diff --git a/cime_config/tests.py b/cime_config/tests.py
index 059c280e2bb4..183004df2dd2 100644
--- a/cime_config/tests.py
+++ b/cime_config/tests.py
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
- "ERS_Ld5.TL319_oQU240wLI_ais20.MPAS_LISIO_JRA1p5.mpaso-ocn_glcshelf",
+ "ERS_Ld5.TL319_oQU240wLI_ais8to30.MPAS_LISIO_JRA1p5.mpaso-ocn_glcshelf",
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.ais20km.yaml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.ais20km.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..589e163bba7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.ais20km.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# Discretization Description
+ Discretization:
+ #Exodus Output File Name: albany_output.exo
+ Piro:
+# Nonlinear Solver Information
+ NOX:
+ Nonlinear Solver: Line Search Based
+ Line Search:
+ Full Step:
+ Full Step: 1.0e+00
+ Method: Backtrack
+ Solver Options:
+ Status Test Check Type: Minimal
+ Status Tests:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: OR
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: AND
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: NormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Scale Type: Unscaled
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-03
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: RelativeNormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Tolerance: 0.9999
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: MaxIters
+ Maximum Iterations: 100
+ Printing:
+ Output Precision: 3
+ Output Processor: 0
+ Output Information:
+ Error: true
+ Warning: true
+ Outer Iteration: true
+ Parameters: false
+ Details: false
+ Linear Solver Details: false
+ Stepper Iteration: true
+ Stepper Details: true
+ Stepper Parameters: true
+ Direction:
+ Method: Newton
+ Newton:
+ Forcing Term Method: Type 2
+ Rescue Bad Newton Solve: true
+ Linear Solver:
+ Write Linear System: false
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-8
+ Stratimikos Linear Solver:
+ Stratimikos:
+# Linear Solver Information
+ Linear Solver Type: Belos
+ Linear Solver Types:
+ Belos:
+ Solver Type: Block GMRES
+ Solver Types:
+ Block GMRES:
+ Output Frequency: 20
+ Output Style: 1
+ Verbosity: 33
+ Maximum Iterations: 200
+ Block Size: 1
+ Num Blocks: 200
+ Flexible Gmres: false
+ VerboseObject:
+ Output File: none
+ Verbosity Level: low
+# Preconditioner Information
+ Preconditioner Type: MueLu
+ Preconditioner Types:
+ Ifpack2:
+ Overlap: 1
+ Prec Type: ILUT
+ MueLu:
+ Matrix:
+ PDE equations: 2
+ Factories:
+ myLineDetectionFact:
+ factory: LineDetectionFactory
+ 'linedetection: orientation': coordinates
+ mySemiCoarsenPFact1:
+ factory: SemiCoarsenPFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: coarsen rate': 14
+ UncoupledAggregationFact2:
+ factory: UncoupledAggregationFactory
+ 'aggregation: ordering': graph
+ 'aggregation: max selected neighbors': 0
+ 'aggregation: min agg size': 3
+ 'aggregation: phase3 avoid singletons': true
+ MyCoarseMap2:
+ factory: CoarseMapFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTentativePFact2:
+ 'tentative: calculate qr': true
+ factory: TentativePFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ mySaPFact2:
+ 'sa: eigenvalue estimate num iterations': 10
+ 'sa: damping factor': 1.33333e+00
+ factory: SaPFactory
+ P: myTentativePFact2
+ myTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: CoordinatesTransferFactory
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTogglePFact:
+ factory: TogglePFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: number of levels': 2
+ TransferFactories:
+ P1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ P2: mySaPFact2
+ Ptent1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Ptent2: myTentativePFact2
+ Nullspace1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Nullspace2: myTentativePFact2
+ myRestrictorFact:
+ factory: TransPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: ToggleCoordinatesTransferFactory
+ Chosen P: myTogglePFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ Coordinates1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Coordinates2: myTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRAPFact:
+ factory: RAPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ For Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRepartitionHeuristicFact:
+ factory: RepartitionHeuristicFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ 'repartition: min rows per proc': 3000
+ 'repartition: max imbalance': 1.327e+00
+ 'repartition: start level': 1
+ myZoltanInterface:
+ factory: ZoltanInterface
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRepartitionFact:
+ factory: RepartitionFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Partition: myZoltanInterface
+ 'repartition: remap parts': true
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRebalanceProlongatorFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Interpolation
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ Nullspace: myTogglePFact
+ myRebalanceRestrictionFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Restriction
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ myRebalanceAFact:
+ factory: RebalanceAcFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ TransferFactories: { }
+ mySmoother1:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother3:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother4:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': pre
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 4
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ Hierarchy:
+ max levels: 7
+ 'coarse: max size': 2000
+ verbosity: None
+ Finest:
+ Smoother: mySmoother1
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
+ All:
+ startLevel: 1
+ Smoother: mySmoother4
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.ais_4to20km.yaml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.ais_4to20km.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c3bc0cf8bd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.ais_4to20km.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+ Problem:
+ Basal Cubature Degree: 4
+ LandIce Field Norm:
+ sliding_velocity_basalside:
+ Regularization Type: Given Value
+ Regularization Value: 1.0e-4
+ LandIce BCs:
+ BC 0:
+ Basal Friction Coefficient:
+ Type: Power Law
+ Power Exponent: 0.2
+ Mu Type: Field
+ Effective Pressure Type: Constant
+ Effective Pressure: 1.0
+ # Zero Effective Pressure On Floating Ice At Nodes: true
+ Zero Beta On Floating Ice: true
+# Discretization Description
+ Discretization:
+ #Exodus Output File Name: albany_output.exo
+ Piro:
+# Nonlinear Solver Information
+ NOX:
+ Nonlinear Solver: Line Search Based
+ Line Search:
+ Full Step:
+ Full Step: 1.0e+00
+ Method: Backtrack
+ Solver Options:
+ Status Test Check Type: Minimal
+ Status Tests:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: OR
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: AND
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: NormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Scale Type: Unscaled
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-03
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: RelativeNormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Tolerance: 0.9999
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: MaxIters
+ Maximum Iterations: 100
+ Printing:
+ Output Precision: 3
+ Output Processor: 0
+ Output Information:
+ Error: true
+ Warning: true
+ Outer Iteration: true
+ Parameters: false
+ Details: false
+ Linear Solver Details: false
+ Stepper Iteration: true
+ Stepper Details: true
+ Stepper Parameters: true
+ Direction:
+ Method: Newton
+ Newton:
+ Forcing Term Method: Type 2
+ Rescue Bad Newton Solve: true
+ Linear Solver:
+ Write Linear System: false
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-8
+ Stratimikos Linear Solver:
+ Stratimikos:
+# Linear Solver Information
+ Linear Solver Type: Belos
+ Linear Solver Types:
+ Belos:
+ Solver Type: Block GMRES
+ Solver Types:
+ Block GMRES:
+ Output Frequency: 20
+ Output Style: 1
+ Verbosity: 33
+ Maximum Iterations: 200
+ Block Size: 1
+ Num Blocks: 200
+ Flexible Gmres: false
+ VerboseObject:
+ Output File: none
+ Verbosity Level: low
+# Preconditioner Information
+ Preconditioner Type: MueLu
+ Preconditioner Types:
+ Ifpack2:
+ Overlap: 1
+ Prec Type: ILUT
+ MueLu:
+ Matrix:
+ PDE equations: 2
+ Factories:
+ myLineDetectionFact:
+ factory: LineDetectionFactory
+ 'linedetection: orientation': coordinates
+ mySemiCoarsenPFact1:
+ factory: SemiCoarsenPFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: coarsen rate': 14
+ UncoupledAggregationFact2:
+ factory: UncoupledAggregationFactory
+ 'aggregation: ordering': graph
+ 'aggregation: max selected neighbors': 0
+ 'aggregation: min agg size': 3
+ 'aggregation: phase3 avoid singletons': true
+ MyCoarseMap2:
+ factory: CoarseMapFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTentativePFact2:
+ 'tentative: calculate qr': true
+ factory: TentativePFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ mySaPFact2:
+ 'sa: eigenvalue estimate num iterations': 10
+ 'sa: damping factor': 1.33333e+00
+ factory: SaPFactory
+ P: myTentativePFact2
+ myTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: CoordinatesTransferFactory
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTogglePFact:
+ factory: TogglePFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: number of levels': 2
+ TransferFactories:
+ P1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ P2: mySaPFact2
+ Ptent1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Ptent2: myTentativePFact2
+ Nullspace1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Nullspace2: myTentativePFact2
+ myRestrictorFact:
+ factory: TransPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: ToggleCoordinatesTransferFactory
+ Chosen P: myTogglePFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ Coordinates1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Coordinates2: myTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRAPFact:
+ factory: RAPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ For Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRepartitionHeuristicFact:
+ factory: RepartitionHeuristicFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ 'repartition: min rows per proc': 3000
+ 'repartition: max imbalance': 1.327e+00
+ 'repartition: start level': 1
+ myZoltanInterface:
+ factory: ZoltanInterface
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRepartitionFact:
+ factory: RepartitionFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Partition: myZoltanInterface
+ 'repartition: remap parts': true
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRebalanceProlongatorFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Interpolation
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ Nullspace: myTogglePFact
+ myRebalanceRestrictionFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Restriction
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ myRebalanceAFact:
+ factory: RebalanceAcFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ TransferFactories: { }
+ mySmoother1:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother3:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother4:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': pre
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 4
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ Hierarchy:
+ max levels: 7
+ 'coarse: max size': 2000
+ verbosity: None
+ Finest:
+ Smoother: mySmoother1
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
+ All:
+ startLevel: 1
+ Smoother: mySmoother4
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.ais_8to30km.yaml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.ais_8to30km.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c3bc0cf8bd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.ais_8to30km.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+ Problem:
+ Basal Cubature Degree: 4
+ LandIce Field Norm:
+ sliding_velocity_basalside:
+ Regularization Type: Given Value
+ Regularization Value: 1.0e-4
+ LandIce BCs:
+ BC 0:
+ Basal Friction Coefficient:
+ Type: Power Law
+ Power Exponent: 0.2
+ Mu Type: Field
+ Effective Pressure Type: Constant
+ Effective Pressure: 1.0
+ # Zero Effective Pressure On Floating Ice At Nodes: true
+ Zero Beta On Floating Ice: true
+# Discretization Description
+ Discretization:
+ #Exodus Output File Name: albany_output.exo
+ Piro:
+# Nonlinear Solver Information
+ NOX:
+ Nonlinear Solver: Line Search Based
+ Line Search:
+ Full Step:
+ Full Step: 1.0e+00
+ Method: Backtrack
+ Solver Options:
+ Status Test Check Type: Minimal
+ Status Tests:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: OR
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: AND
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: NormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Scale Type: Unscaled
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-03
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: RelativeNormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Tolerance: 0.9999
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: MaxIters
+ Maximum Iterations: 100
+ Printing:
+ Output Precision: 3
+ Output Processor: 0
+ Output Information:
+ Error: true
+ Warning: true
+ Outer Iteration: true
+ Parameters: false
+ Details: false
+ Linear Solver Details: false
+ Stepper Iteration: true
+ Stepper Details: true
+ Stepper Parameters: true
+ Direction:
+ Method: Newton
+ Newton:
+ Forcing Term Method: Type 2
+ Rescue Bad Newton Solve: true
+ Linear Solver:
+ Write Linear System: false
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-8
+ Stratimikos Linear Solver:
+ Stratimikos:
+# Linear Solver Information
+ Linear Solver Type: Belos
+ Linear Solver Types:
+ Belos:
+ Solver Type: Block GMRES
+ Solver Types:
+ Block GMRES:
+ Output Frequency: 20
+ Output Style: 1
+ Verbosity: 33
+ Maximum Iterations: 200
+ Block Size: 1
+ Num Blocks: 200
+ Flexible Gmres: false
+ VerboseObject:
+ Output File: none
+ Verbosity Level: low
+# Preconditioner Information
+ Preconditioner Type: MueLu
+ Preconditioner Types:
+ Ifpack2:
+ Overlap: 1
+ Prec Type: ILUT
+ MueLu:
+ Matrix:
+ PDE equations: 2
+ Factories:
+ myLineDetectionFact:
+ factory: LineDetectionFactory
+ 'linedetection: orientation': coordinates
+ mySemiCoarsenPFact1:
+ factory: SemiCoarsenPFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: coarsen rate': 14
+ UncoupledAggregationFact2:
+ factory: UncoupledAggregationFactory
+ 'aggregation: ordering': graph
+ 'aggregation: max selected neighbors': 0
+ 'aggregation: min agg size': 3
+ 'aggregation: phase3 avoid singletons': true
+ MyCoarseMap2:
+ factory: CoarseMapFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTentativePFact2:
+ 'tentative: calculate qr': true
+ factory: TentativePFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ mySaPFact2:
+ 'sa: eigenvalue estimate num iterations': 10
+ 'sa: damping factor': 1.33333e+00
+ factory: SaPFactory
+ P: myTentativePFact2
+ myTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: CoordinatesTransferFactory
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTogglePFact:
+ factory: TogglePFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: number of levels': 2
+ TransferFactories:
+ P1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ P2: mySaPFact2
+ Ptent1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Ptent2: myTentativePFact2
+ Nullspace1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Nullspace2: myTentativePFact2
+ myRestrictorFact:
+ factory: TransPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: ToggleCoordinatesTransferFactory
+ Chosen P: myTogglePFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ Coordinates1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Coordinates2: myTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRAPFact:
+ factory: RAPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ For Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRepartitionHeuristicFact:
+ factory: RepartitionHeuristicFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ 'repartition: min rows per proc': 3000
+ 'repartition: max imbalance': 1.327e+00
+ 'repartition: start level': 1
+ myZoltanInterface:
+ factory: ZoltanInterface
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRepartitionFact:
+ factory: RepartitionFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Partition: myZoltanInterface
+ 'repartition: remap parts': true
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRebalanceProlongatorFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Interpolation
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ Nullspace: myTogglePFact
+ myRebalanceRestrictionFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Restriction
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ myRebalanceAFact:
+ factory: RebalanceAcFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ TransferFactories: { }
+ mySmoother1:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother3:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother4:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': pre
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 4
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ Hierarchy:
+ max levels: 7
+ 'coarse: max size': 2000
+ verbosity: None
+ Finest:
+ Smoother: mySmoother1
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
+ All:
+ startLevel: 1
+ Smoother: mySmoother4
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.aisgis20km.yaml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.aisgis20km.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..589e163bba7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.aisgis20km.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# Discretization Description
+ Discretization:
+ #Exodus Output File Name: albany_output.exo
+ Piro:
+# Nonlinear Solver Information
+ NOX:
+ Nonlinear Solver: Line Search Based
+ Line Search:
+ Full Step:
+ Full Step: 1.0e+00
+ Method: Backtrack
+ Solver Options:
+ Status Test Check Type: Minimal
+ Status Tests:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: OR
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: AND
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: NormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Scale Type: Unscaled
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-03
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: RelativeNormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Tolerance: 0.9999
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: MaxIters
+ Maximum Iterations: 100
+ Printing:
+ Output Precision: 3
+ Output Processor: 0
+ Output Information:
+ Error: true
+ Warning: true
+ Outer Iteration: true
+ Parameters: false
+ Details: false
+ Linear Solver Details: false
+ Stepper Iteration: true
+ Stepper Details: true
+ Stepper Parameters: true
+ Direction:
+ Method: Newton
+ Newton:
+ Forcing Term Method: Type 2
+ Rescue Bad Newton Solve: true
+ Linear Solver:
+ Write Linear System: false
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-8
+ Stratimikos Linear Solver:
+ Stratimikos:
+# Linear Solver Information
+ Linear Solver Type: Belos
+ Linear Solver Types:
+ Belos:
+ Solver Type: Block GMRES
+ Solver Types:
+ Block GMRES:
+ Output Frequency: 20
+ Output Style: 1
+ Verbosity: 33
+ Maximum Iterations: 200
+ Block Size: 1
+ Num Blocks: 200
+ Flexible Gmres: false
+ VerboseObject:
+ Output File: none
+ Verbosity Level: low
+# Preconditioner Information
+ Preconditioner Type: MueLu
+ Preconditioner Types:
+ Ifpack2:
+ Overlap: 1
+ Prec Type: ILUT
+ MueLu:
+ Matrix:
+ PDE equations: 2
+ Factories:
+ myLineDetectionFact:
+ factory: LineDetectionFactory
+ 'linedetection: orientation': coordinates
+ mySemiCoarsenPFact1:
+ factory: SemiCoarsenPFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: coarsen rate': 14
+ UncoupledAggregationFact2:
+ factory: UncoupledAggregationFactory
+ 'aggregation: ordering': graph
+ 'aggregation: max selected neighbors': 0
+ 'aggregation: min agg size': 3
+ 'aggregation: phase3 avoid singletons': true
+ MyCoarseMap2:
+ factory: CoarseMapFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTentativePFact2:
+ 'tentative: calculate qr': true
+ factory: TentativePFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ mySaPFact2:
+ 'sa: eigenvalue estimate num iterations': 10
+ 'sa: damping factor': 1.33333e+00
+ factory: SaPFactory
+ P: myTentativePFact2
+ myTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: CoordinatesTransferFactory
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTogglePFact:
+ factory: TogglePFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: number of levels': 2
+ TransferFactories:
+ P1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ P2: mySaPFact2
+ Ptent1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Ptent2: myTentativePFact2
+ Nullspace1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Nullspace2: myTentativePFact2
+ myRestrictorFact:
+ factory: TransPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: ToggleCoordinatesTransferFactory
+ Chosen P: myTogglePFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ Coordinates1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Coordinates2: myTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRAPFact:
+ factory: RAPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ For Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRepartitionHeuristicFact:
+ factory: RepartitionHeuristicFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ 'repartition: min rows per proc': 3000
+ 'repartition: max imbalance': 1.327e+00
+ 'repartition: start level': 1
+ myZoltanInterface:
+ factory: ZoltanInterface
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRepartitionFact:
+ factory: RepartitionFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Partition: myZoltanInterface
+ 'repartition: remap parts': true
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRebalanceProlongatorFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Interpolation
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ Nullspace: myTogglePFact
+ myRebalanceRestrictionFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Restriction
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ myRebalanceAFact:
+ factory: RebalanceAcFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ TransferFactories: { }
+ mySmoother1:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother3:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother4:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': pre
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 4
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ Hierarchy:
+ max levels: 7
+ 'coarse: max size': 2000
+ verbosity: None
+ Finest:
+ Smoother: mySmoother1
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
+ All:
+ startLevel: 1
+ Smoother: mySmoother4
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.gis_1to10km_r01.yaml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.gis_1to10km_r01.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c1b2e310f323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.gis_1to10km_r01.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+ Problem:
+ Depth Integrated Model: true
+# Discretization Description
+ Discretization:
+ #Exodus Output File Name: albany_output.exo
+ Piro:
+# Nonlinear Solver Information
+ NOX:
+ Nonlinear Solver: Line Search Based
+ Line Search:
+ Full Step:
+ Full Step: 1.0e+00
+ Method: Backtrack
+ Solver Options:
+ Status Test Check Type: Minimal
+ Status Tests:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: OR
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: AND
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: NormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Scale Type: Unscaled
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-03
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: RelativeNormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Tolerance: 0.9999
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: MaxIters
+ Maximum Iterations: 100
+ Printing:
+ Output Precision: 3
+ Output Processor: 0
+ Output Information:
+ Error: true
+ Warning: true
+ Outer Iteration: true
+ Parameters: false
+ Details: false
+ Linear Solver Details: false
+ Stepper Iteration: true
+ Stepper Details: true
+ Stepper Parameters: true
+ Direction:
+ Method: Newton
+ Newton:
+ Forcing Term Method: Type 2
+ Rescue Bad Newton Solve: true
+ Linear Solver:
+ Write Linear System: false
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-8
+ Stratimikos Linear Solver:
+ Stratimikos:
+# Linear Solver Information
+ Linear Solver Type: Belos
+ Linear Solver Types:
+ Belos:
+ Solver Type: Block GMRES
+ Solver Types:
+ Block GMRES:
+ Output Frequency: 20
+ Output Style: 1
+ Verbosity: 33
+ Maximum Iterations: 200
+ Block Size: 1
+ Num Blocks: 200
+ Flexible Gmres: false
+ VerboseObject:
+ Output File: none
+ Verbosity Level: low
+# Preconditioner Information
+ Preconditioner Type: MueLu
+ Preconditioner Types:
+ Ifpack2:
+ Overlap: 1
+ Prec Type: ILUT
+ MueLu:
+ Matrix:
+ PDE equations: 2
+ Factories:
+ myLineDetectionFact:
+ factory: LineDetectionFactory
+ 'linedetection: orientation': coordinates
+ mySemiCoarsenPFact1:
+ factory: SemiCoarsenPFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: coarsen rate': 14
+ UncoupledAggregationFact2:
+ factory: UncoupledAggregationFactory
+ 'aggregation: ordering': graph
+ 'aggregation: max selected neighbors': 0
+ 'aggregation: min agg size': 3
+ 'aggregation: phase3 avoid singletons': true
+ MyCoarseMap2:
+ factory: CoarseMapFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTentativePFact2:
+ 'tentative: calculate qr': true
+ factory: TentativePFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ mySaPFact2:
+ 'sa: eigenvalue estimate num iterations': 10
+ 'sa: damping factor': 1.33333e+00
+ factory: SaPFactory
+ P: myTentativePFact2
+ myTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: CoordinatesTransferFactory
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTogglePFact:
+ factory: TogglePFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: number of levels': 2
+ TransferFactories:
+ P1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ P2: mySaPFact2
+ Ptent1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Ptent2: myTentativePFact2
+ Nullspace1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Nullspace2: myTentativePFact2
+ myRestrictorFact:
+ factory: TransPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: ToggleCoordinatesTransferFactory
+ Chosen P: myTogglePFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ Coordinates1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Coordinates2: myTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRAPFact:
+ factory: RAPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ For Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRepartitionHeuristicFact:
+ factory: RepartitionHeuristicFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ 'repartition: min rows per proc': 3000
+ 'repartition: max imbalance': 1.327e+00
+ 'repartition: start level': 1
+ myZoltanInterface:
+ factory: ZoltanInterface
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRepartitionFact:
+ factory: RepartitionFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Partition: myZoltanInterface
+ 'repartition: remap parts': true
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRebalanceProlongatorFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Interpolation
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ Nullspace: myTogglePFact
+ myRebalanceRestrictionFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Restriction
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ myRebalanceAFact:
+ factory: RebalanceAcFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ TransferFactories: { }
+ mySmoother1:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother3:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother4:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': pre
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 4
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ Hierarchy:
+ max levels: 7
+ 'coarse: max size': 2000
+ verbosity: None
+ Finest:
+ Smoother: mySmoother1
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
+ All:
+ startLevel: 1
+ Smoother: mySmoother4
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.yaml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.gis_1to10km_r02.yaml
similarity index 81%
rename from components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.yaml
rename to components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.gis_1to10km_r02.yaml
index 8b770a290ae4..45539411756a 100644
--- a/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.yaml
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.gis_1to10km_r02.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
%YAML 1.1
+ Depth Integrated Model: true
Basal Cubature Degree: 4
LandIce Field Norm:
@@ -12,35 +14,34 @@ ANONYMOUS:
Basal Friction Coefficient:
Type: Power Law
Power Exponent: 1.0
- Mu Type: Field
+ Mu Type: Field
Effective Pressure Type: Hydrostatic Computed At Nodes
Zero Effective Pressure On Floating Ice At Nodes: true
Zero Beta On Floating Ice: false
Use Pressurized Bed Above Sea Level: false
# Discretization Description
#Exodus Output File Name: albany_output.exo
- Piro:
+ Piro:
# Nonlinear Solver Information
- NOX:
+ NOX:
Nonlinear Solver: Line Search Based
- Line Search:
- Full Step:
+ Line Search:
+ Full Step:
Full Step: 1.0e+00
Method: Backtrack
- Solver Options:
+ Solver Options:
Status Test Check Type: Minimal
- Status Tests:
+ Status Tests:
Test Type: Combo
Combo Type: OR
Number of Tests: 2
- Test 0:
+ Test 0:
Test Type: Combo
Combo Type: AND
Number of Tests: 2
- Test 0:
+ Test 0:
Test Type: NormF
Norm Type: Two Norm
Scale Type: Unscaled
@@ -49,13 +50,13 @@ ANONYMOUS:
Test Type: RelativeNormF
Norm Type: Two Norm
Tolerance: 0.9999
- Test 1:
+ Test 1:
Test Type: MaxIters
Maximum Iterations: 100
- Printing:
+ Printing:
Output Precision: 3
Output Processor: 0
- Output Information:
+ Output Information:
Error: true
Warning: true
Outer Iteration: true
@@ -66,21 +67,21 @@ ANONYMOUS:
Stepper Details: true
Stepper Parameters: true
- Direction:
+ Direction:
Method: Newton
- Newton:
- Forcing Term Method: Type 2
+ Newton:
+ Forcing Term Method: Type 2
Rescue Bad Newton Solve: true
Linear Solver:
Write Linear System: false
Tolerance: 1.0e-8
- Stratimikos Linear Solver:
+ Stratimikos Linear Solver:
# Linear Solver Information
Linear Solver Type: Belos
- Linear Solver Types:
+ Linear Solver Types:
Solver Type: Block GMRES
Solver Types:
@@ -95,133 +96,133 @@ ANONYMOUS:
Output File: none
Verbosity Level: low
# Preconditioner Information
Preconditioner Type: MueLu
- Preconditioner Types:
- Ifpack2:
+ Preconditioner Types:
+ Ifpack2:
Overlap: 1
- Prec Type: ILUT
- MueLu:
- Matrix:
+ Prec Type: ILUT
+ MueLu:
+ Matrix:
PDE equations: 2
- Factories:
- myLineDetectionFact:
+ Factories:
+ myLineDetectionFact:
factory: LineDetectionFactory
'linedetection: orientation': coordinates
- mySemiCoarsenPFact1:
+ mySemiCoarsenPFact1:
factory: SemiCoarsenPFactory
'semicoarsen: coarsen rate': 14
- UncoupledAggregationFact2:
+ UncoupledAggregationFact2:
factory: UncoupledAggregationFactory
'aggregation: ordering': graph
'aggregation: max selected neighbors': 0
'aggregation: min agg size': 3
'aggregation: phase3 avoid singletons': true
- MyCoarseMap2:
+ MyCoarseMap2:
factory: CoarseMapFactory
Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
- myTentativePFact2:
+ myTentativePFact2:
'tentative: calculate qr': true
factory: TentativePFactory
Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
- mySaPFact2:
+ mySaPFact2:
'sa: eigenvalue estimate num iterations': 10
'sa: damping factor': 1.33333e+00
factory: SaPFactory
P: myTentativePFact2
- myTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ myTransferCoordinatesFact:
factory: CoordinatesTransferFactory
CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
- myTogglePFact:
+ myTogglePFact:
factory: TogglePFactory
'semicoarsen: number of levels': 2
- TransferFactories:
+ TransferFactories:
P1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
P2: mySaPFact2
Ptent1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
Ptent2: myTentativePFact2
Nullspace1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
Nullspace2: myTentativePFact2
- myRestrictorFact:
+ myRestrictorFact:
factory: TransPFactory
P: myTogglePFact
- myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact:
factory: ToggleCoordinatesTransferFactory
Chosen P: myTogglePFact
- TransferFactories:
+ TransferFactories:
Coordinates1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
Coordinates2: myTransferCoordinatesFact
- myRAPFact:
+ myRAPFact:
factory: RAPFactory
P: myTogglePFact
R: myRestrictorFact
- TransferFactories:
+ TransferFactories:
For Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
- myRepartitionHeuristicFact:
+ myRepartitionHeuristicFact:
factory: RepartitionHeuristicFactory
A: myRAPFact
'repartition: min rows per proc': 3000
'repartition: max imbalance': 1.327e+00
'repartition: start level': 1
- myZoltanInterface:
+ myZoltanInterface:
factory: ZoltanInterface
A: myRAPFact
Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
- myRepartitionFact:
+ myRepartitionFact:
factory: RepartitionFactory
A: myRAPFact
Partition: myZoltanInterface
'repartition: remap parts': true
number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
- myRebalanceProlongatorFact:
+ myRebalanceProlongatorFact:
factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
type: Interpolation
P: myTogglePFact
Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
Nullspace: myTogglePFact
- myRebalanceRestrictionFact:
+ myRebalanceRestrictionFact:
factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
type: Restriction
R: myRestrictorFact
- myRebalanceAFact:
+ myRebalanceAFact:
factory: RebalanceAcFactory
A: myRAPFact
TransferFactories: { }
- mySmoother1:
+ mySmoother1:
factory: TrilinosSmoother
'smoother: pre or post': both
- ParameterList:
+ ParameterList:
'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
'relaxation: sweeps': 1
'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
- mySmoother3:
+ mySmoother3:
factory: TrilinosSmoother
'smoother: pre or post': both
- ParameterList:
+ ParameterList:
'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
'relaxation: sweeps': 1
'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
- mySmoother4:
+ mySmoother4:
factory: TrilinosSmoother
'smoother: pre or post': pre
- ParameterList:
+ ParameterList:
'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
'relaxation: sweeps': 4
'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
- Hierarchy:
+ Hierarchy:
max levels: 7
'coarse: max size': 2000
verbosity: None
- Finest:
+ Finest:
Smoother: mySmoother1
CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ ANONYMOUS:
A: myRebalanceAFact
Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
Importer: myRepartitionFact
- All:
+ All:
startLevel: 1
Smoother: mySmoother4
CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
@@ -244,4 +245,3 @@ ANONYMOUS:
A: myRebalanceAFact
Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
Importer: myRepartitionFact
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.gis_20km_r01.yaml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.gis_20km_r01.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..589e163bba7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/albany_input.gis_20km_r01.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+%YAML 1.1
+# Discretization Description
+ Discretization:
+ #Exodus Output File Name: albany_output.exo
+ Piro:
+# Nonlinear Solver Information
+ NOX:
+ Nonlinear Solver: Line Search Based
+ Line Search:
+ Full Step:
+ Full Step: 1.0e+00
+ Method: Backtrack
+ Solver Options:
+ Status Test Check Type: Minimal
+ Status Tests:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: OR
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: Combo
+ Combo Type: AND
+ Number of Tests: 2
+ Test 0:
+ Test Type: NormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Scale Type: Unscaled
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-03
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: RelativeNormF
+ Norm Type: Two Norm
+ Tolerance: 0.9999
+ Test 1:
+ Test Type: MaxIters
+ Maximum Iterations: 100
+ Printing:
+ Output Precision: 3
+ Output Processor: 0
+ Output Information:
+ Error: true
+ Warning: true
+ Outer Iteration: true
+ Parameters: false
+ Details: false
+ Linear Solver Details: false
+ Stepper Iteration: true
+ Stepper Details: true
+ Stepper Parameters: true
+ Direction:
+ Method: Newton
+ Newton:
+ Forcing Term Method: Type 2
+ Rescue Bad Newton Solve: true
+ Linear Solver:
+ Write Linear System: false
+ Tolerance: 1.0e-8
+ Stratimikos Linear Solver:
+ Stratimikos:
+# Linear Solver Information
+ Linear Solver Type: Belos
+ Linear Solver Types:
+ Belos:
+ Solver Type: Block GMRES
+ Solver Types:
+ Block GMRES:
+ Output Frequency: 20
+ Output Style: 1
+ Verbosity: 33
+ Maximum Iterations: 200
+ Block Size: 1
+ Num Blocks: 200
+ Flexible Gmres: false
+ VerboseObject:
+ Output File: none
+ Verbosity Level: low
+# Preconditioner Information
+ Preconditioner Type: MueLu
+ Preconditioner Types:
+ Ifpack2:
+ Overlap: 1
+ Prec Type: ILUT
+ MueLu:
+ Matrix:
+ PDE equations: 2
+ Factories:
+ myLineDetectionFact:
+ factory: LineDetectionFactory
+ 'linedetection: orientation': coordinates
+ mySemiCoarsenPFact1:
+ factory: SemiCoarsenPFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: coarsen rate': 14
+ UncoupledAggregationFact2:
+ factory: UncoupledAggregationFactory
+ 'aggregation: ordering': graph
+ 'aggregation: max selected neighbors': 0
+ 'aggregation: min agg size': 3
+ 'aggregation: phase3 avoid singletons': true
+ MyCoarseMap2:
+ factory: CoarseMapFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTentativePFact2:
+ 'tentative: calculate qr': true
+ factory: TentativePFactory
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ mySaPFact2:
+ 'sa: eigenvalue estimate num iterations': 10
+ 'sa: damping factor': 1.33333e+00
+ factory: SaPFactory
+ P: myTentativePFact2
+ myTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: CoordinatesTransferFactory
+ CoarseMap: MyCoarseMap2
+ Aggregates: UncoupledAggregationFact2
+ myTogglePFact:
+ factory: TogglePFactory
+ 'semicoarsen: number of levels': 2
+ TransferFactories:
+ P1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ P2: mySaPFact2
+ Ptent1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Ptent2: myTentativePFact2
+ Nullspace1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Nullspace2: myTentativePFact2
+ myRestrictorFact:
+ factory: TransPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact:
+ factory: ToggleCoordinatesTransferFactory
+ Chosen P: myTogglePFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ Coordinates1: mySemiCoarsenPFact1
+ Coordinates2: myTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRAPFact:
+ factory: RAPFactory
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ TransferFactories:
+ For Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ myRepartitionHeuristicFact:
+ factory: RepartitionHeuristicFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ 'repartition: min rows per proc': 3000
+ 'repartition: max imbalance': 1.327e+00
+ 'repartition: start level': 1
+ myZoltanInterface:
+ factory: ZoltanInterface
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRepartitionFact:
+ factory: RepartitionFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ Partition: myZoltanInterface
+ 'repartition: remap parts': true
+ number of partitions: myRepartitionHeuristicFact
+ myRebalanceProlongatorFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Interpolation
+ P: myTogglePFact
+ Coordinates: myToggleTransferCoordinatesFact
+ Nullspace: myTogglePFact
+ myRebalanceRestrictionFact:
+ factory: RebalanceTransferFactory
+ type: Restriction
+ R: myRestrictorFact
+ myRebalanceAFact:
+ factory: RebalanceAcFactory
+ A: myRAPFact
+ TransferFactories: { }
+ mySmoother1:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother3:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': both
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 1
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ mySmoother4:
+ factory: TrilinosSmoother
+ 'smoother: pre or post': pre
+ ParameterList:
+ 'relaxation: type': Gauss-Seidel
+ 'relaxation: sweeps': 4
+ 'relaxation: damping factor': 1.0
+ Hierarchy:
+ max levels: 7
+ 'coarse: max size': 2000
+ verbosity: None
+ Finest:
+ Smoother: mySmoother1
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
+ All:
+ startLevel: 1
+ Smoother: mySmoother4
+ CoarseSolver: mySmoother4
+ P: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Nullspace: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ CoarseNumZLayers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_Layers: myLineDetectionFact
+ LineDetection_VertLineIds: myLineDetectionFact
+ A: myRebalanceAFact
+ Coordinates: myRebalanceProlongatorFact
+ Importer: myRepartitionFact
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_mali.xml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_mali.xml
index 535fdbdc4d49..0450eb44f116 100644
--- a/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_mali.xml
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_mali.xml
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/cime_config/buildnml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/cime_config/buildnml
index 4d927c4370fd..9489b6dfa8fd 100755
--- a/components/mpas-albany-landice/cime_config/buildnml
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/cime_config/buildnml
@@ -229,25 +229,33 @@ def buildnml(case, caseroot, compname):
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
-# lines.append(' ')
-# lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
@@ -263,22 +271,16 @@ def buildnml(case, caseroot, compname):
lines.append(' filename_interval="0001-00-00_00:00:00"')
lines.append(' clobber_mode="truncate"')
lines.append(' packages="globalStatsAMPKG"')
- lines.append(' output_interval="0000_01:00:00">')
+ lines.append(' output_interval="0000_00:00:01">')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
- lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')
+ lines.append(' ')