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Vanilla JS Landing Page with SVG Animations



This is a vanilla HTML-CSS-JS template to customize and develop - not a fully functional view. All code was written from scratch for practicing so this may not be the optimal implementation for you.


  • Basic navigation bar
  • Animated text / titles
  • Basic image carousel
  • Dynamic SVG Path rendering
  • Circle shaped buttons with icons and linked text
  • Control each transition speed and duration
  • Fully responsive




  • {DOM element object} container - DOM element to render the animated text on
  • {array} textList - array of {text objects}, each object represents a text line in the animated text loop, and contains:
    • [text]: array of words making a text line
    • [in]: array of entry animations for words in [text]
    • [out]: array of exit animations for words in [text] (Note: the elements of the three arrays are linked by index and thus the arrays must have the same length. Error is currently not handled.)
  • {object} options:
    • transitionSpeed - text transition time (ms)
    • swipeDealy - delay before the current text line is changed (ms)


  • render - renders the next line
  • play - initiates the animation loop


Current implemented animations:




  • {DOM element object} carousel - DOM element to render the carousel on
  • {array} images - array of {image objects}, each contains:
    • [src]: path to the image file
    • [alt]: image alternative text
  • {object} options:
    • {number} transitionSpeed - text transition time (ms)
    • {number} swipeDealy - delay before the current image is changed (ms)


  • render - renders the next image
  • play - initiates the animation loop



  • {string} svgId - target SVG element id to render the path inside
  • {array} pointsPercents - contains arrays of [x, y] in percentages of the [width, height] of current view
  • {object} options:
    • {number} transitionSpeed - text transition time (ms)
    • {number} swipeDealy - delay before the current image is changed (ms)
    • {string} color - path stroke color
    • {string} width - path stroke width
    • {string} cap - path linecap butt | square | round [default]
    • {string} fill - path fill color default: transparent
    • {number} control - control point offset for each curve default: 100


  • getPathElement - returns the path element
  • getPathCurve - returns the path curve as in [d] attirbute
  • updatePointPercents - parameters:
    • {array} pointsPercents
    • {bool} regenerate Used to set new pointsPercents to path object, and regenerate the path curve (useful for responsiveness).
  • updateControl - parameters:
    • {number} control
    • {bool} regenerate Used to set new control to path object, and regenerate the path curve (useful for responsiveness).
  • calculatePoints - calculate points in [x, y] values from pointsPercents
  • generatePath - create the path curve as in [d] attirbute
  • render - render the path graphics inside the target SVG



  • {DOM G element} circlesGroup - parent SVG group element to contain the circle and text elements
  • {object} options:
    • {DOM Path element} path - parent path for the circle to follow
    • {number} radius - the normal radius of the circle
    • {number} hoverRadius - the radius of the circle on hover event
    • {string} iconCode - unicode string of the icon to be displayed inside the circle
    • {array} description - contains [string title, string text] that should follow the circle
    • {array} descriptionMargin - contains [num dx, num dy] the margin offset of the description text from the circle
    • {string} className - by default is circle-obj for styling
    • {array} positions - contains cricle stopping points on the path in percentages
    • {integer} positionIndex - initial start index in positions for the circle
    • {integer} activeIndex - index in positions that circle will be automatically active at
    • {function} clickHandler - function for circle click event
    • {number} fadeSpeed - transition time for fading in and out in ms


  • createElements - create and append the circle and icon elements to the circlesGroup
  • activateCircle - set the circle state to active
  • resetCircle - reset the circle state to inactive
  • renderDescriptionText - create and append the description text to the circlesGroup
  • updateIconText (code) - updates the icon code
  • getPosition - current circle position in percentage
  • updatePosition (steps = 0) - move the steps in positions, if steps = 0 it will update inplace (useful for responsiveness)
  • getPositionPoint - returns the circle position as point [x, y] on the parent path


So far the view is not in real synchronization since it was implemented as a preview and not yet fully functional as mentioned. If you need to sync the transitions together, you can use timeControl object in index.js together with timeControl.css file.


Consider going through index.js for a full example.

Creating Animated Text

let textList = [
        text:   ['dev',        'tarek\'s'],
        in:     [an.SLIDE_DOWN, an.SLIDE_UP],
        out:    [an.SLIDE_DOWN, an.SLIDE_UP],
        text:   ['coolest',      'library',      'ever'],
        in:     [an.SLIDE_RIGHT, an.SLIDE_DOWN,  an.SLIDE_LEFT],
        out:    [an.SLIDE_RIGHT, an.FADE_OUT,    an.SLIDE_LEFT],
let animatedText = new AnimatedText(animatedTextContainer, textList, {
    transitionSpeed: timeControl.animatedTextSpeed,
    swipeDelay: timeControl.animatedTextDelay

Creating a Carousel

const images = [
    {src: '/images/carousel/jeep.png', alt: 'Jeep'},
    {src: '/images/carousel/ford.png', alt: 'Ford'},
let carousel = new Carousel(carouselContainer, images, {
    swipeDelay: timeControl.carouselSwipeDelay,
    transitionSpeed: timeControl.carouselSpeed

Creating a Path

let pathPointsPercents = [ 
    [-2.5, 40], 
    [22.5, 80], 
    [50, 70], 
    [70, 85], 
    [100, 30]
let path = new Path(svgId, pathPointsPercents, {
    color: 'orange',
    width: '8',

Creating Circle objects on the Path

// Create SVG group for all circles
let circlesGroup = document.createElementNS(SVG_DOC, 'g');
circlesGroup.setAttribute('class', 'circles-group'); // For CSS
svgElement.appendChild(circlesGroup); // Append the group to the SVG

let circles = [
    { iconCode: '', path: path, description: {title: 'Behance', text: 'Design Portfolio'} },
    { iconCode: '', path: path, description: {title: 'Github', text: 'Latest Projects'} },
let circleObjects = []; // Array to save objects references, index) => {
    let circleObject = new Circle(circlesGroup, {,
        positionIndex: index,
        fadeSpeed: timeControl.circlesFadeSpeed,

// Autoplay all circles
let circleStep = 1;
setInterval(() => { => circle.updatePosition(circleStep));
}, timeControl.circlesInterval)

Project Structure

|-- root
    |-- index.html
    |-- css/
    |   |-- index.css
    |   |-- timeControl.css
    |   |-- components/
    |   |   |-- AnimatedText.css
    |   |   |-- Carousel.css
    |   |   |-- Navbar.css
    |   |   |-- SVG.css
    |-- images/
    |   |-- credits.txt
    |   |-- desert.jpg
    |   |-- fog.png
    |   |-- carousel/
    |   |   |-- expedition.webp
    |   |   |-- f150.png
    |   |   |-- ford.png
    |   |   |-- jeep.png
    |   |   |-- pathfinder.png
    |   |   |-- toyota.png
    |   |-- masks/
    |   |   |-- mask1.png
    |   |   |-- mask2.png
    |   |   |-- maskOverlayL.png
    |   |   |-- maskOverlayR.png
    |-- js/
    |   |-- index.js
    |   |-- components/
    |   |   |-- AnimatedText.js
    |   |   |-- Carousel.js
    |   |   |-- CircleObject.js
    |   |   |-- Path.js
    |   |-- helpers/
    |   |   |-- Helpers.js