VOLNAME}.dmg" ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-osx-unsigned.dmg
- cd installed
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elements-qt ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquid-qt
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elements-cli ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquid-cli
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elementsd ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquidd
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elements-tx ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquid-tx
- find ${DISTNAME} | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}.tar.gz
- cd ../../
- done
- mkdir -p $OUTDIR/src
- mv ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-x86_64-*.tar.gz ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-osx64.tar.gz
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-liquid-win.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-liquid-win.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d2a46e5a2d..0000000000
--- a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-liquid-win.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-name: "liquid-win-0.18"
-enable_cache: true
-- "bionic"
-- "amd64"
-- "curl"
-- "g++"
-- "git"
-- "icnsutils"
-- "imagemagick"
-- "librsvg2-2"
-- "librsvg2-bin"
-- "pkg-config"
-- "autoconf"
-- "libtool"
-- "automake"
-- "faketime"
-- "bsdmainutils"
-- "mingw-w64"
-- "g++-mingw-w64"
-- "nsis"
-- "zip"
-- "ca-certificates"
-- "python"
-- "rename"
-- "url": "https://github.com/ElementsProject/elements.git"
- "dir": "elements"
-files: []
-script: |
- WRAP_DIR=$HOME/wrapped
- HOSTS="i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32"
- CONFIGFLAGS="--enable-reduce-exports --disable-bench --disable-gui-tests --enable-liquid"
- FAKETIME_HOST_PROGS="ar ranlib nm windres strip objcopy"
- FAKETIME_PROGS="date makensis zip"
- HOST_CFLAGS="-O2 -g"
- export QT_RCC_TEST=1
- export GZIP="-9n"
- export TZ="UTC"
- export BUILD_DIR=`pwd`
- mkdir -p ${WRAP_DIR}
- if test -n "$GBUILD_CACHE_ENABLED"; then
- mkdir -p ${BASE_CACHE} ${SOURCES_PATH}
- fi
- function create_global_faketime_wrappers {
- for prog in ${FAKETIME_PROGS}; do
- echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo "REAL=\`which -a ${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${prog}
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- done
- }
- function create_per-host_faketime_wrappers {
- for i in $HOSTS; do
- for prog in ${FAKETIME_HOST_PROGS}; do
- echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "REAL=\`which -a ${i}-${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}-${prog}
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- done
- done
- }
- function create_per-host_linker_wrapper {
- # This is only needed for trusty, as the mingw linker leaks a few bytes of
- # heap, causing non-determinism. See discussion in https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6900
- for i in $HOSTS; do
- mkdir -p ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}
- for prog in collect2; do
- echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}/${prog}
- REAL=$(${i}-gcc -print-prog-name=${prog})
- echo "export MALLOC_PERTURB_=255" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}/${prog}
- echo "${REAL} \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}/${prog}
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}/${prog}
- done
- for prog in gcc g++; do
- echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "REAL=\`which -a ${i}-${prog}-posix | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "export COMPILER_PATH=${WRAP_DIR}/${i}" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}-${prog}
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- done
- done
- }
- # Faketime for depends so intermediate results are comparable
- export PATH_orig=${PATH}
- create_global_faketime_wrappers "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
- create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
- create_per-host_linker_wrapper "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
- export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
- cd elements
- BASEPREFIX=`pwd`/depends
- # Build dependencies for each host
- for i in $HOSTS; do
- make ${MAKEOPTS} -C ${BASEPREFIX} HOST="${i}"
- done
- # Faketime for binaries
- export PATH=${PATH_orig}
- create_global_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
- create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
- create_per-host_linker_wrapper "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
- export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
- # Create the release tarball using (arbitrarily) the first host
- ./autogen.sh
- CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/`echo "${HOSTS}" | awk '{print $1;}'`/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/
- make dist
- SOURCEDIST=`echo elements-*.tar.gz`
- LIQUIDSOURCEDIST=`echo elements-*.tar.gz`
- LIQUIDSOURCEDIST=`echo ${LIQUIDSOURCEDIST} | sed 's/elements/liquid/'`
- DISTNAME=`echo ${SOURCEDIST} | sed 's/.tar.*//'`
- DISTNAME=`echo ${DISTNAME} | sed 's/elements/liquid/'`
- # Correct tar file order
- mkdir -p temp
- pushd temp
- tar xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- find elements-* | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ../$SOURCEDIST
- mkdir -p $OUTDIR/src
- popd
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version (prep)
- make -C src obj/build.h
- # Extract the release tarball into a dir for each host and build
- for i in ${HOSTS}; do
- export PATH=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin:${ORIGPATH}
- mkdir -p distsrc-${i}
- cd distsrc-${i}
- INSTALLPATH=`pwd`/installed/${DISTNAME}
- mkdir -p ${INSTALLPATH}
- tar --strip-components=1 -xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version
- echo '#!/bin/true' >share/genbuild.sh
- mkdir src/obj
- cp ../src/obj/build.h src/obj/
- CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/ --disable-ccache --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking ${CONFIGFLAGS} CFLAGS="${HOST_CFLAGS}" CXXFLAGS="${HOST_CXXFLAGS}"
- make ${MAKEOPTS}
- make ${MAKEOPTS} -C src check-security
- make deploy
- make install DESTDIR=${INSTALLPATH}
- rename 's/-setup\.exe$/-setup-unsigned.exe/' *-setup.exe
- rename 's/elements-/liquid-/s' *-setup-unsigned.exe
- cp -f liquid-*setup*.exe $OUTDIR/
- cd installed
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elements-qt.exe ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquid-qt.exe
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elements-cli.exe ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquid-cli.exe
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elementsd.exe ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquidd.exe
- mv ${DISTNAME}/bin/elements-tx.exe ${DISTNAME}/bin/liquid-tx.exe
- find ${DISTNAME}/bin -type f -executable -exec ${i}-objcopy --only-keep-debug {} {}.dbg \; -exec ${i}-strip -s {} \; -exec ${i}-objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink={}.dbg {} \;
- find ${DISTNAME} -not -name "*.dbg" -type f | sort | zip -X@ ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}.zip
- find ${DISTNAME} -name "*.dbg" -type f | sort | zip -X@ ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}-debug.zip
- cd ../../
- rm -rf distsrc-${i}
- done
- cp -rf contrib/windeploy $BUILD_DIR
- cd $BUILD_DIR/windeploy
- mkdir unsigned
- cp $OUTDIR/liquid-*setup-unsigned.exe unsigned/
- cd unsigned
- cd ..
- find . | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win-unsigned.tar.gz
- mv ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-x86_64-*-debug.zip ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win64-debug.zip
- mv ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-i686-*-debug.zip ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win32-debug.zip
- mv ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-x86_64-*.zip ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win64.zip
- mv ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-i686-*.zip ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win32.zip
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml
index 297a136fae..a4f3219c22 100644
--- a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml
+++ b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
name: "bitcoin-dmg-signer"
+distro: "ubuntu"
- "bionic"
@@ -12,16 +13,18 @@ remotes:
- "bitcoin-osx-unsigned.tar.gz"
script: |
+ set -e -o pipefail
mkdir -p ${WRAP_DIR}
- export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH
+ export PATH="$PWD":$PATH
FAKETIME_PROGS="dmg genisoimage"
# Create global faketime wrappers
for prog in ${FAKETIME_PROGS}; do
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "REAL=\`which -a ${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
+ echo "export LD_PRELOAD='/usr/\$LIB/faketime/libfaketime.so.1'" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "export FAKETIME=\"${REFERENCE_DATETIME}\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${prog}
chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml
index 7144e6499d..19cab012b4 100644
--- a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml
+++ b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-name: "elements-osx-0.18"
+name: "elements-osx-0.21"
enable_cache: true
+distro: "ubuntu"
- "bionic"
@@ -25,28 +26,28 @@ packages:
- "libcap-dev"
- "libz-dev"
- "libbz2-dev"
-- "python"
-- "python-dev"
-- "python-setuptools"
+- "python3"
+- "python3-dev"
+- "python3-setuptools"
- "fonts-tuffy"
- "url": "https://github.com/ElementsProject/elements.git"
"dir": "elements"
-- "MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz"
+- "Xcode-11.3.1-11C505-extracted-SDK-with-libcxx-headers.tar.gz"
script: |
+ set -e -o pipefail
- HOSTS="x86_64-apple-darwin14"
+ HOSTS="x86_64-apple-darwin16"
CONFIGFLAGS="--enable-reduce-exports --disable-bench --disable-gui-tests GENISOIMAGE=$WRAP_DIR/genisoimage"
FAKETIME_PROGS="ar ranlib date dmg genisoimage"
export QT_RCC_TEST=1
- export GZIP="-9n"
export TZ="UTC"
- export BUILD_DIR=`pwd`
+ export BUILD_DIR="$PWD"
mkdir -p ${WRAP_DIR}
if test -n "$GBUILD_CACHE_ENABLED"; then
@@ -56,11 +57,12 @@ script: |
export ZERO_AR_DATE=1
+ # Use $LIB in LD_PRELOAD to avoid hardcoding the dir (See `man ld.so`)
function create_global_faketime_wrappers {
for prog in ${FAKETIME_PROGS}; do
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "REAL=\`which -a ${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
+ echo "export LD_PRELOAD='/usr/\$LIB/faketime/libfaketime.so.1'" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${prog}
chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ script: |
for prog in ${FAKETIME_HOST_PROGS}; do
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
echo "REAL=\`which -a ${i}-${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
+ echo "export LD_PRELOAD='/usr/\$LIB/faketime/libfaketime.so.1'" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}-${prog}
chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
@@ -87,10 +89,10 @@ script: |
export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
cd elements
- BASEPREFIX=`pwd`/depends
+ BASEPREFIX="${PWD}/depends"
mkdir -p ${BASEPREFIX}/SDKs
- tar -C ${BASEPREFIX}/SDKs -xf ${BUILD_DIR}/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz
+ tar -C ${BASEPREFIX}/SDKs -xf ${BUILD_DIR}/Xcode-11.3.1-11C505-extracted-SDK-with-libcxx-headers.tar.gz
# Build dependencies for each host
for i in $HOSTS; do
@@ -103,40 +105,31 @@ script: |
create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
- # Create the release tarball using (arbitrarily) the first host
- ./autogen.sh
- CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/`echo "${HOSTS}" | awk '{print $1;}'`/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/
- make dist
- SOURCEDIST=`echo elements-*.tar.gz`
- DISTNAME=`echo ${SOURCEDIST} | sed 's/.tar.*//'`
+ # Define DISTNAME variable.
+ # shellcheck source=contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME
+ source contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME
- # Correct tar file order
- mkdir -p temp
- pushd temp
- tar xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- find elements-* | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ../$SOURCEDIST
- popd
+ GIT_ARCHIVE="${OUTDIR}/src/${DISTNAME}.tar.gz"
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version (prep)
- make -C src obj/build.h
+ # Create the source tarball
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$GIT_ARCHIVE")"
+ git archive --prefix="${DISTNAME}/" --output="$GIT_ARCHIVE" HEAD
- # Extract the release tarball into a dir for each host and build
+ # Extract the git archive into a dir for each host and build
for i in ${HOSTS}; do
export PATH=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin:${ORIGPATH}
mkdir -p distsrc-${i}
cd distsrc-${i}
- INSTALLPATH=`pwd`/installed/${DISTNAME}
+ INSTALLPATH="${PWD}/installed/${DISTNAME}"
mkdir -p ${INSTALLPATH}
- tar --strip-components=1 -xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version
- echo '#!/bin/true' >share/genbuild.sh
- mkdir src/obj
- cp ../src/obj/build.h src/obj/
+ tar --strip-components=1 -xf "${GIT_ARCHIVE}"
+ ./autogen.sh
CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/ --disable-ccache --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking ${CONFIGFLAGS}
make ${MAKEOPTS}
+ make ${MAKEOPTS} -C src check-security
+ make ${MAKEOPTS} -C src check-symbols
make install-strip DESTDIR=${INSTALLPATH}
make osx_volname
@@ -151,7 +144,7 @@ script: |
cp ${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin/${i}-pagestuff unsigned-app-${i}/pagestuff
mv dist unsigned-app-${i}
pushd unsigned-app-${i}
- find . | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-osx-unsigned.tar.gz
+ find . | sort | tar --mtime="$REFERENCE_DATETIME" --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-osx-unsigned.tar.gz
make deploy
@@ -159,9 +152,8 @@ script: |
cd installed
- find ${DISTNAME} | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}.tar.gz
+ find ${DISTNAME} | sort | tar --mtime="$REFERENCE_DATETIME" --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}.tar.gz
cd ../../
- mkdir -p $OUTDIR/src
mv ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-x86_64-*.tar.gz ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-osx64.tar.gz
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml
index 045be873e9..6bcd126662 100644
--- a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml
+++ b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml
@@ -1,39 +1,42 @@
name: "bitcoin-win-signer"
+distro: "ubuntu"
- "bionic"
- "amd64"
-# Once osslsigncode supports openssl 1.1, we can change this back to libssl-dev
-- "libssl1.0-dev"
+- "libssl-dev"
- "autoconf"
+- "automake"
+- "libtool"
+- "pkg-config"
- "url": "https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-detached-sigs.git"
"dir": "signature"
-- "osslsigncode-1.7.1.tar.gz"
-- "osslsigncode-Backports-to-1.7.1.patch"
+- "osslsigncode-2.0.tar.gz"
- "bitcoin-win-unsigned.tar.gz"
script: |
- BUILD_DIR=`pwd`
+ set -e -o pipefail
- echo "f9a8cdb38b9c309326764ebc937cba1523a3a751a7ab05df3ecc99d18ae466c9 osslsigncode-1.7.1.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
- echo "a8c4e9cafba922f89de0df1f2152e7be286aba73f78505169bc351a7938dd911 osslsigncode-Backports-to-1.7.1.patch" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "5a60e0a4b3e0b4d655317b2f12a810211c50242138322b16e7e01c6fbb89d92f osslsigncode-2.0.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
mkdir -p ${UNSIGNED_DIR}
tar -C ${UNSIGNED_DIR} -xf bitcoin-win-unsigned.tar.gz
- tar xf osslsigncode-1.7.1.tar.gz
- cd osslsigncode-1.7.1
- patch -p1 < ${BUILD_DIR}/osslsigncode-Backports-to-1.7.1.patch
+ tar xf osslsigncode-2.0.tar.gz
+ cd osslsigncode-2.0
+ ./autogen.sh
./configure --without-gsf --without-curl --disable-dependency-tracking
find ${UNSIGNED_DIR} -name "*-unsigned.exe" | while read i; do
- INFILE="`basename "${i}"`"
- OUTFILE="`echo "${INFILE}" | sed s/-unsigned//`"
+ INFILE="$(basename "${i}")"
+ OUTFILE="${INFILE/-unsigned}"
./osslsigncode attach-signature -in "${i}" -out "${OUTDIR}/${OUTFILE}" -sigin "${SIGDIR}/${INFILE}.pem"
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml
index 280052800b..be9714ef1d 100644
--- a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml
+++ b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-name: "elements-win-0.18"
+name: "elements-win-0.21"
enable_cache: true
+distro: "ubuntu"
- "bionic"
@@ -24,27 +25,26 @@ packages:
- "nsis"
- "zip"
- "ca-certificates"
-- "python"
-- "rename"
+- "python3"
- "url": "https://github.com/ElementsProject/elements.git"
"dir": "elements"
files: []
script: |
+ set -e -o pipefail
- HOSTS="i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32"
+ HOSTS="x86_64-w64-mingw32"
CONFIGFLAGS="--enable-reduce-exports --disable-bench --disable-gui-tests"
FAKETIME_HOST_PROGS="ar ranlib nm windres strip objcopy"
FAKETIME_PROGS="date makensis zip"
- HOST_CFLAGS="-O2 -g"
+ HOST_CFLAGS="-O2 -g -fno-ident"
+ HOST_CXXFLAGS="-O2 -g -fno-ident"
export QT_RCC_TEST=1
- export GZIP="-9n"
export TZ="UTC"
- export BUILD_DIR=`pwd`
+ export BUILD_DIR="$PWD"
mkdir -p ${WRAP_DIR}
if test -n "$GBUILD_CACHE_ENABLED"; then
@@ -52,11 +52,12 @@ script: |
+ # Use $LIB in LD_PRELOAD to avoid hardcoding the dir (See `man ld.so`)
function create_global_faketime_wrappers {
for prog in ${FAKETIME_PROGS}; do
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "REAL=\`which -a ${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
+ echo "export LD_PRELOAD='/usr/\$LIB/faketime/libfaketime.so.1'" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${prog}
chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ script: |
for prog in ${FAKETIME_HOST_PROGS}; do
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
echo "REAL=\`which -a ${i}-${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
+ echo "export LD_PRELOAD='/usr/\$LIB/faketime/libfaketime.so.1'" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}-${prog}
chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
@@ -76,25 +77,15 @@ script: |
- function create_per-host_linker_wrapper {
- # This is only needed for trusty, as the mingw linker leaks a few bytes of
- # heap, causing non-determinism. See discussion in https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6900
+ function create_per-host_compiler_wrapper {
+ # -posix variant is required for c++11 threading.
for i in $HOSTS; do
- mkdir -p ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}
- for prog in collect2; do
- echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}/${prog}
- REAL=$(${i}-gcc -print-prog-name=${prog})
- echo "export MALLOC_PERTURB_=255" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}/${prog}
- echo "${REAL} \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}/${prog}
- chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}/${prog}
- done
for prog in gcc g++; do
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
echo "REAL=\`which -a ${i}-${prog}-posix | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
+ echo "export LD_PRELOAD='/usr/\$LIB/faketime/libfaketime.so.1'" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "export COMPILER_PATH=${WRAP_DIR}/${i}" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
- echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}-${prog}
+ echo "\$REAL \"\$@\"" >> $WRAP_DIR/${i}-${prog}
chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
@@ -104,11 +95,11 @@ script: |
export PATH_orig=${PATH}
create_global_faketime_wrappers "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
- create_per-host_linker_wrapper "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
+ create_per-host_compiler_wrapper "2000-01-01 12:00:00"
export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
cd elements
- BASEPREFIX=`pwd`/depends
+ BASEPREFIX="${PWD}/depends"
# Build dependencies for each host
for i in $HOSTS; do
@@ -118,64 +109,47 @@ script: |
export PATH=${PATH_orig}
create_global_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
- create_per-host_linker_wrapper "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
+ create_per-host_compiler_wrapper "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
- # Create the release tarball using (arbitrarily) the first host
- ./autogen.sh
- CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/`echo "${HOSTS}" | awk '{print $1;}'`/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/
- make dist
- SOURCEDIST=`echo elements-*.tar.gz`
- DISTNAME=`echo ${SOURCEDIST} | sed 's/.tar.*//'`
+ # Define DISTNAME variable.
+ # shellcheck source=contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME
+ source contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME
- # Correct tar file order
- mkdir -p temp
- pushd temp
- tar xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- find elements-* | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ../$SOURCEDIST
- mkdir -p $OUTDIR/src
- popd
+ GIT_ARCHIVE="${OUTDIR}/src/${DISTNAME}.tar.gz"
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version (prep)
- make -C src obj/build.h
+ # Create the source tarball
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$GIT_ARCHIVE")"
+ git archive --prefix="${DISTNAME}/" --output="$GIT_ARCHIVE" HEAD
- # Extract the release tarball into a dir for each host and build
+ # Extract the git archive into a dir for each host and build
for i in ${HOSTS}; do
export PATH=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin:${ORIGPATH}
mkdir -p distsrc-${i}
cd distsrc-${i}
- INSTALLPATH=`pwd`/installed/${DISTNAME}
+ INSTALLPATH="${PWD}/installed/${DISTNAME}"
mkdir -p ${INSTALLPATH}
- tar --strip-components=1 -xf ../$SOURCEDIST
- # Workaround for tarball not building with the bare tag version
- echo '#!/bin/true' >share/genbuild.sh
- mkdir src/obj
- cp ../src/obj/build.h src/obj/
+ tar --strip-components=1 -xf "${GIT_ARCHIVE}"
+ ./autogen.sh
CONFIG_SITE=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/ --disable-ccache --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking ${CONFIGFLAGS} CFLAGS="${HOST_CFLAGS}" CXXFLAGS="${HOST_CXXFLAGS}"
make ${MAKEOPTS}
make ${MAKEOPTS} -C src check-security
- make deploy
+ make ${MAKEOPTS} -C src check-symbols
+ make deploy BITCOIN_WIN_INSTALLER="${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win64-setup-unsigned.exe"
- rename 's/-setup\.exe$/-setup-unsigned.exe/' *-setup.exe
- cp -f elements-*setup*.exe $OUTDIR/
cd installed
- find ${DISTNAME}/bin -type f -executable -exec ${i}-objcopy --only-keep-debug {} {}.dbg \; -exec ${i}-strip -s {} \; -exec ${i}-objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink={}.dbg {} \;
- find ${DISTNAME} -not -name "*.dbg" -type f | sort | zip -X@ ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}.zip
- find ${DISTNAME} -name "*.dbg" -type f | sort | zip -X@ ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i}-debug.zip
+ find ${DISTNAME}/bin -type f -executable -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} ../contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh {} {} {}.dbg
+ cp ../doc/README_windows.txt ${DISTNAME}/readme.txt
+ find ${DISTNAME} -not -name "*.dbg" -type f | sort | zip -X@ ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i//x86_64-w64-mingw32/win64}.zip
+ find ${DISTNAME} -name "*.dbg" -type f | sort | zip -X@ ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${i//x86_64-w64-mingw32/win64}-debug.zip
cd ../../
rm -rf distsrc-${i}
cp -rf contrib/windeploy $BUILD_DIR
cd $BUILD_DIR/windeploy
mkdir unsigned
- cp $OUTDIR/elements-*setup-unsigned.exe unsigned/
- find . | sort | tar --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win-unsigned.tar.gz
- mv ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-x86_64-*-debug.zip ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win64-debug.zip
- mv ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-i686-*-debug.zip ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win32-debug.zip
- mv ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-x86_64-*.zip ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win64.zip
- mv ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-i686-*.zip ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win32.zip
+ cp ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win64-setup-unsigned.exe unsigned/
+ find . | sort | tar --mtime="$REFERENCE_DATETIME" --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | gzip -9n > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win-unsigned.tar.gz
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-keys/keys.txt b/contrib/gitian-keys/keys.txt
index 80c18aa889..0a2c1302c8 100644
--- a/contrib/gitian-keys/keys.txt
+++ b/contrib/gitian-keys/keys.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+9D3CC86A72F8494342EA5FD10A41BDC3F4FAFF1C Aaron Clauson (sipsorcery)
617C90010B3BD370B0AC7D424BB42E31C79111B8 Akira Takizawa
E944AE667CF960B1004BC32FCA662BE18B877A60 Andreas Schildbach
152812300785C96444D3334D17565732E08E5E41 Andrew Chow
@@ -6,11 +7,13 @@ C519EBCF3B926298946783EFF6430754120EC2F4 Christian Decker (cdecker)
F20F56EF6A067F70E8A5C99FFF95FAA971697405 centaur
C060A6635913D98A3587D7DB1C2491FFEB0EF770 Cory Fields
BF6273FAEF7CC0BA1F562E50989F6B3048A116B5 Dev Random
+6D3170C1DC2C6FD0AEEBCA6743811D1A26623924 Douglas Roark
9A1689B60D1B3CCE9262307A2F40A9BF167FBA47 Erik Mossberg (erkmos)
D35176BE9264832E4ACA8986BF0792FBE95DC863 fivepiece
01CDF4627A3B88AAE4A571C87588242FBE38D3A8 Gavin Andresen
D1DBF2C4B96F2DEBF4C16654410108112E7EA81F Hennadii Stepanov (hebasto)
D3CC177286005BB8FF673294C5242A1AB3936517 jl2012
+82921A4B88FD454B7EB8CE3C796C4109063D4EAF Jon Atack
32EE5C4C3FA15CCADB46ABE529D4BCB6416F53EC Jonas Schnelli
4B4E840451149DD7FB0D633477DFAB5C3108B9A8 Jorge Timon
C42AFF7C61B3E44A1454CD3557AF762DB3353322 Karl-Johan Alm (kallewoof)
@@ -25,7 +28,9 @@ D62A803E27E7F43486035ADBBCD04D8E9CCCAC2A Paul Rabahy
37EC7D7B0A217CDB4B4E007E7FAB114267E4FA04 Peter Todd
D762373D24904A3E42F33B08B9A408E71DAAC974 Pieter Wuille (Location: Leuven, Belgium)
133EAC179436F14A5CF1B794860FEB804E669320 Pieter Wuille
+A8FC55F3B04BA3146F3492E79303B33A305224CB Sebastian Kung (TheCharlatan)
ED9BDF7AD6A55E232E84524257FF9BDBCC301009 Sjors Provoost
+9EDAFF80E080659604F4A76B2EBB056FD847F8A7 Stephan Oeste (Emzy)
AEC1884398647C47413C1C3FB1179EB7347DC10D Warren Togami
79D00BAC68B56D422F945A8F8E3A8F3247DBCBBF Willy Ko
71A3B16735405025D447E8F274810B012346C9A6 Wladimir J. van der Laan
diff --git a/contrib/guix/README.md b/contrib/guix/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dffcf99607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/guix/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+# Bootstrappable Bitcoin Core Builds
+This directory contains the files necessary to perform bootstrappable Bitcoin
+Core builds.
+[Bootstrappability][b17e] furthers our binary security guarantees by allowing us
+to _audit and reproduce_ our toolchain instead of blindly _trusting_ binary
+We achieve bootstrappability by using Guix as a functional package manager.
+## Requirements
+Conservatively, a x86_64 machine with:
+- 4GB of free disk space on the partition that /gnu/store will reside in
+- 24GB of free disk space on the partition that the Bitcoin Core git repository
+ resides in
+> Note: these requirements are slightly less onerous than those of Gitian builds
+## Setup
+### Installing Guix
+If you're just testing this out, you can use the
+[Dockerfile][fanquake/guix-docker] for convenience. It automatically speeds up
+your builds by [using substitutes](#speeding-up-builds-with-substitute-servers).
+If you don't want this behaviour, refer to the [next
+Otherwise, follow the [Guix installation guide][guix/bin-install].
+> Note: For those who like to keep their filesystems clean, Guix is designed to
+> be very standalone and _will not_ conflict with your system's package
+> manager/existing setup. It _only_ touches `/var/guix`, `/gnu`, and
+> `~/.config/guix`.
+### Choosing your security model
+Guix allows us to achieve better binary security by using our CPU time to build
+everything from scratch. However, it doesn't sacrifice user choice in pursuit of
+this: users can decide whether or not to bootstrap and to use substitutes.
+After installation, you may want to consider [adding substitute
+servers](#speeding-up-builds-with-substitute-servers) to speed up your build if
+that fits your security model (say, if you're just testing that this works).
+This is skippable if you're using the [Dockerfile][fanquake/guix-docker].
+If you prefer not to use any substitutes, make sure to set
+`ADDITIONAL_GUIX_ENVIRONMENT_FLAGS` like the following snippet. The first build
+will take a while, but the resulting packages will be cached for future builds.
+export ADDITIONAL_GUIX_ENVIRONMENT_FLAGS='--no-substitutes'
+Likewise, to perform a bootstrapped build (takes even longer):
+export ADDITIONAL_GUIX_ENVIRONMENT_FLAGS='--bootstrap --no-substitutes'
+### Using a version of Guix with `guix time-machine` capabilities
+> Note: This entire section can be skipped if you are already using a version of
+> Guix that has [the `guix time-machine` command][guix/time-machine].
+Once Guix is installed, if it doesn't have the `guix time-machine` command, pull
+the latest `guix`.
+guix pull --max-jobs=4 # change number of jobs accordingly
+Make sure that you are using your current profile. (You are prompted to do this
+at the end of the `guix pull`)
+export PATH="${HOME}/.config/guix/current/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH"
+## Usage
+### As a Development Environment
+For a Bitcoin Core depends development environment, simply invoke
+guix environment --manifest=contrib/guix/manifest.scm
+And you'll land back in your shell with all the build dependencies required for
+a `depends` build injected into your environment.
+### As a Tool for Deterministic Builds
+From the top of a clean Bitcoin Core repository:
+After the build finishes successfully (check the status code please), compare
+find output/ -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -r0 sha256sum
+#### Recognized environment variables
+* _**HOSTS**_
+ Override the space-separated list of platform triples for which to perform a
+ bootstrappable build. _(defaults to "x86\_64-linux-gnu
+ arm-linux-gnueabihf aarch64-linux-gnu riscv64-linux-gnu")_
+ > Windows and OS X platform triplet support are WIP.
+ Set the depends tree download cache for sources. This is passed through to the
+ depends tree. Setting this to the same directory across multiple builds of the
+ depends tree can eliminate unnecessary redownloading of package sources.
+* _**MAX_JOBS**_
+ Override the maximum number of jobs to run simultaneously, you might want to
+ do so on a memory-limited machine. This may be passed to `make` as in `make
+ --jobs="$MAX_JOBS"` or `xargs` as in `xargs -P"$MAX_JOBS"`. _(defaults to the
+ value of `nproc` outside the container)_
+ Override the reference UNIX timestamp used for bit-for-bit reproducibility,
+ the variable name conforms to [standard][r12e/source-date-epoch]. _(defaults
+ to the output of `$(git log --format=%at -1)`)_
+* _**V**_
+ If non-empty, will pass `V=1` to all `make` invocations, making `make` output
+ verbose.
+ Note that any given value is ignored. The variable is only checked for
+ emptiness. More concretely, this means that `V=` (setting `V` to the empty
+ string) is interpreted the same way as not setting `V` at all, and that `V=0`
+ has the same effect as `V=1`.
+ Additional flags to be passed to `guix environment`. For a fully-bootstrapped
+ build, set this to `--bootstrap --no-substitutes` (refer to the [security
+ model section](#choosing-your-security-model) for more details). Note that a
+ fully-bootstrapped build will take quite a long time on the first run.
+## Tips and Tricks
+### Speeding up builds with substitute servers
+_This whole section is automatically done in the convenience
+For those who are used to life in the fast _(and trustful)_ lane, you can use
+[substitute servers][guix/substitutes] to enable binary downloads of packages.
+> For those who only want to use substitutes from the official Guix build farm
+> and have authorized the build farm's signing key during Guix's installation,
+> you don't need to do anything.
+#### Authorize the signing keys
+For the official Guix build farm at https://ci.guix.gnu.org, run as root:
+guix archive --authorize < ~root/.config/guix/current/share/guix/ci.guix.gnu.org.pub
+For dongcarl's substitute server at https://guix.carldong.io, run as root:
+wget -qO- 'https://guix.carldong.io/signing-key.pub' | guix archive --authorize
+#### Use the substitute servers
+The official Guix build farm at https://ci.guix.gnu.org is automatically used
+unless the `--no-substitutes` flag is supplied.
+This can be overridden for all `guix` invocations by passing the
+`--substitute-urls` option to your invocation of `guix-daemon`. This can also be
+overridden on a call-by-call basis by passing the same `--substitute-urls`
+option to client tools such at `guix environment`.
+To use dongcarl's substitute server for Bitcoin Core builds after having
+[authorized his signing key](#authorize-the-signing-keys):
+export ADDITIONAL_GUIX_ENVIRONMENT_FLAGS='--substitute-urls="https://guix.carldong.io https://ci.guix.gnu.org"'
+## FAQ
+### How can I trust the binary installation?
+As mentioned at the bottom of [this manual page][guix/bin-install]:
+> The binary installation tarballs can be (re)produced and verified simply by
+> running the following command in the Guix source tree:
+> make guix-binary.x86_64-linux.tar.xz
+### When will Guix be packaged in debian?
+Vagrant Cascadian has been making good progress on this
+[here][debian/guix-package]. We have all the pieces needed to put up an APT
+repository and will likely put one up soon.
+[b17e]: http://bootstrappable.org/
+[r12e/source-date-epoch]: https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch/
+[guix/install.sh]: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/etc/guix-install.sh
+[guix/bin-install]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Binary-Installation.html
+[guix/env-setup]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Build-Environment-Setup.html
+[guix/substitutes]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Substitutes.html
+[guix/substitute-server-auth]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Substitute-Server-Authorization.html
+[guix/time-machine]: https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Invoking-guix-time_002dmachine.html
+[debian/guix-package]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=850644
+[fanquake/guix-docker]: https://github.com/fanquake/core-review/tree/master/guix
diff --git a/contrib/guix/guix-build.sh b/contrib/guix/guix-build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..11d2c8b867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/guix/guix-build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+export LC_ALL=C
+set -e -o pipefail
+# Determine the maximum number of jobs to run simultaneously (overridable by
+# environment)
+# Download the depends sources now as we won't have internet access in the build
+# container
+make -C "${PWD}/depends" -j"$MAX_JOBS" download ${V:+V=1} ${SOURCES_PATH:+SOURCES_PATH="$SOURCES_PATH"}
+# Determine the reference time used for determinism (overridable by environment)
+SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH="${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:-$(git log --format=%at -1)}"
+# Execute "$@" in a pinned, possibly older version of Guix, for reproducibility
+# across time.
+time-machine() {
+ guix time-machine --url=https://github.com/dongcarl/guix.git \
+ --commit=b066c25026f21fb57677aa34692a5034338e7ee3 \
+ -- "$@"
+# Function to be called when building for host ${1} and the user interrupts the
+# build
+int_trap() {
+cat << EOF
+** INT received while building ${1}, you may want to clean up the relevant
+ output, deploy, and distsrc-* directories before rebuilding
+Hint: To blow everything away, you may want to use:
+ $ git clean -xdff --exclude='/depends/SDKs/*'
+Specifically, this will remove all files without an entry in the index,
+excluding the SDK directory. Practically speaking, this means that all ignored
+and untracked files and directories will be wiped, allowing you to start anew.
+# Deterministically build Bitcoin Core for HOSTs (overridable by environment)
+# shellcheck disable=SC2153
+for host in ${HOSTS=x86_64-linux-gnu arm-linux-gnueabihf aarch64-linux-gnu riscv64-linux-gnu x86_64-w64-mingw32}; do
+ # Display proper warning when the user interrupts the build
+ trap 'int_trap ${host}' INT
+ (
+ # Required for 'contrib/guix/manifest.scm' to output the right manifest
+ # for the particular $HOST we're building for
+ export HOST="$host"
+ # Run the build script 'contrib/guix/libexec/build.sh' in the build
+ # container specified by 'contrib/guix/manifest.scm'.
+ #
+ # Explanation of `guix environment` flags:
+ #
+ # --container run command within an isolated container
+ #
+ # Running in an isolated container minimizes build-time differences
+ # between machines and improves reproducibility
+ #
+ # --pure unset existing environment variables
+ #
+ # Same rationale as --container
+ #
+ # --no-cwd do not share current working directory with an
+ # isolated container
+ #
+ # When --container is specified, the default behavior is to share
+ # the current working directory with the isolated container at the
+ # same exact path (e.g. mapping '/home/satoshi/bitcoin/' to
+ # '/home/satoshi/bitcoin/'). This means that the $PWD inside the
+ # container becomes a source of irreproducibility. --no-cwd disables
+ # this behaviour.
+ #
+ # --share=SPEC for containers, share writable host file system
+ # according to SPEC
+ #
+ # --share="$PWD"=/bitcoin
+ #
+ # maps our current working directory to /bitcoin
+ # inside the isolated container, which we later cd
+ # into.
+ #
+ # While we don't want to map our current working directory to the
+ # same exact path (as this introduces irreproducibility), we do want
+ # it to be at a _fixed_ path _somewhere_ inside the isolated
+ # container so that we have something to build. '/bitcoin' was
+ # chosen arbitrarily.
+ #
+ # ${SOURCES_PATH:+--share="$SOURCES_PATH"}
+ #
+ # make the downloaded depends sources path available
+ # inside the isolated container
+ #
+ # The isolated container has no network access as it's in a
+ # different network namespace from the main machine, so we have to
+ # make the downloaded depends sources available to it. The sources
+ # should have been downloaded prior to this invocation.
+ #
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ time-machine environment --manifest="${PWD}/contrib/guix/manifest.scm" \
+ --container \
+ --pure \
+ --no-cwd \
+ --share="$PWD"=/bitcoin \
+ --expose="$(git rev-parse --git-common-dir)" \
+ ${SOURCES_PATH:+--share="$SOURCES_PATH"} \
+ -- env HOST="$host" \
+ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH="${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:?unable to determine value}" \
+ ${V:+V=1} \
+ bash -c "cd /bitcoin && bash contrib/guix/libexec/build.sh"
+ )
diff --git a/contrib/guix/libexec/build.sh b/contrib/guix/libexec/build.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d658c4f6a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/guix/libexec/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+export LC_ALL=C
+set -e -o pipefail
+export TZ=UTC
+if [ -n "$V" ]; then
+ # Print both unexpanded (-v) and expanded (-x) forms of commands as they are
+ # read from this file.
+ set -vx
+ # Set VERBOSE for CMake-based builds
+ export VERBOSE="$V"
+# Check that environment variables assumed to be set by the environment are set
+echo "Building for platform triple ${HOST:?not set} with reference timestamp ${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:?not set}..."
+echo "At most ${MAX_JOBS:?not set} jobs will run at once..."
+# Environment Setup #
+# The depends folder also serves as a base-prefix for depends packages for
+# $HOSTs after successfully building.
+# Setup an output directory for our build
+[ -e "$OUTDIR" ] || mkdir -p "$OUTDIR"
+# Setup the directory where our Bitcoin Core build for HOST will occur
+if [ -e "$DISTSRC" ]; then
+ echo "DISTSRC directory '${DISTSRC}' exists, probably because of previous builds... Aborting..."
+ exit 1
+ mkdir -p "$DISTSRC"
+# Given a package name and an output name, return the path of that output in our
+# current guix environment
+store_path() {
+ grep --extended-regexp "/[^-]{32}-${1}-[^-]+${2:+-${2}}" "${GUIX_ENVIRONMENT}/manifest" \
+ | head --lines=1 \
+ | sed --expression='s|^[[:space:]]*"||' \
+ --expression='s|"[[:space:]]*$||'
+# Set environment variables to point Guix's cross-toolchain to the right
+# includes/libs for $HOST
+case "$HOST" in
+ *mingw*)
+ # Determine output paths to use in CROSS_* environment variables
+ CROSS_GLIBC="$(store_path "mingw-w64-x86_64-winpthreads")"
+ CROSS_GCC="$(store_path "gcc-cross-${HOST}")"
+ CROSS_GCC_LIBS=( "${CROSS_GCC}/lib/gcc/${HOST}"/* ) # This expands to an array of directories...
+ CROSS_GCC_LIB="${CROSS_GCC_LIBS[0]}" # ...we just want the first one (there should only be one)
+ NATIVE_GCC="$(store_path gcc-glibc-2.27-toolchain)"
+ export LIBRARY_PATH="${NATIVE_GCC}/lib:${NATIVE_GCC}/lib64"
+ export CPATH="${NATIVE_GCC}/include"
+ export CROSS_C_INCLUDE_PATH="${CROSS_GCC_LIB}/include:${CROSS_GCC_LIB}/include-fixed:${CROSS_GLIBC}/include"
+ export CROSS_CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="${CROSS_GCC}/include/c++:${CROSS_GCC}/include/c++/${HOST}:${CROSS_GCC}/include/c++/backward:${CROSS_C_INCLUDE_PATH}"
+ ;;
+ *linux*)
+ CROSS_GLIBC="$(store_path "glibc-cross-${HOST}")"
+ CROSS_GLIBC_STATIC="$(store_path "glibc-cross-${HOST}" static)"
+ CROSS_KERNEL="$(store_path "linux-libre-headers-cross-${HOST}")"
+ CROSS_GCC="$(store_path "gcc-cross-${HOST}")"
+ CROSS_GCC_LIBS=( "${CROSS_GCC}/lib/gcc/${HOST}"/* ) # This expands to an array of directories...
+ CROSS_GCC_LIB="${CROSS_GCC_LIBS[0]}" # ...we just want the first one (there should only be one)
+ # NOTE: CROSS_C_INCLUDE_PATH is missing ${CROSS_GCC_LIB}/include-fixed, because
+ # the limits.h in it is missing a '#include_next '
+ export CROSS_C_INCLUDE_PATH="${CROSS_GCC_LIB}/include:${CROSS_GLIBC}/include:${CROSS_KERNEL}/include"
+ export CROSS_CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="${CROSS_GCC}/include/c++:${CROSS_GCC}/include/c++/${HOST}:${CROSS_GCC}/include/c++/backward:${CROSS_C_INCLUDE_PATH}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exit 1 ;;
+# Sanity check CROSS_*_PATH directories
+for p in "${PATHS[@]}"; do
+ if [ ! -d "$p" ]; then
+ echo "'$p' doesn't exist or isn't a directory... Aborting..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Disable Guix ld auto-rpath behavior
+# Make /usr/bin if it doesn't exist
+[ -e /usr/bin ] || mkdir -p /usr/bin
+# Symlink file and env to a conventional path
+[ -e /usr/bin/file ] || ln -s --no-dereference "$(command -v file)" /usr/bin/file
+[ -e /usr/bin/env ] || ln -s --no-dereference "$(command -v env)" /usr/bin/env
+# Determine the correct value for -Wl,--dynamic-linker for the current $HOST
+case "$HOST" in
+ *linux*)
+ glibc_dynamic_linker=$(
+ case "$HOST" in
+ i686-linux-gnu) echo /lib/ld-linux.so.2 ;;
+ x86_64-linux-gnu) echo /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ;;
+ arm-linux-gnueabihf) echo /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 ;;
+ aarch64-linux-gnu) echo /lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 ;;
+ riscv64-linux-gnu) echo /lib/ld-linux-riscv64-lp64d.so.1 ;;
+ *) exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+ )
+ ;;
+# Environment variables for determinism
+export QT_RCC_TEST=1
+export TAR_OPTIONS="--owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner --mtime='@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}' --sort=name"
+export TZ="UTC"
+# Depends Building #
+# Build the depends tree, overriding variables that assume multilib gcc
+make -C depends --jobs="$MAX_JOBS" HOST="$HOST" \
+ ${V:+V=1} \
+ i686_linux_CC=i686-linux-gnu-gcc \
+ i686_linux_CXX=i686-linux-gnu-g++ \
+ i686_linux_AR=i686-linux-gnu-ar \
+ i686_linux_RANLIB=i686-linux-gnu-ranlib \
+ i686_linux_NM=i686-linux-gnu-nm \
+ i686_linux_STRIP=i686-linux-gnu-strip \
+ x86_64_linux_CC=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc \
+ x86_64_linux_CXX=x86_64-linux-gnu-g++ \
+ x86_64_linux_AR=x86_64-linux-gnu-ar \
+ x86_64_linux_RANLIB=x86_64-linux-gnu-ranlib \
+ x86_64_linux_NM=x86_64-linux-gnu-nm \
+ x86_64_linux_STRIP=x86_64-linux-gnu-strip \
+ qt_config_opts_i686_linux='-platform linux-g++ -xplatform bitcoin-linux-g++'
+# Source Tarball Building #
+# Define DISTNAME variable.
+# shellcheck source=contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME
+source contrib/gitian-descriptors/assign_DISTNAME
+# Create the source tarball if not already there
+if [ ! -e "$GIT_ARCHIVE" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$GIT_ARCHIVE")"
+ git archive --prefix="${DISTNAME}/" --output="$GIT_ARCHIVE" HEAD
+# Binary Tarball Building #
+CONFIGFLAGS="--enable-reduce-exports --disable-bench --disable-gui-tests"
+case "$HOST" in
+ *linux*) CONFIGFLAGS+=" --enable-glibc-back-compat" ;;
+case "$HOST" in
+ *linux*) HOST_CFLAGS+=" -ffile-prefix-map=${PWD}=." ;;
+ *mingw*) HOST_CFLAGS+=" -fno-ident" ;;
+case "$HOST" in
+ *linux*) HOST_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--dynamic-linker=$glibc_dynamic_linker -static-libstdc++ -Wl,-O2" ;;
+ *mingw*) HOST_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--no-insert-timestamp" ;;
+# Make $HOST-specific native binaries from depends available in $PATH
+export PATH="${BASEPREFIX}/${HOST}/native/bin:${PATH}"
+ cd "$DISTSRC"
+ # Extract the source tarball
+ tar --strip-components=1 -xf "${GIT_ARCHIVE}"
+ ./autogen.sh
+ # Configure this DISTSRC for $HOST
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ env CONFIG_SITE="${BASEPREFIX}/${HOST}/share/config.site" \
+ ./configure --prefix=/ \
+ --disable-ccache \
+ --disable-maintainer-mode \
+ --disable-dependency-tracking \
+ sed -i.old 's/-lstdc++ //g' config.status libtool src/univalue/config.status src/univalue/libtool
+ # Build Bitcoin Core
+ make --jobs="$MAX_JOBS" ${V:+V=1}
+ # Perform basic ELF security checks on a series of executables.
+ make -C src --jobs=1 check-security ${V:+V=1}
+ case "$HOST" in
+ *linux*|*mingw*)
+ # Check that executables only contain allowed gcc, glibc and libstdc++
+ # version symbols for Linux distro back-compatibility.
+ make -C src --jobs=1 check-symbols ${V:+V=1}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Make the os-specific installers
+ case "$HOST" in
+ *mingw*)
+ make deploy ${V:+V=1} BITCOIN_WIN_INSTALLER="${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win64-setup-unsigned.exe"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Setup the directory where our Bitcoin Core build for HOST will be
+ # installed. This directory will also later serve as the input for our
+ # binary tarballs.
+ INSTALLPATH="${PWD}/installed/${DISTNAME}"
+ mkdir -p "${INSTALLPATH}"
+ # Install built Bitcoin Core to $INSTALLPATH
+ make install DESTDIR="${INSTALLPATH}" ${V:+V=1}
+ (
+ cd installed
+ case "$HOST" in
+ *mingw*)
+ mv --target-directory="$DISTNAME"/lib/ "$DISTNAME"/bin/*.dll
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Prune libtool and object archives
+ find . -name "lib*.la" -delete
+ find . -name "lib*.a" -delete
+ # Prune pkg-config files
+ rm -r "${DISTNAME}/lib/pkgconfig"
+ # Split binaries and libraries from their debug symbols
+ {
+ find "${DISTNAME}/bin" -type f -executable -print0
+ find "${DISTNAME}/lib" -type f -print0
+ } | xargs -0 -n1 -P"$MAX_JOBS" -I{} "${DISTSRC}/contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh" {} {} {}.dbg
+ case "$HOST" in
+ *mingw*)
+ cp "${DISTSRC}/doc/README_windows.txt" "${DISTNAME}/readme.txt"
+ ;;
+ *linux*)
+ cp "${DISTSRC}/README.md" "${DISTNAME}/"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Finally, deterministically produce {non-,}debug binary tarballs ready
+ # for release
+ case "$HOST" in
+ *mingw*)
+ find "${DISTNAME}" -not -name "*.dbg" -print0 \
+ | xargs -0r touch --no-dereference --date="@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}"
+ find "${DISTNAME}" -not -name "*.dbg" \
+ | sort \
+ | zip -X@ "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${HOST//x86_64-w64-mingw32/win64}.zip" \
+ || ( rm -f "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${HOST//x86_64-w64-mingw32/win64}.zip" && exit 1 )
+ find "${DISTNAME}" -name "*.dbg" -print0 \
+ | xargs -0r touch --no-dereference --date="@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}"
+ find "${DISTNAME}" -name "*.dbg" \
+ | sort \
+ | zip -X@ "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${HOST//x86_64-w64-mingw32/win64}-debug.zip" \
+ || ( rm -f "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${HOST//x86_64-w64-mingw32/win64}-debug.zip" && exit 1 )
+ ;;
+ *linux*)
+ find "${DISTNAME}" -not -name "*.dbg" -print0 \
+ | sort --zero-terminated \
+ | tar --create --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --null --files-from=- \
+ | gzip -9n > "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${HOST}.tar.gz" \
+ || ( rm -f "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${HOST}.tar.gz" && exit 1 )
+ find "${DISTNAME}" -name "*.dbg" -print0 \
+ | sort --zero-terminated \
+ | tar --create --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --null --files-from=- \
+ | gzip -9n > "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${HOST}-debug.tar.gz" \
+ || ( rm -f "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-${HOST}-debug.tar.gz" && exit 1 )
+ ;;
+ esac
+ )
+case "$HOST" in
+ *mingw*)
+ cp -rf --target-directory=. contrib/windeploy
+ (
+ cd ./windeploy
+ mkdir unsigned
+ cp --target-directory=unsigned/ "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win64-setup-unsigned.exe"
+ find . -print0 \
+ | sort --zero-terminated \
+ | tar --create --no-recursion --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --null --files-from=- \
+ | gzip -9n > "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win-unsigned.tar.gz" \
+ || ( rm -f "${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}-win-unsigned.tar.gz" && exit 1 )
+ )
+ ;;
diff --git a/contrib/guix/manifest.scm b/contrib/guix/manifest.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e011ea184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/guix/manifest.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+(use-modules (gnu)
+ (gnu packages)
+ (gnu packages autotools)
+ (gnu packages base)
+ (gnu packages bash)
+ (gnu packages check)
+ (gnu packages commencement)
+ (gnu packages compression)
+ (gnu packages cross-base)
+ (gnu packages file)
+ (gnu packages gawk)
+ (gnu packages gcc)
+ (gnu packages installers)
+ (gnu packages linux)
+ (gnu packages mingw)
+ (gnu packages perl)
+ (gnu packages pkg-config)
+ (gnu packages python)
+ (gnu packages shells)
+ (gnu packages version-control)
+ (guix build-system gnu)
+ (guix build-system trivial)
+ (guix gexp)
+ (guix packages)
+ (guix profiles)
+ (guix utils))
+(define (make-ssp-fixed-gcc xgcc)
+ "Given a XGCC package, return a modified package that uses the SSP function
+from glibc instead of from libssp.so. Our `symbol-check' script will complain if
+we link against libssp.so, and thus will ensure that this works properly.
+Taken from:
+ (package
+ (inherit xgcc)
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments xgcc)
+ ((#:make-flags flags)
+ `(cons "gcc_cv_libc_provides_ssp=yes" ,flags))))))
+(define (make-gcc-rpath-link xgcc)
+ "Given a XGCC package, return a modified package that replace each instance of
+-rpath in the default system spec that's inserted by Guix with -rpath-link"
+ (package
+ (inherit xgcc)
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments xgcc)
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-after 'pre-configure 'replace-rpath-with-rpath-link
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* (cons "gcc/config/rs6000/sysv4.h"
+ (find-files "gcc/config"
+ "^gnu-user.*\\.h$"))
+ (("-rpath=") "-rpath-link="))
+ #t))))))))
+(define (make-cross-toolchain target
+ base-gcc-for-libc
+ base-kernel-headers
+ base-libc
+ base-gcc)
+ "Create a cross-compilation toolchain package for TARGET"
+ (let* ((xbinutils (cross-binutils target))
+ ;; 1. Build a cross-compiling gcc without targeting any libc, derived
+ (xgcc-sans-libc (cross-gcc target
+ #:xgcc base-gcc-for-libc
+ #:xbinutils xbinutils))
+ ;; 2. Build cross-compiled kernel headers with XGCC-SANS-LIBC, derived
+ (xkernel (cross-kernel-headers target
+ base-kernel-headers
+ xgcc-sans-libc
+ xbinutils))
+ ;; 3. Build a cross-compiled libc with XGCC-SANS-LIBC and XKERNEL,
+ ;; derived from BASE-LIBC
+ (xlibc (cross-libc target
+ base-libc
+ xgcc-sans-libc
+ xbinutils
+ xkernel))
+ ;; 4. Build a cross-compiling gcc targeting XLIBC, derived from
+ (xgcc (cross-gcc target
+ #:xgcc base-gcc
+ #:xbinutils xbinutils
+ #:libc xlibc)))
+ ;; Define a meta-package that propagates the resulting XBINUTILS, XLIBC, and
+ ;; XGCC
+ (package
+ (name (string-append target "-toolchain"))
+ (version (package-version xgcc))
+ (source #f)
+ (build-system trivial-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:builder (begin (mkdir %output) #t)))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ `(("binutils" ,xbinutils)
+ ("libc" ,xlibc)
+ ("libc:static" ,xlibc "static")
+ ("gcc" ,xgcc)))
+ (synopsis (string-append "Complete GCC tool chain for " target))
+ (description (string-append "This package provides a complete GCC tool
+chain for " target " development."))
+ (home-page (package-home-page xgcc))
+ (license (package-license xgcc)))))
+(define* (make-bitcoin-cross-toolchain target
+ #:key
+ (base-gcc-for-libc gcc-5)
+ (base-kernel-headers linux-libre-headers-4.19)
+ (base-libc glibc-2.27)
+ (base-gcc (make-gcc-rpath-link gcc-9)))
+ "Convenience wrapper around MAKE-CROSS-TOOLCHAIN with default values
+desirable for building Bitcoin Core release binaries."
+ (make-cross-toolchain target
+ base-gcc-for-libc
+ base-kernel-headers
+ base-libc
+ base-gcc))
+(define (make-gcc-with-pthreads gcc)
+ (package-with-extra-configure-variable gcc "--enable-threads" "posix"))
+(define (make-mingw-pthreads-cross-toolchain target)
+ "Create a cross-compilation toolchain package for TARGET"
+ (let* ((xbinutils (cross-binutils target))
+ (pthreads-xlibc mingw-w64-x86_64-winpthreads)
+ (pthreads-xgcc (make-gcc-with-pthreads
+ (cross-gcc target
+ #:xgcc (make-ssp-fixed-gcc gcc-9)
+ #:xbinutils xbinutils
+ #:libc pthreads-xlibc))))
+ ;; Define a meta-package that propagates the resulting XBINUTILS, XLIBC, and
+ ;; XGCC
+ (package
+ (name (string-append target "-posix-toolchain"))
+ (version (package-version pthreads-xgcc))
+ (source #f)
+ (build-system trivial-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:builder (begin (mkdir %output) #t)))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ `(("binutils" ,xbinutils)
+ ("libc" ,pthreads-xlibc)
+ ("gcc" ,pthreads-xgcc)))
+ (synopsis (string-append "Complete GCC tool chain for " target))
+ (description (string-append "This package provides a complete GCC tool
+chain for " target " development."))
+ (home-page (package-home-page pthreads-xgcc))
+ (license (package-license pthreads-xgcc)))))
+ (append
+ (list ;; The Basics
+ bash-minimal
+ which
+ coreutils
+ util-linux
+ ;; File(system) inspection
+ file
+ grep
+ diffutils
+ findutils
+ ;; File transformation
+ patch
+ gawk
+ sed
+ ;; Compression and archiving
+ tar
+ bzip2
+ gzip
+ xz
+ zlib
+ ;; Build tools
+ gnu-make
+ libtool
+ autoconf
+ automake
+ pkg-config
+ ;; Scripting
+ perl
+ python-3.7
+ ;; Git
+ git
+ ;; Native gcc 9 toolchain targeting glibc 2.27
+ (make-gcc-toolchain gcc-9 glibc-2.27))
+ (let ((target (getenv "HOST")))
+ (cond ((string-suffix? "-mingw32" target)
+ ;; Windows
+ (list zip (make-mingw-pthreads-cross-toolchain "x86_64-w64-mingw32") nsis-x86_64))
+ ((string-contains target "riscv64-linux-")
+ (list (make-bitcoin-cross-toolchain "riscv64-linux-gnu"
+ #:base-gcc-for-libc gcc-7)))
+ ((string-contains target "-linux-")
+ (list (make-bitcoin-cross-toolchain target)))
+ (else '())))))
diff --git a/contrib/init/bitcoind.conf b/contrib/init/bitcoind.conf
index de4ea0ed52..dde1bd0c4d 100644
--- a/contrib/init/bitcoind.conf
+++ b/contrib/init/bitcoind.conf
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ expect fork
respawn limit 5 120
-kill timeout 60
+kill timeout 600
pre-start script
# this will catch non-existent config files
diff --git a/contrib/init/bitcoind.init b/contrib/init/bitcoind.init
index 0c95baf3a1..19e1f76d09 100644
--- a/contrib/init/bitcoind.init
+++ b/contrib/init/bitcoind.init
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ start() {
stop() {
echo -n $"Stopping $prog: "
- killproc $prog
+ killproc $prog -t600
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f $lockfile
diff --git a/contrib/init/bitcoind.openrcconf b/contrib/init/bitcoind.openrcconf
index f70e25cb5f..c8a22a08d9 100644
--- a/contrib/init/bitcoind.openrcconf
+++ b/contrib/init/bitcoind.openrcconf
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@
# Note that this will be mapped as argument to start-stop-daemon's
# '--retry' option, which means you can specify a retry schedule
# here. For more information see man 8 start-stop-daemon.
diff --git a/contrib/init/elementsd.service b/contrib/init/elementsd.service
index e161b25e5f..9e8e8ec72f 100644
--- a/contrib/init/elementsd.service
+++ b/contrib/init/elementsd.service
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# See "man systemd.service" for details.
# Note that almost all daemon options could be specified in
-# /etc/elements/elements.conf, but keep in mind those explicitly
+# /etc/bitcoin/elements.conf, but keep in mind those explicitly
# specified as arguments in ExecStart= will override those in the
# config file.
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ ExecStart=/usr/bin/elementsd -daemon \
ExecStartPre=/bin/chgrp elements /etc/elements
+# Make sure the config directory is readable by the service user
+ExecStartPre=/bin/chgrp bitcoin /etc/bitcoin
# Process management
diff --git a/contrib/install_db4.sh b/contrib/install_db4.sh
index 088d1c9dce..e9130a21de 100755
--- a/contrib/install_db4.sh
+++ b/contrib/install_db4.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
# Install libdb4.8 (Berkeley DB).
@@ -14,7 +17,7 @@ if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
expand_path() {
- echo "$(cd "${1}" && pwd -P)"
+ cd "${1}" && pwd -P
BDB_PREFIX="$(expand_path ${1})/db4"; shift;
@@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ BDB_HASH='12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef'
check_exists() {
- which "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ command -v "$1" >/dev/null
sha256_check() {
@@ -70,6 +73,20 @@ CLANG_CXX11_PATCH_HASH='7a9a47b03fd5fb93a16ef42235fa9512db9b0829cfc3bdf90edd3ec1
http_get "${CLANG_CXX11_PATCH_URL}" clang.patch "${CLANG_CXX11_PATCH_HASH}"
patch -p2 < clang.patch
+# The packaged config.guess and config.sub are ancient (2009) and can cause build issues.
+# Replace them with modern versions.
+# See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/16064
+rm -f "dist/config.guess"
+rm -f "dist/config.sub"
+http_get "${CONFIG_GUESS_URL}" dist/config.guess "${CONFIG_GUESS_HASH}"
+http_get "${CONFIG_SUB_URL}" dist/config.sub "${CONFIG_SUB_HASH}"
cd build_unix/
"${BDB_PREFIX}/${BDB_VERSION}/dist/configure" \
@@ -81,7 +98,9 @@ make install
echo "db4 build complete."
+# shellcheck disable=SC2016
echo 'When compiling bitcoind, run `./configure` in the following way:'
echo " export BDB_PREFIX='${BDB_PREFIX}'"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2016
echo ' ./configure BDB_LIBS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib -ldb_cxx-4.8" BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include" ...'
diff --git a/contrib/linearize/README.md b/contrib/linearize/README.md
index 2985106982..25a1c7351a 100644
--- a/contrib/linearize/README.md
+++ b/contrib/linearize/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
# Linearize
-Construct a linear, no-fork, best version of the Bitcoin blockchain. The scripts
-run using Python 3 but are compatible with Python 2.
+Construct a linear, no-fork, best version of the Bitcoin blockchain.
## Step 1: Download hash list
diff --git a/contrib/linearize/example-linearize.cfg b/contrib/linearize/example-linearize.cfg
index 2315898bf1..5f566261ca 100644
--- a/contrib/linearize/example-linearize.cfg
+++ b/contrib/linearize/example-linearize.cfg
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ port=8332
#regtest default
+#signet default
# bootstrap.dat hashlist settings (linearize-hashes)
@@ -28,6 +31,16 @@ input=/home/example/.bitcoin/blocks
+# regtest
+# signet
# "output" option causes blockchain files to be written to the given location,
# with "output_file" ignored. If not used, "output_file" is used instead.
# output=/home/example/blockchain_directory
diff --git a/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py b/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py
index 56c1fbfc92..73f54cd488 100755
--- a/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py
+++ b/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# linearize-data.py: Construct a linear, no-fork version of the chain.
-# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
import hashlib
import datetime
import time
+import glob
from collections import namedtuple
-from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
+from binascii import unhexlify
settings = {}
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ def calc_hash_str(blk_hdr):
hash = calc_hdr_hash(blk_hdr)
hash = bufreverse(hash)
hash = wordreverse(hash)
- hash_str = hexlify(hash).decode('utf-8')
+ hash_str = hash.hex()
return hash_str
def get_blk_dt(blk_hdr):
@@ -92,6 +93,30 @@ def mkblockmap(blkindex):
blkmap[hash] = height
return blkmap
+# This gets the first block file ID that exists from the input block
+# file directory.
+def getFirstBlockFileId(block_dir_path):
+ # First, this sets up a pattern to search for block files, for
+ # example 'blkNNNNN.dat'.
+ blkFilePattern = os.path.join(block_dir_path, "blk[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].dat")
+ # This search is done with glob
+ blkFnList = glob.glob(blkFilePattern)
+ if len(blkFnList) == 0:
+ print("blocks not pruned - starting at 0")
+ return 0
+ # We then get the lexicographic minimum, which should be the first
+ # block file name.
+ firstBlkFilePath = min(blkFnList)
+ firstBlkFn = os.path.basename(firstBlkFilePath)
+ # now, the string should be ['b','l','k','N','N','N','N','N','.','d','a','t']
+ # So get the ID by choosing: 3 4 5 6 7
+ # The ID is not necessarily 0 if this is a pruned node.
+ blkId = int(firstBlkFn[3:8])
+ return blkId
# Block header and extent on disk
BlockExtent = namedtuple('BlockExtent', ['fn', 'offset', 'inhdr', 'blkhdr', 'size'])
@@ -101,7 +126,9 @@ def __init__(self, settings, blkindex, blkmap):
self.blkindex = blkindex
self.blkmap = blkmap
- self.inFn = 0
+ # Get first occurring block file id - for pruned nodes this
+ # will not necessarily be 0
+ self.inFn = getFirstBlockFileId(self.settings['input'])
self.inF = None
self.outFn = 0
self.outsz = 0
@@ -213,8 +240,11 @@ def run(self):
inMagic = inhdr[:4]
if (inMagic != self.settings['netmagic']):
- print("Invalid magic: " + hexlify(inMagic).decode('utf-8'))
- return
+ # Seek backwards 7 bytes (skipping the first byte in the previous search)
+ # and continue searching from the new position if the magic bytes are not
+ # found.
+ self.inF.seek(-7, os.SEEK_CUR)
+ continue
inLenLE = inhdr[4:]
su = struct.unpack(""
echo "example: $0 -s MyIdentity"
exit 1
@@ -26,20 +26,20 @@ mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}
${CODESIGN} -f --file-list ${TEMPLIST} "$@" "${BUNDLE}"
grep -v CodeResources < "${TEMPLIST}" | while read i; do
- TARGETFILE="${BUNDLE}/`echo "${i}" | sed "s|.*${BUNDLE}/||"`"
- SIZE=`pagestuff "$i" -p | tail -2 | grep size | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g'`
- OFFSET=`pagestuff "$i" -p | tail -2 | grep offset | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g'`
+ TARGETFILE="${BUNDLE}/$(echo "${i}" | sed "s|.*${BUNDLE}/||")"
+ SIZE=$(pagestuff "$i" -p | tail -2 | grep size | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
+ OFFSET=$(pagestuff "$i" -p | tail -2 | grep offset | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
- DIRNAME="`dirname "${SIGNFILE}"`"
+ DIRNAME="$(dirname "${SIGNFILE}")"
mkdir -p "${DIRNAME}"
echo "Adding detached signature for: ${TARGETFILE}. Size: ${SIZE}. Offset: ${OFFSET}"
dd if="$i" of="${SIGNFILE}" bs=1 skip=${OFFSET} count=${SIZE} 2>/dev/null
grep CodeResources < "${TEMPLIST}" | while read i; do
- TARGETFILE="${BUNDLE}/`echo "${i}" | sed "s|.*${BUNDLE}/||"`"
+ TARGETFILE="${BUNDLE}/$(echo "${i}" | sed "s|.*${BUNDLE}/||")"
- DIRNAME="`dirname "${RESOURCE}"`"
+ DIRNAME="$(dirname "${RESOURCE}")"
mkdir -p "${DIRNAME}"
echo "Adding resource for: \"${TARGETFILE}\""
cp "${i}" "${RESOURCE}"
diff --git a/contrib/macdeploy/extract-osx-sdk.sh b/contrib/macdeploy/extract-osx-sdk.sh
index 4c175156f4..3c7bdf4217 100755
--- a/contrib/macdeploy/extract-osx-sdk.sh
+++ b/contrib/macdeploy/extract-osx-sdk.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
diff --git a/contrib/macdeploy/gen-sdk b/contrib/macdeploy/gen-sdk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..457d8f5e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/macdeploy/gen-sdk
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import plistlib
+import pathlib
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import gzip
+import os
+import contextlib
+def cd(path):
+ """Context manager that restores PWD even if an exception was raised."""
+ old_pwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(str(path))
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(old_pwd)
+def run():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument('xcode_app', metavar='XCODEAPP', nargs=1)
+ parser.add_argument("-o", metavar='OUTSDKTGZ', nargs=1, dest='out_sdktgz', required=False)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ xcode_app = pathlib.Path(args.xcode_app[0]).resolve()
+ assert xcode_app.is_dir(), "The supplied Xcode.app path '{}' either does not exist or is not a directory".format(xcode_app)
+ xcode_app_plist = xcode_app.joinpath("Contents/version.plist")
+ with xcode_app_plist.open('rb') as fp:
+ pl = plistlib.load(fp)
+ xcode_version = pl['CFBundleShortVersionString']
+ xcode_build_id = pl['ProductBuildVersion']
+ print("Found Xcode (version: {xcode_version}, build id: {xcode_build_id})".format(xcode_version=xcode_version, xcode_build_id=xcode_build_id))
+ sdk_dir = xcode_app.joinpath("Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk")
+ sdk_plist = sdk_dir.joinpath("System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist")
+ with sdk_plist.open('rb') as fp:
+ pl = plistlib.load(fp)
+ sdk_version = pl['ProductVersion']
+ sdk_build_id = pl['ProductBuildVersion']
+ print("Found MacOSX SDK (version: {sdk_version}, build id: {sdk_build_id})".format(sdk_version=sdk_version, sdk_build_id=sdk_build_id))
+ out_name = "Xcode-{xcode_version}-{xcode_build_id}-extracted-SDK-with-libcxx-headers".format(xcode_version=xcode_version, xcode_build_id=xcode_build_id)
+ xcode_libcxx_dir = xcode_app.joinpath("Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/include/c++/v1")
+ assert xcode_libcxx_dir.is_dir()
+ if args.out_sdktgz:
+ out_sdktgz_path = pathlib.Path(args.out_sdktgz_path)
+ else:
+ # Construct our own out_sdktgz if not specified on the command line
+ out_sdktgz_path = pathlib.Path("./{}.tar.gz".format(out_name))
+ def tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, dir_to_add, alt_base_dir):
+ """Add all files in dir_to_add to tarfp, but prepent MEMBERPREFIX to the files'
+ names
+ e.g. if the only file under /root/bazdir is /root/bazdir/qux, invoking:
+ tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, "foo/bar", "/root/bazdir")
+ would result in the following members being added to tarfp:
+ foo/bar/ -> corresponding to /root/bazdir
+ foo/bar/qux -> corresponding to /root/bazdir/qux
+ """
+ def change_tarinfo_base(tarinfo):
+ if tarinfo.name and tarinfo.name.startswith("./"):
+ tarinfo.name = str(pathlib.Path(alt_base_dir, tarinfo.name))
+ if tarinfo.linkname and tarinfo.linkname.startswith("./"):
+ tarinfo.linkname = str(pathlib.Path(alt_base_dir, tarinfo.linkname))
+ return tarinfo
+ with cd(dir_to_add):
+ tarfp.add(".", recursive=True, filter=change_tarinfo_base)
+ print("Creating output .tar.gz file...")
+ with out_sdktgz_path.open("wb") as fp:
+ with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fp, compresslevel=9, mtime=0) as gzf:
+ with tarfile.open(mode="w", fileobj=gzf) as tarfp:
+ print("Adding MacOSX SDK {} files...".format(sdk_version))
+ tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, sdk_dir, out_name)
+ print("Adding libc++ headers...")
+ tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, xcode_libcxx_dir, "{}/usr/include/c++/v1".format(out_name))
+ print("Done! Find the resulting gzipped tarball at:")
+ print(out_sdktgz_path.resolve())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ run()
diff --git a/contrib/macdeploy/macdeployqtplus b/contrib/macdeploy/macdeployqtplus
index b04aa5f525..1b6cf6bc10 100755
--- a/contrib/macdeploy/macdeployqtplus
+++ b/contrib/macdeploy/macdeployqtplus
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
import subprocess, sys, re, os, shutil, stat, os.path, time
from string import Template
from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from typing import List, Optional
# This is ported from the original macdeployqt with modifications
@@ -48,18 +49,18 @@ class FrameworkInfo(object):
return False
def __str__(self):
- return """ Framework name: %s
- Framework directory: %s
- Framework path: %s
- Binary name: %s
- Binary directory: %s
- Binary path: %s
- Version: %s
- Install name: %s
- Deployed install name: %s
- Source file Path: %s
- Deployed Directory (relative to bundle): %s
-""" % (self.frameworkName,
+ return """ Framework name: {}
+ Framework directory: {}
+ Framework path: {}
+ Binary name: {}
+ Binary directory: {}
+ Binary path: {}
+ Version: {}
+ Install name: {}
+ Deployed install name: {}
+ Source file Path: {}
+ Deployed Directory (relative to bundle): {}
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ class FrameworkInfo(object):
bundleBinaryDirectory = "Contents/MacOS"
- def fromOtoolLibraryLine(cls, line):
+ def fromOtoolLibraryLine(cls, line: str) -> Optional['FrameworkInfo']:
# Note: line must be trimmed
if line == "":
return None
@@ -146,13 +147,12 @@ class FrameworkInfo(object):
info.sourceContentsDirectory = os.path.join(info.frameworkPath, "Contents")
info.sourceVersionContentsDirectory = os.path.join(info.frameworkPath, "Versions", info.version, "Contents")
info.destinationResourcesDirectory = os.path.join(cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName, "Resources")
- info.destinationContentsDirectory = os.path.join(cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName, "Contents")
info.destinationVersionContentsDirectory = os.path.join(cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName, "Versions", info.version, "Contents")
return info
class ApplicationBundleInfo(object):
- def __init__(self, path):
+ def __init__(self, path: str):
self.path = path
appName = "Elements-Qt"
self.binaryPath = os.path.join(path, "Contents", "MacOS", appName)
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class DeploymentInfo(object):
self.pluginPath = None
self.deployedFrameworks = []
- def detectQtPath(self, frameworkDirectory):
+ def detectQtPath(self, frameworkDirectory: str):
parentDir = os.path.dirname(frameworkDirectory)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(parentDir, "translations")):
# Classic layout, e.g. "/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.x.x"
@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ class DeploymentInfo(object):
if os.path.exists(pluginPath):
self.pluginPath = pluginPath
- def usesFramework(self, name):
- nameDot = "%s." % name
- libNameDot = "lib%s." % name
+ def usesFramework(self, name: str) -> bool:
+ nameDot = "{}.".format(name)
+ libNameDot = "lib{}.".format(name)
for framework in self.deployedFrameworks:
if framework.endswith(".framework"):
if framework.startswith(nameDot):
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class DeploymentInfo(object):
return True
return False
-def getFrameworks(binaryPath, verbose):
+def getFrameworks(binaryPath: str, verbose: int) -> List[FrameworkInfo]:
if verbose >= 3:
print("Inspecting with otool: " + binaryPath)
otoolbin=os.getenv("OTOOL", "otool")
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ def getFrameworks(binaryPath, verbose):
if verbose >= 1:
- raise RuntimeError("otool failed with return code %d" % otool.returncode)
+ raise RuntimeError("otool failed with return code {}".format(otool.returncode))
otoolLines = o_stdout.split("\n")
otoolLines.pop(0) # First line is the inspected binary
@@ -221,11 +221,11 @@ def getFrameworks(binaryPath, verbose):
return libraries
-def runInstallNameTool(action, *args):
+def runInstallNameTool(action: str, *args):
installnametoolbin=os.getenv("INSTALLNAMETOOL", "install_name_tool")
subprocess.check_call([installnametoolbin, "-"+action] + list(args))
-def changeInstallName(oldName, newName, binaryPath, verbose):
+def changeInstallName(oldName: str, newName: str, binaryPath: str, verbose: int):
if verbose >= 3:
print("Using install_name_tool:")
print(" in", binaryPath)
@@ -233,21 +233,21 @@ def changeInstallName(oldName, newName, binaryPath, verbose):
print(" to", newName)
runInstallNameTool("change", oldName, newName, binaryPath)
-def changeIdentification(id, binaryPath, verbose):
+def changeIdentification(id: str, binaryPath: str, verbose: int):
if verbose >= 3:
print("Using install_name_tool:")
print(" change identification in", binaryPath)
print(" to", id)
runInstallNameTool("id", id, binaryPath)
-def runStrip(binaryPath, verbose):
+def runStrip(binaryPath: str, verbose: int):
stripbin=os.getenv("STRIP", "strip")
if verbose >= 3:
print("Using strip:")
print(" stripped", binaryPath)
subprocess.check_call([stripbin, "-x", binaryPath])
-def copyFramework(framework, path, verbose):
+def copyFramework(framework: FrameworkInfo, path: str, verbose: int) -> Optional[str]:
if framework.sourceFilePath.startswith("Qt"):
#standard place for Nokia Qt installer's frameworks
fromPath = "/Library/Frameworks/" + framework.sourceFilePath
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ def copyFramework(framework, path, verbose):
return toPath
-def deployFrameworks(frameworks, bundlePath, binaryPath, strip, verbose, deploymentInfo=None):
+def deployFrameworks(frameworks: List[FrameworkInfo], bundlePath: str, binaryPath: str, strip: bool, verbose: int, deploymentInfo: Optional[DeploymentInfo] = None) -> DeploymentInfo:
if deploymentInfo is None:
deploymentInfo = DeploymentInfo()
@@ -355,15 +355,15 @@ def deployFrameworks(frameworks, bundlePath, binaryPath, strip, verbose, deploym
return deploymentInfo
-def deployFrameworksForAppBundle(applicationBundle, strip, verbose):
+def deployFrameworksForAppBundle(applicationBundle: ApplicationBundleInfo, strip: bool, verbose: int) -> DeploymentInfo:
frameworks = getFrameworks(applicationBundle.binaryPath, verbose)
if len(frameworks) == 0 and verbose >= 1:
- print("Warning: Could not find any external frameworks to deploy in %s." % (applicationBundle.path))
+ print("Warning: Could not find any external frameworks to deploy in {}.".format(applicationBundle.path))
return DeploymentInfo()
return deployFrameworks(frameworks, applicationBundle.path, applicationBundle.binaryPath, strip, verbose)
-def deployPlugins(appBundleInfo, deploymentInfo, strip, verbose):
+def deployPlugins(appBundleInfo: ApplicationBundleInfo, deploymentInfo: DeploymentInfo, strip: bool, verbose: int):
# Lookup available plugins, exclude unneeded
plugins = []
if deploymentInfo.pluginPath is None:
@@ -373,10 +373,12 @@ def deployPlugins(appBundleInfo, deploymentInfo, strip, verbose):
if pluginDirectory == "designer":
# Skip designer plugins
- elif pluginDirectory == "phonon" or pluginDirectory == "phonon_backend":
- # Deploy the phonon plugins only if phonon is in use
- if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("phonon"):
- continue
+ elif pluginDirectory == "printsupport":
+ # Skip printsupport plugins
+ continue
+ elif pluginDirectory == "imageformats":
+ # Skip imageformats plugins
+ continue
elif pluginDirectory == "sqldrivers":
# Deploy the sql plugins only if QtSql is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtSql"):
@@ -409,6 +411,42 @@ def deployPlugins(appBundleInfo, deploymentInfo, strip, verbose):
# Deploy the mediaservice plugins only if QtMultimediaWidgets is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtMultimediaWidgets"):
+ elif pluginDirectory == "canbus":
+ # Deploy the canbus plugins only if QtSerialBus is in use
+ if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtSerialBus"):
+ continue
+ elif pluginDirectory == "webview":
+ # Deploy the webview plugins only if QtWebView is in use
+ if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtWebView"):
+ continue
+ elif pluginDirectory == "gamepads":
+ # Deploy the webview plugins only if QtGamepad is in use
+ if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtGamepad"):
+ continue
+ elif pluginDirectory == "geoservices":
+ # Deploy the webview plugins only if QtLocation is in use
+ if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtLocation"):
+ continue
+ elif pluginDirectory == "texttospeech":
+ # Deploy the texttospeech plugins only if QtTextToSpeech is in use
+ if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtTextToSpeech"):
+ continue
+ elif pluginDirectory == "virtualkeyboard":
+ # Deploy the virtualkeyboard plugins only if QtVirtualKeyboard is in use
+ if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtVirtualKeyboard"):
+ continue
+ elif pluginDirectory == "sceneparsers":
+ # Deploy the virtualkeyboard plugins only if Qt3DCore is in use
+ if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("Qt3DCore"):
+ continue
+ elif pluginDirectory == "renderplugins":
+ # Deploy the renderplugins plugins only if Qt3DCore is in use
+ if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("Qt3DCore"):
+ continue
+ elif pluginDirectory == "geometryloaders":
+ # Deploy the geometryloaders plugins only if Qt3DCore is in use
+ if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("Qt3DCore"):
+ continue
for pluginName in filenames:
pluginPath = os.path.join(pluginDirectory, pluginName)
@@ -431,6 +469,10 @@ def deployPlugins(appBundleInfo, deploymentInfo, strip, verbose):
# Deploy the accessible qtquick plugin only if QtQuick is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtQuick"):
+ elif pluginPath == "platforminputcontexts/libqtvirtualkeyboardplugin.dylib":
+ # Deploy the virtualkeyboardplugin plugin only if QtVirtualKeyboard is in use
+ if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtVirtualKeyboard"):
+ continue
plugins.append((pluginDirectory, pluginName))
@@ -499,7 +541,7 @@ app_bundle = config.app_bundle[0]
if not os.path.exists(app_bundle):
if verbose >= 1:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find app bundle \"%s\"\n" % (app_bundle))
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find app bundle \"{}\"\n".format(app_bundle))
app_bundle_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(app_bundle))[0]
@@ -511,7 +553,7 @@ if config.translations_dir and config.translations_dir[0]:
translations_dir = config.translations_dir[0]
if verbose >= 1:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find translation dir \"%s\"\n" % (translations_dir))
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find translation dir \"{}\"\n".format(translations_dir))
# ------------------------------------------------
@@ -520,7 +562,7 @@ for p in config.add_resources:
print("Checking for \"%s\"..." % p)
if not os.path.exists(p):
if verbose >= 1:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find additional resource file \"%s\"\n" % (p))
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find additional resource file \"{}\"\n".format(p))
# ------------------------------------------------
@@ -537,17 +579,18 @@ if len(config.fancy) == 1:
p = config.fancy[0]
if verbose >= 3:
- print("Fancy: Loading \"%s\"..." % p)
+ print("Fancy: Loading \"{}\"...".format(p))
if not os.path.exists(p):
if verbose >= 1:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find fancy disk image plist at \"%s\"\n" % (p))
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find fancy disk image plist at \"{}\"\n".format(p))
- fancy = plistlib.readPlist(p)
+ with open(p, 'rb') as fp:
+ fancy = plistlib.load(fp, fmt=plistlib.FMT_XML)
if verbose >= 1:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not parse fancy disk image plist at \"%s\"\n" % (p))
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not parse fancy disk image plist at \"{}\"\n".format(p))
@@ -561,18 +604,18 @@ if len(config.fancy) == 1:
assert isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 2 and isinstance(value[0], int) and isinstance(value[1], int)
if verbose >= 1:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: Bad format of fancy disk image plist at \"%s\"\n" % (p))
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: Bad format of fancy disk image plist at \"{}\"\n".format(p))
if "background_picture" in fancy:
bp = fancy["background_picture"]
if verbose >= 3:
- print("Fancy: Resolving background picture \"%s\"..." % bp)
+ print("Fancy: Resolving background picture \"{}\"...".format(bp))
if not os.path.exists(bp):
bp = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(p), bp)
if not os.path.exists(bp):
if verbose >= 1:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find background picture at \"%s\" or \"%s\"\n" % (fancy["background_picture"], bp))
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find background picture at \"{}\" or \"{}\"\n".format(fancy["background_picture"], bp))
fancy["background_picture"] = bp
@@ -623,7 +666,7 @@ try:
config.plugins = False
except RuntimeError as e:
if verbose >= 1:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % str(e))
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: {}\n".format(str(e)))
# ------------------------------------------------
@@ -636,7 +679,7 @@ if config.plugins:
deployPlugins(applicationBundle, deploymentInfo, config.strip, verbose)
except RuntimeError as e:
if verbose >= 1:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % str(e))
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: {}\n".format(str(e)))
# ------------------------------------------------
@@ -652,14 +695,14 @@ else:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find Qt translation path\n")
- add_qt_tr = ["qt_%s.qm" % lng for lng in config.add_qt_tr[0].split(",")]
+ add_qt_tr = ["qt_{}.qm".format(lng) for lng in config.add_qt_tr[0].split(",")]
for lng_file in add_qt_tr:
p = os.path.join(qt_tr_dir, lng_file)
if verbose >= 3:
- print("Checking for \"%s\"..." % p)
+ print("Checking for \"{}\"...".format(p))
if not os.path.exists(p):
if verbose >= 1:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find Qt translation file \"%s\"\n" % (lng_file))
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find Qt translation file \"{}\"\n".format(lng_file))
# ------------------------------------------------
@@ -700,14 +743,14 @@ if config.sign and 'CODESIGNARGS' not in os.environ:
print("You must set the CODESIGNARGS environment variable. Skipping signing.")
elif config.sign:
if verbose >= 1:
- print("Code-signing app bundle %s"%(target,))
- subprocess.check_call("codesign --force %s %s"%(os.environ['CODESIGNARGS'], target), shell=True)
+ print("Code-signing app bundle {}".format(target))
+ subprocess.check_call("codesign --force {} {}".format(os.environ['CODESIGNARGS'], target), shell=True)
# ------------------------------------------------
if config.dmg is not None:
- def runHDIUtil(verb, image_basename, **kwargs):
+ def runHDIUtil(verb: str, image_basename: str, **kwargs) -> int:
hdiutil_args = ["hdiutil", verb, image_basename + ".dmg"]
if "capture_stdout" in kwargs:
del kwargs["capture_stdout"]
@@ -721,7 +764,7 @@ if config.dmg is not None:
for key, value in kwargs.items():
hdiutil_args.append("-" + key)
- if not value is True:
+ if value is not True:
return run(hdiutil_args, universal_newlines=True)
@@ -765,8 +808,8 @@ if config.dmg is not None:
output = runHDIUtil("attach", dmg_name + ".temp", readwrite=True, noverify=True, noautoopen=True, capture_stdout=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
- m = re.search("/Volumes/(.+$)", output)
+ m = re.search(r"/Volumes/(.+$)", output)
disk_root = m.group(0)
disk_name = m.group(1)
diff --git a/contrib/qos/tc.sh b/contrib/qos/tc.sh
index 5f9b87d9b2..8408545a21 100644
--- a/contrib/qos/tc.sh
+++ b/contrib/qos/tc.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tc class add dev ${IF} parent 1:1 classid 1:11 htb rate ${LIMIT} ceil ${LIMIT} p
tc filter add dev ${IF} parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 handle 1 fw classid 1:10
tc filter add dev ${IF} parent 1: protocol ip prio 2 handle 2 fw classid 1:11
-if [ ! -z "${LOCALNET_V6}" ] ; then
+if [ -n "${LOCALNET_V6}" ] ; then
# v6 cannot have the same priority value as v4
tc filter add dev ${IF} parent 1: protocol ipv6 prio 3 handle 1 fw classid 1:10
tc filter add dev ${IF} parent 1: protocol ipv6 prio 4 handle 2 fw classid 1:11
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ fi
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8333 ! -d ${LOCALNET_V4} -j MARK --set-mark 0x2
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 8333 ! -d ${LOCALNET_V4} -j MARK --set-mark 0x2
-if [ ! -z "${LOCALNET_V6}" ] ; then
+if [ -n "${LOCALNET_V6}" ] ; then
ip6tables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8333 ! -d ${LOCALNET_V6} -j MARK --set-mark 0x4
ip6tables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 8333 ! -d ${LOCALNET_V6} -j MARK --set-mark 0x4
diff --git a/contrib/seeds/.gitignore b/contrib/seeds/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4a39d6093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/seeds/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/contrib/seeds/generate-seeds.py b/contrib/seeds/generate-seeds.py
index fe7cd1d597..7630a7a4fa 100755
--- a/contrib/seeds/generate-seeds.py
+++ b/contrib/seeds/generate-seeds.py
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def name_to_ipv6(addr):
raise ValueError('Could not parse address %s' % addr)
def parse_spec(s, defaultport):
- match = re.match('\[([0-9a-fA-F:]+)\](?::([0-9]+))?$', s)
+ match = re.match(r'\[([0-9a-fA-F:]+)\](?::([0-9]+))?$', s)
if match: # ipv6
host = match.group(1)
port = match.group(2)
@@ -136,4 +136,3 @@ def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/contrib/seeds/makeseeds.py b/contrib/seeds/makeseeds.py
index 6527deccf2..6d9d49ad2f 100755
--- a/contrib/seeds/makeseeds.py
+++ b/contrib/seeds/makeseeds.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@@ -19,18 +19,24 @@
# These are hosts that have been observed to be behaving strangely (e.g.
# aggressively connecting to every node).
- "", "",
- "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "",
- "", ""
+with open("suspicious_hosts.txt", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ SUSPICIOUS_HOSTS = {s.strip() for s in f if s.strip()}
PATTERN_IPV4 = re.compile(r"^((\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})):(\d+)$")
PATTERN_IPV6 = re.compile(r"^\[([0-9a-z:]+)\]:(\d+)$")
PATTERN_ONION = re.compile(r"^([abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567]{16}\.onion):(\d+)$")
-PATTERN_AGENT = re.compile(r"^(/Satoshi:0.14.(0|1|2|99)/|/Satoshi:0.15.(0|1|2|99)|/Satoshi:0.16.(0|1|2|99)/)$")
+PATTERN_AGENT = re.compile(
+ r"^/Satoshi:("
+ r"0.14.(0|1|2|3|99)|"
+ r"0.15.(0|1|2|99)|"
+ r"0.16.(0|1|2|3|99)|"
+ r"0.17.(0|0.1|1|2|99)|"
+ r"0.18.(0|1|99)|"
+ r"0.19.(0|1|99)|"
+ r"0.20.(0|1|99)|"
+ r"0.21.99"
+ r")")
def parseline(line):
sline = line.split()
@@ -99,6 +105,13 @@ def parseline(line):
'sortkey': sortkey,
+def dedup(ips):
+ '''deduplicate by address,port'''
+ d = {}
+ for ip in ips:
+ d[ip['ip'],ip['port']] = ip
+ return list(d.values())
def filtermultiport(ips):
'''Filter out hosts with more nodes per IP'''
hist = collections.defaultdict(list)
@@ -106,62 +119,105 @@ def filtermultiport(ips):
return [value[0] for (key,value) in list(hist.items()) if len(value)==1]
+def lookup_asn(net, ip):
+ '''
+ Look up the asn for an IP (4 or 6) address by querying cymru.com, or None
+ if it could not be found.
+ '''
+ try:
+ if net == 'ipv4':
+ ipaddr = ip
+ prefix = '.origin'
+ else: # http://www.team-cymru.com/IP-ASN-mapping.html
+ res = str() # 2001:4860:b002:23::68
+ for nb in ip.split(':')[:4]: # pick the first 4 nibbles
+ for c in nb.zfill(4): # right padded with '0'
+ res += c + '.' # 2001 4860 b002 0023
+ ipaddr = res.rstrip('.') #
+ prefix = '.origin6'
+ asn = int([x.to_text() for x in dns.resolver.query('.'.join(
+ reversed(ipaddr.split('.'))) + prefix + '.asn.cymru.com',
+ 'TXT').response.answer][0].split('\"')[1].split(' ')[0])
+ return asn
+ except Exception:
+ sys.stderr.write('ERR: Could not resolve ASN for "' + ip + '"\n')
+ return None
# Based on Greg Maxwell's seed_filter.py
-def filterbyasn(ips, max_per_asn, max_total):
+def filterbyasn(ips, max_per_asn, max_per_net):
# Sift out ips by type
- ips_ipv4 = [ip for ip in ips if ip['net'] == 'ipv4']
- ips_ipv6 = [ip for ip in ips if ip['net'] == 'ipv6']
+ ips_ipv46 = [ip for ip in ips if ip['net'] in ['ipv4', 'ipv6']]
ips_onion = [ip for ip in ips if ip['net'] == 'onion']
- # Filter IPv4 by ASN
+ # Filter IPv46 by ASN, and limit to max_per_net per network
result = []
- asn_count = {}
- for ip in ips_ipv4:
- if len(result) == max_total:
- break
- try:
- asn = int([x.to_text() for x in dns.resolver.query('.'.join(reversed(ip['ip'].split('.'))) + '.origin.asn.cymru.com', 'TXT').response.answer][0].split('\"')[1].split(' ')[0])
- if asn not in asn_count:
- asn_count[asn] = 0
- if asn_count[asn] == max_per_asn:
- continue
- asn_count[asn] += 1
- result.append(ip)
- except:
- sys.stderr.write('ERR: Could not resolve ASN for "' + ip['ip'] + '"\n')
- # TODO: filter IPv6 by ASN
- # Add back non-IPv4
- result.extend(ips_ipv6)
- result.extend(ips_onion)
+ net_count = collections.defaultdict(int)
+ asn_count = collections.defaultdict(int)
+ for ip in ips_ipv46:
+ if net_count[ip['net']] == max_per_net:
+ continue
+ asn = lookup_asn(ip['net'], ip['ip'])
+ if asn is None or asn_count[asn] == max_per_asn:
+ continue
+ asn_count[asn] += 1
+ net_count[ip['net']] += 1
+ result.append(ip)
+ # Add back Onions (up to max_per_net)
+ result.extend(ips_onion[0:max_per_net])
return result
+def ip_stats(ips):
+ hist = collections.defaultdict(int)
+ for ip in ips:
+ if ip is not None:
+ hist[ip['net']] += 1
+ return '%6d %6d %6d' % (hist['ipv4'], hist['ipv6'], hist['onion'])
def main():
lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
ips = [parseline(line) for line in lines]
- # Skip entries with valid address.
+ print('\x1b[7m IPv4 IPv6 Onion Pass \x1b[0m', file=sys.stderr)
+ print('%s Initial' % (ip_stats(ips)), file=sys.stderr)
+ # Skip entries with invalid address.
ips = [ip for ip in ips if ip is not None]
+ print('%s Skip entries with invalid address' % (ip_stats(ips)), file=sys.stderr)
+ # Skip duplicates (in case multiple seeds files were concatenated)
+ ips = dedup(ips)
+ print('%s After removing duplicates' % (ip_stats(ips)), file=sys.stderr)
# Skip entries from suspicious hosts.
ips = [ip for ip in ips if ip['ip'] not in SUSPICIOUS_HOSTS]
+ print('%s Skip entries from suspicious hosts' % (ip_stats(ips)), file=sys.stderr)
# Enforce minimal number of blocks.
ips = [ip for ip in ips if ip['blocks'] >= MIN_BLOCKS]
+ print('%s Enforce minimal number of blocks' % (ip_stats(ips)), file=sys.stderr)
# Require service bit 1.
ips = [ip for ip in ips if (ip['service'] & 1) == 1]
- # Require at least 50% 30-day uptime.
- ips = [ip for ip in ips if ip['uptime'] > 50]
+ print('%s Require service bit 1' % (ip_stats(ips)), file=sys.stderr)
+ # Require at least 50% 30-day uptime for clearnet, 10% for onion.
+ req_uptime = {
+ 'ipv4': 50,
+ 'ipv6': 50,
+ 'onion': 10,
+ }
+ ips = [ip for ip in ips if ip['uptime'] > req_uptime[ip['net']]]
+ print('%s Require minimum uptime' % (ip_stats(ips)), file=sys.stderr)
# Require a known and recent user agent.
ips = [ip for ip in ips if PATTERN_AGENT.match(ip['agent'])]
+ print('%s Require a known and recent user agent' % (ip_stats(ips)), file=sys.stderr)
# Sort by availability (and use last success as tie breaker)
ips.sort(key=lambda x: (x['uptime'], x['lastsuccess'], x['ip']), reverse=True)
# Filter out hosts with multiple bitcoin ports, these are likely abusive
ips = filtermultiport(ips)
+ print('%s Filter out hosts with multiple bitcoin ports' % (ip_stats(ips)), file=sys.stderr)
# Look up ASNs and limit results, both per ASN and globally.
ips = filterbyasn(ips, MAX_SEEDS_PER_ASN, NSEEDS)
+ print('%s Look up ASNs and limit results per ASN and per net' % (ip_stats(ips)), file=sys.stderr)
# Sort the results by IP address (for deterministic output).
ips.sort(key=lambda x: (x['net'], x['sortkey']))
for ip in ips:
if ip['net'] == 'ipv6':
print('[%s]:%i' % (ip['ip'], ip['port']))
diff --git a/contrib/seeds/nodes_main.txt b/contrib/seeds/nodes_main.txt
index c0b5b299bd..7b97436013 100644
--- a/contrib/seeds/nodes_main.txt
+++ b/contrib/seeds/nodes_main.txt
@@ -1,1268 +1,1164 @@
diff --git a/contrib/seeds/suspicious_hosts.txt b/contrib/seeds/suspicious_hosts.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13385cc816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/seeds/suspicious_hosts.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/testgen/README.md b/contrib/testgen/README.md
index 580ed541cf..eaca473b40 100644
--- a/contrib/testgen/README.md
+++ b/contrib/testgen/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Utilities to generate test vectors for the data-driven Bitcoin tests.
- PYTHONPATH=../../test/functional/test_framework ./gen_key_io_test_vectors.py valid 50 > ../../src/test/data/key_io_keys_valid.json
- PYTHONPATH=../../test/functional/test_framework ./gen_key_io_test_vectors.py invalid 50 > ../../src/test/data/key_io_keys_invalid.json
+ PYTHONPATH=../../test/functional/test_framework ./gen_key_io_test_vectors.py valid 50 > ../../src/test/data/key_io_valid.json
+ PYTHONPATH=../../test/functional/test_framework ./gen_key_io_test_vectors.py invalid 50 > ../../src/test/data/key_io_invalid.json
diff --git a/contrib/testgen/base58.py b/contrib/testgen/base58.py
index da67cb2d90..c7ebac50d4 100644
--- a/contrib/testgen/base58.py
+++ b/contrib/testgen/base58.py
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def get_bcaddress_version(strAddress):
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test case (from http://gitorious.org/bitcoin/python-base58.git)
- assert get_bcaddress_version('15VjRaDX9zpbA8LVnbrCAFzrVzN7ixHNsC') is 0
+ assert get_bcaddress_version('15VjRaDX9zpbA8LVnbrCAFzrVzN7ixHNsC') == 0
_ohai = 'o hai'.encode('ascii')
_tmp = b58encode(_ohai)
assert _tmp == 'DYB3oMS'
diff --git a/contrib/testgen/gen_key_io_test_vectors.py b/contrib/testgen/gen_key_io_test_vectors.py
index a00acb1f41..49320d92e6 100755
--- a/contrib/testgen/gen_key_io_test_vectors.py
+++ b/contrib/testgen/gen_key_io_test_vectors.py
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
from itertools import islice
from base58 import b58encode_chk, b58decode_chk, b58chars
import random
-from binascii import b2a_hex
-from segwit_addr import bech32_encode, decode, convertbits, CHARSET
+from segwit_addr import bech32_encode, decode_segwit_address, convertbits, CHARSET
# key types
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ def is_valid(v):
def is_valid_bech32(v):
'''Check vector v for bech32 validity'''
for hrp in ['bc', 'tb', 'bcrt']:
- if decode(hrp, v) != (None, None):
+ if decode_segwit_address(hrp, v) != (None, None):
return True
return False
@@ -141,9 +140,7 @@ def gen_valid_vectors():
rv, payload = valid_vector_generator(template)
assert is_valid(rv)
metadata = {x: y for x, y in zip(metadata_keys,template[3]) if y is not None}
- hexrepr = b2a_hex(payload)
- if isinstance(hexrepr, bytes):
- hexrepr = hexrepr.decode('utf8')
+ hexrepr = payload.hex()
yield (rv, hexrepr, metadata)
def gen_invalid_base58_vector(template):
diff --git a/contrib/valgrind.supp b/contrib/valgrind.supp
index 0f6d993fd2..ece02dc24e 100644
--- a/contrib/valgrind.supp
+++ b/contrib/valgrind.supp
@@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
-# Valgrind suppressions file for Bitcoin.
-# Includes known Valgrind warnings in our dependencies that cannot be fixed
-# in-tree.
+# This valgrind suppressions file includes known Valgrind warnings in our
+# dependencies that cannot be fixed in-tree.
# Example use:
# $ valgrind --suppressions=contrib/valgrind.supp src/test/test_bitcoin
# $ valgrind --suppressions=contrib/valgrind.supp --leak-check=full \
-# --show-leak-kinds=all src/test/test_bitcoin --log_level=test_suite
+# --show-leak-kinds=all src/test/test_bitcoin
+# To create suppressions for found issues, use the --gen-suppressions=all option:
+# $ valgrind --suppressions=contrib/valgrind.supp --leak-check=full \
+# --show-leak-kinds=all --gen-suppressions=all --show-reachable=yes \
+# --error-limit=no src/test/test_bitcoin
+# Note that suppressions may depend on OS and/or library versions.
+# Tested on:
+# * aarch64 (Ubuntu 20.04 system libs, without gui)
+# * x86_64 (Ubuntu 18.04 system libs, without gui)
Suppress libstdc++ warning - https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=65434
@@ -23,8 +31,56 @@
+ Suppress libdb warning
+ Memcheck:Param
+ pwrite64(buf)
+ fun:pwrite
+ fun:__os_io
+ Suppress libdb warning
+ Memcheck:Cond
+ fun:__log_putr.isra.1
+ Suppress libdb warning
+ Memcheck:Param
+ pwrite64(buf)
+ ...
- fun:__log_put_record
+ Suppress uninitialized bytes warning in compat code
+ Memcheck:Param
+ ioctl(TCSET{S,SW,SF})
+ fun:tcsetattr
+ Suppress libdb warning
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:malloc
+ ...
+ obj:*/libdb_cxx-*.so
+ Suppress leaks on init
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ ...
+ fun:_Z11AppInitMainR11NodeContext
+ Suppress leaks on shutdown
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ ...
+ fun:_Z8ShutdownR11NodeContext
+ Ignore GUI warning
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ ...
+ obj:/usr/lib64/libgdk-3.so.0.2404.7
Suppress leveldb warning (leveldb::InitModule()) - https://github.com/google/leveldb/issues/113
@@ -41,3 +97,89 @@
+ Suppress leveldb leak
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ match-leak-kinds: reachable
+ fun:_Znwm
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN7leveldb6DBImpl14BackgroundCallEv
+ Suppress leveldb leak
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:_Znwm
+ ...
+ fun:GetCoin
+ Suppress wcsnrtombs glibc SSE4 warning (could be related: https://stroika.atlassian.net/browse/STK-626)
+ Memcheck:Addr16
+ fun:__wcsnlen_sse4_1
+ fun:wcsnrtombs
+ Suppress wcsnrtombs warning (remove after removing boost::fs)
+ Memcheck:Cond
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN5boost10filesystem6detail11unique_pathERKNS0_4pathEPNS_6system10error_codeE
+ Suppress boost warning
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:_Znwm
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN5boost9unit_test9framework5state17execute_test_treeEmjPKNS2_23random_generator_helperE
+ fun:_ZN5boost9unit_test9framework3runEmb
+ fun:_ZN5boost9unit_test14unit_test_mainEPFbvEiPPc
+ fun:main
+ Suppress boost::filesystem warning (fixed in boost 1.70: https://github.com/boostorg/filesystem/commit/bbe9d1771e5d679b3f10c42a58fc81f7e8c024a9)
+ Memcheck:Cond
+ fun:_ZN5boost10filesystem6detail28directory_iterator_incrementERNS0_18directory_iteratorEPNS_6system10error_codeE
+ ...
+ obj:*/libboost_filesystem.so.*
+ Suppress boost::filesystem warning (could be related: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9830182/function-boostfilesystemcomplete-being-reported-as-possible-memory-leak-by-v)
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ match-leak-kinds: reachable
+ fun:_Znwm
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN5boost10filesystem8absoluteERKNS0_4pathES3_
+ Suppress boost still reachable memory warning
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ match-leak-kinds: reachable
+ fun:_Znwm
+ ...
+ fun:_M_construct_aux
+ fun:_M_construct
+ fun:basic_string
+ fun:path
+ Suppress LogInstance still reachable memory warning
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ match-leak-kinds: reachable
+ fun:_Znwm
+ fun:_Z11LogInstancev
+ Suppress secp256k1_context_create still reachable memory warning
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ match-leak-kinds: reachable
+ fun:malloc
+ ...
+ fun:secp256k1_context_create
+ Suppress BCLog::Logger::StartLogging() still reachable memory warning
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ match-leak-kinds: reachable
+ fun:malloc
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN5BCLog6Logger12StartLoggingEv
diff --git a/contrib/verify-commits/README.md b/contrib/verify-commits/README.md
index 1215962a16..e95a57586f 100644
--- a/contrib/verify-commits/README.md
+++ b/contrib/verify-commits/README.md
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Import trusted keys
In order to check the commit signatures, you must add the trusted PGP keys to your machine. [GnuPG](https://gnupg.org/) may be used to import the trusted keys by running the following command:
-gpg --recv-keys $( /dev/stderr
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ else
[ "$GPG_RES" = "" ] && GPG_RES="$(printf '%s\n' "$INPUT" | gpg --trust-model always --weak-digest sha1 "$@" 2>/dev/null)"
-for LINE in $(echo "$GPG_RES"); do
+for LINE in $GPG_RES; do
case "$LINE" in
while read KEY; do
diff --git a/contrib/verify-commits/pre-push-hook.sh b/contrib/verify-commits/pre-push-hook.sh
index 4db4a90853..78873dc0c3 100755
--- a/contrib/verify-commits/pre-push-hook.sh
+++ b/contrib/verify-commits/pre-push-hook.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
diff --git a/contrib/verify-commits/verify-commits.py b/contrib/verify-commits/verify-commits.py
index 6bbed01073..7e46c6fd47 100755
--- a/contrib/verify-commits/verify-commits.py
+++ b/contrib/verify-commits/verify-commits.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
"""Verify commits against a trusted keys list."""
import argparse
import hashlib
+import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
def tree_sha512sum(commit='HEAD'):
"""Calculate the Tree-sha512 for the commit.
- This is copied from github-merge.py."""
+ This is copied from github-merge.py. See https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-maintainer-tools."""
# request metadata for entire tree, recursively
files = []
@@ -66,6 +67,11 @@ def tree_sha512sum(commit='HEAD'):
return overall.hexdigest()
def main():
+ # Enable debug logging if running in CI
+ if 'CI' in os.environ and os.environ['CI'].lower() == "true":
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
# Parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [options] [commit id]')
parser.add_argument('--disable-tree-check', action='store_false', dest='verify_tree', help='disable SHA-512 tree check')
@@ -95,6 +101,10 @@ def main():
# Iterate through commits
while True:
+ # Log a message to prevent Travis from timing out
+ logging.debug("verify-commits: [in-progress] processing commit {}".format(current_commit[:8]))
if current_commit == verified_root:
print('There is a valid path from "{}" to {} where all commits are signed!'.format(initial_commit, verified_root))
diff --git a/contrib/verifybinaries/README.md b/contrib/verifybinaries/README.md
index 3ffe0a2f28..4209fdb364 100644
--- a/contrib/verifybinaries/README.md
+++ b/contrib/verifybinaries/README.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Make sure you obtain the proper release signing key and verify the fingerprint w
$ gpg --fingerprint "Bitcoin Core binary release signing key"
-pub 4096R/36C2E964 2015-06-24 [expires: 2017-02-13]
+pub 4096R/36C2E964 2015-06-24 [expires: YYYY-MM-DD]
Key fingerprint = 01EA 5486 DE18 A882 D4C2 6845 90C8 019E 36C2 E964
uid Wladimir J. van der Laan (Bitcoin Core binary release signing key)
diff --git a/contrib/verifybinaries/verify.sh b/contrib/verifybinaries/verify.sh
index fc7492ad3b..4296998631 100755
--- a/contrib/verifybinaries/verify.sh
+++ b/contrib/verifybinaries/verify.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
export LC_ALL=C
function clean_up {
- for file in $*
+ for file in "$@"
rm "$file" 2> /dev/null
@@ -82,22 +82,20 @@ else
exit 2
-#first we fetch the file containing the signature
-#and then see if wget completed successfully
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: couldn't fetch signature file. Have you specified the version number in the following format?"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1087
echo "wget output:"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
echo "$WGETOUT"|sed 's/^/\t/g'
exit 2
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "bitcoin.org failed to provide signature file, but bitcoincore.org did?"
echo "wget output:"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
echo "$WGETOUT"|sed 's/^/\t/g'
exit 3
@@ -128,6 +126,7 @@ if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then
echo "gpg output:"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
echo "$GPGOUT"|sed 's/^/\t/g'
exit "$RET"
diff --git a/contrib/windeploy/detached-sig-create.sh b/contrib/windeploy/detached-sig-create.sh
index 15f8108cf0..31720e72e7 100755
--- a/contrib/windeploy/detached-sig-create.sh
+++ b/contrib/windeploy/detached-sig-create.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if [ -z "$OSSLSIGNCODE" ]; then
-if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "usage: $0 "
echo "example: $0 -key codesign.key"
exit 1
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ TIMESERVER=http://timestamp.comodoca.com
mkdir -p "${OUTSUBDIR}"
-basename -a `ls -1 "${SRCDIR}"/*-unsigned.exe` | while read UNSIGNED; do
+basename -a $(ls -1 "${SRCDIR}"/*-unsigned.exe) | while read UNSIGNED; do
echo Signing "${UNSIGNED}"
"${OSSLSIGNCODE}" sign -certs "${CERTFILE}" -t "${TIMESERVER}" -in "${SRCDIR}/${UNSIGNED}" -out "${WORKDIR}/${UNSIGNED}" "$@"
"${OSSLSIGNCODE}" extract-signature -pem -in "${WORKDIR}/${UNSIGNED}" -out "${OUTSUBDIR}/${UNSIGNED}.pem" && rm "${WORKDIR}/${UNSIGNED}"
diff --git a/contrib/windeploy/win-codesign.cert b/contrib/windeploy/win-codesign.cert
index 200b30a3f0..4023a5b638 100644
--- a/contrib/windeploy/win-codesign.cert
+++ b/contrib/windeploy/win-codesign.cert
@@ -1,99 +1,100 @@
diff --git a/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub.py b/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 06893407f5..8b8503331d
--- a/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub.py
+++ b/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub.py
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
-zmqpubrawtx=tcp:// \
-zmqpubrawblock=tcp:// \
-zmqpubhashtx=tcp:// \
- -zmqpubhashblock=tcp://
+ -zmqpubhashblock=tcp:// \
+ -zmqpubsequence=tcp://
We use the asyncio library here. `self.handle()` installs itself as a
future at the end of the function. Since it never returns with the event
@@ -47,16 +48,14 @@ def __init__(self):
self.zmqSubSocket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "hashtx")
self.zmqSubSocket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "rawblock")
self.zmqSubSocket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "rawtx")
+ self.zmqSubSocket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "sequence")
self.zmqSubSocket.connect("tcp://" % port)
async def handle(self) :
- msg = await self.zmqSubSocket.recv_multipart()
- topic = msg[0]
- body = msg[1]
+ topic, body, seq = await self.zmqSubSocket.recv_multipart()
sequence = "Unknown"
- if len(msg[-1]) == 4:
- msgSequence = struct.unpack('/dev/null)
$(host_arch)_$(host_os)_id_string+=$(shell $(host_RANLIB) --version 2>/dev/null)
$(host_arch)_$(host_os)_id_string+=$(shell $(host_STRIP) --version 2>/dev/null)
-qt_packages_$(NO_QT) = $(qt_packages) $(qt_$(host_os)_packages) $(qt_$(host_arch)_$(host_os)_packages)
-wallet_packages_$(NO_WALLET) = $(wallet_packages)
-upnp_packages_$(NO_UPNP) = $(upnp_packages)
+ifneq ($(strip $(FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG)),)
+qrencode_packages_$(NO_QR) = $(qrencode_packages)
-rapidcheck_packages_$(RAPIDCHECK) = $(rapidcheck_packages)
+qt_packages_$(NO_QT) = $(qt_packages) $(qt_$(host_os)_packages) $(qt_$(host_arch)_$(host_os)_packages) $(qrencode_packages_)
+bdb_packages_$(NO_BDB) = $(bdb_packages)
+sqlite_packages_$(NO_SQLITE) = $(sqlite_packages)
+wallet_packages_$(NO_WALLET) = $(bdb_packages_) $(sqlite_packages_)
+upnp_packages_$(NO_UPNP) = $(upnp_packages)
+zmq_packages_$(NO_ZMQ) = $(zmq_packages)
+multiprocess_packages_$(MULTIPROCESS) = $(multiprocess_packages)
packages += $($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_packages) $($(host_os)_packages) $(qt_packages_) $(wallet_packages_) $(upnp_packages_)
native_packages += $($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_native_packages) $($(host_os)_native_packages)
-ifneq ($(qt_packages_),)
-native_packages += $(qt_native_packages)
+ifneq ($(zmq_packages_),)
+packages += $(zmq_packages)
-ifeq ($(rapidcheck_packages_),)
-packages += $(rapidcheck_packages)
+ifeq ($(multiprocess_packages_),)
+packages += $(multiprocess_packages)
+native_packages += $(multiprocess_native_packages)
all_packages = $(packages) $(native_packages)
meta_depends = Makefile funcs.mk builders/default.mk hosts/default.mk hosts/$(host_os).mk builders/$(build_os).mk
include funcs.mk
+ifeq ($(strip $(FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG)),)
final_build_id_long+=$(shell $(build_SHA256SUM) config.site.in)
final_build_id+=$(shell echo -n "$(final_build_id_long)" | $(build_SHA256SUM) | cut -c-$(HASH_LENGTH))
$(host_prefix)/.stamp_$(final_build_id): $(native_packages) $(packages)
@@ -131,10 +184,10 @@ $(host_prefix)/share/config.site : config.site.in $(host_prefix)/.stamp_$(final_
$(AT)sed -e 's|@HOST@|$(host)|' \
-e 's|@CC@|$(toolchain_path)$(host_CC)|' \
-e 's|@CXX@|$(toolchain_path)$(host_CXX)|' \
- -e 's|@AR@|$(toolchain_path)$(host_AR)|' \
- -e 's|@RANLIB@|$(toolchain_path)$(host_RANLIB)|' \
- -e 's|@NM@|$(toolchain_path)$(host_NM)|' \
- -e 's|@STRIP@|$(toolchain_path)$(host_STRIP)|' \
+ -e 's|@AR@|$(binutils_path)$(host_AR)|' \
+ -e 's|@RANLIB@|$(binutils_path)$(host_RANLIB)|' \
+ -e 's|@NM@|$(binutils_path)$(host_NM)|' \
+ -e 's|@STRIP@|$(binutils_path)$(host_STRIP)|' \
-e 's|@build_os@|$(build_os)|' \
-e 's|@host_os@|$(host_os)|' \
-e 's|@CFLAGS@|$(strip $(host_CFLAGS) $(host_$(release_type)_CFLAGS))|' \
@@ -143,8 +196,11 @@ $(host_prefix)/share/config.site : config.site.in $(host_prefix)/.stamp_$(final_
-e 's|@LDFLAGS@|$(strip $(host_LDFLAGS) $(host_$(release_type)_LDFLAGS))|' \
-e 's|@allow_host_packages@|$(ALLOW_HOST_PACKAGES)|' \
-e 's|@no_qt@|$(NO_QT)|' \
+ -e 's|@no_qr@|$(NO_QR)|' \
+ -e 's|@no_zmq@|$(NO_ZMQ)|' \
-e 's|@no_wallet@|$(NO_WALLET)|' \
-e 's|@no_upnp@|$(NO_UPNP)|' \
+ -e 's|@multiprocess@|$(MULTIPROCESS)|' \
-e 's|@debug@|$(DEBUG)|' \
$< > $@
$(AT)touch $@
@@ -174,7 +230,7 @@ $(host_prefix)/share/config.site: check-packages
check-packages: check-sources
clean-all: clean
- @rm -rf $(SOURCES_PATH) x86_64* i686* mips* arm* aarch64* riscv32* riscv64*
+ @rm -rf $(SOURCES_PATH) x86_64* i686* mips* arm* aarch64* powerpc* riscv32* riscv64* s390x*
@@ -192,4 +248,6 @@ download-win:
@$(MAKE) -s HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 download-one
download: download-osx download-linux download-win
+$(foreach package,$(all_packages),$(eval $(call ext_add_stages,$(package))))
.PHONY: install cached clean clean-all download-one download-osx download-linux download-win download check-packages check-sources
diff --git a/depends/README.md b/depends/README.md
index 693bc36197..5225a6d5c4 100644
--- a/depends/README.md
+++ b/depends/README.md
@@ -12,31 +12,41 @@ For example:
make HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 -j4
-A prefix will be generated that's suitable for plugging into Bitcoin's
-configure. In the above example, a dir named x86_64-w64-mingw32 will be
+**Bitcoin Core's configure script by default will ignore the depends output.** In
+order for it to pick up libraries, tools, and settings from the depends build,
+you must point it at the appropriate `--prefix` directory generated by the
+build. In the above example, a prefix dir named x86_64-w64-mingw32 will be
created. To use it for Bitcoin:
- ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/depends/x86_64-w64-mingw32
+ ./configure --prefix=$PWD/depends/x86_64-w64-mingw32
Common `host-platform-triplets` for cross compilation are:
-- `i686-w64-mingw32` for Win32
+- `i686-pc-linux-gnu` for Linux 32 bit
+- `x86_64-pc-linux-gnu` for x86 Linux
- `x86_64-w64-mingw32` for Win64
-- `x86_64-apple-darwin14` for macOS
+- `x86_64-apple-darwin16` for macOS
- `arm-linux-gnueabihf` for Linux ARM 32 bit
- `aarch64-linux-gnu` for Linux ARM 64 bit
+- `powerpc64-linux-gnu` for Linux POWER 64-bit (big endian)
+- `powerpc64le-linux-gnu` for Linux POWER 64-bit (little endian)
- `riscv32-linux-gnu` for Linux RISC-V 32 bit
- `riscv64-linux-gnu` for Linux RISC-V 64 bit
+- `s390x-linux-gnu` for Linux S390X
+- `armv7a-linux-android` for Android ARM 32 bit
+- `aarch64-linux-android` for Android ARM 64 bit
+- `i686-linux-android` for Android x86 32 bit
+- `x86_64-linux-android` for Android x86 64 bit
-No other options are needed, the paths are automatically configured.
+The paths are automatically configured and no other options are needed unless targeting [Android](#Android).
### Install the required dependencies: Ubuntu & Debian
#### For macOS cross compilation
- sudo apt-get install curl librsvg2-bin libtiff-tools bsdmainutils cmake imagemagick libcap-dev libz-dev libbz2-dev python-setuptools
+ sudo apt-get install curl librsvg2-bin libtiff-tools bsdmainutils cmake imagemagick libcap-dev libz-dev libbz2-dev python3-setuptools libtinfo5
-#### For Win32/Win64 cross compilation
+#### For Win64 cross compilation
- see [build-windows.md](../doc/build-windows.md#cross-compilation-for-ubuntu-and-windows-subsystem-for-linux)
@@ -44,7 +54,7 @@ No other options are needed, the paths are automatically configured.
Common linux dependencies:
- sudo apt-get install make automake cmake curl g++-multilib libtool binutils-gold bsdmainutils pkg-config python3
+ sudo apt-get install make automake cmake curl g++-multilib libtool binutils-gold bsdmainutils pkg-config python3 patch
For linux ARM cross compilation:
@@ -54,6 +64,10 @@ For linux AARCH64 cross compilation:
sudo apt-get install g++-aarch64-linux-gnu binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu
+For linux POWER 64-bit cross compilation (there are no packages for 32-bit):
+ sudo apt-get install g++-powerpc64-linux-gnu binutils-powerpc64-linux-gnu g++-powerpc64le-linux-gnu binutils-powerpc64le-linux-gnu
For linux RISC-V 64-bit cross compilation (there are no packages for 32-bit):
sudo apt-get install g++-riscv64-linux-gnu binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu
@@ -61,20 +75,53 @@ For linux RISC-V 64-bit cross compilation (there are no packages for 32-bit):
RISC-V known issue: gcc-7.3.0 and gcc-7.3.1 result in a broken `test_bitcoin` executable (see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/13543),
this is apparently fixed in gcc-8.1.0.
+For linux S390X cross compilation:
+ sudo apt-get install g++-s390x-linux-gnu binutils-s390x-linux-gnu
### Dependency Options
-The following can be set when running make: make FOO=bar
- SOURCES_PATH: downloaded sources will be placed here
- BASE_CACHE: built packages will be placed here
- SDK_PATH: Path where sdk's can be found (used by macOS)
- FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD_PATH: If a source file can't be fetched, try here before giving up
- NO_QT: Don't download/build/cache qt and its dependencies
- NO_WALLET: Don't download/build/cache libs needed to enable the wallet
- NO_UPNP: Don't download/build/cache packages needed for enabling upnp
- DEBUG: disable some optimizations and enable more runtime checking
- RAPIDCHECK: build rapidcheck (experimental)
- HOST_ID_SALT: Optional salt to use when generating host package ids
- BUILD_ID_SALT: Optional salt to use when generating build package ids
+The following can be set when running make: `make FOO=bar`
downloaded sources will be placed here
built packages will be placed here
Path where sdk's can be found (used by macOS)
If a source file can't be fetched, try here before giving up
Don't download/build/cache qt and its dependencies
Don't download/build/cache packages needed for enabling qrencode
Don't download/build/cache packages needed for enabling zeromq
Don't download/build/cache libs needed to enable the wallet
Don't download/build/cache BerkeleyDB
Don't download/build/cache SQLite
Don't download/build/cache packages needed for enabling upnp
Packages that are missed in dependencies (due to `NO_*` option or
+build script logic) are searched for among the host system packages using
+`pkg-config`. It allows building with packages of other (newer) versions
disable some optimizations and enable more runtime checking
Optional salt to use when generating host package ids
Optional salt to use when generating build package ids
(EXPERTS ONLY) When cross-compiling for macOS, use Clang found in the
+system's $PATH rather than the default prebuilt release of Clang
+from llvm.org. Clang 8 or later is required.
If some packages are not built, for example `make NO_WALLET=1`, the appropriate
options will be passed to bitcoin's configure. In this case, `--disable-wallet`.
@@ -86,6 +133,19 @@ options will be passed to bitcoin's configure. In this case, `--disable-wallet`.
download-win: run 'make download-win' to fetch all sources needed for win builds
download-linux: run 'make download-linux' to fetch all sources needed for linux builds
+### Android
+Before proceeding with an Android build one needs to get the [Android SDK](https://developer.android.com/studio) and use the "SDK Manager" tool to download the NDK and one or more "Platform packages" (these are Android versions and have a corresponding API level).
+In order to build `ANDROID_API_LEVEL` (API level corresponding to the Android version targeted, e.g. Android 9.0 Pie is 28 and its "Platform package" needs to be available) and `ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_BIN` (path to toolchain binaries depending on the platform the build is being performed on) need to be set.
+API levels from 24 to 29 have been tested to work.
+If the build includes Qt, environment variables `ANDROID_SDK` and `ANDROID_NDK` need to be set as well but can otherwise be omitted.
+This is an example command for a default build with no disabled dependencies:
+ ANDROID_SDK=/home/user/Android/Sdk ANDROID_NDK=/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle make HOST=aarch64-linux-android ANDROID_API_LEVEL=28 ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_BIN=/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin
### Other documentation
- [description.md](description.md): General description of the depends system
diff --git a/depends/builders/darwin.mk b/depends/builders/darwin.mk
index c7671c1548..f4103fc1f2 100644
--- a/depends/builders/darwin.mk
+++ b/depends/builders/darwin.mk
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-build_darwin_CC:=$(shell xcrun -f clang)
-build_darwin_CXX:=$(shell xcrun -f clang++)
+build_darwin_CC:=$(shell xcrun -f clang) --sysroot $(shell xcrun --show-sdk-path)
+build_darwin_CXX:=$(shell xcrun -f clang++) --sysroot $(shell xcrun --show-sdk-path)
build_darwin_AR:=$(shell xcrun -f ar)
build_darwin_RANLIB:=$(shell xcrun -f ranlib)
build_darwin_STRIP:=$(shell xcrun -f strip)
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ build_darwin_SHA256SUM=shasum -a 256
build_darwin_DOWNLOAD=curl --location --fail --connect-timeout $(DOWNLOAD_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) --retry $(DOWNLOAD_RETRIES) -o
#darwin host on darwin builder. overrides darwin host preferences.
-darwin_CC=$(shell xcrun -f clang) -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION)
-darwin_CXX:=$(shell xcrun -f clang++) -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION) -stdlib=libc++
+darwin_CC=$(shell xcrun -f clang) -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION) --sysroot $(shell xcrun --show-sdk-path)
+darwin_CXX:=$(shell xcrun -f clang++) -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION) -stdlib=libc++ --sysroot $(shell xcrun --show-sdk-path)
darwin_AR:=$(shell xcrun -f ar)
darwin_RANLIB:=$(shell xcrun -f ranlib)
darwin_STRIP:=$(shell xcrun -f strip)
@@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ darwin_LIBTOOL:=$(shell xcrun -f libtool)
darwin_OTOOL:=$(shell xcrun -f otool)
darwin_NM:=$(shell xcrun -f nm)
darwin_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL:=$(shell xcrun -f install_name_tool)
diff --git a/depends/config.guess b/depends/config.guess
index 2b79f6d837..7f9ebbe310 100755
--- a/depends/config.guess
+++ b/depends/config.guess
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#! /bin/sh
# Attempt to guess a canonical system name.
-# Copyright 1992-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 1992-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ version="\
GNU config.guess ($timestamp)
Originally written by Per Bothner.
-Copyright 1992-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright 1992-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
@@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ if test $# != 0; then
exit 1
-trap 'exit 1' 1 2 15
# CC_FOR_BUILD -- compiler used by this script. Note that the use of a
# compiler to aid in system detection is discouraged as it requires
# temporary files to be created and, as you can see below, it is a
@@ -96,34 +94,38 @@ trap 'exit 1' 1 2 15
# Portable tmp directory creation inspired by the Autoconf team.
-trap "exitcode=\$?; (rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null) && exit \$exitcode" 0 ;
-trap "rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null; exit 1" 1 2 13 15 ;
-: ${TMPDIR=/tmp} ;
- { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } ||
- { test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp 2>/dev/null) ; } ||
- { tmp=$TMPDIR/cg-$$ && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp 2>/dev/null) && echo "Warning: creating insecure temp directory" >&2 ; } ||
- { echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in $TMPDIR" >&2 ; exit 1 ; } ;
-dummy=$tmp/dummy ;
-tmpfiles="$dummy.c $dummy.o $dummy.rel $dummy" ;
-case ${CC_FOR_BUILD-},${HOST_CC-},${CC-} in
- ,,) echo "int x;" > "$dummy.c" ;
- for c in cc gcc c89 c99 ; do
- if ($c -c -o "$dummy.o" "$dummy.c") >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- CC_FOR_BUILD="$c"; break ;
- fi ;
- done ;
- if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x ; then
- CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found ;
- fi
- ;;
- ,,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$CC ;;
- ,*,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$HOST_CC ;;
-esac ; set_cc_for_build= ;'
+# shellcheck disable=SC2172
+trap 'test -z "$tmp" || rm -fr "$tmp"' 0 1 2 13 15
+set_cc_for_build() {
+ : "${TMPDIR=/tmp}"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2039
+ { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } ||
+ { test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp" 2>/dev/null) ; } ||
+ { tmp=$TMPDIR/cg-$$ && (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp" 2>/dev/null) && echo "Warning: creating insecure temp directory" >&2 ; } ||
+ { echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in $TMPDIR" >&2 ; exit 1 ; }
+ dummy=$tmp/dummy
+ case ${CC_FOR_BUILD-},${HOST_CC-},${CC-} in
+ ,,) echo "int x;" > "$dummy.c"
+ for driver in cc gcc c89 c99 ; do
+ if ($driver -c -o "$dummy.o" "$dummy.c") >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ CC_FOR_BUILD="$driver"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x ; then
+ CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found
+ fi
+ ;;
+ ,,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$CC ;;
+ ,*,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$HOST_CC ;;
+ esac
# This is needed to find uname on a Pyramid OSx when run in the BSD universe.
# (ghazi@noc.rutgers.edu 1994-08-24)
-if (test -f /.attbin/uname) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+if test -f /.attbin/uname ; then
PATH=$PATH:/.attbin ; export PATH
@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ Linux|GNU|GNU/*)
# We could probably try harder.
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
+ set_cc_for_build
cat <<-EOF > "$dummy.c"
#if defined(__UCLIBC__)
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
+ set_cc_for_build
if echo __ELF__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
| grep -q __ELF__
echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-solidbsd"$UNAME_RELEASE"
exit ;;
+ *:OS108:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-os108_"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
echo powerpc-unknown-mirbsd"$UNAME_RELEASE"
exit ;;
echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-sortix
exit ;;
+ *:Twizzler:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-twizzler
+ exit ;;
echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-redox
exit ;;
- echo mips-dec-osf1
- exit ;;
+ echo mips-dec-osf1
+ exit ;;
echo i386-pc-auroraux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
exit ;;
i86pc:SunOS:5.*:* | i86xen:SunOS:5.*:*)
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
+ set_cc_for_build
# If there is a compiler, see if it is configured for 64-bit objects.
# Note that the Sun cc does not turn __LP64__ into 1 like gcc does.
echo clipper-intergraph-clix"$UNAME_RELEASE"
exit ;;
mips:*:*:UMIPS | mips:*:*:RISCos)
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
+ set_cc_for_build
sed 's/^ //' << EOF > "$dummy.c"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include /* for printf() prototype */
@@ -579,7 +587,7 @@ EOF
exit ;;
if grep bos325 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
+ set_cc_for_build
sed 's/^ //' << EOF > "$dummy.c"
@@ -660,7 +668,7 @@ EOF
if [ "$HP_ARCH" = "" ]; then
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
+ set_cc_for_build
sed 's/^ //' << EOF > "$dummy.c"
#define _HPUX_SOURCE
@@ -700,7 +708,7 @@ EOF
if [ "$HP_ARCH" = hppa2.0w ]
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
+ set_cc_for_build
# hppa2.0w-hp-hpux* has a 64-bit kernel and a compiler generating
# 32-bit code. hppa64-hp-hpux* has the same kernel and a compiler
@@ -726,7 +734,7 @@ EOF
echo ia64-hp-hpux"$HPUX_REV"
exit ;;
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
+ set_cc_for_build
sed 's/^ //' << EOF > "$dummy.c"
@@ -840,6 +848,17 @@ EOF
echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-bsdi"$UNAME_RELEASE"
exit ;;
+ arm:FreeBSD:*:*)
+ UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p`
+ set_cc_for_build
+ if echo __ARM_PCS_VFP | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep -q __ARM_PCS_VFP
+ then
+ echo "${UNAME_PROCESSOR}"-unknown-freebsd"`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`"-gnueabi
+ else
+ echo "${UNAME_PROCESSOR}"-unknown-freebsd"`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`"-gnueabihf
+ fi
+ exit ;;
UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
@@ -881,7 +900,7 @@ EOF
echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-uwin
exit ;;
amd64:CYGWIN*:*:* | x86_64:CYGWIN*:*:*)
- echo x86_64-unknown-cygwin
+ echo x86_64-pc-cygwin
exit ;;
echo powerpcle-unknown-solaris2"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
@@ -922,7 +941,7 @@ EOF
echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
exit ;;
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
+ set_cc_for_build
if echo __ARM_EABI__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
| grep -q __ARM_EABI__
@@ -971,23 +990,51 @@ EOF
echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
exit ;;
mips:Linux:*:* | mips64:Linux:*:*)
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
+ set_cc_for_build
+ test x"${LIBC}" = xgnu && IS_GLIBC=1
sed 's/^ //' << EOF > "$dummy.c"
#undef CPU
- #undef ${UNAME_MACHINE}
- #undef ${UNAME_MACHINE}el
+ #undef mips
+ #undef mipsel
+ #undef mips64
+ #undef mips64el
+ #if ${IS_GLIBC} && defined(_ABI64)
+ LIBCABI=gnuabi64
+ #else
+ #if ${IS_GLIBC} && defined(_ABIN32)
+ LIBCABI=gnuabin32
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #if ${IS_GLIBC} && defined(__mips64) && defined(__mips_isa_rev) && __mips_isa_rev>=6
+ CPU=mipsisa64r6
+ #else
+ #if ${IS_GLIBC} && !defined(__mips64) && defined(__mips_isa_rev) && __mips_isa_rev>=6
+ CPU=mipsisa32r6
+ #else
+ #if defined(__mips64)
+ CPU=mips64
+ #else
+ CPU=mips
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
#if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL)
#if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB)
- CPU=
- eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E "$dummy.c" 2>/dev/null | grep '^CPU'`"
- test "x$CPU" != x && { echo "$CPU-unknown-linux-$LIBC"; exit; }
+ eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E "$dummy.c" 2>/dev/null | grep '^CPU\|^MIPS_ENDIAN\|^LIBCABI'`"
+ test "x$CPU" != x && { echo "$CPU${MIPS_ENDIAN}-unknown-linux-$LIBCABI"; exit; }
echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
@@ -1100,7 +1147,7 @@ EOF
*Pentium) UNAME_MACHINE=i586 ;;
*Pent*|*Celeron) UNAME_MACHINE=i686 ;;
exit ;;
if test -f /usr/options/cb.name; then
@@ -1284,38 +1331,39 @@ EOF
echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-apple-rhapsody"$UNAME_RELEASE"
exit ;;
- eval "$set_cc_for_build"
- if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = unknown ; then
+ UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p`
+ unknown) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc ;;
+ esac
+ if command -v xcode-select > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && \
+ ! xcode-select --print-path > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+ # Avoid executing cc if there is no toolchain installed as
+ # cc will be a stub that puts up a graphical alert
+ # prompting the user to install developer tools.
+ CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found
+ else
+ set_cc_for_build
- if test "`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/\..*//'`" -le 10 ; then
- if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != no_compiler_found ]; then
- if (echo '#ifdef __LP64__'; echo IS_64BIT_ARCH; echo '#endif') | \
- (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \
- grep IS_64BIT_ARCH >/dev/null
- then
- i386) UNAME_PROCESSOR=x86_64 ;;
- powerpc) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc64 ;;
- esac
- fi
- # On 10.4-10.6 one might compile for PowerPC via gcc -arch ppc
- if (echo '#ifdef __POWERPC__'; echo IS_PPC; echo '#endif') | \
- (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \
- grep IS_PPC >/dev/null
- then
- fi
+ if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != no_compiler_found ]; then
+ if (echo '#ifdef __LP64__'; echo IS_64BIT_ARCH; echo '#endif') | \
+ (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \
+ grep IS_64BIT_ARCH >/dev/null
+ then
+ i386) UNAME_PROCESSOR=x86_64 ;;
+ powerpc) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc64 ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # On 10.4-10.6 one might compile for PowerPC via gcc -arch ppc
+ if (echo '#ifdef __POWERPC__'; echo IS_PPC; echo '#endif') | \
+ (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \
+ grep IS_PPC >/dev/null
+ then
elif test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = i386 ; then
- # Avoid executing cc on OS X 10.9, as it ships with a stub
- # that puts up a graphical alert prompting to install
- # developer tools. Any system running Mac OS X 10.7 or
- # later (Darwin 11 and later) is required to have a 64-bit
- # processor. This is not true of the ARM version of Darwin
- # that Apple uses in portable devices.
+ # uname -m returns i386 or x86_64
echo "$UNAME_PROCESSOR"-apple-darwin"$UNAME_RELEASE"
exit ;;
@@ -1358,6 +1406,7 @@ EOF
# "uname -m" is not consistent, so use $cputype instead. 386
# is converted to i386 for consistency with other x86
# operating systems.
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2154
if test "$cputype" = 386; then
@@ -1414,8 +1463,148 @@ EOF
amd64:Isilon\ OneFS:*:*)
echo x86_64-unknown-onefs
exit ;;
+ *:Unleashed:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-unleashed"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+# No uname command or uname output not recognized.
+cat > "$dummy.c" <
+#if defined(ultrix) || defined(_ultrix) || defined(__ultrix) || defined(__ultrix__)
+#if defined (vax) || defined (__vax) || defined (__vax__) || defined(mips) || defined(__mips) || defined(__mips__) || defined(MIPS) || defined(__MIPS__)
+#if defined(_SIZE_T_) || defined(SIGLOST)
+main ()
+#if defined (sony)
+#if defined (MIPSEB)
+ /* BFD wants "bsd" instead of "newsos". Perhaps BFD should be changed,
+ I don't know.... */
+ printf ("mips-sony-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+ printf ("m68k-sony-newsos%s\n",
+#ifdef NEWSOS4
+ "4"
+ ""
+ ); exit (0);
+#if defined (NeXT)
+#if !defined (__ARCHITECTURE__)
+#define __ARCHITECTURE__ "m68k"
+ int version;
+ version=`(hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null`;
+ if (version < 4)
+ printf ("%s-next-nextstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
+ else
+ printf ("%s-next-openstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
+ exit (0);
+#if defined (MULTIMAX) || defined (n16)
+#if defined (UMAXV)
+ printf ("ns32k-encore-sysv\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (CMU)
+ printf ("ns32k-encore-mach\n"); exit (0);
+ printf ("ns32k-encore-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (__386BSD__)
+ printf ("i386-pc-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (sequent)
+#if defined (i386)
+ printf ("i386-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (ns32000)
+ printf ("ns32k-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (_SEQUENT_)
+ struct utsname un;
+ uname(&un);
+ if (strncmp(un.version, "V2", 2) == 0) {
+ printf ("i386-sequent-ptx2\n"); exit (0);
+ }
+ if (strncmp(un.version, "V1", 2) == 0) { /* XXX is V1 correct? */
+ printf ("i386-sequent-ptx1\n"); exit (0);
+ }
+ printf ("i386-sequent-ptx\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (vax)
+#if !defined (ultrix)
+#if defined (BSD)
+#if BSD == 43
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3\n"); exit (0);
+#if BSD == 199006
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3reno\n"); exit (0);
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined(_SIZE_T_) || defined(SIGLOST)
+ struct utsname un;
+ uname (&un);
+ printf ("vax-dec-ultrix%s\n", un.release); exit (0);
+ printf ("vax-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined(ultrix) || defined(_ultrix) || defined(__ultrix) || defined(__ultrix__)
+#if defined(mips) || defined(__mips) || defined(__mips__) || defined(MIPS) || defined(__MIPS__)
+#if defined(_SIZE_T_) || defined(SIGLOST)
+ struct utsname *un;
+ uname (&un);
+ printf ("mips-dec-ultrix%s\n", un.release); exit (0);
+ printf ("mips-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (alliant) && defined (i860)
+ printf ("i860-alliant-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+ exit (1);
+$CC_FOR_BUILD -o "$dummy" "$dummy.c" 2>/dev/null && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` &&
+ { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
+# Apollos put the system type in the environment.
+test -d /usr/apollo && { echo "$ISP-apollo-$SYSTYPE"; exit; }
echo "$0: unable to guess system type" >&2
diff --git a/depends/config.site.in b/depends/config.site.in
index b7a5e795c8..87a3379303 100644
--- a/depends/config.site.in
+++ b/depends/config.site.in
@@ -16,15 +16,22 @@ fi
if test -z $with_qt_bindir && test -z "@no_qt@"; then
-if test -z $with_protoc_bindir && test -z "@no_qt@"; then
- with_protoc_bindir=$depends_prefix/native/bin
+if test -z $with_mpgen && test -n "@multiprocess@"; then
+ with_mpgen=$depends_prefix/native
+if test -z $with_qrencode && test -n "@no_qr@"; then
+ with_qrencode=no
if test -z $enable_wallet && test -n "@no_wallet@"; then
+if test -z $enable_multiprocess && test -n "@multiprocess@"; then
+ enable_multiprocess=yes
if test -z $with_miniupnpc && test -n "@no_upnp@"; then
@@ -33,20 +40,15 @@ if test -z $with_gui && test -n "@no_qt@"; then
+if test -z $enable_zmq && test -n "@no_zmq@"; then
+ enable_zmq=no
if test x@host_os@ = xdarwin; then
-if test x@host_os@ = xmingw32; then
- if test -z $with_qt_incdir; then
- with_qt_incdir=$depends_prefix/include
- fi
- if test -z $with_qt_libdir; then
- with_qt_libdir=$depends_prefix/lib
- fi
PKG_CONFIG="`which pkg-config` --static"
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ PKG_CONFIG="`which pkg-config` --static"
# avoid ruining the cache. Sigh.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$depends_prefix/share/pkgconfig:$depends_prefix/lib/pkgconfig
if test -z "@allow_host_packages@"; then
+ export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$depends_prefix/lib/pkgconfig
CPPFLAGS="-I$depends_prefix/include/ $CPPFLAGS"
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ fi
if test -n "@CXX@" -a -z "${CXX}"; then
if test -n "@AR@"; then
diff --git a/depends/config.sub b/depends/config.sub
index c95acc681d..a318a46868 100755
--- a/depends/config.sub
+++ b/depends/config.sub
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#! /bin/sh
# Configuration validation subroutine script.
-# Copyright 1992-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 1992-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Report bugs and patches to ."
GNU config.sub ($timestamp)
-Copyright 1992-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright 1992-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ while test $# -gt 0 ; do
- ) # Use stdin as input.
break ;;
-* )
- echo "$me: invalid option $1$help"
+ echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" >&2
exit 1 ;;
@@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ case $# in
# Split fields of configuration type
-IFS="-" read -r field1 field2 field3 field4 <&2
- exit 1
+ # Recognize the canonical CPU types that are allowed with any
+ # company name.
+ case $cpu in
+ 1750a | 580 \
+ | a29k \
+ | aarch64 | aarch64_be \
+ | abacus \
+ | alpha | alphaev[4-8] | alphaev56 | alphaev6[78] \
+ | alpha64 | alpha64ev[4-8] | alpha64ev56 | alpha64ev6[78] \
+ | alphapca5[67] | alpha64pca5[67] \
+ | am33_2.0 \
+ | amdgcn \
+ | arc | arceb \
+ | arm | arm[lb]e | arme[lb] | armv* \
+ | avr | avr32 \
+ | asmjs \
+ | ba \
+ | be32 | be64 \
+ | bfin | bpf | bs2000 \
+ | c[123]* | c30 | [cjt]90 | c4x \
+ | c8051 | clipper | craynv | csky | cydra \
+ | d10v | d30v | dlx | dsp16xx \
+ | e2k | elxsi | epiphany \
+ | f30[01] | f700 | fido | fr30 | frv | ft32 | fx80 \
+ | h8300 | h8500 \
+ | hppa | hppa1.[01] | hppa2.0 | hppa2.0[nw] | hppa64 \
+ | hexagon \
+ | i370 | i*86 | i860 | i960 | ia16 | ia64 \
+ | ip2k | iq2000 \
+ | k1om \
+ | le32 | le64 \
+ | lm32 \
+ | m32c | m32r | m32rle \
+ | m5200 | m68000 | m680[012346]0 | m68360 | m683?2 | m68k \
+ | m6811 | m68hc11 | m6812 | m68hc12 | m68hcs12x \
+ | m88110 | m88k | maxq | mb | mcore | mep | metag \
+ | microblaze | microblazeel \
+ | mips | mipsbe | mipseb | mipsel | mipsle \
+ | mips16 \
+ | mips64 | mips64eb | mips64el \
+ | mips64octeon | mips64octeonel \
+ | mips64orion | mips64orionel \
+ | mips64r5900 | mips64r5900el \
+ | mips64vr | mips64vrel \
+ | mips64vr4100 | mips64vr4100el \
+ | mips64vr4300 | mips64vr4300el \
+ | mips64vr5000 | mips64vr5000el \
+ | mips64vr5900 | mips64vr5900el \
+ | mipsisa32 | mipsisa32el \
+ | mipsisa32r2 | mipsisa32r2el \
+ | mipsisa32r6 | mipsisa32r6el \
+ | mipsisa64 | mipsisa64el \
+ | mipsisa64r2 | mipsisa64r2el \
+ | mipsisa64r6 | mipsisa64r6el \
+ | mipsisa64sb1 | mipsisa64sb1el \
+ | mipsisa64sr71k | mipsisa64sr71kel \
+ | mipsr5900 | mipsr5900el \
+ | mipstx39 | mipstx39el \
+ | mmix \
+ | mn10200 | mn10300 \
+ | moxie \
+ | mt \
+ | msp430 \
+ | nds32 | nds32le | nds32be \
+ | nfp \
+ | nios | nios2 | nios2eb | nios2el \
+ | none | np1 | ns16k | ns32k | nvptx \
+ | open8 \
+ | or1k* \
+ | or32 \
+ | orion \
+ | picochip \
+ | pdp10 | pdp11 | pj | pjl | pn | power \
+ | powerpc | powerpc64 | powerpc64le | powerpcle | powerpcspe \
+ | pru \
+ | pyramid \
+ | riscv | riscv32 | riscv64 \
+ | rl78 | romp | rs6000 | rx \
+ | score \
+ | sh | shl \
+ | sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[24]ae[lb] | sh[23]e | she[lb] | sh[lb]e \
+ | sh[1234]e[lb] | sh[12345][lb]e | sh[23]ele | sh64 | sh64le \
+ | sparc | sparc64 | sparc64b | sparc64v | sparc86x | sparclet \
+ | sparclite \
+ | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v | sv1 | sx* \
+ | spu \
+ | tahoe \
+ | tic30 | tic4x | tic54x | tic55x | tic6x | tic80 \
+ | tron \
+ | ubicom32 \
+ | v70 | v850 | v850e | v850e1 | v850es | v850e2 | v850e2v3 \
+ | vax \
+ | visium \
+ | w65 \
+ | wasm32 | wasm64 \
+ | we32k \
+ | x86 | x86_64 | xc16x | xgate | xps100 \
+ | xstormy16 | xtensa* \
+ | ymp \
+ | z8k | z80)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo Invalid configuration \`"$1"\': machine \`"$cpu-$vendor"\' not recognized 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
# Here we canonicalize certain aliases for manufacturers.
-case $basic_machine in
- *-digital*)
- basic_machine=`echo "$basic_machine" | sed 's/digital.*/dec/'`
+case $vendor in
+ digital*)
+ vendor=dec
- *-commodore*)
- basic_machine=`echo "$basic_machine" | sed 's/commodore.*/cbm/'`
+ commodore*)
+ vendor=cbm
@@ -1356,9 +1345,9 @@ case $os in
| amigaos* | amigados* | msdos* | newsos* | unicos* | aof* \
| aos* | aros* | cloudabi* | sortix* \
| nindy* | vxsim* | vxworks* | ebmon* | hms* | mvs* \
- | clix* | riscos* | uniplus* | iris* | rtu* | xenix* \
+ | clix* | riscos* | uniplus* | iris* | isc* | rtu* | xenix* \
| knetbsd* | mirbsd* | netbsd* \
- | bitrig* | openbsd* | solidbsd* | libertybsd* \
+ | bitrig* | openbsd* | solidbsd* | libertybsd* | os108* \
| ekkobsd* | kfreebsd* | freebsd* | riscix* | lynxos* \
| bosx* | nextstep* | cxux* | aout* | elf* | oabi* \
| ptx* | coff* | ecoff* | winnt* | domain* | vsta* \
@@ -1376,12 +1365,13 @@ case $os in
| powermax* | dnix* | nx6 | nx7 | sei* | dragonfly* \
| skyos* | haiku* | rdos* | toppers* | drops* | es* \
| onefs* | tirtos* | phoenix* | fuchsia* | redox* | bme* \
- | midnightbsd*)
+ | midnightbsd* | amdhsa* | unleashed* | emscripten* | wasi* \
+ | nsk* | powerunix)
# Remember, each alternative MUST END IN *, to match a version number.
- case $basic_machine in
- x86-* | i*86-*)
+ case $cpu in
+ x86 | i*86)
@@ -1460,9 +1450,6 @@ case $os in
- nsk*)
- os=nsk
- ;;
# Preserve the version number of sinix5.
os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sinix|sysv|'`
@@ -1507,7 +1494,7 @@ case $os in
# Until real need of OS specific support for
# particular features comes up, bare metal
# configurations are quite functional.
- case $basic_machine in
+ case $cpu in
@@ -1541,7 +1528,7 @@ else
# will signal an error saying that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating
# system, and we'll never get to this point.
-case $basic_machine in
+case $cpu-$vendor in
@@ -1722,9 +1709,8 @@ fi
# Here we handle the case where we know the os, and the CPU type, but not the
# manufacturer. We pick the logical manufacturer.
-case $basic_machine in
- *-unknown)
+case $vendor in
+ unknown)
case $os in
@@ -1793,11 +1779,10 @@ case $basic_machine in
- basic_machine=`echo "$basic_machine" | sed "s/unknown/$vendor/"`
-echo "$basic_machine-$os"
+echo "$cpu-$vendor-$os"
# Local variables:
diff --git a/depends/description.md b/depends/description.md
index 9fc7093be4..0a6f2e6442 100644
--- a/depends/description.md
+++ b/depends/description.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-This is a system of building and caching dependencies necessary for building Bitcoin.
+This is a system of building and caching dependencies necessary for building Bitcoin.
There are several features that make it different from most similar systems:
### It is designed to be builder and host agnostic
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Before building, a unique build-id is generated for each package. This id
consists of a hash of all files used to build the package (Makefiles, packages,
etc), and as well as a hash of the same data for each recursive dependency. If
any portion of a package's build recipe changes, it will be rebuilt as well as
-any other package that depends on it. If any of the main makefiles (Makefile,
+any other package that depends on it. If any of the main makefiles (Makefile,
funcs.mk, etc) are changed, all packages will be rebuilt. After building, the
results are cached into a tarball that can be re-used and distributed.
diff --git a/depends/funcs.mk b/depends/funcs.mk
index 15e404e42d..58d882eb05 100644
--- a/depends/funcs.mk
+++ b/depends/funcs.mk
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ endef
define int_get_build_id
$(eval $(1)_dependencies += $($(1)_$(host_arch)_$(host_os)_dependencies) $($(1)_$(host_os)_dependencies))
-$(eval $(1)_all_dependencies:=$(call int_get_all_dependencies,$(1),$($($(1)_type)_native_toolchain) $($(1)_dependencies)))
+$(eval $(1)_all_dependencies:=$(call int_get_all_dependencies,$(1),$($($(1)_type)_native_toolchain) $($($(1)_type)_native_binutils) $($(1)_dependencies)))
$(foreach dep,$($(1)_all_dependencies),$(eval $(1)_build_id_deps+=$(dep)-$($(dep)_version)-$($(dep)_recipe_hash)))
$(eval $(1)_build_id_long:=$(1)-$($(1)_version)-$($(1)_recipe_hash)-$(release_type) $($(1)_build_id_deps) $($($(1)_type)_id_string))
$(eval $(1)_build_id:=$(shell echo -n "$($(1)_build_id_long)" | $(build_SHA256SUM) | cut -c-$(HASH_LENGTH)))
@@ -76,8 +76,9 @@ $(1)_download_path_fixed=$(subst :,\:,$$($(1)_download_path))
#default commands
+# The default behavior for tar will try to set ownership when running as uid 0 and may not succeed, --no-same-owner disables this behavior
$(1)_fetch_cmds ?= $(call fetch_file,$(1),$(subst \:,:,$$($(1)_download_path_fixed)),$$($(1)_download_file),$($(1)_file_name),$($(1)_sha256_hash))
-$(1)_extract_cmds ?= mkdir -p $$($(1)_extract_dir) && echo "$$($(1)_sha256_hash) $$($(1)_source)" > $$($(1)_extract_dir)/.$$($(1)_file_name).hash && $(build_SHA256SUM) -c $$($(1)_extract_dir)/.$$($(1)_file_name).hash && tar --strip-components=1 -xf $$($(1)_source)
+$(1)_extract_cmds ?= mkdir -p $$($(1)_extract_dir) && echo "$$($(1)_sha256_hash) $$($(1)_source)" > $$($(1)_extract_dir)/.$$($(1)_file_name).hash && $(build_SHA256SUM) -c $$($(1)_extract_dir)/.$$($(1)_file_name).hash && tar --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 -xf $$($(1)_source)
$(1)_preprocess_cmds ?=
$(1)_build_cmds ?=
$(1)_config_cmds ?=
@@ -129,11 +130,11 @@ $(1)_config_env+=$($(1)_config_env_$(host_arch)_$(host_os)) $($(1)_config_env_$(
-$(1)_autoconf=./configure --host=$($($(1)_type)_host) --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=$($($(1)_type)_prefix) $$($(1)_config_opts) CC="$$($(1)_cc)" CXX="$$($(1)_cxx)"
+$(1)_autoconf=./configure --host=$($($(1)_type)_host) --prefix=$($($(1)_type)_prefix) $$($(1)_config_opts) CC="$$($(1)_cc)" CXX="$$($(1)_cxx)"
ifneq ($($(1)_nm),)
$(1)_autoconf += NM="$$($(1)_nm)"
@@ -155,6 +156,20 @@ endif
ifneq ($($(1)_ldflags),)
$(1)_autoconf += LDFLAGS="$$($(1)_ldflags)"
+$(1)_cmake=env CC="$$($(1)_cc)" \
+ CFLAGS="$$($(1)_cppflags) $$($(1)_cflags)" \
+ CXX="$$($(1)_cxx)" \
+ CXXFLAGS="$$($(1)_cppflags) $$($(1)_cxxflags)" \
+ LDFLAGS="$$($(1)_ldflags)" \
+ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$$($($(1)_type)_prefix)"
+ifneq ($($(1)_type),build)
+ifneq ($(host),$(build))
+$(1)_cmake += -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=$($(host_os)_cmake_system)
+$(1)_cmake += -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET=$(host)
+$(1)_cmake += -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_TARGET=$(host)
define int_add_cmds
@@ -170,15 +185,15 @@ $($(1)_extracted): | $($(1)_fetched)
$(AT)mkdir -p $$(@D)
$(AT)cd $$(@D); $(call $(1)_extract_cmds,$(1))
$(AT)touch $$@
-$($(1)_preprocessed): | $($(1)_dependencies) $($(1)_extracted)
+$($(1)_preprocessed): | $($(1)_extracted)
$(AT)echo Preprocessing $(1)...
$(AT)mkdir -p $$(@D) $($(1)_patch_dir)
$(AT)$(foreach patch,$($(1)_patches),cd $(PATCHES_PATH)/$(1); cp $(patch) $($(1)_patch_dir) ;)
$(AT)cd $$(@D); $(call $(1)_preprocess_cmds, $(1))
$(AT)touch $$@
-$($(1)_configured): | $($(1)_preprocessed)
+$($(1)_configured): | $($(1)_dependencies) $($(1)_preprocessed)
$(AT)echo Configuring $(1)...
- $(AT)rm -rf $(host_prefix); mkdir -p $(host_prefix)/lib; cd $(host_prefix); $(foreach package,$($(1)_all_dependencies), tar xf $($(package)_cached); )
+ $(AT)rm -rf $(host_prefix); mkdir -p $(host_prefix)/lib; cd $(host_prefix); $(foreach package,$($(1)_all_dependencies), tar --no-same-owner -xf $($(package)_cached); )
$(AT)mkdir -p $$(@D)
$(AT)+cd $$(@D); $($(1)_config_env) $(call $(1)_config_cmds, $(1))
$(AT)touch $$@
@@ -213,6 +228,14 @@ $(1): | $($(1)_cached_checksum)
+stages = fetched extracted preprocessed configured built staged postprocessed cached cached_checksum
+define ext_add_stages
+$(foreach stage,$(stages),
+ $(1)_$(stage): $($(1)_$(stage))
+ .PHONY: $(1)_$(stage))
# These functions create the build targets for each package. They must be
# broken down into small steps so that each part is done for all packages
# before moving on to the next step. Otherwise, a package's info
@@ -242,4 +265,4 @@ $(foreach package,$(all_packages),$(eval $(call int_config_attach_build_config,$
$(foreach package,$(all_packages),$(eval $(call int_add_cmds,$(package))))
#special exception: if a toolchain package exists, all non-native packages depend on it
-$(foreach package,$(packages),$(eval $($(package)_unpacked): |$($($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_native_toolchain)_cached) ))
+$(foreach package,$(packages),$(eval $($(package)_extracted): |$($($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_native_toolchain)_cached) $($($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_native_binutils)_cached) ))
diff --git a/depends/hosts/android.mk b/depends/hosts/android.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eabd84bbbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/hosts/android.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ifeq ($(HOST),armv7a-linux-android)
diff --git a/depends/hosts/darwin.mk b/depends/hosts/darwin.mk
index a1c943d60b..6099fd4c71 100644
--- a/depends/hosts/darwin.mk
+++ b/depends/hosts/darwin.mk
@@ -1,9 +1,35 @@
-darwin_CC=clang -target $(host) -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION) --sysroot $(OSX_SDK) -mlinker-version=$(LD64_VERSION)
-darwin_CXX=clang++ -target $(host) -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION) --sysroot $(OSX_SDK) -mlinker-version=$(LD64_VERSION) -stdlib=libc++
+# Flag explanations:
+# -mlinker-version
+# Ensures that modern linker features are enabled. See here for more
+# details: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/19407.
+# -B$(build_prefix)/bin
+# Explicitly point to our binaries (e.g. cctools) so that they are
+# ensured to be found and preferred over other possibilities.
+# -nostdinc++ -isystem $(OSX_SDK)/usr/include/c++/v1
+# Forces clang to use the libc++ headers from our SDK and completely
+# forget about the libc++ headers from the standard directories
+# TODO: Once we start requiring a clang version that has the
+# -stdlib++-isystem flag first introduced here:
+# https://reviews.llvm.org/D64089, we should use that instead. Read the
+# differential summary there for more details.
+darwin_CC=clang -target $(host) -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION) --sysroot $(OSX_SDK) -mlinker-version=$(LD64_VERSION) -B$(build_prefix)/bin
+darwin_CXX=clang++ -target $(host) -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION) --sysroot $(OSX_SDK) -stdlib=libc++ -mlinker-version=$(LD64_VERSION) -B$(build_prefix)/bin -nostdinc++ -isystem $(OSX_SDK)/usr/include/c++/v1
@@ -14,4 +40,11 @@ darwin_release_CXXFLAGS=$(darwin_release_CFLAGS)
+ifeq ($(strip $(FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG)),)
diff --git a/depends/hosts/default.mk b/depends/hosts/default.mk
index 144e5f88b7..258619a9d0 100644
--- a/depends/hosts/default.mk
+++ b/depends/hosts/default.mk
@@ -13,9 +13,18 @@ default_host_OTOOL = $(host_toolchain)otool
default_host_NM = $(host_toolchain)nm
define add_host_tool_func
+ifneq ($(filter $(origin $1),undefined default),)
+# Do not consider the well-known var $1 if it is undefined or is taking a value
+# that is predefined by "make" (e.g. the make variable "CC" has a predefined
+# value of "cc")
+$(host_os)_$1=$(or $($1),$($(host_os)_$1),$(default_host_$1))
+$(host_arch)_$(host_os)_$1=$(or $($1),$($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_$1),$$($(host_os)_$1))
+$(host_arch)_$(host_os)_$(release_type)_$1=$(or $($1),$($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_$(release_type)_$1),$$($(host_os)_$1))
diff --git a/depends/hosts/linux.mk b/depends/hosts/linux.mk
index b13a0f1ad7..8ab448ce5f 100644
--- a/depends/hosts/linux.mk
+++ b/depends/hosts/linux.mk
@@ -29,3 +29,4 @@ i686_linux_CXX=$(default_host_CXX) -m32
x86_64_linux_CC=$(default_host_CC) -m64
x86_64_linux_CXX=$(default_host_CXX) -m64
diff --git a/depends/hosts/mingw32.mk b/depends/hosts/mingw32.mk
index dbfb62fdcf..be5fec570c 100644
--- a/depends/hosts/mingw32.mk
+++ b/depends/hosts/mingw32.mk
@@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ mingw32_debug_CFLAGS=-O1
diff --git a/depends/packages.md b/depends/packages.md
index 7c80362509..7ed20ea129 100644
--- a/depends/packages.md
+++ b/depends/packages.md
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ The package "mylib" will be used here as an example
General tips:
- mylib_foo is written as $(package)_foo in order to make recipes more similar.
+- Secondary dependency packages relative to the bitcoin binaries/libraries (i.e.
+ those not in `ALLOWED_LIBRARIES` in `contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py`) don't
+ need to be shared and should be built statically whenever possible. See
+ [below](#secondary-dependencies) for more details.
## Identifiers
Each package is required to define at least these variables:
@@ -14,8 +18,9 @@ Each package is required to define at least these variables:
placeholder such as 1.0 can be used.
- Location of the upstream source, without the file-name. Usually http or
- ftp.
+ Location of the upstream source, without the file-name. Usually http, https
+ or ftp. Secure transmission options like https should be preferred if
+ available.
The upstream source filename available at the download path.
@@ -27,15 +32,15 @@ These variables are optional:
cd to this dir before running configure/build/stage commands.
The file-name of the upstream source if it differs from how it should be
stored locally. This can be used to avoid storing file-names with strange
Names of any other packages that this one depends on.
Filenames of any patches needed to build the package
@@ -129,7 +134,7 @@ the user. Other variables may be defined as needed.
Stage the build results. If undefined, does nothing.
The following variables are available for each recipe:
$(1)_staging_dir: package's destination sysroot path
$(1)_staging_prefix_dir: prefix path inside of the package's staging dir
$(1)_extract_dir: path to the package's extracted sources
@@ -145,3 +150,49 @@ $($(package)_config_opts) will be appended.
Most autotools projects can be properly staged using:
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
+## Build outputs:
+In general, the output of a depends package should not contain any libtool
+archives. Instead, the package should output `.pc` (`pkg-config`) files where
+From the [Gentoo Wiki entry](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Quality_Assurance/Handling_Libtool_Archives):
+> Libtool pulls in all direct and indirect dependencies into the .la files it
+> creates. This leads to massive overlinking, which is toxic to the Gentoo
+> ecosystem, as it leads to a massive number of unnecessary rebuilds.
+## Secondary dependencies:
+Secondary dependency packages relative to the bitcoin binaries/libraries (i.e.
+those not in `ALLOWED_LIBRARIES` in `contrib/devtools/symbol-check.py`) don't
+need to be shared and should be built statically whenever possible. This
+improves general build reliability as illustrated by the following example:
+When linking an executable against a shared library `libprimary` that has its
+own shared dependency `libsecondary`, we may need to specify the path to
+`libsecondary` on the link command using the `-rpath/-rpath-link` options, it is
+not sufficient to just say `libprimary`.
+For us, it's much easier to just link a static `libsecondary` into a shared
+`libprimary`. Especially because in our case, we are linking against a dummy
+`libprimary` anyway that we'll throw away. We don't care if the end-user has a
+static or dynamic `libseconday`, that's not our concern. With a static
+`libseconday`, when we need to link `libprimary` into our executable, there's no
+dependency chain to worry about as `libprimary` has all the symbols.
+## Build targets:
+To build an individual package (useful for debugging), following build targets are available.
+ make ${package}
+ make ${package}_fetched
+ make ${package}_extracted
+ make ${package}_preprocessed
+ make ${package}_configured
+ make ${package}_built
+ make ${package}_staged
+ make ${package}_postprocessed
+ make ${package}_cached
+ make ${package}_cached_checksum
diff --git a/depends/packages/bdb.mk b/depends/packages/bdb.mk
index 3cd2e28858..5953341d9f 100644
--- a/depends/packages/bdb.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/bdb.mk
@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
define $(package)_set_vars
-$(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared --enable-cxx --disable-replication
+$(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared --enable-cxx --disable-replication --enable-option-checking
$(package)_cppflags_mingw32=-DUNICODE -D_UNICODE
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- sed -i.old 's/__atomic_compare_exchange/__atomic_compare_exchange_db/' dbinc/atomic.h && \
- sed -i.old 's/atomic_init/atomic_init_db/' dbinc/atomic.h mp/mp_region.c mp/mp_mvcc.c mp/mp_fget.c mutex/mut_method.c mutex/mut_tas.c && \
+ patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/clang_cxx_11.patch && \
cp -f $(BASEDIR)/config.guess $(BASEDIR)/config.sub dist
diff --git a/depends/packages/boost.mk b/depends/packages/boost.mk
index 61806c7509..d8bce108b1 100644
--- a/depends/packages/boost.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/boost.mk
@@ -1,41 +1,50 @@
define $(package)_set_vars
$(package)_config_opts=--layout=tagged --build-type=complete --user-config=user-config.jam
$(package)_config_opts+=threading=multi link=static -sNO_BZIP2=1 -sNO_ZLIB=1
-$(package)_config_opts_linux=threadapi=pthread runtime-link=shared
-$(package)_config_opts_darwin=--toolset=darwin-4.2.1 runtime-link=shared
-$(package)_config_opts_mingw32=binary-format=pe target-os=windows threadapi=win32 runtime-link=static
+$(package)_config_opts_linux=target-os=linux threadapi=pthread runtime-link=shared
+$(package)_config_opts_darwin=target-os=darwin runtime-link=shared
+$(package)_config_opts_mingw32=target-os=windows binary-format=pe threadapi=win32 runtime-link=static
$(package)_config_opts_i686_linux=address-model=32 architecture=x86
+ifneq (,$(findstring clang,$($(package)_cxx)))
+ $(package)_toolset_$(host_os)=clang
$(package)_cxxflags=-std=c++11 -fvisibility=hidden
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- echo "using $(boost_toolset_$(host_os)) : : $($(package)_cxx) : \"$($(package)_cxxflags) $($(package)_cppflags)\" \"$($(package)_ldflags)\" \"$(boost_archiver_$(host_os))\" \"$(host_STRIP)\" \"$(host_RANLIB)\" \"$(host_WINDRES)\" : ;" > user-config.jam
+ patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/unused_var_in_process.patch && \
+ echo "using $($(package)_toolset_$(host_os)) : : $($(package)_cxx) : \"$($(package)_cxxflags) $($(package)_cppflags)\" \"$($(package)_ldflags)\" \"$($(package)_archiver_$(host_os))\" \"$(host_STRIP)\" \"$(host_RANLIB)\" \"$(host_WINDRES)\" : ;" > user-config.jam
define $(package)_config_cmds
- ./bootstrap.sh --without-icu --with-libraries=$(boost_config_libraries)
+ ./bootstrap.sh --without-icu --with-libraries=$($(package)_config_libraries) --with-toolset=$($(package)_toolset_$(host_os))
define $(package)_build_cmds
- ./b2 -d2 -j2 -d1 --prefix=$($(package)_staging_prefix_dir) $($(package)_config_opts) stage
+ ./b2 -d2 -j2 -d1 --prefix=$($(package)_staging_prefix_dir) $($(package)_config_opts) toolset=$($(package)_toolset_$(host_os)) stage
define $(package)_stage_cmds
- ./b2 -d0 -j4 --prefix=$($(package)_staging_prefix_dir) $($(package)_config_opts) install
+ ./b2 -d0 -j4 --prefix=$($(package)_staging_prefix_dir) $($(package)_config_opts) toolset=$($(package)_toolset_$(host_os)) install
diff --git a/depends/packages/capnp.mk b/depends/packages/capnp.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abeb26545f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/packages/capnp.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+define $(package)_config_cmds
+ $($(package)_autoconf) --with-external-capnp
+define $(package)_build_cmds
+ $(MAKE)
+define $(package)_stage_cmds
+ $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
diff --git a/depends/packages/dbus.mk b/depends/packages/dbus.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe0375409..0000000000
--- a/depends/packages/dbus.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-define $(package)_set_vars
- $(package)_config_opts=--disable-tests --disable-doxygen-docs --disable-xml-docs --disable-static --without-x
-define $(package)_config_cmds
- $($(package)_autoconf)
-define $(package)_build_cmds
- $(MAKE) -C dbus libdbus-1.la
-define $(package)_stage_cmds
- $(MAKE) -C dbus DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install-libLTLIBRARIES install-dbusincludeHEADERS install-nodist_dbusarchincludeHEADERS && \
- $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install-pkgconfigDATA
diff --git a/depends/packages/expat.mk b/depends/packages/expat.mk
index 8d06882cdb..902fe43be2 100644
--- a/depends/packages/expat.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/expat.mk
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
define $(package)_set_vars
-$(package)_config_opts=--disable-static --without-docbook
+ $(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared --without-docbook --without-tests --without-examples
+ $(package)_config_opts += --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-option-checking
+ $(package)_config_opts_linux=--with-pic
define $(package)_config_cmds
@@ -19,3 +21,7 @@ endef
define $(package)_stage_cmds
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
+define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
+ rm lib/*.la
diff --git a/depends/packages/fontconfig.mk b/depends/packages/fontconfig.mk
index 12695db4b9..0d5f94f380 100644
--- a/depends/packages/fontconfig.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/fontconfig.mk
@@ -1,28 +1,33 @@
$(package)_dependencies=freetype expat
+$(package)_patches=remove_char_width_usage.patch gperf_header_regen.patch
define $(package)_set_vars
- $(package)_config_opts=--disable-docs --disable-static
+ $(package)_config_opts=--disable-docs --disable-static --disable-libxml2 --disable-iconv
+ $(package)_config_opts += --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-option-checking
+define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
+ patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/remove_char_width_usage.patch && \
+ patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/gperf_header_regen.patch
define $(package)_config_cmds
-# 2.12.1 uses CHAR_WIDTH which is reserved and clashes with some glibc versions, but newer versions of fontconfig
-# have broken makefiles which needlessly attempt to re-generate headers with gperf.
-# Instead, change all uses of CHAR_WIDTH, and disable the rule that forces header re-generation.
-# This can be removed once the upstream build is fixed.
define $(package)_build_cmds
- sed -i 's/CHAR_WIDTH/CHARWIDTH/g' fontconfig/fontconfig.h src/fcobjshash.gperf src/fcobjs.h src/fcobjshash.h && \
- sed -i 's/fcobjshash.h: fcobjshash.gperf/fcobjshash.h:/' src/Makefile && \
define $(package)_stage_cmds
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
+define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
+ rm lib/*.la
diff --git a/depends/packages/freetype.mk b/depends/packages/freetype.mk
index 41e02e2030..a1584608e1 100644
--- a/depends/packages/freetype.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/freetype.mk
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
define $(package)_set_vars
$(package)_config_opts=--without-zlib --without-png --without-harfbuzz --without-bzip2 --disable-static
+ $(package)_config_opts += --enable-option-checking
@@ -20,3 +21,7 @@ endef
define $(package)_stage_cmds
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
+define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
+ rm lib/*.la
diff --git a/depends/packages/libX11.mk b/depends/packages/libX11.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 298616bea4..0000000000
--- a/depends/packages/libX11.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-$(package)_dependencies=libxcb xtrans xextproto xproto
-define $(package)_set_vars
-$(package)_config_opts=--disable-xkb --disable-static
-define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- cp -f $(BASEDIR)/config.guess $(BASEDIR)/config.sub .
-define $(package)_config_cmds
- $($(package)_autoconf)
-define $(package)_build_cmds
- $(MAKE)
-define $(package)_stage_cmds
- $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
diff --git a/depends/packages/libXau.mk b/depends/packages/libXau.mk
index 304494e3c5..4c55c2df04 100644
--- a/depends/packages/libXau.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/libXau.mk
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
+# When updating this package, check the default value of
+# --disable-xthreads. It is currently enabled.
define $(package)_set_vars
- $(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared
+ $(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared --disable-lint-library --without-lint
+ $(package)_config_opts += --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-option-checking
@@ -25,3 +28,7 @@ endef
define $(package)_stage_cmds
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
+define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
+ rm lib/*.la
diff --git a/depends/packages/libXext.mk b/depends/packages/libXext.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index c0565dd672..0000000000
--- a/depends/packages/libXext.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-$(package)_dependencies=xproto xextproto libX11 libXau
-define $(package)_set_vars
- $(package)_config_opts=--disable-static
-define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- cp -f $(BASEDIR)/config.guess $(BASEDIR)/config.sub .
-define $(package)_config_cmds
- $($(package)_autoconf)
-define $(package)_build_cmds
- $(MAKE)
-define $(package)_stage_cmds
- $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
diff --git a/depends/packages/libevent.mk b/depends/packages/libevent.mk
index 5f622f8e6e..1cd5a1749a 100644
--- a/depends/packages/libevent.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/libevent.mk
@@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
+ patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/0001-fix-windows-getaddrinfo.patch && \
+# When building for Windows, we set _WIN32_WINNT to target the same Windows
+# version as we do in configure. Due to quirks in libevents build system, this
+# is also required to enable support for ipv6. See #19375.
define $(package)_set_vars
$(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared --disable-openssl --disable-libevent-regress --disable-samples
+ $(package)_config_opts += --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-option-checking
+ $(package)_config_opts_android=--with-pic
+ $(package)_cppflags_mingw32=-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601
define $(package)_config_cmds
@@ -27,4 +35,5 @@ define $(package)_stage_cmds
define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
+ rm lib/*.la
diff --git a/depends/packages/libmultiprocess.mk b/depends/packages/libmultiprocess.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e5cf5f160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/packages/libmultiprocess.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+$(package)_dependencies=native_$(package) boost capnp
+define $(package)_config_cmds
+ $($(package)_cmake)
+define $(package)_build_cmds
+ $(MAKE)
+define $(package)_stage_cmds
+ $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
diff --git a/depends/packages/libxcb.mk b/depends/packages/libxcb.mk
index 3f346d9728..2204b38195 100644
--- a/depends/packages/libxcb.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/libxcb.mk
@@ -1,12 +1,25 @@
-$(package)_dependencies=xcb_proto libXau xproto
+$(package)_dependencies=xcb_proto libXau
define $(package)_set_vars
+$(package)_config_opts=--disable-static --disable-build-docs --without-doxygen --without-launchd
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-option-checking
+# Because we pass -qt-xcb to Qt, it will compile in a set of xcb helper libraries and extensions,
+# so we skip building all of the extensions here.
+# More info is available from: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.9/linux-requirements.html
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-composite --disable-damage --disable-dpms
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-dri2 --disable-dri3 --disable-glx
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-present --disable-randr --disable-record
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-render --disable-resource --disable-screensaver
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-shape --disable-shm --disable-sync
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-xevie --disable-xfixes --disable-xfree86-dri
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-xinerama --disable-xinput --disable-xkb
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-xprint --disable-selinux --disable-xtest
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-xv --disable-xvmc
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
@@ -32,5 +45,5 @@ define $(package)_stage_cmds
define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
- rm -rf share/man share/doc
+ rm -rf share/man share/doc lib/*.la
diff --git a/depends/packages/miniupnpc.mk b/depends/packages/miniupnpc.mk
index 5ad2b580d2..49a584e462 100644
--- a/depends/packages/miniupnpc.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/miniupnpc.mk
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
define $(package)_set_vars
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ endef
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
mkdir dll && \
sed -e 's|MINIUPNPC_VERSION_STRING \"version\"|MINIUPNPC_VERSION_STRING \"$($(package)_version)\"|' -e 's|OS/version|$(host)|' miniupnpcstrings.h.in > miniupnpcstrings.h && \
- sed -i.old "s|miniupnpcstrings.h: miniupnpcstrings.h.in wingenminiupnpcstrings|miniupnpcstrings.h: miniupnpcstrings.h.in|" Makefile.mingw
+ patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/dont_use_wingen.patch
define $(package)_build_cmds
diff --git a/depends/packages/native_biplist.mk b/depends/packages/native_biplist.mk
index 5f247e9bf3..c3054cbd1a 100644
--- a/depends/packages/native_biplist.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/native_biplist.mk
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ $(package)_version=1.0.3
define $(package)_build_cmds
- python setup.py build
+ python3 setup.py build
define $(package)_stage_cmds
mkdir -p $($(package)_install_libdir) && \
- python setup.py install --root=$($(package)_staging_dir) --prefix=$(build_prefix) --install-lib=$($(package)_install_libdir)
+ python3 setup.py install --root=$($(package)_staging_dir) --prefix=$(build_prefix) --install-lib=$($(package)_install_libdir)
diff --git a/depends/packages/native_capnp.mk b/depends/packages/native_capnp.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed5a6deee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/packages/native_capnp.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+define $(package)_config_cmds
+ $($(package)_autoconf)
+define $(package)_build_cmds
+ $(MAKE)
+define $(package)_stage_cmds
+ $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
diff --git a/depends/packages/native_cctools.mk b/depends/packages/native_cctools.mk
index 44d238cc4c..d56b636695 100644
--- a/depends/packages/native_cctools.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/native_cctools.mk
@@ -1,45 +1,86 @@
+ifeq ($(strip $(FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG)),)
+ifeq ($(strip $(FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG)),)
+$(package)_extra_sources += $($(package)_clang_file_name)
+ifeq ($(strip $(FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG)),)
define $(package)_fetch_cmds
$(call fetch_file,$(package),$($(package)_download_path),$($(package)_download_file),$($(package)_file_name),$($(package)_sha256_hash)) && \
-$(call fetch_file,$(package),$($(package)_clang_download_path),$($(package)_clang_download_file),$($(package)_clang_file_name),$($(package)_clang_sha256_hash))
+$(call fetch_file,$(package),$($(package)_clang_download_path),$($(package)_clang_download_file),$($(package)_clang_file_name),$($(package)_clang_sha256_hash)) && \
+$(call fetch_file,$(package),$($(package)_libtapi_download_path),$($(package)_libtapi_download_file),$($(package)_libtapi_file_name),$($(package)_libtapi_sha256_hash))
+define $(package)_fetch_cmds
+$(call fetch_file,$(package),$($(package)_download_path),$($(package)_download_file),$($(package)_file_name),$($(package)_sha256_hash)) && \
+$(call fetch_file,$(package),$($(package)_libtapi_download_path),$($(package)_libtapi_download_file),$($(package)_libtapi_file_name),$($(package)_libtapi_sha256_hash))
+ifeq ($(strip $(FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG)),)
define $(package)_extract_cmds
mkdir -p $($(package)_extract_dir) && \
echo "$($(package)_sha256_hash) $($(package)_source)" > $($(package)_extract_dir)/.$($(package)_file_name).hash && \
echo "$($(package)_clang_sha256_hash) $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_clang_file_name)" >> $($(package)_extract_dir)/.$($(package)_file_name).hash && \
+ echo "$($(package)_libtapi_sha256_hash) $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_libtapi_file_name)" >> $($(package)_extract_dir)/.$($(package)_file_name).hash && \
$(build_SHA256SUM) -c $($(package)_extract_dir)/.$($(package)_file_name).hash && \
- mkdir -p toolchain/bin toolchain/lib/clang/3.5/include && \
- tar --strip-components=1 -C toolchain -xf $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_clang_file_name) && \
+ mkdir -p toolchain/bin toolchain/lib/clang/$($(package)_clang_version)/include && \
+ mkdir -p libtapi && \
+ tar --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 -C libtapi -xf $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_libtapi_file_name) && \
+ tar --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 -C toolchain -xf $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_clang_file_name) && \
rm -f toolchain/lib/libc++abi.so* && \
- echo "#!/bin/sh" > toolchain/bin/$(host)-dsymutil && \
- echo "exit 0" >> toolchain/bin/$(host)-dsymutil && \
- chmod +x toolchain/bin/$(host)-dsymutil && \
- tar --strip-components=1 -xf $($(package)_source)
+ tar --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 -xf $($(package)_source)
+define $(package)_extract_cmds
+ mkdir -p $($(package)_extract_dir) && \
+ echo "$($(package)_sha256_hash) $($(package)_source)" > $($(package)_extract_dir)/.$($(package)_file_name).hash && \
+ echo "$($(package)_libtapi_sha256_hash) $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_libtapi_file_name)" >> $($(package)_extract_dir)/.$($(package)_file_name).hash && \
+ $(build_SHA256SUM) -c $($(package)_extract_dir)/.$($(package)_file_name).hash && \
+ mkdir -p libtapi && \
+ tar --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 -C libtapi -xf $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_libtapi_file_name) && \
+ tar --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 -xf $($(package)_source)
define $(package)_set_vars
-$(package)_config_opts=--target=$(host) --disable-lto-support
+ $(package)_config_opts=--target=$(host) --with-libtapi=$($(package)_extract_dir)
+ $(package)_ldflags+=-Wl,-rpath=\\$$$$$$$$\$$$$$$$$ORIGIN/../lib
+ ifeq ($(strip $(FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG)),)
+ $(package)_config_opts+=--enable-lto-support --with-llvm-config=$($(package)_extract_dir)/toolchain/bin/llvm-config
+ $(package)_cc=$($(package)_extract_dir)/toolchain/bin/clang
+ $(package)_cxx=$($(package)_extract_dir)/toolchain/bin/clang++
+ else
+ $(package)_cc=clang
+ $(package)_cxx=clang++
+ endif
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- cd $($(package)_build_subdir); ./autogen.sh && \
- sed -i.old "/define HAVE_PTHREADS/d" ld64/src/ld/InputFiles.h
+ CC=$($(package)_cc) CXX=$($(package)_cxx) INSTALLPREFIX=$($(package)_extract_dir) ./libtapi/build.sh && \
+ CC=$($(package)_cc) CXX=$($(package)_cxx) INSTALLPREFIX=$($(package)_extract_dir) ./libtapi/install.sh && \
+ patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/ld64_disable_threading.patch
define $(package)_config_cmds
@@ -50,8 +91,12 @@ define $(package)_build_cmds
+ifeq ($(strip $(FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG)),)
define $(package)_stage_cmds
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install && \
+ mkdir -p $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/lib/ && \
+ cd $($(package)_extract_dir) && \
+ cp lib/libtapi.so.6 $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/lib/ && \
cd $($(package)_extract_dir)/toolchain && \
mkdir -p $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/lib/clang/$($(package)_clang_version)/include && \
mkdir -p $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/bin $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/include && \
@@ -59,7 +104,13 @@ define $(package)_stage_cmds
cp -P bin/clang++ $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/bin/ &&\
cp lib/libLTO.so $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/lib/ && \
cp -rf lib/clang/$($(package)_clang_version)/include/* $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/lib/clang/$($(package)_clang_version)/include/ && \
- cp bin/llvm-dsymutil $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/bin/$(host)-dsymutil && \
- if `test -d include/c++/`; then cp -rf include/c++/ $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/include/; fi && \
- if `test -d lib/c++/`; then cp -rf lib/c++/ $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/lib/; fi
+ cp bin/dsymutil $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/bin/$(host)-dsymutil
+define $(package)_stage_cmds
+ $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install && \
+ mkdir -p $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/lib/ && \
+ cd $($(package)_extract_dir) && \
+ cp lib/libtapi.so.6 $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/lib/
diff --git a/depends/packages/native_cdrkit.mk b/depends/packages/native_cdrkit.mk
index cf694edb30..7bdf2d7dfd 100644
--- a/depends/packages/native_cdrkit.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/native_cdrkit.mk
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/cdrkit-deterministic.patch
+# Starting with 10.1, GCC defaults to -fno-common, resulting in linking errors.
+# Pass -fcommon to retain the legacy behaviour.
define $(package)_config_cmds
- cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(build_prefix)
+ $($(package)_cmake) -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="$$($(1)_cflags) -fcommon"
define $(package)_build_cmds
diff --git a/depends/packages/native_ds_store.mk b/depends/packages/native_ds_store.mk
index 116fa25d38..f99b689ecd 100644
--- a/depends/packages/native_ds_store.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/native_ds_store.mk
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ $(package)_version=1.1.2
define $(package)_build_cmds
- python setup.py build
+ python3 setup.py build
define $(package)_stage_cmds
mkdir -p $($(package)_install_libdir) && \
- python setup.py install --root=$($(package)_staging_dir) --prefix=$(build_prefix) --install-lib=$($(package)_install_libdir)
+ python3 setup.py install --root=$($(package)_staging_dir) --prefix=$(build_prefix) --install-lib=$($(package)_install_libdir)
diff --git a/depends/packages/native_libdmg-hfsplus.mk b/depends/packages/native_libdmg-hfsplus.mk
index a4ffb6046c..035b767188 100644
--- a/depends/packages/native_libdmg-hfsplus.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/native_libdmg-hfsplus.mk
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
+ patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/remove-libcrypto-dependency.patch && \
mkdir build
define $(package)_config_cmds
- cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$(build_prefix)/bin ..
+ $($(package)_cmake) -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="$$($(1)_cflags) -Wl,--build-id=none" ..
define $(package)_build_cmds
diff --git a/depends/packages/native_libmultiprocess.mk b/depends/packages/native_libmultiprocess.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c50fdc3f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/packages/native_libmultiprocess.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+define $(package)_config_cmds
+ $($(package)_cmake)
+define $(package)_build_cmds
+ $(MAKE)
+define $(package)_stage_cmds
+ $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
diff --git a/depends/packages/native_mac_alias.mk b/depends/packages/native_mac_alias.mk
index 306c835656..e60b99dccc 100644
--- a/depends/packages/native_mac_alias.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/native_mac_alias.mk
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ $(package)_version=2.0.7
define $(package)_build_cmds
- python setup.py build
+ python3 setup.py build
define $(package)_stage_cmds
mkdir -p $($(package)_install_libdir) && \
- python setup.py install --root=$($(package)_staging_dir) --prefix=$(build_prefix) --install-lib=$($(package)_install_libdir)
+ python3 setup.py install --root=$($(package)_staging_dir) --prefix=$(build_prefix) --install-lib=$($(package)_install_libdir)
diff --git a/depends/packages/native_protobuf.mk b/depends/packages/native_protobuf.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index ce50b366fa..0000000000
--- a/depends/packages/native_protobuf.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-define $(package)_set_vars
-define $(package)_config_cmds
- $($(package)_autoconf)
-define $(package)_build_cmds
- $(MAKE) -C src protoc
-define $(package)_stage_cmds
- $(MAKE) -C src DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install-strip
-define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
- rm -rf lib include
diff --git a/depends/packages/openssl.mk b/depends/packages/openssl.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index db47113b2f..0000000000
--- a/depends/packages/openssl.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-define $(package)_set_vars
-$(package)_config_env=AR="$($(package)_ar)" RANLIB="$($(package)_ranlib)" CC="$($(package)_cc)"
-$(package)_config_opts=--prefix=$(host_prefix) --openssldir=$(host_prefix)/etc/openssl
-$(package)_config_opts+=$($(package)_cflags) $($(package)_cppflags)
-$(package)_config_opts_linux=-fPIC -Wa,--noexecstack
-define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- sed -i.old "/define DATE/d" util/mkbuildinf.pl && \
- sed -i.old "s|engines apps test|engines|" Makefile.org
-define $(package)_config_cmds
- ./Configure $($(package)_config_opts)
-define $(package)_build_cmds
- $(MAKE) -j1 build_libs libcrypto.pc libssl.pc openssl.pc
-define $(package)_stage_cmds
- $(MAKE) INSTALL_PREFIX=$($(package)_staging_dir) -j1 install_sw
-define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
- rm -rf share bin etc
diff --git a/depends/packages/packages.mk b/depends/packages/packages.mk
index 38329d16d7..4627acb521 100644
--- a/depends/packages/packages.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/packages.mk
@@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
-packages:=boost openssl libevent zeromq
+packages:=boost libevent
-qt_native_packages = native_protobuf
-qt_packages = qrencode protobuf zlib
+qt_packages = zlib
-qt_linux_packages:=qt expat dbus libxcb xcb_proto libXau xproto freetype fontconfig libX11 xextproto libXext xtrans
+qrencode_packages = qrencode
-rapidcheck_packages = rapidcheck
+qt_linux_packages:=qt expat libxcb xcb_proto libXau xproto freetype fontconfig
+multiprocess_packages = libmultiprocess capnp
+multiprocess_native_packages = native_libmultiprocess native_capnp
darwin_native_packages = native_biplist native_ds_store native_mac_alias
ifneq ($(build_os),darwin)
diff --git a/depends/packages/protobuf.mk b/depends/packages/protobuf.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index d201d1183f..0000000000
--- a/depends/packages/protobuf.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-define $(package)_set_vars
- $(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared --with-protoc=$(build_prefix)/bin/protoc
- $(package)_config_opts_linux=--with-pic
-define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- cp -f $(BASEDIR)/config.guess $(BASEDIR)/config.sub . &&\
- cp -f $(BASEDIR)/config.guess $(BASEDIR)/config.sub gtest/build-aux
-define $(package)_config_cmds
- $($(package)_autoconf)
-define $(package)_build_cmds
- $(MAKE) -C src libprotobuf.la
-define $(package)_stage_cmds
- $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) -C src install-libLTLIBRARIES install-nobase_includeHEADERS &&\
- $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install-pkgconfigDATA
-define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
- rm lib/libprotoc.a
diff --git a/depends/packages/qrencode.mk b/depends/packages/qrencode.mk
index 313e4adf2a..d1687883bc 100644
--- a/depends/packages/qrencode.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/qrencode.mk
@@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ $(package)_file_name=$(package)-$($(package)_version).tar.bz2
define $(package)_set_vars
-$(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared -without-tools --disable-sdltest
+$(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared --without-tools --without-tests --disable-sdltest
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-gprof --disable-gcov --disable-mudflap
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-option-checking
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
@@ -24,3 +27,7 @@ endef
define $(package)_stage_cmds
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
+define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
+ rm lib/*.la
diff --git a/depends/packages/qt.mk b/depends/packages/qt.mk
index deebf13e98..083bc68d66 100644
--- a/depends/packages/qt.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/qt.mk
@@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
-$(package)_dependencies=openssl zlib
-$(package)_linux_dependencies=freetype fontconfig libxcb libX11 xproto libXext
+$(package)_linux_dependencies=freetype fontconfig libxcb
$(package)_qt_libs=corelib network widgets gui plugins testlib
-$(package)_patches=fix_qt_pkgconfig.patch mac-qmake.conf fix_configure_mac.patch fix_no_printer.patch fix_rcc_determinism.patch fix_riscv64_arch.patch xkb-default.patch
+$(package)_patches=fix_qt_pkgconfig.patch mac-qmake.conf fix_configure_mac.patch fix_no_printer.patch
+$(package)_patches+= fix_rcc_determinism.patch fix_riscv64_arch.patch xkb-default.patch no-xlib.patch
+$(package)_patches+= fix_android_qmake_conf.patch fix_android_jni_static.patch dont_hardcode_pwd.patch
+$(package)_patches+= freetype_back_compat.patch drop_lrelease_dependency.patch fix_powerpc_libpng.patch
+# Update OSX_QT_TRANSLATIONS when this is updated
$(package)_extra_sources = $($(package)_qttranslations_file_name)
$(package)_extra_sources += $($(package)_qttools_file_name)
@@ -25,7 +29,6 @@ $(package)_config_opts_debug = -debug
$(package)_config_opts += -bindir $(build_prefix)/bin
$(package)_config_opts += -c++std c++11
$(package)_config_opts += -confirm-license
-$(package)_config_opts += -dbus-runtime
$(package)_config_opts += -hostprefix $(build_prefix)
$(package)_config_opts += -no-compile-examples
$(package)_config_opts += -no-cups
@@ -35,14 +38,20 @@ $(package)_config_opts += -no-freetype
$(package)_config_opts += -no-gif
$(package)_config_opts += -no-glib
$(package)_config_opts += -no-icu
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-ico
$(package)_config_opts += -no-iconv
$(package)_config_opts += -no-kms
$(package)_config_opts += -no-linuxfb
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-libjpeg
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-libproxy
$(package)_config_opts += -no-libudev
$(package)_config_opts += -no-mtdev
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-openssl
$(package)_config_opts += -no-openvg
$(package)_config_opts += -no-reduce-relocations
$(package)_config_opts += -no-qml-debug
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-sctp
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-securetransport
$(package)_config_opts += -no-sql-db2
$(package)_config_opts += -no-sql-ibase
$(package)_config_opts += -no-sql-oci
@@ -52,62 +61,113 @@ $(package)_config_opts += -no-sql-odbc
$(package)_config_opts += -no-sql-psql
$(package)_config_opts += -no-sql-sqlite
$(package)_config_opts += -no-sql-sqlite2
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-system-proxies
$(package)_config_opts += -no-use-gold-linker
$(package)_config_opts += -no-xinput2
$(package)_config_opts += -nomake examples
$(package)_config_opts += -nomake tests
$(package)_config_opts += -opensource
-$(package)_config_opts += -openssl-linked
-$(package)_config_opts += -optimized-qmake
+$(package)_config_opts += -optimized-tools
$(package)_config_opts += -pch
$(package)_config_opts += -pkg-config
$(package)_config_opts += -prefix $(host_prefix)
$(package)_config_opts += -qt-libpng
-$(package)_config_opts += -qt-libjpeg
$(package)_config_opts += -qt-pcre
$(package)_config_opts += -qt-harfbuzz
$(package)_config_opts += -system-zlib
$(package)_config_opts += -static
$(package)_config_opts += -silent
$(package)_config_opts += -v
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-bearermanagement
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-colordialog
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-commandlineparser
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-concurrent
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-dial
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-fontcombobox
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-ftp
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-http
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-image_heuristic_mask
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-keysequenceedit
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-lcdnumber
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-networkdiskcache
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-networkproxy
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-pdf
-$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-printer
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-printdialog
-$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-concurrent
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-printer
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-printpreviewdialog
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-printpreviewwidget
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-regularexpression
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-sessionmanager
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-socks5
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-sql
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-statemachine
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-syntaxhighlighter
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-textbrowser
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-textodfwriter
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-topleveldomain
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-udpsocket
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-undocommand
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-undogroup
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-undostack
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-undoview
+$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-vnc
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-wizard
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-xml
+$(package)_config_opts_darwin = -no-dbus
+$(package)_config_opts_darwin += -no-opengl
ifneq ($(build_os),darwin)
-$(package)_config_opts_darwin = -xplatform macx-clang-linux
+$(package)_config_opts_darwin += -xplatform macx-clang-linux
$(package)_config_opts_darwin += -device-option MAC_SDK_PATH=$(OSX_SDK)
$(package)_config_opts_darwin += -device-option MAC_SDK_VERSION=$(OSX_SDK_VERSION)
$(package)_config_opts_darwin += -device-option CROSS_COMPILE="$(host)-"
$(package)_config_opts_darwin += -device-option MAC_MIN_VERSION=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION)
$(package)_config_opts_darwin += -device-option MAC_TARGET=$(host)
-$(package)_config_opts_darwin += -device-option MAC_LD64_VERSION=$(LD64_VERSION)
$(package)_config_opts_linux = -qt-xkbcommon-x11
$(package)_config_opts_linux += -qt-xcb
+$(package)_config_opts_linux += -no-xcb-xlib
+$(package)_config_opts_linux += -no-feature-xlib
$(package)_config_opts_linux += -system-freetype
-$(package)_config_opts_linux += -no-feature-sessionmanager
$(package)_config_opts_linux += -fontconfig
$(package)_config_opts_linux += -no-opengl
+$(package)_config_opts_linux += -dbus-runtime
$(package)_config_opts_arm_linux += -platform linux-g++ -xplatform bitcoin-linux-g++
$(package)_config_opts_i686_linux = -xplatform linux-g++-32
$(package)_config_opts_x86_64_linux = -xplatform linux-g++-64
$(package)_config_opts_aarch64_linux = -xplatform linux-aarch64-gnu-g++
+$(package)_config_opts_powerpc64_linux = -platform linux-g++ -xplatform bitcoin-linux-g++
+$(package)_config_opts_powerpc64le_linux = -platform linux-g++ -xplatform bitcoin-linux-g++
$(package)_config_opts_riscv64_linux = -platform linux-g++ -xplatform bitcoin-linux-g++
-$(package)_config_opts_mingw32 = -no-opengl -xplatform win32-g++ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE="$(host)-"
+$(package)_config_opts_s390x_linux = -platform linux-g++ -xplatform bitcoin-linux-g++
+$(package)_config_opts_mingw32 = -no-opengl
+$(package)_config_opts_mingw32 += -no-dbus
+$(package)_config_opts_mingw32 += -xplatform win32-g++
+$(package)_config_opts_mingw32 += -device-option CROSS_COMPILE="$(host)-"
+$(package)_config_opts_android = -xplatform android-clang
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -android-sdk $(ANDROID_SDK)
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -android-ndk $(ANDROID_NDK)
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -android-ndk-platform android-$(ANDROID_API_LEVEL)
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -device-option CROSS_COMPILE="$(host)-"
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -egl
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -qpa xcb
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -no-eglfs
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -no-dbus
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -opengl es2
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -qt-freetype
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -no-fontconfig
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -L $(host_prefix)/lib
+$(package)_config_opts_android += -I $(host_prefix)/include
+$(package)_config_opts_aarch64_android += -android-arch arm64-v8a
+$(package)_config_opts_armv7a_android += -android-arch armeabi-v7a
+$(package)_config_opts_x86_64_android += -android-arch x86_64
+$(package)_config_opts_i686_android += -android-arch i686
$(package)_build_env = QT_RCC_TEST=1
$(package)_build_env += QT_RCC_SOURCE_DATE_OVERRIDE=1
@@ -125,21 +185,19 @@ define $(package)_extract_cmds
echo "$($(package)_qttools_sha256_hash) $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_qttools_file_name)" >> $($(package)_extract_dir)/.$($(package)_file_name).hash && \
$(build_SHA256SUM) -c $($(package)_extract_dir)/.$($(package)_file_name).hash && \
mkdir qtbase && \
- tar --strip-components=1 -xf $($(package)_source) -C qtbase && \
+ tar --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 -xf $($(package)_source) -C qtbase && \
mkdir qttranslations && \
- tar --strip-components=1 -xf $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_qttranslations_file_name) -C qttranslations && \
+ tar --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 -xf $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_qttranslations_file_name) -C qttranslations && \
mkdir qttools && \
- tar --strip-components=1 -xf $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_qttools_file_name) -C qttools
+ tar --no-same-owner --strip-components=1 -xf $($(package)_source_dir)/$($(package)_qttools_file_name) -C qttools
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- sed -i.old "s|FT_Get_Font_Format|FT_Get_X11_Font_Format|" qtbase/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/freetype/qfontengine_ft.cpp && \
+ patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/freetype_back_compat.patch && \
+ patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/fix_powerpc_libpng.patch && \
sed -i.old "s|updateqm.commands = \$$$$\$$$$LRELEASE|updateqm.commands = $($(package)_extract_dir)/qttools/bin/lrelease|" qttranslations/translations/translations.pro && \
- sed -i.old "/updateqm.depends =/d" qttranslations/translations/translations.pro && \
- sed -i.old "s/src_plugins.depends = src_sql src_network/src_plugins.depends = src_network/" qtbase/src/src.pro && \
- sed -i.old "s|X11/extensions/XIproto.h|X11/X.h|" qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbxsettings.cpp && \
- sed -i.old 's/if \[ "$$$$XPLATFORM_MAC" = "yes" \]; then xspecvals=$$$$(macSDKify/if \[ "$$$$BUILD_ON_MAC" = "yes" \]; then xspecvals=$$$$(macSDKify/' qtbase/configure && \
- sed -i.old 's/CGEventCreateMouseEvent(0, kCGEventMouseMoved, pos, 0)/CGEventCreateMouseEvent(0, kCGEventMouseMoved, pos, kCGMouseButtonLeft)/' qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/qcocoacursor.mm && \
+ patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/drop_lrelease_dependency.patch && \
+ patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/dont_hardcode_pwd.patch &&\
mkdir -p qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux &&\
cp -f qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang/Info.plist.lib qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux/ &&\
cp -f qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang/Info.plist.app qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux/ &&\
@@ -152,15 +210,21 @@ define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/fix_no_printer.patch &&\
patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/fix_rcc_determinism.patch &&\
patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/xkb-default.patch &&\
+ patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/fix_android_qmake_conf.patch &&\
+ patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/fix_android_jni_static.patch &&\
echo "!host_build: QMAKE_CFLAGS += $($(package)_cflags) $($(package)_cppflags)" >> qtbase/mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf && \
echo "!host_build: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $($(package)_cxxflags) $($(package)_cppflags)" >> qtbase/mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf && \
echo "!host_build: QMAKE_LFLAGS += $($(package)_ldflags)" >> qtbase/mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf && \
patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/fix_riscv64_arch.patch &&\
+ patch -p1 -i $($(package)_patch_dir)/no-xlib.patch &&\
echo "QMAKE_LINK_OBJECT_MAX = 10" >> qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf &&\
echo "QMAKE_LINK_OBJECT_SCRIPT = object_script" >> qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf &&\
- sed -i.old "s|QMAKE_CFLAGS = |!host_build: QMAKE_CFLAGS = $($(package)_cflags) $($(package)_cppflags) |" qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf && \
- sed -i.old "s|QMAKE_LFLAGS = |!host_build: QMAKE_LFLAGS = $($(package)_ldflags) |" qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf && \
- sed -i.old "s|QMAKE_CXXFLAGS = |!host_build: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS = $($(package)_cxxflags) $($(package)_cppflags) |" qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf
+ sed -i.old "s|QMAKE_CFLAGS += |!host_build: QMAKE_CFLAGS = $($(package)_cflags) $($(package)_cppflags) |" qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf && \
+ sed -i.old "s|QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += |!host_build: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS = $($(package)_cxxflags) $($(package)_cppflags) |" qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf && \
+ sed -i.old "0,/^QMAKE_LFLAGS_/s|^QMAKE_LFLAGS_|!host_build: QMAKE_LFLAGS = $($(package)_ldflags)\n&|" qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf && \
+ sed -i.old "s|QMAKE_CC = clang|QMAKE_CC = $($(package)_cc)|" qtbase/mkspecs/common/clang.conf && \
+ sed -i.old "s|QMAKE_CXX = clang++|QMAKE_CXX = $($(package)_cxx)|" qtbase/mkspecs/common/clang.conf && \
+ sed -i.old "s/LIBRARY_PATH/(CROSS_)?\0/g" qtbase/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf
define $(package)_config_cmds
diff --git a/depends/packages/rapidcheck.mk b/depends/packages/rapidcheck.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 19cf1cae2e..0000000000
--- a/depends/packages/rapidcheck.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-define $(package)_config_cmds
-define $(package)_build_cmds
- $(MAKE) && \
- mkdir -p $($(package)_staging_dir)$(host_prefix)/include && \
- cp -a include/* $($(package)_staging_dir)$(host_prefix)/include/ && \
- cp -a extras/boost_test/include/rapidcheck/* $($(package)_staging_dir)$(host_prefix)/include/rapidcheck/ && \
- mkdir -p $($(package)_staging_dir)$(host_prefix)/lib && \
- cp -a librapidcheck.a $($(package)_staging_dir)$(host_prefix)/lib/
diff --git a/depends/packages/sqlite.mk b/depends/packages/sqlite.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b3a61b239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/packages/sqlite.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+define $(package)_set_vars
+$(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared --disable-readline --disable-dynamic-extensions --enable-option-checking
+define $(package)_config_cmds
+ $($(package)_autoconf)
+define $(package)_build_cmds
+ $(MAKE) libsqlite3.la
+define $(package)_stage_cmds
+ $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install-libLTLIBRARIES install-includeHEADERS install-pkgconfigDATA
+define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
+ rm lib/*.la
diff --git a/depends/packages/xcb_proto.mk b/depends/packages/xcb_proto.mk
index 0c7c958d62..01203a0718 100644
--- a/depends/packages/xcb_proto.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/xcb_proto.mk
@@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
-define $(package)_set_vars
- $(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared
- $(package)_config_opts_linux=--with-pic
define $(package)_config_cmds
diff --git a/depends/packages/xextproto.mk b/depends/packages/xextproto.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 7065237bd5..0000000000
--- a/depends/packages/xextproto.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- cp -f $(BASEDIR)/config.guess $(BASEDIR)/config.sub .
-define $(package)_set_vars
-define $(package)_config_cmds
- $($(package)_autoconf)
-define $(package)_build_cmds
- $(MAKE)
-define $(package)_stage_cmds
- $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
diff --git a/depends/packages/xproto.mk b/depends/packages/xproto.mk
index 5328ec8481..6bd867d02b 100644
--- a/depends/packages/xproto.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/xproto.mk
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
define $(package)_set_vars
+$(package)_config_opts=--without-fop --without-xmlto --without-xsltproc --disable-specs
+$(package)_config_opts += --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-option-checking
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
diff --git a/depends/packages/xtrans.mk b/depends/packages/xtrans.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index c313b1f609..0000000000
--- a/depends/packages/xtrans.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-define $(package)_set_vars
-$(package)_config_opts_linux=--with-pic --disable-static
-define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- cp -f $(BASEDIR)/config.guess $(BASEDIR)/config.sub .
-define $(package)_config_cmds
- $($(package)_autoconf)
-define $(package)_build_cmds
- $(MAKE)
-define $(package)_stage_cmds
- $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
diff --git a/depends/packages/zeromq.mk b/depends/packages/zeromq.mk
index dfbc50580c..c93aa1a74d 100644
--- a/depends/packages/zeromq.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/zeromq.mk
@@ -3,18 +3,21 @@ $(package)_version=4.3.1
-$(package)_patches=0001-fix-build-with-older-mingw64.patch 0002-disable-pthread_set_name_np.patch
define $(package)_set_vars
- $(package)_config_opts=--without-docs --disable-shared --without-libsodium --disable-curve --disable-curve-keygen --disable-perf --disable-Werror
+ $(package)_config_opts=--without-docs --disable-shared --disable-curve --disable-curve-keygen --disable-perf
+ $(package)_config_opts += --without-libsodium --without-libgssapi_krb5 --without-pgm --without-norm --without-vmci
+ $(package)_config_opts += --disable-libunwind --disable-radix-tree --without-gcov --disable-dependency-tracking
+ $(package)_config_opts += --disable-Werror --disable-drafts --enable-option-checking
+ $(package)_config_opts_android=--with-pic
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
- patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/0001-fix-build-with-older-mingw64.patch && \
- patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/0002-disable-pthread_set_name_np.patch && \
- cp -f $(BASEDIR)/config.guess $(BASEDIR)/config.sub config
+ patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/remove_libstd_link.patch && \
+ cp -f $(BASEDIR)/config.guess $(BASEDIR)/config.sub config
define $(package)_config_cmds
@@ -30,6 +33,5 @@ define $(package)_stage_cmds
define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
- sed -i.old "s/ -lstdc++//" lib/pkgconfig/libzmq.pc && \
- rm -rf bin share
+ rm -rf bin share lib/*.la
diff --git a/depends/packages/zlib.mk b/depends/packages/zlib.mk
index 589490800f..acb02020a8 100644
--- a/depends/packages/zlib.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/zlib.mk
@@ -1,27 +1,31 @@
define $(package)_set_vars
-$(package)_build_opts= CC="$($(package)_cc)"
-$(package)_build_opts+=CFLAGS="$($(package)_cflags) $($(package)_cppflags) -fPIC"
+$(package)_config_opts= CC="$($(package)_cc)"
+$(package)_config_opts+=CFLAGS="$($(package)_cflags) $($(package)_cppflags) -fPIC"
+# zlib has its own custom configure script that takes in options like CC,
+# CFLAGS, RANLIB, AR, and ARFLAGS from the environment rather than from
+# command-line arguments.
define $(package)_config_cmds
- ./configure --static --prefix=$(host_prefix)
+ env $($(package)_config_opts) ./configure --static --prefix=$(host_prefix)
define $(package)_build_cmds
- $(MAKE) $($(package)_build_opts) libz.a
+ $(MAKE) libz.a
define $(package)_stage_cmds
- $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install $($(package)_build_opts)
+ $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$($(package)_staging_dir) install
diff --git a/depends/patches/bdb/clang_cxx_11.patch b/depends/patches/bdb/clang_cxx_11.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58f7ddc7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/bdb/clang_cxx_11.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+commit 3311d68f11d1697565401eee6efc85c34f022ea7
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Mon Aug 17 20:03:56 2020 +0800
+ Fix C++11 compatibility
+diff --git a/dbinc/atomic.h b/dbinc/atomic.h
+index 0034dcc..7c11d4a 100644
+--- a/dbinc/atomic.h
++++ b/dbinc/atomic.h
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ typedef struct {
+ * These have no memory barriers; the caller must include them when necessary.
+ */
+ #define atomic_read(p) ((p)->value)
+-#define atomic_init(p, val) ((p)->value = (val))
++#define atomic_init_db(p, val) ((p)->value = (val))
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ typedef LONG volatile *interlocked_val;
+ #define atomic_inc(env, p) __atomic_inc(p)
+ #define atomic_dec(env, p) __atomic_dec(p)
+ #define atomic_compare_exchange(env, p, o, n) \
+- __atomic_compare_exchange((p), (o), (n))
++ __atomic_compare_exchange_db((p), (o), (n))
+ static inline int __atomic_inc(db_atomic_t *p)
+ {
+ int temp;
+@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ static inline int __atomic_dec(db_atomic_t *p)
+ * http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.0/gcc/Atomic-Builtins.html
+ * which configure could be changed to use.
+ */
+-static inline int __atomic_compare_exchange(
++static inline int __atomic_compare_exchange_db(
+ db_atomic_t *p, atomic_value_t oldval, atomic_value_t newval)
+ {
+ atomic_value_t was;
+@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ static inline int __atomic_compare_exchange(
+ #define atomic_dec(env, p) (--(p)->value)
+ #define atomic_compare_exchange(env, p, oldval, newval) \
+ (DB_ASSERT(env, atomic_read(p) == (oldval)), \
+- atomic_init(p, (newval)), 1)
++ atomic_init_db(p, (newval)), 1)
+ #else
+ #define atomic_inc(env, p) __atomic_inc(env, p)
+ #define atomic_dec(env, p) __atomic_dec(env, p)
+diff --git a/mp/mp_fget.c b/mp/mp_fget.c
+index 5fdee5a..0b75f57 100644
+--- a/mp/mp_fget.c
++++ b/mp/mp_fget.c
+@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ alloc: /* Allocate a new buffer header and data space. */
+ /* Initialize enough so we can call __memp_bhfree. */
+ alloc_bhp->flags = 0;
+- atomic_init(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
++ atomic_init_db(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
+ if ((uintptr_t)alloc_bhp->buf & (sizeof(size_t) - 1)) {
+ __db_errx(env,
+@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ alloc: /* Allocate a new buffer header and data space. */
+ MVCC_MPROTECT(bhp->buf, mfp->stat.st_pagesize,
+- atomic_init(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
++ atomic_init_db(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
+ MUTEX_LOCK(env, alloc_bhp->mtx_buf);
+ alloc_bhp->priority = bhp->priority;
+ alloc_bhp->pgno = bhp->pgno;
+diff --git a/mp/mp_mvcc.c b/mp/mp_mvcc.c
+index 34467d2..f05aa0c 100644
+--- a/mp/mp_mvcc.c
++++ b/mp/mp_mvcc.c
+@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ __memp_bh_freeze(dbmp, infop, hp, bhp, need_frozenp)
+ #else
+ memcpy(frozen_bhp, bhp, SSZA(BH, buf));
+ #endif
+- atomic_init(&frozen_bhp->ref, 0);
++ atomic_init_db(&frozen_bhp->ref, 0);
+ if (mutex != MUTEX_INVALID)
+ frozen_bhp->mtx_buf = mutex;
+ else if ((ret = __mutex_alloc(env, MTX_MPOOL_BH,
+@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ __memp_bh_thaw(dbmp, infop, hp, frozen_bhp, alloc_bhp)
+ #endif
+ alloc_bhp->mtx_buf = mutex;
+ MUTEX_LOCK(env, alloc_bhp->mtx_buf);
+- atomic_init(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
++ atomic_init_db(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
+ F_CLR(alloc_bhp, BH_FROZEN);
+ }
+diff --git a/mp/mp_region.c b/mp/mp_region.c
+index e6cece9..ddbe906 100644
+--- a/mp/mp_region.c
++++ b/mp/mp_region.c
+@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ __memp_init(env, dbmp, reginfo_off, htab_buckets, max_nreg)
+ MTX_MPOOL_FILE_BUCKET, 0, &htab[i].mtx_hash)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ SH_TAILQ_INIT(&htab[i].hash_bucket);
+- atomic_init(&htab[i].hash_page_dirty, 0);
++ atomic_init_db(&htab[i].hash_page_dirty, 0);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ __memp_init(env, dbmp, reginfo_off, htab_buckets, max_nreg)
+ hp->mtx_hash = (mtx_base == MUTEX_INVALID) ? MUTEX_INVALID :
+ mtx_base + i;
+ SH_TAILQ_INIT(&hp->hash_bucket);
+- atomic_init(&hp->hash_page_dirty, 0);
++ atomic_init_db(&hp->hash_page_dirty, 0);
+ hp->hash_io_wait = 0;
+ hp->hash_frozen = hp->hash_thawed = hp->hash_frozen_freed = 0;
+diff --git a/mutex/mut_method.c b/mutex/mut_method.c
+index 2588763..5c6d516 100644
+--- a/mutex/mut_method.c
++++ b/mutex/mut_method.c
+@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ atomic_compare_exchange(env, v, oldval, newval)
+ MUTEX_LOCK(env, mtx);
+ ret = atomic_read(v) == oldval;
+ if (ret)
+- atomic_init(v, newval);
++ atomic_init_db(v, newval);
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(env, mtx);
+ return (ret);
+diff --git a/mutex/mut_tas.c b/mutex/mut_tas.c
+index f3922e0..e40fcdf 100644
+--- a/mutex/mut_tas.c
++++ b/mutex/mut_tas.c
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ __db_tas_mutex_init(env, mutex, flags)
+ if (F_ISSET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_SHARED))
+- atomic_init(&mutexp->sharecount, 0);
++ atomic_init_db(&mutexp->sharecount, 0);
+ else
+ #endif
+ if (MUTEX_INIT(&mutexp->tas)) {
+@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ __db_tas_mutex_unlock(env, mutex)
+ /* Flush flag update before zeroing count */
+- atomic_init(&mutexp->sharecount, 0);
++ atomic_init_db(&mutexp->sharecount, 0);
+ } else {
+ DB_ASSERT(env, sharecount > 0);
diff --git a/depends/patches/boost/unused_var_in_process.patch b/depends/patches/boost/unused_var_in_process.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..722f7bb5ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/boost/unused_var_in_process.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+commit dbd95cdaefdea95307d004f019a1c394cf9389f0
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Mon Aug 17 20:15:17 2020 +0800
+ Remove unused variable in Boost Process
+ This causes issues with our linters / CI.
+ Can be removed once depends Boost is 1.71.0 or later.
+diff --git a/boost/process/detail/posix/wait_group.hpp b/boost/process/detail/posix/wait_group.hpp
+index 9dc249803..2502d9772 100644
+--- a/boost/process/detail/posix/wait_group.hpp
++++ b/boost/process/detail/posix/wait_group.hpp
+@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ inline bool wait_until(
+ do
+ {
+- int ret_sig = 0;
+ int status;
+ if ((::waitpid(timeout_pid, &status, WNOHANG) != 0)
+ && (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)))
diff --git a/depends/patches/fontconfig/gperf_header_regen.patch b/depends/patches/fontconfig/gperf_header_regen.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7401b83d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/fontconfig/gperf_header_regen.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+commit 7b6eb33ecd88768b28c67ce5d2d68a7eed5936b6
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Tue Aug 25 14:34:53 2020 +0800
+ Remove rule that causes inadvertant header regeneration
+ Otherwise the makefile will needlessly attempt to re-generate the
+ headers with gperf. This can be dropped once the upstream build is fixed.
+ See #10851.
+diff --git a/src/Makefile.in b/src/Makefile.in
+index f4626ad..4ae1b00 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile.in
++++ b/src/Makefile.in
+@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ fcobjshash.gperf: fcobjshash.gperf.h fcobjs.h
+ ' - > $@.tmp && \
+ mv -f $@.tmp $@ || ( $(RM) $@.tmp && false )
+-fcobjshash.h: fcobjshash.gperf
+ $(AM_V_GEN) $(GPERF) -m 100 $< > $@.tmp && \
+ mv -f $@.tmp $@ || ( $(RM) $@.tmp && false )
diff --git a/depends/patches/fontconfig/remove_char_width_usage.patch b/depends/patches/fontconfig/remove_char_width_usage.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f69081890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/fontconfig/remove_char_width_usage.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+commit 28165a9b078583dc8e9e5c344510e37582284cef
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Mon Aug 17 20:35:42 2020 +0800
+ Remove usage of CHAR_WIDTH
+ CHAR_WIDTH which is reserved and clashes with glibc 2.25+
+ See #10851.
+diff --git a/fontconfig/fontconfig.h b/fontconfig/fontconfig.h
+index 5c72b22..843c532 100644
+--- a/fontconfig/fontconfig.h
++++ b/fontconfig/fontconfig.h
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ typedef int FcBool;
+ #define FC_USER_CACHE_FILE ".fonts.cache-" FC_CACHE_VERSION
+ /* Adjust outline rasterizer */
+-#define FC_CHAR_WIDTH "charwidth" /* Int */
++#define FC_CHARWIDTH "charwidth" /* Int */
+ #define FC_CHAR_HEIGHT "charheight"/* Int */
+ #define FC_MATRIX "matrix" /* FcMatrix */
+diff --git a/src/fcobjs.h b/src/fcobjs.h
+index 1fc4f65..d27864b 100644
+--- a/src/fcobjs.h
++++ b/src/fcobjs.h
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ FC_OBJECT (DPI, FcTypeDouble, NULL)
+ FC_OBJECT (RGBA, FcTypeInteger, NULL)
+ FC_OBJECT (CHARSET, FcTypeCharSet, FcCompareCharSet)
+diff --git a/src/fcobjshash.gperf b/src/fcobjshash.gperf
+index 80a0237..eb4ad84 100644
+--- a/src/fcobjshash.gperf
++++ b/src/fcobjshash.gperf
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ int id;
+ "charheight",FC_CHAR_HEIGHT_OBJECT
+diff --git a/src/fcobjshash.h b/src/fcobjshash.h
+index 5a4d1ea..4e66bb0 100644
+--- a/src/fcobjshash.h
++++ b/src/fcobjshash.h
+@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ FcObjectTypeLookup (register const char *str, register unsigned int len)
+ {(int)(long)&((struct FcObjectTypeNamePool_t *)0)->FcObjectTypeNamePool_str43,FC_CHARSET_OBJECT},
+ {-1},
+ #line 47 "fcobjshash.gperf"
+- {(int)(long)&((struct FcObjectTypeNamePool_t *)0)->FcObjectTypeNamePool_str45,FC_CHAR_WIDTH_OBJECT},
++ {(int)(long)&((struct FcObjectTypeNamePool_t *)0)->FcObjectTypeNamePool_str45,FC_CHARWIDTH_OBJECT},
+ #line 48 "fcobjshash.gperf"
+ {(int)(long)&((struct FcObjectTypeNamePool_t *)0)->FcObjectTypeNamePool_str46,FC_CHAR_HEIGHT_OBJECT},
+ #line 55 "fcobjshash.gperf"
diff --git a/depends/patches/libevent/0001-fix-windows-getaddrinfo.patch b/depends/patches/libevent/0001-fix-windows-getaddrinfo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a98cd90bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/libevent/0001-fix-windows-getaddrinfo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+diff -ur libevent-2.1.8-stable.orig/configure.ac libevent-2.1.8-stable/configure.ac
+--- libevent-2.1.8-stable.orig/configure.ac 2017-01-29 17:51:00.000000000 +0000
++++ libevent-2.1.8-stable/configure.ac 2020-03-07 01:11:16.311335005 +0000
+@@ -389,6 +389,10 @@
+ #ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H
+ #include
+ #endif
++#ifdef _WIN32
+ ]],
+ [[
+ getaddrinfo;
+Only in libevent-2.1.8-stable: configure.ac~
diff --git a/depends/patches/miniupnpc/dont_use_wingen.patch b/depends/patches/miniupnpc/dont_use_wingen.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1cc9b50d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/miniupnpc/dont_use_wingen.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+commit e8077044df239bcf0d9e9980b0e1afb9f1f5c446
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Tue Aug 18 20:50:19 2020 +0800
+ Don't use wingenminiupnpcstrings when generating miniupnpcstrings.h
+ The wingenminiupnpcstrings tool is used on Windows to generate version
+ information. This information is irrelevant for us, and trying to use
+ wingenminiupnpcstrings would cause builds to fail, so just don't use it.
+ We should be able to drop this once we are using 2.1 or later. See
+ upstream commit: 9663c55c61408fdcc39a82987d2243f816b22932.
+diff --git a/Makefile.mingw b/Makefile.mingw
+index 574720e..fcc17bb 100644
+--- a/Makefile.mingw
++++ b/Makefile.mingw
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ wingenminiupnpcstrings: wingenminiupnpcstrings.o
+ wingenminiupnpcstrings.o: wingenminiupnpcstrings.c
+-miniupnpcstrings.h: miniupnpcstrings.h.in wingenminiupnpcstrings
++miniupnpcstrings.h: miniupnpcstrings.h.in
+ wingenminiupnpcstrings $< $@
+ minixml.o: minixml.c minixml.h
diff --git a/depends/patches/native_cctools/ld64_disable_threading.patch b/depends/patches/native_cctools/ld64_disable_threading.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6c58c102f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/native_cctools/ld64_disable_threading.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+commit 584668415039adeed073decee7e04de28248afd3
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Tue Aug 18 01:20:24 2020 +0000
+ Disable threading to fix non-determinism
+ A bug in the file parser can cause dependencies to be calculated
+ differently based on which files have already been parsed. This is more
+ likely to occur on systems with more CPUs.
+ Just disable threading for now. There is no noticable slowdown.
+ See #9891.
+diff --git a/cctools/ld64/src/ld/InputFiles.h b/cctools/ld64/src/ld/InputFiles.h
+index ef9c756..90a70b6 100644
+--- a/cctools/ld64/src/ld/InputFiles.h
++++ b/cctools/ld64/src/ld/InputFiles.h
+@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
+ #ifndef __INPUT_FILES_H__
+ #define __INPUT_FILES_H__
+-#define HAVE_PTHREADS 1
+ #include
+ #include
diff --git a/depends/patches/native_libdmg-hfsplus/remove-libcrypto-dependency.patch b/depends/patches/native_libdmg-hfsplus/remove-libcrypto-dependency.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f346c8f2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/native_libdmg-hfsplus/remove-libcrypto-dependency.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+From 3e5fd3fb56bc9ff03beb535979e33dcf83fe1f70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Cory Fields
+Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 12:39:42 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] dmg: remove libcrypto dependency
+ dmg/CMakeLists.txt | 16 ----------------
+ 1 file changed, 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dmg/CMakeLists.txt b/dmg/CMakeLists.txt
+index eec62d6..3969f64 100644
+--- a/dmg/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/dmg/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -1,12 +1,5 @@
+- /usr/lib
+- /usr/local/lib
+- )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "zlib is required for dmg!")
+@@ -18,15 +11,6 @@ link_directories(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/common ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/hfs)
+ add_library(dmg adc.c base64.c checksum.c dmgfile.c dmglib.c filevault.c io.c partition.c resources.c udif.c)
+- add_definitions(-DHAVE_CRYPT)
+- include_directories(${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR})
+- target_link_libraries(dmg ${CRYPTO_LIBRARIES})
+- IF(WIN32)
+ target_link_libraries(dmg common hfs z)
+ add_executable(dmg-bin dmg.c)
diff --git a/depends/patches/qt/dont_hardcode_pwd.patch b/depends/patches/qt/dont_hardcode_pwd.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a74e9cb098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/qt/dont_hardcode_pwd.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+commit 0e953866fc4672486e29e1ba6d83b4207e7b2f0b
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Tue Aug 18 15:09:06 2020 +0800
+ Don't hardcode pwd path
+ Let a man use his builtins if he wants to! Also, removes the unnecessary
+ assumption that pwd lives under /bin/pwd.
+ See #15581.
+diff --git a/qtbase/configure b/qtbase/configure
+index 08b49a8d..faea5b55 100755
+--- a/qtbase/configure
++++ b/qtbase/configure
+@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
+ relconf=`basename $0`
+ # the directory of this script is the "source tree"
+ relpath=`dirname $0`
+-relpath=`(cd "$relpath"; /bin/pwd)`
++relpath=`(cd "$relpath"; pwd)`
+ # the current directory is the "build tree" or "object tree"
+ WHICH="which"
diff --git a/depends/patches/qt/drop_lrelease_dependency.patch b/depends/patches/qt/drop_lrelease_dependency.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6b2c9fc80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/qt/drop_lrelease_dependency.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+commit 67b3ed7406e1d0762188dbad2c44a06824ba0778
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Tue Aug 18 15:24:01 2020 +0800
+ Drop dependency on lrelease
+ Qts buildsystem insists on using the installed lrelease, but gets
+ confused about how to find it. Since we manually control the build
+ order, just drop the dependency.
+ See #9469
+diff --git a/qttranslations/translations/translations.pro b/qttranslations/translations/translations.pro
+index 694544c..eff339d 100644
+--- a/qttranslations/translations/translations.pro
++++ b/qttranslations/translations/translations.pro
+@@ -109,3 +109,2 @@ updateqm.commands = $$LRELEASE ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} -qm ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT}
+ silent:updateqm.commands = @echo lrelease ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} && $$updateqm.commands
+-updateqm.depends = $$LRELEASE_EXE
+ updateqm.name = LRELEASE ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
diff --git a/depends/patches/qt/fix_android_jni_static.patch b/depends/patches/qt/fix_android_jni_static.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f6ff00f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/qt/fix_android_jni_static.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- old/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/android/androidjnimain.cpp
++++ new/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/android/androidjnimain.cpp
+@@ -890,6 +890,14 @@
+ __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_FATAL, "Qt", "registerNatives failed");
+ return -1;
+ }
++ const jint ret = QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QtAndroidPrivate::initJNI(vm, env));
++ if (ret != 0)
++ {
++ __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_FATAL, "Qt", "initJNI failed");
++ return ret;
++ }
+ QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::TabletEvent::setPlatformSynthesizesMouse(false);
+ m_javaVM = vm;
diff --git a/depends/patches/qt/fix_android_qmake_conf.patch b/depends/patches/qt/fix_android_qmake_conf.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13bfff9776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/qt/fix_android_qmake_conf.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- old/qtbase/mkspecs/android-clang/qmake.conf
++++ new/qtbase/mkspecs/android-clang/qmake.conf
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
+ QMAKE_CFLAGS += -target mips64el-none-linux-android
+-QMAKE_LINK = $$QMAKE_CXX $$QMAKE_CFLAGS -Wl,--exclude-libs,libgcc.a
++QMAKE_LINK = $$QMAKE_CXX $$QMAKE_CFLAGS -Wl,--exclude-libs,libgcc.a -nostdlib++
+ -isystem $$NDK_ROOT/sysroot/usr/include/$$NDK_TOOLS_PREFIX \
+ -isystem $$NDK_ROOT/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/include \
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
+ ANDROID_SOURCES_CXX_STL_LIBDIR = $$NDK_ROOT/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/$$ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH
++ANDROID_CXX_STL_LIBS = -lc++_shared
diff --git a/depends/patches/qt/fix_powerpc_libpng.patch b/depends/patches/qt/fix_powerpc_libpng.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d37b6c7776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/qt/fix_powerpc_libpng.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+commit 6f9feb773a43c5abfa3455da2e324180e789285b
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Tue Sep 15 21:44:31 2020 +0800
+ Fix PowerPC build of libpng
+ See https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-66388.
+ Can be dropped when we are building qt 5.12.0 or later.
+diff --git a/qtbase/src/3rdparty/libpng/libpng.pro b/qtbase/src/3rdparty/libpng/libpng.pro
+index 577b61d8..a2f56669 100644
+--- a/qtbase/src/3rdparty/libpng/libpng.pro
++++ b/qtbase/src/3rdparty/libpng/libpng.pro
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ MODULE_INCLUDEPATH = $$PWD
+ load(qt_helper_lib)
+ SOURCES += \
+ png.c \
+ pngerror.c \
diff --git a/depends/patches/qt/fix_qt_pkgconfig.patch b/depends/patches/qt/fix_qt_pkgconfig.patch
index 34302a9f2d..8c722ffb46 100644
--- a/depends/patches/qt/fix_qt_pkgconfig.patch
+++ b/depends/patches/qt/fix_qt_pkgconfig.patch
@@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
--- old/qtbase/mkspecs/features/qt_module.prf
+++ new/qtbase/mkspecs/features/qt_module.prf
-@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
+@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
# this builds on top of qt_common
-!internal_module:!lib_bundle:if(unix|mingw) {
-+unix|mingw {
++if(unix|mingw):!if(darwin:debug_and_release:CONFIG(debug, debug|release)) {
CONFIG += create_pc
host_build: \
+@@ -274,9 +274,9 @@
++ QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_FILE = $$replace(TARGET, ^Qt, Qt$$QT_MAJOR_VERSION)$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix()
+ for(i, MODULE_DEPENDS): \
+- QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES += $$replace(QT.$${i}.name, ^Qt, Qt$$section(QT.$${i}.VERSION, ., 0, 0))
++ QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES += $$replace(QT.$${i}.name, ^Qt, Qt$$section(QT.$${i}.VERSION, ., 0, 0))$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix()
+ QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_DESCRIPTION = $$replace(TARGET, ^Qt, "Qt ") module
+ pclib_replace.match = $$lib_replace.match
diff --git a/depends/patches/qt/freetype_back_compat.patch b/depends/patches/qt/freetype_back_compat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0f1c98aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/qt/freetype_back_compat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+commit 14bc77db61bf9d56f9b6c8b84aa02573605c19c6
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Tue Aug 18 15:15:08 2020 +0800
+ Fix backwards compatibility with older Freetype versions at runtime
+ A few years ago, libfreetype introduced FT_Get_Font_Format() as an alias
+ for FT_Get_X11_Font_Format(), but FT_Get_X11_Font_Format() was kept for abi
+ backwards-compatibility.
+ Qt 5.9 introduced a call to FT_Get_Font_Format(). Replace it with FT_Get_X11_Font_Format()
+ in order to remain compatibile with older freetype, which is still used by e.g. Ubuntu Trusty.
+ See #14348.
+diff --git a/qtbase/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/freetype/qfontengine_ft.cpp b/qtbase/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/freetype/qfontengine_ft.cpp
+index 3f543755..8ecc1c8c 100644
+--- a/qtbase/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/freetype/qfontengine_ft.cpp
++++ b/qtbase/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/freetype/qfontengine_ft.cpp
+@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ bool QFontEngineFT::init(FaceId faceId, bool antialias, GlyphFormat format,
+ }
+ }
+ #if defined(FT_FONT_FORMATS_H)
+- const char *fmt = FT_Get_Font_Format(face);
++ const char *fmt = FT_Get_X11_Font_Format(face);
+ if (fmt && qstrncmp(fmt, "CFF", 4) == 0) {
+ FT_Bool no_stem_darkening = true;
+ FT_Error err = FT_Property_Get(qt_getFreetype(), "cff", "no-stem-darkening", &no_stem_darkening);
diff --git a/depends/patches/qt/mac-qmake.conf b/depends/patches/qt/mac-qmake.conf
index 337d0eb9ca..4cd96df29f 100644
--- a/depends/patches/qt/mac-qmake.conf
+++ b/depends/patches/qt/mac-qmake.conf
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ QMAKE_APPLE_DEVICE_ARCHS=x86_64
!host_build: QMAKE_CFLAGS += -target $${MAC_TARGET}
-!host_build: QMAKE_LFLAGS += -target $${MAC_TARGET} -mlinker-version=$${MAC_LD64_VERSION}
+!host_build: QMAKE_LFLAGS += -target $${MAC_TARGET}
diff --git a/depends/patches/qt/no-xlib.patch b/depends/patches/qt/no-xlib.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe82c2c73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/qt/no-xlib.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+From 9563cef873ae82e06f60708d706d054717e801ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Carl Dong
+Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2019 17:22:05 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] Wrap xlib related code blocks in #if's
+They are not necessary to compile QT.
+ qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbcursor.cpp | 8 ++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbcursor.cpp b/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbcursor.cpp
+index 7c62c2e2b3..c05c6c0a07 100644
+--- a/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbcursor.cpp
++++ b/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbcursor.cpp
+@@ -49,7 +49,9 @@
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
++#if QT_CONFIG(xcb_xlib) && QT_CONFIG(library)
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+@@ -384,6 +386,7 @@ void QXcbCursor::changeCursor(QCursor *cursor, QWindow *widget)
+ w->setCursor(c, isBitmapCursor);
+ }
++#if QT_CONFIG(xcb_xlib) && QT_CONFIG(library)
+ static int cursorIdForShape(int cshape)
+ {
+ int cursorId = 0;
+@@ -437,6 +440,7 @@ static int cursorIdForShape(int cshape)
+ }
+ return cursorId;
+ }
+ xcb_cursor_t QXcbCursor::createNonStandardCursor(int cshape)
+ {
+@@ -558,7 +562,9 @@ static xcb_cursor_t loadCursor(void *dpy, int cshape)
+ xcb_cursor_t QXcbCursor::createFontCursor(int cshape)
+ {
+ xcb_connection_t *conn = xcb_connection();
++#if QT_CONFIG(xcb_xlib) && QT_CONFIG(library)
+ int cursorId = cursorIdForShape(cshape);
+ xcb_cursor_t cursor = XCB_NONE;
+ // Try Xcursor first
+@@ -589,6 +595,7 @@ xcb_cursor_t QXcbCursor::createFontCursor(int cshape)
+ // Non-standard X11 cursors are created from bitmaps
+ cursor = createNonStandardCursor(cshape);
++#if QT_CONFIG(xcb_xlib) && QT_CONFIG(library)
+ // Create a glpyh cursor if everything else failed
+ if (!cursor && cursorId) {
+ cursor = xcb_generate_id(conn);
+@@ -596,6 +603,7 @@ xcb_cursor_t QXcbCursor::createFontCursor(int cshape)
+ cursorId, cursorId + 1,
+ 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (cursor && cshape >= 0 && cshape < Qt::LastCursor && connection()->hasXFixes()) {
+ const char *name = cursorNames[cshape];
diff --git a/depends/patches/zeromq/0001-fix-build-with-older-mingw64.patch b/depends/patches/zeromq/0001-fix-build-with-older-mingw64.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b911ac5672..0000000000
--- a/depends/patches/zeromq/0001-fix-build-with-older-mingw64.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From f6866b0f166ad168618aae64c7fbee8775d3eb23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: mruddy <6440430+mruddy@users.noreply.github.com>
-Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2018 09:44:58 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] fix build with older mingw64
- src/windows.hpp | 7 +++++++
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/windows.hpp b/src/windows.hpp
-index 6c3839fd..2c32ec79 100644
---- a/src/windows.hpp
-+++ b/src/windows.hpp
-@@ -58,6 +58,13 @@
- #include
- #include
- #include
-+#if defined __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR && __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR < 4
-+// Workaround for mingw-w64 < v4.0 which did not include ws2ipdef.h in iphlpapi.h.
-+// Fixed in mingw-w64 by 9bd8fe9148924840d315b4c915dd099955ea89d1.
- #include
- #if !defined __MINGW32__
diff --git a/depends/patches/zeromq/0002-disable-pthread_set_name_np.patch b/depends/patches/zeromq/0002-disable-pthread_set_name_np.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 022e311977..0000000000
--- a/depends/patches/zeromq/0002-disable-pthread_set_name_np.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-From c9bbdd6581d07acfe8971e4bcebe278a3676cf03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: mruddy <6440430+mruddy@users.noreply.github.com>
-Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2018 09:57:18 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] disable pthread_set_name_np
-pthread_set_name_np adds a Glibc requirement on >= 2.12.
- src/thread.cpp | 4 +++-
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/thread.cpp b/src/thread.cpp
-index a1086b0c..9943f354 100644
---- a/src/thread.cpp
-+++ b/src/thread.cpp
-@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ void zmq::thread_t::setThreadName (const char *name_)
- */
- if (!name_)
- return;
-+#if 0
- int rc = pthread_setname_np (name_);
- if (rc)
-@@ -323,6 +323,8 @@ void zmq::thread_t::setThreadName (const char *name_)
- #elif defined(ZMQ_HAVE_PTHREAD_SET_NAME)
- pthread_set_name_np (descriptor, name_);
- #endif
-+ return;
- }
- #endif
diff --git a/depends/patches/zeromq/remove_libstd_link.patch b/depends/patches/zeromq/remove_libstd_link.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddf91e6abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends/patches/zeromq/remove_libstd_link.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+commit 47d4cd12a2c051815ddda78adebdb3923b260d8a
+Author: fanquake
+Date: Tue Aug 18 14:45:40 2020 +0800
+ Remove needless linking against libstdc++
+ This is broken for a number of reasons, including:
+ - g++ understands "static-libstdc++ -lstdc++" to mean "link against
+ whatever libstdc++ exists, probably shared", which in itself is buggy.
+ - another stdlib (libc++ for example) may be in use
+ See #11981.
+diff --git a/src/libzmq.pc.in b/src/libzmq.pc.in
+index 233bc3a..3c2bf0d 100644
+--- a/src/libzmq.pc.in
++++ b/src/libzmq.pc.in
+@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ Name: libzmq
+ Description: 0MQ c++ library
+ Version: @VERSION@
+ Libs: -L${libdir} -lzmq
+-Libs.private: -lstdc++ @pkg_config_libs_private@
++Libs.private: @pkg_config_libs_private@
+ Requires.private: @pkg_config_names_private@
+ Cflags: -I${includedir} @pkg_config_defines@
diff --git a/doc/Doxyfile.in b/doc/Doxyfile.in
index 58c65fb7e2..2f79168212 100644
--- a/doc/Doxyfile.in
+++ b/doc/Doxyfile.in
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ EXTRACT_PACKAGE = NO
# included in the documentation.
# The default value is: NO.
# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes (and structs) defined
# locally in source files will be included in the documentation. If set to NO,
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ WARN_LOGFILE =
# Note: If this tag is empty the current directory is searched.
-INPUT = src
+INPUT = src doc/README_doxygen.md
# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding. Doxygen uses
@@ -861,7 +861,8 @@ RECURSIVE = YES
# Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is
# run.
-EXCLUDE = src/leveldb \
+EXCLUDE = src/crc32c \
+ src/leveldb \
src/json \
src/test \
@@ -974,7 +975,7 @@ FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS =
# (index.html). This can be useful if you have a project on for instance GitHub
# and want to reuse the introduction page also for the doxygen output.
# Configuration options related to source browsing
@@ -2072,7 +2073,7 @@ INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS =
# recursively expanded use the := operator instead of the = operator.
# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this
# tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. The
diff --git a/doc/JSON-RPC-interface.md b/doc/JSON-RPC-interface.md
index 982afd5d56..40d8e330e2 100644
--- a/doc/JSON-RPC-interface.md
+++ b/doc/JSON-RPC-interface.md
@@ -5,6 +5,18 @@ The headless daemon `bitcoind` has the JSON-RPC API enabled by default, the GUI
option. In the GUI it is possible to execute RPC methods in the Debug Console
+## Versioning
+The RPC interface might change from one major version of Bitcoin Core to the
+next. This makes the RPC interface implicitly versioned on the major version.
+The version tuple can be retrieved by e.g. the `getnetworkinfo` RPC in
+Usually deprecated features can be re-enabled during the grace-period of one
+major version via the `-deprecatedrpc=` command line option. The release notes
+of a new major release come with detailed instructions on what RPC features
+were deprecated and how to re-enable them temporarily.
## Security
The RPC interface allows other programs to control Bitcoin Core,
@@ -48,7 +60,7 @@ RPC interface will be abused.
are sent as clear text that can be read by anyone on your network
path. Additionally, the RPC interface has not been hardened to
withstand arbitrary Internet traffic, so changing the above settings
- to expose it to the Internet (even using something like a Tor hidden
+ to expose it to the Internet (even using something like a Tor onion
service) could expose you to unconsidered vulnerabilities. See
`bitcoind -help` for more information about these settings and other
settings described in this document.
diff --git a/doc/README.md b/doc/README.md
index a2ba6043c9..f6e0f9bfa2 100644
--- a/doc/README.md
+++ b/doc/README.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Drag Bitcoin Core to your applications folder, and then run Bitcoin Core.
* See the documentation at the [Bitcoin Wiki](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Main_Page)
for help and more information.
-* Ask for help on [#bitcoin](http://webchat.freenode.net?channels=bitcoin) on Freenode. If you don't have an IRC client, use [webchat here](http://webchat.freenode.net?channels=bitcoin).
+* Ask for help on [#bitcoin](https://webchat.freenode.net/#bitcoin) on Freenode. If you don't have an IRC client, use [webchat here](https://webchat.freenode.net/#bitcoin).
* Ask for help on the [BitcoinTalk](https://bitcointalk.org/) forums, in the [Technical Support board](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=4.0).
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ The Bitcoin repo's [root README](/README.md) contains relevant information on th
- [Productivity Notes](productivity.md)
- [Release Notes](release-notes.md)
- [Release Process](release-process.md)
-- [Source Code Documentation (External Link)](https://dev.visucore.com/bitcoin/doxygen/)
+- [Source Code Documentation (External Link)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/)
- [Translation Process](translation_process.md)
- [Translation Strings Policy](translation_strings_policy.md)
- [JSON-RPC Interface](JSON-RPC-interface.md)
@@ -66,14 +66,15 @@ The Bitcoin repo's [root README](/README.md) contains relevant information on th
### Resources
* Discuss on the [BitcoinTalk](https://bitcointalk.org/) forums, in the [Development & Technical Discussion board](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=6.0).
-* Discuss project-specific development on #bitcoin-core-dev on Freenode. If you don't have an IRC client, use [webchat here](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=bitcoin-core-dev).
-* Discuss general Bitcoin development on #bitcoin-dev on Freenode. If you don't have an IRC client, use [webchat here](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=bitcoin-dev).
+* Discuss project-specific development on #bitcoin-core-dev on Freenode. If you don't have an IRC client, use [webchat here](https://webchat.freenode.net/#bitcoin-core-dev).
+* Discuss general Bitcoin development on #bitcoin-dev on Freenode. If you don't have an IRC client, use [webchat here](https://webchat.freenode.net/#bitcoin-dev).
### Miscellaneous
- [Assets Attribution](assets-attribution.md)
- [bitcoin.conf Configuration File](bitcoin-conf.md)
- [Files](files.md)
- [Fuzz-testing](fuzzing.md)
+- [Reduce Memory](reduce-memory.md)
- [Reduce Traffic](reduce-traffic.md)
- [Tor Support](tor.md)
- [Init Scripts (systemd/upstart/openrc)](init.md)
@@ -83,5 +84,3 @@ The Bitcoin repo's [root README](/README.md) contains relevant information on th
Distributed under the [MIT software license](/COPYING).
-This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the [OpenSSL Toolkit](https://www.openssl.org/). This product includes
-cryptographic software written by Eric Young ([eay@cryptsoft.com](mailto:eay@cryptsoft.com)), and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard.
diff --git a/doc/README_doxygen.md b/doc/README_doxygen.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6888383a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README_doxygen.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+\mainpage notitle
+\section intro_sec Introduction
+This is the developer documentation of the reference client for an experimental new digital currency called Bitcoin,
+which enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate
+with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network.
+The software is a community-driven open source project, released under the MIT license.
+See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin and https://bitcoincore.org/ for further information about the project.
+\section Navigation
+Use Modules, Namespaces, Classes, or Files at the top of the page to start navigating the code.
diff --git a/doc/REST-interface.md b/doc/REST-interface.md
index 02a665008b..842a3964df 100644
--- a/doc/REST-interface.md
+++ b/doc/REST-interface.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ To query for a confirmed transaction, enable the transaction index via "txindex=
Given a block hash: returns a block, in binary, hex-encoded binary or JSON formats.
Responds with 404 if the block doesn't exist.
-The HTTP request and response are both handled entirely in-memory, thus making maximum memory usage at least 2.66MB (1 MB max block, plus hex encoding) per request.
+The HTTP request and response are both handled entirely in-memory.
With the /notxdetails/ option JSON response will only contain the transaction hash instead of the complete transaction details. The option only affects the JSON response.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Given a height: returns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.
Returns various state info regarding block chain processing.
Only supports JSON as output format.
-* chain : (string) current network name as defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)
+* chain : (string) current network name (main, test, regtest)
* blocks : (numeric) the current number of blocks processed in the server
* headers : (numeric) the current number of headers we have validated
* bestblockhash : (string) the hash of the currently best block
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ Only supports JSON as output format.
* pruned : (boolean) if the blocks are subject to pruning
* pruneheight : (numeric) highest block available
* softforks : (array) status of softforks in progress
-* bip9_softforks : (object) status of BIP9 softforks in progress
#### Query UTXO set
`GET /rest/getutxos//-/-/.../-.`
@@ -79,9 +78,8 @@ $ curl localhost:18332/rest/getutxos/checkmempool/b2cdfd7b89def827ff8af7cd9bff76
"bitmap": "1",
"utxos" : [
- "txvers" : 1
"height" : 2147483647,
- "value" : 8.8687,
+ "value" : 8.8687,
"scriptPubKey" : {
"asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 1c7cebb529b86a04c683dfa87be49de35bcf589e OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex" : "76a9141c7cebb529b86a04c683dfa87be49de35bcf589e88ac",
@@ -101,6 +99,7 @@ $ curl localhost:18332/rest/getutxos/checkmempool/b2cdfd7b89def827ff8af7cd9bff76
Returns various information about the TX mempool.
Only supports JSON as output format.
+* loaded : (boolean) if the mempool is fully loaded
* size : (numeric) the number of transactions in the TX mempool
* bytes : (numeric) size of the TX mempool in bytes
* usage : (numeric) total TX mempool memory usage
diff --git a/doc/benchmarking.md b/doc/benchmarking.md
index 48f81cf6c1..b6cd86eafe 100644
--- a/doc/benchmarking.md
+++ b/doc/benchmarking.md
@@ -2,54 +2,49 @@ Benchmarking
Bitcoin Core has an internal benchmarking framework, with benchmarks
-for cryptographic algorithms (e.g. SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RIPEMD160), as well as the rolling bloom filter.
+for cryptographic algorithms (e.g. SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RIPEMD160, Poly1305, ChaCha20), rolling bloom filter, coins selection,
+thread queue, wallet balance.
+For benchmarks purposes you only need to compile `bitcoin_bench`. Beware of configuring without `--enable-debug` as this would impact
+benchmarking by unlatching log printers and lock analysis.
+ make -C src bitcoin_bench
After compiling bitcoin-core, the benchmarks can be run with:
The output will look similar to:
-# Benchmark, evals, iterations, total, min, max, median
-Base58CheckEncode, 5, 320000, 120.772, 7.49351e-05, 7.59374e-05, 7.54759e-05
-Base58Decode, 5, 800000, 122.833, 3.0467e-05, 3.11732e-05, 3.06304e-05
-Base58Encode, 5, 470000, 137.094, 5.81061e-05, 5.85109e-05, 5.84462e-05
-BenchLockedPool, 5, 530, 34.2023, 0.0128247, 0.0129613, 0.0129026
-CCheckQueueSpeedPrevectorJob, 5, 1400, 26.1762, 0.00365048, 0.00388629, 0.00367108
-CCoinsCaching, 5, 170000, 48.1074, 5.60229e-05, 5.72316e-05, 5.66214e-05
-CoinSelection, 5, 650, 34.6426, 0.0105801, 0.0107699, 0.010664
-DeserializeAndCheckBlockTest, 5, 160, 39.2084, 0.0483662, 0.0494199, 0.0490138
-DeserializeBlockTest, 5, 130, 23.8129, 0.0357731, 0.0373763, 0.0365858
-FastRandom_1bit, 5, 440000000, 38.1609, 1.72974e-08, 1.73882e-08, 1.73478e-08
-FastRandom_32bit, 5, 110000000, 72.8237, 1.29992e-07, 1.37014e-07, 1.30115e-07
-MempoolEviction, 5, 41000, 89.8883, 0.000432748, 0.000446857, 0.000438483
-PrevectorClear, 5, 5600, 47.9229, 0.00169952, 0.0017455, 0.00170315
-PrevectorDestructor, 5, 5700, 44.5498, 0.0015561, 0.00156977, 0.00156469
-RIPEMD160, 5, 440, 135.988, 0.0615496, 0.062268, 0.0617779
-RollingBloom, 5, 1500000, 36.5109, 4.80961e-06, 4.97463e-06, 4.85811e-06
-SHA1, 5, 570, 51.808, 0.018065, 0.0182623, 0.0181865
-SHA256, 5, 340, 8.31841, 0.00483231, 0.00499803, 0.00485486
-SHA256_32b, 5, 4700000, 10.469, 4.43441e-07, 4.47611e-07, 4.45223e-07
-SHA512, 5, 330, 33.3408, 0.02017, 0.0202554, 0.0201921
-SipHash_32b, 5, 40000000, 38.7088, 1.91103e-07, 1.96998e-07, 1.93792e-07
-Sleep100ms, 5, 10, 5.01062, 0.100131, 0.100368, 0.100147
-Trig, 5, 12000000, 5.95494, 9.78115e-08, 1.04354e-07, 9.80682e-08
-VerifyScriptBench, 5, 6300, 9.02493, 0.000285566, 0.000288433, 0.000286175
+| ns/byte | byte/s | error % | benchmark
+| 64.13 | 15,592,356.01 | 0.1% | `Base58CheckEncode`
+| 24.56 | 40,722,672.68 | 0.2% | `Base58Decode`
-`-?` will print a list of options and exit:
- src/bench/bench_bitcoin -?
+ src/bench/bench_bitcoin --help
+To print options like scaling factor or per-benchmark filter.
More benchmarks are needed for, in no particular order:
- Script Validation
-- CCoinDBView caching
- Coins database
- Memory pool
-- Wallet coin selection
+- Cuckoo Cache
+- P2P throughput
+Going Further
+To monitor Bitcoin Core performance more in depth (like reindex or IBD): https://github.com/chaincodelabs/bitcoinperf
+To generate Flame Graphs for Bitcoin Core: https://github.com/eklitzke/bitcoin/blob/flamegraphs/doc/flamegraphs.md
diff --git a/doc/bips.md b/doc/bips.md
index 76edc94c29..8c20533c9b 100644
--- a/doc/bips.md
+++ b/doc/bips.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-BIPs that are implemented by Bitcoin Core (up-to-date up to **v0.17.0**):
+BIPs that are implemented by Bitcoin Core (up-to-date up to **v0.21.0**):
* [`BIP 9`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0009.mediawiki): The changes allowing multiple soft-forks to be deployed in parallel have been implemented since **v0.12.1** ([PR #7575](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7575))
* [`BIP 11`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0011.mediawiki): Multisig outputs are standard since **v0.6.0** ([PR #669](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/669)).
@@ -12,28 +12,37 @@ BIPs that are implemented by Bitcoin Core (up-to-date up to **v0.17.0**):
* [`BIP 31`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0031.mediawiki): The 'pong' protocol message (and the protocol version bump to 60001) has been implemented since **v0.6.1** ([PR #1081](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1081)).
* [`BIP 32`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki): Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets has been implemented since **v0.13.0** ([PR #8035](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8035)).
* [`BIP 34`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0034.mediawiki): The rule that requires blocks to contain their height (number) in the coinbase input, and the introduction of version 2 blocks has been implemented since **v0.7.0**. The rule took effect for version 2 blocks as of *block 224413* (March 5th 2013), and version 1 blocks are no longer allowed since *block 227931* (March 25th 2013) ([PR #1526](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1526)).
-* [`BIP 35`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0035.mediawiki): The 'mempool' protocol message (and the protocol version bump to 60002) has been implemented since **v0.7.0** ([PR #1641](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1641)).
-* [`BIP 37`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki): The bloom filtering for transaction relaying, partial Merkle trees for blocks, and the protocol version bump to 70001 (enabling low-bandwidth SPV clients) has been implemented since **v0.8.0** ([PR #1795](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1795)).
+* [`BIP 35`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0035.mediawiki): The 'mempool' protocol message (and the protocol version bump to 60002) has been implemented since **v0.7.0** ([PR #1641](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1641)). As of **v0.13.0**, this is only available for `NODE_BLOOM` (BIP 111) peers.
+* [`BIP 37`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki): The bloom filtering for transaction relaying, partial Merkle trees for blocks, and the protocol version bump to 70001 (enabling low-bandwidth SPV clients) has been implemented since **v0.8.0** ([PR #1795](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1795)). Disabled by default since **v0.19.0**, can be enabled by the `-peerbloomfilters` option.
* [`BIP 42`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0042.mediawiki): The bug that would have caused the subsidy schedule to resume after block 13440000 was fixed in **v0.9.2** ([PR #3842](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/3842)).
-* [`BIP 61`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0061.mediawiki): The 'reject' protocol message (and the protocol version bump to 70002) was added in **v0.9.0** ([PR #3185](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/3185)). Starting *v0.17.0*, whether to send reject messages can be configured with the `-enablebip61` option.
+* [`BIP 61`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0061.mediawiki): The 'reject' protocol message (and the protocol version bump to 70002) was added in **v0.9.0** ([PR #3185](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/3185)). Starting **v0.17.0**, whether to send reject messages can be configured with the `-enablebip61` option, and support is deprecated (disabled by default) as of **v0.18.0**. Support was removed in **v0.20.0** ([PR #15437](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/15437)).
* [`BIP 65`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0065.mediawiki): The CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY softfork was merged in **v0.12.0** ([PR #6351](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6351)), and backported to **v0.11.2** and **v0.10.4**. Mempool-only CLTV was added in [PR #6124](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6124).
* [`BIP 66`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0066.mediawiki): The strict DER rules and associated version 3 blocks have been implemented since **v0.10.0** ([PR #5713](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5713)).
-* [`BIP 68`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0068.mediawiki): Sequence locks have been implemented as of **v0.12.1** ([PR #7184](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7184)), and have been activated since *block 419328*.
-* [`BIP 70`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0070.mediawiki) [`71`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0071.mediawiki) [`72`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0072.mediawiki): Payment Protocol support has been available in Bitcoin Core GUI since **v0.9.0** ([PR #5216](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5216)).
+* [`BIP 68`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0068.mediawiki): Sequence locks have been implemented as of **v0.12.1** ([PR #7184](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7184)), and have been *buried* since **v0.19.0** ([PR #16060](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16060)).
+* [`BIP 70`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0070.mediawiki) [`71`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0071.mediawiki) [`72`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0072.mediawiki):
+ Payment Protocol support has been available in Bitcoin Core GUI since **v0.9.0** ([PR #5216](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5216)).
+ Support can be optionally disabled at build time since **v0.18.0** ([PR 14451](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/14451)),
+ and it is disabled by default at build time since **v0.19.0** ([PR #15584](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/15584)).
+ It has been removed as of **v0.20.0** ([PR 17165](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/17165)).
* [`BIP 90`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0090.mediawiki): Trigger mechanism for activation of BIPs 34, 65, and 66 has been simplified to block height checks since **v0.14.0** ([PR #8391](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8391)).
* [`BIP 111`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0111.mediawiki): `NODE_BLOOM` service bit added, and enforced for all peer versions as of **v0.13.0** ([PR #6579](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6579) and [PR #6641](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6641)).
-* [`BIP 112`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki): The CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY opcode has been implemented since **v0.12.1** ([PR #7524](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7524)) and has been activated since *block 419328*.
-* [`BIP 113`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0113.mediawiki): Median time past lock-time calculations have been implemented since **v0.12.1** ([PR #6566](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6566)) and have been activated since *block 419328*.
-* [`BIP 125`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0125.mediawiki): Opt-in full replace-by-fee signaling honoured in mempool and mining as of **v0.12.0** ([PR 6871](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6871)).
+* [`BIP 112`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki): The CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY opcode has been implemented since **v0.12.1** ([PR #7524](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7524)), and has been *buried* since **v0.19.0** ([PR #16060](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16060)).
+* [`BIP 113`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0113.mediawiki): Median time past lock-time calculations have been implemented since **v0.12.1** ([PR #6566](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6566)), and has been *buried* since **v0.19.0** ([PR #16060](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16060)).
+* [`BIP 125`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0125.mediawiki): Opt-in full replace-by-fee signaling honoured in mempool and mining as of **v0.12.0** ([PR 6871](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6871)). Enabled by default in the wallet GUI as of **v0.18.1** ([PR #11605](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11605))
* [`BIP 130`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0130.mediawiki): direct headers announcement is negotiated with peer versions `>=70012` as of **v0.12.0** ([PR 6494](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6494)).
* [`BIP 133`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0133.mediawiki): feefilter messages are respected and sent for peer versions `>=70013` as of **v0.13.0** ([PR 7542](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7542)).
-* [`BIP 141`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki): Segregated Witness (Consensus Layer) as of **v0.13.0** ([PR 8149](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8149)), and defined for mainnet as of **v0.13.1** ([PR 8937](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8937)).
-* [`BIP 143`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki): Transaction Signature Verification for Version 0 Witness Program as of **v0.13.0** ([PR 8149](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8149)) and defined for mainnet as of **v0.13.1** ([PR 8937](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8937)).
+* [`BIP 141`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki): Segregated Witness (Consensus Layer) as of **v0.13.0** ([PR 8149](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8149)), defined for mainnet as of **v0.13.1** ([PR 8937](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8937)), and *buried* since **v0.19.0** ([PR #16060](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16060)).
+* [`BIP 143`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki): Transaction Signature Verification for Version 0 Witness Program as of **v0.13.0** ([PR 8149](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8149)), defined for mainnet as of **v0.13.1** ([PR 8937](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8937)), and *buried* since **v0.19.0** ([PR #16060](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16060)).
* [`BIP 144`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0144.mediawiki): Segregated Witness as of **0.13.0** ([PR 8149](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8149)).
* [`BIP 145`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0145.mediawiki): getblocktemplate updates for Segregated Witness as of **v0.13.0** ([PR 8149](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8149)).
-* [`BIP 147`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0147.mediawiki): NULLDUMMY softfork as of **v0.13.1** ([PR 8636](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8636) and [PR 8937](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8937)).
+* [`BIP 147`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0147.mediawiki): NULLDUMMY softfork as of **v0.13.1** ([PR 8636](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8636) and [PR 8937](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8937)), *buried* since **v0.19.0** ([PR #16060](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16060)).
* [`BIP 152`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0152.mediawiki): Compact block transfer and related optimizations are used as of **v0.13.0** ([PR 8068](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8068)).
-* [`BIP 159`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0159.mediawiki): NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED service bit [signaling only] is supported as of **v0.16.0** ([PR 11740](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11740)).
-* [`BIP 173`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0173.mediawiki): Bech32 addresses for native Segregated Witness outputs are supported as of **v0.16.0** ([PR 11167](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11167)).
+* [`BIP 155`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0155.mediawiki): The 'addrv2' and 'sendaddrv2' messages which enable relay of Tor V3 addresses (and other networks) are supported as of **v0.21.0** ([PR 19954](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/19954)).
+* [`BIP 158`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0158.mediawiki): Compact Block Filters for Light Clients can be indexed as of **v0.19.0** ([PR #14121](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/14121)).
+* [`BIP 159`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0159.mediawiki): The `NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED` service bit is signalled as of **v0.16.0** ([PR 11740](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11740)), and such nodes are connected to as of **v0.17.0** ([PR 10387](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10387)).
+* [`BIP 173`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0173.mediawiki): Bech32 addresses for native Segregated Witness outputs are supported as of **v0.16.0** ([PR 11167](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11167)). Bech32 addresses are generated by default as of **v0.20.0** ([PR 16884](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16884)).
* [`BIP 174`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0174.mediawiki): RPCs to operate on Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions (PSBT) are present as of **v0.17.0** ([PR 13557](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/13557)).
* [`BIP 176`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0176.mediawiki): Bits Denomination [QT only] is supported as of **v0.16.0** ([PR 12035](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12035)).
+* [`BIP 325`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0325.mediawiki): Signet test network is supported as of **v0.21.0** ([PR 18267](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/18267)).
+* [`BIP 339`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0339.mediawiki): Relay of transactions by wtxid is supported as of **v0.21.0** ([PR 18044](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/18044)).
+* [`BIP 340`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0340.mediawiki) [`341`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0341.mediawiki) [`342`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0342.mediawiki): Validation rules for Taproot (including Schnorr signatures and Tapscript leaves) are implemented as of **v0.21.0** ([PR 19953](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/19953)), without mainnet activation.
diff --git a/doc/bitcoin-conf.md b/doc/bitcoin-conf.md
index 88ecb8fe65..f4a8edec75 100644
--- a/doc/bitcoin-conf.md
+++ b/doc/bitcoin-conf.md
@@ -30,8 +30,33 @@ Network specific options can be:
- placed into sections with headers `[main]` (not `[mainnet]`), `[test]` (not `[testnet]`) or `[regtest]`;
- prefixed with a chain name; e.g., `regtest.maxmempool=100`.
+Network specific options take precedence over non-network specific options.
+If multiple values for the same option are found with the same precedence, the
+first one is generally chosen.
+This means that given the following configuration, `regtest.rpcport` is set to `3000`:
## Configuration File Path
The configuration file is not automatically created; you can create it using your favorite text editor. By default, the configuration file name is `bitcoin.conf` and it is located in the Bitcoin data directory, but both the Bitcoin data directory and the configuration file path may be changed using the `-datadir` and `-conf` command-line options.
The `includeconf=` option in the `bitcoin.conf` file can be used to include additional configuration files.
+### Default configuration file locations
+Operating System | Data Directory | Example Path
+-- | -- | --
+Windows | `%APPDATA%\Bitcoin\` | `C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\bitcoin.conf`
+Linux | `$HOME/.bitcoin/` | `/home/username/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf`
+macOS | `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/` | `/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf`
+You can find an example bitcoin.conf file in [share/examples/bitcoin.conf](../share/examples/bitcoin.conf).
diff --git a/doc/build-freebsd.md b/doc/build-freebsd.md
index dc62dc2a36..7072e2ce8a 100644
--- a/doc/build-freebsd.md
+++ b/doc/build-freebsd.md
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ This guide does not contain instructions for building the GUI.
You will need the following dependencies, which can be installed as root via pkg:
-pkg install autoconf automake boost-libs git gmake libevent libtool openssl pkgconf
+pkg install autoconf automake boost-libs git gmake libevent libtool pkgconf
git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git
In order to run the test suite (recommended), you will need to have Python 3 installed:
pkg install python3
@@ -29,26 +29,27 @@ See [dependencies.md](dependencies.md) for a complete overview.
BerkeleyDB is only necessary for the wallet functionality. To skip this, pass
`--disable-wallet` to `./configure` and skip to the next section.
./contrib/install_db4.sh `pwd`
export BDB_PREFIX="$PWD/db4"
## Building Bitcoin Core
-**Important**: Use `gmake` (the non-GNU `make` will exit with an error):
+**Important**: Use `gmake` (the non-GNU `make` will exit with an error).
With wallet:
MAKE=gmake CC=cc CXX=c++ CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include \
./configure --with-gui=no \
BDB_LIBS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib -ldb_cxx-4.8" \
- BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include"
+ BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include" \
+ MAKE=gmake
Without wallet:
MAKE=gmake CC=cc CXX=c++ CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include \
./configure --with-gui=no --disable-wallet
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ MAKE=gmake CC=cc CXX=c++ CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include \
followed by:
gmake # use -jX here for parallelism
gmake check # Run tests if Python 3 is available
diff --git a/doc/build-netbsd.md b/doc/build-netbsd.md
index ab422f6aa7..47049a780e 100644
--- a/doc/build-netbsd.md
+++ b/doc/build-netbsd.md
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ from ports, for the same reason as boost above (g++/libstd++ incompatibility).
If you have to build it yourself, you can use [the installation script included
in contrib/](/contrib/install_db4.sh) like so:
./contrib/install_db4.sh `pwd`
from the root of the repository. Then set `BDB_PREFIX` for the next section:
export BDB_PREFIX="$PWD/db4"
@@ -52,24 +52,26 @@ export BDB_PREFIX="$PWD/db4"
**Important**: Use `gmake` (the non-GNU `make` will exit with an error).
With wallet:
./configure --with-gui=no CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/pkg/include" \
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/pkg/lib" \
BOOST_CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/pkg/include" \
BOOST_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/pkg/lib" \
BDB_LIBS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib -ldb_cxx-4.8" \
- BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include"
+ BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include" \
+ MAKE=gmake
Without wallet:
./configure --with-gui=no --disable-wallet \
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/pkg/include" \
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/pkg/lib" \
BOOST_CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/pkg/include" \
- BOOST_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/pkg/lib"
+ BOOST_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/pkg/lib" \
+ MAKE=gmake
Build and run the tests:
diff --git a/doc/build-openbsd.md b/doc/build-openbsd.md
index dad2566a6c..2b051c078c 100644
--- a/doc/build-openbsd.md
+++ b/doc/build-openbsd.md
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
OpenBSD build guide
-(updated for OpenBSD 6.4)
+(updated for OpenBSD 6.7)
-This guide describes how to build bitcoind and command-line utilities on OpenBSD.
-OpenBSD is most commonly used as a server OS, so this guide does not contain instructions for building the GUI.
+This guide describes how to build bitcoind, bitcoin-qt, and command-line utilities on OpenBSD.
@@ -13,9 +11,10 @@ Run the following as root to install the base dependencies for building:
pkg_add git gmake libevent libtool boost
+pkg_add qt5 # (optional for enabling the GUI)
pkg_add autoconf # (select highest version, e.g. 2.69)
pkg_add automake # (select highest version, e.g. 1.16)
-pkg_add python # (select highest version, e.g. 3.6)
+pkg_add python # (select highest version, e.g. 3.8)
git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git
@@ -23,10 +22,10 @@ git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git
See [dependencies.md](dependencies.md) for a complete overview.
**Important**: From OpenBSD 6.2 onwards a C++11-supporting clang compiler is
-part of the base image, and while building it is necessary to make sure that this
-compiler is used and not ancient g++ 4.2.1. This is done by appending
-`CC=cc CXX=c++` to configuration commands. Mixing different compilers
-within the same executable will result in linker errors.
+part of the base image, and while building it is necessary to make sure that
+this compiler is used and not ancient g++ 4.2.1. This is done by appending
+`CC=cc CC_FOR_BUILD=cc CXX=c++` to configuration commands. Mixing different
+compilers within the same executable will result in errors.
### Building BerkeleyDB
@@ -38,19 +37,19 @@ from ports, for the same reason as boost above (g++/libstd++ incompatibility).
If you have to build it yourself, you can use [the installation script included
in contrib/](/contrib/install_db4.sh) like so:
./contrib/install_db4.sh `pwd` CC=cc CXX=c++
from the root of the repository. Then set `BDB_PREFIX` for the next section:
export BDB_PREFIX="$PWD/db4"
### Building Bitcoin Core
-**Important**: use `gmake`, not `make`. The non-GNU `make` will exit with a horrible error.
+**Important**: Use `gmake` (the non-GNU `make` will exit with an error).
@@ -70,12 +69,22 @@ Make sure `BDB_PREFIX` is set to the appropriate path from the above steps.
To configure with wallet:
./configure --with-gui=no CC=cc CXX=c++ \
- BDB_LIBS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib -ldb_cxx-4.8" BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include"
+ BDB_LIBS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib -ldb_cxx-4.8" \
+ BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include" \
+ MAKE=gmake
To configure without wallet:
-./configure --disable-wallet --with-gui=no CC=cc CXX=c++
+./configure --disable-wallet --with-gui=no CC=cc CC_FOR_BUILD=cc CXX=c++ MAKE=gmake
+To configure with GUI:
+./configure --with-gui=yes CC=cc CXX=c++ \
+ BDB_LIBS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib -ldb_cxx-4.8" \
+ BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include" \
+ MAKE=gmake
Build and run the tests:
diff --git a/doc/build-osx.md b/doc/build-osx.md
index 67b5b490b8..ce109d0c59 100644
--- a/doc/build-osx.md
+++ b/doc/build-osx.md
@@ -1,23 +1,28 @@
-macOS Build Instructions and Notes
+# macOS Build Instructions and Notes
The commands in this guide should be executed in a Terminal application.
-The built-in one is located in `/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app`.
+The built-in one is located in
+## Preparation
Install the macOS command line tools:
-`xcode-select --install`
+xcode-select --install
When the popup appears, click `Install`.
Then install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh).
- brew install automake berkeley-db4 libtool boost miniupnpc openssl pkg-config protobuf python qt libevent qrencode
+## Dependencies
+brew install automake berkeley-db4 libtool boost miniupnpc pkg-config python qt libevent qrencode sqlite
+If you run into issues, check [Homebrew's troubleshooting page](https://docs.brew.sh/Troubleshooting).
See [dependencies.md](dependencies.md) for a complete overview.
If you want to build the disk image with `make deploy` (.dmg / optional), you need image manipulation tools:
@@ -27,7 +32,7 @@ If you want to build the disk image with `make deploy` (.dmg / optional), you ne
Berkeley DB
It is recommended to use Berkeley DB 4.8. If you have to build it yourself,
-you can use [the installation script included in contrib/](/contrib/install_db4.sh)
+you can use [this](/contrib/install_db4.sh) script to install it
like so:
@@ -38,170 +43,74 @@ from the root of the repository.
**Note**: You only need Berkeley DB if the wallet is enabled (see [*Disable-wallet mode*](/doc/build-osx.md#disable-wallet-mode)).
-Build Bitcoin Core
+## Build Bitcoin Core
1. Clone the Bitcoin Core source code:
- git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
- cd bitcoin
+ ```shell
+ git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
+ cd bitcoin
+ ```
2. Build Bitcoin Core:
Configure and build the headless Bitcoin Core binaries as well as the GUI (if Qt is found).
You can disable the GUI build by passing `--without-gui` to configure.
- ./autogen.sh
- ./configure
- make
+ ```shell
+ ./autogen.sh
+ ./configure
+ make
+ ```
3. It is recommended to build and run the unit tests:
+ ```shell
+ make check
+ ```
+4. You can also create a `.dmg` that contains the `.app` bundle (optional):
+ ```shell
+ make deploy
+ ```
+## `disable-wallet` mode
+When the intention is to run only a P2P node without a wallet, Bitcoin Core may be
+compiled in `disable-wallet` mode with:
+./configure --disable-wallet
- make check
-4. You can also create a .dmg that contains the .app bundle (optional):
- make deploy
-Disable-wallet mode
-When the intention is to run only a P2P node without a wallet, Bitcoin Core may be compiled in
-disable-wallet mode with:
- ./configure --disable-wallet
-In this case there is no dependency on Berkeley DB 4.8.
+In this case there is no dependency on Berkeley DB 4.8 and SQLite.
Mining is also possible in disable-wallet mode using the `getblocktemplate` RPC call.
-Bitcoin Core is now available at `./src/elementsd`
+## Running
+Elements Core is now available at `./src/elementsd`
Before running, you may create an empty configuration file:
+mkdir -p "/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin"
- touch "/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf"
- chmod 600 "/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf"
-The first time you run the daemon, it will start downloading the blockchain. This process could take many hours, or even days on slower than average systems.
-You can monitor the download process by looking at the debug.log file:
- tail -f $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin/debug.log
-Other commands:
- ./src/elementsd -daemon # Starts the bitcoin daemon.
- ./src/elements-cli --help # Outputs a list of command-line options.
- ./src/elements-cli help # Outputs a list of RPC commands when the daemon is running.
-* Tested on OS X 10.10 Yosemite through macOS 10.13 High Sierra on 64-bit Intel processors only.
-* Building with downloaded Qt binaries is not officially supported. See the notes in [#7714](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/7714)
-Deterministic macOS DMG Notes
-Working macOS DMGs are created in Linux by combining a recent clang,
-the Apple binutils (ld, ar, etc) and DMG authoring tools.
-Apple uses clang extensively for development and has upstreamed the necessary
-functionality so that a vanilla clang can take advantage. It supports the use
-of -F, -target, -mmacosx-version-min, and --sysroot, which are all necessary
-when building for macOS.
-Apple's version of binutils (called cctools) contains lots of functionality
-missing in the FSF's binutils. In addition to extra linker options for
-frameworks and sysroots, several other tools are needed as well such as
-install_name_tool, lipo, and nmedit. These do not build under linux, so they
-have been patched to do so. The work here was used as a starting point:
-In order to build a working toolchain, the following source packages are needed
-from Apple: cctools, dyld, and ld64.
-These tools inject timestamps by default, which produce non-deterministic
-binaries. The ZERO_AR_DATE environment variable is used to disable that.
-This version of cctools has been patched to use the current version of clang's
-headers and its libLTO.so rather than those from llvmgcc, as it was
-originally done in toolchain4.
-To complicate things further, all builds must target an Apple SDK. These SDKs
-are free to download, but not redistributable.
-To obtain it, register for a developer account, then download the [Xcode 7.3.1 dmg](https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/download.action?path=/Developer_Tools/Xcode_7.3.1/Xcode_7.3.1.dmg).
+touch "/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf"
-This file is several gigabytes in size, but only a single directory inside is
+chmod 600 "/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf"
-Unfortunately, the usual linux tools (7zip, hpmount, loopback mount) are incapable of opening this file.
-To create a tarball suitable for Gitian input, there are two options:
+The first time you run elementsd, it will start downloading the blockchain. This process could
+take many hours, or even days on slower than average systems.
-Using macOS, you can mount the dmg, and then create it with:
- $ hdiutil attach Xcode_7.3.1.dmg
- $ tar -C /Volumes/Xcode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/ -czf MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz MacOSX10.11.sdk
+You can monitor the download process by looking at the debug.log file:
+tail -f $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin/debug.log
-Alternatively, you can use 7zip and SleuthKit to extract the files one by one.
-The script contrib/macdeploy/extract-osx-sdk.sh automates this. First ensure
-the dmg file is in the current directory, and then run the script. You may wish
-to delete the intermediate 5.hfs file and MacOSX10.11.sdk (the directory) when
-you've confirmed the extraction succeeded.
-apt-get install p7zip-full sleuthkit
-rm -rf 5.hfs MacOSX10.11.sdk
+## Other commands:
+./src/elementsd -daemon # Starts the Elements daemon.
+./src/elements-cli --help # Outputs a list of command-line options.
+./src/elements-cli help # Outputs a list of RPC commands when the daemon is running.
-The Gitian descriptors build 2 sets of files: Linux tools, then Apple binaries
-which are created using these tools. The build process has been designed to
-avoid including the SDK's files in Gitian's outputs. All interim tarballs are
-fully deterministic and may be freely redistributed.
-genisoimage is used to create the initial DMG. It is not deterministic as-is,
-so it has been patched. A system genisoimage will work fine, but it will not
-be deterministic because the file-order will change between invocations.
-The patch can be seen here: [theuni/osx-cross-depends](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theuni/osx-cross-depends/master/patches/cdrtools/genisoimage.diff).
-No effort was made to fix this cleanly, so it likely leaks memory badly. But
-it's only used for a single invocation, so that's no real concern.
-genisoimage cannot compress DMGs, so afterwards, the 'dmg' tool from the
-libdmg-hfsplus project is used to compress it. There are several bugs in this
-tool and its maintainer has seemingly abandoned the project. It has been forked
-and is available (with fixes) here: [theuni/libdmg-hfsplus](https://github.com/theuni/libdmg-hfsplus).
-The 'dmg' tool has the ability to create DMGs from scratch as well, but this
-functionality is broken. Only the compression feature is currently used.
-Ideally, the creation could be fixed and genisoimage would no longer be necessary.
-Background images and other features can be added to DMG files by inserting a
-.DS_Store before creation. This is generated by the script
-As of OS X 10.9 Mavericks, using an Apple-blessed key to sign binaries is a
-requirement in order to satisfy the new Gatekeeper requirements. Because this
-private key cannot be shared, we'll have to be a bit creative in order for the
-build process to remain somewhat deterministic. Here's how it works:
-- Builders use Gitian to create an unsigned release. This outputs an unsigned
- dmg which users may choose to bless and run. It also outputs an unsigned app
- structure in the form of a tarball, which also contains all of the tools
- that have been previously (deterministically) built in order to create a
- final dmg.
-- The Apple keyholder uses this unsigned app to create a detached signature,
- using the script that is also included there. Detached signatures are available from this [repository](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-detached-sigs).
-- Builders feed the unsigned app + detached signature back into Gitian. It
- uses the pre-built tools to recombine the pieces into a deterministic dmg.
+## Notes
+* Tested on OS X 10.12 Sierra through macOS 10.15 Catalina on 64-bit Intel
+processors only.
+* Building with downloaded Qt binaries is not officially supported. See the notes in [#7714](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/7714).
diff --git a/doc/build-unix.md b/doc/build-unix.md
index 2086e4d35e..8c6c116c05 100644
--- a/doc/build-unix.md
+++ b/doc/build-unix.md
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ These dependencies are required:
Library | Purpose | Description
- libssl | Crypto | Random Number Generation, Elliptic Curve Cryptography
libboost | Utility | Library for threading, data structures, etc
libevent | Networking | OS independent asynchronous networking
@@ -44,10 +43,10 @@ Optional dependencies:
miniupnpc | UPnP Support | Firewall-jumping support
libdb4.8 | Berkeley DB | Wallet storage (only needed when wallet enabled)
qt | GUI | GUI toolkit (only needed when GUI enabled)
- protobuf | Payments in GUI | Data interchange format used for payment protocol (only needed when GUI enabled)
libqrencode | QR codes in GUI | Optional for generating QR codes (only needed when GUI enabled)
univalue | Utility | JSON parsing and encoding (bundled version will be used unless --with-system-univalue passed to configure)
libzmq3 | ZMQ notification | Optional, allows generating ZMQ notifications (requires ZMQ version >= 4.0.0)
+ sqlite3 | SQLite DB | Optional, wallet storage (only needed when wallet enabled)
For the versions used, see [dependencies.md](dependencies.md)
@@ -61,6 +60,14 @@ tuned to conserve memory with additional CXXFLAGS:
./configure CXXFLAGS="--param ggc-min-expand=1 --param ggc-min-heapsize=32768"
+Alternatively, or in addition, debugging information can be skipped for compilation. The default compile flags are
+`-g -O2`, and can be changed with:
+ ./configure CXXFLAGS="-O2"
+Finally, clang (often less resource hungry) can be used instead of gcc, which is used by default:
+ ./configure CXX=clang++ CC=clang
## Linux Distribution Specific Instructions
@@ -74,27 +81,25 @@ Build requirements:
Now, you can either build from self-compiled [depends](/depends/README.md) or install the required dependencies:
- sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libevent-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev
+ sudo apt-get install libevent-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev
BerkeleyDB is required for the wallet.
-**For Ubuntu only:** db4.8 packages are available [here](https://launchpad.net/~bitcoin/+archive/bitcoin).
-You can add the repository and install using the following commands:
- sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
-Ubuntu and Debian have their own libdb-dev and libdb++-dev packages, but these will install
+Ubuntu and Debian have their own `libdb-dev` and `libdb++-dev` packages, but these will install
BerkeleyDB 5.1 or later. This will break binary wallet compatibility with the distributed executables, which
are based on BerkeleyDB 4.8. If you do not care about wallet compatibility,
pass `--with-incompatible-bdb` to configure.
+Otherwise, you can build from self-compiled `depends` (see above).
+SQLite is required for the wallet:
+ sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev
To build Bitcoin Core without wallet, see [*Disable-wallet mode*](/doc/build-unix.md#disable-wallet-mode)
-Optional (see --with-miniupnpc and --enable-upnp-default):
+Optional (see `--with-miniupnpc` and `--enable-upnp-default`):
sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev
@@ -110,7 +115,7 @@ To build without GUI pass `--without-gui`.
To build with Qt 5 you need the following:
- sudo apt-get install libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler imagemagick librsvg2-bin
+ sudo apt-get install libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools imagemagick librsvg2-bin
The last two dependencies are required to generate Elements images that don't exist in Bitcoin Core.
@@ -128,20 +133,28 @@ built by default.
Build requirements:
- sudo dnf install gcc-c++ libtool make autoconf automake openssl-devel libevent-devel boost-devel libdb4-devel libdb4-cxx-devel python3
+ sudo dnf install gcc-c++ libtool make autoconf automake libevent-devel boost-devel libdb4-devel libdb4-cxx-devel python3
+Optional (see `--with-miniupnpc` and `--enable-upnp-default`):
sudo dnf install miniupnpc-devel
+ZMQ dependencies (provides ZMQ API):
+ sudo dnf install zeromq-devel
To build with Qt 5 you need the following:
- sudo dnf install qt5-qttools-devel qt5-qtbase-devel protobuf-devel
+ sudo dnf install qt5-qttools-devel qt5-qtbase-devel
libqrencode (optional) can be installed with:
sudo dnf install qrencode-devel
+SQLite can be installed with:
+ sudo dnf install sqlite-devel
The release is built with GCC and then "strip elementsd" to strip the debug
@@ -151,8 +164,8 @@ symbols, which reduces the executable size by about 90%.
-[miniupnpc](http://miniupnp.free.fr/) may be used for UPnP port mapping. It can be downloaded from [here](
-http://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/files/). UPnP support is compiled in and
+[miniupnpc](https://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org) may be used for UPnP port mapping. It can be downloaded from [here](
+https://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/files/). UPnP support is compiled in and
turned off by default. See the configure options for upnp behavior desired:
--without-miniupnpc No UPnP support miniupnp not required
@@ -236,7 +249,7 @@ disable-wallet mode with:
./configure --disable-wallet
-In this case there is no dependency on Berkeley DB 4.8.
+In this case there is no dependency on Berkeley DB 4.8 and SQLite.
Mining is also possible in disable-wallet mode using the `getblocktemplate` RPC call.
diff --git a/doc/build-windows.md b/doc/build-windows.md
index 9641e0d3fd..28b6aceb3c 100644
--- a/doc/build-windows.md
+++ b/doc/build-windows.md
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@ The options known to work for building Bitcoin Core on Windows are:
* On Linux, using the [Mingw-w64](https://mingw-w64.org/doku.php) cross compiler tool chain. Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 is required
and is the platform used to build the Bitcoin Core Windows release binaries.
* On Windows, using [Windows
-Subsystem for Linux (WSL)](https://msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/wsl/about) and the Mingw-w64 cross compiler tool chain.
+Subsystem for Linux (WSL)](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/wsl/about) and the Mingw-w64 cross compiler tool chain.
+* On Windows, using a native compiler tool chain such as [Visual Studio](https://www.visualstudio.com). See [README.md](/build_msvc/README.md).
Other options which may work, but which have not been extensively tested are (please contribute instructions):
-* On Windows, using a POSIX compatibility layer application such as [cygwin](http://www.cygwin.com/) or [msys2](http://www.msys2.org/).
-* On Windows, using a native compiler tool chain such as [Visual Studio](https://www.visualstudio.com).
+* On Windows, using a POSIX compatibility layer application such as [cygwin](https://www.cygwin.com/) or [msys2](https://www.msys2.org/).
Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux
With Windows 10, Microsoft has released a new feature named the [Windows
-Subsystem for Linux (WSL)](https://msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/wsl/about). This
+Subsystem for Linux (WSL)](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/wsl/about). This
feature allows you to run a bash shell directly on Windows in an Ubuntu-based
environment. Within this environment you can cross compile for Windows without
the need for a separate Linux VM or server. Note that while WSL can be installed with
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ tested with Ubuntu.
This feature is not supported in versions of Windows prior to Windows 10 or on
Windows Server SKUs. In addition, it is available [only for 64-bit versions of
Full instructions to install WSL are available on the above link.
To install WSL on Windows 10 with Fall Creators Update installed (version >= 16215.0) do the following:
@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ First, install the general dependencies:
sudo apt install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config bsdmainutils curl git
A host toolchain (`build-essential`) is necessary because some dependency
-packages (such as `protobuf`) need to build host utilities that are used in the
-build process.
+packages need to build host utilities that are used in the build process.
See [dependencies.md](dependencies.md) for a complete overview.
@@ -71,6 +70,11 @@ If you want to build the windows installer with `make deploy` you need [NSIS](ht
sudo apt install nsis
+Acquire the source in the usual way:
+ git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git
+ cd bitcoin
## Building for 64-bit Windows
The first step is to install the mingw-w64 cross-compilation tool chain:
@@ -87,47 +91,22 @@ Note that for WSL the Bitcoin Core source path MUST be somewhere in the default
example /usr/src/bitcoin, AND not under /mnt/d/. If this is not the case the dependency autoconf scripts will fail.
This means you cannot use a directory that is located directly on the host Windows file system to perform the build.
-Acquire the source in the usual way:
- git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git
+Additional WSL Note: WSL support for [launching Win32 applications](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/wsl/windows-and-ubuntu-interoperability#launching-win32-applications-from-within-wsl)
+results in `Autoconf` configure scripts being able to execute Windows Portable Executable files. This can cause
+unexpected behaviour during the build, such as Win32 error dialogs for missing libraries. The recommended approach
+is to temporarily disable WSL support for Win32 applications.
-Once the source code is ready the build steps are below:
+Build using:
PATH=$(echo "$PATH" | sed -e 's/:\/mnt.*//g') # strip out problematic Windows %PATH% imported var
+ sudo bash -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/status" # Disable WSL support for Win32 applications.
cd depends
make HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32
cd ..
./autogen.sh # not required when building from tarball
CONFIG_SITE=$PWD/depends/x86_64-w64-mingw32/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/
-## Building for 32-bit Windows
-To build executables for Windows 32-bit, install the following dependencies:
- sudo apt install g++-mingw-w64-i686 mingw-w64-i686-dev
-For Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 and Windows Subsystem for Linux [1](#footnote1):
- sudo update-alternatives --config i686-w64-mingw32-g++ # Set the default mingw32 g++ compiler option to posix.
-Note that for WSL the Bitcoin Core source path MUST be somewhere in the default mount file system, for
-example /usr/src/bitcoin, AND not under /mnt/d/. If this is not the case the dependency autoconf scripts will fail.
-This means you cannot use a directory that located directly on the host Windows file system to perform the build.
-Acquire the source in the usual way:
- git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git
-Then build using:
- PATH=$(echo "$PATH" | sed -e 's/:\/mnt.*//g') # strip out problematic Windows %PATH% imported var
- cd depends
- make HOST=i686-w64-mingw32
- cd ..
- ./autogen.sh # not required when building from tarball
- CONFIG_SITE=$PWD/depends/i686-w64-mingw32/share/config.site ./configure --prefix=/
- make
+ sudo bash -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/status" # Enable WSL support for Win32 applications.
## Depends system
diff --git a/doc/dependencies.md b/doc/dependencies.md
index e4be63772c..d1bf4b3a87 100644
--- a/doc/dependencies.md
+++ b/doc/dependencies.md
@@ -6,27 +6,24 @@ These are the dependencies currently used by Bitcoin Core. You can find instruct
| Dependency | Version used | Minimum required | CVEs | Shared | [Bundled Qt library](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/configure-options.html#third-party-libraries) |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Berkeley DB | [4.8.30](https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/berkeleydb/downloads/index.html) | 4.8.x | No | | |
-| Boost | [1.64.0](https://www.boost.org/users/download/) | [1.47.0](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8920) | No | | |
-| Clang | | [3.3+](https://llvm.org/releases/download.html) (C++11 support) | | | |
-| D-Bus | [1.10.18](https://cgit.freedesktop.org/dbus/dbus/tree/NEWS?h=dbus-1.10) | | No | Yes | |
-| Expat | [2.2.6](https://libexpat.github.io/) | | No | Yes | |
+| Boost | [1.70.0](https://www.boost.org/users/download/) | [1.58.0](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/19667) | No | | |
+| Clang | | [3.3+](https://releases.llvm.org/download.html) (C++11 support) | | | |
+| Expat | [2.2.7](https://libexpat.github.io/) | | No | Yes | |
| fontconfig | [2.12.1](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/release/) | | No | Yes | |
-| FreeType | [2.7.1](https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype) | | No | | |
+| FreeType | [2.7.1](https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype) | | No | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) (Android only) |
| GCC | | [4.8+](https://gcc.gnu.org/) (C++11 support) | | | |
-| HarfBuzz-NG | | | | | |
-| libevent | [2.1.8-stable](https://github.com/libevent/libevent/releases) | 2.0.22 | No | | |
-| libjpeg | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk#L65) |
-| libpng | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk#L64) |
-| libsrvg | | | | | |
-| MiniUPnPc | [2.0.20180203](http://miniupnp.free.fr/files) | | No | | |
-| OpenSSL | [1.0.1k](https://www.openssl.org/source) | | Yes | | |
-| PCRE | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk#L66) |
-| protobuf | [2.6.1](https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases) | | No | | |
-| Python (tests) | | [3.4](https://www.python.org/downloads) | | | |
+| HarfBuzz-NG | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) |
+| libevent | [2.1.11-stable](https://github.com/libevent/libevent/releases) | [2.0.21](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/18676) | No | | |
+| libpng | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) |
+| librsvg | | | | | |
+| MiniUPnPc | [2.0.20180203](https://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/files) | | No | | |
+| PCRE | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) |
+| Python (tests) | | [3.5](https://www.python.org/downloads) | | | |
| qrencode | [3.4.4](https://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode) | | No | | |
-| Qt | [5.9.7](https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/) | [5.5.1](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/13478) | No | | |
-| XCB | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk#L87) (Linux only) |
-| xkbcommon | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk#L86) (Linux only) |
+| Qt | [5.9.8](https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/) | [5.5.1](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/13478) | No | | |
+| SQLite | [3.32.1](https://sqlite.org/download.html) | [3.7.17](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/19077) | | | |
+| XCB | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) (Linux only) |
+| xkbcommon | | | | | [Yes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/depends/packages/qt.mk) (Linux only) |
| ZeroMQ | [4.3.1](https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/releases) | 4.0.0 | No | | |
| zlib | [1.2.11](https://zlib.net/) | | | | No |
@@ -37,10 +34,10 @@ Some dependencies are not needed in all configurations. The following are some f
#### Options passed to `./configure`
* MiniUPnPc is not needed with `--with-miniupnpc=no`.
* Berkeley DB is not needed with `--disable-wallet`.
-* protobuf is not needed with `--disable-bip70`.
+* SQLite is not needed with `--disable-wallet` or `--without-sqlite`.
* Qt is not needed with `--without-gui`.
* If the qrencode dependency is absent, QR support won't be added. To force an error when that happens, pass `--with-qrencode`.
* ZeroMQ is needed only with the `--with-zmq` option.
#### Other
-* librsvg is only needed if you need to run `make deploy` on (cross-compliation to) macOS.
\ No newline at end of file
+* librsvg is only needed if you need to run `make deploy` on (cross-compilation to) macOS.
diff --git a/doc/descriptors.md b/doc/descriptors.md
index 5dbcd95e1d..181ff77e50 100644
--- a/doc/descriptors.md
+++ b/doc/descriptors.md
@@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
# Support for Output Descriptors in Bitcoin Core
-Since Bitcoin Core v0.17, there is support for Output Descriptors in the
-`scantxoutset` RPC call. This is a simple language which can be used to
-describe collections of output scripts.
-This document describes the language. For the specifics on usage for scanning
-the UTXO set, see the `scantxoutset` RPC help.
+Since Bitcoin Core v0.17, there is support for Output Descriptors. This is a
+simple language which can be used to describe collections of output scripts.
+Supporting RPCs are:
+- `scantxoutset` takes as input descriptors to scan for, and also reports
+ specialized descriptors for the matching UTXOs.
+- `getdescriptorinfo` analyzes a descriptor, and reports a canonicalized version
+ with checksum added.
+- `deriveaddresses` takes as input a descriptor and computes the corresponding
+ addresses.
+- `listunspent` outputs a specialized descriptor for the reported unspent outputs.
+- `getaddressinfo` outputs a descriptor for solvable addresses (since v0.18).
+- `importmulti` takes as input descriptors to import into the wallet
+ (since v0.18).
+- `generatetodescriptor` takes as input a descriptor and generates coins to it
+ (`regtest` only, since v0.19).
+- `utxoupdatepsbt` takes as input descriptors to add information to the psbt
+ (since v0.19).
+- `createmultisig` and `addmultisigaddress` return descriptors as well (since v0.20)
+This document describes the language. For the specifics on usage, see the RPC
+documentation for the functions mentioned above.
## Features
@@ -16,6 +31,7 @@ Output descriptors currently support:
- Pay-to-script-hash scripts (P2SH), through the `sh` function.
- Pay-to-witness-script-hash scripts (P2WSH), through the `wsh` function.
- Multisig scripts, through the `multi` function.
+- Multisig scripts where the public keys are sorted lexicographically, through the `sortedmulti` function.
- Any type of supported address through the `addr` function.
- Raw hex scripts through the `raw` function.
- Public keys (compressed and uncompressed) in hex notation, or BIP32 extended pubkeys with derivation paths.
@@ -30,12 +46,14 @@ Output descriptors currently support:
- `sh(wsh(pkh(02e493dbf1c10d80f3581e4904930b1404cc6c13900ee0758474fa94abe8c4cd13)))` describes an (overly complicated) P2SH-P2WSH-P2PKH output with the specified public key.
- `multi(1,022f8bde4d1a07209355b4a7250a5c5128e88b84bddc619ab7cba8d569b240efe4,025cbdf0646e5db4eaa398f365f2ea7a0e3d419b7e0330e39ce92bddedcac4f9bc)` describes a bare *1-of-2* multisig output with keys in the specified order.
- `sh(multi(2,022f01e5e15cca351daff3843fb70f3c2f0a1bdd05e5af888a67784ef3e10a2a01,03acd484e2f0c7f65309ad178a9f559abde09796974c57e714c35f110dfc27ccbe))` describes a P2SH *2-of-2* multisig output with keys in the specified order.
+- `sh(sortedmulti(2,03acd484e2f0c7f65309ad178a9f559abde09796974c57e714c35f110dfc27ccbe,022f01e5e15cca351daff3843fb70f3c2f0a1bdd05e5af888a67784ef3e10a2a01))` describes a P2SH *2-of-2* multisig output with keys sorted lexicographically in the resulting redeemScript.
- `wsh(multi(2,03a0434d9e47f3c86235477c7b1ae6ae5d3442d49b1943c2b752a68e2a47e247c7,03774ae7f858a9411e5ef4246b70c65aac5649980be5c17891bbec17895da008cb,03d01115d548e7561b15c38f004d734633687cf4419620095bc5b0f47070afe85a))` describes a P2WSH *2-of-3* multisig output with keys in the specified order.
- `sh(wsh(multi(1,03f28773c2d975288bc7d1d205c3748651b075fbc6610e58cddeeddf8f19405aa8,03499fdf9e895e719cfd64e67f07d38e3226aa7b63678949e6e49b241a60e823e4,02d7924d4f7d43ea965a465ae3095ff41131e5946f3c85f79e44adbcf8e27e080e)))` describes a P2SH-P2WSH *1-of-3* multisig output with keys in the specified order.
- `pk(xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8)` describes a P2PK output with the public key of the specified xpub.
- `pkh(xpub68Gmy5EdvgibQVfPdqkBBCHxA5htiqg55crXYuXoQRKfDBFA1WEjWgP6LHhwBZeNK1VTsfTFUHCdrfp1bgwQ9xv5ski8PX9rL2dZXvgGDnw/1'/2)` describes a P2PKH output with child key *1'/2* of the specified xpub.
- `pkh([d34db33f/44'/0'/0']xpub6ERApfZwUNrhLCkDtcHTcxd75RbzS1ed54G1LkBUHQVHQKqhMkhgbmJbZRkrgZw4koxb5JaHWkY4ALHY2grBGRjaDMzQLcgJvLJuZZvRcEL/1/*)` describes a set of P2PKH outputs, but additionally specifies that the specified xpub is a child of a master with fingerprint `d34db33f`, and derived using path `44'/0'/0'`.
- `wsh(multi(1,xpub661MyMwAqRbcFW31YEwpkMuc5THy2PSt5bDMsktWQcFF8syAmRUapSCGu8ED9W6oDMSgv6Zz8idoc4a6mr8BDzTJY47LJhkJ8UB7WEGuduB/1/0/*,xpub69H7F5d8KSRgmmdJg2KhpAK8SR3DjMwAdkxj3ZuxV27CprR9LgpeyGmXUbC6wb7ERfvrnKZjXoUmmDznezpbZb7ap6r1D3tgFxHmwMkQTPH/0/0/*))` describes a set of *1-of-2* P2WSH multisig outputs where the first multisig key is the *1/0/`i`* child of the first specified xpub and the second multisig key is the *0/0/`i`* child of the second specified xpub, and `i` is any number in a configurable range (`0-1000` by default).
+- `wsh(sortedmulti(1,xpub661MyMwAqRbcFW31YEwpkMuc5THy2PSt5bDMsktWQcFF8syAmRUapSCGu8ED9W6oDMSgv6Zz8idoc4a6mr8BDzTJY47LJhkJ8UB7WEGuduB/1/0/*,xpub69H7F5d8KSRgmmdJg2KhpAK8SR3DjMwAdkxj3ZuxV27CprR9LgpeyGmXUbC6wb7ERfvrnKZjXoUmmDznezpbZb7ap6r1D3tgFxHmwMkQTPH/0/0/*))` describes a set of *1-of-2* P2WSH multisig outputs where one multisig key is the *1/0/`i`* child of the first specified xpub and the other multisig key is the *0/0/`i`* child of the second specified xpub, and `i` is any number in a configurable range (`0-1000` by default). The order of public keys in the resulting witnessScripts is determined by the lexicographic order of the public keys at that index.
## Reference
@@ -49,6 +67,7 @@ Descriptors consist of several types of expressions. The top level expression is
- `wpkh(KEY)` (not inside `wsh`): P2WPKH output for the given compressed pubkey.
- `combo(KEY)` (top level only): an alias for the collection of `pk(KEY)` and `pkh(KEY)`. If the key is compressed, it also includes `wpkh(KEY)` and `sh(wpkh(KEY))`.
- `multi(k,KEY_1,KEY_2,...,KEY_n)` (anywhere): k-of-n multisig script.
+- `sortedmulti(k,KEY_1,KEY_2,...,KEY_n)` (anywhere): k-of-n multisig script with keys sorted lexicographically in the resulting script.
- `addr(ADDR)` (top level only): the script which ADDR expands to.
- `raw(HEX)` (top level only): the script whose hex encoding is HEX.
@@ -94,11 +113,12 @@ not contain "p2" for brevity.
Several pieces of software use multi-signature (multisig) scripts based
on Bitcoin's OP_CHECKMULTISIG opcode. To support these, we introduce the
-`multi(k,key_1,key_2,...,key_n)` function. It represents a *k-of-n*
+`multi(k,key_1,key_2,...,key_n)` and `sortedmulti(k,key_1,key_2,...,key_n)`
+functions. They represent a *k-of-n*
multisig policy, where any *k* out of the *n* provided `KEY` expressions must
-Key order is significant. A `multi()` expression describes a multisig script
+Key order is significant for `multi()`. A `multi()` expression describes a multisig script
with keys in the specified order, and in a search for TXOs, it will not match
outputs with multisig scriptPubKeys that have the same keys in a different
order. Also, to prevent a combinatorial explosion of the search space, if more
@@ -107,6 +127,10 @@ or `*'`, the `multi()` expression only matches multisig scripts with the `i`th
child key from each wildcard path in lockstep, rather than scripts with any
combination of child keys from each wildcard path.
+Key order does not matter for `sortedmulti()`. `sortedmulti()` behaves in the same way
+as `multi()` does but the keys are reordered in the resulting script such that they
+are lexicographically ordered as described in BIP67.
### BIP32 derived keys and chains
Most modern wallet software and hardware uses keys that are derived using
diff --git a/doc/developer-notes.md b/doc/developer-notes.md
index f765346cd8..fa188dbcd6 100644
--- a/doc/developer-notes.md
+++ b/doc/developer-notes.md
@@ -9,15 +9,17 @@ Developer Notes
- [Coding Style (C++)](#coding-style-c)
- [Coding Style (Python)](#coding-style-python)
- [Coding Style (Doxygen-compatible comments)](#coding-style-doxygen-compatible-comments)
+ - [Generating Documentation](#generating-documentation)
- [Development tips and tricks](#development-tips-and-tricks)
- [Compiling for debugging](#compiling-for-debugging)
- [Compiling for gprof profiling](#compiling-for-gprof-profiling)
- - [debug.log](#debuglog)
+ - [`debug.log`](#debuglog)
- [Testnet and Regtest modes](#testnet-and-regtest-modes)
- [DEBUG_LOCKORDER](#debug_lockorder)
- [Valgrind suppressions file](#valgrind-suppressions-file)
- [Compiling for test coverage](#compiling-for-test-coverage)
- [Performance profiling with perf](#performance-profiling-with-perf)
+ - [Sanitizers](#sanitizers)
- [Locking/mutex usage notes](#lockingmutex-usage-notes)
- [Threads](#threads)
- [Ignoring IDE/editor files](#ignoring-ideeditor-files)
@@ -27,17 +29,21 @@ Developer Notes
- [General C++](#general-c)
- [C++ data structures](#c-data-structures)
- [Strings and formatting](#strings-and-formatting)
- - [Variable names](#variable-names)
+ - [Shadowing](#shadowing)
- [Threads and synchronization](#threads-and-synchronization)
- [Scripts](#scripts)
- [Shebang](#shebang)
- [Source code organization](#source-code-organization)
- [GUI](#gui)
- [Subtrees](#subtrees)
- - [Git and GitHub tips](#git-and-github-tips)
+ - [Upgrading LevelDB](#upgrading-leveldb)
+ - [File Descriptor Counts](#file-descriptor-counts)
+ - [Consensus Compatibility](#consensus-compatibility)
- [Scripted diffs](#scripted-diffs)
+ - [Suggestions and examples](#suggestions-and-examples)
- [Release notes](#release-notes)
- [RPC interface guidelines](#rpc-interface-guidelines)
+ - [Internal interface guidelines](#internal-interface-guidelines)
@@ -63,7 +69,7 @@ tool to clean up patches automatically before submission.
- Braces on the same line for everything else.
- 4 space indentation (no tabs) for every block except namespaces.
- No indentation for `public`/`protected`/`private` or for `namespace`.
- - No extra spaces inside parenthesis; don't do ( this )
+ - No extra spaces inside parenthesis; don't do `( this )`.
- No space after function names; one space after `if`, `for` and `while`.
- If an `if` only has a single-statement `then`-clause, it can appear
on the same line as the `if`, without braces. In every other case,
@@ -73,12 +79,12 @@ tool to clean up patches automatically before submission.
- **Symbol naming conventions**. These are preferred in new code, but are not
required when doing so would need changes to significant pieces of existing
- - Variable (including function arguments) and namespace names are all lowercase, and may use `_` to
+ - Variable (including function arguments) and namespace names are all lowercase and may use `_` to
separate words (snake_case).
- Class member variables have a `m_` prefix.
- Global variables have a `g_` prefix.
- - Constant names are all uppercase, and use `_` to separate words.
- - Class names, function names and method names are UpperCamelCase
+ - Compile-time constant names are all uppercase, and use `_` to separate words.
+ - Class names, function names, and method names are UpperCamelCase
(PascalCase). Do not prefix class names with `C`.
- Test suite naming convention: The Boost test suite in file
`src/test/foo_tests.cpp` should be named `foo_tests`. Test suite names
@@ -88,7 +94,6 @@ code.
- `++i` is preferred over `i++`.
- `nullptr` is preferred over `NULL` or `(void*)0`.
- `static_assert` is preferred over `assert` where possible. Generally; compile-time checking is preferred over run-time checking.
- - `enum class` is preferred over `enum` where possible. Scoped enumerations avoid two potential pitfalls/problems with traditional C++ enumerations: implicit conversions to int, and name clashes due to enumerators being exported to the surrounding scope.
Block style example:
@@ -135,20 +140,27 @@ Bitcoin Core uses [Doxygen](http://www.doxygen.nl/) to generate its official doc
Use Doxygen-compatible comment blocks for functions, methods, and fields.
For example, to describe a function use:
- * ... text ...
- * @param[in] arg1 A description
- * @param[in] arg2 Another argument description
- * @pre Precondition for function...
+ * ... Description ...
+ *
+ * @param[in] arg1 input description...
+ * @param[in] arg2 input description...
+ * @param[out] arg3 output description...
+ * @return Return cases...
+ * @throws Error type and cases...
+ * @pre Pre-condition for function...
+ * @post Post-condition for function...
-bool function(int arg1, const char *arg2)
+bool function(int arg1, const char *arg2, std::string& arg3)
-A complete list of `@xxx` commands can be found at http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html.
+A complete list of `@xxx` commands can be found at http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/commands.html.
As Doxygen recognizes the comments by the delimiters (`/**` and `*/` in this case), you don't
*need* to provide any commands for a comment to be valid; just a description text is fine.
-To describe a class use the same construct above the class definition:
+To describe a class, use the same construct above the class definition:
* Alerts are for notifying old versions if they become too obsolete and
@@ -156,44 +168,73 @@ To describe a class use the same construct above the class definition:
* @see GetWarnings()
class CAlert
To describe a member or variable use:
-int var; //!< Detailed description after the member
+//! Description before the member
+int var;
-//! Description before the member
-int var;
+int var; //!< Description after the member
Also OK:
-/// ... text ...
+/// ... Description ...
bool function2(int arg1, const char *arg2)
-Not OK (used plenty in the current source, but not picked up):
+Not picked up by Doxygen:
-// ... text ...
+// ... Description ...
-A full list of comment syntaxes picked up by Doxygen can be found at https://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/docblocks.html,
+Also not picked up by Doxygen:
+ * ... Description ...
+ */
+A full list of comment syntaxes picked up by Doxygen can be found at http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/docblocks.html,
but the above styles are favored.
-Documentation can be generated with `make docs` and cleaned up with `make clean-docs`. The resulting files are located in `doc/doxygen/html`; open `index.html` to view the homepage.
-Before running `make docs`, you will need to install dependencies `doxygen` and `dot`. For example, on MacOS via Homebrew:
-brew install doxygen --with-graphviz
+- Avoiding duplicating type and input/output information in function
+ descriptions.
+- Use backticks (``) to refer to `argument` names in function and
+ parameter descriptions.
+- Backticks aren't required when referring to functions Doxygen already knows
+ about; it will build hyperlinks for these automatically. See
+ http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/autolink.html for complete info.
+- Avoid linking to external documentation; links can break.
+- Javadoc and all valid Doxygen comments are stripped from Doxygen source code
+ previews (`STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS = YES` in [Doxyfile.in](doc/Doxyfile.in)). If
+ you want a comment to be preserved, it must instead use `//` or `/* */`.
+### Generating Documentation
+The documentation can be generated with `make docs` and cleaned up with `make
+clean-docs`. The resulting files are located in `doc/doxygen/html`; open
+`index.html` in that directory to view the homepage.
+Before running `make docs`, you'll need to install these dependencies:
+Linux: `sudo apt install doxygen graphviz`
+MacOS: `brew install doxygen graphviz`
Development tips and tricks
@@ -207,15 +248,15 @@ produce better debugging builds.
Run configure with the `--enable-gprof` option, then make.
-### debug.log
+### `debug.log`
-If the code is behaving strangely, take a look in the debug.log file in the data directory;
+If the code is behaving strangely, take a look in the `debug.log` file in the data directory;
error and debugging messages are written there.
The `-debug=...` command-line option controls debugging; running with just `-debug` or `-debug=1` will turn
-on all categories (and give you a very large debug.log file).
+on all categories (and give you a very large `debug.log` file).
-The Qt code routes `qDebug()` output to debug.log under category "qt": run with `-debug=qt`
+The Qt code routes `qDebug()` output to `debug.log` under category "qt": run with `-debug=qt`
to see it.
### Testnet and Regtest modes
@@ -232,8 +273,8 @@ that run in `-regtest` mode.
Bitcoin Core is a multi-threaded application, and deadlocks or other
multi-threading bugs can be very difficult to track down. The `--enable-debug`
configure option adds `-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER` to the compiler flags. This inserts
-run-time checks to keep track of which locks are held, and adds warnings to the
-debug.log file if inconsistencies are detected.
+run-time checks to keep track of which locks are held and adds warnings to the
+`debug.log` file if inconsistencies are detected.
### Valgrind suppressions file
@@ -248,6 +289,7 @@ $ valgrind --suppressions=contrib/valgrind.supp src/test/test_bitcoin
$ valgrind --suppressions=contrib/valgrind.supp --leak-check=full \
--show-leak-kinds=all src/test/test_bitcoin --log_level=test_suite
$ valgrind -v --leak-check=full src/bitcoind -printtoconsole
+$ ./test/functional/test_runner.py --valgrind
### Compiling for test coverage
@@ -275,12 +317,11 @@ the functional test framework. Perf can observe a running process and sample
(at some frequency) where its execution is.
Perf installation is contingent on which kernel version you're running; see
-[this StackExchange
+[this thread](https://askubuntu.com/questions/50145/how-to-install-perf-monitoring-tool)
for specific instructions.
Certain kernel parameters may need to be set for perf to be able to inspect the
-running process' stack.
+running process's stack.
$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.perf_event_paranoid=-1
@@ -300,7 +341,7 @@ $ perf record \
-p `pgrep bitcoind` -- sleep 60
-You could then analyze the results by running
+You could then analyze the results by running:
perf report --stdio | c++filt | less
@@ -311,7 +352,7 @@ or using a graphical tool like [Hotspot](https://github.com/KDAB/hotspot).
See the functional test documentation for how to invoke perf within tests.
+### Sanitizers
Bitcoin Core can be compiled with various "sanitizers" enabled, which add
instrumentation for issues regarding things like memory safety, thread race
@@ -365,51 +406,74 @@ Additional resources:
Locking/mutex usage notes
-The code is multi-threaded, and uses mutexes and the
+The code is multi-threaded and uses mutexes and the
`LOCK` and `TRY_LOCK` macros to protect data structures.
Deadlocks due to inconsistent lock ordering (thread 1 locks `cs_main` and then
`cs_wallet`, while thread 2 locks them in the opposite order: result, deadlock
as each waits for the other to release its lock) are a problem. Compile with
`-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER` (or use `--enable-debug`) to get lock order inconsistencies
-reported in the debug.log file.
+reported in the `debug.log` file.
Re-architecting the core code so there are better-defined interfaces
between the various components is a goal, with any necessary locking
-done by the components (e.g. see the self-contained `CBasicKeyStore` class
+done by the components (e.g. see the self-contained `FillableSigningProvider` class
and its `cs_KeyStore` lock for example).
-- ThreadScriptCheck : Verifies block scripts.
+- [Main thread (`bitcoind`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/bitcoind_8cpp.html#a0ddf1224851353fc92bfbff6f499fa97)
+ : Started from `main()` in `bitcoind.cpp`. Responsible for starting up and
+ shutting down the application.
+- [ThreadImport (`b-loadblk`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/init_8cpp.html#ae9e290a0e829ec0198518de2eda579d1)
+ : Loads blocks from `blk*.dat` files or `-loadblock=` on startup.
-- ThreadImport : Loads blocks from blk*.dat files or bootstrap.dat.
+- [ThreadScriptCheck (`b-scriptch.x`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/validation_8cpp.html#a925a33e7952a157922b0bbb8dab29a20)
+ : Parallel script validation threads for transactions in blocks.
-- StartNode : Starts other threads.
+- [ThreadHTTP (`b-http`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/httpserver_8cpp.html#abb9f6ea8819672bd9a62d3695070709c)
+ : Libevent thread to listen for RPC and REST connections.
-- ThreadDNSAddressSeed : Loads addresses of peers from the DNS.
+- [HTTP worker threads(`b-httpworker.x`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/httpserver_8cpp.html#aa6a7bc27265043bc0193220c5ae3a55f)
+ : Threads to service RPC and REST requests.
-- ThreadMapPort : Universal plug-and-play startup/shutdown
+- [Indexer threads (`b-txindex`, etc)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/class_base_index.html#a96a7407421fbf877509248bbe64f8d87)
+ : One thread per indexer.
-- ThreadSocketHandler : Sends/Receives data from peers on port 8333.
+- [SchedulerThread (`b-scheduler`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/class_c_scheduler.html#a14d2800815da93577858ea078aed1fba)
+ : Does asynchronous background tasks like dumping wallet contents, dumping
+ addrman and running asynchronous validationinterface callbacks.
-- ThreadOpenAddedConnections : Opens network connections to added nodes.
+- [TorControlThread (`b-torcontrol`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/torcontrol_8cpp.html#a4faed3692d57a0d7bdbecf3b37f72de0)
+ : Libevent thread for tor connections.
-- ThreadOpenConnections : Initiates new connections to peers.
+- Net threads:
-- ThreadMessageHandler : Higher-level message handling (sending and receiving).
+ - [ThreadMessageHandler (`b-msghand`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/class_c_connman.html#aacdbb7148575a31bb33bc345e2bf22a9)
+ : Application level message handling (sending and receiving). Almost
+ all net_processing and validation logic runs on this thread.
-- DumpAddresses : Dumps IP addresses of nodes to peers.dat.
+ - [ThreadDNSAddressSeed (`b-dnsseed`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/class_c_connman.html#aa7c6970ed98a4a7bafbc071d24897d13)
+ : Loads addresses of peers from the DNS.
-- ThreadRPCServer : Remote procedure call handler, listens on port 8332 for connections and services them.
+ - [ThreadMapPort (`b-upnp`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/net_8cpp.html#a63f82a71c4169290c2db1651a9bbe249)
+ : Universal plug-and-play startup/shutdown.
-- Shutdown : Does an orderly shutdown of everything.
+ - [ThreadSocketHandler (`b-net`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/class_c_connman.html#a765597cbfe99c083d8fa3d61bb464e34)
+ : Sends/Receives data from peers on port 8333.
+ - [ThreadOpenAddedConnections (`b-addcon`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/class_c_connman.html#a0b787caf95e52a346a2b31a580d60a62)
+ : Opens network connections to added nodes.
+ - [ThreadOpenConnections (`b-opencon`)](https://doxygen.bitcoincore.org/class_c_connman.html#a55e9feafc3bab78e5c9d408c207faa45)
+ : Initiates new connections to peers.
Ignoring IDE/editor files
-In closed-source environments in which everyone uses the same IDE it is common
+In closed-source environments in which everyone uses the same IDE, it is common
to add temporary files it produces to the project-wide `.gitignore` file.
However, in open source software such as Bitcoin Core, where everyone uses
@@ -447,55 +511,58 @@ pay attention to for reviewers of Bitcoin Core code.
General Bitcoin Core
-- New features should be exposed on RPC first, then can be made available in the GUI
+- New features should be exposed on RPC first, then can be made available in the GUI.
- *Rationale*: RPC allows for better automatic testing. The test suite for
- the GUI is very limited
+ the GUI is very limited.
-- Make sure pull requests pass Travis CI before merging
+- Make sure pull requests pass Travis CI before merging.
- *Rationale*: Makes sure that they pass thorough testing, and that the tester will keep passing
- on the master branch. Otherwise all new pull requests will start failing the tests, resulting in
- confusion and mayhem
+ on the master branch. Otherwise, all new pull requests will start failing the tests, resulting in
+ confusion and mayhem.
- *Explanation*: If the test suite is to be updated for a change, this has to
- be done first
+ be done first.
- Make sure that no crashes happen with run-time option `-disablewallet`.
- - *Rationale*: In RPC code that conditionally uses the wallet (such as
- `validateaddress`) it is easy to forget that global pointer `pwalletMain`
- can be nullptr. See `test/functional/disablewallet.py` for functional tests
- exercising the API with `-disablewallet`
-- Include `db_cxx.h` (BerkeleyDB header) only when `ENABLE_WALLET` is set
+- Include `db_cxx.h` (BerkeleyDB header) only when `ENABLE_WALLET` is set.
- - *Rationale*: Otherwise compilation of the disable-wallet build will fail in environments without BerkeleyDB
+ - *Rationale*: Otherwise compilation of the disable-wallet build will fail in environments without BerkeleyDB.
General C++
-- Assertions should not have side-effects
+For general C++ guidelines, you may refer to the [C++ Core
+Common misconceptions are clarified in those sections:
+- Passing (non-)fundamental types in the [C++ Core
+ Guideline](https://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines#Rf-conventional).
+- Assertions should not have side-effects.
- *Rationale*: Even though the source code is set to refuse to compile
with assertions disabled, having side-effects in assertions is unexpected and
- makes the code harder to understand
+ makes the code harder to understand.
-- If you use the `.h`, you must link the `.cpp`
+- If you use the `.h`, you must link the `.cpp`.
- *Rationale*: Include files define the interface for the code in implementation files. Including one but
not linking the other is confusing. Please avoid that. Moving functions from
- the `.h` to the `.cpp` should not result in build errors
+ the `.h` to the `.cpp` should not result in build errors.
-- Use the RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) paradigm where possible. For example by using
+- Use the RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) paradigm where possible. For example, by using
`unique_ptr` for allocations in a function.
- - *Rationale*: This avoids memory and resource leaks, and ensures exception safety
+ - *Rationale*: This avoids memory and resource leaks, and ensures exception safety.
-- Use `MakeUnique()` to construct objects owned by `unique_ptr`s
+- Use `MakeUnique()` to construct objects owned by `unique_ptr`s.
- *Rationale*: `MakeUnique` is concise and ensures exception safety in complex expressions.
`MakeUnique` is a temporary project local implementation of `std::make_unique` (C++14).
@@ -503,27 +570,27 @@ General C++
C++ data structures
-- Never use the `std::map []` syntax when reading from a map, but instead use `.find()`
+- Never use the `std::map []` syntax when reading from a map, but instead use `.find()`.
- *Rationale*: `[]` does an insert (of the default element) if the item doesn't
exist in the map yet. This has resulted in memory leaks in the past, as well as
- race conditions (expecting read-read behavior). Using `[]` is fine for *writing* to a map
+ race conditions (expecting read-read behavior). Using `[]` is fine for *writing* to a map.
- Do not compare an iterator from one data structure with an iterator of
- another data structure (even if of the same type)
+ another data structure (even if of the same type).
- *Rationale*: Behavior is undefined. In C++ parlor this means "may reformat
- the universe", in practice this has resulted in at least one hard-to-debug crash bug
+ the universe", in practice this has resulted in at least one hard-to-debug crash bug.
- Watch out for out-of-bounds vector access. `&vch[vch.size()]` is illegal,
including `&vch[0]` for an empty vector. Use `vch.data()` and `vch.data() +
vch.size()` instead.
-- Vector bounds checking is only enabled in debug mode. Do not rely on it
+- Vector bounds checking is only enabled in debug mode. Do not rely on it.
- Initialize all non-static class members where they are defined.
If this is skipped for a good reason (i.e., optimization on the critical
- path), add an explicit comment about this
+ path), add an explicit comment about this.
- *Rationale*: Ensure determinism by avoiding accidental use of uninitialized
values. Also, static analyzers balk about this.
@@ -537,22 +604,62 @@ class A
-- By default, declare single-argument constructors `explicit`.
+- By default, declare constructors `explicit`.
- - *Rationale*: This is a precaution to avoid unintended conversions that might
- arise when single-argument constructors are used as implicit conversion
- functions.
+ - *Rationale*: This is a precaution to avoid unintended
+ [conversions](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/converting_constructor).
- Use explicitly signed or unsigned `char`s, or even better `uint8_t` and
`int8_t`. Do not use bare `char` unless it is to pass to a third-party API.
This type can be signed or unsigned depending on the architecture, which can
lead to interoperability problems or dangerous conditions such as
- out-of-bounds array accesses
+ out-of-bounds array accesses.
-- Prefer explicit constructions over implicit ones that rely on 'magical' C++ behavior
+- Prefer explicit constructions over implicit ones that rely on 'magical' C++ behavior.
- *Rationale*: Easier to understand what is happening, thus easier to spot mistakes, even for those
- that are not language lawyers
+ that are not language lawyers.
+- Use `Span` as function argument when it can operate on any range-like container.
+ - *Rationale*: Compared to `Foo(const vector&)` this avoids the need for a (potentially expensive)
+ conversion to vector if the caller happens to have the input stored in another type of container.
+ However, be aware of the pitfalls documented in [span.h](../src/span.h).
+void Foo(Span data);
+std::vector vec{1,2,3};
+- Prefer `enum class` (scoped enumerations) over `enum` (traditional enumerations) where possible.
+ - *Rationale*: Scoped enumerations avoid two potential pitfalls/problems with traditional C++ enumerations: implicit conversions to `int`, and name clashes due to enumerators being exported to the surrounding scope.
+- `switch` statement on an enumeration example:
+enum class Tabs {
+int GetInt(Tabs tab)
+ switch (tab) {
+ case Tabs::INFO: return 0;
+ case Tabs::CONSOLE: return 1;
+ case Tabs::GRAPH: return 2;
+ case Tabs::PEERS: return 3;
+ } // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
+ assert(false);
+*Rationale*: The comment documents skipping `default:` label, and it complies with `clang-format` rules. The assertion prevents firing of `-Wreturn-type` warning on some compilers.
Strings and formatting
@@ -560,17 +667,17 @@ Strings and formatting
- Be careful of `LogPrint` versus `LogPrintf`. `LogPrint` takes a `category` argument, `LogPrintf` does not.
- *Rationale*: Confusion of these can result in runtime exceptions due to
- formatting mismatch, and it is easy to get wrong because of subtly similar naming
+ formatting mismatch, and it is easy to get wrong because of subtly similar naming.
-- Use `std::string`, avoid C string manipulation functions
+- Use `std::string`, avoid C string manipulation functions.
- *Rationale*: C++ string handling is marginally safer, less scope for
- buffer overflows and surprises with `\0` characters. Also some C string manipulations
- tend to act differently depending on platform, or even the user locale
+ buffer overflows, and surprises with `\0` characters. Also, some C string manipulations
+ tend to act differently depending on platform, or even the user locale.
-- Use `ParseInt32`, `ParseInt64`, `ParseUInt32`, `ParseUInt64`, `ParseDouble` from `utilstrencodings.h` for number parsing
+- Use `ParseInt32`, `ParseInt64`, `ParseUInt32`, `ParseUInt64`, `ParseDouble` from `utilstrencodings.h` for number parsing.
- - *Rationale*: These functions do overflow checking, and avoid pesky locale issues.
+ - *Rationale*: These functions do overflow checking and avoid pesky locale issues.
- Avoid using locale dependent functions if possible. You can use the provided
@@ -600,48 +707,101 @@ Strings and formatting
`wcstoll`, `wcstombs`, `wcstoul`, `wcstoull`, `wcstoumax`, `wcswidth`,
`wcsxfrm`, `wctob`, `wctomb`, `wctrans`, `wctype`, `wcwidth`, `wprintf`
-- For `strprintf`, `LogPrint`, `LogPrintf` formatting characters don't need size specifiers
+- For `strprintf`, `LogPrint`, `LogPrintf` formatting characters don't need size specifiers.
+ - *Rationale*: Bitcoin Core uses tinyformat, which is type safe. Leave them out to avoid confusion.
+- Use `.c_str()` sparingly. Its only valid use is to pass C++ strings to C functions that take NULL-terminated
+ strings.
+ - Do not use it when passing a sized array (so along with `.size()`). Use `.data()` instead to get a pointer
+ to the raw data.
+ - *Rationale*: Although this is guaranteed to be safe starting with C++11, `.data()` communicates the intent better.
+ - Do not use it when passing strings to `tfm::format`, `strprintf`, `LogPrint[f]`.
+ - *Rationale*: This is redundant. Tinyformat handles strings.
+ - Do not use it to convert to `QString`. Use `QString::fromStdString()`.
- - *Rationale*: Bitcoin Core uses tinyformat, which is type safe. Leave them out to avoid confusion
+ - *Rationale*: Qt has built-in functionality for converting their string
+ type from/to C++. No need to roll your own.
-Variable names
+ - In cases where do you call `.c_str()`, you might want to additionally check that the string does not contain embedded '\0' characters, because
+ it will (necessarily) truncate the string. This might be used to hide parts of the string from logging or to circumvent
+ checks. If a use of strings is sensitive to this, take care to check the string for embedded NULL characters first
+ and reject it if there are any (see `ParsePrechecks` in `strencodings.cpp` for an example).
-Although the shadowing warning (`-Wshadow`) is not enabled by default (it prevents issues rising
+Although the shadowing warning (`-Wshadow`) is not enabled by default (it prevents issues arising
from using a different variable with the same name),
please name variables so that their names do not shadow variables defined in the source code.
-E.g. in member initializers, prepend `_` to the argument name shadowing the
-member name:
+When using nested cycles, do not name the inner cycle variable the same as in
+the upper cycle, etc.
-class AddressBookPage
+Threads and synchronization
+- Prefer `Mutex` type to `RecursiveMutex` one
+- Consistently use [Clang Thread Safety Analysis](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ThreadSafetyAnalysis.html) annotations to
+ get compile-time warnings about potential race conditions in code. Combine annotations in function declarations with
+ run-time asserts in function definitions:
+// txmempool.h
+class CTxMemPool
- Mode m_mode;
+ ...
+ mutable RecursiveMutex cs;
+ ...
+ void UpdateTransactionsFromBlock(...) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main, cs);
+ ...
-AddressBookPage::AddressBookPage(Mode _mode) :
- m_mode(_mode)
+// txmempool.cpp
+void CTxMemPool::UpdateTransactionsFromBlock(...)
+ AssertLockHeld(::cs_main);
+ AssertLockHeld(cs);
+ ...
-When using nested cycles, do not name the inner cycle variable the same as in
-upper cycle etc.
+// validation.h
+class ChainstateManager
+ ...
+ bool ProcessNewBlock(...) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!::cs_main);
+ ...
-Threads and synchronization
+// validation.cpp
+bool ChainstateManager::ProcessNewBlock(...)
+ AssertLockNotHeld(::cs_main);
+ ...
+ LOCK(::cs_main);
+ ...
- Build and run tests with `-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER` to verify that no potential
deadlocks are introduced. As of 0.12, this is defined by default when
- configuring with `--enable-debug`
+ configuring with `--enable-debug`.
- When using `LOCK`/`TRY_LOCK` be aware that the lock exists in the context of
the current scope, so surround the statement and the code that needs the lock
- with braces
+ with braces.
TRY_LOCK(cs_vNodes, lockNodes);
@@ -650,7 +810,6 @@ Threads and synchronization
TRY_LOCK(cs_vNodes, lockNodes);
@@ -672,13 +831,11 @@ Scripts
`#!/usr/bin/env bash` searches the user's PATH to find the bash binary.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
@@ -687,9 +844,9 @@ Source code organization
- Implementation code should go into the `.cpp` file and not the `.h`, unless necessary due to template usage or
- when performance due to inlining is critical
+ when performance due to inlining is critical.
- - *Rationale*: Shorter and simpler header files are easier to read, and reduce compile time
+ - *Rationale*: Shorter and simpler header files are easier to read and reduce compile time.
- Use only the lowercase alphanumerics (`a-z0-9`), underscore (`_`) and hyphen (`-`) in source code filenames.
@@ -707,7 +864,7 @@ Source code organization
- Don't import anything into the global namespace (`using namespace ...`). Use
fully specified types such as `std::string`.
- - *Rationale*: Avoids symbol conflicts
+ - *Rationale*: Avoids symbol conflicts.
- Terminate namespaces with a comment (`// namespace mynamespace`). The comment
should be placed on the same line as the brace closing the namespace, e.g.
@@ -722,7 +879,7 @@ namespace {
} // namespace
- - *Rationale*: Avoids confusion about the namespace context
+ - *Rationale*: Avoids confusion about the namespace context.
- Use `#include ` bracket syntax instead of
`#include "primitives/transactions.h"` quote syntax.
@@ -745,13 +902,13 @@ namespace {
-- Do not display or manipulate dialogs in model code (classes `*Model`)
+- Do not display or manipulate dialogs in model code (classes `*Model`).
- *Rationale*: Model classes pass through events and data from the core, they
should not interact with the user. That's where View classes come in. The converse also
holds: try to not directly access core data structures from Views.
-- Avoid adding slow or blocking code in the GUI thread. In particular do not
+- Avoid adding slow or blocking code in the GUI thread. In particular, do not
add new `interfaces::Node` and `interfaces::Wallet` method calls, even if they
may be fast now, in case they are changed to lock or communicate across
processes in the future.
@@ -770,14 +927,14 @@ Subtrees
Several parts of the repository are subtrees of software maintained elsewhere.
Some of these are maintained by active developers of Bitcoin Core, in which case changes should probably go
-directly upstream without being PRed directly against the project. They will be merged back in the next
+directly upstream without being PRed directly against the project. They will be merged back in the next
subtree merge.
-Others are external projects without a tight relationship with our project. Changes to these should also
-be sent upstream but bugfixes may also be prudent to PR against Bitcoin Core so that they can be integrated
-quickly. Cosmetic changes should be purely taken upstream.
+Others are external projects without a tight relationship with our project. Changes to these should also
+be sent upstream, but bugfixes may also be prudent to PR against Bitcoin Core so that they can be integrated
+quickly. Cosmetic changes should be purely taken upstream.
-There is a tool in `test/lint/git-subtree-check.sh` to check a subtree directory for consistency with
+There is a tool in `test/lint/git-subtree-check.sh` ([instructions](../test/lint#git-subtree-checksh)) to check a subtree directory for consistency with
its upstream repository.
Current subtrees include:
@@ -788,7 +945,11 @@ Current subtrees include:
- **Note**: Follow the instructions in [Upgrading LevelDB](#upgrading-leveldb) when
merging upstream changes to the LevelDB subtree.
-- src/libsecp256k1
+- src/crc32c
+ - Used by leveldb for hardware acceleration of CRC32C checksums for data integrity.
+ - Upstream at https://github.com/google/crc32c ; Maintained by Google.
+- src/secp256k1
- Upstream at https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1/ ; actively maintained by Core contributors.
- src/crypto/ctaes
@@ -805,11 +966,11 @@ you must be aware of.
### File Descriptor Counts
-In most configurations we use the default LevelDB value for `max_open_files`,
+In most configurations, we use the default LevelDB value for `max_open_files`,
which is 1000 at the time of this writing. If LevelDB actually uses this many
-file descriptors it will cause problems with Bitcoin's `select()` loop, because
+file descriptors, it will cause problems with Bitcoin's `select()` loop, because
it may cause new sockets to be created where the fd value is >= 1024. For this
-reason, on 64-bit Unix systems we rely on an internal LevelDB optimization that
+reason, on 64-bit Unix systems, we rely on an internal LevelDB optimization that
uses `mmap()` + `close()` to open table files without actually retaining
references to the table file descriptors. If you are upgrading LevelDB, you must
sanity check the changes to make sure that this assumption remains valid.
@@ -834,14 +995,14 @@ details.
It is possible for LevelDB changes to inadvertently change consensus
compatibility between nodes. This happened in Bitcoin 0.8 (when LevelDB was
-first introduced). When upgrading LevelDB you should review the upstream changes
+first introduced). When upgrading LevelDB, you should review the upstream changes
to check for issues affecting consensus compatibility.
For example, if LevelDB had a bug that accidentally prevented a key from being
returned in an edge case, and that bug was fixed upstream, the bug "fix" would
-be an incompatible consensus change. In this situation the correct behavior
+be an incompatible consensus change. In this situation, the correct behavior
would be to revert the upstream fix before applying the updates to Bitcoin's
-copy of LevelDB. In general you should be wary of any upstream changes affecting
+copy of LevelDB. In general, you should be wary of any upstream changes affecting
what data is returned from LevelDB queries.
Scripted diffs
@@ -850,7 +1011,7 @@ Scripted diffs
For reformatting and refactoring commits where the changes can be easily automated using a bash script, we use
scripted-diff commits. The bash script is included in the commit message and our Travis CI job checks that
the result of the script is identical to the commit. This aids reviewers since they can verify that the script
-does exactly what it's supposed to do. It is also helpful for rebasing (since the same script can just be re-run
+does exactly what it is supposed to do. It is also helpful for rebasing (since the same script can just be re-run
on the new master commit).
To create a scripted-diff:
@@ -860,7 +1021,7 @@ To create a scripted-diff:
-The scripted-diff is verified by the tool `test/lint/commit-script-check.sh`. The tool's default behavior when supplied
+The scripted-diff is verified by the tool `test/lint/commit-script-check.sh`. The tool's default behavior, when supplied
with a commit is to verify all scripted-diffs from the beginning of time up to said commit. Internally, the tool passes
the first supplied argument to `git rev-list --reverse` to determine which commits to verify script-diffs for, ignoring
commits that don't conform to the commit message format described above.
@@ -871,7 +1032,35 @@ For development, it might be more convenient to verify all scripted-diffs in a r
test/lint/commit-script-check.sh origin/master..HEAD
-Commit [`bb81e173`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/bb81e173) is an example of a scripted-diff.
+### Suggestions and examples
+If you need to replace in multiple files, prefer `git ls-files` to `find` or globbing, and `git grep` to `grep`, to
+avoid changing files that are not under version control.
+For efficient replacement scripts, reduce the selection to the files that potentially need to be modified, so for
+example, instead of a blanket `git ls-files src | xargs sed -i s/apple/orange/`, use
+`git grep -l apple src | xargs sed -i s/apple/orange/`.
+Also, it is good to keep the selection of files as specific as possible — for example, replace only in directories where
+you expect replacements — because it reduces the risk that a rebase of your commit by re-running the script will
+introduce accidental changes.
+Some good examples of scripted-diff:
+- [scripted-diff: Rename InitInterfaces to NodeContext](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/301bd41a2e6765b185bd55f4c541f9e27aeea29d)
+uses an elegant script to replace occurrences of multiple terms in all source files.
+- [scripted-diff: Remove g_connman, g_banman globals](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/8922d7f6b751a3e6b3b9f6fb7961c442877fb65a)
+replaces specific terms in a list of specific source files.
+- [scripted-diff: Replace fprintf with tfm::format](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/fac03ec43a15ad547161e37e53ea82482cc508f9)
+does a global replacement but excludes certain directories.
+To find all previous uses of scripted diffs in the repository, do:
+git log --grep="-BEGIN VERIFY SCRIPT-"
Release notes
@@ -893,23 +1082,23 @@ RPC interface guidelines
A few guidelines for introducing and reviewing new RPC interfaces:
-- Method naming: use consecutive lower-case names such as `getrawtransaction` and `submitblock`
+- Method naming: use consecutive lower-case names such as `getrawtransaction` and `submitblock`.
- - *Rationale*: Consistency with existing interface.
+ - *Rationale*: Consistency with the existing interface.
- Argument naming: use snake case `fee_delta` (and not, e.g. camel case `feeDelta`)
- - *Rationale*: Consistency with existing interface.
+ - *Rationale*: Consistency with the existing interface.
- Use the JSON parser for parsing, don't manually parse integers or strings from
arguments unless absolutely necessary.
- *Rationale*: Introduces hand-rolled string manipulation code at both the caller and callee sites,
- which is error prone, and it is easy to get things such as escaping wrong.
+ which is error-prone, and it is easy to get things such as escaping wrong.
JSON already supports nested data structures, no need to re-invent the wheel.
- *Exception*: AmountFromValue can parse amounts as string. This was introduced because many JSON
- parsers and formatters hard-code handling decimal numbers as floating point
+ parsers and formatters hard-code handling decimal numbers as floating-point
values, resulting in potential loss of precision. This is unacceptable for
monetary values. **Always** use `AmountFromValue` and `ValueFromAmount` when
inputting or outputting monetary values. The only exceptions to this are
@@ -918,7 +1107,7 @@ A few guidelines for introducing and reviewing new RPC interfaces:
- Missing arguments and 'null' should be treated the same: as default values. If there is no
default value, both cases should fail in the same way. The easiest way to follow this
- guideline is detect unspecified arguments with `params[x].isNull()` instead of
+ guideline is to detect unspecified arguments with `params[x].isNull()` instead of
`params.size() <= x`. The former returns true if the argument is either null or missing,
while the latter returns true if is missing, and false if it is null.
@@ -952,16 +1141,15 @@ A few guidelines for introducing and reviewing new RPC interfaces:
from there.
- A RPC method must either be a wallet method or a non-wallet method. Do not
- introduce new methods such as `signrawtransaction` that differ in behavior
- based on presence of a wallet.
+ introduce new methods that differ in behavior based on the presence of a wallet.
- - *Rationale*: as well as complicating the implementation and interfering
+ - *Rationale*: As well as complicating the implementation and interfering
with the introduction of multi-wallet, wallet and non-wallet code should be
separated to avoid introducing circular dependencies between code units.
- Try to make the RPC response a JSON object.
- - *Rationale*: If a RPC response is not a JSON object then it is harder to avoid API breakage if
+ - *Rationale*: If a RPC response is not a JSON object, then it is harder to avoid API breakage if
new data in the response is needed.
- Wallet RPCs call BlockUntilSyncedToCurrentChain to maintain consistency with
@@ -982,8 +1170,140 @@ A few guidelines for introducing and reviewing new RPC interfaces:
- *Rationale*: RPC methods registered with the same function pointer will be
considered aliases and only the first method name will show up in the
- `help` rpc command list.
+ `help` RPC command list.
- *Exception*: Using RPC method aliases may be appropriate in cases where a
new RPC is replacing a deprecated RPC, to avoid both RPCs confusingly
showing up in the command list.
+- Use *invalid* bech32 addresses (e.g. in the constant array `EXAMPLE_ADDRESS`) for
+ `RPCExamples` help documentation.
+ - *Rationale*: Prevent accidental transactions by users and encourage the use
+ of bech32 addresses by default.
+- Use the `UNIX_EPOCH_TIME` constant when describing UNIX epoch time or
+ timestamps in the documentation.
+ - *Rationale*: User-facing consistency.
+Internal interface guidelines
+Internal interfaces between parts of the codebase that are meant to be
+independent (node, wallet, GUI), are defined in
+[`src/interfaces/`](../src/interfaces/). The main interface classes defined
+there are [`interfaces::Chain`](../src/interfaces/chain.h), used by wallet to
+access the node's latest chain state,
+[`interfaces::Node`](../src/interfaces/node.h), used by the GUI to control the
+node, and [`interfaces::Wallet`](../src/interfaces/wallet.h), used by the GUI
+to control an individual wallet. There are also more specialized interface
+types like [`interfaces::Handler`](../src/interfaces/handler.h)
+[`interfaces::ChainClient`](../src/interfaces/chain.h) passed to and from
+various interface methods.
+Interface classes are written in a particular style so node, wallet, and GUI
+code doesn't need to run in the same process, and so the class declarations
+work more easily with tools and libraries supporting interprocess
+- Interface classes should be abstract and have methods that are [pure
+ virtual](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/abstract_class). This
+ allows multiple implementations to inherit from the same interface class,
+ particularly so one implementation can execute functionality in the local
+ process, and other implementations can forward calls to remote processes.
+- Interface method definitions should wrap existing functionality instead of
+ implementing new functionality. Any substantial new node or wallet
+ functionality should be implemented in [`src/node/`](../src/node/) or
+ [`src/wallet/`](../src/wallet/) and just exposed in
+ [`src/interfaces/`](../src/interfaces/) instead of being implemented there,
+ so it can be more modular and accessible to unit tests.
+- Interface method parameter and return types should either be serializable or
+ be other interface classes. Interface methods shouldn't pass references to
+ objects that can't be serialized or accessed from another process.
+ Examples:
+ ```c++
+ // Good: takes string argument and returns interface class pointer
+ virtual unique_ptr loadWallet(std::string filename) = 0;
+ // Bad: returns CWallet reference that can't be used from another process
+ virtual CWallet& loadWallet(std::string filename) = 0;
+ ```
+ ```c++
+ // Good: accepts and returns primitive types
+ virtual bool findBlock(const uint256& hash, int& out_height, int64_t& out_time) = 0;
+ // Bad: returns pointer to internal node in a linked list inaccessible to
+ // other processes
+ virtual const CBlockIndex* findBlock(const uint256& hash) = 0;
+ ```
+ ```c++
+ // Good: takes plain callback type and returns interface pointer
+ using TipChangedFn = std::function;
+ virtual std::unique_ptr handleTipChanged(TipChangedFn fn) = 0;
+ // Bad: returns boost connection specific to local process
+ using TipChangedFn = std::function;
+ virtual boost::signals2::scoped_connection connectTipChanged(TipChangedFn fn) = 0;
+ ```
+- For consistency and friendliness to code generation tools, interface method
+ input and inout parameters should be ordered first and output parameters
+ should come last.
+ Example:
+ ```c++
+ // Good: error output param is last
+ virtual bool broadcastTransaction(const CTransactionRef& tx, CAmount max_fee, std::string& error) = 0;
+ // Bad: error output param is between input params
+ virtual bool broadcastTransaction(const CTransactionRef& tx, std::string& error, CAmount max_fee) = 0;
+ ```
+- For friendliness to code generation tools, interface methods should not be
+ overloaded:
+ Example:
+ ```c++
+ // Good: method names are unique
+ virtual bool disconnectByAddress(const CNetAddr& net_addr) = 0;
+ virtual bool disconnectById(NodeId id) = 0;
+ // Bad: methods are overloaded by type
+ virtual bool disconnect(const CNetAddr& net_addr) = 0;
+ virtual bool disconnect(NodeId id) = 0;
+ ```
+- For consistency and friendliness to code generation tools, interface method
+ names should be `lowerCamelCase` and standalone function names should be
+ `UpperCamelCase`.
+ Examples:
+ ```c++
+ // Good: lowerCamelCase method name
+ virtual void blockConnected(const CBlock& block, int height) = 0;
+ // Bad: uppercase class method
+ virtual void BlockConnected(const CBlock& block, int height) = 0;
+ ```
+ ```c++
+ // Good: UpperCamelCase standalone function name
+ std::unique_ptr MakeNode(LocalInit& init);
+ // Bad: lowercase standalone function
+ std::unique_ptr makeNode(LocalInit& init);
+ ```
+ Note: This last convention isn't generally followed outside of
+ [`src/interfaces/`](../src/interfaces/), though it did come up for discussion
+ before in [#14635](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/14635).
diff --git a/doc/files.md b/doc/files.md
index 85c27f3fd0..545e8fc92c 100644
--- a/doc/files.md
+++ b/doc/files.md
@@ -1,37 +1,125 @@
-Filename | Description
-banlist.dat | stores the IPs/Subnets of banned nodes
-bitcoin.conf | contains configuration settings for bitcoind or bitcoin-qt
-bitcoind.pid | stores the process id of bitcoind while running
-blocks/blk000??.dat | block data (custom, 128 MiB per file); since 0.8.0
-blocks/rev000??.dat | block undo data (custom); since 0.8.0 (format changed since pre-0.8)
-blocks/index/* | block index (LevelDB); since 0.8.0
-chainstate/* | blockchain state database (LevelDB); since 0.8.0
-database/* | BDB database environment; only used for wallet since 0.8.0; moved to wallets/ directory on new installs since 0.16.0
-db.log | wallet database log file; moved to wallets/ directory on new installs since 0.16.0
-debug.log | contains debug information and general logging generated by bitcoind or bitcoin-qt
-fee_estimates.dat | stores statistics used to estimate minimum transaction fees and priorities required for confirmation; since 0.10.0
-indexes/txindex/* | optional transaction index database (LevelDB); since 0.17.0
-mempool.dat | dump of the mempool's transactions; since 0.14.0
-peers.dat | peer IP address database (custom format); since 0.7.0
-wallet.dat | personal wallet (BDB) with keys and transactions; moved to wallets/ directory on new installs since 0.16.0
-wallets/database/* | BDB database environment; used for wallets since 0.16.0
-wallets/db.log | wallet database log file; since 0.16.0
-wallets/wallet.dat | personal wallet (BDB) with keys and transactions; since 0.16.0
-.cookie | session RPC authentication cookie (written at start when cookie authentication is used, deleted on shutdown): since 0.12.0
-onion_private_key | cached Tor hidden service private key for `-listenonion`: since 0.12.0
-guisettings.ini.bak | backup of former GUI settings after `-resetguisettings` is used
-Only used in pre-0.8.0
-* blktree/*; block chain index (LevelDB); since pre-0.8, replaced by blocks/index/* in 0.8.0
-* coins/*; unspent transaction output database (LevelDB); since pre-0.8, replaced by chainstate/* in 0.8.0
-Only used before 0.8.0
-* blkindex.dat: block chain index database (BDB); replaced by {chainstate/*,blocks/index/*,blocks/rev000??.dat} in 0.8.0
-* blk000?.dat: block data (custom, 2 GiB per file); replaced by blocks/blk000??.dat in 0.8.0
-Only used before 0.7.0
-* addr.dat: peer IP address database (BDB); replaced by peers.dat in 0.7.0
+# Bitcoin Core file system
+- [Data directory location](#data-directory-location)
+- [Data directory layout](#data-directory-layout)
+- [Multi-wallet environment](#multi-wallet-environment)
+ - [Berkeley DB database based wallets](#berkeley-db-database-based-wallets)
+ - [SQLite database based wallets](#sqlite-database-based-wallets)
+- [GUI settings](#gui-settings)
+- [Legacy subdirectories and files](#legacy-subdirectories-and-files)
+- [Notes](#notes)
+## Data directory location
+The data directory is the default location where the Bitcoin Core files are stored.
+1. The default data directory paths for supported platforms are:
+Platform | Data directory path
+Linux | `$HOME/.bitcoin/`
+macOS | `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/`
+Windows | `%APPDATA%\Bitcoin\` [\[1\]](#note1)
+2. A custom data directory path can be specified with the `-datadir` option.
+3. All content of the data directory, except for `bitcoin.conf` file, is chain-specific. This means the actual data directory paths for non-mainnet cases differ:
+Chain option | Data directory path
+`-chain=main` (default) | *path_to_datadir*`/`
+`-chain=test` or `-testnet` | *path_to_datadir*`/testnet3/`
+`-chain=signet` or `-signet` | *path_to_datadir*`/signet/`
+`-chain=regtest` or `-regtest` | *path_to_datadir*`/regtest/`
+## Data directory layout
+Subdirectory | File(s) | Description
+`blocks/` | | Blocks directory; can be specified by `-blocksdir` option (except for `blocks/index/`)
+`blocks/index/` | LevelDB database | Block index; `-blocksdir` option does not affect this path
+`blocks/` | `blkNNNNN.dat`[\[2\]](#note2) | Actual Bitcoin blocks (in network format, dumped in raw on disk, 128 MiB per file)
+`blocks/` | `revNNNNN.dat`[\[2\]](#note2) | Block undo data (custom format)
+`chainstate/` | LevelDB database | Blockchain state (a compact representation of all currently unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) and metadata about the transactions they are from)
+`indexes/txindex/` | LevelDB database | Transaction index; *optional*, used if `-txindex=1`
+`indexes/blockfilter/basic/db/` | LevelDB database | Blockfilter index LevelDB database for the basic filtertype; *optional*, used if `-blockfilterindex=basic`
+`indexes/blockfilter/basic/` | `fltrNNNNN.dat`[\[2\]](#note2) | Blockfilter index filters for the basic filtertype; *optional*, used if `-blockfilterindex=basic`
+`wallets/` | | [Contains wallets](#multi-wallet-environment); can be specified by `-walletdir` option; if `wallets/` subdirectory does not exist, wallets reside in the [data directory](#data-directory-location)
+`./` | `anchors.dat` | Anchor IP address database, created on shutdown and deleted at startup. Anchors are last known outgoing block-relay-only peers that are tried to re-connect to on startup
+`./` | `banlist.dat` | Stores the IPs/subnets of banned nodes
+`./` | `bitcoin.conf` | User-defined [configuration settings](bitcoin-conf.md) for `bitcoind` or `bitcoin-qt`. File is not written to by the software and must be created manually. Path can be specified by `-conf` option
+`./` | `bitcoind.pid` | Stores the process ID (PID) of `bitcoind` or `bitcoin-qt` while running; created at start and deleted on shutdown; can be specified by `-pid` option
+`./` | `debug.log` | Contains debug information and general logging generated by `bitcoind` or `bitcoin-qt`; can be specified by `-debuglogfile` option
+`./` | `fee_estimates.dat` | Stores statistics used to estimate minimum transaction fees and priorities required for confirmation
+`./` | `guisettings.ini.bak` | Backup of former [GUI settings](#gui-settings) after `-resetguisettings` option is used
+`./` | `ip_asn.map` | IP addresses to Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) mapping used for bucketing of the peers; path can be specified with the `-asmap` option
+`./` | `mempool.dat` | Dump of the mempool's transactions
+`./` | `onion_v3_private_key` | Cached Tor onion service private key for `-listenonion` option
+`./` | `peers.dat` | Peer IP address database (custom format)
+`./` | `settings.json` | Read-write settings set through GUI or RPC interfaces, augmenting manual settings from [bitcoin.conf](bitcoin-conf.md). File is created automatically if read-write settings storage is not disabled with `-nosettings` option. Path can be specified with `-settings` option
+`./` | `.cookie` | Session RPC authentication cookie; if used, created at start and deleted on shutdown; can be specified by `-rpccookiefile` option
+`./` | `.lock` | Data directory lock file
+## Multi-wallet environment
+Wallets are Berkeley DB (BDB) or SQLite databases.
+1. Each user-defined wallet named "wallet_name" resides in the `wallets/wallet_name/` subdirectory.
+2. The default (unnamed) wallet resides in `wallets/` subdirectory; if the latter does not exist, the wallet resides in the data directory.
+3. A wallet database path can be specified with the `-wallet` option.
+4. `wallet.dat` files must not be shared across different node instances, as that can result in key-reuse and double-spends due the lack of synchronization between instances.
+5. Any copy or backup of the wallet should be done through a `backupwallet` call in order to update and lock the wallet, preventing any file corruption caused by updates during the copy.
+### Berkeley DB database based wallets
+Subdirectory | File(s) | Description
+`database/` | BDB logging files | Part of BDB environment; created at start and deleted on shutdown; a user *must keep it as safe* as personal wallet `wallet.dat`
+`./` | `db.log` | BDB error file
+`./` | `wallet.dat` | Personal wallet (a BDB database) with keys and transactions
+`./` | `.walletlock` | BDB wallet lock file
+### SQLite database based wallets
+Subdirectory | File | Description
+`./` | `wallet.dat` | Personal wallet (a SQLite database) with keys and transactions
+`./` | `wallet.dat-journal` | SQLite Rollback Journal file for `wallet.dat`. Usually created at start and deleted on shutdown. A user *must keep it as safe* as the `wallet.dat` file.
+## GUI settings
+`bitcoin-qt` uses [`QSettings`](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsettings.html) class; this implies platform-specific [locations where application settings are stored](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsettings.html#locations-where-application-settings-are-stored).
+## Legacy subdirectories and files
+These subdirectories and files are no longer used by the Bitcoin Core:
+Path | Description | Repository notes
+`blktree/` | Blockchain index; replaced by `blocks/index/` in [0.8.0](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.0.md#improvements) | [PR #2231](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/2231), [`8fdc94cc`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/8fdc94cc8f0341e96b1edb3a5b56811c0b20bd15)
+`coins/` | Unspent transaction output database; replaced by `chainstate/` in 0.8.0 | [PR #2231](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/2231), [`8fdc94cc`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/8fdc94cc8f0341e96b1edb3a5b56811c0b20bd15)
+`blkindex.dat` | Blockchain index BDB database; replaced by {`chainstate/`, `blocks/index/`, `blocks/revNNNNN.dat`[\[2\]](#note2)} in 0.8.0 | [PR #1677](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1677)
+`blk000?.dat` | Block data (custom format, 2 GiB per file); replaced by `blocks/blkNNNNN.dat`[\[2\]](#note2) in 0.8.0 | [PR #1677](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1677)
+`addr.dat` | Peer IP address BDB database; replaced by `peers.dat` in [0.7.0](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.7.0.md) | [PR #1198](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1198), [`928d3a01`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/928d3a011cc66c7f907c4d053f674ea77dc611cc)
+`onion_private_key` | Cached Tor onion service private key for `-listenonion` option. Was used for Tor v2 services; replaced by `onion_v3_private_key` in [0.21.0](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.21.0.md) | [PR #19954](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/19954)
+## Notes
+1. The `/` (slash, U+002F) is used as the platform-independent path component separator in this document.
+2. `NNNNN` matches `[0-9]{5}` regex.
diff --git a/doc/fuzzing.md b/doc/fuzzing.md
index f9221dde5b..c97b8d4d50 100644
--- a/doc/fuzzing.md
+++ b/doc/fuzzing.md
@@ -1,97 +1,159 @@
-Fuzz-testing Bitcoin Core
-A special test harness in `src/test/fuzz/` is provided for each fuzz target to
-provide an easy entry point for fuzzers and the like. In this document we'll
-describe how to use it with AFL and libFuzzer.
+# Fuzzing Bitcoin Core using libFuzzer
+## Quickstart guide
+To quickly get started fuzzing Bitcoin Core using [libFuzzer](https://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html):
+$ git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
+$ cd bitcoin/
+$ ./autogen.sh
+$ CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./configure --enable-fuzz --with-sanitizers=address,fuzzer,undefined
+# macOS users: If you have problem with this step then make sure to read "macOS hints for
+# libFuzzer" on https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/fuzzing.md#macos-hints-for-libfuzzer
+$ make
+$ src/test/fuzz/process_message
+# abort fuzzing using ctrl-c
-## Preparing fuzzing
+## Fuzzing harnesses, fuzzing output and fuzzing corpora
+[`process_message`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/test/fuzz/process_message.cpp) is a fuzzing harness for the [`ProcessMessage(...)` function (`net_processing`)](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/net_processing.cpp). The available fuzzing harnesses are found in [`src/test/fuzz/`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/tree/master/src/test/fuzz).
+The fuzzer will output `NEW` every time it has created a test input that covers new areas of the code under test. For more information on how to interpret the fuzzer output, see the [libFuzzer documentation](https://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html).
+If you specify a corpus directory then any new coverage increasing inputs will be saved there:
+$ mkdir -p process_message-seeded-from-thin-air/
+$ src/test/fuzz/process_message process_message-seeded-from-thin-air/
+INFO: Seed: 840522292
+INFO: Loaded 1 modules (424174 inline 8-bit counters): 424174 [0x55e121ef9ab8, 0x55e121f613a6),
+INFO: Loaded 1 PC tables (424174 PCs): 424174 [0x55e121f613a8,0x55e1225da288),
+INFO: 0 files found in process_message-seeded-from-thin-air/
+INFO: -max_len is not provided; libFuzzer will not generate inputs larger than 4096 bytes
+INFO: A corpus is not provided, starting from an empty corpus
+#2 INITED cov: 94 ft: 95 corp: 1/1b exec/s: 0 rss: 150Mb
+#3 NEW cov: 95 ft: 96 corp: 2/3b lim: 4 exec/s: 0 rss: 150Mb L: 2/2 MS: 1 InsertByte-
+#4 NEW cov: 96 ft: 98 corp: 3/7b lim: 4 exec/s: 0 rss: 150Mb L: 4/4 MS: 1 CrossOver-
+#21 NEW cov: 96 ft: 100 corp: 4/11b lim: 4 exec/s: 0 rss: 150Mb L: 4/4 MS: 2 ChangeBit-CrossOver-
+#324 NEW cov: 101 ft: 105 corp: 5/12b lim: 6 exec/s: 0 rss: 150Mb L: 6/6 MS: 5 CrossOver-ChangeBit-CopyPart-ChangeBit-ChangeBinInt-
+#1239 REDUCE cov: 102 ft: 106 corp: 6/24b lim: 14 exec/s: 0 rss: 150Mb L: 13/13 MS: 5 ChangeBit-CrossOver-EraseBytes-ChangeBit-InsertRepeatedBytes-
+#1272 REDUCE cov: 102 ft: 106 corp: 6/23b lim: 14 exec/s: 0 rss: 150Mb L: 12/12 MS: 3 ChangeBinInt-ChangeBit-EraseBytes-
+ NEW_FUNC[1/677]: 0x55e11f456690 in std::_Function_base::~_Function_base() /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8/../../../../include/c++/8/bits/std_function.h:255
+ NEW_FUNC[2/677]: 0x55e11f465800 in CDataStream::CDataStream(std::vector > const&, int, int) src/./streams.h:248
+#2125 REDUCE cov: 4820 ft: 4867 corp: 7/29b lim: 21 exec/s: 0 rss: 155Mb L: 6/12 MS: 2 CopyPart-CMP- DE: "block"-
+ NEW_FUNC[1/9]: 0x55e11f64d790 in std::_Rb_tree > >, std::_Select1st > > >, std::less, std::allocator > > > >::~_Rb_tree() /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8/../../../../include/c++/8/bits/stl_tree.h:972
+ NEW_FUNC[2/9]: 0x55e11f64d870 in std::_Rb_tree > >, std::_Select1st > > >, std::less, std::allocator > > > >::_M_erase(std::_Rb_tree_node > > >*) /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8/../../../../include/c++/8/bits/stl_tree.h:1875
+#2228 NEW cov: 4898 ft: 4971 corp: 8/35b lim: 21 exec/s: 0 rss: 156Mb L: 6/12 MS: 3 EraseBytes-CopyPart-PersAutoDict- DE: "block"-
+ NEW_FUNC[1/5]: 0x55e11f46df70 in std::enable_if<__and_ >::__construct_helper::type>::value, void>::type std::allocator_traits >::_S_construct(zero_after_free_allocator&, char*, unsigned char const&) /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8/../../../../include/c++/8/bits/alloc_traits.h:243
+ NEW_FUNC[2/5]: 0x55e11f477390 in std::vector >::data() /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8/../../../../include/c++/8/bits/stl_vector.h:1056
+#2456 NEW cov: 4933 ft: 5042 corp: 9/55b lim: 21 exec/s: 0 rss: 160Mb L: 20/20 MS: 3 ChangeByte-InsertRepeatedBytes-PersAutoDict- DE: "block"-
+#2467 NEW cov: 4933 ft: 5043 corp: 10/76b lim: 21 exec/s: 0 rss: 161Mb L: 21/21 MS: 1 InsertByte-
+#4215 NEW cov: 4941 ft: 5129 corp: 17/205b lim: 29 exec/s: 4215 rss: 350Mb L: 29/29 MS: 5 InsertByte-ChangeBit-CopyPart-InsertRepeatedBytes-CrossOver-
+#4567 REDUCE cov: 4941 ft: 5129 corp: 17/204b lim: 29 exec/s: 4567 rss: 404Mb L: 24/29 MS: 2 ChangeByte-EraseBytes-
+#6642 NEW cov: 4941 ft: 5138 corp: 18/244b lim: 43 exec/s: 2214 rss: 450Mb L: 43/43 MS: 3 CopyPart-CMP-CrossOver- DE: "verack"-
+# abort fuzzing using ctrl-c
+$ ls process_message-seeded-from-thin-air/
+349ac589fc66a09abc0b72bb4ae445a7a19e2cd8 4df479f1f421f2ea64b383cd4919a272604087a7
+a640312c98dcc55d6744730c33e41c5168c55f09 b135de16e4709558c0797c15f86046d31c5d86d7
+c000f7b41b05139de8b63f4cbf7d1ad4c6e2aa7f fc52cc00ec1eb1c08470e69f809ae4993fa70082
+$ cat --show-nonprinting process_message-seeded-from-thin-air/349ac589fc66a09abc0b72bb4ae445a7a19e2cd8
-AFL needs an input directory with examples, and an output directory where it
-will place examples that it found. These can be anywhere in the file system,
-we'll define environment variables to make it easy to reference them.
+In this case the fuzzer managed to create a `block` message which when passed to `ProcessMessage(...)` increased coverage.
-libFuzzer will use the input directory as output directory.
+The project's collection of seed corpora is found in the [`bitcoin-core/qa-assets`](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets) repo.
-Extract the example seeds (or other starting inputs) into the inputs
-directory before starting fuzzing.
+To fuzz `process_message` using the [`bitcoin-core/qa-assets`](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets) seed corpus:
-git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets
-export DIR_FUZZ_IN=$PWD/qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus
+$ git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets
+$ src/test/fuzz/process_message qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus/process_message/
+INFO: Seed: 1346407872
+INFO: Loaded 1 modules (424174 inline 8-bit counters): 424174 [0x55d8a9004ab8, 0x55d8a906c3a6),
+INFO: Loaded 1 PC tables (424174 PCs): 424174 [0x55d8a906c3a8,0x55d8a96e5288),
+INFO: 991 files found in qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus/process_message/
+INFO: -max_len is not provided; libFuzzer will not generate inputs larger than 4096 bytes
+INFO: seed corpus: files: 991 min: 1b max: 1858b total: 288291b rss: 150Mb
+#993 INITED cov: 7063 ft: 8236 corp: 25/3821b exec/s: 0 rss: 181Mb
-Only for AFL:
+If you find coverage increasing inputs when fuzzing you are highly encouraged to submit them for inclusion in the [`bitcoin-core/qa-assets`](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets) repo.
-mkdir outputs
-export AFLOUT=$PWD/outputs
+Every single pull request submitted against the Bitcoin Core repo is automatically tested against all inputs in the [`bitcoin-core/qa-assets`](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets) repo. Contributing new coverage increasing inputs is an easy way to help make Bitcoin Core more robust.
-## AFL
+## macOS hints for libFuzzer
-### Building AFL
+The default Clang/LLVM version supplied by Apple on macOS does not include
+fuzzing libraries, so macOS users will need to install a full version, for
+example using `brew install llvm`.
-It is recommended to always use the latest version of afl:
-wget http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/releases/afl-latest.tgz
-tar -zxvf afl-latest.tgz
-cd afl-
-export AFLPATH=$PWD
+Should you run into problems with the address sanitizer, it is possible you
+may need to run `./configure` with `--disable-asm` to avoid errors
+with certain assembly code from Bitcoin Core's code. See [developer notes on sanitizers](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/developer-notes.md#sanitizers)
+for more information.
-### Instrumentation
+You may also need to take care of giving the correct path for `clang` and
+`clang++`, like `CC=/path/to/clang CXX=/path/to/clang++` if the non-systems
+`clang` does not come first in your path.
-To build Bitcoin Core using AFL instrumentation (this assumes that the
-`AFLPATH` was set as above):
-./configure --disable-ccache --disable-shared --enable-tests --enable-fuzz --disable-wallet --disable-bench --with-utils=no --with-daemon=no --with-libs=no --with-gui=no CC=${AFLPATH}/afl-gcc CXX=${AFLPATH}/afl-g++
-export AFL_HARDEN=1
-cd src/
-We disable ccache because we don't want to pollute the ccache with instrumented
-objects, and similarly don't want to use non-instrumented cached objects linked
-The fuzzing can be sped up significantly (~200x) by using `afl-clang-fast` and
-`afl-clang-fast++` in place of `afl-gcc` and `afl-g++` when compiling. When
-compiling using `afl-clang-fast`/`afl-clang-fast++` the resulting
-binary will be instrumented in such a way that the AFL
-features "persistent mode" and "deferred forkserver" can be used. See
-https://github.com/mcarpenter/afl/tree/master/llvm_mode for details.
-### Fuzzing
-To start the actual fuzzing use:
+Full configure that was tested on macOS Catalina with `brew` installed `llvm`:
+./configure --enable-fuzz --with-sanitizers=fuzzer,address,undefined CC=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang CXX=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++ --disable-asm
-export FUZZ_TARGET=fuzz_target_foo # Pick a fuzz_target
-$AFLPATH/afl-fuzz -i ${DIR_FUZZ_IN}/${FUZZ_TARGET} -o ${AFLOUT}/${FUZZ_TARGET} -m52 -- test/fuzz/${FUZZ_TARGET}
+Read the [libFuzzer documentation](https://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html) for more information. This [libFuzzer tutorial](https://github.com/google/fuzzing/blob/master/tutorial/libFuzzerTutorial.md) might also be of interest.
+# Fuzzing Bitcoin Core using american fuzzy lop (`afl-fuzz`)
+## Quickstart guide
+To quickly get started fuzzing Bitcoin Core using [`afl-fuzz`](https://github.com/google/afl):
+$ git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
+$ cd bitcoin/
+$ git clone https://github.com/google/afl
+$ make -C afl/
+$ make -C afl/llvm_mode/
+$ ./autogen.sh
+# It is possible to compile with afl-gcc and afl-g++ instead of afl-clang. However, running afl-fuzz
+# may require more memory via the -m flag.
+$ CC=$(pwd)/afl/afl-clang-fast CXX=$(pwd)/afl/afl-clang-fast++ ./configure --enable-fuzz
+$ make
+# For macOS you may need to ignore x86 compilation checks when running "make". If so,
+# try compiling using: AFL_NO_X86=1 make
+$ mkdir -p inputs/ outputs/
+$ echo A > inputs/thin-air-input
+$ afl/afl-fuzz -i inputs/ -o outputs/ -- src/test/fuzz/bech32
+# You may have to change a few kernel parameters to test optimally - afl-fuzz
+# will print an error and suggestion if so.
-You may have to change a few kernel parameters to test optimally - `afl-fuzz`
-will print an error and suggestion if so.
+Read the [`afl-fuzz` documentation](https://github.com/google/afl) for more information.
-## libFuzzer
+# Fuzzing Bitcoin Core using Honggfuzz
-A recent version of `clang`, the address sanitizer and libFuzzer is needed (all
-found in the `compiler-rt` runtime libraries package).
+## Quickstart guide
-To build all fuzz targets with libFuzzer, run
+To quickly get started fuzzing Bitcoin Core using [Honggfuzz](https://github.com/google/honggfuzz):
+$ git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
+$ cd bitcoin/
+$ ./autogen.sh
+$ git clone https://github.com/google/honggfuzz
+$ cd honggfuzz/
+$ make
+$ cd ..
+$ CC=$(pwd)/honggfuzz/hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-clang CXX=$(pwd)/honggfuzz/hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-clang++ ./configure --enable-fuzz --with-sanitizers=address,undefined
+$ make
+$ mkdir -p inputs/
+$ honggfuzz/honggfuzz -i inputs/ -- src/test/fuzz/process_message
-./configure --disable-ccache --disable-wallet --disable-bench --with-utils=no --with-daemon=no --with-libs=no --with-gui=no --enable-fuzz --with-sanitizers=fuzzer,address CC=clang CXX=clang++
-The fuzzer needs some inputs to work on, but the inputs or seeds can be used
-interchangeably between libFuzzer and AFL.
-See https://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html#running on how to run the libFuzzer
-instrumented executable.
-Alternatively run the script in `./test/fuzz/test_runner.py` and provide it
-with the `${DIR_FUZZ_IN}` created earlier.
+Read the [Honggfuzz documentation](https://github.com/google/honggfuzz/blob/master/docs/USAGE.md) for more information.
diff --git a/doc/init.md b/doc/init.md
index a6c9bb94d8..99aa0a0def 100644
--- a/doc/init.md
+++ b/doc/init.md
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ The macOS configuration assumes bitcoind will be set up for the current user.
-At a bare minimum, bitcoind requires that the rpcpassword setting be set
-when running as a daemon. If the configuration file does not exist or this
-setting is not set, bitcoind will shut down promptly after startup.
+Running bitcoind as a daemon does not require any manual configuration. You may
+set the `rpcauth` setting in the `bitcoin.conf` configuration file to override
+the default behaviour of using a special cookie for authentication.
This password does not have to be remembered or typed as it is mostly used
as a fixed token that bitcoind and client programs read from the configuration
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ Paths
All three configurations assume several paths that might need to be adjusted.
-Binary: `/usr/bin/bitcoind`
-Configuration file: `/etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf`
-Data directory: `/var/lib/bitcoind`
+Binary: `/usr/bin/bitcoind`
+Configuration file: `/etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf`
+Data directory: `/var/lib/bitcoind`
PID file: `/var/run/bitcoind/bitcoind.pid` (OpenRC and Upstart) or `/run/bitcoind/bitcoind.pid` (systemd)
-Lock file: `/var/lock/subsys/bitcoind` (CentOS)
+Lock file: `/var/lock/subsys/bitcoind` (CentOS)
-The configuration file, PID directory (if applicable) and data directory
-should all be owned by the bitcoin user and group. It is advised for security
-reasons to make the configuration file and data directory only readable by the
-bitcoin user and group. Access to bitcoin-cli and other bitcoind rpc clients
-can then be controlled by group membership.
+The PID directory (if applicable) and data directory should both be owned by the
+bitcoin user and group. It is advised for security reasons to make the
+configuration file and data directory only readable by the bitcoin user and
+group. Access to bitcoin-cli and other bitcoind rpc clients can then be
+controlled by group membership.
NOTE: When using the systemd .service file, the creation of the aforementioned
directories and the setting of their permissions is automatically handled by
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ OpenRC).
### macOS
-Binary: `/usr/local/bin/bitcoind`
-Configuration file: `~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf`
-Data directory: `~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin`
-Lock file: `~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/.lock`
+Binary: `/usr/local/bin/bitcoind`
+Configuration file: `~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf`
+Data directory: `~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin`
+Lock file: `~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/.lock`
Installing Service Configuration
diff --git a/doc/man/Makefile.am b/doc/man/Makefile.am
index d9bb5db5cc..aa546b8dac 100644
--- a/doc/man/Makefile.am
+++ b/doc/man/Makefile.am
@@ -16,3 +16,9 @@ endif
+ dist_man1_MANS+=elements-wallet.1
diff --git a/doc/man/elements-cli.1 b/doc/man/elements-cli.1
index c5da93b909..1f0b48904d 100644
--- a/doc/man/elements-cli.1
+++ b/doc/man/elements-cli.1
@@ -203,7 +203,3 @@ The source code is available from .
This is experimental software.
Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING
-This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the
-OpenSSL Toolkit and cryptographic software written by
-Eric Young and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard.
diff --git a/doc/man/elements-tx.1 b/doc/man/elements-tx.1
index 755fa6dd56..d22150ed69 100644
--- a/doc/man/elements-tx.1
+++ b/doc/man/elements-tx.1
@@ -209,6 +209,3 @@ This is experimental software.
Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING
-This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the
-OpenSSL Toolkit and cryptographic software written by
-Eric Young and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard.
diff --git a/doc/man/elements-wallet.1 b/doc/man/elements-wallet.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6bc88cf58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/man/elements-wallet.1
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.6.
+.TH ELEMENTS-WALLET "1" "February 2019" "elements-wallet v0.17.99.0" "User Commands"
+elements-wallet \- manual page for elements-wallet v0.17.99.0
+Elements Core elements\-wallet version v0.17.99.0
+wallet\-tool is an offline tool for creating and interacting with Elements Core wallet files.
+By default wallet\-tool will act on wallets in the default mainnet wallet directory in the datadir.
+To change the target wallet, use the \fB\-datadir\fR, \fB\-wallet\fR and \fB\-testnet\fR/\-regtest arguments.
+.SS "Usage:"
+elements\-wallet [options]
+Print this help message and exit
+Specify data directory
+Specify wallet name
+Debugging/Testing options:
+Output debugging information (default: 0).
+Send trace/debug info to console (default: 1 when no \fB\-debug\fR is true, 0
+Chain selection options:
+Use the test chain
+Create new wallet file
+Get wallet info
+Copyright (C) 2009-2020 The Elements Project developers
+Copyright (C) 2009-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
+Please contribute if you find Bitcoin Core useful. Visit
+ for further information about the software.
+The source code is available from .
+This is experimental software.
+Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING
diff --git a/doc/man/elementsd.1 b/doc/man/elementsd.1
index 6d2a81a5bb..c81693970a 100644
--- a/doc/man/elementsd.1
+++ b/doc/man/elementsd.1
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.10.
-.TH ELEMENTSD "1" "May 2019" "elementsd v0.17.0.1" "User Commands"
+.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.6.
+.TH ELEMENTSD "1" "February 2019" "elementsd v0.17.99.0" "User Commands"
-elementsd \- manual page for elementsd v0.17.0.1
+elementsd \- manual page for elementsd v0.17.99.0
.B elementsd
[\fI\,options\/\fR] \fI\,Start Elements Core Daemon\/\fR
-Elements Core Daemon version v0.17.0.1\-dirty
+Elements Core Daemon version v0.17.99.0
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ long fork (%s in cmd is replaced by message)
If this block is in the chain assume that it and its ancestors are valid
and potentially skip their script verification (0 to verify all,
@@ -56,9 +56,7 @@ Specify data directory
-Maximum database cache size MiB (4 to 16384, default: 450). In
-addition, unused mempool memory is shared for this cache (see
+Set database cache size in MiB (4 to 16384, default: 450)
@@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ Whether to save the mempool on shutdown and load on restart (default: 1)
Specify pid file. Relative paths will be prefixed by a net\-specific
-datadir location. (default: bitcoind.pid)
+datadir location. (default: elementsd.pid)
@@ -181,10 +179,6 @@ Allow DNS lookups for \fB\-addnode\fR, \fB\-seednode\fR and \fB\-connect\fR (def
Query for peer addresses via DNS lookup, if low on addresses (default: 1
unless \fB\-connect\fR used)
-Send reject messages per BIP61 (default: 0)
Specify your own public address
@@ -279,6 +273,10 @@ Tor control port to use if onion listening enabled (default:
Tor control port password (default: empty)
+Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 0)