Arkime is a large scale, open source, indexed packet capture and search tool (website)
This tiny project aims to bring Arkime's powerful abilities to the cloud native world. arkime-supervisor
is a Golang daemon running both capture and viewer functionality of Arkime and pulls logs from both viewer and capture processes into the containers stdout
. It also handles initial Elasticsearch/Opensearch index creation, optionally adds default credentials and downloads necessery definition files to help Arkime work with no direct intraction with the container itself.
full list of options:
--elasticsearch= Comma seperated list of
elasticsearch host:port
combinations. If not using a
; elasticsearch VIP, a different
elasticsearch node in the cluster
can be specified
; for each Arkime node to help
spread load on high volume clusters
--rotateIndex= How often to create a new
elasticsearch index.
; Changing the value will cause
previous sessions to be unreachable
(default: daily)
--certFile= Cert file to use, comment out to
use http instead [$ARKIME_CERTFILE]
--caTrustFile= File with trusted roots/certs.
WARNING! this replaces default roots
; Useful with self signed certs and
can be set per node.
--keyFile= Private key file to use, comment
out to use http instead
--passwordSecret= Password Hash and S2S secret - Must
be in default section. Since
; is wide open by default, we
encrypt the stored password hashes
with this
; so a malicous person can't insert
a working new account. It is also
; for secure S2S communication.
Comment out for no user
; Changing the value will make all
previously stored passwords no
longer work.
; Make this RANDOM, you never need
to type in (default: password)
--serverSecret= Use a different password for S2S
communication then passwordSecret.
; Must be in default section. Make
this RANDOM, you never need to type
--httpRealm= HTTP Digest Realm - Must be in
default section. Changing the value
; will make all previously stored
passwords no longer work (default:
--webBasePath= The base path for Arkime web
access. Must end with a / or bad
things will happen (default: /)
--interface= Semicolon ';' seperated list of
interfaces to listen on for traffic
(default: lo) [$ARKIME_INTERFACE]
--bpf= The bpf filter of traffic to ignore
(default: not port 9200)
--yara= The yara file name (default:
/dev/null) [$ARKIME_YARA]
--wiseHost= Host to connect to for wiseService
--accessLogFile= Log viewer access requests to a
different log file
--pcapDir= The directory to save raw pcap
files to (default: /opt/arkime/raw)
--maxFileSizeG= The max raw pcap file size in
gigabytes, with a max value of 36G.
; The disk should have room for at
least 10*maxFileSizeG (default: 12)
--maxFileTimeM= The max time in minutes between
rotating pcap files. Default is 0,
which means
; only rotate based on current file
size and the maxFileSizeG variable
--tcpTimeout= TCP timeout value. Arkime writes a
session record after this many
; of inactivity. (default: 600)
--tcpSaveTimeout= Arkime writes a session record
after this many seconds, no matter
; active or inactive (default: 720)
--udpTimeout= UDP timeout value. Arkime assumes
the UDP session is ended after this
; many seconds of inactivity.
(default: 30) [$ARKIME_UDPTIMEOUT]
--icmpTimeout= ICMP timeout value. Arkime assumes
the ICMP session is ended after this
; many seconds of inactivity.
(default: 10) [$ARKIME_ICMPTIMEOUT]
--maxStreams= An aproximiate maximum number of
active sessions Arkime/libnids will
; and monitor (default: 1000000)
--maxPackets= Arkime writes a session record
after this many packets (default:
--freeSpaceG= Delete pcap files when free space
is lower then this in gigabytes OR
it can be
; expressed as a percentage (ex:
5%). This does NOT delete the
session records in
; the database. It is recommended
this value is between 5% and 10% of
the disk.
; Database deletes are done by the expire script (default: 5%)
--viewPort= The port to listen on, by default
8005 (default: 8005)
--viewHost= The host/ip to listen on, by
default which is ALL
(default: localhost)
--viewUrl= By default the viewer process is
https://hostname:<viewPort> for
each node. (default:
--geoLite2Country= Path of the maxmind geoip country
file. Download free version from:
try (default:
--geoLite2ASN= Path of the maxmind geoip ASN file.
Download free version from:
--rirFile= Path of the rir assignments file
.csv (default:
--ouiFile= Path of the OUI file from whareshark
(default: /opt/arkime/etc/oui.txt)
--dropUser= User to drop privileges to. The
pcapDir must be writable by this
user or group below (default:
--dropGroup= Group to drop privileges to. The
pcapDir must be writable by this
group or user above (default:
--localPcapIndex=[true|false] enable pcap index on capture node
instead of ES (default: false)
--dontSaveTags= Semicolon ';' seperated list of
tags which once capture sets for a
session causes the
; remaining pcap from being saved
for the session. It is likely that
the initial packets
; WILL be saved for the session
since tags usually aren't set until
after several packets
; Each tag can choiceally be
followed by a :<num> which
specifies how many total packets to
--userNameHeader= Header to use for determining the
username to check in the database
for instead of
; using http digest. Use this if
apache or something else is doing
the auth.
; Set viewHost to localhost or use
; Might need something like this in
the httpd.conf
; RewriteRule .* -
; RequestHeader set ARKIME_USER
%{ENV_RU}e (default: arkime_user)
--parseSMTP=[true|false] Should we parse extra smtp traffic
info (default: true)
--parseSMB=[true|false] Should we parse extra smb traffic
info (default: true)
--parseQSValue=[true|false] Should we parse HTTP QS Values
(default: false)
--supportSha256=[true|false] Should we calculate sha256 for
bodies (default: false)
--maxReqBody= Only index HTTP request bodies less
than this number of bytes */
(default: 64) [$ARKIME_MAXREQBODY]
--config.reqBodyOnlyUtf8=[true|false] Only store request bodies that
Utf-8? (default: true)
--smtpIpHeaders= Semicolon ';' seperated list of
SMTP Headers that have ips, need to
have the terminating colon ':'
--parsersDir= Semicolon ';' seperated list of
directories to load parsers from
(default: /opt/arkime/parsers)
--pluginsDir= Semicolon ';' seperated list of
directories to load plugins from
(default: /opt/arkime/plugins)
--plugins= Semicolon ';' seperated list of
plugins to load and the order to
--rootPlugins= Plugins to load as root, usually
just readers [$ARKIME_ROOTPLUGINS]
--viewerPlugins= Semicolon ';' seperated list of
viewer plugins to load and the
order to load in
--netflowSNMPInput= NetFlowPlugin
; Input device id, 0 by default
(default: 1)
--netflowSNMPOutput= Outout device id, 0 by default
(default: 2)
--netflowVersion= Netflow version 1,5,7 supported, 7
by default (default: 1)
--netflowDestinations= Semicolon ';' seperated list of
netflow destinations
--spiDataMaxIndices= Specify the max number of indices
we calculate spidata for.
; ES will blow up if we allow the
spiData to search too many indices.
(default: 4)
--uploadCommand= Uncomment the following to allow
direct uploads. This is
experimental (default:
/opt/arkime/bin/capture --copy -n
--titleTemplate= Title Template
; _cluster_=ES cluster name
; _userId_=logged in User Id
; _userName_=logged in User Name
; _page_=internal page name
; _expression_=current search
expression if set, otherwise blank
; _-expression_=" - " + current
search expression if set, otherwise
blank, prior spaces removed
; _view_=current view if set,
otherwise blank
; _-view_=" - " + current view if
set, otherwise blank, prior spaces
removed (default: _cluster_ -
_page_ _-view_ _-expression_)
--packetThreads= Number of threads processing
packets (default: 2)
--includes= ADVANCED - Semicolon ';' seperated
list of files to load for config.
Files are loaded
; in order and can replace values
set in this file or previous files.
--pcapReadMethod= ADVANCED - Specify how packets are
read from network cards: (default:
--pcapWriteMethod= ADVANCED - How is pcap written to
; simple=use O_DIRECT if
available, writes in pcapWriteSize
; a file per
packet thread.
; simple-nodirect=don't use
O_DIRECT. Required for zfs and
others (default: simple)
--pcapWriteSize= ADVANCED - Buffer size when writing
pcap files. Should be a multiple
of the raid 5 or xfs
; stripe size. Defaults to 256k
(default: 262143)
--dbBulkSize= ADVANCED - Number of bytes to bulk
index at a time (default: 300000)
--compressES=[true|false] ADVANCED - Compress requests to ES,
reduces ES bandwidth by ~80% at the
; of increased CPU. MUST have
"http.compression: true" in
elasticsearch.yml file (default:
--maxESConns= ADVANCED - Max number of
connections to elastic search
(default: 30) [$ARKIME_MAXESCONNS]
--maxESRequests= ADVANCED - Max number of es
requests outstanding in q (default:
--packetsPerPoll= ADVANCED - Number of packets to ask
libnids/libpcap to read per
; Increasing may hurt stats and ES
; Decreasing may cause more dropped
packets (default: 50000)
--antiSynDrop=[true|false] ADVANCED - Arkime will try to
compensate for SYN packet drops by
; the source and destination
addresses when a SYN-acK packet was
captured first.
; Probably useful to set it false,
when running Arkime in wild due to
SYN floods. (default: true)
--logEveryXPackets= DEBUG - Write to stdout info every
X packets.
; Set to -1 to never log status
(default: 100000)
--logUnknownProtocols=[true|false] DEBUG - Write to stdout unknown
protocols (default: false)
--logESRequests=[true|false] DEBUG - Write to stdout elastic
search requests (default: true)
--logFileCreation=[true|false] DEBUG - Write to stdout file
creation information (default:
-h, --help Print this help to stdout
--dumpConfig generate an Arkime config file
based on current inputs (flags,
input config file and environment
variables) and write to stdout.
--noConf=[true|false] Do not use any of the provided
flags to generate a Config file,
used when config file is directly
mounted inside the container
(default: false) [$ARKIME_NOCONF]
--configPath= path to look for Arkime Config file
--version=[true|false] print version and exit (default:
--autoInit=[true|false] atuomatically initialize Elastic
indices if sequence_v2 and
sequence_v1 were not present
(default: true) [$ARKIME_AUTOINIT]
--forceInit=[true|false] force initialization of Arkime
Elastic indices from scratch
(default: false) [$ARKIME_FORCEINIT]
--createAdminUser=[true|false] create admin user at startup
(default: true)
--adminCreds= Administrator Credentials (default:
admin:arkime) [$ARKIME_ADMINCREDS]
--esHealthcheckInterval= Interval to check Elastic
avalability (default: 60s)
--viewerCheckInterval= Interval to check Viewer
avalability (default: 60s)
--capturerCheckInterval= Interval to check Capturer
avalability (default: 60s)
--viewerLogLocation= Viewer log location, empty value
pushes the log to container's
--capturerLogLocation= Capturer log location, empty value
pushes the log to container's
--ipv4SpaceURL= Download IPv4 space on startup and
push to rirFile location defined in
ArkimeOptions. empty means disabled
--manufURL= Download MAC Vendor mapping on
startup and push to ouiFile
location defined in ArkimeOptions.
empty means disabled (default:
--geoLite2CountryURL= Download GeoLite2 Country mmdb on
startup and push to geoLite2Country
location defined in ArkimeOptions.
empty means disabled (default:
--geoLite2ASNURL= Download GeoLite2 ASN mmdb on
startup and push to geoLite2ASN
location defined in ArkimeOptions.
empty means disabled (default:
--geoLiteRefreshInterval= Auto re-download interval for
GeoLite2CountryURL and
GeoLite2ASNURL (default: 168h)
can pass on a user-provided ini
config file to the container, something like this:
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/config.ini:/opt/arkime/etc/config.ini -v /opt/arkime/raw:/opt/arkime/raw --net host mosajjal/arkime:latest --config=/opt/arkime/etc/config.ini
IMPORTANT NOTE: current implementation does not support anything otuside the [default]
section for the .ini
file and will throw an error if there's anything else other than the [default]
section is present.
also supports command line arguments as well as Environment variables to set most common commands into an Arkime-compatible .ini
file on container's startup, so the user won't have to deal with managing an extra ini
file dynamically.
docker run -it --rm \
--volume /data/moloch/raw:/opt/arkime/raw \
--net host \
mosajjal/arkime:latest \
--passwordSecret=Passw0rd \
--elasticsearch= \
--interface=lo \
by default, arkime-supervisor
will download 4 files on startup: ipv4-address-space.csv
, manuf
, GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
and GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
. ipv4-address-space.csv
, manuf
are considered static and not subject to many changes, so arkime-supervisor
will not try to keep them up to date automatically, but GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
and GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
can be re-fetched by setting geoLiteRefreshInterval to any positive time duration. Default is 1 week (168 hours).
will check on viewer and capture process every 5 seconds to see if they're still running and if they've exited, it tries to restart them.