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File metadata and controls

45 lines (30 loc) · 1.6 KB

## Time-stamp: <2017-12-26 16:25:09 vk> ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode:


Version control systems are quite commonly used to manage all kind of data. Subversion (SVN) is a modern system that is widely used for revision control.

This memacs module parses output of:

svn log --xml


  • -f, --file, path to a file which contains output from following svn command: svn log --xml
  • -g, --grep-author, if you wanna parse only messages from a specific person, format <author> of author to grep

Example Invocation

with pipe from stream

cd /path/to/svn-repo/
svn log --xml | /path/to/Memacs/ -f /path/to/svn-xml-file.xml -o /home/user/orgmode/memacs/svn-foo.org_archive

or in one line:

cd /path/to/svn-repo/ && svn log --xml | /path/to/Memacs/ -f /path/to/svn-xml-file.xml -o /home/user/orgmode/memacs/svn-foo.org_archive

from file

cd /path/to/svn-repo/
svn log --xml > /tmp/svn-log.xml
/path/to/Memacs/ -f /tmp/svn-log.xml -o /home/user/orgmode/memacs/svn-foo.org_archive

or in one line:

cd /path/to/svn-repo/ &&  svn log --xml > /tmp/svn-log.xml &&  /path/to/Memacs/ -f /tmp/svn-log.xml -o /home/user/orgmode/memacs/svn-foo.org_archive

Example Orgmode entries

Whenever user “Bob” commits a change set (resulting in revision 42) to an example project, memacs_svn can provide an entry like this:

** Bob (r42): solved the address field bug       :svn:Memacs:
  :CREATED: <2011-07-23 Sat 16:00>