Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 3 column 1
# Documentation:
title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
linktitle: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
lastmod: {{ .Date }}
draft: false # Is this a draft? true/false
toc: true # Show table of contents? true/false
type: docs # Do not modify.
# Add menu entry to sidebar.
# - Substitute `example` with the name of your course/documentation folder.
# - name: Declare this menu item as a parent with ID `name`.
# - parent: Reference a parent ID if this page is a child.
# - weight: Position of link in menu.
name: YourParentID
# parent: YourParentID
weight: 1