Files, with name & number of units: 3D
Recommended print settings : PLA, Infill 20%, 0.2mm layer quality, 3 perimeter to solidify the shell, with support
Based on the linear actuator created by Dewi Brunet and DEFROST lab of INRIA (
Print : 1 linear_actuator_axis, 2 linear_actuator_arms, 2 linear_actuator_attachment (+/- 3h, 20g PLA) & assemble as shown :
Inspired by Blossoming lamp
Print : 1 mount_arduino, 1 opening_platform, 5 opening_lever, 5 opening_intern, 5 opening_fix (+ optionnal : 1 opening_bends) (+/-9h, 65g PLA)
Attach the linear_actuator_attachment to the opening_bottom with a bolt M3x25 and three M3 nuts.
Use some threadlocker glue to secure the head of the bold on the yellow part.
Screw a nut on the bolt.
Then screw the green part on the bold while securing the nuts with your finger.
Hot-glue the LED on the center.
Attach 6 wooden pike to brake at around 10 cm (depending on the length of the interior of your folding) to the opening_bends or opening_lever
Finish assembling the linear actuator, see part Box for next part