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conflict using materialize on angularjs + gruntjs + requirejs #1212

ekarudianto opened this issue Apr 22, 2015 · 40 comments

conflict using materialize on angularjs + gruntjs + requirejs #1212

ekarudianto opened this issue Apr 22, 2015 · 40 comments


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I've been using materialize as my starter template framework for my project, it was lovely, I love this framework... but I've been facing this issue where I'm trying to use sideNav() function..

it gives an error

a(...).hammer is not a function

so I've modified the requirejs loader section

paths: {
  angular: 'path/to/angular',
  jquery: 'path/to/jquery',
  hammerjs: 'path/to/hammerjs'
  materialize: 'path/to/materialize'
shim: {
  angular: {
      deps: ['jquery'],
      exports: 'angular'
  materialize: {
      deps: ['jquery', 'hammerjs']


but it still gives an error which is

a(...).hammer is not a function

any idea about this issue ?

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max1011 commented Apr 22, 2015

view my comment on #634 and close the issue if that was solved for you, because this issue is there before so no need to it, if you have any probs feel free to contact me

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I tried on your repo with the latest commit then I modify my codes into something like this

paths: {
  angular: 'path/to/angular',
  jquery: 'path/to/jquery',
  hammerjs: 'path/to/hammerjs'
  materialize: 'path/to/materialize'
shim: {
  angular: {
      deps: ['jquery'],
      exports: 'angular'
  materialize: {
      deps: ['jquery'']

instead it gives me an error

Mismatched anonymous define() module:

and it occurs for the hammerjs, so I thought I need to include the hammerjs files

paths: {
  angular: 'path/to/angular',
  jquery: 'path/to/jquery',
  hammerjs: 'path/to/hammerjs'
  materialize: 'path/to/materialize'
shim: {
  angular: {
      deps: ['jquery'],
      exports: 'angular'
  materialize: {
      deps: ['jquery'', 'hammerjs']

it all works fine but when I try to initiate datepicker it says that

datepicker is not a function

so my conclusion is I think I need to reload all of my components.. then I changed my codes to this

paths: {
  angular: 'path/to/angular',
  jquery: 'path/to/jquery',
  materialize: '../vendors/materialize_custom/bin/materialize',
                materialBox: '../vendors/materialize/js/materialbox',
                animation: '../vendors/materialize/js/animation',
                buttons: '../vendors/materialize/js/buttons',
                charCounter: '../vendors/materialize/js/character_counter',
                forms: '../vendors/materialize/js/forms',
                global: '../vendors/materialize/js/global',
                jEasing: '',
                jHammer: '../vendors/materialize/js/jquery.hammer',
                cards: '../vendors/materialize/js/cards',
                collapsible: '',
                dropdown: '../vendors/materialize/js/dropdown',
                leanModal: '../vendors/materialize/js/leanModal',
                hammerjs: '../vendors/hammerjs/hammer.min',
                parallax: '../vendors/materialize/js/parallax',
                picker: '../vendors/materialize/js/date_picker/picker',
                pickadate: '../vendors/materialize/js/date_picker/',
                pushPin: '../vendors/materialize/js/pushpin',
                tabs: '../vendors/materialize/js/tabs',
                tooltip: '../vendors/materialize/js/tooltip',
                toasts: '../vendors/materialize/js/toasts',
                transitions: '../vendors/materialize/js/transitions',
                velocity: '',
                waves: '../vendors/materialize/js/waves',
                sideNav: '../vendors/materialize/js/sideNav',
                scrollFire: '../vendors/materialize/js/scrollFire',
                scrollSpy: '../vendors/materialize/js/scrollspy',
                slider: '../vendors/materialize/js/slider',
shim: {
   angular: {
                    deps: ['jquery'],
                    exports: 'angular'
                angularRoute: ['angular'],
                angularCookie: ['angular'],
                moment: ['jquery'],
                hammerjs: ['jquery'],
                picker: ['jquery'],
                pickadate: ['jquery'],
                jEasing: ['jquery'],
                animation: ['jquery'],
                global: ['jquery'],
                collapsible: ['jquery'],
                dropdown: ['jquery'],
                leanModal: ['jquery'],
                materialBox: ['jquery'],
                parallax: ['jquery'],
                tabs: ['jquery'],
                tooltip: ['jquery'],
                toasts: ['jquery'],
                waves: ['jquery'],
                sideNav: ['jquery'],
                scrollSpy: ['jquery'],
                forms: ['jquery'],
                slider: ['jquery'],
                cards: ['jquery'],
                pushPin: ['jquery'],
                buttons: ['jquery'],
                transitions: ['jquery'],
                scrollFire: ['jquery'],
                charCounter: ['jquery'],
                materialize: {
                    deps: [

but now the waves effect didn't work and toasts didn't work either... :( did I missed something ? @max1011

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max1011 commented Apr 23, 2015

materialize is included from dist or from bin ??

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I include it from bin @max1011

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max1011 commented Apr 27, 2015

don't load any thing from the materialize project to the materialize project , like hammerjs, and all the other stuff you are loading just don't load them, and load only materialize with any third party libraries that you want, and look at the console tell me what is the output and on which line and what is that line (if there is)

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T00rk commented Aug 2, 2015

I have the same problem. I've included materialize but no other libraries.
When I build my app grunt stops and says :

>> Error: Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory  '/home/t00rk/Projets/myApp/app/scripts/hammerjs.js'
>> In module tree:
>>     materialize
>>     at Error (native)

If I include hammerjs it's ok but when I start the app I get a requirejs error :

Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module:

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Similar issue here. My config is like this:

    deps: ['main'],
    baseUrl: 'js',
    paths: {
        jquery: 'libs/jquery.min',
        lodash: 'libs/lodash.min',
        json2: 'libs/json2',
        text: 'libs/text',
        hammerjs: 'libs/hammer.min',
        parse: 'libs/parse.min',
        materialize: 'libs/materialize.min'
    shim: {
        parse: { deps: ['lodash', 'jquery'], exports: 'Parse'},
        materialize: { deps: ['jquery', 'hammerjs'] }

I'm getting intermittent error "Uncaught TypeError: a(...).hammer is not a function" whenever I'm trying to use sideNav() function.

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max1011 commented Aug 3, 2015

@T00rk this is what the doc says about your issue(mismatched define..) & how to fix it (because you manually used the code),
To avoid the error:

  • Be sure to load all scripts that call define() via the RequireJS API. Do not manually code script tags in HTML to load scripts that have define() calls in them.
  • If you manually code an HTML script tag, be sure it only includes named modules, and that an anonymous module that will have the same name as one of the modules in that file is not loaded.

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max1011 commented Aug 3, 2015

@kat-liger hammer is undefined because the jquery hammer (which is different that hammer.js), was not loaded properly or even not loaded at all ! , here is how it should look like in the shim according to the new version:

    'jquery.hammer': {
      deps: ['jquery', 'hammerjs', 'waves']

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max1011 commented Aug 3, 2015

@ekarudianto i think if your problem is with waves then you must add it as a dep. to jquery.hammer just like the comment above

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T00rk commented Aug 3, 2015

@max1011 Yes I've spent a lot of time to understand where it comes from. It only happens when I include materialize.
I don't understand what you mean by "because you manually used the code".

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max1011 commented Aug 3, 2015

i thought that you included the code manually (copy & paste) in the final compiled js file, now you still have that probem or any similar issue ?

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Hi @max1011, thanks for your response! I downloaded jquery.hammer.js and waves.js and added them to paths in require.config and to shim, like you advised, but it didn't help, unfortunately, I am still getting "Uncaught TypeError: a(...).hammer is not a function" intermittently.

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max1011 commented Aug 3, 2015

@kat-liger can u take a screenshot please? , and tell me which line it was , and if you put your code up some where like code pen or fiddler just so that i can grab all of it that will be alot better

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@max1011 You can see it here: Might take more than one refresh though :) And thanks so much for trying to help!

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max1011 commented Aug 3, 2015

ok so i diagnosed your site and i can see that jquery.hammer is not being loaded (check the network tab to see it your self), so the solution to that is to add it as a dep. to materialize (as 'jquery.hammer'), and hopefully that will make it work

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@max1011, wow, thank you so much! Finally it works!
I'm still new with requireJS, so I wouldn't be able to do that without your help :)

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

you are welcome @kat-liger , @T00rk do you still have the problem ? try to do the same.

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T00rk commented Aug 4, 2015

Yes I still have the same problem.
I've tried including every module as @ekarudianto said but still the same

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

what is your code currently ? , try to make a plunk or something, i want to see your code and try it live, or maybe use heroku and put it online so that i can diagnose it properly.

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T00rk commented Aug 4, 2015

Ahh something new.
I've included hammerjs and jquery.hammer as you said and now the error is more explicit :

Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: function ($, Hammer) {
    function hammerify(el, options) {
        var $el = $(el);
        if(!$"hammer")) {
            $"hammer", new Hammer($el[0], options));

    $.fn.hammer = function(options) {
        return this.each(function() {
            hammerify(this, options);

    // extend the emit method to also trigger jQuery events
    Hammer.Manager.prototype.emit = (function(originalEmit) {
        return function(type, data) {
  , type, data);
                type: type,
                gesture: data

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

ok check the network tab in chrome and check if jquery.hammer is loaded, and just give me the code please!

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T00rk commented Aug 4, 2015

Just a question. What's the correct way to include materialize ?
Do we have to just load materialize.min.js or do we need to include it and the other modules ?

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

you said that you included it but where did you do so, and did you copy & paste to some file ? cause that can be the entire issue, in require.js you are not allowed to copy and paste code with define() into some other file that has other define()

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T00rk commented Aug 4, 2015

Here is my requirejs init file as I modified it :

    baseUrl: '/scripts',

    /* starting point for application */
    deps: ['materialize', 'backbone.marionette', 'modules/main'],

        'animation'             : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'backbone'              : { deps : [ 'jquery', 'jquery.dotdotdot', 'jquery.ui', 'typeahead', 'datetimepicker', 'ddupload', 'underscore' ], exports : 'Backbone' },
        'buttons'               : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'cards'                 : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'charCounter'           : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'datetimepicker'        : { deps : [ 'jquery', 'moment' ], exports : 'jQuery' },
        'ddupload'              : { deps : [ 'jquery', 'underscore' ], exports : 'jQuery' },
        'dropdown'              : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'forms'                 : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'global'                : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'hammerjs'              : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'jquery.dotdotdot'      : { deps : [ 'jquery' ], exports : 'jQuery' },
        'jquery.hammer'         : { deps : [ 'jquery' ], exports : 'jQuery' },
        'jquery.ui'             : { deps : [ 'jquery' ], exports : 'jQuery' },
        'leanModal'             : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'materialize'           : { deps : [ 'animation', 'cards', 'charCounter', 'dropdown', 'forms', 'global', 'hammerjs', 'jquery', 'leanModal', 'materialBox', 'parallax', 'pushPin', 'scrollFire', 'scrollSpy', 'sideNav', 'slider', 'tabs', 'toasts', 'tooltip', 'transitions', 'waves' ] },
        'materialBox'           : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'parallax'              : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'pictureviewer'         : { deps : [ 'jquery', 'underscore' ], exports : 'jQuery' },
        'pushPin'               : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'resize'                : { deps : [ 'canvasblob', 'jquery', 'underscore' ], exports : 'jQuery' },
        'scrollFire'            : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'scrollSpy'             : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'sideNav'               : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'slider'                : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'sweetalert'            : { deps : [ 'jquery' ], exports : 'jQuery' },
        'tabs'                  : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'toasts'                : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'tooltip'               : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'transitions'           : { deps : [ 'jquery' ] },
        'typeahead'             : { deps : [ 'jquery' ], exports : 'jQuery' },

        'animation'             : '../bower_components/materialize/js/animation',
        'async'                 : '../bower_components/requirejs-plugins/src/async',

        'backbone'              : '../bower_components/backbone-amd/backbone',      
        'backbone.babysitter'   : '../bower_components/backbone.babysitter/lib/amd/backbone.babysitter',
        'backbone.marionette'   : '../bower_components/backbone.marionette/lib/core/amd/backbone.marionette',
        'backbone.wreqr'        : '../bower_components/backbone.wreqr/lib/amd/backbone.wreqr',
        'buttons'               : '../bower_components/materialize/js/buttons',

        'canvasblob'            : 'vendor/canvastoblob',
        'cards'                 : '../bower_components/materialize/js/cards',
        'charCounter'           : '../bower_components/materialize/js/character_counter',

        'datetimepicker'        : '../bower_components/bootstrap-material-datetimepicker/js/bootstrap-material-datetimepicker',
        'ddupload'              : 'vendor/ddupload',
        'dropdown'              : '../bower_components/materialize/js/dropdown',

        'forms'                 : '../bower_components/materialize/js/forms',

        'global'                : '../bower_components/materialize/js/global',

        'hammerjs'              : '../bower_components/materialize/js/hammer.min',

        'jquery'                : '../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min',
        'jquery.dotdotdot'      : '../bower_components/jquery.dotdotdot/src/js/jquery.dotdotdot.min',
        'jquery.hammer'         : '../bower_components/materialize/js/jquery.hammer',
        'jquery.ui'             : '../bower_components/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min',    

        'leanModal'             : '../bower_components/materialize/js/leanModal',

        'materialize'           : '../bower_components/materialize/bin/materialize',
        'materialBox'           : '../bower_components/materialize/js/materialbox',
        'modernizr'             : '../bower_components/modernizr/modernizr',
        'moment'                : '../bower_components/moment/min/moment-with-locales.min',
        'moment.timezone'       : '../bower_components/moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data.min',

        'parallax'              : '../bower_components/materialize/js/parallax',
        'pictureviewer'         : 'vendor/pictureviewer',
        'pushPin'               : '../bower_components/materialize/js/pushpin',

        'resize'                : 'vendor/resize',

        'scrollFire'            : '../bower_components/materialize/js/scrollFire',
        'scrollSpy'             : '../bower_components/materialize/js/scrollspy',        
        'sideNav'               : '../bower_components/materialize/js/sideNav',
        'slider'                : '../bower_components/materialize/js/slider',
        'sweetalert'            : '../bower_components/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.min',

        'tabs'                  : '../bower_components/materialize/js/tabs',
        'text'                  : '../bower_components/requirejs-text/text',
        'toasts'                : '../bower_components/materialize/js/toasts',
        'tooltip'               : '../bower_components/materialize/js/tooltip',
        'transitions'           : '../bower_components/materialize/js/transitions',
        'typeahead'             : '../bower_components/typeahead.js/dist/typeahead.bundle',

        'underscore'            : '../bower_components/underscore-amd/underscore',

        'waves'                 : '../bower_components/materialize/js/waves',   

        'tmpl': '../templates',

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

first of all for jquery.hammer it should look like this:

  'jquery.hammer': {
      deps: ['jquery', 'hammerjs', 'waves']

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T00rk commented Aug 4, 2015

Yes sorry I was trying something.

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T00rk commented Aug 4, 2015

Uncaught ReferenceError: Materialize is not defined --> forms.js:5

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

add the global module as a dep. to forms

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T00rk commented Aug 4, 2015

It seems to work. I'll try grunt build

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

ok, tell me what happens

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T00rk commented Aug 4, 2015

same problem 😒

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

the materialize undefined problem ?

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T00rk commented Aug 4, 2015

No Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module:

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

but this error to which file ?

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

did u copy paste anything ?

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

to compile that file u need to use r.js not file concatenation plugins cause that causes problems, if u don't know how to use it here is the code to run it:

cd js
r.js -o 

for the it must have the same shim as the other file, and it has other configs do it on your own check the docs for any other options, here is an example app build file:

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T00rk commented Aug 4, 2015

I think the problem comes from velocity.

Here is the whole error (prettified) (Click to expand)
Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: 
function() {
    return function(e, t, r, a) {
        function n(e) {
            for (var t = -1, r = e ? e.length : 0, a = []; ++t < r;) {
                var n = e[t];
                n && a.push(n)
            return a

        function o(e) {
            return g.isWrapped(e) ? e = [] : g.isNode(e) && (e = [e]), e

        function i(e) {
            var t = $.data(e, "velocity");
            return null === t ? a : t

        function s(e) {
            return function(t) {
                return Math.round(t * e) * (1 / e)

        function l(e, r, a, n) {
            function o(e, t) {
                return 1 - 3 * t + 3 * e

            function i(e, t) {
                return 3 * t - 6 * e

            function s(e) {
                return 3 * e

            function l(e, t, r) {
                return ((o(t, r) * e + i(t, r)) * e + s(t)) * e

            function u(e, t, r) {
                return 3 * o(t, r) * e * e + 2 * i(t, r) * e + s(t)

            function c(t, r) {
                for (var n = 0; m > n; ++n) {
                    var o = u(r, e, a);
                    if (0 === o) return r;
                    var i = l(r, e, a) - t;
                    r -= i / o
                return r

            function p() {
                for (var t = 0; b > t; ++t) w[t] = l(t * x, e, a)

            function f(t, r, n) {
                var o, i, s = 0;
                do i = r + (n - r) / 2, o = l(i, e, a) - t, o > 0 ? n = i : r = i; while (Math.abs(o) > h && ++s < v);
                return i

            function d(t) {
                for (var r = 0, n = 1, o = b - 1; n != o && w[n] <= t; ++n) r += x;
                var i = (t - w[n]) / (w[n + 1] - w[n]),
                    s = r + i * x,
                    l = u(s, e, a);
                return l >= y ? c(t, s) : 0 == l ? s : f(t, r, r + x)

            function g() {
                V = !0, (e != r || a != n) && p()
            var m = 4,
                y = .001,
                h = 1e-7,
                v = 10,
                b = 11,
                x = 1 / (b - 1),
                S = "Float32Array" in t;
            if (4 !== arguments.length) return !1;
            for (var P = 0; 4 > P; ++P)
                if ("number" != typeof arguments[P] || isNaN(arguments[P]) || !isFinite(arguments[P])) return !1;
            e = Math.min(e, 1), a = Math.min(a, 1), e = Math.max(e, 0), a = Math.max(a, 0);
            var w = S ? new Float32Array(b) : new Array(b),
                V = !1,
                C = function(t) {
                    return V || g(), e === r && a === n ? t : 0 === t ? 0 : 1 === t ? 1 : l(d(t), r, n)
            C.getControlPoints = function() {
                return [{
                    x: e,
                    y: r
                }, {
                    x: a,
                    y: n
            var T = "generateBezier(" + [e, r, a, n] + ")";
            return C.toString = function() {
                return T
            }, C

        function u(e, t) {
            var r = e;
            return g.isString(e) ? v.Easings[e] || (r = !1) : r = g.isArray(e) && 1 === e.length ? s.apply(null, e) : g.isArray(e) && 2 === e.length ? b.apply(null, e.concat([t])) : g.isArray(e) && 4 === e.length ? l.apply(null, e) : !1, r === !1 && (r = v.Easings[v.defaults.easing] ? v.defaults.easing : h), r

        function c(e) {
            if (e) {
                var t = (new Date).getTime(),
                    r = v.State.calls.length;
                r > 1e4 && (v.State.calls = n(v.State.calls));
                for (var o = 0; r > o; o++)
                    if (v.State.calls[o]) {
                        var s = v.State.calls[o],
                            l = s[0],
                            u = s[2],
                            f = s[3],
                            d = !!f,
                            m = null;
                        f || (f = v.State.calls[o][3] = t - 16);
                        for (var y = Math.min((t - f) / u.duration, 1), h = 0, b = l.length; b > h; h++) {
                            var S = l[h],
                                w = S.element;
                            if (i(w)) {
                                var V = !1;
                                if (u.display !== a && null !== u.display && "none" !== u.display) {
                                    if ("flex" === u.display) {
                                        var C = ["-webkit-box", "-moz-box", "-ms-flexbox", "-webkit-flex"];
                                        $.each(C, function(e, t) {
                                            x.setPropertyValue(w, "display", t)
                                    x.setPropertyValue(w, "display", u.display)
                                u.visibility !== a && "hidden" !== u.visibility && x.setPropertyValue(w, "visibility", u.visibility);
                                for (var T in S)
                                    if ("element" !== T) {
                                        var k = S[T],
                                            A, F = g.isString(k.easing) ? v.Easings[k.easing] : k.easing;
                                        if (1 === y) A = k.endValue;
                                        else {
                                            var E = k.endValue - k.startValue;
                                            if (A = k.startValue + E * F(y, u, E), !d && A === k.currentValue) continue
                                        if (k.currentValue = A, "tween" === T) m = A;
                                        else {
                                            if (x.Hooks.registered[T]) {
                                                var j = x.Hooks.getRoot(T),
                                                    H = i(w).rootPropertyValueCache[j];
                                                H && (k.rootPropertyValue = H)
                                            var N = x.setPropertyValue(w, T, k.currentValue + (0 === parseFloat(A) ? "" : k.unitType), k.rootPropertyValue, k.scrollData);
                                            x.Hooks.registered[T] && (i(w).rootPropertyValueCache[j] = x.Normalizations.registered[j] ? x.Normalizations.registered[j]("extract", null, N[1]) : N[1]), "transform" === N[0] && (V = !0)
                                u.mobileHA && i(w).transformCache.translate3d === a && (i(w).transformCache.translate3d = "(0px, 0px, 0px)", V = !0), V && x.flushTransformCache(w)
                        u.display !== a && "none" !== u.display && (v.State.calls[o][2].display = !1), u.visibility !== a && "hidden" !== u.visibility && (v.State.calls[o][2].visibility = !1), u.progress &&[1], s[1], y, Math.max(0, f + u.duration - t), f, m), 1 === y && p(o)
            v.State.isTicking && P(c)

        function p(e, t) {
            if (!v.State.calls[e]) return !1;
            for (var r = v.State.calls[e][0], n = v.State.calls[e][1], o = v.State.calls[e][2], s = v.State.calls[e][4], l = !1, u = 0, c = r.length; c > u; u++) {
                var p = r[u].element;
                if (t || o.loop || ("none" === o.display && x.setPropertyValue(p, "display", o.display), "hidden" === o.visibility && x.setPropertyValue(p, "visibility", o.visibility)), o.loop !== !0 && ($.queue(p)[1] === a || !/\.velocityQueueEntryFlag/i.test($.queue(p)[1])) && i(p)) {
                    i(p).isAnimating = !1, i(p).rootPropertyValueCache = {};
                    var f = !1;
                    $.each(x.Lists.transforms3D, function(e, t) {
                        var r = /^scale/.test(t) ? 1 : 0,
                            n = i(p).transformCache[t];
                        i(p).transformCache[t] !== a && new RegExp("^\\(" + r + "[^.]").test(n) && (f = !0, delete i(p).transformCache[t])
                    }), o.mobileHA && (f = !0, delete i(p).transformCache.translate3d), f && x.flushTransformCache(p), x.Values.removeClass(p, "velocity-animating")
                if (!t && o.complete && !o.loop && u === c - 1) try {
          , n)
                } catch (d) {
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        throw d
                    }, 1)
                s && o.loop !== !0 && s(n), i(p) && o.loop === !0 && !t && ($.each(i(p).tweensContainer, function(e, t) {
                    /^rotate/.test(e) && 360 === parseFloat(t.endValue) && (t.endValue = 0, t.startValue = 360), /^backgroundPosition/.test(e) && 100 === parseFloat(t.endValue) && "%" === t.unitType && (t.endValue = 0, t.startValue = 100)
                }), v(p, "reverse", {
                    loop: !0,
                    delay: o.delay
                })), o.queue !== !1 && $.dequeue(p, o.queue)
            v.State.calls[e] = !1;
            for (var g = 0, m = v.State.calls.length; m > g; g++)
                if (v.State.calls[g] !== !1) {
                    l = !0;
            l === !1 && (v.State.isTicking = !1, delete v.State.calls, v.State.calls = [])
        var f = function() {
                if (r.documentMode) return r.documentMode;
                for (var e = 7; e > 4; e--) {
                    var t = r.createElement("div");
                    if (t.innerHTML = "<!--[if IE " + e + "]><span></span><![endif]-->", t.getElementsByTagName("span").length) return t = null, e
                return a
            d = function() {
                var e = 0;
                return t.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || t.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function(t) {
                    var r = (new Date).getTime(),
                    return a = Math.max(0, 16 - (r - e)), e = r + a, setTimeout(function() {
                        t(r + a)
                    }, a)
            g = {
                isString: function(e) {
                    return "string" == typeof e
                isArray: Array.isArray || function(e) {
                    return "[object Array]" ===
                isFunction: function(e) {
                    return "[object Function]" ===
                isNode: function(e) {
                    return e && e.nodeType
                isNodeList: function(e) {
                    return "object" == typeof e && /^\[object (HTMLCollection|NodeList|Object)\]$/.test( && e.length !== a && (0 === e.length || "object" == typeof e[0] && e[0].nodeType > 0)
                isWrapped: function(e) {
                    return e && (e.jquery || t.Zepto && t.Zepto.zepto.isZ(e))
                isSVG: function(e) {
                    return t.SVGElement && e instanceof t.SVGElement
                isEmptyObject: function(e) {
                    for (var t in e) return !1;
                    return !0
            $, m = !1;
        if (e.fn && e.fn.jquery ? ($ = e, m = !0) : $ = t.Velocity.Utilities, 8 >= f && !m) throw new Error("Velocity: IE8 and below require jQuery to be loaded before Velocity.");
        if (7 >= f) return void(jQuery.fn.velocity = jQuery.fn.animate);
        var y = 400,
            h = "swing",
            v = {
                State: {
                    isMobile: /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
                    isAndroid: /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
                    isGingerbread: /Android 2\.3\.[3-7]/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
                    isFirefox: /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
                    prefixElement: r.createElement("div"),
                    prefixMatches: {},
                    scrollAnchor: null,
                    scrollPropertyLeft: null,
                    scrollPropertyTop: null,
                    isTicking: !1,
                    calls: []
                CSS: {},
                Utilities: $,
                Redirects: {},
                Easings: {},
                Promise: t.Promise,
                defaults: {
                    queue: "",
                    duration: y,
                    easing: h,
                    begin: a,
                    complete: a,
                    progress: a,
                    display: a,
                    visibility: a,
                    loop: !1,
                    delay: !1,
                    mobileHA: !0,
                    _cacheValues: !0
                init: function(e) {
                    $.data(e, "velocity", {
                        isSVG: g.isSVG(e),
                        isAnimating: !1,
                        computedStyle: null,
                        tweensContainer: null,
                        rootPropertyValueCache: {},
                        transformCache: {}
                hook: null,
                mock: !1,
                version: {
                    major: 1,
                    minor: 2,
                    patch: 2
                debug: !1
        t.pageYOffset !== a ? (v.State.scrollAnchor = t, v.State.scrollPropertyLeft = "pageXOffset", v.State.scrollPropertyTop = "pageYOffset") : (v.State.scrollAnchor = r.documentElement || r.body.parentNode || r.body, v.State.scrollPropertyLeft = "scrollLeft", v.State.scrollPropertyTop = "scrollTop");
        var b = function() {
            function e(e) {
                return -e.tension * e.x - e.friction * e.v

            function t(t, r, a) {
                var n = {
                    x: t.x + a.dx * r,
                    v: t.v + a.dv * r,
                    tension: t.tension,
                    friction: t.friction
                return {
                    dx: n.v,
                    dv: e(n)

            function r(r, a) {
                var n = {
                        dx: r.v,
                        dv: e(r)
                    o = t(r, .5 * a, n),
                    i = t(r, .5 * a, o),
                    s = t(r, a, i),
                    l = 1 / 6 * (n.dx + 2 * (o.dx + i.dx) + s.dx),
                    u = 1 / 6 * (n.dv + 2 * (o.dv + i.dv) + s.dv);
                return r.x = r.x + l * a, r.v = r.v + u * a, r
            return function a(e, t, n) {
                var o = {
                        x: -1,
                        v: 0,
                        tension: null,
                        friction: null
                    i = [0],
                    s = 0,
                    l = 1e-4,
                    u = .016,
                    c, p, f;
                for (e = parseFloat(e) || 500, t = parseFloat(t) || 20, n = n || null, o.tension = e, o.friction = t, c = null !== n, c ? (s = a(e, t), p = s / n * u) : p = u;;)
                    if (f = r(f || o, p), i.push(1 + f.x), s += 16, !(Math.abs(f.x) > l && Math.abs(f.v) > l)) break;
                return c ? function(e) {
                    return i[e * (i.length - 1) | 0]
                } : s
        v.Easings = {
            linear: function(e) {
                return e
            swing: function(e) {
                return .5 - Math.cos(e * Math.PI) / 2
            spring: function(e) {
                return 1 - Math.cos(4.5 * e * Math.PI) * Math.exp(6 * -e)
        }, $.each([
            ["ease", [.25, .1, .25, 1]],
            ["ease-in", [.42, 0, 1, 1]],
            ["ease-out", [0, 0, .58, 1]],
            ["ease-in-out", [.42, 0, .58, 1]],
            ["easeInSine", [.47, 0, .745, .715]],
            ["easeOutSine", [.39, .575, .565, 1]],
            ["easeInOutSine", [.445, .05, .55, .95]],
            ["easeInQuad", [.55, .085, .68, .53]],
            ["easeOutQuad", [.25, .46, .45, .94]],
            ["easeInOutQuad", [.455, .03, .515, .955]],
            ["easeInCubic", [.55, .055, .675, .19]],
            ["easeOutCubic", [.215, .61, .355, 1]],
            ["easeInOutCubic", [.645, .045, .355, 1]],
            ["easeInQuart", [.895, .03, .685, .22]],
            ["easeOutQuart", [.165, .84, .44, 1]],
            ["easeInOutQuart", [.77, 0, .175, 1]],
            ["easeInQuint", [.755, .05, .855, .06]],
            ["easeOutQuint", [.23, 1, .32, 1]],
            ["easeInOutQuint", [.86, 0, .07, 1]],
            ["easeInExpo", [.95, .05, .795, .035]],
            ["easeOutExpo", [.19, 1, .22, 1]],
            ["easeInOutExpo", [1, 0, 0, 1]],
            ["easeInCirc", [.6, .04, .98, .335]],
            ["easeOutCirc", [.075, .82, .165, 1]],
            ["easeInOutCirc", [.785, .135, .15, .86]]
        ], function(e, t) {
            v.Easings[t[0]] = l.apply(null, t[1])
        var x = v.CSS = {
            RegEx: {
                isHex: /^#([A-f\d]{3}){1,2}$/i,
                valueUnwrap: /^[A-z]+\((.*)\)$/i,
                wrappedValueAlreadyExtracted: /[0-9.]+ [0-9.]+ [0-9.]+( [0-9.]+)?/,
                valueSplit: /([A-z]+\(.+\))|(([A-z0-9#-.]+?)(?=\s|$))/gi
            Lists: {
                colors: ["fill", "stroke", "stopColor", "color", "backgroundColor", "borderColor", "borderTopColor", "borderRightColor", "borderBottomColor", "borderLeftColor", "outlineColor"],
                transformsBase: ["translateX", "translateY", "scale", "scaleX", "scaleY", "skewX", "skewY", "rotateZ"],
                transforms3D: ["transformPerspective", "translateZ", "scaleZ", "rotateX", "rotateY"]
            Hooks: {
                templates: {
                    textShadow: ["Color X Y Blur", "black 0px 0px 0px"],
                    boxShadow: ["Color X Y Blur Spread", "black 0px 0px 0px 0px"],
                    clip: ["Top Right Bottom Left", "0px 0px 0px 0px"],
                    backgroundPosition: ["X Y", "0% 0%"],
                    transformOrigin: ["X Y Z", "50% 50% 0px"],
                    perspectiveOrigin: ["X Y", "50% 50%"]
                registered: {},
                register: function() {
                    for (var e = 0; e < x.Lists.colors.length; e++) {
                        var t = "color" === x.Lists.colors[e] ? "0 0 0 1" : "255 255 255 1";
                        x.Hooks.templates[x.Lists.colors[e]] = ["Red Green Blue Alpha", t]
                    var r, a, n;
                    if (f)
                        for (r in x.Hooks.templates) {
                            a = x.Hooks.templates[r], n = a[0].split(" ");
                            var o = a[1].match(x.RegEx.valueSplit);
                            "Color" === n[0] && (n.push(n.shift()), o.push(o.shift()), x.Hooks.templates[r] = [n.join(" "), o.join(" ")])
                    for (r in x.Hooks.templates) {
                        a = x.Hooks.templates[r], n = a[0].split(" ");
                        for (var e in n) {
                            var i = r + n[e],
                                s = e;
                            x.Hooks.registered[i] = [r, s]
                getRoot: function(e) {
                    var t = x.Hooks.registered[e];
                    return t ? t[0] : e
                cleanRootPropertyValue: function(e, t) {
                    return x.RegEx.valueUnwrap.test(t) && (t = t.match(x.RegEx.valueUnwrap)[1]), x.Values.isCSSNullValue(t) && (t = x.Hooks.templates[e][1]), t
                extractValue: function(e, t) {
                    var r = x.Hooks.registered[e];
                    if (r) {
                        var a = r[0],
                            n = r[1];
                        return t = x.Hooks.cleanRootPropertyValue(a, t), t.toString().match(x.RegEx.valueSplit)[n]
                    return t
                injectValue: function(e, t, r) {
                    var a = x.Hooks.registered[e];
                    if (a) {
                        var n = a[0],
                            o = a[1],
                            i, s;
                        return r = x.Hooks.cleanRootPropertyValue(n, r), i = r.toString().match(x.RegEx.valueSplit), i[o] = t, s = i.join(" ")
                    return r
            Normalizations: {
                registered: {
                    clip: function(e, t, r) {
                        switch (e) {
                            case "name":
                                return "clip";
                            case "extract":
                                var a;
                                return x.RegEx.wrappedValueAlreadyExtracted.test(r) ? a = r : (a = r.toString().match(x.RegEx.valueUnwrap), a = a ? a[1].replace(/,(\s+)?/g, " ") : r), a;
                            case "inject":
                                return "rect(" + r + ")"
                    blur: function(e, t, r) {
                        switch (e) {
                            case "name":
                                return v.State.isFirefox ? "filter" : "-webkit-filter";
                            case "extract":
                                var a = parseFloat(r);
                                if (!a && 0 !== a) {
                                    var n = r.toString().match(/blur\(([0-9]+[A-z]+)\)/i);
                                    a = n ? n[1] : 0
                                return a;
                            case "inject":
                                return parseFloat(r) ? "blur(" + r + ")" : "none"
                    opacity: function(e, t, r) {
                        if (8 >= f) switch (e) {
                            case "name":
                                return "filter";
                            case "extract":
                                var a = r.toString().match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i);
                                return r = a ? a[1] / 100 : 1;
                            case "inject":
                                return = 1, parseFloat(r) >= 1 ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + parseInt(100 * parseFloat(r), 10) + ")"
                        } else switch (e) {
                            case "name":
                                return "opacity";
                            case "extract":
                                return r;
                            case "inject":
                                return r
                register: function() {
                    9 >= f || v.State.isGingerbread || (x.Lists.transformsBase = x.Lists.transformsBase.concat(x.Lists.transforms3D));
                    for (var e = 0; e < x.Lists.transformsBase.length; e++) ! function() {
                        var t = x.Lists.transformsBase[e];
                        x.Normalizations.registered[t] = function(e, r, n) {
                            switch (e) {
                                case "name":
                                    return "transform";
                                case "extract":
                                    return i(r) === a || i(r).transformCache[t] === a ? /^scale/i.test(t) ? 1 : 0 : i(r).transformCache[t].replace(/[()]/g, "");
                                case "inject":
                                    var o = !1;
                                    switch (t.substr(0, t.length - 1)) {
                                        case "translate":
                                            o = !/(%|px|em|rem|vw|vh|\d)$/i.test(n);
                                        case "scal":
                                        case "scale":
                                            v.State.isAndroid && i(r).transformCache[t] === a && 1 > n && (n = 1), o = !/(\d)$/i.test(n);
                                        case "skew":
                                            o = !/(deg|\d)$/i.test(n);
                                        case "rotate":
                                            o = !/(deg|\d)$/i.test(n)
                                    return o || (i(r).transformCache[t] = "(" + n + ")"), i(r).transformCache[t]
                    for (var e = 0; e < x.Lists.colors.length; e++) ! function() {
                        var t = x.Lists.colors[e];
                        x.Normalizations.registered[t] = function(e, r, n) {
                            switch (e) {
                                case "name":
                                    return t;
                                case "extract":
                                    var o;
                                    if (x.RegEx.wrappedValueAlreadyExtracted.test(n)) o = n;
                                    else {
                                        var i, s = {
                                            black: "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
                                            blue: "rgb(0, 0, 255)",
                                            gray: "rgb(128, 128, 128)",
                                            green: "rgb(0, 128, 0)",
                                            red: "rgb(255, 0, 0)",
                                            white: "rgb(255, 255, 255)"
                                        /^[A-z]+$/i.test(n) ? i = s[n] !== a ? s[n] : : x.RegEx.isHex.test(n) ? i = "rgb(" + x.Values.hexToRgb(n).join(" ") + ")" : /^rgba?\(/i.test(n) || (i =, o = (i || n).toString().match(x.RegEx.valueUnwrap)[1].replace(/,(\s+)?/g, " ")
                                    return 8 >= f || 3 !== o.split(" ").length || (o += " 1"), o;
                                case "inject":
                                    return 8 >= f ? 4 === n.split(" ").length && (n = n.split(/\s+/).slice(0, 3).join(" ")) : 3 === n.split(" ").length && (n += " 1"), (8 >= f ? "rgb" : "rgba") + "(" + n.replace(/\s+/g, ",").replace(/\.(\d)+(?=,)/g, "") + ")"
            Names: {
                camelCase: function(e) {
                    return e.replace(/-(\w)/g, function(e, t) {
                        return t.toUpperCase()
                SVGAttribute: function(e) {
                    var t = "width|height|x|y|cx|cy|r|rx|ry|x1|x2|y1|y2";
                    return (f || v.State.isAndroid && !v.State.isChrome) && (t += "|transform"), new RegExp("^(" + t + ")$", "i").test(e)
                prefixCheck: function(e) {
                    if (v.State.prefixMatches[e]) return [v.State.prefixMatches[e], !0];
                    for (var t = ["", "Webkit", "Moz", "ms", "O"], r = 0, a = t.length; a > r; r++) {
                        var n;
                        if (n = 0 === r ? e : t[r] + e.replace(/^\w/, function(e) {
                                return e.toUpperCase()
                            }), g.isString([n])) return v.State.prefixMatches[e] = n, [n, !0]
                    return [e, !1]
            Values: {
                hexToRgb: function(e) {
                    var t = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i,
                        r = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i,
                    return e = e.replace(t, function(e, t, r, a) {
                        return t + t + r + r + a + a
                    }), a = r.exec(e), a ? [parseInt(a[1], 16), parseInt(a[2], 16), parseInt(a[3], 16)] : [0, 0, 0]
                isCSSNullValue: function(e) {
                    return 0 == e || /^(none|auto|transparent|(rgba\(0, ?0, ?0, ?0\)))$/i.test(e)
                getUnitType: function(e) {
                    return /^(rotate|skew)/i.test(e) ? "deg" : /(^(scale|scaleX|scaleY|scaleZ|alpha|flexGrow|flexHeight|zIndex|fontWeight)$)|((opacity|red|green|blue|alpha)$)/i.test(e) ? "" : "px"
                getDisplayType: function(e) {
                    var t = e && e.tagName.toString().toLowerCase();
                    return /^(b|big|i|small|tt|abbr|acronym|cite|code|dfn|em|kbd|strong|samp|var|a|bdo|br|img|map|object|q|script|span|sub|sup|button|input|label|select|textarea)$/i.test(t) ? "inline" : /^(li)$/i.test(t) ? "list-item" : /^(tr)$/i.test(t) ? "table-row" : /^(table)$/i.test(t) ? "table" : /^(tbody)$/i.test(t) ? "table-row-group" : "block"
                addClass: function(e, t) {
                    e.classList ? e.classList.add(t) : e.className += (e.className.length ? " " : "") + t
                removeClass: function(e, t) {
                    e.classList ? e.classList.remove(t) : e.className = e.className.toString().replace(new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + t.split(" ").join("|") + "(\\s|$)", "gi"), " ")
            getPropertyValue: function(e, r, n, o) {
                function s(e, r) {
                    function n() {
                        u && x.setPropertyValue(e, "display", "none")
                    var l = 0;
                    if (8 >= f) l = $.css(e, r);
                    else {
                        var u = !1;
                        if (/^(width|height)$/.test(r) && 0 === x.getPropertyValue(e, "display") && (u = !0, x.setPropertyValue(e, "display", x.Values.getDisplayType(e))), !o) {
                            if ("height" === r && "border-box" !== x.getPropertyValue(e, "boxSizing").toString().toLowerCase()) {
                                var c = e.offsetHeight - (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(e, "borderTopWidth")) || 0) - (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(e, "borderBottomWidth")) || 0) - (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(e, "paddingTop")) || 0) - (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(e, "paddingBottom")) || 0);
                                return n(), c
                            if ("width" === r && "border-box" !== x.getPropertyValue(e, "boxSizing").toString().toLowerCase()) {
                                var p = e.offsetWidth - (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(e, "borderLeftWidth")) || 0) - (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(e, "borderRightWidth")) || 0) - (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(e, "paddingLeft")) || 0) - (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(e, "paddingRight")) || 0);
                                return n(), p
                        var d;
                        d = i(e) === a ? t.getComputedStyle(e, null) : i(e).computedStyle ? i(e).computedStyle : i(e).computedStyle = t.getComputedStyle(e, null), "borderColor" === r && (r = "borderTopColor"), l = 9 === f && "filter" === r ? d.getPropertyValue(r) : d[r], ("" === l || null === l) && (l =[r]), n()
                    if ("auto" === l && /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/i.test(r)) {
                        var g = s(e, "position");
                        ("fixed" === g || "absolute" === g && /top|left/i.test(r)) && (l = $(e).position()[r] + "px")
                    return l
                var l;
                if (x.Hooks.registered[r]) {
                    var u = r,
                        c = x.Hooks.getRoot(u);
                    n === a && (n = x.getPropertyValue(e, x.Names.prefixCheck(c)[0])), x.Normalizations.registered[c] && (n = x.Normalizations.registered[c]("extract", e, n)), l = x.Hooks.extractValue(u, n)
                } else if (x.Normalizations.registered[r]) {
                    var p, d;
                    p = x.Normalizations.registered[r]("name", e), "transform" !== p && (d = s(e, x.Names.prefixCheck(p)[0]), x.Values.isCSSNullValue(d) && x.Hooks.templates[r] && (d = x.Hooks.templates[r][1])), l = x.Normalizations.registered[r]("extract", e, d)
                if (!/^[\d-]/.test(l))
                    if (i(e) && i(e).isSVG && x.Names.SVGAttribute(r))
                        if (/^(height|width)$/i.test(r)) try {
                            l = e.getBBox()[r]
                        } catch (g) {
                            l = 0
                        } else l = e.getAttribute(r);
                        else l = s(e, x.Names.prefixCheck(r)[0]);
                return x.Values.isCSSNullValue(l) && (l = 0), v.debug >= 2 && console.log("Get " + r + ": " + l), l
            setPropertyValue: function(e, r, a, n, o) {
                var s = r;
                if ("scroll" === r) o.container ? o.container["scroll" + o.direction] = a : "Left" === o.direction ? t.scrollTo(a, o.alternateValue) : t.scrollTo(o.alternateValue, a);
                else if (x.Normalizations.registered[r] && "transform" === x.Normalizations.registered[r]("name", e)) x.Normalizations.registered[r]("inject", e, a), s = "transform", a = i(e).transformCache[r];
                else {
                    if (x.Hooks.registered[r]) {
                        var l = r,
                            u = x.Hooks.getRoot(r);
                        n = n || x.getPropertyValue(e, u), a = x.Hooks.injectValue(l, a, n), r = u
                    if (x.Normalizations.registered[r] && (a = x.Normalizations.registered[r]("inject", e, a), r = x.Normalizations.registered[r]("name", e)), s = x.Names.prefixCheck(r)[0], 8 >= f) try {
              [s] = a
                    } catch (c) {
                        v.debug && console.log("Browser does not support [" + a + "] for [" + s + "]")
                    } else i(e) && i(e).isSVG && x.Names.SVGAttribute(r) ? e.setAttribute(r, a) :[s] = a;
                    v.debug >= 2 && console.log("Set " + r + " (" + s + "): " + a)
                return [s, a]
            flushTransformCache: function(e) {
                function t(t) {
                    return parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(e, t))
                var r = "";
                if ((f || v.State.isAndroid && !v.State.isChrome) && i(e).isSVG) {
                    var a = {
                        translate: [t("translateX"), t("translateY")],
                        skewX: [t("skewX")],
                        skewY: [t("skewY")],
                        scale: 1 !== t("scale") ? [t("scale"), t("scale")] : [t("scaleX"), t("scaleY")],
                        rotate: [t("rotateZ"), 0, 0]
                    $.each(i(e).transformCache, function(e) {
                        /^translate/i.test(e) ? e = "translate" : /^scale/i.test(e) ? e = "scale" : /^rotate/i.test(e) && (e = "rotate"), a[e] && (r += e + "(" + a[e].join(" ") + ") ", delete a[e])
                } else {
                    var n, o;
                    $.each(i(e).transformCache, function(t) {
                        return n = i(e).transformCache[t], "transformPerspective" === t ? (o = n, !0) : (9 === f && "rotateZ" === t && (t = "rotate"), void(r += t + n + " "))
                    }), o && (r = "perspective" + o + " " + r)
                x.setPropertyValue(e, "transform", r)
        x.Hooks.register(), x.Normalizations.register(), v.hook = function(e, t, r) {
            var n = a;
            return e = o(e), $.each(e, function(e, o) {
                if (i(o) === a && v.init(o), r === a) n === a && (n = v.CSS.getPropertyValue(o, t));
                else {
                    var s = v.CSS.setPropertyValue(o, t, r);
                    "transform" === s[0] && v.CSS.flushTransformCache(o), n = s
            }), n
        var S = function() {
            function e() {
                return l ? T.promise || null : f

            function n() {
                function e(e) {
                    function p(e, t) {
                        var r = a,
                            i = a,
                            s = a;
                        return g.isArray(e) ? (r = e[0], !g.isArray(e[1]) && /^[\d-]/.test(e[1]) || g.isFunction(e[1]) || x.RegEx.isHex.test(e[1]) ? s = e[1] : (g.isString(e[1]) && !x.RegEx.isHex.test(e[1]) || g.isArray(e[1])) && (i = t ? e[1] : u(e[1], o.duration), e[2] !== a && (s = e[2]))) : r = e, t || (i = i || o.easing), g.isFunction(r) && (r =, w, P)), g.isFunction(s) && (s =, w, P)), [r || 0, i, s]

                    function f(e, t) {
                        var r, a;
                        return a = (t || "0").toString().toLowerCase().replace(/[%A-z]+$/, function(e) {
                            return r = e, ""
                        }), r || (r = x.Values.getUnitType(e)), [a, r]

                    function d() {
                        var e = {
                                myParent: n.parentNode || r.body,
                                position: x.getPropertyValue(n, "position"),
                                fontSize: x.getPropertyValue(n, "fontSize")
                            a = e.position === N.lastPosition && e.myParent === N.lastParent,
                            o = e.fontSize === N.lastFontSize;
                        N.lastParent = e.myParent, N.lastPosition = e.position, N.lastFontSize = e.fontSize;
                        var s = 100,
                            l = {};
                        if (o && a) l.emToPx = N.lastEmToPx, l.percentToPxWidth = N.lastPercentToPxWidth, l.percentToPxHeight = N.lastPercentToPxHeight;
                        else {
                            var u = i(n).isSVG ? r.createElementNS("", "rect") : r.createElement("div");
                            v.init(u), e.myParent.appendChild(u), $.each(["overflow", "overflowX", "overflowY"], function(e, t) {
                                v.CSS.setPropertyValue(u, t, "hidden")
                            }), v.CSS.setPropertyValue(u, "position", e.position), v.CSS.setPropertyValue(u, "fontSize", e.fontSize), v.CSS.setPropertyValue(u, "boxSizing", "content-box"), $.each(["minWidth", "maxWidth", "width", "minHeight", "maxHeight", "height"], function(e, t) {
                                v.CSS.setPropertyValue(u, t, s + "%")
                            }), v.CSS.setPropertyValue(u, "paddingLeft", s + "em"), l.percentToPxWidth = N.lastPercentToPxWidth = (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(u, "width", null, !0)) || 1) / s, l.percentToPxHeight = N.lastPercentToPxHeight = (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(u, "height", null, !0)) || 1) / s, l.emToPx = N.lastEmToPx = (parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(u, "paddingLeft")) || 1) / s, e.myParent.removeChild(u)
                        return null === N.remToPx && (N.remToPx = parseFloat(x.getPropertyValue(r.body, "fontSize")) || 16), null === N.vwToPx && (N.vwToPx = parseFloat(t.innerWidth) / 100, N.vhToPx = parseFloat(t.innerHeight) / 100), l.remToPx = N.remToPx, l.vwToPx = N.vwToPx, l.vhToPx = N.vhToPx, v.debug >= 1 && console.log("Unit ratios: " + JSON.stringify(l), n), l
                    if (o.begin && 0 === w) try {
              , m)
                    } catch (y) {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                            throw y
                        }, 1)
                    if ("scroll" === k) {
                        var S = /^x$/i.test(o.axis) ? "Left" : "Top",
                            V = parseFloat(o.offset) || 0,
                            C, A, F;
                        o.container ? g.isWrapped(o.container) || g.isNode(o.container) ? (o.container = o.container[0] || o.container, C = o.container["scroll" + S], F = C + $(n).position()[S.toLowerCase()] + V) : o.container = null : (C = v.State.scrollAnchor[v.State["scrollProperty" + S]], A = v.State.scrollAnchor[v.State["scrollProperty" + ("Left" === S ? "Top" : "Left")]], F = $(n).offset()[S.toLowerCase()] + V), s = {
                            scroll: {
                                rootPropertyValue: !1,
                                startValue: C,
                                currentValue: C,
                                endValue: F,
                                unitType: "",
                                easing: o.easing,
                                scrollData: {
                                    container: o.container,
                                    direction: S,
                                    alternateValue: A
                            element: n
                        }, v.debug && console.log("tweensContainer (scroll): ", s.scroll, n)
                    } else if ("reverse" === k) {
                        if (!i(n).tweensContainer) return void $.dequeue(n, o.queue);
                        "none" === i(n).opts.display && (i(n).opts.display = "auto"), "hidden" === i(n).opts.visibility && (i(n).opts.visibility = "visible"), i(n).opts.loop = !1, i(n).opts.begin = null, i(n).opts.complete = null, b.easing || delete o.easing, b.duration || delete o.duration, o = $.extend({}, i(n).opts, o);
                        var E = $.extend(!0, {}, i(n).tweensContainer);
                        for (var j in E)
                            if ("element" !== j) {
                                var H = E[j].startValue;
                                E[j].startValue = E[j].currentValue = E[j].endValue, E[j].endValue = H, g.isEmptyObject(b) || (E[j].easing = o.easing), v.debug && console.log("reverse tweensContainer (" + j + "): " + JSON.stringify(E[j]), n)
                        s = E
                    } else if ("start" === k) {
                        var E;
                        i(n).tweensContainer && i(n).isAnimating === !0 && (E = i(n).tweensContainer), $.each(h, function(e, t) {
                            if (RegExp("^" + x.Lists.colors.join("$|^") + "$").test(e)) {
                                var r = p(t, !0),
                                    n = r[0],
                                    o = r[1],
                                    i = r[2];
                                if (x.RegEx.isHex.test(n)) {
                                    for (var s = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"], l = x.Values.hexToRgb(n), u = i ? x.Values.hexToRgb(i) : a, c = 0; c < s.length; c++) {
                                        var f = [l[c]];
                                        o && f.push(o), u !== a && f.push(u[c]), h[e + s[c]] = f
                                    delete h[e]
                        for (var R in h) {
                            var O = p(h[R]),
                                z = O[0],
                                q = O[1],
                                M = O[2];
                            R = x.Names.camelCase(R);
                            var I = x.Hooks.getRoot(R),
                                B = !1;
                            if (i(n).isSVG || "tween" === I || x.Names.prefixCheck(I)[1] !== !1 || x.Normalizations.registered[I] !== a) {
                                (o.display !== a && null !== o.display && "none" !== o.display || o.visibility !== a && "hidden" !== o.visibility) && /opacity|filter/.test(R) && !M && 0 !== z && (M = 0), o._cacheValues && E && E[R] ? (M === a && (M = E[R].endValue + E[R].unitType), B = i(n).rootPropertyValueCache[I]) : x.Hooks.registered[R] ? M === a ? (B = x.getPropertyValue(n, I), M = x.getPropertyValue(n, R, B)) : B = x.Hooks.templates[I][1] : M === a && (M = x.getPropertyValue(n, R));
                                var W, G, D, X = !1;
                                if (W = f(R, M), M = W[0], D = W[1], W = f(R, z), z = W[0].replace(/^([+-\/*])=/, function(e, t) {
                                        return X = t, ""
                                    }), G = W[1], M = parseFloat(M) || 0, z = parseFloat(z) || 0, "%" === G && (/^(fontSize|lineHeight)$/.test(R) ? (z /= 100, G = "em") : /^scale/.test(R) ? (z /= 100, G = "") : /(Red|Green|Blue)$/i.test(R) && (z = z / 100 * 255, G = "")), /[\/*]/.test(X)) G = D;
                                else if (D !== G && 0 !== M)
                                    if (0 === z) G = D;
                                    else {
                                        l = l || d();
                                        var Y = /margin|padding|left|right|width|text|word|letter/i.test(R) || /X$/.test(R) || "x" === R ? "x" : "y";
                                        switch (D) {
                                            case "%":
                                                M *= "x" === Y ? l.percentToPxWidth : l.percentToPxHeight;
                                            case "px":
                                                M *= l[D + "ToPx"]
                                        switch (G) {
                                            case "%":
                                                M *= 1 / ("x" === Y ? l.percentToPxWidth : l.percentToPxHeight);
                                            case "px":
                                                M *= 1 / l[G + "ToPx"]
                                switch (X) {
                                    case "+":
                                        z = M + z;
                                    case "-":
                                        z = M - z;
                                    case "*":
                                        z = M * z;
                                    case "/":
                                        z = M / z
                                s[R] = {
                                    rootPropertyValue: B,
                                    startValue: M,
                                    currentValue: M,
                                    endValue: z,
                                    unitType: G,
                                    easing: q
                                }, v.debug && console.log("tweensContainer (" + R + "): " + JSON.stringify(s[R]), n)
                            } else v.debug && console.log("Skipping [" + I + "] due to a lack of browser support.")
                        s.element = n
                    s.element && (x.Values.addClass(n, "velocity-animating"), L.push(s), "" === o.queue && (i(n).tweensContainer = s, i(n).opts = o), i(n).isAnimating = !0, w === P - 1 ? (v.State.calls.push([L, m, o, null, T.resolver]), v.State.isTicking === !1 && (v.State.isTicking = !0, c())) : w++)
                var n = this,
                    o = $.extend({}, v.defaults, b),
                    s = {},
                switch (i(n) === a && v.init(n), parseFloat(o.delay) && o.queue !== !1 && $.queue(n, o.queue, function(e) {
                    v.velocityQueueEntryFlag = !0, i(n).delayTimer = {
                        setTimeout: setTimeout(e, parseFloat(o.delay)),
                        next: e
                }), o.duration.toString().toLowerCase()) {
                    case "fast":
                        o.duration = 200;
                    case "normal":
                        o.duration = y;
                    case "slow":
                        o.duration = 600;
                        o.duration = parseFloat(o.duration) || 1
                v.mock !== !1 && (v.mock === !0 ? o.duration = o.delay = 1 : (o.duration *= parseFloat(v.mock) || 1, o.delay *= parseFloat(v.mock) || 1)), o.easing = u(o.easing, o.duration), o.begin && !g.isFunction(o.begin) && (o.begin = null), o.progress && !g.isFunction(o.progress) && (o.progress = null), o.complete && !g.isFunction(o.complete) && (o.complete = null), o.display !== a && null !== o.display && (o.display = o.display.toString().toLowerCase(), "auto" === o.display && (o.display = v.CSS.Values.getDisplayType(n))), o.visibility !== a && null !== o.visibility && (o.visibility = o.visibility.toString().toLowerCase()), o.mobileHA = o.mobileHA && v.State.isMobile && !v.State.isGingerbread, o.queue === !1 ? o.delay ? setTimeout(e, o.delay) : e() : $.queue(n, o.queue, function(t, r) {
                    return r === !0 ? (T.promise && T.resolver(m), !0) : (v.velocityQueueEntryFlag = !0, void e(t))
                }), "" !== o.queue && "fx" !== o.queue || "inprogress" === $.queue(n)[0] || $.dequeue(n)
            var s = arguments[0] && (arguments[0].p || $.isPlainObject(arguments[0].properties) && !arguments[0].properties.names || g.isString(arguments[0].properties)),
                l, f, d, m, h, b;
            if (g.isWrapped(this) ? (l = !1, d = 0, m = this, f = this) : (l = !0, d = 1, m = s ? arguments[0].elements || arguments[0].e : arguments[0]), m = o(m)) {
                s ? (h = arguments[0].properties || arguments[0].p, b = arguments[0].options || arguments[0].o) : (h = arguments[d], b = arguments[d + 1]);
                var P = m.length,
                    w = 0;
                if (!/^(stop|finish)$/i.test(h) && !$.isPlainObject(b)) {
                    var V = d + 1;
                    b = {};
                    for (var C = V; C < arguments.length; C++) g.isArray(arguments[C]) || !/^(fast|normal|slow)$/i.test(arguments[C]) && !/^\d/.test(arguments[C]) ? g.isString(arguments[C]) || g.isArray(arguments[C]) ? b.easing = arguments[C] : g.isFunction(arguments[C]) && (b.complete = arguments[C]) : b.duration = arguments[C]
                var T = {
                    promise: null,
                    resolver: null,
                    rejecter: null
                l && v.Promise && (T.promise = new v.Promise(function(e, t) {
                    T.resolver = e, T.rejecter = t
                var k;
                switch (h) {
                    case "scroll":
                        k = "scroll";
                    case "reverse":
                        k = "reverse";
                    case "finish":
                    case "stop":
                        $.each(m, function(e, t) {
                            i(t) && i(t).delayTimer && (clearTimeout(i(t).delayTimer.setTimeout), i(t) && i(t), delete i(t).delayTimer)
                        var A = [];
                        return $.each(v.State.calls, function(e, t) {
                            t && $.each(t[1], function(r, n) {
                                var o = b === a ? "" : b;
                                return o === !0 || t[2].queue === o || b === a && t[2].queue === !1 ? void $.each(m, function(r, a) {
                                    a === n && ((b === !0 || g.isString(b)) && ($.each($.queue(a, g.isString(b) ? b : ""), function(e, t) {
                                        g.isFunction(t) && t(null, !0)
                                    }), $.queue(a, g.isString(b) ? b : "", [])), "stop" === h ? (i(a) && i(a).tweensContainer && o !== !1 && $.each(i(a).tweensContainer, function(e, t) {
                                        t.endValue = t.currentValue
                                    }), A.push(e)) : "finish" === h && (t[2].duration = 1))
                                }) : !0
                        }), "stop" === h && ($.each(A, function(e, t) {
                            p(t, !0)
                        }), T.promise && T.resolver(m)), e();
                        if (!$.isPlainObject(h) || g.isEmptyObject(h)) {
                            if (g.isString(h) && v.Redirects[h]) {
                                var F = $.extend({}, b),
                                    E = F.duration,
                                    j = F.delay || 0;
                                return F.backwards === !0 && (m = $.extend(!0, [], m).reverse()), $.each(m, function(e, t) {
                                    parseFloat(F.stagger) ? F.delay = j + parseFloat(F.stagger) * e : g.isFunction(F.stagger) && (F.delay = j +, e, P)), F.drag && (F.duration = parseFloat(E) || (/^(callout|transition)/.test(h) ? 1e3 : y), F.duration = Math.max(F.duration * (F.backwards ? 1 - e / P : (e + 1) / P), .75 * F.duration, 200)), v.Redirects[h].call(t, t, F || {}, e, P, m, T.promise ? T : a)
                                }), e()
                            var H = "Velocity: First argument (" + h + ") was not a property map, a known action, or a registered redirect. Aborting.";
                            return T.promise ? T.rejecter(new Error(H)) : console.log(H), e()
                        k = "start"
                var N = {
                        lastParent: null,
                        lastPosition: null,
                        lastFontSize: null,
                        lastPercentToPxWidth: null,
                        lastPercentToPxHeight: null,
                        lastEmToPx: null,
                        remToPx: null,
                        vwToPx: null,
                        vhToPx: null
                    L = [];
                $.each(m, function(e, t) {
                    g.isNode(t) &&
                var F = $.extend({}, v.defaults, b),
                if (F.loop = parseInt(F.loop), R = 2 * F.loop - 1, F.loop)
                    for (var O = 0; R > O; O++) {
                        var z = {
                            delay: F.delay,
                            progress: F.progress
                        O === R - 1 && (z.display = F.display, z.visibility = F.visibility, z.complete = F.complete), S(m, "reverse", z)
                return e()
        v = $.extend(S, v), v.animate = S;
        var P = t.requestAnimationFrame || d;
        return v.State.isMobile || r.hidden === a || r.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() {
            r.hidden ? (P = function(e) {
                return setTimeout(function() {
                }, 16)
            }, c()) : P = t.requestAnimationFrame || d
        }), e.Velocity = v, e !== t && (e.fn.velocity = S, e.fn.velocity.defaults = v.defaults), $.each(["Down", "Up"], function(e, t) {
            v.Redirects["slide" + t] = function(e, r, n, o, i, s) {
                var l = $.extend({}, r),
                    u = l.begin,
                    c = l.complete,
                    p = {
                        height: "",
                        marginTop: "",
                        marginBottom: "",
                        paddingTop: "",
                        paddingBottom: ""
                    f = {};
                l.display === a && (l.display = "Down" === t ? "inline" === v.CSS.Values.getDisplayType(e) ? "inline-block" : "block" : "none"), l.begin = function() {
                    u &&, i);
                    for (var r in p) {
                        f[r] =[r];
                        var a = v.CSS.getPropertyValue(e, r);
                        p[r] = "Down" === t ? [a, 0] : [0, a]
                    f.overflow =, = "hidden"
                }, l.complete = function() {
                    for (var t in f)[t] = f[t];
                    c &&, i), s && s.resolver(i)
                }, v(e, p, l)
        }), $.each(["In", "Out"], function(e, t) {
            v.Redirects["fade" + t] = function(e, r, n, o, i, s) {
                var l = $.extend({}, r),
                    u = {
                        opacity: "In" === t ? 1 : 0
                    c = l.complete;
                l.complete = n !== o - 1 ? l.begin = null : function() {
                    c &&, i), s && s.resolver(i)
                }, l.display === a && (l.display = "In" === t ? "auto" : "none"), v(this, u, l)
        }), v
    }(window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window, window, document)

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max1011 commented Aug 4, 2015

listen i need all of your code to identify the real problem , i just can't look at some error and tell you what is the reason (most of the times you can), but here it's a little bit more complicated, can u put your code in a repo or just anything i want to see all of your files really to know exactly what are you trying to do, and are u using my repo (Materialize-AMD), give it a try , and try to customize the code that is in there and compile with r.js, at the end u have to figure it out some way!

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fega commented Apr 5, 2017

Closed due inactivity.

@fega fega closed this as completed Apr 5, 2017
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5 participants