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Releases: Electrum-RVN-SIG/electrum-ravencoin

Electrum Ravencoin 0.5.1

09 Jun 18:44
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Looking for prebuilt apps? Click "assets" under this description box.

Fix ledger API
Fix fiat conversion on some windows
View JSON as plaintext

EXE 12bc2b8e8965db93b296eefe7de167d3f1e3dafb2c311b64608541705eaf3297
EXE PORTABLE 77807146d9073503cc25a4a7b8fe02bdc753f8eca2394e56c28a4f7c2f55a52b
EXE SETUP c646004d4afb6d4424c4c3cb9debcaef0db1d15c5a6cfcd3509cbfbd75e50d85
APPIMAGE 884d393fa55fb9f07273394d4e854074d42d14970f040956963f2530e3288312
DMG 51b0c21d7695cfd505ad9fc20744d006a4b6dbd63ac981b8e17ab9fd0269e3a5


As always, If you don't trust these pre-built binaries, see how to build your own binaries here:

Electrum Ravencoin 0.5.0

02 Jun 02:57
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Looking for prebuilt apps? Click "assets" under this description box.

Various bug fixes
Re implementations of various features
Update asset view
Added p2sh in testnet mode

EXE b8de5bc56e96ff6e99a888a259a1e6de5fe21e3e60a78a5ddab6c267932cc3c1
EXE PORTABLE 7de0f70b5432c1c5237038b8d79363996f79f502046eec289676e903f6dda98e
EXE SETUP b779fcb9eb9b4e52c0874b8c301675615e733a939c3b2dd20d440542ddd69845
APPIMAGE 7d4dfaa80a28154f0409673a94e078a7451bf8c361bdf262972de1ba26cac203
DMG 6eee9b7fe98d94fef1c2d32e51592f16f1c44e698371bbc88f429617ade1cb9f


As always, If you don't trust these pre-built binaries, see how to build your own binaries here:

Electrum Ravencoin 0.4.6

29 Apr 18:53
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Looking for prebuilt apps? Click "assets" under this description box.

Patched btchip for compatibility with new ledger app
No longer need to download all block headers
Various bug fixes

EXE d67589fe9f534b3cf58c711dca648d009a046b91149307538d83b4a89b6e8f56
EXE PORTABLE a051429da192b8da73f081108f3ae39fda52dadb5e03e60d8c03ca3cb3cce349
EXE SETUP b094b19a6dda62d674de2d12ea2897c490b14563c4dd10f7e41f4a07add61851
APPIMAGE 3bc20662695bfb743510268030c8c2a678684753b7fa798738623856523d8253
DMG f335f089b8b952e679daf90e268b32896428330891831b362021c55e3481cc9b


As always, If you don't trust these pre-built binaries, see how to build your own binaries here:

Electrum Ravencoin 0.4.5

29 Jan 15:48
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Hardware wallets are still unable to send ravencoin assets (sending RVN is still fine).

Looking for pre-built binaries? Click "assets" below this text box. Apple apps will not work on machines that did not build the binary for some reason. While we figure out why, if you want to use an app, you must build your own app by with the following steps below. Otherwise, just run the run_electrum file after installing the python requirements.

  • Open terminal
  • run /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" to install Homebrew
  • Follow instructions on the terminal
  • run git clone --depth 1 --branch v0.4.5
  • run cd electrum-ravencoin
  • run ./contrib/osx/make_osx
  • Your app will be in electrum-ravencoin/dist

Updated trezor API
Fixed spending reissued asset bugs
Preparation for atomic swaps
Preparation for ledger asset support
Preparation for better asset UI
Preparation for chain fast forwarding

EXE d25ba4aa4da2b99e30aed3a856a6800dcc5b57f929899c4ec701609e8c4b15c1
EXE PORTABLE 6d3220b47500314c1ed8088f3be1f2df019dbf38288e7d2c578c9fad18245039
EXE SETUP b22bdcffd93063a3ed35591b0fbe2cb4b31bba31c9ac737d7dacd7d66440abed
APPIMAGE c778a7ad018bc71e73fe07490b284c78d3b4cd7d79b601ffa0c9fde91a3cabed


Binary info:
EXE - standalone executable; must click every time to launch electrum ravencoin; information stored in %appdata% by default
EXE PORTABLE - portable executable; must click every time to launch electrum ravencoin; information stored where the executable is launched by default
EXE SETUP - installer; can pin electrum-ravencoin to taskbar, etc.; information stored in %appdata% by default
APPIMAGE - for x86 linux distros, though it is recommended to just run the raw python as per ; information stored in ~/.electrum-ravencoin by default

As always, If you don't trust these pre-built binaries, see how to build your own binaries here:

Electrum Ravencoin 0.4.4

27 Oct 21:43
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Macs don't seem to like binaries that were built on other devices. While we troubleshoot this, you will need to build the binary yourself if you are on a MAC. For more information see

For a TL;DR, run the following from your terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

git clone

cd electrum-ravencoin

git submodule update --init


and the app will be in electrum-ravencoin/dist


Hardware wallets are still unable to send ravencoin assets (sending RVN is still fine).

Looking for pre-built binaries? Click "assets" below this text box.

Bug Fixes:

Fixed crash when entering a seed manually (not pasting it)

EXE 0dc67dcc586fb9ad4ec8fd37b1ef09dbbcd64e1cbcc8fba33366c809aa054d80
EXE PORTABLE c17335406eff525a130be1b511871229a59c1575f2b03af7c6c2b60db81451b1
EXE SETUP 6d16fb4a9b8b2f03e9073539fd5bdcdeb5b9bdea72b4308d185678b10b1af515
APPIMAGE b6e24c03cbc6eb15402bcae66e460074ae6ff23d570743fd4c77bee1a1952f7b
DMG 4a141496af8d757f4a778320457cfad588adccbf08428359ec876f2df9d2e548


Binary info:
EXE - standalone executable; must click every time to launch electrum ravencoin; information stored in %appdata% by default
EXE PORTABLE - portable executable; must click every time to launch electrum ravencoin; information stored where the executable is launched by default
EXE SETUP - installer; can pin electrum-ravencoin to taskbar, etc.; information stored in %appdata% by default
APPIMAGE - for x86 linux distros, though it is recommended to just run the raw python as per ; information stored in ~/.electrum-ravencoin by default
DMG - OSX installer; information stored in ~/.electrum-ravencoin by default

As always, If you don't trust these pre-built binaries, see how to build your own binaries here:

Electrum Ravencoin 0.4.3

26 Oct 15:19
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Hardware wallets are still unable to send ravencoin assets (sending RVN is still fine).

Looking for pre-built binaries? Click "assets" below this text box.


No more UI lag when syncing

Bug Fixes:

Optimized BIP39 mnemonic creation
Fixed various crashes on windows

EXE 7b8a893f5e0af36f13e016ca4aece233a5fd77f254c62e4f6a6d92a0d96703b6
EXE PORTABLE 786c33cdc5b7ab4e201572b1585f3188c0aa5944e4b6ea3d8d6e53502aea02ba
EXE SETUP 7f192d23f8e1052b7f4f8224abb9ad75d46ccb93c80309ebb2fcb669c26c38a9
APPIMAGE f40dc45d1ded674ba9412271d2eeaa6fe78fb4a49f5d60e359f688130edd7e62
DMG 09b8ee4d254dcd0c6be2dae16aa334465e43492a572dc89c002a9860ab5d4b79


Binary info:
EXE - standalone executable; must click every time to launch electrum ravencoin; information stored in %appdata% by default
EXE PORTABLE - portable executable; must click every time to launch electrum ravencoin; information stored where the executable is launched by default
EXE SETUP - installer; can pin electrum-ravencoin to taskbar, etc.; information stored in %appdata% by default
APPIMAGE - for x86 linux distros, though it is recommended to just run the raw python as per ; information stored in ~/.electrum-ravencoin by default
DMG - OSX installer; information stored in ~/.electrum-ravencoin by default

As always, If you don't trust these pre-built binaries, see how to build your own binaries here:

Electrum Ravencoin 0.4.2

29 Sep 18:37
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Hardware wallets are still unable to send ravencoin assets (sending RVN is still fine).

Looking for pre-built binaries? Click "assets" below this text box.


Added support for deprecated (p2pk) utxos
Added support for non-standard asset transactions
Added asset support to sweeping

Bug Fixes:

Fixed some OP_RETURN messages causing errors
Fixed error sending assets on some windows systems

EXE 94ef59f3cc193e8e2f3148bbcf14af0aef1ae10a18f521cb3c030d3fbcbec5a0
EXE PORTABLE 32d2f4e1454d53c089251e960edbc7a9d246a54f489906ee4d06044059976379
EXE SETUP c430fb26ead24b0e432953126bb7186f4dd5dda794576caad5f5e238c0415b62
APPIMAGE dc221eeaae568d73447e27482fba4d00af19de110445f4f36440e4baca1ebe2b
DMG 8f871ef1e319040bddf602aad6afd92d5f877070471f13ef4291805d607c6752


As always, If you don't trust these pre-built binaries, see how to build your own binaries here:

Electrum Ravencoin 0.4.1

20 Aug 14:54
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Hardware wallets are still unable to send ravencoin assets (sending RVN is still fine).

Looking for pre-built binaries? Click "assets" below this text box.


Added optional "passphrases" to BIP39 seed phrases
Added a window to let the user know what syncing headers is

Bug Fixes:

Fixed some users getting "assertion error" when opening electrum
Fixed exporting history

EXE aec20352337754ae852132b9b74dfb0538388673031ad1c702421ac83ee94daf
EXE PORTABLE b5a2402b05f66926b1e48a9610bd869f4f3406354f1b841e14d81445aec08382
EXE SETUP f68d9c171ea980225d516527603584d30c1446840a14ac42671fa2cf49b35d70
APPIMAGE 015aa2641fce7f79f9a27edf3a5c4b78dd09a99307cdcbe62e779f49aee6e1da
DMG 83dc18df722f6e9478387acec3ec36fda940a2efe6a14fed2461104c4f66a08b


As always, If you don't trust these pre-built binaries, see how to build your own binaries here:

Electrum Ravencoin 0.4.0

18 Jul 18:21
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Looking for pre-built binaries? Click “assets” below this text box.

Some users are reporting that the number of headers is not increasing in the lower right hand corner when doing an initial wallet sync. The headers are still being downloaded and verified; this is purely a visual bug. This process should take around half an hour to complete before any transactions you might have will be visible. Expect a release in the coming week fixing this and adding some more UI information about syncing headers.

This update allows for the creation and reissuance of main, sub, and unique assets as well as the transference of assets. (These asset features are not available yet for hardware wallets (for new electrum users, sending RVN is perfectly fine on hardware). If this becomes available before the next update, I expect I will use the new messages tab rather than push an official update.)

I have also introduced BIP39 into electrum to allow for better inter-wallet usages. Users may choose one of several BIP39 languages or the default electrum seed. Users may also import any non-extended core or mobile wallet BIP39 phrase into electrum.

Look forward to in the next update:

RIP 10 compliance (asset metadata encoding scheme)
Integrated atomic swaps
Asset messages and broadcasts
The ability to view asset IPFS data in-wallet
More BIP39 seed phrase options

In addition, from now on, I will posting the SHA256 check-sums of the pre-built binaries signed by my address to ensure its validity. When you are notified of updates in the future, you will have the option to verify these check-sums in the update window. The signing address to verify against is hard-coded in electrum ravencoin.

EXE 0ba0a1ef5155648c5b618720c3950e3dd0fc923a86d5a93cef8e1c32b9219607
EXE PORTABLE 3d19ffb8497a52f7c145b95084e1d219e0482faa28d7b0681eddbc3a2bb1f53d
EXE SETUP e1f74f4377916a27c79b8fa011b54b599997789e0f71c8bb2a03e42f784765ad
APPIMAGE 33fbc4f856f63187faf004f9e313ba82673e9359ef13a00800715524037fc19c
DMG d5a5dd582c25a69cf64b1f0972434283ccbcd2b4b908752cc587101061b9c9a8


As always, If you don't trust these pre-built binaries, see how to build your own binaries here:

Electrum Ravencoin 0.3.0

03 Jun 00:32
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UPDATE AGAIN Sorry everyone, I sorely underestimated the amount of an average user's transactions. Updated the default max receive amount to 10MB.

UPDATE Increased client side max receive amount to 2MB.

Looking for pre-built binaries? Click “assets” below this text box.

This update allows users to receive, but not send assets. The next update will allow for asset receiving and sending functionality.

If you previously used electrum ravencoin, there are some file architecture overhauls. You may either re-enter your seed phrase when starting up electrum or copy (make sure to copy just in case) your wallet file from the old electrum ravencoin location ($HOME/.electrum-raven or electrum_data) to the new one ($HOME/.electrum-raven, electrum_ravencoin_data, or %appdata%\roaming\Electrum-Ravencoin).

While I figure out how to sign binaries, the prebuilt apps will give warnings when you download them. If you don't trust this, see how to build your own binaries here:

You will also need to resync the electrum chain. If for whatever reason you would like to skip this, see here:

SHA256 checksums:
setup 009b80bb29d27746542b2c0d6a55d26d95d6043f44c08571c304fadc310c212a
portable 57e2c3f0dd6123429abca4c6d8b77cf91b4ebf5e79882ee4b9b31eea94096c47
exe b2d7106058c82ba2c396e33f6b07c71a5ca05ab10ad80dcc542b2b7529a460de
AppImage 7a32e0be65421295444f255b059bbd7b80c42c135961fc86516f83350cbaeef0
dmg 9dfdc4bafa694cbe59ba2bc640fbfeeddcf6a2a098428477d2ad439894531b8e

Lots of bug fixes including:
hardware not connecting
ledger signing UI crashing
transactions failing if an asset is owned by an address
GUI overhaul
...and much more that I forgot to note down