diff --git a/StyleCop.Analyzers/StyleCop.Analyzers.Test/SpacingRules/SA1008UnitTests.cs b/StyleCop.Analyzers/StyleCop.Analyzers.Test/SpacingRules/SA1008UnitTests.cs
index f5b42dd0d..ec4f0a612 100644
--- a/StyleCop.Analyzers/StyleCop.Analyzers.Test/SpacingRules/SA1008UnitTests.cs
+++ b/StyleCop.Analyzers/StyleCop.Analyzers.Test/SpacingRules/SA1008UnitTests.cs
@@ -2032,6 +2032,90 @@ class ClassName
await this.VerifyCSharpDiagnosticAsync(testCode, expected, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ ///
+ /// Verifies that spacing for public tuple return type is handled properly.
+ ///
+ /// A representing the asynchronous unit test.
+ [Fact(Skip = "Tuples currently require System.ValueTuple nuget package to be installed")]
+ public async Task TestNoFalsePositiveOnPublicTupleReturnAsync()
+ {
+ var testCode = @"namespace TestNamespace
+ public class TestClass
+ {
+ public (string primary, string alternate) CalculateMetaphone(string word)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ await this.VerifyCSharpDiagnosticAsync(testCode, EmptyDiagnosticResults, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Verifies that spacing for internal tuple return type is handled properly.
+ ///
+ /// A representing the asynchronous unit test.
+ [Fact(Skip = "Tuples currently require System.ValueTuple nuget package to be installed")]
+ public async Task TestNoFalsePositiveOnInternalTupleReturnAsync()
+ {
+ var testCode = @"namespace TestNamespace
+ internal class TestClass
+ {
+ public (string primary, string alternate) CalculateMetaphone(string word)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ await this.VerifyCSharpDiagnosticAsync(testCode, EmptyDiagnosticResults, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Verifies that spacing for private tuple return type is handled properly.
+ ///
+ /// A representing the asynchronous unit test.
+ [Fact(Skip = "Tuples currently require System.ValueTuple nuget package to be installed")]
+ public async Task TestNoFalsePositiveOnPrivateTupleReturnAsync()
+ {
+ var testCode = @"namespace TestNamespace
+ private class TestClass
+ {
+ public (string primary, string alternate) CalculateMetaphone(string word)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ await this.VerifyCSharpDiagnosticAsync(testCode, EmptyDiagnosticResults, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Verifies that spacing for protected tuple return type is handled properly.
+ ///
+ /// A representing the asynchronous unit test.
+ [Fact(Skip = "Tuples currently require System.ValueTuple nuget package to be installed")]
+ public async Task TestNoFalsePositiveProtectedOnTupleReturnAsync()
+ {
+ var testCode = @"namespace TestNamespace
+ protected class TestClass
+ {
+ public (string primary, string alternate) CalculateMetaphone(string word)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ await this.VerifyCSharpDiagnosticAsync(testCode, EmptyDiagnosticResults, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
protected override IEnumerable GetCSharpDiagnosticAnalyzers()
diff --git a/StyleCop.Analyzers/StyleCop.Analyzers/SpacingRules/SA1008OpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly.cs b/StyleCop.Analyzers/StyleCop.Analyzers/SpacingRules/SA1008OpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly.cs
index 0f6565e29..ac4d8170c 100644
--- a/StyleCop.Analyzers/StyleCop.Analyzers/SpacingRules/SA1008OpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly.cs
+++ b/StyleCop.Analyzers/StyleCop.Analyzers/SpacingRules/SA1008OpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly.cs
@@ -134,7 +134,11 @@ private static void HandleOpenParenToken(SyntaxTreeAnalysisContext context, Synt
case SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword:
case SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword:
case SyntaxKind.YieldKeyword:
- precededByKeyword = true;
+ case SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword:
+ case SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword:
+ case SyntaxKind.InternalKeyword:
+ case SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword:
+ precededByKeyword = true;