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Downloading the GUI Windows

  1. Go to Releases download the latest Windows version and extract all the files to your folder of choice
  2. if Windows Defender flags the zip or any files allow them through.
    This is because GUI tools house the the exploit which is known by security software
  3. Turn on your PS4 and connect it to your PC via ethernet.

Downloading the GUI Linux

  1. Go to Releases download the latest Linux version and extract all the files to your folder of choice
  2. Turn on your PS4 and connect it to your PC via ethernet.


PPPwn-Tkinter-GUI was crafted with the goal of extending the functionality of the current PPPwn solutions. By altering the way in which the exploit is deployed and run, one can increase reliability of Scanning for corrupted object to nearly 100%. This is often console-dependent, but it's better to experiment than not.

This tool is open-source and provided as-is. Under the hood it utilizes new functionality added to PPPwn_cpp by nn9dev with the help of Borris_ta (and is also open source!) and additionally a Rust rewrite made by fedebuonco that is quickly becoming a great way to run the exploit. It also allows you to run the original version made by TheFlow

Please be sure to read the instructions carefully, and happy tinkering!

Furthermore, the pppwn_cpp additions can be integrated into other pppwn solutions (raspi, luckfox, etc.) with just a few extra command line arguments. Using this fork, grab the latest release and run pppwn --help to see the additional flags.

Linux dependencies.

  1. Scapy only if using the Python version.

Windows Dependencies needed are listed below for each version

Installing Dependencies for C++ version

  1. Download and install Npcap1.80 if running on older hardware try 1.70 and below.

Installing Dependencies for Rust

  1. Download and install Npcap1.80 if running on older hardware try 1.70 and below.

Installing Dependencies For Python version

  1. Download and install Npcap1.80 if running on older hardware try 1.70 and below.
  2. Download and install Python
    Make sure to add it to path and install as admin
  3. Then run the following commands in a CMD window
python -m ensurepip --default-pip   
pip install scapy


Current supported versions
9.00 9.60 10.00 10.01 10.50 10.70 10.71 11.00

PS4HEN PPPWN support

7.00 to 11.00 Goldhen will be used when available
Although it has less features than goldhen PS4hen vtx is still good below are the differences

How to use the new options Corrupt Num, Pin Num and Spray Num

Corrupt Num

  1. Corrupt Num increases the is the amount of overflow packets sent to the PS4. Enter in hex OR decimal. (Default: 0x1 or 1) The reccomended HEX values are 0x1 0x2, 0x4, 0x6, 0x8, 0x10, 0x14, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40 but you are free to test and find out what works best for your console. Ocassionally values too high may cause console crashes work back down to something stable.

Pin Num

  1. No information about it untested if it helps but is available if you'd like to try. Enter in hex OR decimal. (Default: 0x1000 or 4096)

Spray Num

  1. When spray is higher the scan range is larger. Enter in hex OR decimal. (Default: 0x1000 or 4096)(pending better description)
    The reccomended HEX values are 0x1000, 0x1050, 0x1100, 0x1150, 0x1200, 0x1250 but you are free to test and find out what works best for your console.

"The Strat"

  1. During a quick initial test of the C++ additions by nn9dev i accidentally typed in decimal only values Spray Num 1100 and Corrupt Num 20 instead of HEX values 0x1100 and 0x20.
  2. This led to an extremely quick and highly successful result.
  3. if you'd like to try this start with Spray Num 1100 in decimal for Corrupt Num 2 in decimal and work around these values to see what works for you.

Custom IPV6

  1. This allows for a custom ipv6 to be used in the following format 4141:4141:4141:4141 or 1e1e:1e1e:1e1e:1e1e
  2. It has been added for people to Tinker with no strats are known beyond that changing it allows for the exploit to actually work on some consoles.
  3. Can be set to use the original ipv6 by TheFlow which is 4141:4141:4141:4141 in case the default by Borris-ta gives negative results.
  4. The fe80:: part of the address is handled internally.

Nice-To-Have additions

  1. no wait for padi tickbox
  2. Network settings shortcut button
  3. CMD ipconfig button

Windows Instructions

  1. Double-click on PPPwn Tinker.exe
  2. Turn on your PS4 and connect it to your PC via ethernet.

Putting the goldhen or VTX payload on a usb

Format a usb drive to exFAT
Find the folder for your firmware and from inside of it copy the goldhen.bin file onto your usb drive for Goldhen
Find the folder for your firmware and from inside of it copy the payload.bin file onto your usb drive For VTX
Then plug the usb into your PS4

Setting up the PS4 internet connection

On your PS4

  1. Go to Settings and then Network
  2. Select Set Up Internet connection and choose Use a LAN Cable
  3. Choose Custom setup and choose PPPoE for IP Address Settings
  4. Put in anything as Username and Password it is recommended for it to be 1 letter that's the same in both fields for better compatibility.
  5. Choose Automatic for DNS Settings and MTU Settings
  6. Choose Do not use for Proxy Server
  7. Go back and be ready to press on Test internet connection

PPPwn-Tinker C++ Instructions

  1. Choose your ethernet interface
    To find it you can look in
    Settings>Network & Internet>Ethernet on the left menu>Then Click on the connection name scroll down and find the Description
  2. Select the firmware version your PS4 is on
  3. PPPwn version C++ is the default option
  4. Usually not using the old IPV6 version is reccomended but if your console experienses crashes with no progress past Stage 2 type 4141:4141:4141:4141 in the custom ipv6 field.
  5. You can tweak the Num settings in all 3 fields based on the instructions above. Or leave them blank to use the defaults.
  6. You can press the Run PPPwn button and on your PS4 press on Test internet connection
  7. See Troubleshooting for help

PPPwn-Tinker Rust Instructions

  1. Choose your ethernet interface
    To find it you can look in
    Settings>Network & Internet>Ethernet on the left menu>Then Click on the connection name scroll down and find the Description
  2. Select the firmware version your PS4 is on
  3. To select the Rust version click on the dropdown menu and choose Rust
  4. You can press the Run PPPwn button and on your PS4 press on Test internet connection
  5. The Rust version will receive further improvements when possible.
  6. See Troubleshooting for help

PPPwn-Tinker Python Instructions

  1. Choose your ethernet interface
    To find it you can look in
    Settings>Network & Internet>Ethernet on the left menu>Then Click on the connection name scroll down and find the Description
  2. Select the firmware version your PS4 is on
  3. To select the Python version click on the dropdown menu and choose Python
  4. Python does not have the option to change the ipv6.
  5. Python does not have support for tweaking the Num values left blank or with writing in it will not result in errors or additions to the command.
  6. You can press the Run PPPwn button and on your PS4 press on Test internet connection
  7. See Troubleshooting for help
  8. Python version is only available for sanity checks and in case of crazy situtations where Windows cannot run the C++ or Rust versions reliably.
  9. Python version can be easily edited notepad++ and etc.

Linux Instructions

  1. In the directory where the files have been extracted open a terminal and run
sudo chmod 777 *
  1. Then double-click on PPPwn Tinker.bin
  2. Turn on your PS4 and connect it to your PC via ethernet.

Putting the goldhen or VTX payload on a usb

Format a usb drive to exFAT
Find the folder for your firmware and from inside of it copy the goldhen.bin file onto your usb drive for Goldhen
Find the folder for your firmware and from inside of it copy the payload.bin file onto your usb drive For VTX
Then plug the usb into your PS4

Setting up the PS4 internet connection

On your PS4

  1. Go to Settings and then Network
  2. Select Set Up Internet connection and choose Use a LAN Cable
  3. Choose Custom setup and choose PPPoE for IP Address Settings
  4. Put in anything as Username and Password it is recommended for it to be 1 letter that's the same in both fields for better compatibility.
  5. Choose Automatic for DNS Settings and MTU Settings
  6. Choose Do not use for Proxy Server
  7. Go back and be ready to press on Test internet connection

PPPwn-Tinker C++ Instructions

  1. Choose your ethernet interface usually starts with "enp"
  2. Select the firmware version your PS4 is on
  3. PPPwn version C++ is the default option
  4. Usually not using the old IPV6 version is reccomended but if your console experienses crashes with no progress past Stage 2 type 4141:4141:4141:4141 in the custom ipv6 field.
  5. You can tweak the Num settings in all 3 fields based on the instructions above. Or leave them blank to use the defaults.
  6. You can press the Run PPPwn button and on your PS4 press on Test internet connection
  7. See Troubleshooting for help

PPPwn-Tinker Rust Instructions

  1. Choose your ethernet interface usually starts with "enp"
  2. Select the firmware version your PS4 is on
  3. To select the Rust version click on the dropdown menu and choose Rust
  4. You can press the Run PPPwn button and on your PS4 press on Test internet connection
  5. The Rust version will receive further improvements when possible.
  6. See Troubleshooting for help

PPPwn-Tinker Python Instructions

  1. Choose your ethernet interface usually starts with "enp"
  2. Select the firmware version your PS4 is on
  3. To select the Python version click on the dropdown menu and choose Python
  4. Python does not have the option to change the ipv6.
  5. Python does not have support for tweaking the Num values left blank or with writing in it will not result in errors or additions to the command.
  6. You can press the Run PPPwn button and on your PS4 press on Test internet connection
  7. See Troubleshooting for help
  8. Python version is only available for sanity checks and in case of crazy unheard of situtations where Linux cannot run the C++ or Rust versions reliably.
  9. Python version can be easily edited via notepad++ and etc.

Quick Troubleshooting

  1. If you get the PPPwned message but no goldhen reformat your usb drive or try another one.
  2. If the script gets stuck at [*] Waiting for interface to be ready... restart the exploit process
  3. If the script gets stuck at [+] Pinning to CPU XX...done restart the exploit process
  4. If the script is stuck on [+] Scanning for corrupted object...found fe80::0fdf:4141:4141:4141 [+] STAGE 2: KASLR defeat [*] Defeating KASLR... and your console crashes try changing to the old IPV6
  5. If the script is stuck on [*] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK... and your console crashes try changing to the old IPV6
  6. If the script gets stuck on any of the following [] Sending LCP configure ACK... [] Sending LCP configure request... [] Waiting for LCP configure ACK... [] Waiting for IPCP configure request... [] Sending IPCP configure NAK... [] Waiting for IPCP configure request... [] Sending IPCP configure ACK... [] Sending IPCP configure request... [] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK... [] Waiting for interface to be ready...
    Restart the exploit process
  7. If you are on a newly set-up machine you may need to install the latest .Net framework
  8. For more see Troubleshooting for help
  9. Any further problems you can open an Issue if you'd like or contact me on Twitter Dr.Yenyen

Custom background

  1. Latest release ships with no background but it can be set via the instructions below.
  2. The background in the GUI can be added with one of your choice it has to be in the "imgs" folder and be in "png" format 600x700 resolution and be named "background".

How to compile GUI source code Windows

  1. Have python and npcap installed via the instructions above.
  2. install pyinstaller copy the pyinstaller exe to the same folder as the source code.
  3. CD into the folder via CMD and compile it using this command (optional "--icon imgs/icon.ico" after --onefile)
pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile 
  1. pyinstaller docs
  2. Unless changed the GUI then requires the following folders and files
  • Bins Stage1 and Stage2 have to be in a folder path of firmawre version followed by stage files example
  • bins/1100/stage1/stage1.bin (can be compiled from original POC by TheFlow linked below or can be downloaded elsewhere premade)
  • bins/1100/stage2/stage2.bin (has to be the premade from Goldhen or VTX)
  • in the same folder as the GUI pppwn.exe by nn9dev the Rust rewrite by fedebuonco and TheFlow python and all linked below

How to compile GUI source code Linux

  1. Coming soon

For more useful guides and info


TheOfficialFloW for PPPwn
xfangfang for C++ rewrite
nn9dev for the C++ changes
fedebuonco for Rust Rewrite
Borris-ta for his help
Thank you to Beta testers of the GUI Sausig, Rust, and nn9dev.