A plugin for the Summernote WYSIWYG editor.
summernote-seo Extracts Keywords, Captions (Highlighted), and Descriptions (Highlighted) from the Editor Text, then places them in the chosen Element, either an Input Field, or HTML Area.
Include the following code after Summernote:
<script src="summernote-seo.js"></script>
Currently available in English!
['seo',['seo']], // The Button
el:'.summernote', // Element ID or Class used to Initialise Summernote.
notTime:2400, // Time to display Notifications.
keyEl:'#seoKeywords', // ID or Class of the Target Element to place Keywords.
capEl:'#seoCaption', // ID or Class of the Target Element to place Caption.
desEl:'#seoDescription', // ID or Class of the Target Element to place Description.
triggerInput:true, // Set this to True if like me you use AJAX to update single fields
action:'replace', // replace|append Replace or Append Content.
successClass:'alert alert-success',
errorClass:'alert alert-danger',
autoClose:false, // Set to True to Auto Close Notifications
icon:'<i class="note-icon">[Your Icon]</i> <span class="caret"></span>',
- To the Coder that wrote the Keyword Extraction Javascript. I can't remember where I got it from.