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Grammar railroad diagram #2

mingodad opened this issue Apr 13, 2022 · 1 comment

Grammar railroad diagram #2

mingodad opened this issue Apr 13, 2022 · 1 comment


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Using this online tool to convert the cleaned up Parser.y in an EBNF understood by and adding the tokens manually we can have a nice railroad diagram (

Copy and paste the EBNF shown bellow at on the tab Edit Grammar then click on the tab View Diagram.

/* converted on Wed Apr 13, 2022, 13:18 (UTC+02) by bison-to-w3c v0.57 which is Copyright (c) 2011-2022 by Gunther Rademacher <[email protected]> */

defs     ::= ( procDef | includeProc | importExtern | structDef | bdDef | typeDef | constDef | includeDef | areaDef | areaImportDef )*
areaDef  ::= type const? allocRef
         ::= import header type const? allocIdent
header   ::= ident ( '/' ident )* '.' ident
         ::= include ident
constDef ::= type? ident '=' exp ';'
procDef  ::= type ident '(' args ')' '{' stmts '}' prePostBlk
         ::= import '(' header ',' ident ')' type ident '(' args ')'
         ::= extern header type ident
tyArg    ::= type ident
args     ::= tyArg? ( ',' tyArg? )*
         ::= ( '{' ( prePost ';' )+ '}' )?
prePost  ::= ( pre | post ) '(' exp ')'
ptrIdent ::= '*' ident
arrIdent ::= ident '[' ']'
         ::= ident '{' '}'
         ::= ptrIdent
           | arrIdent
           | structIdent
allocRef ::= alloc ( ptrIdent ( '=' exp )? | arrIdent ( '=' '{' exps '}' )? | structIdent ( '=' structInit )? ) ';'
         ::= ( ( assert | assume | store exp as | assign type? ident '=' ) exp | refCopy ident ident | ivoryMacro | break | return exp? | ident ( expArgs | '<-' ivoryMacro ) ) ';'
           | allocRef
         ::= iMacro ident expArgs?
blkStmt  ::= ( ( mapArr | ( upTo | downFrom ) exp | ( upFromTo | downFromTo ) '(' exp ',' exp ')' ) ident | forever | if exp '{' stmts '}' else ) '{' stmts '}'
stmts    ::= ( simpleStmt | blkStmt )*
expArgs  ::= '(' exps ')'
exps     ::= exp? ( ',' exp? )*
         ::= ivoryMacro
           | '{' fieldAssign? ( ',' fieldAssign? )* '}'
         ::= ident '=' exp
exp      ::= integer
           | str
           | floatlit
           | ident expArgs?
           | return
           | '(' exp ')'
           | ( '*' | '!' | '-' | '~' ) exp
           | exp ( ( '@' | '.' | '->' | '||' | '&&' | '|' | '^' | '&' | '<<' | '>>' | '==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '?' exp ':' ) exp | '[' exp ']' )
           | '&' ident
           | libFuncExp
           | ivoryMacro
         ::= ( abs | signum | expOp | sqrt | log | pow | sin | cos | tan | asin | acos | atan | atan2 | sinh | cosh | tanh | asinh | acosh | atanh | isnan | isinf | round | ceil | floor | const | div | castWith | safeCast | bitCast | twosCompCast | twosCompRep | toIx | fromIx | ixSize | arrayLen | sizeOf | nullPtr | refToPtr | toCArray ) expArgs
typeDef  ::= ty tyident '=' type ';'
type     ::= baseType
           | cType
           | '(' type ')'
baseType ::= simpleCType
           | tyident
         ::= bool
           | char
           | float
           | double
           | string
           | void
           | int8_t
           | int16_t
           | int32_t
           | int64_t
           | uint8_t
           | uint16_t
           | uint32_t
           | uint64_t
           | ix_t integer
szType   ::= iMacro tyidentifier
           | integer
cType    ::= ( const? scopeC '*' | '&' ) type
           | baseType ( '[' szType ']' )+
           | struct structName
scopeC   ::= ( S | G | ident )?
typeHS   ::= simpleHSType
           | hsType
           | tyident
           | '(' typeHS ')'
         ::= IBool
           | IChar
           | IFloat
           | IDouble
           | IString
           | '(' ')'
           | Sint8
           | Sint16
           | Sint32
           | Sint64
           | Uint8
           | Uint16
           | Uint32
           | Uint64
           | Ix integer
hsType   ::= ( ( Ref | ConstRef ) scopeHS | Array szType | Stored ) typeHS
           | Struct structName
scopeHS  ::= Stack tyident
           | Global
bitType  ::= Bit
           | Bits integer
           | BitArray integer bitType
           | '(' bitType ')'
           | tyident
         ::= struct structName '{' field ( ';' field? )* '}'
           | abstract struct structName str
           | string struct structName integer
         ::= tyident
           | ident
field    ::= ident '::' typeHS
           | type ident
bdDef    ::= bitdata tyident '::' bitType '=' bdConstr ( '|' bdConstr )*
bdConstr ::= ident bdRecord bdLayout
bdRecord ::= ( '{' bdField ( ',' bdField )* '}' )?
bdField  ::= ( ident | '_' ) '::' bitType
bdLayout ::= ( as bdItem ( '#' bdItem )* )?
bdItem   ::= ident
           | integer
           | bitLiteral
         ::= bitlit
ident    ::= ( tyidentifier '.' )? identifier
tyident  ::= tyidentifier ( '.' tyidentifier )?

//\(\w\S+\)\s+{ Located $$ (\S+ \("[^"]+"\).+

//-- Statements
if ::= "if"
else ::= "else"
assert ::= "assert"
assume ::= "assume"
pre ::= "pre"
post ::= "post"
assign ::= "let"
return ::= "return"
alloc ::= "alloc"
store ::= "store"
refCopy ::= "memcpy"
mapArr ::= "map"
upTo ::= "upTo"
upFromTo ::= "upFromTo"
downFrom ::= "downFrom"
downFromTo ::= "downFromTo"
forever ::= "forever"
break ::= "break"

//-- Start of Ivory macros
iMacro ::= "$"

//-- Expressions
abs ::= "abs"
signum ::= "signum"
expOp ::= "exp"
sqrt ::= "sqrt"
log ::= "log"
pow ::= "pow"
div ::= "div"

sin ::= "sin"
cos ::= "cos"
tan ::= "tan"

asin ::= "asin"
acos ::= "acos"
atan ::= "atan"
atan2 ::= "atan2"

sinh ::= "sinh"
cosh ::= "cosh"
tanh ::= "tanh"

asinh ::= "asinh"
acosh ::= "acosh"
atanh ::= "atanh"

isnan ::= "isnan"
isinf ::= "isinf"
round ::= "round"
ceil ::= "ceil"
floor ::= "floor"
const ::= "const"

//-- Casting
safeCast ::= "safeCast"
bitCast ::= "bitCast"
castWith ::= "castWith"
twosCompCast ::= "twosCompCast"
twosCompRep ::= "twosCompRep"

//-- Other internals

fromIx ::= "fromIx"
ixSize ::= "ixSize"
toIx ::= "toIx"
toCArray ::= "toCArray"
arrayLen ::= "arrayLen"

sizeOf ::= "sizeOf"
nullPtr ::= "nullPtr"
refToPtr ::= "refToPtr"
//-- Type
'::'      { Located $$ (TokSym "::") }

'?'       { Located $$ (TokSym "?") }
':'       { Located $$ (TokSym ":") }

//-- Struct field dereference
'.'       { Located $$ (TokSym ".") }
'->'      { Located $$ (TokSym "->") }

'=='      { Located $$ (TokSym "==") }
'!='      { Located $$ (TokSym "!=") }

//-- Used for deref and mult
'*'       { Located $$ (TokSym "*") }

'/'       { Located $$ (TokSym "/") }

'+'       { Located $$ (TokSym "+") }
'-'       { Located $$ (TokSym "-") }
'%'       { Located $$ (TokSym "%") }

'='       { Located $$ (TokSym "=") }

'<'       { Located $$ (TokSym "<") }
'<='      { Located $$ (TokSym "<=") }
'>='      { Located $$ (TokSym ">=") }
'>'       { Located $$ (TokSym ">") }

'|'       { Located $$ (TokSym "|") }
'&'       { Located $$ (TokSym "&") }
'^'       { Located $$ (TokSym "^") }
'~'       { Located $$ (TokSym "~") }

'!'       { Located $$ (TokSym "!") }
'&&'      { Located $$ (TokSym "&&") }
'||'      { Located $$ (TokSym "||") }
'<<'      { Located $$ (TokSym "<<") }
'>>'      { Located $$ (TokSym ">>") }

//-- Other symbols
'('       { Located $$ (TokBrack "(") }
')'       { Located $$ (TokBrack ")") }
'{'       { Located $$ (TokBrack "{") }
'}'       { Located $$ (TokBrack "}") }
'['       { Located $$ (TokBrack "[") }
']'       { Located $$ (TokBrack "]") }

';'       { Located $$ (TokSep ";") }
','       { Located $$ (TokSep ",") }

'@'       { Located $$ (TokSym "@") }
'<-'      { Located $$ (TokSym "<-") }
//-- Types
bool ::= "bool"
char ::= "char"
float ::= "float"
double ::= "double"
void ::= "void"

int8_t ::= "int8_t"
int16_t ::= "int16_t"
int32_t ::= "int32_t"
int64_t ::= "int64_t"

uint8_t ::= "uint8_t"
uint16_t ::= "uint16_t"
uint32_t ::= "uint32_t"
uint64_t ::= "uint64_t"

S ::= "S"
G ::= "G"

IBool ::= "IBool"
IChar ::= "IChar"
IFloat ::= "IFloat"
IDouble ::= "IDouble"
IString ::= "IString"

Sint8 ::= "Sint8"
Sint16 ::= "Sint16"
Sint32 ::= "Sint32"
Sint64 ::= "Sint64"

Uint8 ::= "Uint8"
Uint16 ::= "Uint16"
Uint32 ::= "Uint32"
Uint64 ::= "Uint64"

Ix ::= "Ix"
ix_t ::= "ix_t"

Ref ::= "Ref"
ConstRef ::= "ConstRef"
Array ::= "Array"
Struct ::= "Struct"
Stored ::= "Stored"

Stack ::= "Stack"
Global ::= "Global"

//-- Keywords
struct ::= "struct"
abstract ::= "abstract"
string ::= "string"

ty ::= "type"
include ::= "include"
import ::= "import"
extern ::= "extern"

//-- Bit data
bitdata ::= "bitdata"
Bit ::= "Bit"
Bits ::= "Bits"
BitArray ::= "BitArray"
as ::= "as"
'_'      { Located $$ (TokSym "_") }
'#'      { Located $$ (TokSym "#") }

Cleaned up Parser.y:

  -- Statements
  if         { Located $$ (TokReserved "if") }
  else       { Located $$ (TokReserved "else") }
  assert     { Located $$ (TokReserved "assert") }
  assume     { Located $$ (TokReserved "assume") }
  pre        { Located $$ (TokReserved "pre") }
  post       { Located $$ (TokReserved "post") }
  assign     { Located $$ (TokReserved "let") }
  return     { Located $$ (TokReserved "return") }
  alloc      { Located $$ (TokReserved "alloc") }
  store      { Located $$ (TokReserved "store") }
  refCopy    { Located $$ (TokReserved "memcpy") }
  mapArr     { Located $$ (TokReserved "map") }
  upTo       { Located $$ (TokReserved "upTo") }
  upFromTo   { Located $$ (TokReserved "upFromTo") }
  downFrom   { Located $$ (TokReserved "downFrom") }
  downFromTo { Located $$ (TokReserved "downFromTo") }
  forever    { Located $$ (TokReserved "forever") }
  break      { Located $$ (TokReserved "break") }

  -- Start of Ivory macros
  iMacro   { Located $$ (TokSym "$") }

  -- Expressions
  abs          { Located $$ (TokReserved "abs") }
  signum       { Located $$ (TokReserved "signum") }
  expOp        { Located $$ (TokReserved "exp") }
  sqrt         { Located $$ (TokReserved "sqrt") }
  log          { Located $$ (TokReserved "log") }
  pow          { Located $$ (TokReserved "pow") }
  div          { Located $$ (TokReserved "div") }

  sin          { Located $$ (TokReserved "sin") }
  cos          { Located $$ (TokReserved "cos") }
  tan          { Located $$ (TokReserved "tan") }

  asin         { Located $$ (TokReserved "asin") }
  acos         { Located $$ (TokReserved "acos") }
  atan         { Located $$ (TokReserved "atan") }
  atan2        { Located $$ (TokReserved "atan2") }

  sinh         { Located $$ (TokReserved "sinh") }
  cosh         { Located $$ (TokReserved "cosh") }
  tanh         { Located $$ (TokReserved "tanh") }

  asinh        { Located $$ (TokReserved "asinh") }
  acosh        { Located $$ (TokReserved "acosh") }
  atanh        { Located $$ (TokReserved "atanh") }

  isnan        { Located $$ (TokReserved "isnan") }
  isinf        { Located $$ (TokReserved "isinf") }
  round        { Located $$ (TokReserved "round") }
  ceil         { Located $$ (TokReserved "ceil") }
  floor        { Located $$ (TokReserved "floor") }
  const        { Located $$ (TokReserved "const") }

  -- Casting
  safeCast         { Located $$ (TokReserved "safeCast") }
  bitCast          { Located $$ (TokReserved "bitCast") }
  castWith         { Located $$ (TokReserved "castWith") }
  twosCompCast     { Located $$ (TokReserved "twosCompCast") }
  twosCompRep      { Located $$ (TokReserved "twosCompRep") }

  -- Other internals

  fromIx           { Located $$ (TokReserved "fromIx") }
  ixSize           { Located $$ (TokReserved "ixSize") }
  toIx             { Located $$ (TokReserved "toIx") }
  toCArray         { Located $$ (TokReserved "toCArray") }
  arrayLen         { Located $$ (TokReserved "arrayLen") }

  sizeOf           { Located $$ (TokReserved "sizeOf") }
  nullPtr          { Located $$ (TokReserved "nullPtr") }
  refToPtr         { Located $$ (TokReserved "refToPtr") }

  -- Type
  '::'      { Located $$ (TokSym "::") }

  '?'       { Located $$ (TokSym "?") }
  ':'       { Located $$ (TokSym ":") }

  -- Struct field dereference
  '.'       { Located $$ (TokSym ".") }
  '->'      { Located $$ (TokSym "->") }

  '=='      { Located $$ (TokSym "==") }
  '!='      { Located $$ (TokSym "!=") }

  -- Used for deref and mult
  '*'       { Located $$ (TokSym "*") }

  '/'       { Located $$ (TokSym "/") }

  '+'       { Located $$ (TokSym "+") }
  '-'       { Located $$ (TokSym "-") }
  '%'       { Located $$ (TokSym "%") }

  '='       { Located $$ (TokSym "=") }

  '<'       { Located $$ (TokSym "<") }
  '<='      { Located $$ (TokSym "<=") }
  '>='      { Located $$ (TokSym ">=") }
  '>'       { Located $$ (TokSym ">") }

  '|'       { Located $$ (TokSym "|") }
  '&'       { Located $$ (TokSym "&") }
  '^'       { Located $$ (TokSym "^") }
  '~'       { Located $$ (TokSym "~") }

  '!'       { Located $$ (TokSym "!") }
  '&&'      { Located $$ (TokSym "&&") }
  '||'      { Located $$ (TokSym "||") }
  '<<'      { Located $$ (TokSym "<<") }
  '>>'      { Located $$ (TokSym ">>") }

-- Other symbols
  '('       { Located $$ (TokBrack "(") }
  ')'       { Located $$ (TokBrack ")") }
  '{'       { Located $$ (TokBrack "{") }
  '}'       { Located $$ (TokBrack "}") }
  '['       { Located $$ (TokBrack "[") }
  ']'       { Located $$ (TokBrack "]") }

  ';'       { Located $$ (TokSep ";") }
  ','       { Located $$ (TokSep ",") }

  '@'       { Located $$ (TokSym "@") }
  '<-'      { Located $$ (TokSym "<-") }

  -- Types
  bool     { Located $$ (TokReserved "bool") }
  char     { Located $$ (TokReserved "char") }
  float    { Located $$ (TokReserved "float") }
  double   { Located $$ (TokReserved "double") }
  void     { Located $$ (TokReserved "void") }

  int8_t   { Located $$ (TokReserved "int8_t") }
  int16_t  { Located $$ (TokReserved "int16_t") }
  int32_t  { Located $$ (TokReserved "int32_t") }
  int64_t  { Located $$ (TokReserved "int64_t") }

  uint8_t  { Located $$ (TokReserved "uint8_t") }
  uint16_t { Located $$ (TokReserved "uint16_t") }
  uint32_t { Located $$ (TokReserved "uint32_t") }
  uint64_t { Located $$ (TokReserved "uint64_t") }

  S        { Located $$ (TokReserved "S") }
  G        { Located $$ (TokReserved "G") }

  IBool     { Located $$ (TokReserved "IBool") }
  IChar     { Located $$ (TokReserved "IChar") }
  IFloat    { Located $$ (TokReserved "IFloat") }
  IDouble   { Located $$ (TokReserved "IDouble") }
  IString   { Located $$ (TokReserved "IString") }

  Sint8     { Located $$ (TokReserved "Sint8") }
  Sint16    { Located $$ (TokReserved "Sint16") }
  Sint32    { Located $$ (TokReserved "Sint32") }
  Sint64    { Located $$ (TokReserved "Sint64") }

  Uint8    { Located $$ (TokReserved "Uint8") }
  Uint16   { Located $$ (TokReserved "Uint16") }
  Uint32   { Located $$ (TokReserved "Uint32") }
  Uint64   { Located $$ (TokReserved "Uint64") }

  Ix       { Located $$ (TokReserved "Ix") }
  ix_t     { Located $$ (TokReserved "ix_t") }

  Ref      { Located $$ (TokReserved "Ref") }
  ConstRef { Located $$ (TokReserved "ConstRef") }
  Array    { Located $$ (TokReserved "Array") }
  Struct   { Located $$ (TokReserved "Struct") }
  Stored   { Located $$ (TokReserved "Stored") }

  Stack    { Located $$ (TokReserved "Stack") }
  Global   { Located $$ (TokReserved "Global") }

  -- Keywords
  struct   { Located $$ (TokReserved "struct") }
  abstract { Located $$ (TokReserved "abstract") }
  string   { Located $$ (TokReserved "string") }

  ty       { Located $$ (TokReserved "type") }
  include  { Located $$ (TokReserved "include") }
  import   { Located $$ (TokReserved "import") }
  extern   { Located $$ (TokReserved "extern") }

  -- Bit data
  bitdata  { Located $$ (TokReserved "bitdata") }
  Bit      { Located $$ (TokReserved "Bit") }
  Bits     { Located $$ (TokReserved "Bits") }
  BitArray { Located $$ (TokReserved "BitArray") }
  as       { Located $$ (TokReserved "as") }
  '_'      { Located $$ (TokSym "_") }
  '#'      { Located $$ (TokSym "#") }
//-- Precedence

%right '#'
%right '?' ':'
%left '||'
%left '&&'
%left '|' '&'
%left '^'
%nonassoc '==' '!='
%nonassoc '<' '<=' '>' '>='
%left '<<' '>>'
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/' '%'
%right '*' '~' '!' '-'
//-- '[' assumed to be followed by ']'
%left '.' '@' '->' '[' ']'
%right ADDR
//-- Tighter than normal binding

//-- Top-level definitions

//defs :: { [GlobalSym] }
defs : defs procDef       { GlobalProc       $2 : $1 }
     | defs includeProc   { GlobalInclProc   $2 : $1 }
     | defs importExtern  { GlobalExtern     $2 : $1 }
     | defs structDef     { GlobalStruct     $2 : $1 }
     | defs bdDef         { GlobalBitData    $2 : $1 }
     | defs typeDef       { GlobalTypeDef    $2 : $1 }
     | defs constDef      { GlobalConstDef   $2 : $1 }
     | defs includeDef    { GlobalInclude    $2 : $1 }
     | defs areaDef       { GlobalArea       $2 : $1 }
     | defs areaImportDef { GlobalAreaImport $2 : $1 }
     | {- empty -}        { [] }

//-- Include areas

//areaDef :: { AreaDef }
areaDef :
    type allocRef
      { AreaDef False $1 (unLoc $2) (getLoc $2)
  | type const allocRef
      { AreaDef True $1 (unLoc $3) (getLoc $3)

//areaImportDef :: { AreaImportDef }
areaImportDef :
    import header type allocIdent
      { AreaImportDef (unLoc $4) False $3 $2
          (getLoc $1 <> getLoc $4)
  | import header type const allocIdent
      { AreaImportDef (unLoc $5) True $3 $2
          (getLoc $1 <> getLoc $5)

//-- header paths

//filepath :: { [String] }
filepath :
    filepath ident '/' { (unLoc $2 ++ "/") : $1 }
  | {- empty -}        { [] }

//header :: { String }
header :
  filepath ident '.' ident
    { concat (reverse $1) ++ unLoc $2 ++ ('.' : unLoc $4) }

//-- Include other modules (Ivory's "depend")

//includeDef :: { IncludeDef }
includeDef : include ident { IncludeDef (unLoc $2) ($1 <> getLoc $2) }

//-- Constant definitions

//constDef :: { ConstDef }
constDef :
         ident '=' exp ';' { ConstDef (unLoc $1) $3 Nothing   (getLoc $1 <> getLoc $3) }
  | type ident '=' exp ';' { ConstDef (unLoc $2) $4 (Just $1) (mconcat [ getLoc $1
                                                                       , getLoc $2
                                                                       , getLoc $4]) }

//-- Procs

//-- Defined procedure
//procDef :: { ProcDef }
procDef :
  type ident '(' args ')' '{' stmts '}' prePostBlk
    { ProcDef $1 (unLoc $2) (reverse $4) (reverse $7) $9 (mconcat [ getLoc $1
                                                                  , getLoc $2
                                                                  , getLoc $7
                                                                  , getLoc $9
                                                                  ]) }

//-- Externally-defined procedure
//includeProc :: { IncludeProc }
includeProc :
  import '(' header ',' ident ')' type ident '(' args ')'
    { IncludeProc $7 (unLoc $8) (reverse $10) ($3, unLoc $5)
        (mconcat [ getLoc $1
                 , getLoc $5
                 , getLoc $8
                 ]) }

//-- Externally-defined symbols
//importExtern :: { Extern }
importExtern :
  extern header type ident
    { Extern (unLoc $4) $2 $3
             (mconcat [ getLoc $1, getLoc $4])

//tyArg :: { (Type, Var) }
tyArg : type ident { ($1, unLoc $2) }

//-- Zero or more typed arguments, separated by arbitrary many ','s.
//args :: { [(Type, Var)] }
args :  args ',' tyArg         { $3 : $1 }
      | args ','               { $1 }
      | tyArg                  { [$1] }
      | {- empty -}            { [] }

//-- pre/post conditions
//prePostBlk :: { [PrePost] }
prePostBlk :
    '{' prePosts '}'       { reverse $2 }
  | {- empty -}            { [] }

//prePosts :: { [PrePost] }
prePosts :
    prePosts prePost ';' { $2 : $1 }
  | prePost ';'          { [$1] }

//prePost :: { PrePost }
prePost :
    pre  '(' exp ')' { PreCond  $3 }
  | post '(' exp ')' { PostCond $3 }

//-- Allocations

//ptrIdent :: { Located RefVar }
ptrIdent : '*' ident { $2 }

//arrIdent :: { Located RefVar }
arrIdent : ident '[' ']' { $1 }

//structIdent :: { Located RefVar }
structIdent : ident '{' '}' { $1 }

//allocIdent :: { Located RefVar }
allocIdent :
    ptrIdent    { $1 }
  | arrIdent    { $1 }
  | structIdent {$1 }
//allocRef :: { Located AllocRef }
allocRef :
    alloc ptrIdent ';'               { atBin (AllocBase (unLoc $2) Nothing) $1 $3 }
  | alloc ptrIdent '=' exp ';'       { atList (AllocBase (unLoc $2) (Just $4))
                                              [$1, getLoc $2, getLoc $4]
  | alloc arrIdent ';'               { atBin (AllocArr (unLoc $2) []) $1 $2 }
  | alloc arrIdent '='
      '{' exps '}' ';'               { atList (AllocArr (unLoc $2) (reverse $5))
                                              [ $1, getLoc $2, getLoc $5]

  | alloc structIdent ';'            { atBin (AllocStruct (unLoc $2) Empty) $1 $2 }
  | alloc structIdent '='
      structInit ';'                 { atBin (AllocStruct (unLoc $2) $4) $1 $2 }

//-- Statements

//simpleStmt :: { Stmt }
simpleStmt :
    assert exp  ';'                   { LocStmt (atBin (Assert $2) $1 $2) }
  | assume exp  ';'                   { LocStmt (atBin (Assume $2) $1 $2) }
  | assign      ident '=' exp  ';'     { LocStmt (atList (Assign (unLoc $2) $4 Nothing)
                                      [ $1, getLoc $2, getLoc $4 ]) }
  | assign type ident '=' exp  ';'    { LocStmt (atList (Assign (unLoc $3) $5 (Just $2))
                                                    [ $1, getLoc $2, getLoc $3, getLoc $5]) }

  | return  ';'                       { LocStmt (ReturnVoid `at` $1) }
  | return exp  ';'                   { LocStmt (atBin (Return $2) $1 $2) }

  | refCopy ident ident  ';'          { LocStmt (atList (RefCopy (ExpVar (unLoc $2)) (ExpVar (unLoc $3)))
                                               [$1, getLoc $2, getLoc $3]) }

  | allocRef                      { LocStmt (AllocRef (unLoc $1) `at` (getLoc $1)) }

  //-- Storing
  | store exp as exp  ';'              { LocStmt (atList (Store $2 $4) [$1, getLoc $2, getLoc $4]) }

  //-- Function calls
  | ident expArgs  ';'                 { LocStmt (atBin (NoBindCall (unLoc $1) $2) $1 $2) }

  | ivoryMacro  ';'                    { LocStmt ((IvoryMacroStmt Nothing (unLoc $1)) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | ident '<-' ivoryMacro  ';'         { LocStmt (atBin (IvoryMacroStmt (Just (unLoc $1)) (unLoc $3))
                                               $1 $3) }
  | break  ';'                         { LocStmt (Break `at` $1) }

//ivoryMacro :: { Located (String, [Exp]) }
ivoryMacro : iMacro ident          { atBin (unLoc $2, []) $1 (getLoc $2) }
           | iMacro ident expArgs  { atList (unLoc $2, $3) [$1, getLoc $2, getLoc $3] }

//blkStmt :: { Stmt }
blkStmt :
    mapArr ident '{' stmts '}'             { LocStmt (atList (MapArr (unLoc $2) (reverse $4))
                                                        [$1, getLoc $2, getLoc $4]) }
  | upTo exp ident '{' stmts '}'           { LocStmt (atList (UpTo $2 (unLoc $3) (reverse $5))
                                                        [$1, getLoc $2, getLoc $3, getLoc $5]) }
  | downFrom exp ident '{' stmts '}'       { LocStmt (atList (DownFrom $2 (unLoc $3) (reverse $5))
                                                        [$1, getLoc $2, getLoc $3, getLoc $5]) }

  | upFromTo '(' exp ',' exp ')' ident '{' stmts '}'
      { LocStmt (atList (UpFromTo $3 $5 (unLoc $7) (reverse $9))
          [$1, getLoc $3, getLoc $5, getLoc $7, getLoc $9])

  | downFromTo '(' exp ',' exp ')' ident '{' stmts '}'
      { LocStmt (atList (DownFromTo $3 $5 (unLoc $7) (reverse $9))
          [$1, getLoc $3, getLoc $5, getLoc $7, getLoc $9])

  | forever '{' stmts '}'                  { LocStmt (atBin (Forever (reverse $3)) $1 $2) }

  | if exp '{' stmts '}'
      else '{' stmts '}'                   { LocStmt (atList (IfTE $2 (reverse $4) (reverse $8))
                                                        [ getLoc $2, getLoc $4, getLoc $8 ]) }

//-- Zero or more statements.
//stmts :: { [Stmt] }
stmts : stmts simpleStmt   { $2 : $1 }
      | stmts blkStmt          { $2 : $1 }
      | {- empty -}            { [] }

//expArgs :: { [Exp] }
expArgs : '(' exps ')' { reverse $2 }

//-- Zero or more expressions, separated by arbitrary many ','s.
//exps :: { [Exp] }
exps : exps ',' exp           { $3 : $1 }
     | exps ','               { $1 }
     | exp                    { [$1] }
     | {- empty -}            { [] }

//structInit :: { StructInit }
structInit :
    ivoryMacro           { MacroInit (unLoc $1) }
  | '{' fieldAssigns '}' { FieldInits $2 }

//fieldAssigns :: { [(FieldNm, Exp)] }
fieldAssigns :
    fieldAssigns ',' fieldAssign { $3 : $1 }
  | fieldAssigns ','             { $1 }
  | fieldAssign                  { [$1] }
  | {- empty -}                  { [] }

//fieldAssign :: { (FieldNm, Exp) }
fieldAssign : ident '=' exp { (unLoc $1, $3) }

//-- Expressions
//exp :: { Exp }
exp : integer            { let TokInteger i = unLoc $1 in
                           LocExp (ExpLit (LitInteger i) `at` $1) }

    | str                { let TokString s = unLoc $1 in
                           LocExp (ExpLit (LitString s) `at` $1) }

    | floatlit           { let TokFloat f = unLoc $1 in
                           LocExp (ExpLit (LitFloat f) `at` $1) }

    //-- Works for Haskell values, too!
    | ident              { LocExp ((ExpVar (unLoc $1)) `at` $1) }

    //-- Used only in post-conditions (otherwise, it's a statement).
    | return             { LocExp (ExpRet `at` $1) }

    | '(' exp ')'        { $2 }

    //-- Areas
    | '*' exp              { LocExp (atBin (ExpDeref $2) $1 $2) }
    | exp '@' exp          { LocExp (atBin (ExpArray $1 $3) $1 $3) }
    | exp '[' exp ']'      { LocExp (atBin (ExpDeref (ExpArray $1 $3)) $1 $3) }
    | exp '.' exp          { LocExp (atBin (ExpStruct $1 $3) $1 $3) }
    | exp '->' exp         { LocExp (atBin (ExpDeref (ExpStruct $1 $3)) $1 $3) }
    | '&' ident            { LocExp (atBin (ExpAddrOf (unLoc $2)) $1 $2) }

    | libFuncExp           { $1 }

    //-- Ivory expression macros
    | ivoryMacro           { LocExp (IvoryMacroExp `fmap` $1) }

    //-- Function calls
    | ident expArgs        { LocExp (atBin (ExpCall (unLoc $1) $2) $1 $2) }

    //-- Unary operators
    | '!'       exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp NotOp [$2]) $1 $2) }
    | '-'       exp      { LocExp (atBin (mkNegate $2) $1 $2) }
    | '~'       exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp BitComplementOp [$2]) $1 $2) }

    //-- Binary operators
    | exp '||'  exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp OrOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '&&'  exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp AndOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '|'   exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp BitOrOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '^'   exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp BitXorOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '&'   exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp BitAndOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '<<'  exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp BitShiftLOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '>>'  exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp BitShiftROp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }

    | exp '=='  exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp EqOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '!='  exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp NeqOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }

    | exp '<'   exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp (LtOp False) [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '<='  exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp (LtOp True) [$1, $3] ) $1 $3)}
    | exp '>'   exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp (GtOp False) [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '>='  exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp (GtOp True) [$1, $3] ) $1 $3)}

    | exp '+'   exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp AddOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '-'   exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp SubOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }

    | exp '*'   exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp MulOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '/'   exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp DivOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }
    | exp '%'   exp      { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp ModOp [$1, $3]) $1 $3) }

    //-- Tertiary operators
    | exp '?' exp ':' exp { LocExp ((ExpOp CondOp [$1, $3, $5]) `at` (getLoc [$1, $3, $5]))  }

//libFuncExp :: { Exp }
libFuncExp :
      abs          expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp AbsOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | signum       expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp SignumOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | expOp        expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FExpOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | sqrt         expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FSqrtOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | log          expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FLogOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | pow          expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FPowOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | sin          expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FSinOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | cos          expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FCosOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | tan          expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FTanOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | asin         expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FAsinOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | acos         expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FAcosOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | atan         expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FAtanOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | atan2        expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FAtan2Op $2) $1 $2) }
    | sinh         expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FSinhOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | cosh         expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FCoshOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | tanh         expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FTanhOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | asinh        expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FAsinhOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | acosh        expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FAcoshOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | atanh        expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FAtanhOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | isnan        expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp IsNanOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | isinf        expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp IsInfOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | round        expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp RoundFOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | ceil         expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp CeilFOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | floor        expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FloorFOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | const        expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp ConstRefOp $2) $1 $2) }
    | div          expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp EucDivOp $2) $1 $2) }

    | castWith     expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp CastWith $2) $1 $2) }
    | safeCast     expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp SafeCast $2) $1 $2) }
    | bitCast      expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp BitCast $2) $1 $2) }
    | twosCompCast expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp TwosCompCast $2) $1 $2) }
    | twosCompRep  expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp TwosCompRep $2) $1 $2) }

    | toIx         expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp ToIx $2) $1 $2) }
    | fromIx       expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp FromIx $2) $1 $2) }
    | ixSize       expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp IxSize $2) $1 $2) }
    | arrayLen     expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp ArrayLen $2) $1 $2) }
    | sizeOf       expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp SizeOf $2) $1 $2) }
    | nullPtr      expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp NullPtr $2) $1 $2) }
    | refToPtr     expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp RefToPtr $2) $1 $2) }
    | toCArray     expArgs { LocExp (atBin (ExpOp ToCArray $2) $1 $2) }

//-- Types

//typeDef :: { TypeDef }
typeDef :
  ty tyident '=' type ';' { TypeDef (unLoc $2) $4 (mconcat [$1, getLoc $2, getLoc $4]) }

//type :: { Type }
type :
    baseType         { $1 }
  | cType            { $1 }
  | '(' type ')'     { $2 }

//baseType :: { Type }
baseType :
    simpleCType      { $1 }
  | tyident          { LocTy (TySynonym (unLoc $1) `at` $1) }

//-- C-style types

//simpleCType :: { Type }
simpleCType :
    bool                      { LocTy (TyBool `at` getLoc $1) }
  | char                      { LocTy (TyChar `at` getLoc $1) }
  | float                     { LocTy (TyFloat `at` getLoc $1) }
  | double                    { LocTy (TyDouble `at` getLoc $1) }
  | string                    { LocTy (TyString `at` getLoc $1) }
  | void                      { LocTy (TyVoid `at` getLoc $1) }

  | int8_t                    { LocTy ((TyInt Int8) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | int16_t                   { LocTy ((TyInt Int16) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | int32_t                   { LocTy ((TyInt Int32) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | int64_t                   { LocTy ((TyInt Int64) `at` getLoc $1) }

  | uint8_t                   { LocTy ((TyWord Word8) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | uint16_t                  { LocTy ((TyWord Word16) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | uint32_t                  { LocTy ((TyWord Word32) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | uint64_t                  { LocTy ((TyWord Word64) `at` getLoc $1) }

  | ix_t integer              { let TokInteger i = unLoc $2 in
                                LocTy (atBin (TyIx i) $1 $2) }

//idxs :: { [SzType] }
idxs : idxs '[' szType ']' { unLoc $3 : $1 }
     | {- empty -}         { [] }

//szType :: { Located SzType }
szType : iMacro tyidentifier
           { let TokTyIdent i = unLoc $2 in
             Left i `at` $2
       | integer
           { let TokInteger i = unLoc $1 in
             Right i `at` $1

//cType :: { Type }
cType :
          scopeC '*' type        { LocTy (atBin (TyRef (unLoc $1) $3) $1 $3)  }
  | const scopeC '*' type        { LocTy (atList (TyConstRef (unLoc $2) $4)
                                                 [$1, getLoc $2, getLoc $4]) }
  | baseType '[' szType ']' idxs { LocTy (atBin (tyArray $1 (unLoc $3) $5)
                                                $1 $3)
  | struct structName            { LocTy (atBin (TyStruct (unLoc $2)) $1 $2) }
  | '&' type %prec ADDR          { LocTy (atBin (TyStored $2) $1 $2) }

//scopeC :: { Located Scope }
scopeC :
    S           { Stack Nothing `at` $1 }
  | G           { Global `at` $1 }
  | ident       { PolyMem (Just (unLoc $1)) `at` (getLoc $1) }
  | {- empty -} { PolyMem Nothing `at` NoLoc }

//typeHS :: { Type }
typeHS :
    simpleHSType     { $1 }
  | hsType           { $1 }
  | tyident          { LocTy (TySynonym (unLoc $1) `at` $1) }
  | '(' typeHS ')'   { $2 }

//-- Haskell-style types
//simpleHSType :: { Type }
simpleHSType :
    IBool                   { LocTy (TyBool `at` getLoc $1) }
  | IChar                   { LocTy (TyChar `at` getLoc $1) }
  | IFloat                  { LocTy (TyFloat `at` getLoc $1) }
  | IDouble                 { LocTy (TyDouble `at` getLoc $1) }
  | IString                 { LocTy (TyString `at` getLoc $1) }
  | '(' ')'                 { LocTy (TyVoid `at` getLoc $1) }

  | Sint8                   { LocTy ((TyInt Int8) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | Sint16                  { LocTy ((TyInt Int16) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | Sint32                  { LocTy ((TyInt Int32)`at` getLoc $1) }
  | Sint64                  { LocTy ((TyInt Int64) `at` getLoc $1) }

  | Uint8                   { LocTy ((TyWord Word8) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | Uint16                  { LocTy ((TyWord Word16) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | Uint32                  { LocTy ((TyWord Word32) `at` getLoc $1) }
  | Uint64                  { LocTy ((TyWord Word64) `at` getLoc $1) }

  | Ix integer              { let TokInteger i = unLoc $2 in
                              LocTy (atBin (TyIx i) $1 $2) }

//hsType :: { Type }
hsType :
    Ref      scopeHS typeHS { LocTy (atList (TyRef (unLoc $2) $3) [ getLoc $1
                                                                  , getLoc $2
                                                                  , getLoc $3 ]) }
  | ConstRef scopeHS typeHS { LocTy (atList (TyConstRef (unLoc $2) $3) [ getLoc $1
                                                                       , getLoc $2
                                                                       , getLoc $3 ]) }
  | Array    szType  typeHS { LocTy (atList (TyArray $3 (unLoc $2))
                                [ getLoc $1, getLoc $2, getLoc $3]) }
  | Struct   structName     { LocTy (atBin (TyStruct (unLoc $2)) $1 $2) }
  | Stored   typeHS         { LocTy (atBin (TyStored $2) $1 $2) }

//scopeHS :: { Located Scope }
scopeHS : Stack tyident { atBin (Stack (Just (unLoc $2))) $1 $2 }
        | Global        { Global `at` $1 }

//-- Bit types
//bitType :: { BitTy }
bitType :
    Bit                        { LocBitTy (Bit `at` $1) }
  | Bits integer               { let TokInteger i = unLoc $2 in
                                 LocBitTy (atBin (Bits i) $1 $2) }
  | BitArray integer bitType   { let TokInteger i = unLoc $2 in
                                 LocBitTy (atList (BitArray i $3) [ getLoc $1
                                                                  , getLoc $2
                                                                  , getLoc $3 ]) }
  | '(' bitType ')'            { $2 }
  | tyident                    { LocBitTy (BitTySynonym `fmap` $1) }

//-- Struct definitions

//structDef :: { StructDef }
structDef :
    struct structName '{' fields '}' { StructDef (unLoc $2) (reverse $4) (getLoc $2) }
  //-- Remove parsed quotes first
  | abstract struct structName str   { let TokString f = unLoc $4 in
                                       AbstractDef (unLoc $3) (filter (/= '\"') f) (getLoc $3) }
  | string struct structName integer { let TokInteger i = unLoc $4 in
                                       StringDef (unLoc $3) i (getLoc $3) }

//structName :: { Located String }
structName :
    tyident { $1 }
  | ident   { $1 }

//field :: { Field }
field :
  //-- Haskell style
    ident '::' typeHS  { Field (unLoc $1) $3 (getLoc $1 <> getLoc $3) }
  //-- C style
  | type ident         { Field (unLoc $2) $1 (getLoc $1 <> getLoc $2)}

//-- 1 or more fields, separated (but optionally ending with) ';'.
//fields :: { [Field] }
fields :
    fields ';' field   { $3 : $1 }
  | fields ';'         { $1 }
  | field              { [$1] }

//-- Bit data

//-- Bitdata definition
//bdDef :: { BitDataDef }
bdDef : bitdata tyident '::' bitType
    '=' bdConstrs         { BitDataDef (unLoc $2) $4 (reverse $6)
                            (mconcat [ getLoc $1, getLoc $2, getLoc $3, getLoc $6 ]) }

//-- One or more bitdata constructors, separated by '|'
//bdConstrs :: { [Constr] }
bdConstrs :
    bdConstrs '|' bdConstr { $3 : $1 }
  | bdConstr               { [$1] }

//bdConstr :: { Constr }
bdConstr : ident bdRecord bdLayout { Constr (unLoc $1) $2 $3
                                       (mconcat [ getLoc $1, getLoc $2 ]) }

//-- Zero or more fields.
//bdRecord :: { [BitField] }
bdRecord :
    '{' bdFields '}' { reverse $2 }
  | {- empty -}      { [] }

//bdFields :: { [BitField] }
bdFields :
    bdFields ',' bdField { $3 : $1 }
  | bdField              { [$1] }

//bdField :: { BitField }
bdField :
    ident '::' bitType { BitField (Just (unLoc $1)) $3 (getLoc $1 <> getLoc $3) }
  | '_'   '::' bitType { BitField Nothing   $3 ($1 <> getLoc $3) }

//bdLayout :: { [LayoutItem] }
bdLayout :
    as bdItems   { reverse $2 }
  | {- empty -}  { [] }

//-- One or more items, separated by #
//bdItems :: { [LayoutItem] }
bdItems :
    bdItems '#' bdItem { $3 : $1 }
  | bdItem             { [$1] }

//bdItem :: { LayoutItem }
bdItem :
    ident      { LayoutField (unLoc $1) }
  | integer    { let TokInteger i = unLoc $1 in
                 LayoutConst (BitLitUnknown i) }
  | bitLiteral { LayoutConst $1 }

//-- Parse n-bit natural, e.g.,
//-- 8b0 -- 8 0-bits
//-- 2b01 -- 01
//-- First field is width, second is "b[0,1]+"
//bitLiteral :: { BitLiteral }
bitLiteral : bitlit { let TokBitLit bl = unLoc $1 in
                      BitLitKnown (fst bl) (snd bl) }

//-- Namespaces

//ident :: { Located String }
ident :
    identifier                  { let TokIdent i = unLoc $1 in
                                  i `at` $1 }
  | tyidentifier '.' identifier { let TokTyIdent t = unLoc $1 in
                                  let TokIdent i   = unLoc $3 in
                                  atBin (t ++ '.':i) $1 $3 }

//tyident :: { Located String }
tyident :
    tyidentifier                  { let TokTyIdent t = unLoc $1 in
                                    t `at` $1 }
  | tyidentifier '.' tyidentifier { let TokTyIdent t0 = unLoc $1 in
                                    let TokTyIdent t1 = unLoc $3 in
                                    atBin (t0 ++ '.':t1) $1 $3 }

mkNegate :: Exp -> Exp
mkNegate e = go e
  go (ExpLit l) = case l of
    LitInteger i -> ExpLit (LitInteger (-i))
    LitFloat   f -> ExpLit (LitFloat   (-f))
    _            -> ExpOp NegateOp [e]
  go (LocExp x) = go (locValue x)
  go _          = ExpOp NegateOp [e]
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sorki commented Apr 18, 2022

Interesting, thank you! Maybe we can store this in the repository so people can load it using URL in the generator.

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