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A textobject-oriented vscode keymap. Inspired by vim, kakoune and helix.


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Oomotion Vscode

A textobject-oriented vscode keymap. Inspired by vim, kakoune and helix.



Different from vim, oomotion modes refer to textobject selection & navigation mode. In each mode, your cursor will always select a specific kind of object and all navigations are based on that textobject. For example, in word mode, your cursor always selects a word in your document and you can use hl to navigate the previous/next word. And in line mode, your cursor always selects a line and you can use jk to navigate the previous/next line.

The following is all modes supported by current version of oomotion:

  • character: Select & navigate by a single character each time.
  • word: Select & navigate by a word [\p{L}\p{N}_@$#]+ or consecutive symbols [\p{S}\p{P}\p{M}]+ or a single delimiter [()[]{}<>,;'"] each time. For example, let b_ne = !(a.b != c) contains words let, b_ne, =, !, (, a, ., b !=, c, ).
  • small-word: Similar to word, but select a inner word in camel case or snake case. For example, OoMotion VSCode oomotion_vscode contains smallwords Oo, Motion, VSCode, oomotion, vscode.
  • big-word: Similar to word, but consider symbols [\p{S}\p{P}\p{M}] like !.+- same as letters and numbers. Ignore all delimiters. For example, let b_ne = !(a.b != c) becomes let, b_ne, =, !, a.b !=, c.
  • line: Select & navigate by a single line each time.
  • tree-sitter: Select & navigate by a single tree sitter node each time.
  • line-tree: A line level tree navigator that based on indentation. (experimental)

Each mode has a unique colored box that highlights your textobject selection.

  • character: #999999 grey solid box
  • word: #964d4d red solid box
  • small-word: : #c91010 red dotted box
  • big-word: : #964d4d red dashed box
  • line: : #4d8a96 blue solid box
  • tree-sitter: : #aba246 yellow solid box
  • line-tree: : #aba246 yellow dashed box


Oomotion states is similar to vim's modes. There are three states available:

  • INSERT: Insert text through keyboard.
  • NORMAL: All keyboard inputs are considered commands. Used for navigation and editing.
  • SELECT: All keyboard inputs are considered commands. Select multiple textobjects using navigation keys.

Each state has a unique cursor style as follows.

  • INSERT: Thin line cursor
  • NORMAL: Thick line cursor
  • SELECT: Block cursor

You can also view the current state and mode on vscode's status bar.


Oomotion supports a range of keymaps. You can view & edit most of them on VS Code's Keyboard Shortcuts editor.


  • j k : enter NORMAL mode.

Switch Modes

  • ^: enter character mode.
  • w: enter word mode.
  • w w : enter small-word mode.
  • shift+w : enter big-word mode.
  • x: enter line mode.
  • t: enter tree-sitter mode.
  • shift+t: enter line-tree mode.


Basic Navigation.

  • h: Move left. Select the previous node in tree-sitter, line-tree.
  • l: Move right. Select the next node in tree-sitter, line-tree.
  • j: Move down. Select a child node in tree-sitter, line-tree.
  • k: Move up. Select a parent node in tree-sitter, line-tree.
  • g h: Go to the start of a line.
  • g l: Go to the end of a line.
  • g j: Go to the end of a file.
  • g k: Go to the start of a file.
  • g g: Go to line number.
  • space j : Move cursor down a page.
  • space k : Move cursor up a page.
  • space space : Center the view vertically.

Find by a single character.

  • f <char>: Find the next textobject start with <char>. Can select across multiple line (different from vim). Can also be used in tree-sitter, line-tree.
  • s <char>: Find the previous textobject start with <char>. Can select across multiple line (different from vim). Can also be used in tree-sitter, line-tree.

Find by current textobject selection.

  • n: Go to next occurence of selected textobject.
  • b: Go to previous occurence of selected textobject.

Navigate by easy-motion.

  • e: Enter easy-motion mode.

Repeat and Redo.

  • enter: repeat last navigation command.
  • shift+enter: redo last navigation command.

VS Code command key binding.

  • ; : VS Code Go Back command.
  • shift+; : VS Code Go Forward command.
  • q : VS Code Expand Selection command. Used to expand to the parent ast node. Used for tree-sitter unsupport languages.
  • shift+q : VS Code Shrink Selection command. Used to shrink to the child ast node. Used for tree-sitter unsupport languages.

Add new cursors.

  • shift+h: Add the left textobject as a new cursor. Add the previous named node to selections in tree-sitter mode.
  • shift+l: Add the right textobject as a new cursor. Add the next named node to selections in tree-sitter mode.
  • shift+j: Add the down textobject as a new cursor.
  • shift+k: Add the up textobject as a new cursor.
  • shift+n: Add the next occurence of current textobject as a new cursor.
  • shift+b: Add previous occurence of current textobject as a new cursor.


Enter INSERT modes.

  • i: Insert at left of selection.
  • a: Insert at right of selection.
  • shift+i: Insert at start of line.
  • shift+a: Insert at end of line.
  • o: Insert at a new line below.
  • shift+o: Insert at a new line above.
  • c: Change the current selection. (Delete the selection and insert here)
  • shift+c: Change the current selection with surrounding whitespace characters.

Delete the selection.

  • d : Delete the current selection.
  • shift+d: Delete the current selection with surrounding whitespace characters.

Yank and Paste

  • y: Yank selection.
  • shift+y: Yank line.
  • p: Paste after.
  • shift+p: Paste before.
  • r: Replace.

Undo & Redo

  • u: Undo.
  • shift+u: Redo.

Swap and Duplicate Textobject.

  • alt+h: Swap with the left object.
  • alt+l: Swap with the right object.
  • alt+j: Swap with the down object.
  • alt+k: Swap with the up object.
  • alt+shift+h: Duplicate a object left.
  • alt+shift+l: Duplicate a object right.
  • alt+shift+j: Duplicate a line below.
  • alt+shift+k: Duplicate a line up.

Evaluate CoffeeScript expression.

  • . : Evaluate a coffeescript expression and replace the result with current selection. For example, press . and then fill the input box with $.replace /red/g, 'blue' will replace all red in current selection into blue.
  • # : Evaluate a coffeescript expression and insert the result before current selection.
  • $ : Evaluate a coffeescript expression and insert the result after current selection.
  • m : Run a predefined modifier function on current selection. For example, m camel will convert current words into camel case.

Alignment command.

  • = <char> : Align selected lines based on a character.


  • tab : Indent selected lines.
  • shift+tab: Outdent selected lines.

Language Features

Code Navigation.

  • g d: Reveal definition.
  • g shift+d: Reveal definition aside.
  • g t : Go to type definition.
  • g i: Go to implementation.
  • g r: Go to references.
  • g [: Go to previous marker (error, warnning, etc).
  • g ]: Go to next marker (error, warnning, etc).
  • space b : Open the breadcumbs.
  • space s : Open VS Codes's Go to Symbol in Editor
  • space s : Open VS Codes's Go to Symbol in Workspace
  • space h : Show Definition Preview Hover.

Code Actions.

  • space f : Format the document.
  • space a : Open code Actions.
  • space r : Code Rename.

Window Management

  • [ : Previous Editor.
  • ] : Next Editor.
  • { : Focus Left Group.
  • } : Focus Right Group.
  • space [ : Move Editor to Left Group.
  • space ] : Move Editor to Right Group.
  • space { : New Editor Group to the Left.
  • space } : New Editor Group to the Right.
  • space w : Close Other Editors in Group.
  • space shift+w : Close All Editors in Group. }

Current Status

Current supported tree-sitter grammars: bash, c, cpp, go, html, java, javascript, json, ocaml, python, rust, typescirpt. I can't compile many tree-sitter grammar projects in webassembly.

Most features works well on MacOS. Tell me if some features are different from what you expect. I will rework the project and add those features when I got time. Thank you!


  • 0.0.2 : Optimize Move Up/Down in word mode to make multicursor easier to use. Add a icon and keywords.


A textobject-oriented vscode keymap. Inspired by vim, kakoune and helix.







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