diff --git a/scripts/helpers/general.sh b/scripts/helpers/general.sh index 4fc4761fda1..930f3e91d4a 100755 --- a/scripts/helpers/general.sh +++ b/scripts/helpers/general.sh @@ -220,10 +220,10 @@ function ensure-yum-packages() { # || [[ -n "$testee" ]]; needed to see last line of deps file (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12916352/shell-script-read-missing-last-line) while read -r testee tester || [[ -n "$testee" ]]; do if [[ ! -z $(eval $tester $testee) ]]; then - echo " - ${testee} ${COLOR_GREEN}found!${COLOR_NC}" + echo " - ${testee} ${COLOR_GREEN}ok${COLOR_NC}" else DEPS=$DEPS"${testee} " - echo " - ${testee} ${COLOR_RED}NOT${COLOR_NC} found." + echo " - ${testee} ${COLOR_RED}NOT${COLOR_NC} found!" (( COUNT+=1 )) fi done < $DEPS_FILE @@ -269,18 +269,18 @@ function ensure-brew-packages() { # || [[ -n "$nmae" ]]; needed to see last line of deps file (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12916352/shell-script-read-missing-last-line) while read -r name path || [[ -n "$name" ]]; do if [[ -f $path ]] || [[ -d $path ]]; then - echo " - ${name} ${COLOR_GREEN}found!${COLOR_NC}" + echo " - ${name} ${COLOR_GREEN}ok${COLOR_NC}" continue fi # resolve conflict with homebrew glibtool and apple/gnu installs of libtool if [[ "${testee}" == "/usr/local/bin/glibtool" ]]; then if [ "${tester}" "/usr/local/bin/libtool" ]; then - echo " - ${name} ${COLOR_GREEN}found!${COLOR_NC}" + echo " - ${name} ${COLOR_GREEN}ok${COLOR_NC}" continue fi fi DEPS=$DEPS"${name} " - echo " - ${name} ${COLOR_RED}NOT${COLOR_NC} found." + echo " - ${name} ${COLOR_RED}NOT${COLOR_NC} found!" (( COUNT+=1 )) done < $DEPS_FILE if [[ $COUNT > 0 ]]; then @@ -348,10 +348,10 @@ function ensure-apt-packages() { # || [[ -n "$testee" ]]; needed to see last line of deps file (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12916352/shell-script-read-missing-last-line) while read -r testee tester || [[ -n "$testee" ]]; do if [[ ! -z $(eval $tester $testee 2>/dev/null) ]]; then - echo " - ${testee} ${COLOR_GREEN}found!${COLOR_NC}" + echo " - ${testee} ${COLOR_GREEN}ok${COLOR_NC}" else DEPS=$DEPS"${testee} " - echo " - ${testee} ${COLOR_RED}NOT${COLOR_NC} found." + echo " - ${testee} ${COLOR_RED}NOT${COLOR_NC} found!" (( COUNT+=1 )) fi done < $DEPS_FILE