(this is very important)
- NO MALICIOUS CODE - I think you already knew this
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rm -rf /"); // Really BAD
- DO NOT submit private information (passwords, etc.) to the Git
String myApiToken = "f6dd0c930676da532136fbef805ef1553ebaca83"; // Really BAD // Though this is not a real token - can you find what it is?
- Client or server crashes/freezes shouldn't be easy to create from scripts
if (matchedPattern == 0) wait(1000); // BAD
- Obvious bad ideas (such as MD5 hashing) should not look safe to scripters
MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); // BAD // ... although this is a snippet from Skript source code. Legacy stuff!
- File or network IO, for now, should not be accessible from scripts
String fileName = file.getSingle(e); // Bad
- Code contributed must be licensed under GPLv3, by you
- Third party code under compatible licenses may be accepted in some cases
And, additionally:
- Everyone with direct push access must use two factor authentication
Tabs, no spaces (unless in code imported from other projects) ** No tabs/spaces in empty lines
No trailing whitespace
At most 120 characters per line
- In Javadoc/multiline comments, at most 80 characters per line
When statements consume multiple lines, all lines but first have two tabs of additional indentation
Each class begins with an empty line
Separate method declarations with empty lines
- Empty line after last method in a class is not required
- Otherwise, empty line before and after method is a good rule of thumb
If fields have Javadoc, separate them with empty lines
Use empty lines liberally inside methods to improve readability
Use curly brackets to start and end most blocks
- Only when a conditional block (if or else) contains a single statement, they may be omitted
- When omitting brackets, still indent as if the code had brackets
- Avoid omitting brackets if it produces hard-to-read code
Annotations for methods and classes are placed in lines before their declarations, one per line
When there are multiple annotations, place them in order:
- @Override -> @Nullable -> @SuppressWarnings
- For other annotations, doesn't matter; let your IDE decide
When extending one of following classes: SimpleExpression, SimplePropertyExpression, Effect, Condition...
- Put overridden methods in order
- SimpleExpression: init -> get (getAll) -> (acceptChange) -> (change) -> isSingle -> getReturnType -> toString
- SimplePropertyExpression: -> (init) -> convert -> (acceptChange) -> (change) -> getReturnType -> getPropertyName
- Effect: init -> execute -> toString
- Condition: init -> check -> toString
- Classes named in CapitalCamelCase
- Fields and methods named in camelCase
- Final static fields may be named in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
- Localized messages should be named like m_message_name
- And that is the only place where snake_case is acceptable
- Use prefixes where their use has been already estabilished (such as ExprSomeRandomThing)
- Otherwise, use postfixes (such as LoopSection)
- Prefer to comment why you're doing things instead of how you're doing them
- In case the code is particularly complex, though, do both!
- Write all comments in readable English
- Remember the basic grammar rules
- Fun is allowed, if that does not hurt the readability
- No matter if a comment contains a sentence or not, capitalize the first letter
- For single line comments
- Always start with a space; it improves readability
- You may put them at ends of lines, if the line doesn't get too wide due to that
Your comments should look something like these:
// A single line comment
* This is a Javadoc comment.
* @param first Description of the first parameter.
* @param second Description of the second parameter.
* @return Description of the return value.
* This is a block comment.
- Java 8 source and binary compatibility
- JDK 8 must be enough to develop Skript
- Users must not need JRE newer than version 8
- Java 9 and 10 must also work
- Absolutely no dirty deep reflection hacks
- It is recommended to make fields final, if they are effectively final
- Performance impact is be minimal, but it makes code cleaner
- Local variables and method parameters should not be declared final
- Methods should be declared final only rarely
- Static methods should not ever be declared final
- Use @Override where applicable
- All fields, method parameters and their return values are non-null by default
- Exceptions: Github API JSON mappings, Metrics
- When something is nullable, mark it as so
- Only ignore nullness errors when a variable is effectively non-null, but compiler doesn't recognize it
- Most common example is syntax elements, which are not initialized using a constructor
- Use assertions liberally: if you're sure something is not null, assert so to the compiler
- Makes finding bugs easier for developers
- Avoid checking non-null values for nullability
- Unless working around buggy addons, it is rarely necessary
- This is why ignoring nullness errors is particularly dangerous
- Absolutely no NMS-reliant code
- No matter how it is done, it belongs to addons
- Updating for new Minecraft versions is already painful enough
import net.minecraft.server.v1_13_1.*; // BAD
- Target Minecraft versions are 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13 (latest revisions)
- Skript must run on these MC versions, in one way or another
- Supported server implementations are Spigot and Paper
- Paper-specific functionality is acceptable
- Glowstone also works, don't intentionally break it
- CraftBukkit does not work, and please don't waste your time in fixing it
- Avoid referencing Material enum, as it changed significantly in Spigot 1.13
- Instead, use Aliases.javaItemType
Material type = Material.DIRT; // Bad ItemType type = Aliases.javaItemType("dirt"); // Good
- Exceptions:
- Air is better way to represent "nothing" than null
- Stone can be used to get dummy
- Do not refer Biome enum directly, because it changed in 1.9 and 1.13
Biome.MEGA_SPRUCE_TAIGA_HILLS // Bad - 1.8 edition Biome.MUTATED_REDWOOD_TAIGA_HILLS // Bad - 1.9-1.12 edition Biome.GIANT_SPRUCE_TAIGA_HILLS // Bad - 1.13 edition // Yes, these are exactly same biomes. No, I have no idea why this is the case
- Skript must run with assertations enabled; use them in your development environment
- JVM flag
is used to enable them
- JVM flag