From 5941c74fa952562a12adfd24fffc89d5b79721de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Scott Phillips Date: Wed, 8 May 2024 08:59:07 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] chore(deps): update all pip_requirements dependencies (#1633) Co-authored-by: mewmba Renovate Bot Co-authored-by: fundthmcalculus --- .../proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pb.dart | 133 +- .../services/connect/v1/connect.pbgrpc.dart | 124 +- .../services/connect/v1/connect.pbjson.dart | 36 +- .../v1/file-management.pbgrpc.dart | 122 +- .../provider/v1/access-management.pbgrpc.dart | 106 +- .../services/provider/v1/provider.pbgrpc.dart | 104 +- .../v1/trust-registry.pbgrpc.dart | 132 +- .../v1/universal-wallet.pb.dart | 114 +- .../v1/universal-wallet.pbgrpc.dart | 506 +-- .../templates/v1/templates.pbgrpc.dart | 310 +- .../v1/verifiable-credentials.pbgrpc.dart | 226 +- devops/requirements.txt | 2 +- docs/_static/proto.json | 82 +- docs/reference/proto/ | 3324 +++++++++-------- examples/ecosystem-transfer/requirements.txt | 2 +- .../api/annotations/annotations.pb.go | 2 +- .../googleapis/api/annotations/http.pb.go | 2 +- go/proto/sdk/options/v1/options/options.pb.go | 2 +- .../services/account/v1/account/account.pb.go | 2 +- .../services/common/v1/common/common.pb.go | 2 +- .../services/connect/v1/connect/connect.pb.go | 767 ++-- .../v1/filemanagement/file-management.pb.go | 2 +- go/proto/services/options/field-options.pb.go | 2 +- .../v1/provider/access-management.pb.go | 2 +- .../provider/v1/provider/provider.pb.go | 2 +- .../v1/trustregistry/trust-registry.pb.go | 2 +- .../v1/wallet/universal-wallet.pb.go | 2 +- .../templates/v1/template/templates.pb.go | 2 +- .../credential/verifiable-credentials.pb.go | 2 +- .../connect/v1/ | 57 +- .../connect/v1/ | 309 +- .../v1/ | 38 + .../services/connect/v1/ | 829 ++++ .../connect/v1/ | 49 + python/requirements.txt | 4 +- .../proto/services/connect/v1/ | 17 + web/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.ts | 124 +- 37 files changed, 4635 insertions(+), 2908 deletions(-) create mode 100644 java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ create mode 100644 java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pb.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pb.dart index a89df5067..728a1e6fc 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pb.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pb.dart @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart' as $fixnum; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; import '../../common/v1/common.pbenum.dart' as $10; -import '../../universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.pb.dart' as $1; +import '../../universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.pb.dart' as $4; import 'connect.pbenum.dart'; export 'connect.pbenum.dart'; @@ -642,11 +642,109 @@ class NormalizedGovernmentIdData extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { void clearExpirationDate() => clearField(8); } +/// Information about a Relying Party used for demo purposes +class DemoRelyingParty extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { + factory DemoRelyingParty({ + $core.String? displayName, + $core.String? logoUrl, + $core.String? primaryColor, + }) { + final $result = create(); + if (displayName != null) { + $result.displayName = displayName; + } + if (logoUrl != null) { + $result.logoUrl = logoUrl; + } + if (primaryColor != null) { + $result.primaryColor = primaryColor; + } + return $result; + } + DemoRelyingParty._() : super(); + factory DemoRelyingParty.fromBuffer($core.List<$> i, + [$pb.ExtensionRegistry r = $pb.ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) => + create()..mergeFromBuffer(i, r); + factory DemoRelyingParty.fromJson($core.String i, + [$pb.ExtensionRegistry r = $pb.ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) => + create()..mergeFromJson(i, r); + + static final $pb.BuilderInfo _i = $pb.BuilderInfo( + _omitMessageNames ? '' : 'DemoRelyingParty', + package: + const $pb.PackageName(_omitMessageNames ? '' : 'services.connect.v1'), + createEmptyInstance: create) + ..aOS(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'displayName') + ..aOS(2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'logoUrl') + ..aOS(3, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'primaryColor') + ..hasRequiredFields = false; + + @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' + 'Use [GeneratedMessageGenericExtensions.deepCopy] instead. ' + 'Will be removed in next major version') + DemoRelyingParty clone() => DemoRelyingParty()..mergeFromMessage(this); + @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' + 'Use [GeneratedMessageGenericExtensions.rebuild] instead. ' + 'Will be removed in next major version') + DemoRelyingParty copyWith(void Function(DemoRelyingParty) updates) => + super.copyWith((message) => updates(message as DemoRelyingParty)) + as DemoRelyingParty; + + $pb.BuilderInfo get info_ => _i; + + @$core.pragma('dart2js:noInline') + static DemoRelyingParty create() => DemoRelyingParty._(); + DemoRelyingParty createEmptyInstance() => create(); + static $pb.PbList createRepeated() => + $pb.PbList(); + @$core.pragma('dart2js:noInline') + static DemoRelyingParty getDefault() => _defaultInstance ??= + $pb.GeneratedMessage.$_defaultFor(create); + static DemoRelyingParty? _defaultInstance; + + @$pb.TagNumber(1) + $core.String get displayName => $_getSZ(0); + @$pb.TagNumber(1) + set displayName($core.String v) { + $_setString(0, v); + } + + @$pb.TagNumber(1) + $core.bool hasDisplayName() => $_has(0); + @$pb.TagNumber(1) + void clearDisplayName() => clearField(1); + + @$pb.TagNumber(2) + $core.String get logoUrl => $_getSZ(1); + @$pb.TagNumber(2) + set logoUrl($core.String v) { + $_setString(1, v); + } + + @$pb.TagNumber(2) + $core.bool hasLogoUrl() => $_has(1); + @$pb.TagNumber(2) + void clearLogoUrl() => clearField(2); + + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + $core.String get primaryColor => $_getSZ(2); + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + set primaryColor($core.String v) { + $_setString(2, v); + } + + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + $core.bool hasPrimaryColor() => $_has(2); + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + void clearPrimaryColor() => clearField(3); +} + /// Request to create an Identity Verification Session class CreateSessionRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory CreateSessionRequest({ $core.Iterable? verifications, $core.Map<$core.String, $core.String>? debugInformation, + DemoRelyingParty? demoRp, }) { final $result = create(); if (verifications != null) { @@ -655,6 +753,9 @@ class CreateSessionRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { if (debugInformation != null) { $result.debugInformation.addAll(debugInformation); } + if (demoRp != null) { + $result.demoRp = demoRp; + } return $result; } CreateSessionRequest._() : super(); @@ -679,6 +780,8 @@ class CreateSessionRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { keyFieldType: $pb.PbFieldType.OS, valueFieldType: $pb.PbFieldType.OS, packageName: const $pb.PackageName('services.connect.v1')) + ..aOM(3, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'demoRp', + subBuilder: DemoRelyingParty.create) ..hasRequiredFields = false; @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' @@ -712,6 +815,22 @@ class CreateSessionRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// Debugging information used to help diagnose issues @$pb.TagNumber(2) $core.Map<$core.String, $core.String> get debugInformation => $_getMap(1); + + /// Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes. + /// This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information. + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + DemoRelyingParty get demoRp => $_getN(2); + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + set demoRp(DemoRelyingParty v) { + setField(3, v); + } + + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + $core.bool hasDemoRp() => $_has(2); + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + void clearDemoRp() => clearField(3); + @$pb.TagNumber(3) + DemoRelyingParty ensureDemoRp() => $_ensure(2); } enum RequestedVerification_Options { governmentIdOptions, notSet } @@ -1635,7 +1754,7 @@ class ListSessionsResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// Request to preemptively check if an identity has a valid reusable credential class HasValidCredentialRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory HasValidCredentialRequest({ - $1.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity? identity, + $4.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity? identity, CredentialRequestData? credentialRequestData, }) { final $result = create(); @@ -1660,9 +1779,9 @@ class HasValidCredentialRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { package: const $pb.PackageName(_omitMessageNames ? '' : 'services.connect.v1'), createEmptyInstance: create) - ..aOM<$1.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity>( + ..aOM<$4.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity>( 1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'identity', - subBuilder: $1.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity.create) + subBuilder: $4.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity.create) ..aOM( 2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'credentialRequestData', subBuilder: CredentialRequestData.create) @@ -1695,9 +1814,9 @@ class HasValidCredentialRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// The identity used to find a credential @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $1.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity get identity => $_getN(0); + $4.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity get identity => $_getN(0); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - set identity($1.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity v) { + set identity($4.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity v) { setField(1, v); } @@ -1706,7 +1825,7 @@ class HasValidCredentialRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { @$pb.TagNumber(1) void clearIdentity() => clearField(1); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $1.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity ensureIdentity() => $_ensure(0); + $4.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity ensureIdentity() => $_ensure(0); /// The criteria used to find a valid credential @$pb.TagNumber(2) diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pbgrpc.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pbgrpc.dart index 8b045e22c..559705e16 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pbgrpc.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pbgrpc.dart @@ -15,74 +15,74 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:grpc/service_api.dart' as $grpc; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; -import 'connect.pb.dart' as $2; +import 'connect.pb.dart' as $5; export 'connect.pb.dart'; @$pb.GrpcServiceName('services.connect.v1.Connect') class ConnectClient extends $grpc.Client { static final _$createSession = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$2.CreateSessionRequest, $2.CreateSessionResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$5.CreateSessionRequest, $5.CreateSessionResponse>( '/services.connect.v1.Connect/CreateSession', - ($2.CreateSessionRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($5.CreateSessionRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $2.CreateSessionResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $5.CreateSessionResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$cancelSession = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$2.CancelSessionRequest, $2.CancelSessionResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$5.CancelSessionRequest, $5.CancelSessionResponse>( '/services.connect.v1.Connect/CancelSession', - ($2.CancelSessionRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($5.CancelSessionRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $2.CancelSessionResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $5.CancelSessionResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$getSession = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$2.GetSessionRequest, $2.GetSessionResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$5.GetSessionRequest, $5.GetSessionResponse>( '/services.connect.v1.Connect/GetSession', - ($2.GetSessionRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($5.GetSessionRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $2.GetSessionResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $5.GetSessionResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$listSessions = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$2.ListSessionsRequest, $2.ListSessionsResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$5.ListSessionsRequest, $5.ListSessionsResponse>( '/services.connect.v1.Connect/ListSessions', - ($2.ListSessionsRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($5.ListSessionsRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $2.ListSessionsResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $5.ListSessionsResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$hasValidCredential = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $2.HasValidCredentialRequest, $2.HasValidCredentialResponse>( + $5.HasValidCredentialRequest, $5.HasValidCredentialResponse>( '/services.connect.v1.Connect/HasValidCredential', - ($2.HasValidCredentialRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($5.HasValidCredentialRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $2.HasValidCredentialResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $5.HasValidCredentialResponse.fromBuffer(value)); ConnectClient($grpc.ClientChannel channel, {$grpc.CallOptions? options, $core.Iterable<$grpc.ClientInterceptor>? interceptors}) : super(channel, options: options, interceptors: interceptors); - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$2.CreateSessionResponse> createSession( - $2.CreateSessionRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.CreateSessionResponse> createSession( + $5.CreateSessionRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$createSession, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$2.CancelSessionResponse> cancelSession( - $2.CancelSessionRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.CancelSessionResponse> cancelSession( + $5.CancelSessionRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$cancelSession, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$2.GetSessionResponse> getSession( - $2.GetSessionRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.GetSessionResponse> getSession( + $5.GetSessionRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getSession, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$2.ListSessionsResponse> listSessions( - $2.ListSessionsRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.ListSessionsResponse> listSessions( + $5.ListSessionsRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$listSessions, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$2.HasValidCredentialResponse> hasValidCredential( - $2.HasValidCredentialRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.HasValidCredentialResponse> hasValidCredential( + $5.HasValidCredentialRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$hasValidCredential, request, options: options); } @@ -94,87 +94,87 @@ abstract class ConnectServiceBase extends $grpc.Service { ConnectServiceBase() { $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$2.CreateSessionRequest, $2.CreateSessionResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.CreateSessionRequest, $5.CreateSessionResponse>( 'CreateSession', createSession_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $2.CreateSessionRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($2.CreateSessionResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $5.CreateSessionRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($5.CreateSessionResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$2.CancelSessionRequest, $2.CancelSessionResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.CancelSessionRequest, $5.CancelSessionResponse>( 'CancelSession', cancelSession_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $2.CancelSessionRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($2.CancelSessionResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$2.GetSessionRequest, $2.GetSessionResponse>( + $5.CancelSessionRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($5.CancelSessionResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.GetSessionRequest, $5.GetSessionResponse>( 'GetSession', getSession_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $2.GetSessionRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($2.GetSessionResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + ($core.List<$> value) => $5.GetSessionRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($5.GetSessionResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$2.ListSessionsRequest, $2.ListSessionsResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.ListSessionsRequest, $5.ListSessionsResponse>( 'ListSessions', listSessions_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $2.ListSessionsRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($2.ListSessionsResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$2.HasValidCredentialRequest, - $2.HasValidCredentialResponse>( + $5.ListSessionsRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($5.ListSessionsResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.HasValidCredentialRequest, + $5.HasValidCredentialResponse>( 'HasValidCredential', hasValidCredential_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $2.HasValidCredentialRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($2.HasValidCredentialResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $5.HasValidCredentialRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($5.HasValidCredentialResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); } - $async.Future<$2.CreateSessionResponse> createSession_Pre( + $async.Future<$5.CreateSessionResponse> createSession_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$2.CreateSessionRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$5.CreateSessionRequest> request) async { return createSession(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$2.CancelSessionResponse> cancelSession_Pre( + $async.Future<$5.CancelSessionResponse> cancelSession_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$2.CancelSessionRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$5.CancelSessionRequest> request) async { return cancelSession(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$2.GetSessionResponse> getSession_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$2.GetSessionRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$5.GetSessionResponse> getSession_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$5.GetSessionRequest> request) async { return getSession(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$2.ListSessionsResponse> listSessions_Pre( + $async.Future<$5.ListSessionsResponse> listSessions_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$2.ListSessionsRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$5.ListSessionsRequest> request) async { return listSessions(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$2.HasValidCredentialResponse> hasValidCredential_Pre( + $async.Future<$5.HasValidCredentialResponse> hasValidCredential_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$2.HasValidCredentialRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$5.HasValidCredentialRequest> request) async { return hasValidCredential(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$2.CreateSessionResponse> createSession( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $2.CreateSessionRequest request); - $async.Future<$2.CancelSessionResponse> cancelSession( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $2.CancelSessionRequest request); - $async.Future<$2.GetSessionResponse> getSession( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $2.GetSessionRequest request); - $async.Future<$2.ListSessionsResponse> listSessions( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $2.ListSessionsRequest request); - $async.Future<$2.HasValidCredentialResponse> hasValidCredential( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $2.HasValidCredentialRequest request); + $async.Future<$5.CreateSessionResponse> createSession( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.CreateSessionRequest request); + $async.Future<$5.CancelSessionResponse> cancelSession( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.CancelSessionRequest request); + $async.Future<$5.GetSessionResponse> getSession( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.GetSessionRequest request); + $async.Future<$5.ListSessionsResponse> listSessions( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.ListSessionsRequest request); + $async.Future<$5.HasValidCredentialResponse> hasValidCredential( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.HasValidCredentialRequest request); } diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pbjson.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pbjson.dart index 45ddea571..83af65e50 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pbjson.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.pbjson.dart @@ -374,6 +374,22 @@ final $typed_data.Uint8List normalizedGovernmentIdDataDescriptor = $convert.base 'ZXJCDQoLX2dpdmVuX25hbWVCDgoMX2ZhbWlseV9uYW1lQgoKCF9hZGRyZXNzQhAKDl9kYXRlX2' '9mX2JpcnRoQgoKCF9jb3VudHJ5Qg0KC19pc3N1ZV9kYXRlQhIKEF9leHBpcmF0aW9uX2RhdGU='); +@$core.Deprecated('Use demoRelyingPartyDescriptor instead') +const DemoRelyingParty$json = { + '1': 'DemoRelyingParty', + '2': [ + {'1': 'display_name', '3': 1, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'displayName'}, + {'1': 'logo_url', '3': 2, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'logoUrl'}, + {'1': 'primary_color', '3': 3, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'primaryColor'}, + ], +}; + +/// Descriptor for `DemoRelyingParty`. Decode as a `google.protobuf.DescriptorProto`. +final $typed_data.Uint8List demoRelyingPartyDescriptor = $convert.base64Decode( + 'ChBEZW1vUmVseWluZ1BhcnR5EiEKDGRpc3BsYXlfbmFtZRgBIAEoCVILZGlzcGxheU5hbWUSGQ' + 'oIbG9nb191cmwYAiABKAlSB2xvZ29VcmwSIwoNcHJpbWFyeV9jb2xvchgDIAEoCVIMcHJpbWFy' + 'eUNvbG9y'); + @$core.Deprecated('Use createSessionRequestDescriptor instead') const CreateSessionRequest$json = { '1': 'CreateSessionRequest', @@ -394,8 +410,21 @@ const CreateSessionRequest$json = { '6': '.services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry', '10': 'debugInformation' }, + { + '1': 'demo_rp', + '3': 3, + '4': 1, + '5': 11, + '6': '.services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty', + '9': 0, + '10': 'demoRp', + '17': true + }, ], '3': [CreateSessionRequest_DebugInformationEntry$json], + '8': [ + {'1': '_demo_rp'}, + ], }; @$core.Deprecated('Use createSessionRequestDescriptor instead') @@ -413,9 +442,10 @@ final $typed_data.Uint8List createSessionRequestDescriptor = $convert.base64Deco 'ChRDcmVhdGVTZXNzaW9uUmVxdWVzdBJQCg12ZXJpZmljYXRpb25zGAEgAygLMiouc2VydmljZX' 'MuY29ubmVjdC52MS5SZXF1ZXN0ZWRWZXJpZmljYXRpb25SDXZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbnMSbAoRZGVi' 'dWdfaW5mb3JtYXRpb24YAiADKAsyPy5zZXJ2aWNlcy5jb25uZWN0LnYxLkNyZWF0ZVNlc3Npb2' - '5SZXF1ZXN0LkRlYnVnSW5mb3JtYXRpb25FbnRyeVIQZGVidWdJbmZvcm1hdGlvbhpDChVEZWJ1' - 'Z0luZm9ybWF0aW9uRW50cnkSEAoDa2V5GAEgASgJUgNrZXkSFAoFdmFsdWUYAiABKAlSBXZhbH' - 'VlOgI4AQ=='); + '5SZXF1ZXN0LkRlYnVnSW5mb3JtYXRpb25FbnRyeVIQZGVidWdJbmZvcm1hdGlvbhJDCgdkZW1v' + 'X3JwGAMgASgLMiUuc2VydmljZXMuY29ubmVjdC52MS5EZW1vUmVseWluZ1BhcnR5SABSBmRlbW' + '9ScIgBARpDChVEZWJ1Z0luZm9ybWF0aW9uRW50cnkSEAoDa2V5GAEgASgJUgNrZXkSFAoFdmFs' + 'dWUYAiABKAlSBXZhbHVlOgI4AUIKCghfZGVtb19ycA=='); @$core.Deprecated('Use requestedVerificationDescriptor instead') const RequestedVerification$json = { diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/file-management/v1/file-management.pbgrpc.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/file-management/v1/file-management.pbgrpc.dart index 0d74045cc..1e10f5588 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/file-management/v1/file-management.pbgrpc.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/file-management/v1/file-management.pbgrpc.dart @@ -15,73 +15,73 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:grpc/service_api.dart' as $grpc; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; -import 'file-management.pb.dart' as $3; +import 'file-management.pb.dart' as $2; export 'file-management.pb.dart'; @$pb.GrpcServiceName('services.filemanagement.v1.FileManagement') class FileManagementClient extends $grpc.Client { static final _$uploadFile = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$3.UploadFileRequest, $3.UploadFileResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$2.UploadFileRequest, $2.UploadFileResponse>( '/services.filemanagement.v1.FileManagement/UploadFile', - ($3.UploadFileRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($2.UploadFileRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $3.UploadFileResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $2.UploadFileResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$getFile = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$3.GetFileRequest, $3.GetFileResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$2.GetFileRequest, $2.GetFileResponse>( '/services.filemanagement.v1.FileManagement/GetFile', - ($3.GetFileRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($2.GetFileRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $3.GetFileResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $2.GetFileResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$deleteFile = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$3.DeleteFileRequest, $3.DeleteFileResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$2.DeleteFileRequest, $2.DeleteFileResponse>( '/services.filemanagement.v1.FileManagement/DeleteFile', - ($3.DeleteFileRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($2.DeleteFileRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $3.DeleteFileResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $2.DeleteFileResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$listFiles = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$3.ListFilesRequest, $3.ListFilesResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$2.ListFilesRequest, $2.ListFilesResponse>( '/services.filemanagement.v1.FileManagement/ListFiles', - ($3.ListFilesRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($2.ListFilesRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $3.ListFilesResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $2.ListFilesResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$getStorageStats = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$3.GetStorageStatsRequest, $3.GetStorageStatsResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$2.GetStorageStatsRequest, $2.GetStorageStatsResponse>( '/services.filemanagement.v1.FileManagement/GetStorageStats', - ($3.GetStorageStatsRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($2.GetStorageStatsRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $3.GetStorageStatsResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $2.GetStorageStatsResponse.fromBuffer(value)); FileManagementClient($grpc.ClientChannel channel, {$grpc.CallOptions? options, $core.Iterable<$grpc.ClientInterceptor>? interceptors}) : super(channel, options: options, interceptors: interceptors); - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$3.UploadFileResponse> uploadFile( - $3.UploadFileRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$2.UploadFileResponse> uploadFile( + $2.UploadFileRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$uploadFile, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$3.GetFileResponse> getFile($3.GetFileRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$2.GetFileResponse> getFile($2.GetFileRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getFile, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$3.DeleteFileResponse> deleteFile( - $3.DeleteFileRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$2.DeleteFileResponse> deleteFile( + $2.DeleteFileRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$deleteFile, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$3.ListFilesResponse> listFiles( - $3.ListFilesRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$2.ListFilesResponse> listFiles( + $2.ListFilesRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$listFiles, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$3.GetStorageStatsResponse> getStorageStats( - $3.GetStorageStatsRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$2.GetStorageStatsResponse> getStorageStats( + $2.GetStorageStatsRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getStorageStats, request, options: options); } @@ -92,79 +92,79 @@ abstract class FileManagementServiceBase extends $grpc.Service { $core.String get $name => 'services.filemanagement.v1.FileManagement'; FileManagementServiceBase() { - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$3.UploadFileRequest, $3.UploadFileResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$2.UploadFileRequest, $2.UploadFileResponse>( 'UploadFile', uploadFile_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $3.UploadFileRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($3.UploadFileResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$3.GetFileRequest, $3.GetFileResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $2.UploadFileRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($2.UploadFileResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$2.GetFileRequest, $2.GetFileResponse>( 'GetFile', getFile_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $3.GetFileRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($3.GetFileResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$3.DeleteFileRequest, $3.DeleteFileResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $2.GetFileRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($2.GetFileResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$2.DeleteFileRequest, $2.DeleteFileResponse>( 'DeleteFile', deleteFile_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $3.DeleteFileRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($3.DeleteFileResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$3.ListFilesRequest, $3.ListFilesResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $2.DeleteFileRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($2.DeleteFileResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$2.ListFilesRequest, $2.ListFilesResponse>( 'ListFiles', listFiles_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $3.ListFilesRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($3.ListFilesResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$3.GetStorageStatsRequest, - $3.GetStorageStatsResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $2.ListFilesRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($2.ListFilesResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$2.GetStorageStatsRequest, + $2.GetStorageStatsResponse>( 'GetStorageStats', getStorageStats_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $3.GetStorageStatsRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($3.GetStorageStatsResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $2.GetStorageStatsRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($2.GetStorageStatsResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); } - $async.Future<$3.UploadFileResponse> uploadFile_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$3.UploadFileRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$2.UploadFileResponse> uploadFile_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$2.UploadFileRequest> request) async { return uploadFile(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$3.GetFileResponse> getFile_Pre( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $async.Future<$3.GetFileRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$2.GetFileResponse> getFile_Pre( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $async.Future<$2.GetFileRequest> request) async { return getFile(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$3.DeleteFileResponse> deleteFile_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$3.DeleteFileRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$2.DeleteFileResponse> deleteFile_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$2.DeleteFileRequest> request) async { return deleteFile(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$3.ListFilesResponse> listFiles_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$3.ListFilesRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$2.ListFilesResponse> listFiles_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$2.ListFilesRequest> request) async { return listFiles(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$3.GetStorageStatsResponse> getStorageStats_Pre( + $async.Future<$2.GetStorageStatsResponse> getStorageStats_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$3.GetStorageStatsRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$2.GetStorageStatsRequest> request) async { return getStorageStats(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$3.UploadFileResponse> uploadFile( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $3.UploadFileRequest request); - $async.Future<$3.GetFileResponse> getFile( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $3.GetFileRequest request); - $async.Future<$3.DeleteFileResponse> deleteFile( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $3.DeleteFileRequest request); - $async.Future<$3.ListFilesResponse> listFiles( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $3.ListFilesRequest request); - $async.Future<$3.GetStorageStatsResponse> getStorageStats( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $3.GetStorageStatsRequest request); + $async.Future<$2.UploadFileResponse> uploadFile( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $2.UploadFileRequest request); + $async.Future<$2.GetFileResponse> getFile( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $2.GetFileRequest request); + $async.Future<$2.DeleteFileResponse> deleteFile( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $2.DeleteFileRequest request); + $async.Future<$2.ListFilesResponse> listFiles( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $2.ListFilesRequest request); + $async.Future<$2.GetStorageStatsResponse> getStorageStats( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $2.GetStorageStatsRequest request); } diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/provider/v1/access-management.pbgrpc.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/provider/v1/access-management.pbgrpc.dart index e279fb46a..a32a68830 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/provider/v1/access-management.pbgrpc.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/provider/v1/access-management.pbgrpc.dart @@ -15,62 +15,62 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:grpc/service_api.dart' as $grpc; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; -import 'access-management.pb.dart' as $4; +import 'access-management.pb.dart' as $7; export 'access-management.pb.dart'; @$pb.GrpcServiceName('services.provider.v1.AccessManagement') class AccessManagementClient extends $grpc.Client { static final _$addRoleAssignment = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $4.AddRoleAssignmentRequest, $4.AddRoleAssignmentResponse>( + $7.AddRoleAssignmentRequest, $7.AddRoleAssignmentResponse>( '/services.provider.v1.AccessManagement/AddRoleAssignment', - ($4.AddRoleAssignmentRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($7.AddRoleAssignmentRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $4.AddRoleAssignmentResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $7.AddRoleAssignmentResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$removeRoleAssignment = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $4.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest, $4.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse>( + $7.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest, $7.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse>( '/services.provider.v1.AccessManagement/RemoveRoleAssignment', - ($4.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($7.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $4.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $7.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$listRoleAssignments = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $4.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest, $4.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse>( + $7.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest, $7.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse>( '/services.provider.v1.AccessManagement/ListRoleAssignments', - ($4.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($7.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $4.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $7.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$listAvailableRoles = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $4.ListAvailableRolesRequest, $4.ListAvailableRolesResponse>( + $7.ListAvailableRolesRequest, $7.ListAvailableRolesResponse>( '/services.provider.v1.AccessManagement/ListAvailableRoles', - ($4.ListAvailableRolesRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($7.ListAvailableRolesRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $4.ListAvailableRolesResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $7.ListAvailableRolesResponse.fromBuffer(value)); AccessManagementClient($grpc.ClientChannel channel, {$grpc.CallOptions? options, $core.Iterable<$grpc.ClientInterceptor>? interceptors}) : super(channel, options: options, interceptors: interceptors); - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.AddRoleAssignmentResponse> addRoleAssignment( - $4.AddRoleAssignmentRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$7.AddRoleAssignmentResponse> addRoleAssignment( + $7.AddRoleAssignmentRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$addRoleAssignment, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse> removeRoleAssignment( - $4.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$7.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse> removeRoleAssignment( + $7.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$removeRoleAssignment, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse> listRoleAssignments( - $4.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$7.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse> listRoleAssignments( + $7.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$listRoleAssignments, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.ListAvailableRolesResponse> listAvailableRoles( - $4.ListAvailableRolesRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$7.ListAvailableRolesResponse> listAvailableRoles( + $7.ListAvailableRolesRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$listAvailableRoles, request, options: options); } @@ -81,74 +81,74 @@ abstract class AccessManagementServiceBase extends $grpc.Service { $core.String get $name => 'services.provider.v1.AccessManagement'; AccessManagementServiceBase() { - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.AddRoleAssignmentRequest, - $4.AddRoleAssignmentResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$7.AddRoleAssignmentRequest, + $7.AddRoleAssignmentResponse>( 'AddRoleAssignment', addRoleAssignment_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $4.AddRoleAssignmentRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($4.AddRoleAssignmentResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest, - $4.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse>( + $7.AddRoleAssignmentRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($7.AddRoleAssignmentResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$7.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest, + $7.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse>( 'RemoveRoleAssignment', removeRoleAssignment_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $4.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($4.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest, - $4.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse>( + $7.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($7.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$7.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest, + $7.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse>( 'ListRoleAssignments', listRoleAssignments_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $4.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($4.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.ListAvailableRolesRequest, - $4.ListAvailableRolesResponse>( + $7.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($7.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$7.ListAvailableRolesRequest, + $7.ListAvailableRolesResponse>( 'ListAvailableRoles', listAvailableRoles_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $4.ListAvailableRolesRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($4.ListAvailableRolesResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $7.ListAvailableRolesRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($7.ListAvailableRolesResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); } - $async.Future<$4.AddRoleAssignmentResponse> addRoleAssignment_Pre( + $async.Future<$7.AddRoleAssignmentResponse> addRoleAssignment_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$4.AddRoleAssignmentRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$7.AddRoleAssignmentRequest> request) async { return addRoleAssignment(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$4.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse> removeRoleAssignment_Pre( + $async.Future<$7.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse> removeRoleAssignment_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$4.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$7.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest> request) async { return removeRoleAssignment(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$4.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse> listRoleAssignments_Pre( + $async.Future<$7.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse> listRoleAssignments_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$4.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$7.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest> request) async { return listRoleAssignments(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$4.ListAvailableRolesResponse> listAvailableRoles_Pre( + $async.Future<$7.ListAvailableRolesResponse> listAvailableRoles_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$4.ListAvailableRolesRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$7.ListAvailableRolesRequest> request) async { return listAvailableRoles(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$4.AddRoleAssignmentResponse> addRoleAssignment( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.AddRoleAssignmentRequest request); - $async.Future<$4.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse> removeRoleAssignment( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest request); - $async.Future<$4.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse> listRoleAssignments( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest request); - $async.Future<$4.ListAvailableRolesResponse> listAvailableRoles( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.ListAvailableRolesRequest request); + $async.Future<$7.AddRoleAssignmentResponse> addRoleAssignment( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $7.AddRoleAssignmentRequest request); + $async.Future<$7.RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse> removeRoleAssignment( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $7.RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest request); + $async.Future<$7.ListRoleAssignmentsResponse> listRoleAssignments( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $7.ListRoleAssignmentsRequest request); + $async.Future<$7.ListAvailableRolesResponse> listAvailableRoles( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $7.ListAvailableRolesRequest request); } diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/provider/v1/provider.pbgrpc.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/provider/v1/provider.pbgrpc.dart index 15f2cf48a..203018450 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/provider/v1/provider.pbgrpc.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/provider/v1/provider.pbgrpc.dart @@ -15,63 +15,63 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:grpc/service_api.dart' as $grpc; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; -import 'provider.pb.dart' as $0; +import 'provider.pb.dart' as $3; export 'provider.pb.dart'; @$pb.GrpcServiceName('services.provider.v1.Provider') class ProviderClient extends $grpc.Client { static final _$createEcosystem = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$0.CreateEcosystemRequest, $0.CreateEcosystemResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$3.CreateEcosystemRequest, $3.CreateEcosystemResponse>( '/services.provider.v1.Provider/CreateEcosystem', - ($0.CreateEcosystemRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($3.CreateEcosystemRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $0.CreateEcosystemResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $3.CreateEcosystemResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$getOberonKey = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$0.GetOberonKeyRequest, $0.GetOberonKeyResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$3.GetOberonKeyRequest, $3.GetOberonKeyResponse>( '/services.provider.v1.Provider/GetOberonKey', - ($0.GetOberonKeyRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($3.GetOberonKeyRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $0.GetOberonKeyResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $3.GetOberonKeyResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$upgradeDID = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$0.UpgradeDidRequest, $0.UpgradeDidResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$3.UpgradeDidRequest, $3.UpgradeDidResponse>( '/services.provider.v1.Provider/UpgradeDID', - ($0.UpgradeDidRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($3.UpgradeDidRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $0.UpgradeDidResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $3.UpgradeDidResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$searchWalletConfigurations = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $0.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest, - $0.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse>( + $3.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest, + $3.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse>( '/services.provider.v1.Provider/SearchWalletConfigurations', - ($0.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($3.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $0.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $3.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse.fromBuffer(value)); ProviderClient($grpc.ClientChannel channel, {$grpc.CallOptions? options, $core.Iterable<$grpc.ClientInterceptor>? interceptors}) : super(channel, options: options, interceptors: interceptors); - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.CreateEcosystemResponse> createEcosystem( - $0.CreateEcosystemRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$3.CreateEcosystemResponse> createEcosystem( + $3.CreateEcosystemRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$createEcosystem, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.GetOberonKeyResponse> getOberonKey( - $0.GetOberonKeyRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$3.GetOberonKeyResponse> getOberonKey( + $3.GetOberonKeyRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getOberonKey, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.UpgradeDidResponse> upgradeDID( - $0.UpgradeDidRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$3.UpgradeDidResponse> upgradeDID( + $3.UpgradeDidRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$upgradeDID, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse> - searchWalletConfigurations($0.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$3.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse> + searchWalletConfigurations($3.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$searchWalletConfigurations, request, options: options); @@ -83,72 +83,72 @@ abstract class ProviderServiceBase extends $grpc.Service { $core.String get $name => 'services.provider.v1.Provider'; ProviderServiceBase() { - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.CreateEcosystemRequest, - $0.CreateEcosystemResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$3.CreateEcosystemRequest, + $3.CreateEcosystemResponse>( 'CreateEcosystem', createEcosystem_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $0.CreateEcosystemRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($0.CreateEcosystemResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $3.CreateEcosystemRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($3.CreateEcosystemResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.GetOberonKeyRequest, $0.GetOberonKeyResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$3.GetOberonKeyRequest, $3.GetOberonKeyResponse>( 'GetOberonKey', getOberonKey_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $0.GetOberonKeyRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($0.GetOberonKeyResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.UpgradeDidRequest, $0.UpgradeDidResponse>( + $3.GetOberonKeyRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($3.GetOberonKeyResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$3.UpgradeDidRequest, $3.UpgradeDidResponse>( 'UpgradeDID', upgradeDID_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $0.UpgradeDidRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($0.UpgradeDidResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest, - $0.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $3.UpgradeDidRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($3.UpgradeDidResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$3.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest, + $3.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse>( 'SearchWalletConfigurations', searchWalletConfigurations_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $0.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($0.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $3.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($3.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); } - $async.Future<$0.CreateEcosystemResponse> createEcosystem_Pre( + $async.Future<$3.CreateEcosystemResponse> createEcosystem_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$0.CreateEcosystemRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$3.CreateEcosystemRequest> request) async { return createEcosystem(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$0.GetOberonKeyResponse> getOberonKey_Pre( + $async.Future<$3.GetOberonKeyResponse> getOberonKey_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$0.GetOberonKeyRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$3.GetOberonKeyRequest> request) async { return getOberonKey(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$0.UpgradeDidResponse> upgradeDID_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$0.UpgradeDidRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$3.UpgradeDidResponse> upgradeDID_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$3.UpgradeDidRequest> request) async { return upgradeDID(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$0.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse> + $async.Future<$3.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse> searchWalletConfigurations_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$0.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$3.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest> request) async { return searchWalletConfigurations(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$0.CreateEcosystemResponse> createEcosystem( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.CreateEcosystemRequest request); - $async.Future<$0.GetOberonKeyResponse> getOberonKey( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.GetOberonKeyRequest request); - $async.Future<$0.UpgradeDidResponse> upgradeDID( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.UpgradeDidRequest request); - $async.Future<$0.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse> + $async.Future<$3.CreateEcosystemResponse> createEcosystem( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $3.CreateEcosystemRequest request); + $async.Future<$3.GetOberonKeyResponse> getOberonKey( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $3.GetOberonKeyRequest request); + $async.Future<$3.UpgradeDidResponse> upgradeDID( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $3.UpgradeDidRequest request); + $async.Future<$3.SearchWalletConfigurationResponse> searchWalletConfigurations( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest request); + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $3.SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest request); } diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/trust-registry/v1/trust-registry.pbgrpc.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/trust-registry/v1/trust-registry.pbgrpc.dart index 15915fab5..d3bcb01b0 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/trust-registry/v1/trust-registry.pbgrpc.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/trust-registry/v1/trust-registry.pbgrpc.dart @@ -15,77 +15,77 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:grpc/service_api.dart' as $grpc; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; -import 'trust-registry.pb.dart' as $7; +import 'trust-registry.pb.dart' as $6; export 'trust-registry.pb.dart'; @$pb.GrpcServiceName('services.trustregistry.v1.TrustRegistry') class TrustRegistryClient extends $grpc.Client { static final _$registerMember = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$7.RegisterMemberRequest, $7.RegisterMemberResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$6.RegisterMemberRequest, $6.RegisterMemberResponse>( '/services.trustregistry.v1.TrustRegistry/RegisterMember', - ($7.RegisterMemberRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($6.RegisterMemberRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $7.RegisterMemberResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $6.RegisterMemberResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$unregisterMember = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $7.UnregisterMemberRequest, $7.UnregisterMemberResponse>( + $6.UnregisterMemberRequest, $6.UnregisterMemberResponse>( '/services.trustregistry.v1.TrustRegistry/UnregisterMember', - ($7.UnregisterMemberRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($6.UnregisterMemberRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $7.UnregisterMemberResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $6.UnregisterMemberResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$getMemberAuthorizationStatus = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest, - $7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse>( + $6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest, + $6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse>( '/services.trustregistry.v1.TrustRegistry/GetMemberAuthorizationStatus', - ($7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$listAuthorizedMembers = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $7.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest, $7.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse>( + $6.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest, $6.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse>( '/services.trustregistry.v1.TrustRegistry/ListAuthorizedMembers', - ($7.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($6.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $7.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $6.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$getMember = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$7.GetMemberRequest, $7.GetMemberResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$6.GetMemberRequest, $6.GetMemberResponse>( '/services.trustregistry.v1.TrustRegistry/GetMember', - ($7.GetMemberRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($6.GetMemberRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $7.GetMemberResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $6.GetMemberResponse.fromBuffer(value)); TrustRegistryClient($grpc.ClientChannel channel, {$grpc.CallOptions? options, $core.Iterable<$grpc.ClientInterceptor>? interceptors}) : super(channel, options: options, interceptors: interceptors); - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$7.RegisterMemberResponse> registerMember( - $7.RegisterMemberRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.RegisterMemberResponse> registerMember( + $6.RegisterMemberRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$registerMember, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$7.UnregisterMemberResponse> unregisterMember( - $7.UnregisterMemberRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.UnregisterMemberResponse> unregisterMember( + $6.UnregisterMemberRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$unregisterMember, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse> + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse> getMemberAuthorizationStatus( - $7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest request, + $6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getMemberAuthorizationStatus, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$7.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse> listAuthorizedMembers( - $7.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse> listAuthorizedMembers( + $6.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$listAuthorizedMembers, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$7.GetMemberResponse> getMember( - $7.GetMemberRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.GetMemberResponse> getMember( + $6.GetMemberRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getMember, request, options: options); } @@ -96,90 +96,90 @@ abstract class TrustRegistryServiceBase extends $grpc.Service { $core.String get $name => 'services.trustregistry.v1.TrustRegistry'; TrustRegistryServiceBase() { - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$7.RegisterMemberRequest, - $7.RegisterMemberResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.RegisterMemberRequest, + $6.RegisterMemberResponse>( 'RegisterMember', registerMember_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $7.RegisterMemberRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($7.RegisterMemberResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$7.UnregisterMemberRequest, - $7.UnregisterMemberResponse>( + $6.RegisterMemberRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($6.RegisterMemberResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.UnregisterMemberRequest, + $6.UnregisterMemberResponse>( 'UnregisterMember', unregisterMember_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $7.UnregisterMemberRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($7.UnregisterMemberResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest, - $7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse>( + $6.UnregisterMemberRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($6.UnregisterMemberResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest, + $6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse>( 'GetMemberAuthorizationStatus', getMemberAuthorizationStatus_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse value) => + $6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$7.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest, - $7.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest, + $6.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse>( 'ListAuthorizedMembers', listAuthorizedMembers_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $7.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($7.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$7.GetMemberRequest, $7.GetMemberResponse>( + $6.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($6.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.GetMemberRequest, $6.GetMemberResponse>( 'GetMember', getMember_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $7.GetMemberRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($7.GetMemberResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + ($core.List<$> value) => $6.GetMemberRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($6.GetMemberResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); } - $async.Future<$7.RegisterMemberResponse> registerMember_Pre( + $async.Future<$6.RegisterMemberResponse> registerMember_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$7.RegisterMemberRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$6.RegisterMemberRequest> request) async { return registerMember(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$7.UnregisterMemberResponse> unregisterMember_Pre( + $async.Future<$6.UnregisterMemberResponse> unregisterMember_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$7.UnregisterMemberRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$6.UnregisterMemberRequest> request) async { return unregisterMember(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse> + $async.Future<$6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse> getMemberAuthorizationStatus_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest> request) async { return getMemberAuthorizationStatus(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$7.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse> listAuthorizedMembers_Pre( + $async.Future<$6.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse> listAuthorizedMembers_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$7.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$6.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest> request) async { return listAuthorizedMembers(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$7.GetMemberResponse> getMember_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$7.GetMemberRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$6.GetMemberResponse> getMember_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$6.GetMemberRequest> request) async { return getMember(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$7.RegisterMemberResponse> registerMember( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $7.RegisterMemberRequest request); - $async.Future<$7.UnregisterMemberResponse> unregisterMember( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $7.UnregisterMemberRequest request); - $async.Future<$7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse> + $async.Future<$6.RegisterMemberResponse> registerMember( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.RegisterMemberRequest request); + $async.Future<$6.UnregisterMemberResponse> unregisterMember( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.UnregisterMemberRequest request); + $async.Future<$6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse> getMemberAuthorizationStatus($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $7.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest request); - $async.Future<$7.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse> listAuthorizedMembers( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $7.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest request); - $async.Future<$7.GetMemberResponse> getMember( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $7.GetMemberRequest request); + $6.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest request); + $async.Future<$6.ListAuthorizedMembersResponse> listAuthorizedMembers( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.ListAuthorizedMembersRequest request); + $async.Future<$6.GetMemberResponse> getMember( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.GetMemberRequest request); } diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.pb.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.pb.dart index 047c5e7ec..435c5ad06 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.pb.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.pb.dart @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; -import '../../provider/v1/provider.pb.dart' as $0; -import '../../provider/v1/provider.pbenum.dart' as $0; +import '../../provider/v1/provider.pb.dart' as $3; +import '../../provider/v1/provider.pbenum.dart' as $3; /// Request to search items in wallet class SearchRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { @@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ class DeleteWalletResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { class CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity({ $core.String? identity, - $0.IdentityProvider? provider, + $3.IdentityProvider? provider, }) { final $result = create(); if (identity != null) { @@ -901,11 +901,11 @@ class CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { _omitMessageNames ? '' : 'services.universalwallet.v1'), createEmptyInstance: create) ..aOS(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'identity') - ..e<$0.IdentityProvider>( + ..e<$3.IdentityProvider>( 2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'provider', $pb.PbFieldType.OE, - defaultOrMaker: $0.IdentityProvider.Unknown, - valueOf: $0.IdentityProvider.valueOf, - enumValues: $0.IdentityProvider.values) + defaultOrMaker: $3.IdentityProvider.Unknown, + valueOf: $3.IdentityProvider.valueOf, + enumValues: $3.IdentityProvider.values) ..hasRequiredFields = false; @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' @@ -952,9 +952,9 @@ class CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// The type of identity provider, like EMAIL or PHONE @$pb.TagNumber(2) - $0.IdentityProvider get provider => $_getN(1); + $3.IdentityProvider get provider => $_getN(1); @$pb.TagNumber(2) - set provider($0.IdentityProvider v) { + set provider($3.IdentityProvider v) { setField(2, v); } @@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ class CreateWalletResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory CreateWalletResponse({ $core.String? authToken, $core.String? tokenId, - $0.WalletConfiguration? wallet, + $3.WalletConfiguration? wallet, }) { final $result = create(); if (authToken != null) { @@ -1105,8 +1105,8 @@ class CreateWalletResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { createEmptyInstance: create) ..aOS(2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'authToken') ..aOS(3, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'tokenId') - ..aOM<$0.WalletConfiguration>(4, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'wallet', - subBuilder: $0.WalletConfiguration.create) + ..aOM<$3.WalletConfiguration>(4, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'wallet', + subBuilder: $3.WalletConfiguration.create) ..hasRequiredFields = false; @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' @@ -1161,9 +1161,9 @@ class CreateWalletResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// Wallet configuration @$pb.TagNumber(4) - $0.WalletConfiguration get wallet => $_getN(2); + $3.WalletConfiguration get wallet => $_getN(2); @$pb.TagNumber(4) - set wallet($0.WalletConfiguration v) { + set wallet($3.WalletConfiguration v) { setField(4, v); } @@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ class CreateWalletResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { @$pb.TagNumber(4) void clearWallet() => clearField(4); @$pb.TagNumber(4) - $0.WalletConfiguration ensureWallet() => $_ensure(2); + $3.WalletConfiguration ensureWallet() => $_ensure(2); } class GenerateAuthTokenRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { @@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ class GetWalletInfoRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// Response to `GetWalletInfoRequest` class GetWalletInfoResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory GetWalletInfoResponse({ - $0.WalletConfiguration? wallet, + $3.WalletConfiguration? wallet, }) { final $result = create(); if (wallet != null) { @@ -1426,8 +1426,8 @@ class GetWalletInfoResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { package: const $pb.PackageName( _omitMessageNames ? '' : 'services.universalwallet.v1'), createEmptyInstance: create) - ..aOM<$0.WalletConfiguration>(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'wallet', - subBuilder: $0.WalletConfiguration.create) + ..aOM<$3.WalletConfiguration>(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'wallet', + subBuilder: $3.WalletConfiguration.create) ..hasRequiredFields = false; @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' @@ -1457,9 +1457,9 @@ class GetWalletInfoResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// Wallet configuration @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $0.WalletConfiguration get wallet => $_getN(0); + $3.WalletConfiguration get wallet => $_getN(0); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - set wallet($0.WalletConfiguration v) { + set wallet($3.WalletConfiguration v) { setField(1, v); } @@ -1468,7 +1468,7 @@ class GetWalletInfoResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { @$pb.TagNumber(1) void clearWallet() => clearField(1); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $0.WalletConfiguration ensureWallet() => $_ensure(0); + $3.WalletConfiguration ensureWallet() => $_ensure(0); } /// Request to retrieve wallet information about the currently authenticated wallet @@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ class GetMyInfoRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// Response to `GetMyInfoRequest` class GetMyInfoResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory GetMyInfoResponse({ - $0.WalletConfiguration? wallet, + $3.WalletConfiguration? wallet, }) { final $result = create(); if (wallet != null) { @@ -1537,8 +1537,8 @@ class GetMyInfoResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { package: const $pb.PackageName( _omitMessageNames ? '' : 'services.universalwallet.v1'), createEmptyInstance: create) - ..aOM<$0.WalletConfiguration>(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'wallet', - subBuilder: $0.WalletConfiguration.create) + ..aOM<$3.WalletConfiguration>(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'wallet', + subBuilder: $3.WalletConfiguration.create) ..hasRequiredFields = false; @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' @@ -1566,9 +1566,9 @@ class GetMyInfoResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// Wallet configuration @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $0.WalletConfiguration get wallet => $_getN(0); + $3.WalletConfiguration get wallet => $_getN(0); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - set wallet($0.WalletConfiguration v) { + set wallet($3.WalletConfiguration v) { setField(1, v); } @@ -1577,7 +1577,7 @@ class GetMyInfoResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { @$pb.TagNumber(1) void clearWallet() => clearField(1); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $0.WalletConfiguration ensureWallet() => $_ensure(0); + $3.WalletConfiguration ensureWallet() => $_ensure(0); } /// Request to revoke a previously issued auth token @@ -1771,7 +1771,7 @@ class ListWalletsRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { class ListWalletsResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory ListWalletsResponse({ - $core.Iterable<$0.WalletConfiguration>? wallets, + $core.Iterable<$3.WalletConfiguration>? wallets, }) { final $result = create(); if (wallets != null) { @@ -1792,9 +1792,9 @@ class ListWalletsResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { package: const $pb.PackageName( _omitMessageNames ? '' : 'services.universalwallet.v1'), createEmptyInstance: create) - ..pc<$0.WalletConfiguration>( + ..pc<$3.WalletConfiguration>( 1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'wallets', $pb.PbFieldType.PM, - subBuilder: $0.WalletConfiguration.create) + subBuilder: $3.WalletConfiguration.create) ..hasRequiredFields = false; @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' @@ -1821,12 +1821,12 @@ class ListWalletsResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { static ListWalletsResponse? _defaultInstance; @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $core.List<$0.WalletConfiguration> get wallets => $_getList(0); + $core.List<$3.WalletConfiguration> get wallets => $_getList(0); } class GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest({ - $0.WalletExternalIdentity? identity, + $3.WalletExternalIdentity? identity, }) { final $result = create(); if (identity != null) { @@ -1848,8 +1848,8 @@ class GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { package: const $pb.PackageName( _omitMessageNames ? '' : 'services.universalwallet.v1'), createEmptyInstance: create) - ..aOM<$0.WalletExternalIdentity>(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'identity', - subBuilder: $0.WalletExternalIdentity.create) + ..aOM<$3.WalletExternalIdentity>(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'identity', + subBuilder: $3.WalletExternalIdentity.create) ..hasRequiredFields = false; @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' @@ -1881,9 +1881,9 @@ class GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { static GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest? _defaultInstance; @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $0.WalletExternalIdentity get identity => $_getN(0); + $3.WalletExternalIdentity get identity => $_getN(0); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - set identity($0.WalletExternalIdentity v) { + set identity($3.WalletExternalIdentity v) { setField(1, v); } @@ -1892,13 +1892,13 @@ class GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { @$pb.TagNumber(1) void clearIdentity() => clearField(1); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $0.WalletExternalIdentity ensureIdentity() => $_ensure(0); + $3.WalletExternalIdentity ensureIdentity() => $_ensure(0); } /// Response to `GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest` class GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse({ - $0.WalletConfiguration? wallet, + $3.WalletConfiguration? wallet, }) { final $result = create(); if (wallet != null) { @@ -1920,8 +1920,8 @@ class GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { package: const $pb.PackageName( _omitMessageNames ? '' : 'services.universalwallet.v1'), createEmptyInstance: create) - ..aOM<$0.WalletConfiguration>(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'wallet', - subBuilder: $0.WalletConfiguration.create) + ..aOM<$3.WalletConfiguration>(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'wallet', + subBuilder: $3.WalletConfiguration.create) ..hasRequiredFields = false; @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' @@ -1954,9 +1954,9 @@ class GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// Wallet configuration @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $0.WalletConfiguration get wallet => $_getN(0); + $3.WalletConfiguration get wallet => $_getN(0); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - set wallet($0.WalletConfiguration v) { + set wallet($3.WalletConfiguration v) { setField(1, v); } @@ -1965,13 +1965,13 @@ class GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { @$pb.TagNumber(1) void clearWallet() => clearField(1); @$pb.TagNumber(1) - $0.WalletConfiguration ensureWallet() => $_ensure(0); + $3.WalletConfiguration ensureWallet() => $_ensure(0); } class AddExternalIdentityInitRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory AddExternalIdentityInitRequest({ $core.String? identity, - $0.IdentityProvider? provider, + $3.IdentityProvider? provider, }) { final $result = create(); if (identity != null) { @@ -1996,11 +1996,11 @@ class AddExternalIdentityInitRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { _omitMessageNames ? '' : 'services.universalwallet.v1'), createEmptyInstance: create) ..aOS(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'identity') - ..e<$0.IdentityProvider>( + ..e<$3.IdentityProvider>( 2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'provider', $pb.PbFieldType.OE, - defaultOrMaker: $0.IdentityProvider.Unknown, - valueOf: $0.IdentityProvider.valueOf, - enumValues: $0.IdentityProvider.values) + defaultOrMaker: $3.IdentityProvider.Unknown, + valueOf: $3.IdentityProvider.valueOf, + enumValues: $3.IdentityProvider.values) ..hasRequiredFields = false; @$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. ' @@ -2046,9 +2046,9 @@ class AddExternalIdentityInitRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// The type of identity provider, like EMAIL or PHONE @$pb.TagNumber(2) - $0.IdentityProvider get provider => $_getN(1); + $3.IdentityProvider get provider => $_getN(1); @$pb.TagNumber(2) - set provider($0.IdentityProvider v) { + set provider($3.IdentityProvider v) { setField(2, v); } @@ -2375,7 +2375,7 @@ class RemoveExternalIdentityResponse extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { class AuthenticateInitRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { factory AuthenticateInitRequest({ $core.String? identity, - $0.IdentityProvider? provider, + $3.IdentityProvider? provider, $core.String? ecosystemId, }) { final $result = create(); @@ -2404,11 +2404,11 @@ class AuthenticateInitRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { _omitMessageNames ? '' : 'services.universalwallet.v1'), createEmptyInstance: create) ..aOS(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'identity') - ..e<$0.IdentityProvider>( + ..e<$3.IdentityProvider>( 2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'provider', $pb.PbFieldType.OE, - defaultOrMaker: $0.IdentityProvider.Unknown, - valueOf: $0.IdentityProvider.valueOf, - enumValues: $0.IdentityProvider.values) + defaultOrMaker: $3.IdentityProvider.Unknown, + valueOf: $3.IdentityProvider.valueOf, + enumValues: $3.IdentityProvider.values) ..aOS(3, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'ecosystemId') ..hasRequiredFields = false; @@ -2452,9 +2452,9 @@ class AuthenticateInitRequest extends $pb.GeneratedMessage { /// Identity provider @$pb.TagNumber(2) - $0.IdentityProvider get provider => $_getN(1); + $3.IdentityProvider get provider => $_getN(1); @$pb.TagNumber(2) - set provider($0.IdentityProvider v) { + set provider($3.IdentityProvider v) { setField(2, v); } diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.pbgrpc.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.pbgrpc.dart index 8983f5acb..756f47841 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.pbgrpc.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.pbgrpc.dart @@ -15,261 +15,261 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:grpc/service_api.dart' as $grpc; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; -import 'universal-wallet.pb.dart' as $1; +import 'universal-wallet.pb.dart' as $4; export 'universal-wallet.pb.dart'; @$pb.GrpcServiceName('services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet') class UniversalWalletClient extends $grpc.Client { static final _$getItem = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.GetItemRequest, $1.GetItemResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.GetItemRequest, $4.GetItemResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/GetItem', - ($1.GetItemRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.GetItemRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.GetItemResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.GetItemResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$search = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.SearchRequest, $1.SearchResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.SearchRequest, $4.SearchResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/Search', - ($1.SearchRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), - ($core.List<$> value) => $1.SearchResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + ($4.SearchRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($core.List<$> value) => $4.SearchResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$insertItem = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.InsertItemRequest, $1.InsertItemResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.InsertItemRequest, $4.InsertItemResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/InsertItem', - ($1.InsertItemRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.InsertItemRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.InsertItemResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.InsertItemResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$updateItem = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.UpdateItemRequest, $1.UpdateItemResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.UpdateItemRequest, $4.UpdateItemResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/UpdateItem', - ($1.UpdateItemRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.UpdateItemRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.UpdateItemResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.UpdateItemResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$deleteItem = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.DeleteItemRequest, $1.DeleteItemResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.DeleteItemRequest, $4.DeleteItemResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/DeleteItem', - ($1.DeleteItemRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.DeleteItemRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.DeleteItemResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.DeleteItemResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$deleteWallet = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.DeleteWalletRequest, $1.DeleteWalletResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.DeleteWalletRequest, $4.DeleteWalletResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/DeleteWallet', - ($1.DeleteWalletRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.DeleteWalletRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.DeleteWalletResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.DeleteWalletResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$createWallet = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.CreateWalletRequest, $1.CreateWalletResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.CreateWalletRequest, $4.CreateWalletResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/CreateWallet', - ($1.CreateWalletRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.CreateWalletRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.CreateWalletResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.CreateWalletResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$getWalletInfo = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.GetWalletInfoRequest, $1.GetWalletInfoResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.GetWalletInfoRequest, $4.GetWalletInfoResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/GetWalletInfo', - ($1.GetWalletInfoRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.GetWalletInfoRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.GetWalletInfoResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.GetWalletInfoResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$getMyInfo = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.GetMyInfoRequest, $1.GetMyInfoResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.GetMyInfoRequest, $4.GetMyInfoResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/GetMyInfo', - ($1.GetMyInfoRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.GetMyInfoRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.GetMyInfoResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.GetMyInfoResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$getWalletFromExternalIdentity = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest, - $1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse>( + $4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest, + $4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/GetWalletFromExternalIdentity', - ($1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$generateAuthToken = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $1.GenerateAuthTokenRequest, $1.GenerateAuthTokenResponse>( + $4.GenerateAuthTokenRequest, $4.GenerateAuthTokenResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/GenerateAuthToken', - ($1.GenerateAuthTokenRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.GenerateAuthTokenRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.GenerateAuthTokenResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.GenerateAuthTokenResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$revokeAuthToken = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.RevokeAuthTokenRequest, $1.RevokeAuthTokenResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.RevokeAuthTokenRequest, $4.RevokeAuthTokenResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/RevokeAuthToken', - ($1.RevokeAuthTokenRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.RevokeAuthTokenRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.RevokeAuthTokenResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.RevokeAuthTokenResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$addExternalIdentityInit = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $1.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest, - $1.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse>( + $4.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest, + $4.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/AddExternalIdentityInit', - ($1.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$addExternalIdentityConfirm = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest, - $1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse>( + $4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest, + $4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/AddExternalIdentityConfirm', - ($1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$removeExternalIdentity = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $1.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest, $1.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse>( + $4.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest, $4.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/RemoveExternalIdentity', - ($1.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$authenticateInit = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $1.AuthenticateInitRequest, $1.AuthenticateInitResponse>( + $4.AuthenticateInitRequest, $4.AuthenticateInitResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/AuthenticateInit', - ($1.AuthenticateInitRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.AuthenticateInitRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.AuthenticateInitResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.AuthenticateInitResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$authenticateConfirm = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $1.AuthenticateConfirmRequest, $1.AuthenticateConfirmResponse>( + $4.AuthenticateConfirmRequest, $4.AuthenticateConfirmResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/AuthenticateConfirm', - ($1.AuthenticateConfirmRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.AuthenticateConfirmRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.AuthenticateConfirmResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.AuthenticateConfirmResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$authenticateResendCode = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $1.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest, $1.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse>( + $4.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest, $4.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/AuthenticateResendCode', - ($1.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$listWallets = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.ListWalletsRequest, $1.ListWalletsResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$4.ListWalletsRequest, $4.ListWalletsResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/ListWallets', - ($1.ListWalletsRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.ListWalletsRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.ListWalletsResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.ListWalletsResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$listByVerificationTemplate = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $1.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest, - $1.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse>( + $4.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest, + $4.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse>( '/services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet/ListByVerificationTemplate', - ($1.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($4.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $4.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); UniversalWalletClient($grpc.ClientChannel channel, {$grpc.CallOptions? options, $core.Iterable<$grpc.ClientInterceptor>? interceptors}) : super(channel, options: options, interceptors: interceptors); - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.GetItemResponse> getItem($1.GetItemRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.GetItemResponse> getItem($4.GetItemRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getItem, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.SearchResponse> search($1.SearchRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.SearchResponse> search($4.SearchRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$search, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.InsertItemResponse> insertItem( - $1.InsertItemRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.InsertItemResponse> insertItem( + $4.InsertItemRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$insertItem, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.UpdateItemResponse> updateItem( - $1.UpdateItemRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.UpdateItemResponse> updateItem( + $4.UpdateItemRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$updateItem, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.DeleteItemResponse> deleteItem( - $1.DeleteItemRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.DeleteItemResponse> deleteItem( + $4.DeleteItemRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$deleteItem, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.DeleteWalletResponse> deleteWallet( - $1.DeleteWalletRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.DeleteWalletResponse> deleteWallet( + $4.DeleteWalletRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$deleteWallet, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.CreateWalletResponse> createWallet( - $1.CreateWalletRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.CreateWalletResponse> createWallet( + $4.CreateWalletRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$createWallet, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.GetWalletInfoResponse> getWalletInfo( - $1.GetWalletInfoRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.GetWalletInfoResponse> getWalletInfo( + $4.GetWalletInfoRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getWalletInfo, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.GetMyInfoResponse> getMyInfo( - $1.GetMyInfoRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.GetMyInfoResponse> getMyInfo( + $4.GetMyInfoRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getMyInfo, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse> + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse> getWalletFromExternalIdentity( - $1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest request, + $4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getWalletFromExternalIdentity, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.GenerateAuthTokenResponse> generateAuthToken( - $1.GenerateAuthTokenRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.GenerateAuthTokenResponse> generateAuthToken( + $4.GenerateAuthTokenRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$generateAuthToken, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.RevokeAuthTokenResponse> revokeAuthToken( - $1.RevokeAuthTokenRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.RevokeAuthTokenResponse> revokeAuthToken( + $4.RevokeAuthTokenRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$revokeAuthToken, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse> - addExternalIdentityInit($1.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse> + addExternalIdentityInit($4.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$addExternalIdentityInit, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse> - addExternalIdentityConfirm($1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse> + addExternalIdentityConfirm($4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$addExternalIdentityConfirm, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse> - removeExternalIdentity($1.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse> + removeExternalIdentity($4.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$removeExternalIdentity, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.AuthenticateInitResponse> authenticateInit( - $1.AuthenticateInitRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.AuthenticateInitResponse> authenticateInit( + $4.AuthenticateInitRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$authenticateInit, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.AuthenticateConfirmResponse> authenticateConfirm( - $1.AuthenticateConfirmRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.AuthenticateConfirmResponse> authenticateConfirm( + $4.AuthenticateConfirmRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$authenticateConfirm, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse> - authenticateResendCode($1.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse> + authenticateResendCode($4.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$authenticateResendCode, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.ListWalletsResponse> listWallets( - $1.ListWalletsRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.ListWalletsResponse> listWallets( + $4.ListWalletsRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$listWallets, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse> - listByVerificationTemplate($1.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$4.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse> + listByVerificationTemplate($4.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$listByVerificationTemplate, request, options: options); @@ -281,335 +281,335 @@ abstract class UniversalWalletServiceBase extends $grpc.Service { $core.String get $name => 'services.universalwallet.v1.UniversalWallet'; UniversalWalletServiceBase() { - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.GetItemRequest, $1.GetItemResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.GetItemRequest, $4.GetItemResponse>( 'GetItem', getItem_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $1.GetItemRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.GetItemResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.SearchRequest, $1.SearchResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $4.GetItemRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.GetItemResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.SearchRequest, $4.SearchResponse>( 'Search', search_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $1.SearchRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.SearchResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.InsertItemRequest, $1.InsertItemResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $4.SearchRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.SearchResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.InsertItemRequest, $4.InsertItemResponse>( 'InsertItem', insertItem_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $1.InsertItemRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.InsertItemResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.UpdateItemRequest, $1.UpdateItemResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $4.InsertItemRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.InsertItemResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.UpdateItemRequest, $4.UpdateItemResponse>( 'UpdateItem', updateItem_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $1.UpdateItemRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.UpdateItemResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.DeleteItemRequest, $1.DeleteItemResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $4.UpdateItemRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.UpdateItemResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.DeleteItemRequest, $4.DeleteItemResponse>( 'DeleteItem', deleteItem_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $1.DeleteItemRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.DeleteItemResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + ($core.List<$> value) => $4.DeleteItemRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.DeleteItemResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.DeleteWalletRequest, $1.DeleteWalletResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.DeleteWalletRequest, $4.DeleteWalletResponse>( 'DeleteWallet', deleteWallet_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.DeleteWalletRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.DeleteWalletResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $4.DeleteWalletRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.DeleteWalletResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.CreateWalletRequest, $1.CreateWalletResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.CreateWalletRequest, $4.CreateWalletResponse>( 'CreateWallet', createWallet_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.CreateWalletRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.CreateWalletResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $4.CreateWalletRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.CreateWalletResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.GetWalletInfoRequest, $1.GetWalletInfoResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.GetWalletInfoRequest, $4.GetWalletInfoResponse>( 'GetWalletInfo', getWalletInfo_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.GetWalletInfoRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.GetWalletInfoResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.GetMyInfoRequest, $1.GetMyInfoResponse>( + $4.GetWalletInfoRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.GetWalletInfoResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.GetMyInfoRequest, $4.GetMyInfoResponse>( 'GetMyInfo', getMyInfo_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $1.GetMyInfoRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.GetMyInfoResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest, - $1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $4.GetMyInfoRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.GetMyInfoResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest, + $4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse>( 'GetWalletFromExternalIdentity', getWalletFromExternalIdentity_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse value) => + $4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.GenerateAuthTokenRequest, - $1.GenerateAuthTokenResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.GenerateAuthTokenRequest, + $4.GenerateAuthTokenResponse>( 'GenerateAuthToken', generateAuthToken_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.GenerateAuthTokenRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.GenerateAuthTokenResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.RevokeAuthTokenRequest, - $1.RevokeAuthTokenResponse>( + $4.GenerateAuthTokenRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.GenerateAuthTokenResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.RevokeAuthTokenRequest, + $4.RevokeAuthTokenResponse>( 'RevokeAuthToken', revokeAuthToken_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.RevokeAuthTokenRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.RevokeAuthTokenResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest, - $1.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse>( + $4.RevokeAuthTokenRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.RevokeAuthTokenResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest, + $4.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse>( 'AddExternalIdentityInit', addExternalIdentityInit_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest, - $1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse>( + $4.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest, + $4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse>( 'AddExternalIdentityConfirm', addExternalIdentityConfirm_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse value) => + $4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest, - $1.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest, + $4.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse>( 'RemoveExternalIdentity', removeExternalIdentity_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.AuthenticateInitRequest, - $1.AuthenticateInitResponse>( + $4.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.AuthenticateInitRequest, + $4.AuthenticateInitResponse>( 'AuthenticateInit', authenticateInit_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.AuthenticateInitRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.AuthenticateInitResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.AuthenticateConfirmRequest, - $1.AuthenticateConfirmResponse>( + $4.AuthenticateInitRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.AuthenticateInitResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.AuthenticateConfirmRequest, + $4.AuthenticateConfirmResponse>( 'AuthenticateConfirm', authenticateConfirm_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.AuthenticateConfirmRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.AuthenticateConfirmResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest, - $1.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse>( + $4.AuthenticateConfirmRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.AuthenticateConfirmResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest, + $4.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse>( 'AuthenticateResendCode', authenticateResendCode_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $4.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.ListWalletsRequest, $1.ListWalletsResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.ListWalletsRequest, $4.ListWalletsResponse>( 'ListWallets', listWallets_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.ListWalletsRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.ListWalletsResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest, - $1.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse>( + $4.ListWalletsRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.ListWalletsResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$4.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest, + $4.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse>( 'ListByVerificationTemplate', listByVerificationTemplate_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $1.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($1.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse value) => + $4.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($4.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); } - $async.Future<$1.GetItemResponse> getItem_Pre( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $async.Future<$1.GetItemRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.GetItemResponse> getItem_Pre( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $async.Future<$4.GetItemRequest> request) async { return getItem(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.SearchResponse> search_Pre( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $async.Future<$1.SearchRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.SearchResponse> search_Pre( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $async.Future<$4.SearchRequest> request) async { return search(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.InsertItemResponse> insertItem_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.InsertItemRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.InsertItemResponse> insertItem_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$4.InsertItemRequest> request) async { return insertItem(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.UpdateItemResponse> updateItem_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.UpdateItemRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.UpdateItemResponse> updateItem_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$4.UpdateItemRequest> request) async { return updateItem(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.DeleteItemResponse> deleteItem_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.DeleteItemRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.DeleteItemResponse> deleteItem_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$4.DeleteItemRequest> request) async { return deleteItem(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.DeleteWalletResponse> deleteWallet_Pre( + $async.Future<$4.DeleteWalletResponse> deleteWallet_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.DeleteWalletRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.DeleteWalletRequest> request) async { return deleteWallet(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.CreateWalletResponse> createWallet_Pre( + $async.Future<$4.CreateWalletResponse> createWallet_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.CreateWalletRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.CreateWalletRequest> request) async { return createWallet(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.GetWalletInfoResponse> getWalletInfo_Pre( + $async.Future<$4.GetWalletInfoResponse> getWalletInfo_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.GetWalletInfoRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.GetWalletInfoRequest> request) async { return getWalletInfo(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.GetMyInfoResponse> getMyInfo_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.GetMyInfoRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.GetMyInfoResponse> getMyInfo_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$4.GetMyInfoRequest> request) async { return getMyInfo(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse> + $async.Future<$4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse> getWalletFromExternalIdentity_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest> + $async.Future<$4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest> request) async { return getWalletFromExternalIdentity(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.GenerateAuthTokenResponse> generateAuthToken_Pre( + $async.Future<$4.GenerateAuthTokenResponse> generateAuthToken_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.GenerateAuthTokenRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.GenerateAuthTokenRequest> request) async { return generateAuthToken(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.RevokeAuthTokenResponse> revokeAuthToken_Pre( + $async.Future<$4.RevokeAuthTokenResponse> revokeAuthToken_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.RevokeAuthTokenRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.RevokeAuthTokenRequest> request) async { return revokeAuthToken(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse> addExternalIdentityInit_Pre( + $async.Future<$4.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse> addExternalIdentityInit_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest> request) async { return addExternalIdentityInit(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse> + $async.Future<$4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse> addExternalIdentityConfirm_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest> request) async { return addExternalIdentityConfirm(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse> removeExternalIdentity_Pre( + $async.Future<$4.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse> removeExternalIdentity_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest> request) async { return removeExternalIdentity(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.AuthenticateInitResponse> authenticateInit_Pre( + $async.Future<$4.AuthenticateInitResponse> authenticateInit_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.AuthenticateInitRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.AuthenticateInitRequest> request) async { return authenticateInit(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.AuthenticateConfirmResponse> authenticateConfirm_Pre( + $async.Future<$4.AuthenticateConfirmResponse> authenticateConfirm_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.AuthenticateConfirmRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.AuthenticateConfirmRequest> request) async { return authenticateConfirm(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse> authenticateResendCode_Pre( + $async.Future<$4.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse> authenticateResendCode_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest> request) async { return authenticateResendCode(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.ListWalletsResponse> listWallets_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.ListWalletsRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.ListWalletsResponse> listWallets_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$4.ListWalletsRequest> request) async { return listWallets(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse> + $async.Future<$4.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse> listByVerificationTemplate_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$1.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$4.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest> request) async { return listByVerificationTemplate(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$1.GetItemResponse> getItem( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.GetItemRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.SearchResponse> search( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.SearchRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.InsertItemResponse> insertItem( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.InsertItemRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.UpdateItemResponse> updateItem( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.UpdateItemRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.DeleteItemResponse> deleteItem( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.DeleteItemRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.DeleteWalletResponse> deleteWallet( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.DeleteWalletRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.CreateWalletResponse> createWallet( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.CreateWalletRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.GetWalletInfoResponse> getWalletInfo( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.GetWalletInfoRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.GetMyInfoResponse> getMyInfo( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.GetMyInfoRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse> + $async.Future<$4.GetItemResponse> getItem( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.GetItemRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.SearchResponse> search( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.SearchRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.InsertItemResponse> insertItem( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.InsertItemRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.UpdateItemResponse> updateItem( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.UpdateItemRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.DeleteItemResponse> deleteItem( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.DeleteItemRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.DeleteWalletResponse> deleteWallet( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.DeleteWalletRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.CreateWalletResponse> createWallet( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.CreateWalletRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.GetWalletInfoResponse> getWalletInfo( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.GetWalletInfoRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.GetMyInfoResponse> getMyInfo( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.GetMyInfoRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse> getWalletFromExternalIdentity($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $1.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.GenerateAuthTokenResponse> generateAuthToken( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.GenerateAuthTokenRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.RevokeAuthTokenResponse> revokeAuthToken( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.RevokeAuthTokenRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse> addExternalIdentityInit( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse> + $4.GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.GenerateAuthTokenResponse> generateAuthToken( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.GenerateAuthTokenRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.RevokeAuthTokenResponse> revokeAuthToken( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.RevokeAuthTokenRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.AddExternalIdentityInitResponse> addExternalIdentityInit( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.AddExternalIdentityInitRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse> addExternalIdentityConfirm( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse> removeExternalIdentity( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.AuthenticateInitResponse> authenticateInit( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.AuthenticateInitRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.AuthenticateConfirmResponse> authenticateConfirm( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.AuthenticateConfirmRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse> authenticateResendCode( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.ListWalletsResponse> listWallets( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.ListWalletsRequest request); - $async.Future<$1.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse> + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.RemoveExternalIdentityResponse> removeExternalIdentity( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.RemoveExternalIdentityRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.AuthenticateInitResponse> authenticateInit( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.AuthenticateInitRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.AuthenticateConfirmResponse> authenticateConfirm( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.AuthenticateConfirmRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.AuthenticateResendCodeResponse> authenticateResendCode( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.AuthenticateResendCodeRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.ListWalletsResponse> listWallets( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.ListWalletsRequest request); + $async.Future<$4.ListByVerificationTemplateResponse> listByVerificationTemplate( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest request); + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $4.ListByVerificationTemplateRequest request); } diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/verifiable-credentials/templates/v1/templates.pbgrpc.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/verifiable-credentials/templates/v1/templates.pbgrpc.dart index c2668c084..55427e1ff 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/verifiable-credentials/templates/v1/templates.pbgrpc.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/verifiable-credentials/templates/v1/templates.pbgrpc.dart @@ -15,157 +15,157 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:grpc/service_api.dart' as $grpc; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; -import 'templates.pb.dart' as $5; +import 'templates.pb.dart' as $1; export 'templates.pb.dart'; @$pb.GrpcServiceName( 'services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates') class CredentialTemplatesClient extends $grpc.Client { - static final _$create = $grpc.ClientMethod<$5.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest, - $5.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse>( + static final _$create = $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest, + $1.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/Create', - ($5.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); - static final _$get = $grpc.ClientMethod<$5.GetCredentialTemplateRequest, - $5.GetCredentialTemplateResponse>( + $1.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + static final _$get = $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.GetCredentialTemplateRequest, + $1.GetCredentialTemplateResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/Get', - ($5.GetCredentialTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.GetCredentialTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.GetCredentialTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); - static final _$update = $grpc.ClientMethod<$5.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest, - $5.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse>( + $1.GetCredentialTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + static final _$update = $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest, + $1.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/Update', - ($5.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); - static final _$list = $grpc.ClientMethod<$5.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest, - $5.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse>( + $1.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + static final _$list = $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest, + $1.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/List', - ($5.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $1.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$search = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $5.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest, - $5.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse>( + $1.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest, + $1.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/Search', - ($5.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse.fromBuffer(value)); - static final _$delete = $grpc.ClientMethod<$5.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest, - $5.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse>( + $1.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + static final _$delete = $grpc.ClientMethod<$1.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest, + $1.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/Delete', - ($5.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $1.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$createVerificationTemplate = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $5.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest, - $5.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse>( + $1.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest, + $1.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/CreateVerificationTemplate', - ($5.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $1.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$listVerificationTemplates = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $5.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest, - $5.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse>( + $1.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest, + $1.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/ListVerificationTemplates', - ($5.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $1.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$getVerificationTemplate = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $5.GetVerificationTemplateRequest, - $5.GetVerificationTemplateResponse>( + $1.GetVerificationTemplateRequest, + $1.GetVerificationTemplateResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/GetVerificationTemplate', - ($5.GetVerificationTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.GetVerificationTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.GetVerificationTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $1.GetVerificationTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$updateVerificationTemplate = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $5.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest, - $5.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse>( + $1.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest, + $1.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/UpdateVerificationTemplate', - ($5.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $1.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$deleteVerificationTemplate = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $5.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest, - $5.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse>( + $1.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest, + $1.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates/DeleteVerificationTemplate', - ($5.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($1.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $1.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); CredentialTemplatesClient($grpc.ClientChannel channel, {$grpc.CallOptions? options, $core.Iterable<$grpc.ClientInterceptor>? interceptors}) : super(channel, options: options, interceptors: interceptors); - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse> create( - $5.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse> create( + $1.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$create, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.GetCredentialTemplateResponse> get( - $5.GetCredentialTemplateRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.GetCredentialTemplateResponse> get( + $1.GetCredentialTemplateRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$get, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse> update( - $5.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse> update( + $1.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$update, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse> list( - $5.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse> list( + $1.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$list, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse> search( - $5.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse> search( + $1.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$search, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse> delete( - $5.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse> delete( + $1.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$delete, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse> - createVerificationTemplate($5.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse> + createVerificationTemplate($1.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$createVerificationTemplate, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse> - listVerificationTemplates($5.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse> + listVerificationTemplates($1.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$listVerificationTemplates, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.GetVerificationTemplateResponse> - getVerificationTemplate($5.GetVerificationTemplateRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.GetVerificationTemplateResponse> + getVerificationTemplate($1.GetVerificationTemplateRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$getVerificationTemplate, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse> - updateVerificationTemplate($5.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse> + updateVerificationTemplate($1.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$updateVerificationTemplate, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$5.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse> - deleteVerificationTemplate($5.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$1.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse> + deleteVerificationTemplate($1.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$deleteVerificationTemplate, request, options: options); @@ -179,199 +179,199 @@ abstract class CredentialTemplatesServiceBase extends $grpc.Service { 'services.verifiablecredentials.templates.v1.CredentialTemplates'; CredentialTemplatesServiceBase() { - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest, - $5.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest, + $1.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse>( 'Create', create_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.GetCredentialTemplateRequest, - $5.GetCredentialTemplateResponse>( + $1.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.GetCredentialTemplateRequest, + $1.GetCredentialTemplateResponse>( 'Get', get_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.GetCredentialTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.GetCredentialTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest, - $5.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse>( + $1.GetCredentialTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.GetCredentialTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest, + $1.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse>( 'Update', update_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest, - $5.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse>( + $1.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest, + $1.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse>( 'List', list_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest, - $5.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse>( + $1.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest, + $1.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse>( 'Search', search_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest, - $5.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse>( + $1.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest, + $1.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse>( 'Delete', delete_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest, - $5.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse>( + $1.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest, + $1.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse>( 'CreateVerificationTemplate', createVerificationTemplate_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse value) => + $1.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest, - $5.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest, + $1.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse>( 'ListVerificationTemplates', listVerificationTemplates_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.GetVerificationTemplateRequest, - $5.GetVerificationTemplateResponse>( + $1.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.GetVerificationTemplateRequest, + $1.GetVerificationTemplateResponse>( 'GetVerificationTemplate', getVerificationTemplate_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.GetVerificationTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.GetVerificationTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest, - $5.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse>( + $1.GetVerificationTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.GetVerificationTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest, + $1.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse>( 'UpdateVerificationTemplate', updateVerificationTemplate_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse value) => + $1.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$5.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest, - $5.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$1.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest, + $1.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse>( 'DeleteVerificationTemplate', deleteVerificationTemplate_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $5.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($5.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse value) => + $1.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($1.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); } - $async.Future<$5.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse> create_Pre( + $async.Future<$1.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse> create_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest> request) async { return create(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.GetCredentialTemplateResponse> get_Pre( + $async.Future<$1.GetCredentialTemplateResponse> get_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.GetCredentialTemplateRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.GetCredentialTemplateRequest> request) async { return get(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse> update_Pre( + $async.Future<$1.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse> update_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest> request) async { return update(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse> list_Pre( + $async.Future<$1.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse> list_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest> request) async { return list(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse> search_Pre( + $async.Future<$1.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse> search_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest> request) async { return search(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse> delete_Pre( + $async.Future<$1.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse> delete_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest> request) async { return delete(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse> + $async.Future<$1.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse> createVerificationTemplate_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest> request) async { return createVerificationTemplate(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse> + $async.Future<$1.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse> listVerificationTemplates_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest> request) async { return listVerificationTemplates(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.GetVerificationTemplateResponse> getVerificationTemplate_Pre( + $async.Future<$1.GetVerificationTemplateResponse> getVerificationTemplate_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.GetVerificationTemplateRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.GetVerificationTemplateRequest> request) async { return getVerificationTemplate(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse> + $async.Future<$1.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse> updateVerificationTemplate_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest> request) async { return updateVerificationTemplate(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse> + $async.Future<$1.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse> deleteVerificationTemplate_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$5.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$1.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest> request) async { return deleteVerificationTemplate(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$5.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse> create( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest request); - $async.Future<$5.GetCredentialTemplateResponse> get( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.GetCredentialTemplateRequest request); - $async.Future<$5.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse> update( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest request); - $async.Future<$5.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse> list( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest request); - $async.Future<$5.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse> search( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest request); - $async.Future<$5.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse> delete( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest request); - $async.Future<$5.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse> + $async.Future<$1.CreateCredentialTemplateResponse> create( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.CreateCredentialTemplateRequest request); + $async.Future<$1.GetCredentialTemplateResponse> get( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.GetCredentialTemplateRequest request); + $async.Future<$1.UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse> update( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest request); + $async.Future<$1.ListCredentialTemplatesResponse> list( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.ListCredentialTemplatesRequest request); + $async.Future<$1.SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse> search( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest request); + $async.Future<$1.DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse> delete( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest request); + $async.Future<$1.CreateVerificationTemplateResponse> createVerificationTemplate( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest request); - $async.Future<$5.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse> listVerificationTemplates( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest request); - $async.Future<$5.GetVerificationTemplateResponse> getVerificationTemplate( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.GetVerificationTemplateRequest request); - $async.Future<$5.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse> + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.CreateVerificationTemplateRequest request); + $async.Future<$1.ListVerificationTemplatesResponse> listVerificationTemplates( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.ListVerificationTemplatesRequest request); + $async.Future<$1.GetVerificationTemplateResponse> getVerificationTemplate( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.GetVerificationTemplateRequest request); + $async.Future<$1.UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse> updateVerificationTemplate( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest request); - $async.Future<$5.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse> + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest request); + $async.Future<$1.DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse> deleteVerificationTemplate( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $5.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest request); + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $1.DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest request); } diff --git a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/verifiable-credentials/v1/verifiable-credentials.pbgrpc.dart b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/verifiable-credentials/v1/verifiable-credentials.pbgrpc.dart index 1457f8c9d..14431a6f9 100644 --- a/dart/lib/src/proto/services/verifiable-credentials/v1/verifiable-credentials.pbgrpc.dart +++ b/dart/lib/src/proto/services/verifiable-credentials/v1/verifiable-credentials.pbgrpc.dart @@ -15,119 +15,119 @@ import 'dart:core' as $core; import 'package:grpc/service_api.dart' as $grpc; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb; -import 'verifiable-credentials.pb.dart' as $6; +import 'verifiable-credentials.pb.dart' as $0; export 'verifiable-credentials.pb.dart'; @$pb.GrpcServiceName('services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential') class VerifiableCredentialClient extends $grpc.Client { static final _$issueFromTemplate = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $6.IssueFromTemplateRequest, $6.IssueFromTemplateResponse>( + $0.IssueFromTemplateRequest, $0.IssueFromTemplateResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential/IssueFromTemplate', - ($6.IssueFromTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($0.IssueFromTemplateRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.IssueFromTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $0.IssueFromTemplateResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$checkStatus = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$6.CheckStatusRequest, $6.CheckStatusResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$0.CheckStatusRequest, $0.CheckStatusResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential/CheckStatus', - ($6.CheckStatusRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($0.CheckStatusRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.CheckStatusResponse.fromBuffer(value)); - static final _$updateStatus = $grpc.ClientMethod<$6.UpdateStatusRequest, - $6.UpdateStatusResponse>( + $0.CheckStatusResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + static final _$updateStatus = $grpc.ClientMethod<$0.UpdateStatusRequest, + $0.UpdateStatusResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential/UpdateStatus', - ($6.UpdateStatusRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($0.UpdateStatusRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.UpdateStatusResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $0.UpdateStatusResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$createProof = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$6.CreateProofRequest, $6.CreateProofResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$0.CreateProofRequest, $0.CreateProofResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential/CreateProof', - ($6.CreateProofRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($0.CreateProofRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.CreateProofResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $0.CreateProofResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$verifyProof = - $grpc.ClientMethod<$6.VerifyProofRequest, $6.VerifyProofResponse>( + $grpc.ClientMethod<$0.VerifyProofRequest, $0.VerifyProofResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential/VerifyProof', - ($6.VerifyProofRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($0.VerifyProofRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.VerifyProofResponse.fromBuffer(value)); - static final _$send = $grpc.ClientMethod<$6.SendRequest, $6.SendResponse>( + $0.VerifyProofResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + static final _$send = $grpc.ClientMethod<$0.SendRequest, $0.SendResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential/Send', - ($6.SendRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), - ($core.List<$> value) => $6.SendResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + ($0.SendRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($core.List<$> value) => $0.SendResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$createCredentialOffer = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $6.CreateCredentialOfferRequest, $6.CreateCredentialOfferResponse>( + $0.CreateCredentialOfferRequest, $0.CreateCredentialOfferResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential/CreateCredentialOffer', - ($6.CreateCredentialOfferRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($0.CreateCredentialOfferRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.CreateCredentialOfferResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $0.CreateCredentialOfferResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$acceptCredential = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $6.AcceptCredentialRequest, $6.AcceptCredentialResponse>( + $0.AcceptCredentialRequest, $0.AcceptCredentialResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential/AcceptCredential', - ($6.AcceptCredentialRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($0.AcceptCredentialRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.AcceptCredentialResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $0.AcceptCredentialResponse.fromBuffer(value)); static final _$rejectCredential = $grpc.ClientMethod< - $6.RejectCredentialRequest, $6.RejectCredentialResponse>( + $0.RejectCredentialRequest, $0.RejectCredentialResponse>( '/services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential/RejectCredential', - ($6.RejectCredentialRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), + ($0.RejectCredentialRequest value) => value.writeToBuffer(), ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.RejectCredentialResponse.fromBuffer(value)); + $0.RejectCredentialResponse.fromBuffer(value)); VerifiableCredentialClient($grpc.ClientChannel channel, {$grpc.CallOptions? options, $core.Iterable<$grpc.ClientInterceptor>? interceptors}) : super(channel, options: options, interceptors: interceptors); - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.IssueFromTemplateResponse> issueFromTemplate( - $6.IssueFromTemplateRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.IssueFromTemplateResponse> issueFromTemplate( + $0.IssueFromTemplateRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$issueFromTemplate, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.CheckStatusResponse> checkStatus( - $6.CheckStatusRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.CheckStatusResponse> checkStatus( + $0.CheckStatusRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$checkStatus, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.UpdateStatusResponse> updateStatus( - $6.UpdateStatusRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.UpdateStatusResponse> updateStatus( + $0.UpdateStatusRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$updateStatus, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.CreateProofResponse> createProof( - $6.CreateProofRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.CreateProofResponse> createProof( + $0.CreateProofRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$createProof, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.VerifyProofResponse> verifyProof( - $6.VerifyProofRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.VerifyProofResponse> verifyProof( + $0.VerifyProofRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$verifyProof, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.SendResponse> send($6.SendRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.SendResponse> send($0.SendRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$send, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.CreateCredentialOfferResponse> createCredentialOffer( - $6.CreateCredentialOfferRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.CreateCredentialOfferResponse> createCredentialOffer( + $0.CreateCredentialOfferRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$createCredentialOffer, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.AcceptCredentialResponse> acceptCredential( - $6.AcceptCredentialRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.AcceptCredentialResponse> acceptCredential( + $0.AcceptCredentialRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$acceptCredential, request, options: options); } - $grpc.ResponseFuture<$6.RejectCredentialResponse> rejectCredential( - $6.RejectCredentialRequest request, + $grpc.ResponseFuture<$0.RejectCredentialResponse> rejectCredential( + $0.RejectCredentialRequest request, {$grpc.CallOptions? options}) { return $createUnaryCall(_$rejectCredential, request, options: options); } @@ -139,153 +139,153 @@ abstract class VerifiableCredentialServiceBase extends $grpc.Service { 'services.verifiablecredentials.v1.VerifiableCredential'; VerifiableCredentialServiceBase() { - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.IssueFromTemplateRequest, - $6.IssueFromTemplateResponse>( + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.IssueFromTemplateRequest, + $0.IssueFromTemplateResponse>( 'IssueFromTemplate', issueFromTemplate_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.IssueFromTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($6.IssueFromTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $0.IssueFromTemplateRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($0.IssueFromTemplateResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.CheckStatusRequest, $6.CheckStatusResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.CheckStatusRequest, $0.CheckStatusResponse>( 'CheckStatus', checkStatus_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.CheckStatusRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($6.CheckStatusResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $0.CheckStatusRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($0.CheckStatusResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.UpdateStatusRequest, $6.UpdateStatusResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.UpdateStatusRequest, $0.UpdateStatusResponse>( 'UpdateStatus', updateStatus_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.UpdateStatusRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($6.UpdateStatusResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $0.UpdateStatusRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($0.UpdateStatusResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.CreateProofRequest, $6.CreateProofResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.CreateProofRequest, $0.CreateProofResponse>( 'CreateProof', createProof_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.CreateProofRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($6.CreateProofResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $0.CreateProofRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($0.CreateProofResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); $addMethod( - $grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.VerifyProofRequest, $6.VerifyProofResponse>( + $grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.VerifyProofRequest, $0.VerifyProofResponse>( 'VerifyProof', verifyProof_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.VerifyProofRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($6.VerifyProofResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.SendRequest, $6.SendResponse>( + $0.VerifyProofRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($0.VerifyProofResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.SendRequest, $0.SendResponse>( 'Send', send_Pre, false, false, - ($core.List<$> value) => $6.SendRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($6.SendResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.CreateCredentialOfferRequest, - $6.CreateCredentialOfferResponse>( + ($core.List<$> value) => $0.SendRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($0.SendResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.CreateCredentialOfferRequest, + $0.CreateCredentialOfferResponse>( 'CreateCredentialOffer', createCredentialOffer_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.CreateCredentialOfferRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($6.CreateCredentialOfferResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.AcceptCredentialRequest, - $6.AcceptCredentialResponse>( + $0.CreateCredentialOfferRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($0.CreateCredentialOfferResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.AcceptCredentialRequest, + $0.AcceptCredentialResponse>( 'AcceptCredential', acceptCredential_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.AcceptCredentialRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($6.AcceptCredentialResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); - $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$6.RejectCredentialRequest, - $6.RejectCredentialResponse>( + $0.AcceptCredentialRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($0.AcceptCredentialResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $addMethod($grpc.ServiceMethod<$0.RejectCredentialRequest, + $0.RejectCredentialResponse>( 'RejectCredential', rejectCredential_Pre, false, false, ($core.List<$> value) => - $6.RejectCredentialRequest.fromBuffer(value), - ($6.RejectCredentialResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); + $0.RejectCredentialRequest.fromBuffer(value), + ($0.RejectCredentialResponse value) => value.writeToBuffer())); } - $async.Future<$6.IssueFromTemplateResponse> issueFromTemplate_Pre( + $async.Future<$0.IssueFromTemplateResponse> issueFromTemplate_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$6.IssueFromTemplateRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$0.IssueFromTemplateRequest> request) async { return issueFromTemplate(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$6.CheckStatusResponse> checkStatus_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$6.CheckStatusRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$0.CheckStatusResponse> checkStatus_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$0.CheckStatusRequest> request) async { return checkStatus(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$6.UpdateStatusResponse> updateStatus_Pre( + $async.Future<$0.UpdateStatusResponse> updateStatus_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$6.UpdateStatusRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$0.UpdateStatusRequest> request) async { return updateStatus(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$6.CreateProofResponse> createProof_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$6.CreateProofRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$0.CreateProofResponse> createProof_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$0.CreateProofRequest> request) async { return createProof(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$6.VerifyProofResponse> verifyProof_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$6.VerifyProofRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$0.VerifyProofResponse> verifyProof_Pre($grpc.ServiceCall call, + $async.Future<$0.VerifyProofRequest> request) async { return verifyProof(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$6.SendResponse> send_Pre( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $async.Future<$6.SendRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$0.SendResponse> send_Pre( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $async.Future<$0.SendRequest> request) async { return send(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$6.CreateCredentialOfferResponse> createCredentialOffer_Pre( + $async.Future<$0.CreateCredentialOfferResponse> createCredentialOffer_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$6.CreateCredentialOfferRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$0.CreateCredentialOfferRequest> request) async { return createCredentialOffer(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$6.AcceptCredentialResponse> acceptCredential_Pre( + $async.Future<$0.AcceptCredentialResponse> acceptCredential_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$6.AcceptCredentialRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$0.AcceptCredentialRequest> request) async { return acceptCredential(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$6.RejectCredentialResponse> rejectCredential_Pre( + $async.Future<$0.RejectCredentialResponse> rejectCredential_Pre( $grpc.ServiceCall call, - $async.Future<$6.RejectCredentialRequest> request) async { + $async.Future<$0.RejectCredentialRequest> request) async { return rejectCredential(call, await request); } - $async.Future<$6.IssueFromTemplateResponse> issueFromTemplate( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.IssueFromTemplateRequest request); - $async.Future<$6.CheckStatusResponse> checkStatus( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.CheckStatusRequest request); - $async.Future<$6.UpdateStatusResponse> updateStatus( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.UpdateStatusRequest request); - $async.Future<$6.CreateProofResponse> createProof( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.CreateProofRequest request); - $async.Future<$6.VerifyProofResponse> verifyProof( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.VerifyProofRequest request); - $async.Future<$6.SendResponse> send( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.SendRequest request); - $async.Future<$6.CreateCredentialOfferResponse> createCredentialOffer( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.CreateCredentialOfferRequest request); - $async.Future<$6.AcceptCredentialResponse> acceptCredential( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.AcceptCredentialRequest request); - $async.Future<$6.RejectCredentialResponse> rejectCredential( - $grpc.ServiceCall call, $6.RejectCredentialRequest request); + $async.Future<$0.IssueFromTemplateResponse> issueFromTemplate( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.IssueFromTemplateRequest request); + $async.Future<$0.CheckStatusResponse> checkStatus( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.CheckStatusRequest request); + $async.Future<$0.UpdateStatusResponse> updateStatus( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.UpdateStatusRequest request); + $async.Future<$0.CreateProofResponse> createProof( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.CreateProofRequest request); + $async.Future<$0.VerifyProofResponse> verifyProof( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.VerifyProofRequest request); + $async.Future<$0.SendResponse> send( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.SendRequest request); + $async.Future<$0.CreateCredentialOfferResponse> createCredentialOffer( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.CreateCredentialOfferRequest request); + $async.Future<$0.AcceptCredentialResponse> acceptCredential( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.AcceptCredentialRequest request); + $async.Future<$0.RejectCredentialResponse> rejectCredential( + $grpc.ServiceCall call, $0.RejectCredentialRequest request); } diff --git a/devops/requirements.txt b/devops/requirements.txt index 694351188..3e9ec0edb 100644 --- a/devops/requirements.txt +++ b/devops/requirements.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ git+[compiler] grpcio-tools requests -markupsafe==2.1.3 +markupsafe==2.1.5 diff --git a/docs/_static/proto.json b/docs/_static/proto.json index 7708508c0..f1fbe026e 100644 --- a/docs/_static/proto.json +++ b/docs/_static/proto.json @@ -486,6 +486,12 @@ "file": "services/connect/v1/connect.proto", "parent": "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest" }, + "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.demo_rp": { + "type": "field", + "collection": "fields", + "file": "services/connect/v1/connect.proto", + "parent": "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest" + }, "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.verifications": { "type": "field", "collection": "fields", @@ -516,6 +522,30 @@ "file": "services/connect/v1/connect.proto", "parent": "services.connect.v1.CredentialRequestData" }, + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty": { + "type": "message", + "collection": "messages", + "file": "services/connect/v1/connect.proto", + "parent": "" + }, + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.display_name": { + "type": "field", + "collection": "fields", + "file": "services/connect/v1/connect.proto", + "parent": "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty" + }, + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.logo_url": { + "type": "field", + "collection": "fields", + "file": "services/connect/v1/connect.proto", + "parent": "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty" + }, + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.primary_color": { + "type": "field", + "collection": "fields", + "file": "services/connect/v1/connect.proto", + "parent": "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty" + }, "services.connect.v1.GetSessionRequest": { "type": "message", "collection": "messages", @@ -4697,6 +4727,7 @@ "services.connect.v1.IDVSession.VerificationsEntry", "services.connect.v1.Verification", "services.connect.v1.NormalizedGovernmentIdData", + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty", "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest", "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry", "services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification", @@ -4741,8 +4772,12 @@ "", "services.connect.v1.NormalizedGovernmentIdData.issue_date", "services.connect.v1.NormalizedGovernmentIdData.expiration_date", + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.display_name", + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.logo_url", + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.primary_color", "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.verifications", "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.debug_information", + "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.demo_rp", "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry.key", "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry.value", "services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification.type", @@ -6475,7 +6510,8 @@ "description": "Request to create an Identity Verification Session", "fields": [ "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.verifications", - "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.debug_information" + "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.debug_information", + "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.demo_rp" ], "messages": [ "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry" @@ -6514,6 +6550,18 @@ "messages": [], "enums": [] }, + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty": { + "name": "DemoRelyingParty", + "full_name": "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty", + "description": "Information about a Relying Party used for demo purposes", + "fields": [ + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.display_name", + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.logo_url", + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.primary_color" + ], + "messages": [], + "enums": [] + }, "services.connect.v1.GetSessionRequest": { "name": "GetSessionRequest", "full_name": "services.connect.v1.GetSessionRequest", @@ -8719,6 +8767,14 @@ "full_type": "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry", "description": "Debugging information used to help diagnose issues" }, + "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.demo_rp": { + "name": "demo_rp", + "full_name": "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.demo_rp", + "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL", + "type": "DemoRelyingParty", + "full_type": "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty", + "description": "Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.\nThis is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information." + }, "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.verifications": { "name": "verifications", "full_name": "services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.verifications", @@ -8743,6 +8799,30 @@ "full_type": "services.connect.v1.VerificationType", "description": "The type of verification for which the credential can be used\n\nName of the IDV issuer" }, + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.display_name": { + "name": "display_name", + "full_name": "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.display_name", + "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL", + "type": "string", + "full_type": "string", + "description": "" + }, + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.logo_url": { + "name": "logo_url", + "full_name": "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.logo_url", + "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL", + "type": "string", + "full_type": "string", + "description": "" + }, + "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.primary_color": { + "name": "primary_color", + "full_name": "services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty.primary_color", + "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL", + "type": "string", + "full_type": "string", + "description": "" + }, "services.connect.v1.GetSessionRequest.idv_session_id": { "name": "idv_session_id", "full_name": "services.connect.v1.GetSessionRequest.idv_session_id", diff --git a/docs/reference/proto/ b/docs/reference/proto/ index 73ce88d84..4b0f2bd1f 100644 --- a/docs/reference/proto/ +++ b/docs/reference/proto/ @@ -8,521 +8,417 @@ This page documents the Protobuf Services and Messages which compose the Trinsic - +


-## services/connect/v1/connect.proto - - - - - -### Service - Connect -The Connect service provides access to Trinsic Connect, a reusable identity verification service. +## services/options/field-options.proto -| Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | -| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| -| CreateSession | [CreateSessionRequest](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CreateSessionRequest) | [CreateSessionResponse](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CreateSessionResponse) | Create an IDVSession | -| CancelSession | [CancelSessionRequest](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CancelSessionRequest) | [CancelSessionResponse](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CancelSessionResponse) | Cancel an IDVSession | -| GetSession | [GetSessionRequest](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-GetSessionRequest) | [GetSessionResponse](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-GetSessionResponse) | Get an IDVSession | -| ListSessions | [ListSessionsRequest](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-ListSessionsRequest) | [ListSessionsResponse](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-ListSessionsResponse) | List IDVSessions created by the calling wallet | -| HasValidCredential | [HasValidCredentialRequest](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-HasValidCredentialRequest) | [HasValidCredentialResponse](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-HasValidCredentialResponse) | Checks if the identity provided in the request has a wallet containing a valid reusable credential | - + + +### AnnotationOption -### CancelSessionRequest -Request to cancel an Identity Verification Session | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| idv_session_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the IDVSession to cancel | +| active | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Is this annotation active | +| message | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Custom annotation message to provide | - + + +### SdkTemplateOption -### CancelSessionResponse -Response to `CancelIDVSessionRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| session | [IDVSession](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSession) | The IDVSession in its current state after cancellation | - +| anonymous | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether the service endpoint allows anonymous (no auth token necessary) authentication This is used by the `protoc-gen-trinsic-sdk` plugin for metadata. | +| ignore | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether the SDK template generator should ignore this method. This method will be wrapped manually. | +| no_arguments | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether the SDK template generator should generate this method without arguments, eg ProviderService.GetEcosystemInfo() where the request object is empty | +| experimental | [AnnotationOption](/reference/proto#services-options-AnnotationOption) | This endpoint is experimental. Consider it in beta, so documentation may be incomplete or incorrect. | +| deprecated | [AnnotationOption](/reference/proto#services-options-AnnotationOption) | This endpoint is deprecated. It will be removed in the future. | - + -### CreateSessionRequest -Request to create an Identity Verification Session + -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| verifications | [RequestedVerification](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-RequestedVerification)[] | Array of verifications to perform | -| debug_information | [CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CreateSessionRequest-DebugInformationEntry)[] | Debugging information used to help diagnose issues | + +### File-level Extensions +| Extension | Type | Base | Number | Description | +| --------- | ---- | ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| optional | bool | .google.protobuf.FieldOptions | 60000 | Whether field is optional in Trinsic's backend. This is not the same as an `optional` protobuf label; it only impacts documentation generation for the field. | +| sdk_template_option | SdkTemplateOption | .google.protobuf.MethodOptions | 60001 | | + + +


- +## services/verifiable-credentials/v1/verifiable-credentials.proto -### CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry + -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +### Service - VerifiableCredential +| Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | +| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| +| IssueFromTemplate | [IssueFromTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-IssueFromTemplateRequest) | [IssueFromTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-IssueFromTemplateResponse) | Sign and issue a verifiable credential from a pre-defined template. This process will also add schema validation and revocation registry values to the credential. | +| CheckStatus | [CheckStatusRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CheckStatusRequest) | [CheckStatusResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CheckStatusResponse) | Check credential status in the revocation registry | +| UpdateStatus | [UpdateStatusRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-UpdateStatusRequest) | [UpdateStatusResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-UpdateStatusResponse) | Update credential status by setting the revocation value | +| CreateProof | [CreateProofRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CreateProofRequest) | [CreateProofResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CreateProofResponse) | Create a proof from a signed document that is a valid verifiable credential and contains a signature from which a proof can be derived. | +| VerifyProof | [VerifyProofRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-VerifyProofRequest) | [VerifyProofResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-VerifyProofResponse) | Verifies a proof by checking the signature value, and if possible schema validation, revocation status, and issuer status against a trust registry | +| Send | [SendRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-SendRequest) | [SendResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-SendResponse) | Sends a document directly to a user's email within the given ecosystem | +| CreateCredentialOffer | [CreateCredentialOfferRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CreateCredentialOfferRequest) | [CreateCredentialOfferResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CreateCredentialOfferResponse) | Create credential offer | +| AcceptCredential | [AcceptCredentialRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-AcceptCredentialRequest) | [AcceptCredentialResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-AcceptCredentialResponse) | Accept an offer to exchange a credential | +| RejectCredential | [RejectCredentialRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-RejectCredentialRequest) | [RejectCredentialResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-RejectCredentialResponse) | Reject an offer to exchange a credential | + + - +### AcceptCredentialRequest -### CreateSessionResponse -Response to `CreateIDVSessionRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| session | [IDVSession](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSession) | The created IDVSession | +| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The JSON document that contains the credential offer | +| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the credential offer (Parameter ID inside the JSON document) | - + -### CredentialRequestData +### AcceptCredentialResponse | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| type | [VerificationType](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-VerificationType) | The type of verification for which the credential can be used - -Name of the IDV issuer | +| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the item in the wallet that contains the issued credential | +| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The JSON document that contains the issued credential. This item is already stored in the wallet. | - + -### GetSessionRequest -Request to get an IDVSession +### CheckStatusRequest +Request to check a credential's revocation status | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| idv_session_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the IDVSession to get | +| credential_status_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Credential Status ID to check. This is not the same as the credential's ID. | - + -### GetSessionResponse -Response to `GetIDVSessionRequest` +### CheckStatusResponse +Response to `CheckStatusRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| session | [IDVSession](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSession) | The IDVSession | +| revoked | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | The credential's revocation status | - + + +### CreateCredentialOfferRequest -### GovernmentIDFields -Selection of fields to retrieve from a Government ID. All fields default to `false` unless explicitly set to `true`. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id_number | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | ID number of the underlying identity document | -| given_name | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Given ("first") name of the document holder | -| family_name | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Family ("last") name of the document holder | -| address | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Full address of the document holder | -| date_of_birth | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Date of birth of the document holder | -| country | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | ISO3 country code of the document | -| issue_date | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Issuance date of the document | -| expiration_date | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Expiration date date of the document | +| template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template to use | +| values_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | JSON document string with keys corresponding to the fields of the template referenced by `template_id` | +| holder_binding | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | If true, the credential will be issued with holder binding by specifying the holder DID in the credential subject | +| include_governance | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | If true, the issued credential will contain an attestation of the issuer's membership in the ecosystem's Trust Registry. | +| generate_share_url | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | If true, a short URL link will be generated that can be used to share the credential offer with the holder. This link will point to the credential offer in the wallet app. | +| signature_type | [SignatureType](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-SignatureType) | The type of signature to use when signing the credential. Defaults to `EXPERIMENTAL`. | - + + +### CreateCredentialOfferResponse -### GovernmentIDOptions -Options for a Verification of type `GOVERNMENT_ID` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| fields | [GovernmentIDFields](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-GovernmentIDFields) | The fields to retrieve from the Government ID. If this object is not set, all fields will be retrieved. | +| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The JSON document that contains the credential offer | +| share_url | [string](/reference/proto#string) | If requested, a URL that can be used to share the credential offer with the holder. This is a short URL that can be used in a QR code and will redirect the holder to the credential offer using the wallet app. | - + -### HasValidCredentialRequest -Request to preemptively check if an identity has a valid reusable credential +### CreateProofRequest +Request to create a proof for a Verifiable Credential using public key tied to caller. +Either `item_id`, or `document_json` may be provided, not both. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| identity | [services.universalwallet.v1.CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-CreateWalletRequest-ExternalIdentity) | The identity used to find a credential | -| credential_request_data | [CredentialRequestData](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CredentialRequestData) | The criteria used to find a valid credential | +| reveal_document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | A valid JSON-LD frame describing which fields should be revealed in the generated proof. If unspecified, all fields in the document will be revealed | +| reveal_template | [RevealTemplateAttributes](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-RevealTemplateAttributes) | Information about what sections of the document to reveal | +| verification_template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Id of verification template with which to construct the JSON-LD proof document | +| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of wallet item stored in a Trinsic cloud wallet | +| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | A valid JSON-LD Verifiable Credential document string with an unbound signature. The proof will be derived from this document directly. The document will not be stored in the wallet. | +| use_verifiable_presentation | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Wrap the output in a verifiable presentation. If the credential used in the proof is bound to the holder DID, the output will always use a verifiable presentation and this field will be ignored. | +| nonce | [bytes](/reference/proto#bytes) | Nonce value used to derive the proof. If not specified, a random nonce will be generated. This value may be represented in base64 format in the proof model. | - + -### HasValidCredentialResponse -Response to `HasValidCredentialRequest` +### CreateProofResponse +Response to `CreateProofRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| has_valid_credential | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether the identity has a valid credential | +| proof_document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Valid JSON-LD proof for the specified credential | - + -### IDVSession -An Identity Verification Session +### IssueFromTemplateRequest +Request to create and sign a JSON-LD Verifiable Credential from a template using public key tied to caller | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the IDVSession. | -| client_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The Client Token for this IDVSession. This should be passed to your frontend to initiate the IDV flow using Trinsic's Web SDK. | -| state | [IDVSessionState](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSessionState) | State of the IDVSession | -| verifications | [IDVSession.VerificationsEntry](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSession-VerificationsEntry)[] | The actual Verifications to perform in this IDV flow | -| fail_code | [SessionFailCode](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-SessionFailCode) | The reason for the IDVSession's failure. Only set if `state` is `IDV_FAILED`. | -| result_vp | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The resultant signed VP combining the results of all verifications | -| created | [fixed64](/reference/proto#fixed64) | The unix timestamp, in seconds, that this IDVSession was created | -| updated | [fixed64](/reference/proto#fixed64) | The unix timestamp, in seconds, that this IDVSession's `state` was last updated | - +| template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template to use | +| values_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | JSON document string with keys corresponding to the fields of the template referenced by `template_id` | +| save_copy | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Save a copy of the issued credential to this user's wallet. This copy will only contain the credential data, but not the secret proof value. Issuers may use this data to keep track of the details for revocation status. | +| expiration_date | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ISO8601 expiration UTC date of the credential. This is a reserved field in the VC specification. If specified, the issued credential will contain an expiration date. | +| include_governance | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | If true, the issued credential will contain an attestation of the issuer's membership in the ecosystem's Trust Registry. | +| signature_type | [SignatureType](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-SignatureType) | The type of signature to use when signing the credential. Defaults to `EXPERIMENTAL`. | - -### IDVSession.VerificationsEntry + +### IssueFromTemplateResponse +Response to `IssueFromTemplateRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [Verification](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-Verification) | | +| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Verifiable Credential document, in JSON-LD form, constructed from the specified template and values; signed with public key tied to caller of `IssueFromTemplateRequest` | - + + +### RejectCredentialRequest -### ListSessionsRequest -Request to list all IDVSessions you've created | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| order_by | [SessionOrdering](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-SessionOrdering) | The field by which sessions should be sorted. Defaults to `CREATED`. | -| order_direction | [services.common.v1.OrderDirection](/reference/proto#services-common-v1-OrderDirection) | The order in which sessions should be sorted. Defaults to `ASCENDING`. | -| page_size | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | The number of results to return per page. Must be between `1` and `10`, inclusive. Defaults to `10`. | -| page | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | The page index of results to return. Starts at `1`. Defaults to `1`. | - +| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The JSON document that contains the credential offer | +| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the credential offer (Parameter ID inside the JSON document) | - -### ListSessionsResponse -Response to `ListIDVSessionsRequest` + +### RejectCredentialResponse -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| sessions | [IDVSession](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSession)[] | The sessions you've created | -| total | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | The total number of sessions you've created | -| more | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | If `true`, this is not the last page of results. If `false`, this is the last page of results. | - + -### NormalizedGovernmentIdData +### RevealTemplateAttributes | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id_number | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID number of the underlying identity document | -| given_name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Given ("first") name of the document holder | -| family_name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Family ("last") name of the document holder | -| address | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Full address of the document holder | -| date_of_birth | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Date of birth of the document holder | -| country | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ISO3 country code of the document | -| issue_date | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Issuance date of the document | -| expiration_date | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Expiration date date of the document | +| template_attributes | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | A list of document attributes to reveal. If unset, all attributes will be returned. | - + -### RequestedVerification -A verification to perform in an IDV flow +### SendRequest +Request to send a document to another user's wallet | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| type | [VerificationType](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-VerificationType) | The type of verification to perform | -| government_id_options | [GovernmentIDOptions](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-GovernmentIDOptions) | Options for a Verification of type `GOVERNMENT_ID` | +| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of user to whom you'll send the item | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of the recipient within the ecosystem | +| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the recipient | +| phone_number | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SMS of user to whom you'll send the item | +| send_notification | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Send email notification that credential has been sent to a wallet | +| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | JSON document to send to recipient | - + -### Verification -A Verification that is part of an IDVSession +### SendResponse +Response to `SendRequest` -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the verification | -| type | [VerificationType](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-VerificationType) | The type of verification (driver's license, passport, proof of address, etc) | -| state | [VerificationState](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-VerificationState) | The state of the verification | -| fail_code | [VerificationFailCode](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-VerificationFailCode) | The reason for the Verification's failure. Only set if `state` is `VERIFICATION_FAILED`. | -| reused | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether this was a reused (true) or fresh (false) verification. If `state` is not `VERIFICATION_SUCCESS`, this field is `false` and does not convey useful information. | -| begun | [fixed64](/reference/proto#fixed64) | The unix timestamp, in seconds, when this verification was begun by the user -- or `0` if not yet begun. | -| updated | [fixed64](/reference/proto#fixed64) | The unix timestamp, in seconds, when this verification last changed state -- or `0` if it has not yet begun. | -| government_id_options | [GovernmentIDOptions](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-GovernmentIDOptions) | The Government ID options for this Verification. Only set if this Verification is of type `GOVERNMENT_ID`. | -| normalized_government_id_data | [NormalizedGovernmentIdData](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-NormalizedGovernmentIdData) | Normalized output for manual parsing and usage for this verification Only set if this Verification is of type `GOVERNMENT_ID` and has succeeded. | - - - - - - - - - - -### IDVSessionState -The states a VerificationSession can be in - -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| IDV_CREATED | 0 | Session has been created, but not yet shown to user | -| IDV_INITIATED | 1 | Session has been shown to user (iframe / popup opened), but user has not yet logged in. | -| IDV_AUTHENTICATING | 2 | User has entered their phone number, but not yet authenticated with the code sent via SMS | -| IDV_IN_PROGRESS | 3 | User has been authenticated and is performing identity verification | -| IDV_SUCCESS | 4 | Session was completed successfully and IDV data is available to RP | -| IDV_FAILED | 5 | The session failed; reason is present in `fail_code`. | - - - - - -### SessionFailCode -The specific reason an IDVSession is in the `Failed` state - -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| SESSION_FAIL_NONE | 0 | The Session is not in a failure state. | -| SESSION_FAIL_INTERNAL | 1 | An internal Trinsic error caused this session to fail | -| SESSION_FAIL_VERIFICATION_FAILED | 2 | The session failed because one or more of the verifications failed. The reason for the failure is present in the `fail_reason` field of the relevant `Verification` object(s). | -| SESSION_FAIL_AUTHENTICATION | 3 | The session failed because the user failed to authenticate with their phone number too many times. | -| SESSION_FAIL_EXPIRED | 4 | The session expired | -| SESSION_FAIL_USER_CANCELED | 5 | The user canceled / rejected the session | -| SESSION_FAIL_RP_CANCELED | 6 | The RP canceled the session | - - - - - -### SessionOrdering -Controls how sessions are ordered in `ListSessions` - -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| CREATED | 0 | Order sessions according to when they were created | -| UPDATED | 1 | Order sessions according to when they last changed state | -| STATE | 2 | Order sessions according to their numerical state | - - - - - -### VerificationFailCode -The specific reason a Verification is in the `Failed` state - -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| VERIFICATION_FAIL_NONE | 0 | The verification is not in a failure state | -| VERIFICATION_FAIL_INTERNAL | 1 | An internal Trinsic error caused this verification to fail | -| VERIFICATION_FAIL_INVALID_IMAGE | 2 | The image(s) provided for this verification were either too low-quality, not of the correct type, or otherwise unable to be processed. This failure reason is non-terminal; the user is able to retry the verification. | -| VERIFICATION_FAIL_INAUTHENTIC | 3 | The identity data/images provided are suspected to be inauthentic, fraudulent, or forged. | -| VERIFICATION_FAIL_UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT | 4 | The document provided is either of an unsupported type, or from an unsupported country. | - - -### VerificationState -The states an individual Verification can be in -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| VERIFICATION_PENDING | 0 | This verification has not yet been performed in the flow | -| VERIFICATION_PENDING_REUSE | 1 | This verification has been started by the user, and can be reused from a previous verification, but the user has not yet decided whether to reuse it. | -| VERIFICATION_STARTED | 2 | This verification has been started by the user, but not yet completed | -| VERIFICATION_SUCCESS | 3 | This verification has been successfully completed | -| VERIFICATION_FAILED | 4 | This verification has failed | + +### UpdateStatusRequest +Request to update a credential's revocation status - +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| credential_status_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Credential Status ID to update. This is not the same as the credential's ID. | +| revoked | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | New revocation status of credential | -### VerificationType -The type of verification to perform -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| GOVERNMENT_ID | 0 | Government-issued ID (driver's license, passport, etc) | - - + +### UpdateStatusResponse +Response to `UpdateStatusRequest` - -


-## services/account/v1/account.proto - - + -### AccountDetails -Account registration details +### ValidationMessage +Result of a validation check on a proof | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Account name | -| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | **Deprecated.** Email address of account. | -| sms | [string](/reference/proto#string) | **Deprecated.** SMS number including country code | +| is_valid | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether this validation check passed | +| messages | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | If validation failed, contains messages explaining why | - + -### AccountProfile -Device profile containing sensitive authentication data. -This information should be stored securely +### VerifyProofRequest +Request to verify a proof | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| profile_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The type of profile, used to differentiate between protocol schemes or versions | -| auth_data | [bytes](/reference/proto#bytes) | Auth data containg information about the current device access | -| auth_token | [bytes](/reference/proto#bytes) | Secure token issued by server used to generate zero-knowledge proofs | -| protection | [TokenProtection](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-TokenProtection) | Token security information about the token. If token protection is enabled, implementations must supply protection secret before using the token for authentication. | +| proof_document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | JSON-LD proof document string to verify | - + -### TokenProtection -Token protection info +### VerifyProofResponse +Response to `VerifyProofRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| enabled | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Indicates if token is protected using a PIN, security code, HSM secret, etc. | -| method | [ConfirmationMethod](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-ConfirmationMethod) | The method used to protect the token | +| is_valid | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether all validations in `validation_results` passed | +| validation_results | [VerifyProofResponse.ValidationResultsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-VerifyProofResponse-ValidationResultsEntry)[] | Results of each validation check performed, such as schema conformance, revocation status, signature, etc. Detailed results are provided for failed validations. | - + + +### VerifyProofResponse.ValidationResultsEntry -### WalletAuthToken -Information about authentication tokens for a wallet | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Unique identifier for the token. This field will match the `DeviceId` in the WalletAuthData | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Device name/description | -| date_created | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Date when the token was created in ISO 8601 format | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [ValidationMessage](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-ValidationMessage) | | @@ -531,18 +427,16 @@ Information about authentication tokens for a wallet - + + +### SignatureType -### ConfirmationMethod -Confirmation method type for two-factor workflows | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| None | 0 | No confirmation required | -| Email | 1 | Email confirmation required | -| Sms | 2 | SMS confirmation required | -| ConnectedDevice | 3 | Confirmation from a connected device is required | -| Other | 10 | Third-party method of confirmation is required | +| UNSPECIFIED | 0 | The signature type is not specified. The experimental signature type will be used. | +| STANDARD | 1 | The signature type uses EdDSA with the Ed25519 curve (NIST compliant). This type of signature does not support selective disclosure of attributes. | +| EXPERIMENTAL | 2 | The signature type uses BBS signatures with BLS12-381 curve (experimental). This type of signature allows for selective disclosure of attributes. | @@ -551,910 +445,697 @@ Confirmation method type for two-factor workflows - +


-## services/file-management/v1/file-management.proto +## services/verifiable-credentials/templates/v1/templates.proto - + -### Service - FileManagement +### Service - CredentialTemplates | Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | | ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| -| UploadFile | [UploadFileRequest](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-UploadFileRequest) | [UploadFileResponse](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-UploadFileResponse) | Upload a file to Trinsic's CDN | -| GetFile | [GetFileRequest](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-GetFileRequest) | [GetFileResponse](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-GetFileResponse) | Fetch information about a file by its ID | -| DeleteFile | [DeleteFileRequest](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-DeleteFileRequest) | [DeleteFileResponse](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-DeleteFileResponse) | Delete a file by its ID | -| ListFiles | [ListFilesRequest](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-ListFilesRequest) | [ListFilesResponse](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-ListFilesResponse) | List files the calling account has uploaded | -| GetStorageStats | [GetStorageStatsRequest](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-GetStorageStatsRequest) | [GetStorageStatsResponse](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-GetStorageStatsResponse) | Get statistics about files uploaded by the calling account | +| Create | [CreateCredentialTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateCredentialTemplateRequest) | [CreateCredentialTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateCredentialTemplateResponse) | Create a credential template in the current ecosystem | +| Get | [GetCredentialTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-GetCredentialTemplateRequest) | [GetCredentialTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-GetCredentialTemplateResponse) | Fetch a credential template by ID | +| Update | [UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest) | [UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse) | Update metadata of a template | +| List | [ListCredentialTemplatesRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-ListCredentialTemplatesRequest) | [ListCredentialTemplatesResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-ListCredentialTemplatesResponse) | Search credential templates using SQL, returning strongly-typed template data | +| Search | [SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest) | [SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse) | Search credential templates using SQL, returning raw JSON data | +| Delete | [DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest) | [DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse) | Delete a credential template from the current ecosystem by ID | +| CreateVerificationTemplate | [CreateVerificationTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateVerificationTemplateRequest) | [CreateVerificationTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateVerificationTemplateResponse) | Create/update verification templates | +| ListVerificationTemplates | [ListVerificationTemplatesRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-ListVerificationTemplatesRequest) | [ListVerificationTemplatesResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-ListVerificationTemplatesResponse) | | +| GetVerificationTemplate | [GetVerificationTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-GetVerificationTemplateRequest) | [GetVerificationTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-GetVerificationTemplateResponse) | | +| UpdateVerificationTemplate | [UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest) | [UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse) | | +| DeleteVerificationTemplate | [DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest) | [DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse) | | - + -### DeleteFileRequest -Request to delete a file from Trinsic's CDN by ID +### AppleWalletOptions +Configuration options for Apple Wallet when | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of file to delete | +| background_color | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Background color, in hex format, of credential when stored in an Apple Wallet. | +| foreground_color | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Foreground color, in hex format, of credential when stored in an Apple Wallet. | +| label_color | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Label color, in hex format, of credential when stored in an Apple Wallet. | +| primary_field | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the template field which should be used as the primary field of a credential. | +| secondary_fields | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | The secondary fields of the credential. This is a mapping between the order of a secondary field (0 or 1) and the field name. | +| auxiliary_fields | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | The auxiliary fields of the credential. This is a mapping between the order of an auxiliary field (0 or 1) and the field name. | - + -### DeleteFileResponse -Response to `DeleteFileRequest`. Empty payload. +### CreateCredentialTemplateRequest +Request to create a new template + + +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Name of new template. Must be a unique identifier within its ecosystem. | +| fields | [CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateCredentialTemplateRequest-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields which compose the template | +| allow_additional_fields | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether credentials may be issued against this template which have fields not specified in `fields` | +| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable name of template | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable description of template | +| field_ordering | [CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldOrderingEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateCredentialTemplateRequest-FieldOrderingEntry)[] | Optional map describing how to order and categorize the fields within the template. The key of this map is the field `name`. If not provided, this will be auto-generated. | +| apple_wallet_options | [AppleWalletOptions](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-AppleWalletOptions) | Options for rendering the template in Apple Wallet | - + + +### CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldOrderingEntry -### File -Contains information about a file stored in Trinsic's CDN | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of file, generated randomly by Trinsic on upload | -| uploader_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of uploader | -| size | [uint32](/reference/proto#uint32) | Size, in bytes, of file | -| mime_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Uploader-provided MIME type of file | -| uploaded | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ISO 8601 timestamp of when file was uploaded to Trinsic | -| url | [string](/reference/proto#string) | CDN URL of file | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [FieldOrdering](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-FieldOrdering) | | - + + +### CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry -### GetFileRequest -Request to fetch information about a stored file | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of file to fetch | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [TemplateField](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateField) | | - + -### GetFileResponse -Response to `GetFileRequest` +### CreateCredentialTemplateResponse +Response to `CreateCredentialTemplateRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| file | [File](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-File) | File specified by `id` parameter of `GetFileRequest`. | +| data | [TemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData) | Created template | - + -### GetStorageStatsRequest -Request to get statistics about files uploaded by this account +### CreateVerificationTemplateRequest +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Name of new template. Must be a unique identifier within its ecosystem. | +| fields | [CreateVerificationTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateVerificationTemplateRequest-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields which will be required in the verification proof template + +TODO - Add support for predicate types - currently only equality. | +| credential_template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Source credential template, used for verifying that the specified `fields` are present in the credential template | +| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable name of template | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable description of template | - -### GetStorageStatsResponse -Response to `GetStorageStatsRequest` + + + + +### CreateVerificationTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry + | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| stats | [StorageStats](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-StorageStats) | Statistics about files uploaded by the calling account | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [VerificationTemplateField](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateField) | | - + + +### CreateVerificationTemplateResponse -### ListFilesRequest -Request to list files | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| query | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Query to search with. If not specified, will return the most recent 100 files. | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `ListFilesRequest` if more data is available for query | +| data | [VerificationTemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateData) | | - + -### ListFilesResponse -Response to `ListFilesRequest` +### DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest +Request to delete a template by ID | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| files | [File](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-File)[] | Files found by query | -| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `ListFilesRequest` | +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template to delete | - + + +### DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse +Response to `DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest` + + + + + + + + +### DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest -### StorageStats -Represents aggregate statistics of all files uploaded by a single issuer | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| num_files | [uint32](/reference/proto#uint32) | Number of files uploaded by this account | -| total_size | [uint64](/reference/proto#uint64) | Sum total size of all files, in bytes | +| verification_template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | - + + +### DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse +This space intentionally left blank + + -### UploadFileRequest -Request to upload a file to Trinsic's CDN + + + + + +### FieldOrdering +Ordering information for a template field | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| contents | [bytes](/reference/proto#bytes) | Raw content of file | -| mime_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | MIME type describing file contents | +| order | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | The order of the field; must be unique within the Template. Fields are sorted by order ascending when displaying a credential. Field orders must be contiguous from `0` to the number of fields minus 1. | +| section | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The human-readable name of the section this field appears in; used to group together fields when displaying a credential. Sections must be contiguous with respect to `order`. | - + -### UploadFileResponse -Response to `UploadFileRequest` +### GetCredentialTemplateRequest +Request to fetch a template by ID | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| uploaded_file | [File](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-File) | Information about newly-uploaded file | - +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template to fetch | - - - + +### GetCredentialTemplateResponse +Response to `GetCredentialTemplateRequest` - -


+| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| template | [TemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData) | Template fetched by ID | -## services/options/field-options.proto - - -### AnnotationOption + +### GetVerificationTemplateRequest +Request to fetch a template by ID | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| active | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Is this annotation active | -| message | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Custom annotation message to provide | - +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template to fetch | - -### SdkTemplateOption + +### GetVerificationTemplateResponse +Response to `GetCredentialTemplateRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| anonymous | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether the service endpoint allows anonymous (no auth token necessary) authentication This is used by the `protoc-gen-trinsic-sdk` plugin for metadata. | -| ignore | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether the SDK template generator should ignore this method. This method will be wrapped manually. | -| no_arguments | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether the SDK template generator should generate this method without arguments, eg ProviderService.GetEcosystemInfo() where the request object is empty | -| experimental | [AnnotationOption](/reference/proto#services-options-AnnotationOption) | This endpoint is experimental. Consider it in beta, so documentation may be incomplete or incorrect. | -| deprecated | [AnnotationOption](/reference/proto#services-options-AnnotationOption) | This endpoint is deprecated. It will be removed in the future. | +| template | [VerificationTemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateData) | Template fetched by ID | - - + +### ListCredentialTemplatesRequest +Request to list templates using a SQL query - -### File-level Extensions -| Extension | Type | Base | Number | Description | -| --------- | ---- | ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| optional | bool | .google.protobuf.FieldOptions | 60000 | Whether field is optional in Trinsic's backend. This is not the same as an `optional` protobuf label; it only impacts documentation generation for the field. | -| sdk_template_option | SdkTemplateOption | .google.protobuf.MethodOptions | 60001 | | +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| query | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SQL query to execute. Example: `SELECT * FROM c WHERE = 'Diploma'` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `ListCredentialTemplatesResponse` if more data is available for query | - - -


-## services/google/api/annotations.proto + - +### ListCredentialTemplatesResponse +Response to `ListCredentialTemplatesRequest` - - +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| templates | [TemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData)[] | Templates found by query | +| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `ListCredentialTemplatesRequest` | - -### File-level Extensions -| Extension | Type | Base | Number | Description | -| --------- | ---- | ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| http | HttpRule | .google.protobuf.MethodOptions | 72295728 | See `HttpRule`. | - + - -


+### ListVerificationTemplatesRequest +Request to list templates using a SQL query -## services/google/api/http.proto + +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| query | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SQL query to execute. Example: `SELECT * FROM c WHERE = 'Diploma'` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `ListCredentialTemplatesResponse` if more data is available for query | - - -### CustomHttpPattern -A custom pattern is used for defining custom HTTP verb. + + + +### ListVerificationTemplatesResponse + | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| kind | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The name of this custom HTTP verb. | -| path | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The path matched by this custom verb. | +| templates | [VerificationTemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateData)[] | Templates found by query | +| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `ListVerificationTemplatesRequest` | - + -### Http -Defines the HTTP configuration for an API service. It contains a list of -[HttpRule][google.api.HttpRule], each specifying the mapping of an RPC method -to one or more HTTP REST API methods. +### SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest +Request to search templates using a SQL query | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| rules | [HttpRule](/reference/proto#google-api-HttpRule)[] | A list of HTTP configuration rules that apply to individual API methods. +| query | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SQL query to execute. Example: `SELECT * FROM c WHERE = 'Diploma'` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse` if more data is available for query | -**NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. | -| fully_decode_reserved_expansion | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | When set to true, URL path parameters will be fully URI-decoded except in cases of single segment matches in reserved expansion, where "%2F" will be left encoded. -The default behavior is to not decode RFC 6570 reserved characters in multi segment matches. | + +### SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse +Response to `SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest` - -### HttpRule -# gRPC Transcoding +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| items_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Raw JSON data returned from query | +| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest` | -gRPC Transcoding is a feature for mapping between a gRPC method and one or -more HTTP REST endpoints. It allows developers to build a single API service -that supports both gRPC APIs and REST APIs. Many systems, including [Google -APIs](, -[Cloud Endpoints](, [gRPC -Gateway](, -and [Envoy]( proxy support this feature -and use it for large scale production services. -`HttpRule` defines the schema of the gRPC/REST mapping. The mapping specifies -how different portions of the gRPC request message are mapped to the URL -path, URL query parameters, and HTTP request body. It also controls how the -gRPC response message is mapped to the HTTP response body. `HttpRule` is -typically specified as an `google.api.http` annotation on the gRPC method. -Each mapping specifies a URL path template and an HTTP method. The path -template may refer to one or more fields in the gRPC request message, as long -as each field is a non-repeated field with a primitive (non-message) type. -The path template controls how fields of the request message are mapped to -the URL path. -Example: - service Messaging { - rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) { - option (google.api.http) = { - get: "/v1/{name=messages/*}" - }; - } - } - message GetMessageRequest { - string name = 1; // Mapped to URL path. - } - message Message { - string text = 1; // The resource content. - } -This enables an HTTP REST to gRPC mapping as below: + -HTTP | gRPC ------|----- -`GET /v1/messages/123456` | `GetMessage(name: "messages/123456")` +### TemplateData +Credential Template -Any fields in the request message which are not bound by the path template -automatically become HTTP query parameters if there is no HTTP request body. -For example: - service Messaging { - rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) { - option (google.api.http) = { - get:"/v1/messages/{message_id}" - }; - } - } - message GetMessageRequest { - message SubMessage { - string subfield = 1; - } - string message_id = 1; // Mapped to URL path. - int64 revision = 2; // Mapped to URL query parameter `revision`. - SubMessage sub = 3; // Mapped to URL query parameter `sub.subfield`. - } - -This enables a HTTP JSON to RPC mapping as below: - -HTTP | gRPC ------|----- -`GET /v1/messages/123456?revision=2&sub.subfield=foo` | -`GetMessage(message_id: "123456" revision: 2 sub: SubMessage(subfield: -"foo"))` +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template ID | +| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template name | +| version | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | Template version number | +| fields | [TemplateData.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields defined for the template | +| allow_additional_fields | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether credentials issued against this template may contain fields not defined by template | +| schema_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | URI pointing to template JSON schema document | +| ecosystem_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of ecosystem in which template resides | +| type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template type (`VerifiableCredential`) | +| created_by | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template creator | +| date_created | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Date when template was created as ISO 8601 utc string | +| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable template title | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable template description | +| field_ordering | [TemplateData.FieldOrderingEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData-FieldOrderingEntry)[] | Map describing how to order and categorize the fields within the template. The key of this map is the field `name`. | +| apple_wallet_options | [AppleWalletOptions](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-AppleWalletOptions) | Options for rendering the template in Apple Wallet | -Note that fields which are mapped to URL query parameters must have a -primitive type or a repeated primitive type or a non-repeated message type. -In the case of a repeated type, the parameter can be repeated in the URL -as `...?param=A¶m=B`. In the case of a message type, each field of the -message is mapped to a separate parameter, such as -`...?foo.a=A&foo.b=B&foo.c=C`. -For HTTP methods that allow a request body, the `body` field -specifies the mapping. Consider a REST update method on the -message resource collection: - service Messaging { - rpc UpdateMessage(UpdateMessageRequest) returns (Message) { - option (google.api.http) = { - patch: "/v1/messages/{message_id}" - body: "message" - }; - } - } - message UpdateMessageRequest { - string message_id = 1; // mapped to the URL - Message message = 2; // mapped to the body - } -The following HTTP JSON to RPC mapping is enabled, where the -representation of the JSON in the request body is determined by -protos JSON encoding: -HTTP | gRPC ------|----- -`PATCH /v1/messages/123456 { "text": "Hi!" }` | `UpdateMessage(message_id: -"123456" message { text: "Hi!" })` -The special name `*` can be used in the body mapping to define that -every field not bound by the path template should be mapped to the -request body. This enables the following alternative definition of -the update method: + - service Messaging { - rpc UpdateMessage(Message) returns (Message) { - option (google.api.http) = { - patch: "/v1/messages/{message_id}" - body: "*" - }; - } - } - message Message { - string message_id = 1; - string text = 2; - } +### TemplateData.FieldOrderingEntry -The following HTTP JSON to RPC mapping is enabled: -HTTP | gRPC ------|----- -`PATCH /v1/messages/123456 { "text": "Hi!" }` | `UpdateMessage(message_id: -"123456" text: "Hi!")` +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [FieldOrdering](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-FieldOrdering) | | -Note that when using `*` in the body mapping, it is not possible to -have HTTP parameters, as all fields not bound by the path end in -the body. This makes this option more rarely used in practice when -defining REST APIs. The common usage of `*` is in custom methods -which don't use the URL at all for transferring data. -It is possible to define multiple HTTP methods for one RPC by using -the `additional_bindings` option. Example: - service Messaging { - rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) { - option (google.api.http) = { - get: "/v1/messages/{message_id}" - additional_bindings { - get: "/v1/users/{user_id}/messages/{message_id}" - } - }; - } - } - message GetMessageRequest { - string message_id = 1; - string user_id = 2; - } -This enables the following two alternative HTTP JSON to RPC mappings: -HTTP | gRPC ------|----- -`GET /v1/messages/123456` | `GetMessage(message_id: "123456")` -`GET /v1/users/me/messages/123456` | `GetMessage(user_id: "me" message_id: -"123456")` -## Rules for HTTP mapping + -1. Leaf request fields (recursive expansion nested messages in the request - message) are classified into three categories: - - Fields referred by the path template. They are passed via the URL path. - - Fields referred by the [HttpRule.body][google.api.HttpRule.body]. They are passed via the HTTP - request body. - - All other fields are passed via the URL query parameters, and the - parameter name is the field path in the request message. A repeated - field can be represented as multiple query parameters under the same - name. - 2. If [HttpRule.body][google.api.HttpRule.body] is "*", there is no URL query parameter, all fields - are passed via URL path and HTTP request body. - 3. If [HttpRule.body][google.api.HttpRule.body] is omitted, there is no HTTP request body, all - fields are passed via URL path and URL query parameters. +### TemplateData.FieldsEntry -### Path template syntax - Template = "/" Segments [ Verb ] ; - Segments = Segment { "/" Segment } ; - Segment = "*" | "**" | LITERAL | Variable ; - Variable = "{" FieldPath [ "=" Segments ] "}" ; - FieldPath = IDENT { "." IDENT } ; - Verb = ":" LITERAL ; -The syntax `*` matches a single URL path segment. The syntax `**` matches -zero or more URL path segments, which must be the last part of the URL path -except the `Verb`. +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [TemplateField](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateField) | | -The syntax `Variable` matches part of the URL path as specified by its -template. A variable template must not contain other variables. If a variable -matches a single path segment, its template may be omitted, e.g. `{var}` -is equivalent to `{var=*}`. -The syntax `LITERAL` matches literal text in the URL path. If the `LITERAL` -contains any reserved character, such characters should be percent-encoded -before the matching. -If a variable contains exactly one path segment, such as `"{var}"` or -`"{var=*}"`, when such a variable is expanded into a URL path on the client -side, all characters except `[-_.~0-9a-zA-Z]` are percent-encoded. The -server side does the reverse decoding. Such variables show up in the -[Discovery -Document]( as -`{var}`. -If a variable contains multiple path segments, such as `"{var=foo/*}"` -or `"{var=**}"`, when such a variable is expanded into a URL path on the -client side, all characters except `[-_.~/0-9a-zA-Z]` are percent-encoded. -The server side does the reverse decoding, except "%2F" and "%2f" are left -unchanged. Such variables show up in the -[Discovery -Document]( as -`{+var}`. -## Using gRPC API Service Configuration -gRPC API Service Configuration (service config) is a configuration language -for configuring a gRPC service to become a user-facing product. The -service config is simply the YAML representation of the `google.api.Service` -proto message. + -As an alternative to annotating your proto file, you can configure gRPC -transcoding in your service config YAML files. You do this by specifying a -`HttpRule` that maps the gRPC method to a REST endpoint, achieving the same -effect as the proto annotation. This can be particularly useful if you -have a proto that is reused in multiple services. Note that any transcoding -specified in the service config will override any matching transcoding -configuration in the proto. +### TemplateField +A field defined in a template -Example: - http: - rules: - # Selects a gRPC method and applies HttpRule to it. - - selector: example.v1.Messaging.GetMessage - get: /v1/messages/{message_id}/{sub.subfield} +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable name of the field | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable description of the field | +| optional | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether this field may be omitted when a credential is issued against the template | +| type | [FieldType](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-FieldType) | The type of the field | +| uri_data | [UriFieldData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UriFieldData) | How to deal with this URI field when rendering credential. Only use if `type` is `URI`. | -## Special notes -When gRPC Transcoding is used to map a gRPC to JSON REST endpoints, the -proto to JSON conversion must follow the [proto3 -specification]( -While the single segment variable follows the semantics of -[RFC 6570]( Section 3.2.2 Simple String -Expansion, the multi segment variable **does not** follow RFC 6570 Section -3.2.3 Reserved Expansion. The reason is that the Reserved Expansion -does not expand special characters like `?` and `#`, which would lead -to invalid URLs. As the result, gRPC Transcoding uses a custom encoding -for multi segment variables. -The path variables **must not** refer to any repeated or mapped field, -because client libraries are not capable of handling such variable expansion. -The path variables **must not** capture the leading "/" character. The reason -is that the most common use case "{var}" does not capture the leading "/" -character. For consistency, all path variables must share the same behavior. -Repeated message fields must not be mapped to URL query parameters, because -no client library can support such complicated mapping. + -If an API needs to use a JSON array for request or response body, it can map -the request or response body to a repeated field. However, some gRPC -Transcoding implementations may not support this feature. +### TemplateFieldPatch +A patch to apply to an existing template field | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| selector | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Selects a method to which this rule applies. +| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable name of the field | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable description of the field | +| uri_data | [UriFieldData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UriFieldData) | How to deal with this URI field when rendering credential. Only use if `type` is `URI`. | -Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax details. | -| get | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Maps to HTTP GET. Used for listing and getting information about resources. | -| put | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Maps to HTTP PUT. Used for replacing a resource. | -| post | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Maps to HTTP POST. Used for creating a resource or performing an action. | -| delete | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Maps to HTTP DELETE. Used for deleting a resource. | -| patch | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Maps to HTTP PATCH. Used for updating a resource. | -| custom | [CustomHttpPattern](/reference/proto#google-api-CustomHttpPattern) | The custom pattern is used for specifying an HTTP method that is not included in the `pattern` field, such as HEAD, or "*" to leave the HTTP method unspecified for this rule. The wild-card rule is useful for services that provide content to Web (HTML) clients. | -| body | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The name of the request field whose value is mapped to the HTTP request body, or `*` for mapping all request fields not captured by the path pattern to the HTTP body, or omitted for not having any HTTP request body. -NOTE: the referred field must be present at the top-level of the request message type. | -| response_body | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Optional. The name of the response field whose value is mapped to the HTTP response body. When omitted, the entire response message will be used as the HTTP response body. -NOTE: The referred field must be present at the top-level of the response message type. | -| additional_bindings | [HttpRule](/reference/proto#google-api-HttpRule)[] | Additional HTTP bindings for the selector. Nested bindings must not contain an `additional_bindings` field themselves (that is, the nesting may only be one level deep). | + +### UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest +Request to update display information for a template - - +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of Template to update | +| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New human-readable title of Template | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New human-readable description of Template | +| fields | [UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields to update within the Template | +| field_ordering | [UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldOrderingEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest-FieldOrderingEntry)[] | New field ordering options. See documentation for template creation for usage information. | +| apple_wallet_options | [AppleWalletOptions](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-AppleWalletOptions) | New Apple Wallet configuration | - - -


-## services/provider/v1/provider.proto + +### UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldOrderingEntry - -### Service - Provider +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [FieldOrdering](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-FieldOrdering) | | -| Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | -| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| -| CreateEcosystem | [CreateEcosystemRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-CreateEcosystemRequest) | [CreateEcosystemResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-CreateEcosystemResponse) | Create new ecosystem and assign the authenticated user as owner | -| GetOberonKey | [GetOberonKeyRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-GetOberonKeyRequest) | [GetOberonKeyResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-GetOberonKeyResponse) | Returns the public key being used to create/verify oberon tokens | -| UpgradeDID | [UpgradeDidRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-UpgradeDidRequest) | [UpgradeDidResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-UpgradeDidResponse) | Upgrade a wallet's DID from `did:key` to another method | -| SearchWalletConfigurations | [SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest) | [SearchWalletConfigurationResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-SearchWalletConfigurationResponse) | Search for issuers/providers/verifiers in the current ecosystem | - - - - - - -### CreateEcosystemRequest -Request to create an ecosystem - - -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Globally unique name for the Ecosystem. This name will be part of the ecosystem-specific URLs and namespaces. Allowed characters are lowercase letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen. If not passed, ecosystem name will be auto-generated. | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Ecosystem description | -| details | [services.account.v1.AccountDetails](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-AccountDetails) | The account details of the owner of the ecosystem | -| domain | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New domain URL | + - +### UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry -### CreateEcosystemResponse -Response to `CreateEcosystemRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| ecosystem | [Ecosystem](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-Ecosystem) | Details of the created ecosystem | -| profile | [services.account.v1.AccountProfile](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-AccountProfile) | Account profile for auth of the owner of the ecosystem | -| confirmation_method | [services.account.v1.ConfirmationMethod](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-ConfirmationMethod) | Indicates if confirmation of account is required. | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [TemplateFieldPatch](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateFieldPatch) | | - + -### Ecosystem -Details of an ecosystem +### UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse +Response to `UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | URN of the ecosystem | -| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Globally unique name for the ecosystem | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Ecosystem description | - - - - - - - +| updated_template | [TemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData) | The Template after the update has been applied | -### EcosystemInfoRequest -Request to fetch information about an ecosystem + - +### UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest -### EcosystemInfoResponse -Response to `InfoRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| ecosystem | [Ecosystem](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-Ecosystem) | Ecosystem corresponding to current ecosystem in the account token | - - - - - - - +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of Template to update | +| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New human-readable title of Template | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New human-readable description of Template | +| fields | [UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields to update within the Template | -### GetOberonKeyRequest -Request to fetch the Trinsic public key used -to verify authentication token validity + - +### UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry -### GetOberonKeyResponse -Response to `GetOberonKeyRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Oberon Public Key as RAW base64-url encoded string | - - - - - - - - -### IndyOptions -Options for creation of DID on the SOV network - +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [VerificationTemplateFieldPatch](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateFieldPatch) | | -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| network | [IndyOptions.IndyNetwork](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IndyOptions-IndyNetwork) | SOV network on which DID should be published | + - +### UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse -### IonOptions -Options for creation of DID on the ION network | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| network | [IonOptions.IonNetwork](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IonOptions-IonNetwork) | ION network on which DID should be published | - +| template | [VerificationTemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateData) | | - -### SearchWalletConfigurationResponse + +### UriFieldData +Data pertaining to a URI Field | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| results | [WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration)[] | Results matching the search query | -| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `SearchRequest` | +| mime_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Expected MIME Type of content pointed to by URI. Can be generic (eg, "image/") or specific ("image/png"). Defaults to "application/octet-stream". | +| render_method | [UriRenderMethod](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UriRenderMethod) | How to display the URI value when rendering a credential. | - + -### SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest -Search for issuers/holders/verifiers +### VerificationTemplateData +Verification Template | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| query_filter | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SQL filter to execute. `SELECT * FROM c WHERE [**queryFilter**]` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `SearchResponse` if more data is available for query | - - - - - - - - -### UpgradeDidRequest -Request to upgrade a wallet - +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template ID | +| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template name | +| version | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | Template version number | +| fields | [VerificationTemplateData.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateData-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields defined for the template | +| credential_template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Source credential template, used for verifying that the specified `fields` are present in the credential template | +| ecosystem_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of ecosystem in which template resides | +| type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template type (`VerificationTemplate`) | +| created_by | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template creator | +| date_created | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Date when template was created as ISO 8601 utc string | +| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable template title | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable template description | -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of account to upgrade. Mutually exclusive with `walletId` and `didUri`. | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of account to upgrade. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `didUri`. | -| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the account to upgrade. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `walletId`. | -| method | [services.common.v1.SupportedDidMethod](/reference/proto#services-common-v1-SupportedDidMethod) | DID Method to which wallet should be upgraded | -| ion_options | [IonOptions](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IonOptions) | Configuration for creation of DID on ION network | -| indy_options | [IndyOptions](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IndyOptions) | Configuration for creation of DID on INDY network | + - +### VerificationTemplateData.FieldsEntry -### UpgradeDidResponse -Response to `UpgradeDIDRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| did | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New DID of wallet | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [VerificationTemplateField](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateField) | | - + -### WalletConfiguration -Strongly typed information about wallet configurations +### VerificationTemplateField +A field defined in a template | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Name/description of the wallet | -| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | **Deprecated.** Deprecated and will be removed on August 1, 2023 -- use external_identities. This field is set to the first email address present in `external_identities`, if any. | -| sms | [string](/reference/proto#string) | **Deprecated.** Deprecated -- use external_identities | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| public_did | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The DID of the wallet | -| config_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| auth_tokens | [services.account.v1.WalletAuthToken](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-WalletAuthToken)[] | List of active authentication tokens for this wallet. This list does not contain the issued token, only metadata such as ID, description, and creation date. | -| external_identity_ids | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | **Deprecated.** List of external identity IDs (email addresses, phone numbers, etc.) associated with this wallet. This is deprecated; use `external_identities` instead. | -| ecosystem_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Ecosystem in which this wallet is contained. | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| external_identities | [WalletExternalIdentity](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletExternalIdentity)[] | List of external identities associated with this wallet. | +| field_share_type | [VerificationShareType](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationShareType) | Whether this field may be omitted on proof creation | +| usage_policy | [string](/reference/proto#string) | User-facing explanation of what is done with this data + +TODO - Future work supporting proof conditionals/ranges/etc | - + -### WalletExternalIdentity -An external identity (email address, phone number, etc.) associated with a wallet for authentication purposes. +### VerificationTemplateFieldPatch +A patch to apply to an existing template field | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| provider | [IdentityProvider](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IdentityProvider) | The type of this identity (whether this identity is an email address, phone number, etc.) | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The actual email address/phone number/etc. for this identity | +| field_share_type | [VerificationShareType](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationShareType) | Human-readable name of the field | +| usage_policy | [string](/reference/proto#string) | User-facing explanation of what is done with this data | @@ -1463,49 +1144,43 @@ An external identity (email address, phone number, etc.) associated with a walle - - -### IdentityProvider + +### FieldType +Valid types for credential fields | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| Unknown | 0 | Identity provider is unknown | -| Email | 1 | Identity provider is email | -| Phone | 2 | Identity provider is phone | -| Passkey | 3 | Identity provider is passkey (WebAuthn) -- for Trinsic internal use only | -| TrinsicAuthenticator | 4 | Identity provider is passkey using Trinsic Authenticator for mobile phones | - +| STRING | 0 | | +| NUMBER | 1 | | +| BOOL | 2 | | +| DATETIME | 4 | | +| URI | 5 | | - -### IndyOptions.IndyNetwork + +### UriRenderMethod +How to display a URI value when rendering a credential. | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| Danube | 0 | | -| SovrinBuilder | 1 | | -| SovrinStaging | 2 | | -| Sovrin | 3 | | -| IdUnionTest | 4 | | -| IdUnion | 5 | | -| IndicioTest | 6 | | -| IndicioDemo | 7 | | -| Indicio | 8 | | +| TEXT | 0 | Display URI as text | +| LINK | 1 | Display URI as a clickable link | +| INLINE_IMAGE | 2 | Display URI as an inline image. Only takes effect if the template field's MIME Type is an image type. | - + -### IonOptions.IonNetwork +### VerificationShareType | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| TestNet | 0 | | -| MainNet | 1 | | +| OPTIONAL | 0 | | +| REQUIRED | 1 | | @@ -1514,886 +1189,853 @@ An external identity (email address, phone number, etc.) associated with a walle - +


-## services/provider/v1/access-management.proto +## services/file-management/v1/file-management.proto - + + +### Service - FileManagement -### Service - AccessManagement -Access Management service provides methods to manage access to ecosystem resources -such by assigning roles and permissions to wallet accounts | Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | | ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| -| AddRoleAssignment | [AddRoleAssignmentRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-AddRoleAssignmentRequest) | [AddRoleAssignmentResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-AddRoleAssignmentResponse) | Adds a role assignment to an account | -| RemoveRoleAssignment | [RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest) | [RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse) | Removes a role assignment from the account | -| ListRoleAssignments | [ListRoleAssignmentsRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-ListRoleAssignmentsRequest) | [ListRoleAssignmentsResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-ListRoleAssignmentsResponse) | List the role assignments for the given account | -| ListAvailableRoles | [ListAvailableRolesRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-ListAvailableRolesRequest) | [ListAvailableRolesResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-ListAvailableRolesResponse) | List the roles available in the ecosystem | +| UploadFile | [UploadFileRequest](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-UploadFileRequest) | [UploadFileResponse](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-UploadFileResponse) | Upload a file to Trinsic's CDN | +| GetFile | [GetFileRequest](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-GetFileRequest) | [GetFileResponse](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-GetFileResponse) | Fetch information about a file by its ID | +| DeleteFile | [DeleteFileRequest](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-DeleteFileRequest) | [DeleteFileResponse](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-DeleteFileResponse) | Delete a file by its ID | +| ListFiles | [ListFilesRequest](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-ListFilesRequest) | [ListFilesResponse](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-ListFilesResponse) | List files the calling account has uploaded | +| GetStorageStats | [GetStorageStatsRequest](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-GetStorageStatsRequest) | [GetStorageStatsResponse](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-GetStorageStatsResponse) | Get statistics about files uploaded by the calling account | - + -### AddRoleAssignmentRequest -Role management +### DeleteFileRequest +Request to delete a file from Trinsic's CDN by ID | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| role | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Role to assign | -| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of account to assign role. Mutually exclusive with `walletId` and `didUri`. | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of account to assign role to. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `didUri`. | -| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the account to assign role. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `walletId`. | +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of file to delete | - + -### AddRoleAssignmentResponse +### DeleteFileResponse +Response to `DeleteFileRequest`. Empty payload. + - +### File +Contains information about a file stored in Trinsic's CDN -### ListAvailableRolesRequest -Request to fetch the available roles in the current ecosystem +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of file, generated randomly by Trinsic on upload | +| uploader_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of uploader | +| size | [uint32](/reference/proto#uint32) | Size, in bytes, of file | +| mime_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Uploader-provided MIME type of file | +| uploaded | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ISO 8601 timestamp of when file was uploaded to Trinsic | +| url | [string](/reference/proto#string) | CDN URL of file | - -### ListAvailableRolesResponse + +### GetFileRequest +Request to fetch information about a stored file | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| roles | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | List of roles | +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of file to fetch | - + -### ListRoleAssignmentsRequest -Request to fetch the list of roles assigned to the current account +### GetFileResponse +Response to `GetFileRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of account to list roles. Mutually exclusive with `walletId` and `didUri`. | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of account to list roles. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `didUri`. | -| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the account to list roles. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `walletId`. | +| file | [File](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-File) | File specified by `id` parameter of `GetFileRequest`. | - + -### ListRoleAssignmentsResponse +### GetStorageStatsRequest +Request to get statistics about files uploaded by this account -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| roles | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | List of roles | + +### GetStorageStatsResponse +Response to `GetStorageStatsRequest` - +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| stats | [StorageStats](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-StorageStats) | Statistics about files uploaded by the calling account | -### RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| role | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Role to unassign | -| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of account to unassign role. Mutually exclusive with `walletId` and `didUri`. | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of account to unassign role. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `didUri`. | -| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the account to unassign role. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `walletId`. | + + +### ListFilesRequest +Request to list files +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| query | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Query to search with. If not specified, will return the most recent 100 files. | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `ListFilesRequest` if more data is available for query | - -### RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse + +### ListFilesResponse +Response to `ListFilesRequest` - +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| files | [File](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-File)[] | Files found by query | +| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `ListFilesRequest` | - - - -


-## services/verifiable-credentials/templates/v1/templates.proto + +### StorageStats +Represents aggregate statistics of all files uploaded by a single issuer - +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| num_files | [uint32](/reference/proto#uint32) | Number of files uploaded by this account | +| total_size | [uint64](/reference/proto#uint64) | Sum total size of all files, in bytes | -### Service - CredentialTemplates -| Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | -| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| -| Create | [CreateCredentialTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateCredentialTemplateRequest) | [CreateCredentialTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateCredentialTemplateResponse) | Create a credential template in the current ecosystem | -| Get | [GetCredentialTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-GetCredentialTemplateRequest) | [GetCredentialTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-GetCredentialTemplateResponse) | Fetch a credential template by ID | -| Update | [UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest) | [UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse) | Update metadata of a template | -| List | [ListCredentialTemplatesRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-ListCredentialTemplatesRequest) | [ListCredentialTemplatesResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-ListCredentialTemplatesResponse) | Search credential templates using SQL, returning strongly-typed template data | -| Search | [SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest) | [SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse) | Search credential templates using SQL, returning raw JSON data | -| Delete | [DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest) | [DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse) | Delete a credential template from the current ecosystem by ID | -| CreateVerificationTemplate | [CreateVerificationTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateVerificationTemplateRequest) | [CreateVerificationTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateVerificationTemplateResponse) | Create/update verification templates | -| ListVerificationTemplates | [ListVerificationTemplatesRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-ListVerificationTemplatesRequest) | [ListVerificationTemplatesResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-ListVerificationTemplatesResponse) | | -| GetVerificationTemplate | [GetVerificationTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-GetVerificationTemplateRequest) | [GetVerificationTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-GetVerificationTemplateResponse) | | -| UpdateVerificationTemplate | [UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest) | [UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse) | | -| DeleteVerificationTemplate | [DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest) | [DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse) | | - - + -### AppleWalletOptions -Configuration options for Apple Wallet when +### UploadFileRequest +Request to upload a file to Trinsic's CDN | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| background_color | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Background color, in hex format, of credential when stored in an Apple Wallet. | -| foreground_color | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Foreground color, in hex format, of credential when stored in an Apple Wallet. | -| label_color | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Label color, in hex format, of credential when stored in an Apple Wallet. | -| primary_field | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the template field which should be used as the primary field of a credential. | -| secondary_fields | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | The secondary fields of the credential. This is a mapping between the order of a secondary field (0 or 1) and the field name. | -| auxiliary_fields | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | The auxiliary fields of the credential. This is a mapping between the order of an auxiliary field (0 or 1) and the field name. | +| contents | [bytes](/reference/proto#bytes) | Raw content of file | +| mime_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | MIME type describing file contents | - + -### CreateCredentialTemplateRequest -Request to create a new template +### UploadFileResponse +Response to `UploadFileRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Name of new template. Must be a unique identifier within its ecosystem. | -| fields | [CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateCredentialTemplateRequest-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields which compose the template | -| allow_additional_fields | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether credentials may be issued against this template which have fields not specified in `fields` | -| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable name of template | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable description of template | -| field_ordering | [CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldOrderingEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateCredentialTemplateRequest-FieldOrderingEntry)[] | Optional map describing how to order and categorize the fields within the template. The key of this map is the field `name`. If not provided, this will be auto-generated. | -| apple_wallet_options | [AppleWalletOptions](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-AppleWalletOptions) | Options for rendering the template in Apple Wallet | +| uploaded_file | [File](/reference/proto#services-filemanagement-v1-File) | Information about newly-uploaded file | + - + -### CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldOrderingEntry + -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [FieldOrdering](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-FieldOrdering) | | + +


+## services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.proto + +### Service - UniversalWallet +Service for managing wallets - +| Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | +| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| +| GetItem | [GetItemRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetItemRequest) | [GetItemResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetItemResponse) | Retrieve an item from the wallet with a given item identifier | +| Search | [SearchRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-SearchRequest) | [SearchResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-SearchResponse) | Search the wallet using a SQL syntax | +| InsertItem | [InsertItemRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-InsertItemRequest) | [InsertItemResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-InsertItemResponse) | Insert an item into the wallet | +| UpdateItem | [UpdateItemRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-UpdateItemRequest) | [UpdateItemResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-UpdateItemResponse) | Update an item in the wallet | +| DeleteItem | [DeleteItemRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-DeleteItemRequest) | [DeleteItemResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-DeleteItemResponse) | Delete an item from the wallet permanently | +| DeleteWallet | [DeleteWalletRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-DeleteWalletRequest) | [DeleteWalletResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-DeleteWalletResponse) | Delete a wallet and its credentials | +| CreateWallet | [CreateWalletRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-CreateWalletRequest) | [CreateWalletResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-CreateWalletResponse) | Create a new wallet and generate an auth token for access | +| GetWalletInfo | [GetWalletInfoRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetWalletInfoRequest) | [GetWalletInfoResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetWalletInfoResponse) | Retrieve wallet details and configuration | +| GetMyInfo | [GetMyInfoRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetMyInfoRequest) | [GetMyInfoResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetMyInfoResponse) | Retrieve wallet details and configuration about the currently authenticated wallet | +| GetWalletFromExternalIdentity | [GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest) | [GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse) | Retrieve information from an ecosystem wallet by searching for its external identity (email or phone) | +| GenerateAuthToken | [GenerateAuthTokenRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GenerateAuthTokenRequest) | [GenerateAuthTokenResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GenerateAuthTokenResponse) | Generate new token for a given wallet and add it to the collection of known auth tokens. This endpoint requires authentication and will return a new token ID and auth token. Use this endpoint if you want to authorize another device, without having to share your existing auth token. | +| RevokeAuthToken | [RevokeAuthTokenRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-RevokeAuthTokenRequest) | [RevokeAuthTokenResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-RevokeAuthTokenResponse) | Revokes a previously issued auth token and updates the collection of known auth tokens. This endpoint requires authentication. | +| AddExternalIdentityInit | [AddExternalIdentityInitRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AddExternalIdentityInitRequest) | [AddExternalIdentityInitResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AddExternalIdentityInitResponse) | Add new external identity to the current wallet, such as email, sms, ethereum address, etc. This identity ownership must be confirmed using `AddIdentityConfirm` via OTP, signature, etc. | +| AddExternalIdentityConfirm | [AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest) | [AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse) | Confirm identity added to the current wallet using `AddExternalIdentityInit` | +| RemoveExternalIdentity | [RemoveExternalIdentityRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-RemoveExternalIdentityRequest) | [RemoveExternalIdentityResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-RemoveExternalIdentityResponse) | Remove an external identity from the current wallet | +| AuthenticateInit | [AuthenticateInitRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateInitRequest) | [AuthenticateInitResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateInitResponse) | Sign-in to an already existing wallet, using an identity added that was previously registered This endpoint does not require authentication, and will return a challenge to be signed or verified | +| AuthenticateConfirm | [AuthenticateConfirmRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateConfirmRequest) | [AuthenticateConfirmResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateConfirmResponse) | Confirm sign-in to an already existing wallet and return authentication token | +| AuthenticateResendCode | [AuthenticateResendCodeRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateResendCodeRequest) | [AuthenticateResendCodeResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateResendCodeResponse) | Resend previous authentication code | +| ListWallets | [ListWalletsRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-ListWalletsRequest) | [ListWalletsResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-ListWalletsResponse) | List all wallets in the ecosystem | +| ListByVerificationTemplate | [ListByVerificationTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-ListByVerificationTemplateRequest) | [ListByVerificationTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-ListByVerificationTemplateResponse) | List credentials which match a given verification template | -### CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry + + + + + +### AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [TemplateField](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateField) | | - +| challenge | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The challenge received from the `AddExternalIdentityInit` endpoint | +| response | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The response to the challenge. If using Email or Phone, this is the OTP code sent to the user's email or phone | - -### CreateCredentialTemplateResponse -Response to `CreateCredentialTemplateRequest` + +### AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| data | [TemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData) | Created template | - + -### CreateVerificationTemplateRequest +### AddExternalIdentityInitRequest | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Name of new template. Must be a unique identifier within its ecosystem. | -| fields | [CreateVerificationTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-CreateVerificationTemplateRequest-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields which will be required in the verification proof template - -TODO - Add support for predicate types - currently only equality. | -| credential_template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Source credential template, used for verifying that the specified `fields` are present in the credential template | -| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable name of template | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable description of template | +| identity | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The user identity to add to the wallet This can be an email address or phone number (formatted as +[country code][phone number]) | +| provider | [services.provider.v1.IdentityProvider](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IdentityProvider) | The type of identity provider, like EMAIL or PHONE | - + -### CreateVerificationTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry +### AddExternalIdentityInitResponse | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [VerificationTemplateField](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateField) | | +| challenge | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Challenge or reference to the challenge to be used in the `AddExternalIdentityConfirm` endpoint | - + -### CreateVerificationTemplateResponse +### AuthenticateConfirmRequest | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| data | [VerificationTemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateData) | | +| challenge | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The challenge received from the `AcquireAuthTokenInit` endpoint | +| response | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The response to the challenge. If using Email or Phone, this is the OTP code sent to the user's email or phone | - + + +### AuthenticateConfirmResponse -### DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest -Request to delete a template by ID | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template to delete | +| auth_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Auth token for the wallet | - + -### DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse -Response to `DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest` +### AuthenticateInitRequest +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| identity | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Identity to add to the wallet | +| provider | [services.provider.v1.IdentityProvider](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IdentityProvider) | Identity provider | +| ecosystem_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Ecosystem ID to which the wallet belongs | - -### DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest + -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| verification_template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +### AuthenticateInitResponse +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| challenge | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The challenge received from the `AcquireAuthTokenInit` endpoint Pass this challenge back to the `AcquireAuthTokenConfirm` endpoint | - -### DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse -This space intentionally left blank + +### AuthenticateResendCodeRequest - - -### FieldOrdering -Ordering information for a template field - - | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| order | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | The order of the field; must be unique within the Template. Fields are sorted by order ascending when displaying a credential. Field orders must be contiguous from `0` to the number of fields minus 1. | -| section | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The human-readable name of the section this field appears in; used to group together fields when displaying a credential. Sections must be contiguous with respect to `order`. | +| challenge | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Challenge for the code you want resent. | - + -### GetCredentialTemplateRequest -Request to fetch a template by ID +### AuthenticateResendCodeResponse -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template to fetch | + - +### CreateWalletRequest -### GetCredentialTemplateResponse -Response to `GetCredentialTemplateRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| template | [TemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData) | Template fetched by ID | +| ecosystem_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Ecosystem ID of the wallet to create | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet name or description. Use this field to add vendor specific information about this wallet, such as email, phone, internal ID, or anything you'd like to associate with this wallet. This field is searchable. | +| identity | [CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-CreateWalletRequest-ExternalIdentity) | Optional identity to add to the wallet (email or sms). Use this field when inviting participants into an ecosystem. If this field is set, an auth token will not be sent in the response. | - + + +### CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity -### GetVerificationTemplateRequest -Request to fetch a template by ID | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template to fetch | +| identity | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The user identity to add to the wallet This can be an email address or phone number (formatted as +[country code][phone number]) | +| provider | [services.provider.v1.IdentityProvider](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IdentityProvider) | The type of identity provider, like EMAIL or PHONE | - + + +### CreateWalletResponse -### GetVerificationTemplateResponse -Response to `GetCredentialTemplateRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| template | [VerificationTemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateData) | Template fetched by ID | +| auth_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Auth token for the newly created wallet | +| token_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token ID of the newly generated token | +| wallet | [services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration) | Wallet configuration | - + -### ListCredentialTemplatesRequest -Request to list templates using a SQL query +### DeleteItemRequest +Request to delete an item in a wallet | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| query | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SQL query to execute. Example: `SELECT * FROM c WHERE = 'Diploma'` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `ListCredentialTemplatesResponse` if more data is available for query | - - +| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of item to delete | - -### ListCredentialTemplatesResponse -Response to `ListCredentialTemplatesRequest` + -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| templates | [TemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData)[] | Templates found by query | -| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `ListCredentialTemplatesRequest` | +### DeleteItemResponse +Response to `DeleteItemRequest` - + -### ListVerificationTemplatesRequest -Request to list templates using a SQL query +### DeleteWalletRequest +Request to delete a wallet | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| query | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SQL query to execute. Example: `SELECT * FROM c WHERE = 'Diploma'` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `ListCredentialTemplatesResponse` if more data is available for query | +| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of account to delete. Mutually exclusive with `walletId` and `didUri`. | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of account to delete. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `didUri`. | +| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the account to delete. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `walletId`. | - + -### ListVerificationTemplatesResponse +### DeleteWalletResponse +Response to `DeleteWalletRequest`. Empty payload. + + + + + + + + +### GenerateAuthTokenRequest | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| templates | [VerificationTemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateData)[] | Templates found by query | -| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `ListVerificationTemplatesRequest` | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| token_description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | - + + +### GenerateAuthTokenResponse -### SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest -Request to search templates using a SQL query | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| query | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SQL query to execute. Example: `SELECT * FROM c WHERE = 'Diploma'` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse` if more data is available for query | +| token_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| auth_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | - + -### SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse -Response to `SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest` +### GetItemRequest +Request to fetch an item from wallet | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| items_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Raw JSON data returned from query | -| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest` | +| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of item in wallet | - + -### TemplateData -Credential Template +### GetItemResponse +Response to `GetItemRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template ID | -| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template name | -| version | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | Template version number | -| fields | [TemplateData.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields defined for the template | -| allow_additional_fields | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether credentials issued against this template may contain fields not defined by template | -| schema_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | URI pointing to template JSON schema document | -| ecosystem_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of ecosystem in which template resides | -| type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template type (`VerifiableCredential`) | -| created_by | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template creator | -| date_created | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Date when template was created as ISO 8601 utc string | -| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable template title | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable template description | -| field_ordering | [TemplateData.FieldOrderingEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData-FieldOrderingEntry)[] | Map describing how to order and categorize the fields within the template. The key of this map is the field `name`. | -| apple_wallet_options | [AppleWalletOptions](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-AppleWalletOptions) | Options for rendering the template in Apple Wallet | +| item_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Item data as a JSON string | +| item_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Type of item specified when item was inserted into wallet | - + + +### GetMyInfoRequest +Request to retrieve wallet information about the currently authenticated wallet -### TemplateData.FieldOrderingEntry + + + + +### GetMyInfoResponse +Response to `GetMyInfoRequest` + + | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [FieldOrdering](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-FieldOrdering) | | +| wallet | [services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration) | Wallet configuration | - + -### TemplateData.FieldsEntry +### GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [TemplateField](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateField) | | +| identity | [services.provider.v1.WalletExternalIdentity](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletExternalIdentity) | | - + -### TemplateField -A field defined in a template +### GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse +Response to `GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable name of the field | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable description of the field | -| optional | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether this field may be omitted when a credential is issued against the template | -| type | [FieldType](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-FieldType) | The type of the field | -| uri_data | [UriFieldData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UriFieldData) | How to deal with this URI field when rendering credential. Only use if `type` is `URI`. | +| wallet | [services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration) | Wallet configuration | - + -### TemplateFieldPatch -A patch to apply to an existing template field +### GetWalletInfoRequest +Request to retrieve wallet information about a given wallet identified by its wallet ID | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable name of the field | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable description of the field | -| uri_data | [UriFieldData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UriFieldData) | How to deal with this URI field when rendering credential. Only use if `type` is `URI`. | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of the wallet to retrieve | - + -### UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest -Request to update display information for a template +### GetWalletInfoResponse +Response to `GetWalletInfoRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of Template to update | -| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New human-readable title of Template | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New human-readable description of Template | -| fields | [UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields to update within the Template | -| field_ordering | [UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldOrderingEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest-FieldOrderingEntry)[] | New field ordering options. See documentation for template creation for usage information. | -| apple_wallet_options | [AppleWalletOptions](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-AppleWalletOptions) | New Apple Wallet configuration | - +| wallet | [services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration) | Wallet configuration | - -### UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldOrderingEntry + +### InsertItemRequest +Request to insert a JSON document into a wallet | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [FieldOrdering](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-FieldOrdering) | | - +| item_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Document to insert; must be stringified JSON | +| item_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Item type (ex. "VerifiableCredential") | - -### UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry + +### InsertItemResponse +Response to `InsertItemRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [TemplateFieldPatch](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateFieldPatch) | | +| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of item inserted into wallet | - + -### UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse -Response to `UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest` +### ListByVerificationTemplateRequest +Request to list templates by | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| updated_template | [TemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-TemplateData) | The Template after the update has been applied | - +| verification_template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of verification template to list matching credentials | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `ListCredentialTemplatesResponse` if more data is available for query | - -### UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest + +### ListByVerificationTemplateResponse +Response to `ListByVerificationTemplateRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of Template to update | -| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New human-readable title of Template | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New human-readable description of Template | -| fields | [UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields to update within the Template | +| items | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | Array of query results, as JSON strings | +| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `ListByVerificationTemplateRequest` | - + -### UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry +### ListWalletsRequest | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [VerificationTemplateFieldPatch](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateFieldPatch) | | +| filter | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | - + -### UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse +### ListWalletsResponse | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| template | [VerificationTemplateData](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateData) | | +| wallets | [services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration)[] | | - + + +### RemoveExternalIdentityRequest -### UriFieldData -Data pertaining to a URI Field | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| mime_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Expected MIME Type of content pointed to by URI. Can be generic (eg, "image/") or specific ("image/png"). Defaults to "application/octet-stream". | -| render_method | [UriRenderMethod](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-UriRenderMethod) | How to display the URI value when rendering a credential. | - - +| identity | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The user identity to remove from the wallet This can be an email address or phone number (formatted as +[country code][phone number]) | - -### VerificationTemplateData -Verification Template + -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template ID | -| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template name | -| version | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | Template version number | -| fields | [VerificationTemplateData.FieldsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateData-FieldsEntry)[] | Fields defined for the template | -| credential_template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Source credential template, used for verifying that the specified `fields` are present in the credential template | -| ecosystem_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of ecosystem in which template resides | -| type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Template type (`VerificationTemplate`) | -| created_by | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template creator | -| date_created | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Date when template was created as ISO 8601 utc string | -| title | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable template title | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Human-readable template description | +### RemoveExternalIdentityResponse - -### VerificationTemplateData.FieldsEntry + +### RevokeAuthTokenRequest +Request to revoke a previously issued auth token | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [VerificationTemplateField](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationTemplateField) | | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of the wallet to from which to revoke the token | +| token_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token ID of the token to revoke | - + -### VerificationTemplateField -A field defined in a template +### RevokeAuthTokenResponse + + + + + + + + + +### SearchRequest +Request to search items in wallet | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| field_share_type | [VerificationShareType](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationShareType) | Whether this field may be omitted on proof creation | -| usage_policy | [string](/reference/proto#string) | User-facing explanation of what is done with this data - -TODO - Future work supporting proof conditionals/ranges/etc | +| query | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SQL Query to execute against items in wallet | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `SearchResponse` if more data is available for query | - + -### VerificationTemplateFieldPatch -A patch to apply to an existing template field +### SearchResponse +Response to `SearchRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| field_share_type | [VerificationShareType](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-templates-v1-VerificationShareType) | Human-readable name of the field | -| usage_policy | [string](/reference/proto#string) | User-facing explanation of what is done with this data | +| items | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | Array of query results, as JSON strings | +| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `SearchRequest` | - + - +### UpdateItemRequest +Request to update item in wallet -### FieldType -Valid types for credential fields -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| STRING | 0 | | -| NUMBER | 1 | | -| BOOL | 2 | | -| DATETIME | 4 | | -| URI | 5 | | +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of item in wallet | +| item_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Item type (ex. "VerifiableCredential") | - -### UriRenderMethod -How to display a URI value when rendering a credential. -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| TEXT | 0 | Display URI as text | -| LINK | 1 | Display URI as a clickable link | -| INLINE_IMAGE | 2 | Display URI as an inline image. Only takes effect if the template field's MIME Type is an image type. | + +### UpdateItemResponse +Response to `UpdateItemRequest` - -### VerificationShareType -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| OPTIONAL | 0 | | -| REQUIRED | 1 | | + @@ -2401,378 +2043,838 @@ How to display a URI value when rendering a credential. - +


-## services/verifiable-credentials/v1/verifiable-credentials.proto - +## services/connect/v1/connect.proto - -### Service - VerifiableCredential + +### Service - Connect +The Connect service provides access to Trinsic Connect, a reusable identity verification service. | Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | | ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| -| IssueFromTemplate | [IssueFromTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-IssueFromTemplateRequest) | [IssueFromTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-IssueFromTemplateResponse) | Sign and issue a verifiable credential from a pre-defined template. This process will also add schema validation and revocation registry values to the credential. | -| CheckStatus | [CheckStatusRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CheckStatusRequest) | [CheckStatusResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CheckStatusResponse) | Check credential status in the revocation registry | -| UpdateStatus | [UpdateStatusRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-UpdateStatusRequest) | [UpdateStatusResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-UpdateStatusResponse) | Update credential status by setting the revocation value | -| CreateProof | [CreateProofRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CreateProofRequest) | [CreateProofResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CreateProofResponse) | Create a proof from a signed document that is a valid verifiable credential and contains a signature from which a proof can be derived. | -| VerifyProof | [VerifyProofRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-VerifyProofRequest) | [VerifyProofResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-VerifyProofResponse) | Verifies a proof by checking the signature value, and if possible schema validation, revocation status, and issuer status against a trust registry | -| Send | [SendRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-SendRequest) | [SendResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-SendResponse) | Sends a document directly to a user's email within the given ecosystem | -| CreateCredentialOffer | [CreateCredentialOfferRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CreateCredentialOfferRequest) | [CreateCredentialOfferResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-CreateCredentialOfferResponse) | Create credential offer | -| AcceptCredential | [AcceptCredentialRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-AcceptCredentialRequest) | [AcceptCredentialResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-AcceptCredentialResponse) | Accept an offer to exchange a credential | -| RejectCredential | [RejectCredentialRequest](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-RejectCredentialRequest) | [RejectCredentialResponse](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-RejectCredentialResponse) | Reject an offer to exchange a credential | +| CreateSession | [CreateSessionRequest](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CreateSessionRequest) | [CreateSessionResponse](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CreateSessionResponse) | Create an IDVSession | +| CancelSession | [CancelSessionRequest](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CancelSessionRequest) | [CancelSessionResponse](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CancelSessionResponse) | Cancel an IDVSession | +| GetSession | [GetSessionRequest](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-GetSessionRequest) | [GetSessionResponse](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-GetSessionResponse) | Get an IDVSession | +| ListSessions | [ListSessionsRequest](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-ListSessionsRequest) | [ListSessionsResponse](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-ListSessionsResponse) | List IDVSessions created by the calling wallet | +| HasValidCredential | [HasValidCredentialRequest](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-HasValidCredentialRequest) | [HasValidCredentialResponse](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-HasValidCredentialResponse) | Checks if the identity provided in the request has a wallet containing a valid reusable credential | - - -### AcceptCredentialRequest + +### CancelSessionRequest +Request to cancel an Identity Verification Session | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The JSON document that contains the credential offer | -| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the credential offer (Parameter ID inside the JSON document) | - +| idv_session_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the IDVSession to cancel | - -### AcceptCredentialResponse + +### CancelSessionResponse +Response to `CancelIDVSessionRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the item in the wallet that contains the issued credential | -| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The JSON document that contains the issued credential. This item is already stored in the wallet. | +| session | [IDVSession](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSession) | The IDVSession in its current state after cancellation | - + -### CheckStatusRequest -Request to check a credential's revocation status +### CreateSessionRequest +Request to create an Identity Verification Session | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| credential_status_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Credential Status ID to check. This is not the same as the credential's ID. | +| verifications | [RequestedVerification](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-RequestedVerification)[] | Array of verifications to perform | +| debug_information | [CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CreateSessionRequest-DebugInformationEntry)[] | Debugging information used to help diagnose issues | +| demo_rp | [DemoRelyingParty](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-DemoRelyingParty) | Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes. This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information. | - + + +### CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry -### CheckStatusResponse -Response to `CheckStatusRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| revoked | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | The credential's revocation status | - +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | - -### CreateCredentialOfferRequest + +### CreateSessionResponse +Response to `CreateIDVSessionRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template to use | -| values_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | JSON document string with keys corresponding to the fields of the template referenced by `template_id` | -| holder_binding | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | If true, the credential will be issued with holder binding by specifying the holder DID in the credential subject | -| include_governance | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | If true, the issued credential will contain an attestation of the issuer's membership in the ecosystem's Trust Registry. | -| generate_share_url | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | If true, a short URL link will be generated that can be used to share the credential offer with the holder. This link will point to the credential offer in the wallet app. | -| signature_type | [SignatureType](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-SignatureType) | The type of signature to use when signing the credential. Defaults to `EXPERIMENTAL`. | +| session | [IDVSession](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSession) | The created IDVSession | - + -### CreateCredentialOfferResponse +### CredentialRequestData | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The JSON document that contains the credential offer | -| share_url | [string](/reference/proto#string) | If requested, a URL that can be used to share the credential offer with the holder. This is a short URL that can be used in a QR code and will redirect the holder to the credential offer using the wallet app. | +| type | [VerificationType](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-VerificationType) | The type of verification for which the credential can be used +Name of the IDV issuer | - -### CreateProofRequest -Request to create a proof for a Verifiable Credential using public key tied to caller. -Either `item_id`, or `document_json` may be provided, not both. + + +### DemoRelyingParty +Information about a Relying Party used for demo purposes | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| reveal_document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | A valid JSON-LD frame describing which fields should be revealed in the generated proof. If unspecified, all fields in the document will be revealed | -| reveal_template | [RevealTemplateAttributes](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-RevealTemplateAttributes) | Information about what sections of the document to reveal | -| verification_template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Id of verification template with which to construct the JSON-LD proof document | -| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of wallet item stored in a Trinsic cloud wallet | -| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | A valid JSON-LD Verifiable Credential document string with an unbound signature. The proof will be derived from this document directly. The document will not be stored in the wallet. | -| use_verifiable_presentation | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Wrap the output in a verifiable presentation. If the credential used in the proof is bound to the holder DID, the output will always use a verifiable presentation and this field will be ignored. | -| nonce | [bytes](/reference/proto#bytes) | Nonce value used to derive the proof. If not specified, a random nonce will be generated. This value may be represented in base64 format in the proof model. | +| display_name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| logo_url | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| primary_color | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | - + -### CreateProofResponse -Response to `CreateProofRequest` +### GetSessionRequest +Request to get an IDVSession | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| proof_document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Valid JSON-LD proof for the specified credential | +| idv_session_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the IDVSession to get | - + -### IssueFromTemplateRequest -Request to create and sign a JSON-LD Verifiable Credential from a template using public key tied to caller +### GetSessionResponse +Response to `GetIDVSessionRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of template to use | -| values_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | JSON document string with keys corresponding to the fields of the template referenced by `template_id` | -| save_copy | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Save a copy of the issued credential to this user's wallet. This copy will only contain the credential data, but not the secret proof value. Issuers may use this data to keep track of the details for revocation status. | -| expiration_date | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ISO8601 expiration UTC date of the credential. This is a reserved field in the VC specification. If specified, the issued credential will contain an expiration date. | -| include_governance | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | If true, the issued credential will contain an attestation of the issuer's membership in the ecosystem's Trust Registry. | -| signature_type | [SignatureType](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-SignatureType) | The type of signature to use when signing the credential. Defaults to `EXPERIMENTAL`. | +| session | [IDVSession](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSession) | The IDVSession | - + -### IssueFromTemplateResponse -Response to `IssueFromTemplateRequest` +### GovernmentIDFields +Selection of fields to retrieve from a Government ID. All fields default to `false` unless explicitly set to `true`. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Verifiable Credential document, in JSON-LD form, constructed from the specified template and values; signed with public key tied to caller of `IssueFromTemplateRequest` | - +| id_number | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | ID number of the underlying identity document | +| given_name | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Given ("first") name of the document holder | +| family_name | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Family ("last") name of the document holder | +| address | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Full address of the document holder | +| date_of_birth | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Date of birth of the document holder | +| country | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | ISO3 country code of the document | +| issue_date | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Issuance date of the document | +| expiration_date | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Expiration date date of the document | - -### RejectCredentialRequest + +### GovernmentIDOptions +Options for a Verification of type `GOVERNMENT_ID` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The JSON document that contains the credential offer | -| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the credential offer (Parameter ID inside the JSON document) | +| fields | [GovernmentIDFields](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-GovernmentIDFields) | The fields to retrieve from the Government ID. If this object is not set, all fields will be retrieved. | - + -### RejectCredentialResponse +### HasValidCredentialRequest +Request to preemptively check if an identity has a valid reusable credential +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| identity | [services.universalwallet.v1.CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-CreateWalletRequest-ExternalIdentity) | The identity used to find a credential | +| credential_request_data | [CredentialRequestData](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-CredentialRequestData) | The criteria used to find a valid credential | - -### RevealTemplateAttributes + +### HasValidCredentialResponse +Response to `HasValidCredentialRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| template_attributes | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | A list of document attributes to reveal. If unset, all attributes will be returned. | +| has_valid_credential | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether the identity has a valid credential | - + -### SendRequest -Request to send a document to another user's wallet +### IDVSession +An Identity Verification Session | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of user to whom you'll send the item | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of the recipient within the ecosystem | -| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the recipient | -| phone_number | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SMS of user to whom you'll send the item | -| send_notification | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Send email notification that credential has been sent to a wallet | -| document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | JSON document to send to recipient | +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the IDVSession. | +| client_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The Client Token for this IDVSession. This should be passed to your frontend to initiate the IDV flow using Trinsic's Web SDK. | +| state | [IDVSessionState](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSessionState) | State of the IDVSession | +| verifications | [IDVSession.VerificationsEntry](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSession-VerificationsEntry)[] | The actual Verifications to perform in this IDV flow | +| fail_code | [SessionFailCode](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-SessionFailCode) | The reason for the IDVSession's failure. Only set if `state` is `IDV_FAILED`. | +| result_vp | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The resultant signed VP combining the results of all verifications | +| created | [fixed64](/reference/proto#fixed64) | The unix timestamp, in seconds, that this IDVSession was created | +| updated | [fixed64](/reference/proto#fixed64) | The unix timestamp, in seconds, that this IDVSession's `state` was last updated | - + -### SendResponse -Response to `SendRequest` +### IDVSession.VerificationsEntry +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| value | [Verification](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-Verification) | | - -### UpdateStatusRequest -Request to update a credential's revocation status + + + + +### ListSessionsRequest +Request to list all IDVSessions you've created | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| credential_status_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Credential Status ID to update. This is not the same as the credential's ID. | -| revoked | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | New revocation status of credential | +| order_by | [SessionOrdering](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-SessionOrdering) | The field by which sessions should be sorted. Defaults to `CREATED`. | +| order_direction | [services.common.v1.OrderDirection](/reference/proto#services-common-v1-OrderDirection) | The order in which sessions should be sorted. Defaults to `ASCENDING`. | +| page_size | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | The number of results to return per page. Must be between `1` and `10`, inclusive. Defaults to `10`. | +| page | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | The page index of results to return. Starts at `1`. Defaults to `1`. | - + -### UpdateStatusResponse -Response to `UpdateStatusRequest` +### ListSessionsResponse +Response to `ListIDVSessionsRequest` +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| sessions | [IDVSession](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-IDVSession)[] | The sessions you've created | +| total | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | The total number of sessions you've created | +| more | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | If `true`, this is not the last page of results. If `false`, this is the last page of results. | - -### ValidationMessage -Result of a validation check on a proof + + + +### NormalizedGovernmentIdData + | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| is_valid | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether this validation check passed | -| messages | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | If validation failed, contains messages explaining why | +| id_number | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID number of the underlying identity document | +| given_name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Given ("first") name of the document holder | +| family_name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Family ("last") name of the document holder | +| address | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Full address of the document holder | +| date_of_birth | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Date of birth of the document holder | +| country | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ISO3 country code of the document | +| issue_date | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Issuance date of the document | +| expiration_date | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Expiration date date of the document | - + -### VerifyProofRequest -Request to verify a proof +### RequestedVerification +A verification to perform in an IDV flow | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| proof_document_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | JSON-LD proof document string to verify | +| type | [VerificationType](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-VerificationType) | The type of verification to perform | +| government_id_options | [GovernmentIDOptions](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-GovernmentIDOptions) | Options for a Verification of type `GOVERNMENT_ID` | + + + + + + + + +### Verification +A Verification that is part of an IDVSession + + +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The ID of the verification | +| type | [VerificationType](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-VerificationType) | The type of verification (driver's license, passport, proof of address, etc) | +| state | [VerificationState](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-VerificationState) | The state of the verification | +| fail_code | [VerificationFailCode](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-VerificationFailCode) | The reason for the Verification's failure. Only set if `state` is `VERIFICATION_FAILED`. | +| reused | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether this was a reused (true) or fresh (false) verification. If `state` is not `VERIFICATION_SUCCESS`, this field is `false` and does not convey useful information. | +| begun | [fixed64](/reference/proto#fixed64) | The unix timestamp, in seconds, when this verification was begun by the user -- or `0` if not yet begun. | +| updated | [fixed64](/reference/proto#fixed64) | The unix timestamp, in seconds, when this verification last changed state -- or `0` if it has not yet begun. | +| government_id_options | [GovernmentIDOptions](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-GovernmentIDOptions) | The Government ID options for this Verification. Only set if this Verification is of type `GOVERNMENT_ID`. | +| normalized_government_id_data | [NormalizedGovernmentIdData](/reference/proto#services-connect-v1-NormalizedGovernmentIdData) | Normalized output for manual parsing and usage for this verification Only set if this Verification is of type `GOVERNMENT_ID` and has succeeded. | + + + + + + + + + + +### IDVSessionState +The states a VerificationSession can be in + +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| IDV_CREATED | 0 | Session has been created, but not yet shown to user | +| IDV_INITIATED | 1 | Session has been shown to user (iframe / popup opened), but user has not yet logged in. | +| IDV_AUTHENTICATING | 2 | User has entered their phone number, but not yet authenticated with the code sent via SMS | +| IDV_IN_PROGRESS | 3 | User has been authenticated and is performing identity verification | +| IDV_SUCCESS | 4 | Session was completed successfully and IDV data is available to RP | +| IDV_FAILED | 5 | The session failed; reason is present in `fail_code`. | + + +### SessionFailCode +The specific reason an IDVSession is in the `Failed` state + +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| SESSION_FAIL_NONE | 0 | The Session is not in a failure state. | +| SESSION_FAIL_INTERNAL | 1 | An internal Trinsic error caused this session to fail | +| SESSION_FAIL_VERIFICATION_FAILED | 2 | The session failed because one or more of the verifications failed. The reason for the failure is present in the `fail_reason` field of the relevant `Verification` object(s). | +| SESSION_FAIL_AUTHENTICATION | 3 | The session failed because the user failed to authenticate with their phone number too many times. | +| SESSION_FAIL_EXPIRED | 4 | The session expired | +| SESSION_FAIL_USER_CANCELED | 5 | The user canceled / rejected the session | +| SESSION_FAIL_RP_CANCELED | 6 | The RP canceled the session | + + + + + +### SessionOrdering +Controls how sessions are ordered in `ListSessions` + +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| CREATED | 0 | Order sessions according to when they were created | +| UPDATED | 1 | Order sessions according to when they last changed state | +| STATE | 2 | Order sessions according to their numerical state | + + + + + +### VerificationFailCode +The specific reason a Verification is in the `Failed` state + +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| VERIFICATION_FAIL_NONE | 0 | The verification is not in a failure state | +| VERIFICATION_FAIL_INTERNAL | 1 | An internal Trinsic error caused this verification to fail | +| VERIFICATION_FAIL_INVALID_IMAGE | 2 | The image(s) provided for this verification were either too low-quality, not of the correct type, or otherwise unable to be processed. This failure reason is non-terminal; the user is able to retry the verification. | +| VERIFICATION_FAIL_INAUTHENTIC | 3 | The identity data/images provided are suspected to be inauthentic, fraudulent, or forged. | +| VERIFICATION_FAIL_UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT | 4 | The document provided is either of an unsupported type, or from an unsupported country. | + + + + + +### VerificationState +The states an individual Verification can be in + +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| VERIFICATION_PENDING | 0 | This verification has not yet been performed in the flow | +| VERIFICATION_PENDING_REUSE | 1 | This verification has been started by the user, and can be reused from a previous verification, but the user has not yet decided whether to reuse it. | +| VERIFICATION_STARTED | 2 | This verification has been started by the user, but not yet completed | +| VERIFICATION_SUCCESS | 3 | This verification has been successfully completed | +| VERIFICATION_FAILED | 4 | This verification has failed | + + + + + +### VerificationType +The type of verification to perform + +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| GOVERNMENT_ID | 0 | Government-issued ID (driver's license, passport, etc) | + + + + + + + + + +


+ +## services/google/api/http.proto + + + + + + + +### CustomHttpPattern +A custom pattern is used for defining custom HTTP verb. + + +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| kind | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The name of this custom HTTP verb. | +| path | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The path matched by this custom verb. | + + + + + + + + +### Http +Defines the HTTP configuration for an API service. It contains a list of +[HttpRule][google.api.HttpRule], each specifying the mapping of an RPC method +to one or more HTTP REST API methods. + + +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| rules | [HttpRule](/reference/proto#google-api-HttpRule)[] | A list of HTTP configuration rules that apply to individual API methods. + +**NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. | +| fully_decode_reserved_expansion | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | When set to true, URL path parameters will be fully URI-decoded except in cases of single segment matches in reserved expansion, where "%2F" will be left encoded. + +The default behavior is to not decode RFC 6570 reserved characters in multi segment matches. | + + + + + + + + +### HttpRule +# gRPC Transcoding + +gRPC Transcoding is a feature for mapping between a gRPC method and one or +more HTTP REST endpoints. It allows developers to build a single API service +that supports both gRPC APIs and REST APIs. Many systems, including [Google +APIs](, +[Cloud Endpoints](, [gRPC +Gateway](, +and [Envoy]( proxy support this feature +and use it for large scale production services. + +`HttpRule` defines the schema of the gRPC/REST mapping. The mapping specifies +how different portions of the gRPC request message are mapped to the URL +path, URL query parameters, and HTTP request body. It also controls how the +gRPC response message is mapped to the HTTP response body. `HttpRule` is +typically specified as an `google.api.http` annotation on the gRPC method. + +Each mapping specifies a URL path template and an HTTP method. The path +template may refer to one or more fields in the gRPC request message, as long +as each field is a non-repeated field with a primitive (non-message) type. +The path template controls how fields of the request message are mapped to +the URL path. + +Example: + + service Messaging { + rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/{name=messages/*}" + }; + } + } + message GetMessageRequest { + string name = 1; // Mapped to URL path. + } + message Message { + string text = 1; // The resource content. + } + +This enables an HTTP REST to gRPC mapping as below: + +HTTP | gRPC +-----|----- +`GET /v1/messages/123456` | `GetMessage(name: "messages/123456")` + +Any fields in the request message which are not bound by the path template +automatically become HTTP query parameters if there is no HTTP request body. +For example: + + service Messaging { + rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get:"/v1/messages/{message_id}" + }; + } + } + message GetMessageRequest { + message SubMessage { + string subfield = 1; + } + string message_id = 1; // Mapped to URL path. + int64 revision = 2; // Mapped to URL query parameter `revision`. + SubMessage sub = 3; // Mapped to URL query parameter `sub.subfield`. + } + +This enables a HTTP JSON to RPC mapping as below: + +HTTP | gRPC +-----|----- +`GET /v1/messages/123456?revision=2&sub.subfield=foo` | +`GetMessage(message_id: "123456" revision: 2 sub: SubMessage(subfield: +"foo"))` + +Note that fields which are mapped to URL query parameters must have a +primitive type or a repeated primitive type or a non-repeated message type. +In the case of a repeated type, the parameter can be repeated in the URL +as `...?param=A¶m=B`. In the case of a message type, each field of the +message is mapped to a separate parameter, such as +`...?foo.a=A&foo.b=B&foo.c=C`. + +For HTTP methods that allow a request body, the `body` field +specifies the mapping. Consider a REST update method on the +message resource collection: + + service Messaging { + rpc UpdateMessage(UpdateMessageRequest) returns (Message) { + option (google.api.http) = { + patch: "/v1/messages/{message_id}" + body: "message" + }; + } + } + message UpdateMessageRequest { + string message_id = 1; // mapped to the URL + Message message = 2; // mapped to the body + } + +The following HTTP JSON to RPC mapping is enabled, where the +representation of the JSON in the request body is determined by +protos JSON encoding: + +HTTP | gRPC +-----|----- +`PATCH /v1/messages/123456 { "text": "Hi!" }` | `UpdateMessage(message_id: +"123456" message { text: "Hi!" })` + +The special name `*` can be used in the body mapping to define that +every field not bound by the path template should be mapped to the +request body. This enables the following alternative definition of +the update method: + + service Messaging { + rpc UpdateMessage(Message) returns (Message) { + option (google.api.http) = { + patch: "/v1/messages/{message_id}" + body: "*" + }; + } + } + message Message { + string message_id = 1; + string text = 2; + } + + +The following HTTP JSON to RPC mapping is enabled: + +HTTP | gRPC +-----|----- +`PATCH /v1/messages/123456 { "text": "Hi!" }` | `UpdateMessage(message_id: +"123456" text: "Hi!")` + +Note that when using `*` in the body mapping, it is not possible to +have HTTP parameters, as all fields not bound by the path end in +the body. This makes this option more rarely used in practice when +defining REST APIs. The common usage of `*` is in custom methods +which don't use the URL at all for transferring data. + +It is possible to define multiple HTTP methods for one RPC by using +the `additional_bindings` option. Example: + + service Messaging { + rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/messages/{message_id}" + additional_bindings { + get: "/v1/users/{user_id}/messages/{message_id}" + } + }; + } + } + message GetMessageRequest { + string message_id = 1; + string user_id = 2; + } + +This enables the following two alternative HTTP JSON to RPC mappings: + +HTTP | gRPC +-----|----- +`GET /v1/messages/123456` | `GetMessage(message_id: "123456")` +`GET /v1/users/me/messages/123456` | `GetMessage(user_id: "me" message_id: +"123456")` + +## Rules for HTTP mapping + +1. Leaf request fields (recursive expansion nested messages in the request + message) are classified into three categories: + - Fields referred by the path template. They are passed via the URL path. + - Fields referred by the [HttpRule.body][google.api.HttpRule.body]. They are passed via the HTTP + request body. + - All other fields are passed via the URL query parameters, and the + parameter name is the field path in the request message. A repeated + field can be represented as multiple query parameters under the same + name. + 2. If [HttpRule.body][google.api.HttpRule.body] is "*", there is no URL query parameter, all fields + are passed via URL path and HTTP request body. + 3. If [HttpRule.body][google.api.HttpRule.body] is omitted, there is no HTTP request body, all + fields are passed via URL path and URL query parameters. + +### Path template syntax + + Template = "/" Segments [ Verb ] ; + Segments = Segment { "/" Segment } ; + Segment = "*" | "**" | LITERAL | Variable ; + Variable = "{" FieldPath [ "=" Segments ] "}" ; + FieldPath = IDENT { "." IDENT } ; + Verb = ":" LITERAL ; + +The syntax `*` matches a single URL path segment. The syntax `**` matches +zero or more URL path segments, which must be the last part of the URL path +except the `Verb`. + +The syntax `Variable` matches part of the URL path as specified by its +template. A variable template must not contain other variables. If a variable +matches a single path segment, its template may be omitted, e.g. `{var}` +is equivalent to `{var=*}`. + +The syntax `LITERAL` matches literal text in the URL path. If the `LITERAL` +contains any reserved character, such characters should be percent-encoded +before the matching. + +If a variable contains exactly one path segment, such as `"{var}"` or +`"{var=*}"`, when such a variable is expanded into a URL path on the client +side, all characters except `[-_.~0-9a-zA-Z]` are percent-encoded. The +server side does the reverse decoding. Such variables show up in the +[Discovery +Document]( as +`{var}`. + +If a variable contains multiple path segments, such as `"{var=foo/*}"` +or `"{var=**}"`, when such a variable is expanded into a URL path on the +client side, all characters except `[-_.~/0-9a-zA-Z]` are percent-encoded. +The server side does the reverse decoding, except "%2F" and "%2f" are left +unchanged. Such variables show up in the +[Discovery +Document]( as +`{+var}`. + +## Using gRPC API Service Configuration + +gRPC API Service Configuration (service config) is a configuration language +for configuring a gRPC service to become a user-facing product. The +service config is simply the YAML representation of the `google.api.Service` +proto message. + +As an alternative to annotating your proto file, you can configure gRPC +transcoding in your service config YAML files. You do this by specifying a +`HttpRule` that maps the gRPC method to a REST endpoint, achieving the same +effect as the proto annotation. This can be particularly useful if you +have a proto that is reused in multiple services. Note that any transcoding +specified in the service config will override any matching transcoding +configuration in the proto. + +Example: + + http: + rules: + # Selects a gRPC method and applies HttpRule to it. + - selector: example.v1.Messaging.GetMessage + get: /v1/messages/{message_id}/{sub.subfield} + +## Special notes + +When gRPC Transcoding is used to map a gRPC to JSON REST endpoints, the +proto to JSON conversion must follow the [proto3 +specification]( + +While the single segment variable follows the semantics of +[RFC 6570]( Section 3.2.2 Simple String +Expansion, the multi segment variable **does not** follow RFC 6570 Section +3.2.3 Reserved Expansion. The reason is that the Reserved Expansion +does not expand special characters like `?` and `#`, which would lead +to invalid URLs. As the result, gRPC Transcoding uses a custom encoding +for multi segment variables. +The path variables **must not** refer to any repeated or mapped field, +because client libraries are not capable of handling such variable expansion. +The path variables **must not** capture the leading "/" character. The reason +is that the most common use case "{var}" does not capture the leading "/" +character. For consistency, all path variables must share the same behavior. - +Repeated message fields must not be mapped to URL query parameters, because +no client library can support such complicated mapping. -### VerifyProofResponse -Response to `VerifyProofRequest` +If an API needs to use a JSON array for request or response body, it can map +the request or response body to a repeated field. However, some gRPC +Transcoding implementations may not support this feature. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| is_valid | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether all validations in `validation_results` passed | -| validation_results | [VerifyProofResponse.ValidationResultsEntry](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-VerifyProofResponse-ValidationResultsEntry)[] | Results of each validation check performed, such as schema conformance, revocation status, signature, etc. Detailed results are provided for failed validations. | - +| selector | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Selects a method to which this rule applies. +Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax details. | +| get | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Maps to HTTP GET. Used for listing and getting information about resources. | +| put | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Maps to HTTP PUT. Used for replacing a resource. | +| post | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Maps to HTTP POST. Used for creating a resource or performing an action. | +| delete | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Maps to HTTP DELETE. Used for deleting a resource. | +| patch | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Maps to HTTP PATCH. Used for updating a resource. | +| custom | [CustomHttpPattern](/reference/proto#google-api-CustomHttpPattern) | The custom pattern is used for specifying an HTTP method that is not included in the `pattern` field, such as HEAD, or "*" to leave the HTTP method unspecified for this rule. The wild-card rule is useful for services that provide content to Web (HTML) clients. | +| body | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The name of the request field whose value is mapped to the HTTP request body, or `*` for mapping all request fields not captured by the path pattern to the HTTP body, or omitted for not having any HTTP request body. +NOTE: the referred field must be present at the top-level of the request message type. | +| response_body | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Optional. The name of the response field whose value is mapped to the HTTP response body. When omitted, the entire response message will be used as the HTTP response body. +NOTE: The referred field must be present at the top-level of the response message type. | +| additional_bindings | [HttpRule](/reference/proto#google-api-HttpRule)[] | Additional HTTP bindings for the selector. Nested bindings must not contain an `additional_bindings` field themselves (that is, the nesting may only be one level deep). | - -### VerifyProofResponse.ValidationResultsEntry + -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| value | [ValidationMessage](/reference/proto#services-verifiablecredentials-v1-ValidationMessage) | | + + + +


- +## services/google/api/annotations.proto - + -### SignatureType + + -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| UNSPECIFIED | 0 | The signature type is not specified. The experimental signature type will be used. | -| STANDARD | 1 | The signature type uses EdDSA with the Ed25519 curve (NIST compliant). This type of signature does not support selective disclosure of attributes. | -| EXPERIMENTAL | 2 | The signature type uses BBS signatures with BLS12-381 curve (experimental). This type of signature allows for selective disclosure of attributes. | + - +### File-level Extensions +| Extension | Type | Base | Number | Description | +| --------- | ---- | ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| http | HttpRule | .google.protobuf.MethodOptions | 72295728 | See `HttpRule`. | @@ -2953,613 +3055,521 @@ Only one of `did_uri`, `wallet_id`, or `email` may be specified. - - -### RegisterMemberResponse -Response to `RegisterMemberRequest` - - - - - - - - -### UnregisterMemberRequest -Request to unregister a member as a valid issuer of a specific credential schema. -Only one of `did_uri`, `wallet_id`, or `email` may be specified. -The URI of the credential schema must be specified. - - -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of member to unregister | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Trinsic Wallet ID of member to unregister | -| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of member to unregister. Must be associated with an existing Trinsic account. | -| schema_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | URI of credential schema to unregister member as authorized issuer of | - - - - - - - - -### UnregisterMemberResponse -Response to `UnregisterMemberRequest` - - - - - - - - - - -### RegistrationStatus - - -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| CURRENT | 0 | Member is currently authorized, as of the time of the query | -| EXPIRED | 1 | Member's authorization has expired | -| TERMINATED | 2 | Member has voluntarily ceased Issuer role under the specific EGF | -| REVOKED | 3 | Member authority under specific EGF was terminated by the governing authority | -| NOT_FOUND | 10 | Member is not associated with given credential schema in the EGF | - - - - - - - - - -


- -## services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.proto - - - - - -### Service - UniversalWallet -Service for managing wallets - -| Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | -| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| -| GetItem | [GetItemRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetItemRequest) | [GetItemResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetItemResponse) | Retrieve an item from the wallet with a given item identifier | -| Search | [SearchRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-SearchRequest) | [SearchResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-SearchResponse) | Search the wallet using a SQL syntax | -| InsertItem | [InsertItemRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-InsertItemRequest) | [InsertItemResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-InsertItemResponse) | Insert an item into the wallet | -| UpdateItem | [UpdateItemRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-UpdateItemRequest) | [UpdateItemResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-UpdateItemResponse) | Update an item in the wallet | -| DeleteItem | [DeleteItemRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-DeleteItemRequest) | [DeleteItemResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-DeleteItemResponse) | Delete an item from the wallet permanently | -| DeleteWallet | [DeleteWalletRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-DeleteWalletRequest) | [DeleteWalletResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-DeleteWalletResponse) | Delete a wallet and its credentials | -| CreateWallet | [CreateWalletRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-CreateWalletRequest) | [CreateWalletResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-CreateWalletResponse) | Create a new wallet and generate an auth token for access | -| GetWalletInfo | [GetWalletInfoRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetWalletInfoRequest) | [GetWalletInfoResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetWalletInfoResponse) | Retrieve wallet details and configuration | -| GetMyInfo | [GetMyInfoRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetMyInfoRequest) | [GetMyInfoResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetMyInfoResponse) | Retrieve wallet details and configuration about the currently authenticated wallet | -| GetWalletFromExternalIdentity | [GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest) | [GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse) | Retrieve information from an ecosystem wallet by searching for its external identity (email or phone) | -| GenerateAuthToken | [GenerateAuthTokenRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GenerateAuthTokenRequest) | [GenerateAuthTokenResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-GenerateAuthTokenResponse) | Generate new token for a given wallet and add it to the collection of known auth tokens. This endpoint requires authentication and will return a new token ID and auth token. Use this endpoint if you want to authorize another device, without having to share your existing auth token. | -| RevokeAuthToken | [RevokeAuthTokenRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-RevokeAuthTokenRequest) | [RevokeAuthTokenResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-RevokeAuthTokenResponse) | Revokes a previously issued auth token and updates the collection of known auth tokens. This endpoint requires authentication. | -| AddExternalIdentityInit | [AddExternalIdentityInitRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AddExternalIdentityInitRequest) | [AddExternalIdentityInitResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AddExternalIdentityInitResponse) | Add new external identity to the current wallet, such as email, sms, ethereum address, etc. This identity ownership must be confirmed using `AddIdentityConfirm` via OTP, signature, etc. | -| AddExternalIdentityConfirm | [AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest) | [AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse) | Confirm identity added to the current wallet using `AddExternalIdentityInit` | -| RemoveExternalIdentity | [RemoveExternalIdentityRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-RemoveExternalIdentityRequest) | [RemoveExternalIdentityResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-RemoveExternalIdentityResponse) | Remove an external identity from the current wallet | -| AuthenticateInit | [AuthenticateInitRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateInitRequest) | [AuthenticateInitResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateInitResponse) | Sign-in to an already existing wallet, using an identity added that was previously registered This endpoint does not require authentication, and will return a challenge to be signed or verified | -| AuthenticateConfirm | [AuthenticateConfirmRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateConfirmRequest) | [AuthenticateConfirmResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateConfirmResponse) | Confirm sign-in to an already existing wallet and return authentication token | -| AuthenticateResendCode | [AuthenticateResendCodeRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateResendCodeRequest) | [AuthenticateResendCodeResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-AuthenticateResendCodeResponse) | Resend previous authentication code | -| ListWallets | [ListWalletsRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-ListWalletsRequest) | [ListWalletsResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-ListWalletsResponse) | List all wallets in the ecosystem | -| ListByVerificationTemplate | [ListByVerificationTemplateRequest](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-ListByVerificationTemplateRequest) | [ListByVerificationTemplateResponse](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-ListByVerificationTemplateResponse) | List credentials which match a given verification template | - - - - - - -### AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest - - - -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| challenge | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The challenge received from the `AddExternalIdentityInit` endpoint | -| response | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The response to the challenge. If using Email or Phone, this is the OTP code sent to the user's email or phone | - - - - - - - - -### AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse - - - - - - - - - -### AddExternalIdentityInitRequest - - - -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| identity | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The user identity to add to the wallet This can be an email address or phone number (formatted as +[country code][phone number]) | -| provider | [services.provider.v1.IdentityProvider](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IdentityProvider) | The type of identity provider, like EMAIL or PHONE | - - - - - - - - -### AddExternalIdentityInitResponse - - - -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| challenge | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Challenge or reference to the challenge to be used in the `AddExternalIdentityConfirm` endpoint | - - - - - - - - -### AuthenticateConfirmRequest - - - -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| challenge | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The challenge received from the `AcquireAuthTokenInit` endpoint | -| response | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The response to the challenge. If using Email or Phone, this is the OTP code sent to the user's email or phone | - - - - - - - - -### AuthenticateConfirmResponse - - - -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| auth_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Auth token for the wallet | - - - - - - - - -### AuthenticateInitRequest - - - -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| identity | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Identity to add to the wallet | -| provider | [services.provider.v1.IdentityProvider](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IdentityProvider) | Identity provider | -| ecosystem_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Ecosystem ID to which the wallet belongs | + +### RegisterMemberResponse +Response to `RegisterMemberRequest` - -### AuthenticateInitResponse + +### UnregisterMemberRequest +Request to unregister a member as a valid issuer of a specific credential schema. +Only one of `did_uri`, `wallet_id`, or `email` may be specified. +The URI of the credential schema must be specified. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| challenge | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The challenge received from the `AcquireAuthTokenInit` endpoint Pass this challenge back to the `AcquireAuthTokenConfirm` endpoint | +| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of member to unregister | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Trinsic Wallet ID of member to unregister | +| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of member to unregister. Must be associated with an existing Trinsic account. | +| schema_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | URI of credential schema to unregister member as authorized issuer of | - + -### AuthenticateResendCodeRequest +### UnregisterMemberResponse +Response to `UnregisterMemberRequest` -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| challenge | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Challenge for the code you want resent. | + + + + + +### RegistrationStatus +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| CURRENT | 0 | Member is currently authorized, as of the time of the query | +| EXPIRED | 1 | Member's authorization has expired | +| TERMINATED | 2 | Member has voluntarily ceased Issuer role under the specific EGF | +| REVOKED | 3 | Member authority under specific EGF was terminated by the governing authority | +| NOT_FOUND | 10 | Member is not associated with given credential schema in the EGF | - + -### AuthenticateResendCodeResponse + + +


+## services/common/v1/common.proto + - -### CreateWalletRequest + +### Nonce +Nonce used to generate an oberon proof | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| ecosystem_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Ecosystem ID of the wallet to create | -| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet name or description. Use this field to add vendor specific information about this wallet, such as email, phone, internal ID, or anything you'd like to associate with this wallet. This field is searchable. | -| identity | [CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity](/reference/proto#services-universalwallet-v1-CreateWalletRequest-ExternalIdentity) | Optional identity to add to the wallet (email or sms). Use this field when inviting participants into an ecosystem. If this field is set, an auth token will not be sent in the response. | +| timestamp | [int64](/reference/proto#int64) | UTC unix millisecond timestamp the request was made | +| request_hash | [bytes](/reference/proto#bytes) | blake3256 hash of the request body | - + -### CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity +### TrinsicClientOptions | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| identity | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The user identity to add to the wallet This can be an email address or phone number (formatted as +[country code][phone number]) | -| provider | [services.provider.v1.IdentityProvider](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IdentityProvider) | The type of identity provider, like EMAIL or PHONE | +| server_endpoint | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Trinsic API endpoint. Defaults to `` | +| server_port | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | Trinsic API port; defaults to `443` | +| server_use_tls | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether TLS is enabled between SDK and Trinsic API; defaults to `true` | +| auth_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Authentication token for SDK calls; defaults to empty string (unauthenticated) | + - -### CreateWalletResponse + +### OrderDirection +The direction to order results +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| ASCENDING | 0 | | +| DESCENDING | 1 | | -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| auth_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Auth token for the newly created wallet | -| token_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token ID of the newly generated token | -| wallet | [services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration) | Wallet configuration | + +### ResponseStatus +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| SUCCESS | 0 | | +| WALLET_ACCESS_DENIED | 10 | | +| WALLET_EXISTS | 11 | | +| ITEM_NOT_FOUND | 20 | | +| SERIALIZATION_ERROR | 200 | | +| UNKNOWN_ERROR | 100 | | - -### DeleteItemRequest -Request to delete an item in a wallet + -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of item to delete | +### SupportedDidMethod +Enum of all supported DID Methods + +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| KEY | 0 | The did:key method -- all wallets use this by default | +| ION | 1 | The did:ion method -- Sidetree implementation on top of Bitcoin by Microsoft | +| INDY | 2 | The did:sov method -- Hyperledger Indy based by Sovrin Foundation | + + - -### DeleteItemResponse -Response to `DeleteItemRequest` + +


+## services/provider/v1/provider.proto + +### Service - Provider - -### DeleteWalletRequest -Request to delete a wallet +| Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | +| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| +| CreateEcosystem | [CreateEcosystemRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-CreateEcosystemRequest) | [CreateEcosystemResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-CreateEcosystemResponse) | Create new ecosystem and assign the authenticated user as owner | +| GetOberonKey | [GetOberonKeyRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-GetOberonKeyRequest) | [GetOberonKeyResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-GetOberonKeyResponse) | Returns the public key being used to create/verify oberon tokens | +| UpgradeDID | [UpgradeDidRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-UpgradeDidRequest) | [UpgradeDidResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-UpgradeDidResponse) | Upgrade a wallet's DID from `did:key` to another method | +| SearchWalletConfigurations | [SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest) | [SearchWalletConfigurationResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-SearchWalletConfigurationResponse) | Search for issuers/providers/verifiers in the current ecosystem | + + + + + + +### CreateEcosystemRequest +Request to create an ecosystem | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of account to delete. Mutually exclusive with `walletId` and `didUri`. | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of account to delete. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `didUri`. | -| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the account to delete. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `walletId`. | +| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Globally unique name for the Ecosystem. This name will be part of the ecosystem-specific URLs and namespaces. Allowed characters are lowercase letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen. If not passed, ecosystem name will be auto-generated. | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Ecosystem description | +| details | [services.account.v1.AccountDetails](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-AccountDetails) | The account details of the owner of the ecosystem | +| domain | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New domain URL | - + + +### CreateEcosystemResponse +Response to `CreateEcosystemRequest` -### DeleteWalletResponse -Response to `DeleteWalletRequest`. Empty payload. +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| ecosystem | [Ecosystem](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-Ecosystem) | Details of the created ecosystem | +| profile | [services.account.v1.AccountProfile](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-AccountProfile) | Account profile for auth of the owner of the ecosystem | +| confirmation_method | [services.account.v1.ConfirmationMethod](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-ConfirmationMethod) | Indicates if confirmation of account is required. | - -### GenerateAuthTokenRequest + +### Ecosystem +Details of an ecosystem | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| token_description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | - - - +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | URN of the ecosystem | +| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Globally unique name for the ecosystem | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Ecosystem description | - -### GenerateAuthTokenResponse + -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| token_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | -| auth_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +### EcosystemInfoRequest +Request to fetch information about an ecosystem - + -### GetItemRequest -Request to fetch an item from wallet +### EcosystemInfoResponse +Response to `InfoRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of item in wallet | +| ecosystem | [Ecosystem](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-Ecosystem) | Ecosystem corresponding to current ecosystem in the account token | - + -### GetItemResponse -Response to `GetItemRequest` +### GetOberonKeyRequest +Request to fetch the Trinsic public key used +to verify authentication token validity -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| item_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Item data as a JSON string | -| item_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Type of item specified when item was inserted into wallet | + +### GetOberonKeyResponse +Response to `GetOberonKeyRequest` - -### GetMyInfoRequest -Request to retrieve wallet information about the currently authenticated wallet +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| key | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Oberon Public Key as RAW base64-url encoded string | - + -### GetMyInfoResponse -Response to `GetMyInfoRequest` +### IndyOptions +Options for creation of DID on the SOV network | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| wallet | [services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration) | Wallet configuration | - +| network | [IndyOptions.IndyNetwork](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IndyOptions-IndyNetwork) | SOV network on which DID should be published | - -### GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest + +### IonOptions +Options for creation of DID on the ION network | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| identity | [services.provider.v1.WalletExternalIdentity](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletExternalIdentity) | | +| network | [IonOptions.IonNetwork](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IonOptions-IonNetwork) | ION network on which DID should be published | - + + +### SearchWalletConfigurationResponse -### GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse -Response to `GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| wallet | [services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration) | Wallet configuration | +| results | [WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration)[] | Results matching the search query | +| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `SearchRequest` | - + -### GetWalletInfoRequest -Request to retrieve wallet information about a given wallet identified by its wallet ID +### SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest +Search for issuers/holders/verifiers | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of the wallet to retrieve | +| query_filter | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SQL filter to execute. `SELECT * FROM c WHERE [**queryFilter**]` | +| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `SearchResponse` if more data is available for query | - + -### GetWalletInfoResponse -Response to `GetWalletInfoRequest` +### UpgradeDidRequest +Request to upgrade a wallet | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| wallet | [services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration) | Wallet configuration | +| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of account to upgrade. Mutually exclusive with `walletId` and `didUri`. | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of account to upgrade. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `didUri`. | +| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the account to upgrade. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `walletId`. | +| method | [services.common.v1.SupportedDidMethod](/reference/proto#services-common-v1-SupportedDidMethod) | DID Method to which wallet should be upgraded | +| ion_options | [IonOptions](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IonOptions) | Configuration for creation of DID on ION network | +| indy_options | [IndyOptions](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IndyOptions) | Configuration for creation of DID on INDY network | - + -### InsertItemRequest -Request to insert a JSON document into a wallet +### UpgradeDidResponse +Response to `UpgradeDIDRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| item_json | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Document to insert; must be stringified JSON | -| item_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Item type (ex. "VerifiableCredential") | +| did | [string](/reference/proto#string) | New DID of wallet | - + -### InsertItemResponse -Response to `InsertItemRequest` +### WalletConfiguration +Strongly typed information about wallet configurations | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of item inserted into wallet | +| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Name/description of the wallet | +| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | **Deprecated.** Deprecated and will be removed on August 1, 2023 -- use external_identities. This field is set to the first email address present in `external_identities`, if any. | +| sms | [string](/reference/proto#string) | **Deprecated.** Deprecated -- use external_identities | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| public_did | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The DID of the wallet | +| config_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| auth_tokens | [services.account.v1.WalletAuthToken](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-WalletAuthToken)[] | List of active authentication tokens for this wallet. This list does not contain the issued token, only metadata such as ID, description, and creation date. | +| external_identity_ids | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | **Deprecated.** List of external identity IDs (email addresses, phone numbers, etc.) associated with this wallet. This is deprecated; use `external_identities` instead. | +| ecosystem_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Ecosystem in which this wallet is contained. | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | +| external_identities | [WalletExternalIdentity](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletExternalIdentity)[] | List of external identities associated with this wallet. | - + -### ListByVerificationTemplateRequest -Request to list templates by +### WalletExternalIdentity +An external identity (email address, phone number, etc.) associated with a wallet for authentication purposes. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| verification_template_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of verification template to list matching credentials | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `ListCredentialTemplatesResponse` if more data is available for query | +| provider | [IdentityProvider](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-IdentityProvider) | The type of this identity (whether this identity is an email address, phone number, etc.) | +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The actual email address/phone number/etc. for this identity | + - -### ListByVerificationTemplateResponse -Response to `ListByVerificationTemplateRequest` + +### IdentityProvider -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| items | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | Array of query results, as JSON strings | -| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `ListByVerificationTemplateRequest` | +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| Unknown | 0 | Identity provider is unknown | +| Email | 1 | Identity provider is email | +| Phone | 2 | Identity provider is phone | +| Passkey | 3 | Identity provider is passkey (WebAuthn) -- for Trinsic internal use only | +| TrinsicAuthenticator | 4 | Identity provider is passkey using Trinsic Authenticator for mobile phones | + +### IndyOptions.IndyNetwork - -### ListWalletsRequest +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| Danube | 0 | | +| SovrinBuilder | 1 | | +| SovrinStaging | 2 | | +| Sovrin | 3 | | +| IdUnionTest | 4 | | +| IdUnion | 5 | | +| IndicioTest | 6 | | +| IndicioDemo | 7 | | +| Indicio | 8 | | -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| filter | [string](/reference/proto#string) | | + +### IonOptions.IonNetwork +| Name | Number | Description | +| ---- | ------ | ----------- | +| TestNet | 0 | | +| MainNet | 1 | | + - + -### ListWalletsResponse + +


-| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| wallets | [services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-WalletConfiguration)[] | | +## services/provider/v1/access-management.proto + + +### Service - AccessManagement +Access Management service provides methods to manage access to ecosystem resources +such by assigning roles and permissions to wallet accounts +| Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | +| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| +| AddRoleAssignment | [AddRoleAssignmentRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-AddRoleAssignmentRequest) | [AddRoleAssignmentResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-AddRoleAssignmentResponse) | Adds a role assignment to an account | +| RemoveRoleAssignment | [RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest) | [RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse) | Removes a role assignment from the account | +| ListRoleAssignments | [ListRoleAssignmentsRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-ListRoleAssignmentsRequest) | [ListRoleAssignmentsResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-ListRoleAssignmentsResponse) | List the role assignments for the given account | +| ListAvailableRoles | [ListAvailableRolesRequest](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-ListAvailableRolesRequest) | [ListAvailableRolesResponse](/reference/proto#services-provider-v1-ListAvailableRolesResponse) | List the roles available in the ecosystem | + - -### RemoveExternalIdentityRequest + +### AddRoleAssignmentRequest +Role management | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| identity | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The user identity to remove from the wallet This can be an email address or phone number (formatted as +[country code][phone number]) | +| role | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Role to assign | +| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of account to assign role. Mutually exclusive with `walletId` and `didUri`. | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of account to assign role to. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `didUri`. | +| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the account to assign role. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `walletId`. | - + -### RemoveExternalIdentityResponse +### AddRoleAssignmentResponse @@ -3567,85 +3577,85 @@ Response to `ListByVerificationTemplateRequest` - + -### RevokeAuthTokenRequest -Request to revoke a previously issued auth token +### ListAvailableRolesRequest +Request to fetch the available roles in the current ecosystem -| Field | Type | Description | -| ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of the wallet to from which to revoke the token | -| token_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token ID of the token to revoke | + +### ListAvailableRolesResponse - -### RevokeAuthTokenResponse +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| roles | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | List of roles | - + -### SearchRequest -Request to search items in wallet +### ListRoleAssignmentsRequest +Request to fetch the list of roles assigned to the current account | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| query | [string](/reference/proto#string) | SQL Query to execute against items in wallet | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token provided by previous `SearchResponse` if more data is available for query | +| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of account to list roles. Mutually exclusive with `walletId` and `didUri`. | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of account to list roles. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `didUri`. | +| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the account to list roles. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `walletId`. | - + + +### ListRoleAssignmentsResponse -### SearchResponse -Response to `SearchRequest` | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| items | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | Array of query results, as JSON strings | -| has_more_results | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether more results are available for this query via `continuation_token` | -| continuation_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Token to fetch next set of results via `SearchRequest` | +| roles | [string](/reference/proto#string)[] | List of roles | - + + +### RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest -### UpdateItemRequest -Request to update item in wallet | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| item_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | ID of item in wallet | -| item_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Item type (ex. "VerifiableCredential") | +| role | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Role to unassign | +| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Email address of account to unassign role. Mutually exclusive with `walletId` and `didUri`. | +| wallet_id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Wallet ID of account to unassign role. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `didUri`. | +| did_uri | [string](/reference/proto#string) | DID URI of the account to unassign role. Mutually exclusive with `email` and `walletId`. | - + + +### RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse -### UpdateItemResponse -Response to `UpdateItemRequest` @@ -3659,90 +3669,98 @@ Response to `UpdateItemRequest` - +


-## services/common/v1/common.proto +## services/account/v1/account.proto - + -### Nonce -Nonce used to generate an oberon proof +### AccountDetails +Account registration details | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| timestamp | [int64](/reference/proto#int64) | UTC unix millisecond timestamp the request was made | -| request_hash | [bytes](/reference/proto#bytes) | blake3256 hash of the request body | - +| name | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Account name | +| email | [string](/reference/proto#string) | **Deprecated.** Email address of account. | +| sms | [string](/reference/proto#string) | **Deprecated.** SMS number including country code | - -### TrinsicClientOptions + +### AccountProfile +Device profile containing sensitive authentication data. +This information should be stored securely | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | -| server_endpoint | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Trinsic API endpoint. Defaults to `` | -| server_port | [int32](/reference/proto#int32) | Trinsic API port; defaults to `443` | -| server_use_tls | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Whether TLS is enabled between SDK and Trinsic API; defaults to `true` | -| auth_token | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Authentication token for SDK calls; defaults to empty string (unauthenticated) | +| profile_type | [string](/reference/proto#string) | The type of profile, used to differentiate between protocol schemes or versions | +| auth_data | [bytes](/reference/proto#bytes) | Auth data containg information about the current device access | +| auth_token | [bytes](/reference/proto#bytes) | Secure token issued by server used to generate zero-knowledge proofs | +| protection | [TokenProtection](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-TokenProtection) | Token security information about the token. If token protection is enabled, implementations must supply protection secret before using the token for authentication. | - + - +### TokenProtection +Token protection info -### OrderDirection -The direction to order results -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| ASCENDING | 0 | | -| DESCENDING | 1 | | +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| enabled | [bool](/reference/proto#bool) | Indicates if token is protected using a PIN, security code, HSM secret, etc. | +| method | [ConfirmationMethod](/reference/proto#services-account-v1-ConfirmationMethod) | The method used to protect the token | - -### ResponseStatus -| Name | Number | Description | -| ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| SUCCESS | 0 | | -| WALLET_ACCESS_DENIED | 10 | | -| WALLET_EXISTS | 11 | | -| ITEM_NOT_FOUND | 20 | | -| SERIALIZATION_ERROR | 200 | | -| UNKNOWN_ERROR | 100 | | + + +### WalletAuthToken +Information about authentication tokens for a wallet + + +| Field | Type | Description | +| ----- | ---- | ----------- | +| id | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Unique identifier for the token. This field will match the `DeviceId` in the WalletAuthData | +| description | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Device name/description | +| date_created | [string](/reference/proto#string) | Date when the token was created in ISO 8601 format | - -### SupportedDidMethod -Enum of all supported DID Methods - + + + + + + +### ConfirmationMethod +Confirmation method type for two-factor workflows | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | -| KEY | 0 | The did:key method -- all wallets use this by default | -| ION | 1 | The did:ion method -- Sidetree implementation on top of Bitcoin by Microsoft | -| INDY | 2 | The did:sov method -- Hyperledger Indy based by Sovrin Foundation | +| None | 0 | No confirmation required | +| Email | 1 | Email confirmation required | +| Sms | 2 | SMS confirmation required | +| ConnectedDevice | 3 | Confirmation from a connected device is required | +| Other | 10 | Third-party method of confirmation is required | diff --git a/examples/ecosystem-transfer/requirements.txt b/examples/ecosystem-transfer/requirements.txt index 7ac07b7be..5a298fc9f 100644 --- a/examples/ecosystem-transfer/requirements.txt +++ b/examples/ecosystem-transfer/requirements.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -trinsic-sdk==1.11.1 +trinsic-sdk==1.14.0 diff --git a/go/proto/ b/go/proto/ index 18a83b47d..557c9ad8c 100644 --- a/go/proto/ +++ b/go/proto/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/google/api/annotations.proto diff --git a/go/proto/ b/go/proto/ index 52fb4ec34..fa62ee47f 100644 --- a/go/proto/ +++ b/go/proto/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/google/api/http.proto diff --git a/go/proto/sdk/options/v1/options/options.pb.go b/go/proto/sdk/options/v1/options/options.pb.go index 79a4cea74..cf7620df6 100644 --- a/go/proto/sdk/options/v1/options/options.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/sdk/options/v1/options/options.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: sdk/options/v1/options.proto diff --git a/go/proto/services/account/v1/account/account.pb.go b/go/proto/services/account/v1/account/account.pb.go index 7764efb43..be7fc6820 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/account/v1/account/account.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/account/v1/account/account.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/account/v1/account.proto diff --git a/go/proto/services/common/v1/common/common.pb.go b/go/proto/services/common/v1/common/common.pb.go index e60dd20bd..04d32d0bf 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/common/v1/common/common.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/common/v1/common/common.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/common/v1/common.proto diff --git a/go/proto/services/connect/v1/connect/connect.pb.go b/go/proto/services/connect/v1/connect/connect.pb.go index caf03316d..d07a1f110 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/connect/v1/connect/connect.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/connect/v1/connect/connect.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/connect/v1/connect.proto @@ -734,6 +734,70 @@ func (x *NormalizedGovernmentIdData) GetExpirationDate() string { return "" } +// Information about a Relying Party used for demo purposes +type DemoRelyingParty struct { + state protoimpl.MessageState + sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache + unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields + + DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"` + LogoUrl string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=logo_url,json=logoUrl,proto3" json:"logo_url,omitempty"` + PrimaryColor string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=primary_color,json=primaryColor,proto3" json:"primary_color,omitempty"` +} + +func (x *DemoRelyingParty) Reset() { + *x = DemoRelyingParty{} + if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[3] + ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) + } +} + +func (x *DemoRelyingParty) String() string { + return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x) +} + +func (*DemoRelyingParty) ProtoMessage() {} + +func (x *DemoRelyingParty) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[3] + if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { + ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) + if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) + } + return ms + } + return mi.MessageOf(x) +} + +// Deprecated: Use DemoRelyingParty.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. +func (*DemoRelyingParty) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{3} +} + +func (x *DemoRelyingParty) GetDisplayName() string { + if x != nil { + return x.DisplayName + } + return "" +} + +func (x *DemoRelyingParty) GetLogoUrl() string { + if x != nil { + return x.LogoUrl + } + return "" +} + +func (x *DemoRelyingParty) GetPrimaryColor() string { + if x != nil { + return x.PrimaryColor + } + return "" +} + // Request to create an Identity Verification Session type CreateSessionRequest struct { state protoimpl.MessageState @@ -744,12 +808,15 @@ type CreateSessionRequest struct { Verifications []*RequestedVerification `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=verifications,proto3" json:"verifications,omitempty"` // Debugging information used to help diagnose issues DebugInformation map[string]string `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=debug_information,json=debugInformation,proto3" json:"debug_information,omitempty" protobuf_key:"bytes,1,opt,name=key,proto3" protobuf_val:"bytes,2,opt,name=value,proto3"` + // Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes. + // This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information. + DemoRp *DemoRelyingParty `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=demo_rp,json=demoRp,proto3,oneof" json:"demo_rp,omitempty"` } func (x *CreateSessionRequest) Reset() { *x = CreateSessionRequest{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[3] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[4] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -762,7 +829,7 @@ func (x *CreateSessionRequest) String() string { func (*CreateSessionRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *CreateSessionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[3] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[4] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -775,7 +842,7 @@ func (x *CreateSessionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use CreateSessionRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*CreateSessionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{3} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{4} } func (x *CreateSessionRequest) GetVerifications() []*RequestedVerification { @@ -792,6 +859,13 @@ func (x *CreateSessionRequest) GetDebugInformation() map[string]string { return nil } +func (x *CreateSessionRequest) GetDemoRp() *DemoRelyingParty { + if x != nil { + return x.DemoRp + } + return nil +} + // A verification to perform in an IDV flow type RequestedVerification struct { state protoimpl.MessageState @@ -809,7 +883,7 @@ type RequestedVerification struct { func (x *RequestedVerification) Reset() { *x = RequestedVerification{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[4] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[5] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -822,7 +896,7 @@ func (x *RequestedVerification) String() string { func (*RequestedVerification) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *RequestedVerification) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[4] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[5] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -835,7 +909,7 @@ func (x *RequestedVerification) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use RequestedVerification.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*RequestedVerification) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{4} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{5} } func (x *RequestedVerification) GetType() VerificationType { @@ -884,7 +958,7 @@ type GovernmentIDOptions struct { func (x *GovernmentIDOptions) Reset() { *x = GovernmentIDOptions{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[5] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[6] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -897,7 +971,7 @@ func (x *GovernmentIDOptions) String() string { func (*GovernmentIDOptions) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *GovernmentIDOptions) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[5] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[6] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -910,7 +984,7 @@ func (x *GovernmentIDOptions) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use GovernmentIDOptions.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*GovernmentIDOptions) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{5} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{6} } func (x *GovernmentIDOptions) GetFields() *GovernmentIDFields { @@ -947,7 +1021,7 @@ type GovernmentIDFields struct { func (x *GovernmentIDFields) Reset() { *x = GovernmentIDFields{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[6] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[7] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -960,7 +1034,7 @@ func (x *GovernmentIDFields) String() string { func (*GovernmentIDFields) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *GovernmentIDFields) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[6] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[7] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -973,7 +1047,7 @@ func (x *GovernmentIDFields) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use GovernmentIDFields.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*GovernmentIDFields) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{6} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{7} } func (x *GovernmentIDFields) GetIdNumber() bool { @@ -1045,7 +1119,7 @@ type CreateSessionResponse struct { func (x *CreateSessionResponse) Reset() { *x = CreateSessionResponse{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[7] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[8] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -1058,7 +1132,7 @@ func (x *CreateSessionResponse) String() string { func (*CreateSessionResponse) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *CreateSessionResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[7] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[8] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -1071,7 +1145,7 @@ func (x *CreateSessionResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use CreateSessionResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*CreateSessionResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{7} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{8} } func (x *CreateSessionResponse) GetSession() *IDVSession { @@ -1094,7 +1168,7 @@ type CancelSessionRequest struct { func (x *CancelSessionRequest) Reset() { *x = CancelSessionRequest{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[8] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[9] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -1107,7 +1181,7 @@ func (x *CancelSessionRequest) String() string { func (*CancelSessionRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *CancelSessionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[8] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[9] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -1120,7 +1194,7 @@ func (x *CancelSessionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use CancelSessionRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*CancelSessionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{8} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{9} } func (x *CancelSessionRequest) GetIdvSessionId() string { @@ -1143,7 +1217,7 @@ type CancelSessionResponse struct { func (x *CancelSessionResponse) Reset() { *x = CancelSessionResponse{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[9] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[10] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -1156,7 +1230,7 @@ func (x *CancelSessionResponse) String() string { func (*CancelSessionResponse) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *CancelSessionResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[9] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[10] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -1169,7 +1243,7 @@ func (x *CancelSessionResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use CancelSessionResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*CancelSessionResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{9} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{10} } func (x *CancelSessionResponse) GetSession() *IDVSession { @@ -1192,7 +1266,7 @@ type GetSessionRequest struct { func (x *GetSessionRequest) Reset() { *x = GetSessionRequest{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[10] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[11] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -1205,7 +1279,7 @@ func (x *GetSessionRequest) String() string { func (*GetSessionRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *GetSessionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[10] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[11] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -1218,7 +1292,7 @@ func (x *GetSessionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use GetSessionRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*GetSessionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{10} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{11} } func (x *GetSessionRequest) GetIdvSessionId() string { @@ -1241,7 +1315,7 @@ type GetSessionResponse struct { func (x *GetSessionResponse) Reset() { *x = GetSessionResponse{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[11] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[12] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -1254,7 +1328,7 @@ func (x *GetSessionResponse) String() string { func (*GetSessionResponse) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *GetSessionResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[11] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[12] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -1267,7 +1341,7 @@ func (x *GetSessionResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use GetSessionResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*GetSessionResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{11} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{12} } func (x *GetSessionResponse) GetSession() *IDVSession { @@ -1300,7 +1374,7 @@ type ListSessionsRequest struct { func (x *ListSessionsRequest) Reset() { *x = ListSessionsRequest{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[12] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[13] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -1313,7 +1387,7 @@ func (x *ListSessionsRequest) String() string { func (*ListSessionsRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *ListSessionsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[12] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[13] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -1326,7 +1400,7 @@ func (x *ListSessionsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use ListSessionsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*ListSessionsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{12} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{13} } func (x *ListSessionsRequest) GetOrderBy() SessionOrdering { @@ -1375,7 +1449,7 @@ type ListSessionsResponse struct { func (x *ListSessionsResponse) Reset() { *x = ListSessionsResponse{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[13] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[14] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -1388,7 +1462,7 @@ func (x *ListSessionsResponse) String() string { func (*ListSessionsResponse) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *ListSessionsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[13] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[14] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -1401,7 +1475,7 @@ func (x *ListSessionsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use ListSessionsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*ListSessionsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{13} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{14} } func (x *ListSessionsResponse) GetSessions() []*IDVSession { @@ -1440,7 +1514,7 @@ type HasValidCredentialRequest struct { func (x *HasValidCredentialRequest) Reset() { *x = HasValidCredentialRequest{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[14] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[15] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -1453,7 +1527,7 @@ func (x *HasValidCredentialRequest) String() string { func (*HasValidCredentialRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *HasValidCredentialRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[14] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[15] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -1466,7 +1540,7 @@ func (x *HasValidCredentialRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use HasValidCredentialRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*HasValidCredentialRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{14} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{15} } func (x *HasValidCredentialRequest) GetIdentity() *wallet.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity { @@ -1496,7 +1570,7 @@ type HasValidCredentialResponse struct { func (x *HasValidCredentialResponse) Reset() { *x = HasValidCredentialResponse{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[15] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[16] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -1509,7 +1583,7 @@ func (x *HasValidCredentialResponse) String() string { func (*HasValidCredentialResponse) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *HasValidCredentialResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[15] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[16] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -1522,7 +1596,7 @@ func (x *HasValidCredentialResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use HasValidCredentialResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*HasValidCredentialResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{15} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{16} } func (x *HasValidCredentialResponse) GetHasValidCredential() bool { @@ -1544,7 +1618,7 @@ type CredentialRequestData struct { func (x *CredentialRequestData) Reset() { *x = CredentialRequestData{} if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[16] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[17] ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) } @@ -1557,7 +1631,7 @@ func (x *CredentialRequestData) String() string { func (*CredentialRequestData) ProtoMessage() {} func (x *CredentialRequestData) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { - mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[16] + mi := &file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[17] if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { @@ -1570,7 +1644,7 @@ func (x *CredentialRequestData) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { // Deprecated: Use CredentialRequestData.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. func (*CredentialRequestData) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { - return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{16} + return file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{17} } func (x *CredentialRequestData) GetType() VerificationType { @@ -1691,233 +1765,245 @@ var file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDesc = []byte{ 0x42, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x5f, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x72, 0x79, 0x42, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x5f, 0x69, 0x73, 0x73, 0x75, 0x65, 0x5f, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x42, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x10, 0x5f, 0x65, 0x78, 0x70, 0x69, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x5f, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x22, - 0x9b, 0x02, 0x0a, 0x14, 0x43, 0x72, 0x65, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x53, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, - 0x6e, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x12, 0x50, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x69, - 0x66, 0x69, 0x63, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, - 0x2a, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, - 0x63, 0x74, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65, 0x64, 0x56, - 0x65, 0x72, 0x69, 0x66, 0x69, 0x63, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x52, 0x0d, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, - 0x69, 0x66, 0x69, 0x63, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x12, 0x6c, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x64, 0x65, - 0x62, 0x75, 0x67, 0x5f, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x18, - 0x02, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, 0x3f, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, - 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x43, 0x72, 0x65, 0x61, - 0x74, 0x65, 0x53, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, - 0x2e, 0x44, 0x65, 0x62, 0x75, 0x67, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, - 0x6e, 0x45, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x72, 0x79, 0x52, 0x10, 0x64, 0x65, 0x62, 0x75, 0x67, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, - 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x1a, 0x43, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x44, 0x65, 0x62, 0x75, - 0x67, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x45, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x72, - 0x79, 0x12, 0x10, 0x0a, 0x03, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x03, - 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x12, 0x14, 0x0a, 0x05, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x75, 0x65, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x01, - 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x05, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x75, 0x65, 0x3a, 0x02, 0x38, 0x01, 0x22, 0xbd, 0x01, - 0x0a, 0x15, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65, 0x64, 0x56, 0x65, 0x72, 0x69, 0x66, - 0x69, 0x63, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x12, 0x39, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x65, 0x18, - 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0e, 0x32, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, - 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x56, 0x65, 0x72, 0x69, - 0x66, 0x69, 0x63, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x54, 0x79, 0x70, 0x65, 0x52, 0x04, 0x74, 0x79, - 0x70, 0x65, 0x12, 0x5e, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, - 0x5f, 0x69, 0x64, 0x5f, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, - 0x0b, 0x32, 0x28, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, - 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x47, 0x6f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x65, - 0x6e, 0x74, 0x49, 0x44, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x48, 0x00, 0x52, 0x13, 0x67, - 0x6f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x49, 0x64, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, - 0x6e, 0x73, 0x42, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x22, 0x56, 0x0a, - 0x13, 0x47, 0x6f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x49, 0x44, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, - 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x12, 0x3f, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x66, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x73, 0x18, 0x01, - 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, 0x27, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2e, - 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x47, 0x6f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, - 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x49, 0x44, 0x46, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x73, 0x52, 0x06, 0x66, - 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x73, 0x22, 0x91, 0x02, 0x0a, 0x12, 0x47, 0x6f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x6e, - 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x49, 0x44, 0x46, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x73, 0x12, 0x1b, 0x0a, 0x09, - 0x69, 0x64, 0x5f, 0x6e, 0x75, 0x6d, 0x62, 0x65, 0x72, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x08, 0x52, - 0x08, 0x69, 0x64, 0x4e, 0x75, 0x6d, 0x62, 0x65, 0x72, 0x12, 0x1d, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x67, 0x69, 0x76, - 0x65, 0x6e, 0x5f, 0x6e, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x08, 0x52, 0x09, 0x67, - 0x69, 0x76, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x4e, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x12, 0x1f, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x66, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x69, - 0x6c, 0x79, 0x5f, 0x6e, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x18, 0x03, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x08, 0x52, 0x0a, 0x66, - 0x61, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x79, 0x4e, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x12, 0x18, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x61, 0x64, 0x64, - 0x72, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x18, 0x04, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x08, 0x52, 0x07, 0x61, 0x64, 0x64, 0x72, - 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x12, 0x22, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x5f, 0x6f, 0x66, 0x5f, 0x62, - 0x69, 0x72, 0x74, 0x68, 0x18, 0x05, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x08, 0x52, 0x0b, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, - 0x4f, 0x66, 0x42, 0x69, 0x72, 0x74, 0x68, 0x12, 0x18, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x74, - 0x72, 0x79, 0x18, 0x06, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x08, 0x52, 0x07, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x72, - 0x79, 0x12, 0x1d, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x69, 0x73, 0x73, 0x75, 0x65, 0x5f, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x18, - 0x07, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x08, 0x52, 0x09, 0x69, 0x73, 0x73, 0x75, 0x65, 0x44, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, - 0x12, 0x27, 0x0a, 0x0f, 0x65, 0x78, 0x70, 0x69, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x5f, 0x64, - 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x18, 0x08, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x08, 0x52, 0x0e, 0x65, 0x78, 0x70, 0x69, 0x72, - 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x44, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x22, 0x52, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x43, 0x72, 0x65, - 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x53, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x6f, 0x6e, - 0x73, 0x65, 0x12, 0x39, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x73, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, - 0x01, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, 0x1f, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x63, - 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x49, 0x44, 0x56, 0x53, 0x65, 0x73, - 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x52, 0x07, 0x73, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x22, 0x3c, 0x0a, - 0x14, 0x43, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x53, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x52, 0x65, - 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x12, 0x24, 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x69, 0x64, 0x76, 0x5f, 0x73, 0x65, 0x73, - 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x5f, 0x69, 0x64, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x0c, 0x69, - 0x64, 0x76, 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0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, + 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x4c, 0x69, 0x73, 0x74, 0x53, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, + 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x1a, 0x29, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, + 0x65, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x4c, 0x69, + 0x73, 0x74, 0x53, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x6f, 0x6e, + 0x73, 0x65, 0x22, 0x23, 0x82, 0xd3, 0xe4, 0x93, 0x02, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x01, 0x2a, 0x22, 0x18, 0x2f, + 0x76, 0x31, 0x2f, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x73, 0x74, 0x73, + 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x12, 0xa0, 0x01, 0x0a, 0x12, 0x48, 0x61, 0x73, 0x56, + 0x61, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x64, 0x43, 0x72, 0x65, 0x64, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x69, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x12, 0x2e, + 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, + 0x74, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x48, 0x61, 0x73, 0x56, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x64, 0x43, 0x72, 0x65, + 0x64, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x69, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x1a, 0x2f, + 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, + 0x74, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x48, 0x61, 0x73, 0x56, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x64, 0x43, 0x72, 0x65, + 0x64, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x69, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x22, + 0x29, 0x82, 0xd3, 0xe4, 0x93, 0x02, 0x23, 0x3a, 0x01, 0x2a, 0x22, 0x1e, 0x2f, 0x76, 0x31, 0x2f, + 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2f, 0x68, 0x61, 0x73, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x64, + 0x63, 0x72, 0x65, 0x64, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x69, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x42, 0x5a, 0x0a, 0x1b, 0x74, 0x72, + 0x69, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x69, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x63, + 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x31, 0x50, 0x01, 0x5a, 0x1b, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, + 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2f, 0x76, 0x31, + 0x2f, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0xaa, 0x02, 0x1b, 0x54, 0x72, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x73, + 0x69, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x53, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x43, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, + 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x2e, 0x56, 0x31, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x33, } var ( @@ -1933,7 +2019,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDescGZIP() []byte { } var file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_enumTypes = make([]protoimpl.EnumInfo, 6) -var file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes = make([]protoimpl.MessageInfo, 19) +var file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes = make([]protoimpl.MessageInfo, 20) var file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{ (VerificationType)(0), // 0: services.connect.v1.VerificationType (IDVSessionState)(0), // 1: services.connect.v1.IDVSessionState @@ -1944,64 +2030,66 @@ var file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{ (*IDVSession)(nil), // 6: services.connect.v1.IDVSession (*Verification)(nil), // 7: services.connect.v1.Verification (*NormalizedGovernmentIdData)(nil), // 8: services.connect.v1.NormalizedGovernmentIdData - (*CreateSessionRequest)(nil), // 9: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest - (*RequestedVerification)(nil), // 10: services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification - (*GovernmentIDOptions)(nil), // 11: services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDOptions - (*GovernmentIDFields)(nil), // 12: services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDFields - (*CreateSessionResponse)(nil), // 13: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionResponse - (*CancelSessionRequest)(nil), // 14: services.connect.v1.CancelSessionRequest - (*CancelSessionResponse)(nil), // 15: services.connect.v1.CancelSessionResponse - (*GetSessionRequest)(nil), // 16: services.connect.v1.GetSessionRequest - (*GetSessionResponse)(nil), // 17: services.connect.v1.GetSessionResponse - (*ListSessionsRequest)(nil), // 18: services.connect.v1.ListSessionsRequest - (*ListSessionsResponse)(nil), // 19: services.connect.v1.ListSessionsResponse - (*HasValidCredentialRequest)(nil), // 20: services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialRequest - (*HasValidCredentialResponse)(nil), // 21: services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialResponse - (*CredentialRequestData)(nil), // 22: services.connect.v1.CredentialRequestData - nil, // 23: services.connect.v1.IDVSession.VerificationsEntry - nil, // 24: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry - (common.OrderDirection)(0), // 25: services.common.v1.OrderDirection - (*wallet.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity)(nil), // 26: services.universalwallet.v1.CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity + (*DemoRelyingParty)(nil), // 9: services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty + (*CreateSessionRequest)(nil), // 10: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest + (*RequestedVerification)(nil), // 11: services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification + (*GovernmentIDOptions)(nil), // 12: services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDOptions + (*GovernmentIDFields)(nil), // 13: services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDFields + (*CreateSessionResponse)(nil), // 14: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionResponse + (*CancelSessionRequest)(nil), // 15: services.connect.v1.CancelSessionRequest + (*CancelSessionResponse)(nil), // 16: services.connect.v1.CancelSessionResponse + (*GetSessionRequest)(nil), // 17: services.connect.v1.GetSessionRequest + (*GetSessionResponse)(nil), // 18: services.connect.v1.GetSessionResponse + (*ListSessionsRequest)(nil), // 19: services.connect.v1.ListSessionsRequest + (*ListSessionsResponse)(nil), // 20: services.connect.v1.ListSessionsResponse + (*HasValidCredentialRequest)(nil), // 21: services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialRequest + (*HasValidCredentialResponse)(nil), // 22: services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialResponse + (*CredentialRequestData)(nil), // 23: services.connect.v1.CredentialRequestData + nil, // 24: services.connect.v1.IDVSession.VerificationsEntry + nil, // 25: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry + (common.OrderDirection)(0), // 26: services.common.v1.OrderDirection + (*wallet.CreateWalletRequest_ExternalIdentity)(nil), // 27: services.universalwallet.v1.CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity } var file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_depIdxs = []int32{ 1, // 0: services.connect.v1.IDVSession.state:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSessionState - 23, // 1: services.connect.v1.IDVSession.verifications:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSession.VerificationsEntry + 24, // 1: services.connect.v1.IDVSession.verifications:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSession.VerificationsEntry 3, // 2: services.connect.v1.IDVSession.fail_code:type_name -> services.connect.v1.SessionFailCode 0, // 3: services.connect.v1.Verification.type:type_name -> services.connect.v1.VerificationType 2, // 4: services.connect.v1.Verification.state:type_name -> services.connect.v1.VerificationState 4, // 5: services.connect.v1.Verification.fail_code:type_name -> services.connect.v1.VerificationFailCode - 11, // 6: services.connect.v1.Verification.government_id_options:type_name -> services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDOptions + 12, // 6: services.connect.v1.Verification.government_id_options:type_name -> services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDOptions 8, // 7: services.connect.v1.Verification.normalized_government_id_data:type_name -> services.connect.v1.NormalizedGovernmentIdData - 10, // 8: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.verifications:type_name -> services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification - 24, // 9: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.debug_information:type_name -> services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry - 0, // 10: services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification.type:type_name -> services.connect.v1.VerificationType - 11, // 11: services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification.government_id_options:type_name -> services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDOptions - 12, // 12: services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDOptions.fields:type_name -> services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDFields - 6, // 13: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionResponse.session:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSession - 6, // 14: services.connect.v1.CancelSessionResponse.session:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSession - 6, // 15: services.connect.v1.GetSessionResponse.session:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSession - 5, // 16: services.connect.v1.ListSessionsRequest.order_by:type_name -> services.connect.v1.SessionOrdering - 25, // 17: services.connect.v1.ListSessionsRequest.order_direction:type_name -> services.common.v1.OrderDirection - 6, // 18: services.connect.v1.ListSessionsResponse.sessions:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSession - 26, // 19: services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialRequest.identity:type_name -> services.universalwallet.v1.CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity - 22, // 20: services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialRequest.credential_request_data:type_name -> services.connect.v1.CredentialRequestData - 0, // 21: services.connect.v1.CredentialRequestData.type:type_name -> services.connect.v1.VerificationType - 7, // 22: services.connect.v1.IDVSession.VerificationsEntry.value:type_name -> services.connect.v1.Verification - 9, // 23: services.connect.v1.Connect.CreateSession:input_type -> services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest - 14, // 24: services.connect.v1.Connect.CancelSession:input_type -> services.connect.v1.CancelSessionRequest - 16, // 25: services.connect.v1.Connect.GetSession:input_type -> services.connect.v1.GetSessionRequest - 18, // 26: services.connect.v1.Connect.ListSessions:input_type -> services.connect.v1.ListSessionsRequest - 20, // 27: services.connect.v1.Connect.HasValidCredential:input_type -> services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialRequest - 13, // 28: services.connect.v1.Connect.CreateSession:output_type -> services.connect.v1.CreateSessionResponse - 15, // 29: services.connect.v1.Connect.CancelSession:output_type -> services.connect.v1.CancelSessionResponse - 17, // 30: services.connect.v1.Connect.GetSession:output_type -> services.connect.v1.GetSessionResponse - 19, // 31: services.connect.v1.Connect.ListSessions:output_type -> services.connect.v1.ListSessionsResponse - 21, // 32: services.connect.v1.Connect.HasValidCredential:output_type -> services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialResponse - 28, // [28:33] is the sub-list for method output_type - 23, // [23:28] is the sub-list for method input_type - 23, // [23:23] is the sub-list for extension type_name - 23, // [23:23] is the sub-list for extension extendee - 0, // [0:23] is the sub-list for field type_name + 11, // 8: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.verifications:type_name -> services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification + 25, // 9: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.debug_information:type_name -> services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry + 9, // 10: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest.demo_rp:type_name -> services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty + 0, // 11: services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification.type:type_name -> services.connect.v1.VerificationType + 12, // 12: services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification.government_id_options:type_name -> services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDOptions + 13, // 13: services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDOptions.fields:type_name -> services.connect.v1.GovernmentIDFields + 6, // 14: services.connect.v1.CreateSessionResponse.session:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSession + 6, // 15: services.connect.v1.CancelSessionResponse.session:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSession + 6, // 16: services.connect.v1.GetSessionResponse.session:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSession + 5, // 17: services.connect.v1.ListSessionsRequest.order_by:type_name -> services.connect.v1.SessionOrdering + 26, // 18: services.connect.v1.ListSessionsRequest.order_direction:type_name -> services.common.v1.OrderDirection + 6, // 19: services.connect.v1.ListSessionsResponse.sessions:type_name -> services.connect.v1.IDVSession + 27, // 20: services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialRequest.identity:type_name -> services.universalwallet.v1.CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity + 23, // 21: services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialRequest.credential_request_data:type_name -> services.connect.v1.CredentialRequestData + 0, // 22: services.connect.v1.CredentialRequestData.type:type_name -> services.connect.v1.VerificationType + 7, // 23: services.connect.v1.IDVSession.VerificationsEntry.value:type_name -> services.connect.v1.Verification + 10, // 24: services.connect.v1.Connect.CreateSession:input_type -> services.connect.v1.CreateSessionRequest + 15, // 25: services.connect.v1.Connect.CancelSession:input_type -> services.connect.v1.CancelSessionRequest + 17, // 26: services.connect.v1.Connect.GetSession:input_type -> services.connect.v1.GetSessionRequest + 19, // 27: services.connect.v1.Connect.ListSessions:input_type -> services.connect.v1.ListSessionsRequest + 21, // 28: services.connect.v1.Connect.HasValidCredential:input_type -> services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialRequest + 14, // 29: services.connect.v1.Connect.CreateSession:output_type -> services.connect.v1.CreateSessionResponse + 16, // 30: services.connect.v1.Connect.CancelSession:output_type -> services.connect.v1.CancelSessionResponse + 18, // 31: services.connect.v1.Connect.GetSession:output_type -> services.connect.v1.GetSessionResponse + 20, // 32: services.connect.v1.Connect.ListSessions:output_type -> services.connect.v1.ListSessionsResponse + 22, // 33: services.connect.v1.Connect.HasValidCredential:output_type -> services.connect.v1.HasValidCredentialResponse + 29, // [29:34] is the sub-list for method output_type + 24, // [24:29] is the sub-list for method input_type + 24, // [24:24] is the sub-list for extension type_name + 24, // [24:24] is the sub-list for extension extendee + 0, // [0:24] is the sub-list for field type_name } func init() { file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() } @@ -2047,7 +2135,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[3].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*CreateSessionRequest); i { + switch v := v.(*DemoRelyingParty); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2059,7 +2147,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[4].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*RequestedVerification); i { + switch v := v.(*CreateSessionRequest); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2071,7 +2159,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[5].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*GovernmentIDOptions); i { + switch v := v.(*RequestedVerification); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2083,7 +2171,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[6].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*GovernmentIDFields); i { + switch v := v.(*GovernmentIDOptions); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2095,7 +2183,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[7].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*CreateSessionResponse); i { + switch v := v.(*GovernmentIDFields); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2107,7 +2195,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[8].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*CancelSessionRequest); i { + switch v := v.(*CreateSessionResponse); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2119,7 +2207,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[9].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*CancelSessionResponse); i { + switch v := v.(*CancelSessionRequest); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2131,7 +2219,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[10].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*GetSessionRequest); i { + switch v := v.(*CancelSessionResponse); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2143,7 +2231,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[11].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*GetSessionResponse); i { + switch v := v.(*GetSessionRequest); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2155,7 +2243,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[12].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*ListSessionsRequest); i { + switch v := v.(*GetSessionResponse); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2167,7 +2255,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[13].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*ListSessionsResponse); i { + switch v := v.(*ListSessionsRequest); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2179,7 +2267,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[14].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*HasValidCredentialRequest); i { + switch v := v.(*ListSessionsResponse); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2191,7 +2279,7 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[15].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { - switch v := v.(*HasValidCredentialResponse); i { + switch v := v.(*HasValidCredentialRequest); i { case 0: return &v.state case 1: @@ -2203,6 +2291,18 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { } } file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[16].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { + switch v := v.(*HasValidCredentialResponse); i { + case 0: + return &v.state + case 1: + return &v.sizeCache + case 2: + return &v.unknownFields + default: + return nil + } + } + file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[17].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { switch v := v.(*CredentialRequestData); i { case 0: return &v.state @@ -2218,17 +2318,18 @@ func file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_init() { file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[0].OneofWrappers = []interface{}{} file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[1].OneofWrappers = []interface{}{} file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[2].OneofWrappers = []interface{}{} - file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[4].OneofWrappers = []interface{}{ + file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[4].OneofWrappers = []interface{}{} + file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[5].OneofWrappers = []interface{}{ (*RequestedVerification_GovernmentIdOptions)(nil), } - file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[12].OneofWrappers = []interface{}{} + file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_msgTypes[13].OneofWrappers = []interface{}{} type x struct{} out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{ File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{ GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(), RawDescriptor: file_services_connect_v1_connect_proto_rawDesc, NumEnums: 6, - NumMessages: 19, + NumMessages: 20, NumExtensions: 0, NumServices: 1, }, diff --git a/go/proto/services/filemanagement/v1/filemanagement/file-management.pb.go b/go/proto/services/filemanagement/v1/filemanagement/file-management.pb.go index 6c8a326c9..e8b00c90a 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/filemanagement/v1/filemanagement/file-management.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/filemanagement/v1/filemanagement/file-management.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/file-management/v1/file-management.proto diff --git a/go/proto/services/options/field-options.pb.go b/go/proto/services/options/field-options.pb.go index 57288d967..eae4b2812 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/options/field-options.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/options/field-options.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/options/field-options.proto diff --git a/go/proto/services/provider/v1/provider/access-management.pb.go b/go/proto/services/provider/v1/provider/access-management.pb.go index ed6f3ba2c..596ca6307 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/provider/v1/provider/access-management.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/provider/v1/provider/access-management.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/provider/v1/access-management.proto diff --git a/go/proto/services/provider/v1/provider/provider.pb.go b/go/proto/services/provider/v1/provider/provider.pb.go index df6558195..e048f9213 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/provider/v1/provider/provider.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/provider/v1/provider/provider.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/provider/v1/provider.proto diff --git a/go/proto/services/trustregistry/v1/trustregistry/trust-registry.pb.go b/go/proto/services/trustregistry/v1/trustregistry/trust-registry.pb.go index 6b9af2272..c9d9fe514 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/trustregistry/v1/trustregistry/trust-registry.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/trustregistry/v1/trustregistry/trust-registry.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/trust-registry/v1/trust-registry.proto diff --git a/go/proto/services/universalwallet/v1/wallet/universal-wallet.pb.go b/go/proto/services/universalwallet/v1/wallet/universal-wallet.pb.go index 0dc805167..58bfefde9 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/universalwallet/v1/wallet/universal-wallet.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/universalwallet/v1/wallet/universal-wallet.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/universal-wallet/v1/universal-wallet.proto diff --git a/go/proto/services/verifiablecredentials/templates/v1/template/templates.pb.go b/go/proto/services/verifiablecredentials/templates/v1/template/templates.pb.go index 0c4dc4a75..0a4247f94 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/verifiablecredentials/templates/v1/template/templates.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/verifiablecredentials/templates/v1/template/templates.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/verifiable-credentials/templates/v1/templates.proto diff --git a/go/proto/services/verifiablecredentials/v1/credential/verifiable-credentials.pb.go b/go/proto/services/verifiablecredentials/v1/credential/verifiable-credentials.pb.go index e2cb3225e..7fed0bcf1 100644 --- a/go/proto/services/verifiablecredentials/v1/credential/verifiable-credentials.pb.go +++ b/go/proto/services/verifiablecredentials/v1/credential/verifiable-credentials.pb.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: -// protoc-gen-go v1.32.0 +// protoc-gen-go v1.34.1 // protoc v3.20.3 // source: services/verifiable-credentials/v1/verifiable-credentials.proto diff --git a/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ b/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ index 2cbfd2351..cc3b4175f 100644 --- a/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ +++ b/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ @@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ public static void registerAllExtensions( r internal_static_services_connect_v1_NormalizedGovernmentIdData_descriptor; static final internal_static_services_connect_v1_NormalizedGovernmentIdData_fieldAccessorTable; + static final + internal_static_services_connect_v1_DemoRelyingParty_descriptor; + static final + internal_static_services_connect_v1_DemoRelyingParty_fieldAccessorTable; static final internal_static_services_connect_v1_CreateSessionRequest_descriptor; static final @@ -152,14 +156,21 @@ public static getDescriptor() { + "\016_date_of_birthB\n\n" + "\010_countryB\r\n" + "\013_issue_dateB\022\n" - + "\020_expiration_date\"\200\002\n" + + "\020_expiration_date\"u\n" + + "\020DemoRelyingParty\022!\n" + + "\014display_name\030\001 \001(\tR\013displayName\022\031\n" + + "\010logo_url\030\002 \001(\tR\007logoUrl\022#\n\r" + + "primary_color\030\003 \001(\tR\014primaryColor\"\321\002\n" + "\024CreateSessionRequest\022A\n\r" + "verifications\030\001 \003(\0132*.services.connect.v1.RequestedVerification\022l\n" - + "\021debug_information\030\002 \003(\0132?.services.connect.v1." - + "CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntryR\020debugInformation\0327\n" + + "\021debug_information\030\002 \003(\0132?.services.connect.v1.C" + + "reateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntryR\020debugInformation\022C\n" + + "\007demo_rp\030\003 \001(\0132%.s" + + "ervices.connect.v1.DemoRelyingPartyH\000R\006demoRp\210\001\001\0327\n" + "\025DebugInformationEntry\022\013\n" + "\003key\030\001 \001(\t\022\r\n" - + "\005value\030\002 \001(\t:\0028\001\"\242\001\n" + + "\005value\030\002 \001(\t:\0028\001B\n\n" + + "\010_demo_rp\"\242\001\n" + "\025RequestedVerification\0223\n" + "\004type\030\001 \001(\\022I\n" + "\025government_id_options\030\002" @@ -331,13 +342,21 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "IssueDate", "ExpirationDate", }); - internal_static_services_connect_v1_CreateSessionRequest_descriptor = + internal_static_services_connect_v1_DemoRelyingParty_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(3); + internal_static_services_connect_v1_DemoRelyingParty_fieldAccessorTable = + new + internal_static_services_connect_v1_DemoRelyingParty_descriptor, + new java.lang.String[] { + "DisplayName", "LogoUrl", "PrimaryColor", + }); + internal_static_services_connect_v1_CreateSessionRequest_descriptor = + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(4); internal_static_services_connect_v1_CreateSessionRequest_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_CreateSessionRequest_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { - "Verifications", "DebugInformation", + "Verifications", "DebugInformation", "DemoRp", "DemoRp", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_CreateSessionRequest_DebugInformationEntry_descriptor = internal_static_services_connect_v1_CreateSessionRequest_descriptor.getNestedTypes().get(0); @@ -348,7 +367,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "Key", "Value", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_RequestedVerification_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(4); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(5); internal_static_services_connect_v1_RequestedVerification_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_RequestedVerification_descriptor, @@ -356,7 +375,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "Type", "GovernmentIdOptions", "Options", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_GovernmentIDOptions_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(5); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(6); internal_static_services_connect_v1_GovernmentIDOptions_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_GovernmentIDOptions_descriptor, @@ -364,7 +383,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "Fields", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_GovernmentIDFields_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(6); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(7); internal_static_services_connect_v1_GovernmentIDFields_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_GovernmentIDFields_descriptor, @@ -379,7 +398,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "ExpirationDate", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_CreateSessionResponse_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(7); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(8); internal_static_services_connect_v1_CreateSessionResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_CreateSessionResponse_descriptor, @@ -387,7 +406,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "Session", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_CancelSessionRequest_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(8); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(9); internal_static_services_connect_v1_CancelSessionRequest_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_CancelSessionRequest_descriptor, @@ -395,7 +414,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "IdvSessionId", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_CancelSessionResponse_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(9); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(10); internal_static_services_connect_v1_CancelSessionResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_CancelSessionResponse_descriptor, @@ -403,7 +422,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "Session", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_GetSessionRequest_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(10); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(11); internal_static_services_connect_v1_GetSessionRequest_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_GetSessionRequest_descriptor, @@ -411,7 +430,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "IdvSessionId", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_GetSessionResponse_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(11); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(12); internal_static_services_connect_v1_GetSessionResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_GetSessionResponse_descriptor, @@ -419,7 +438,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "Session", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_ListSessionsRequest_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(12); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(13); internal_static_services_connect_v1_ListSessionsRequest_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_ListSessionsRequest_descriptor, @@ -427,7 +446,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "OrderBy", "OrderDirection", "PageSize", "Page", "PageSize", "Page", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_ListSessionsResponse_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(13); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(14); internal_static_services_connect_v1_ListSessionsResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_ListSessionsResponse_descriptor, @@ -435,7 +454,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "Sessions", "Total", "More", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_HasValidCredentialRequest_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(14); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(15); internal_static_services_connect_v1_HasValidCredentialRequest_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_HasValidCredentialRequest_descriptor, @@ -443,7 +462,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "Identity", "CredentialRequestData", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_HasValidCredentialResponse_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(15); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(16); internal_static_services_connect_v1_HasValidCredentialResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_HasValidCredentialResponse_descriptor, @@ -451,7 +470,7 @@ public static getDescriptor() { "HasValidCredential", }); internal_static_services_connect_v1_CredentialRequestData_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(16); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(17); internal_static_services_connect_v1_CredentialRequestData_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_services_connect_v1_CredentialRequestData_descriptor, diff --git a/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ b/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ index fec5c884a..928798aa4 100644 --- a/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ +++ b/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ protected internalGetMapField(int number) {; } + private int bitField0_; public static final int VERIFICATIONS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private java.util.List verifications_; /** @@ -234,6 +235,59 @@ public java.lang.String getDebugInformationOrThrow(java.lang.String key) { return map.get(key); } + public static final int DEMO_RP_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; + private demoRp_; + /** + * + * + *
+   * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+   * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+   * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + * @return Whether the demoRp field is set. + */ + @java.lang.Override + public boolean hasDemoRp() { + return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0); + } + /** + * + * + *
+   * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+   * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+   * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + * @return The demoRp. + */ + @java.lang.Override + public getDemoRp() { + return demoRp_ == null + ? + : demoRp_; + } + /** + * + * + *
+   * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+   * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+   * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + */ + @java.lang.Override + public getDemoRpOrBuilder() { + return demoRp_ == null + ? + : demoRp_; + } + private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override @@ -253,6 +307,9 @@ public void writeTo( output) throws } output, internalGetDebugInformation(), DebugInformationDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry, 2); + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) { + output.writeMessage(3, getDemoRp()); + } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } @@ -275,6 +332,9 @@ public int getSerializedSize() { .build(); size +=, debugInformation__); } + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) { + size +=, getDemoRp()); + } size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; @@ -293,6 +353,10 @@ public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (!getVerificationsList().equals(other.getVerificationsList())) return false; if (!internalGetDebugInformation().equals(other.internalGetDebugInformation())) return false; + if (hasDemoRp() != other.hasDemoRp()) return false; + if (hasDemoRp()) { + if (!getDemoRp().equals(other.getDemoRp())) return false; + } if (!getUnknownFields().equals(other.getUnknownFields())) return false; return true; } @@ -312,6 +376,10 @@ public int hashCode() { hash = (37 * hash) + DEBUG_INFORMATION_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + internalGetDebugInformation().hashCode(); } + if (hasDemoRp()) { + hash = (37 * hash) + DEMO_RP_FIELD_NUMBER; + hash = (53 * hash) + getDemoRp().hashCode(); + } hash = (29 * hash) + getUnknownFields().hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; @@ -461,10 +529,20 @@ protected internalGetMutableMapField(int number) { } // Construct using - private Builder() {} + private Builder() { + maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); + } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); + maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); + } + + private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { + if ( { + getVerificationsFieldBuilder(); + getDemoRpFieldBuilder(); + } } @java.lang.Override @@ -478,6 +556,12 @@ public Builder clear() { } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); internalGetMutableDebugInformation().clear(); + if (demoRpBuilder_ == null) { + demoRp_ = null; + } else { + demoRpBuilder_.clear(); + } + bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } @@ -506,6 +590,7 @@ public buildPartial() { result = new; int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; + int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (verificationsBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) { verifications_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(verifications_); @@ -517,6 +602,15 @@ public buildPartial() { } result.debugInformation_ = internalGetDebugInformation(); result.debugInformation_.makeImmutable(); + if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) { + if (demoRpBuilder_ == null) { + result.demoRp_ = demoRp_; + } else { + result.demoRp_ =; + } + to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + } + result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @@ -595,6 +689,9 @@ public Builder mergeFrom( other) } } internalGetMutableDebugInformation().mergeFrom(other.internalGetDebugInformation()); + if (other.hasDemoRp()) { + mergeDemoRp(other.getDemoRp()); + } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); onChanged(); return this; @@ -647,6 +744,12 @@ public Builder mergeFrom( .put(debugInformation__.getKey(), debugInformation__.getValue()); break; } // case 18 + case 26: + { + input.readMessage(getDemoRpFieldBuilder().getBuilder(), extensionRegistry); + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + break; + } // case 26 default: { if (!super.parseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag)) { @@ -1200,6 +1303,210 @@ public Builder putAllDebugInformation( return this; } + private demoRp_; + private< +, +, +> + demoRpBuilder_; + /** + * + * + *
+     * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+     * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+     * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + * + * @return Whether the demoRp field is set. + */ + public boolean hasDemoRp() { + return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0); + } + /** + * + * + *
+     * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+     * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+     * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + * + * @return The demoRp. + */ + public getDemoRp() { + if (demoRpBuilder_ == null) { + return demoRp_ == null + ? + : demoRp_; + } else { + return demoRpBuilder_.getMessage(); + } + } + /** + * + * + *
+     * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+     * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+     * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + */ + public Builder setDemoRp( value) { + if (demoRpBuilder_ == null) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + demoRp_ = value; + onChanged(); + } else { + demoRpBuilder_.setMessage(value); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + return this; + } + /** + * + * + *
+     * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+     * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+     * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + */ + public Builder setDemoRp( builderForValue) { + if (demoRpBuilder_ == null) { + demoRp_ =; + onChanged(); + } else { + demoRpBuilder_.setMessage(; + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + return this; + } + /** + * + * + *
+     * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+     * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+     * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + */ + public Builder mergeDemoRp( value) { + if (demoRpBuilder_ == null) { + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0) + && demoRp_ != null + && demoRp_ != { + demoRp_ = + + .mergeFrom(value) + .buildPartial(); + } else { + demoRp_ = value; + } + onChanged(); + } else { + demoRpBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + return this; + } + /** + * + * + *
+     * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+     * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+     * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + */ + public Builder clearDemoRp() { + if (demoRpBuilder_ == null) { + demoRp_ = null; + onChanged(); + } else { + demoRpBuilder_.clear(); + } + bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); + return this; + } + /** + * + * + *
+     * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+     * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+     * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + */ + public getDemoRpBuilder() { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + onChanged(); + return getDemoRpFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); + } + /** + * + * + *
+     * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+     * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+     * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + */ + public getDemoRpOrBuilder() { + if (demoRpBuilder_ != null) { + return demoRpBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); + } else { + return demoRp_ == null + ? + : demoRp_; + } + } + /** + * + * + *
+     * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+     * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+     * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + */ + private< +, +, +> + getDemoRpFieldBuilder() { + if (demoRpBuilder_ == null) { + demoRpBuilder_ = + new< +, +, +>( + getDemoRp(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); + demoRp_ = null; + } + return demoRpBuilder_; + } + @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields(final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); diff --git a/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ b/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ index 07104f6f5..d0ee87da4 100644 --- a/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ +++ b/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ @@ -118,4 +118,42 @@ java.lang.String getDebugInformationOrDefault( * map<string, string> debug_information = 2 [json_name = "debugInformation"]; */ java.lang.String getDebugInformationOrThrow(java.lang.String key); + + /** + * + * + *
+   * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+   * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+   * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + * @return Whether the demoRp field is set. + */ + boolean hasDemoRp(); + /** + * + * + *
+   * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+   * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+   * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + * + * @return The demoRp. + */ + getDemoRp(); + /** + * + * + *
+   * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes.
+   * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information.
+   * 
+ * + * optional .services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty demo_rp = 3 [json_name = "demoRp"]; + */ + getDemoRpOrBuilder(); } diff --git a/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ b/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..832a671f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ @@ -0,0 +1,829 @@ +// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! +// source: services/connect/v1/connect.proto + +package; + +/** + * + * + *
+ * Information about a Relying Party used for demo purposes
+ * 
+ * + * Protobuf type {@code services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty} + */ +public final class DemoRelyingParty extends + implements + // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty) + DemoRelyingPartyOrBuilder { + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; + // Use DemoRelyingParty.newBuilder() to construct. + private DemoRelyingParty( builder) { + super(builder); + } + + private DemoRelyingParty() { + displayName_ = ""; + logoUrl_ = ""; + primaryColor_ = ""; + } + + @java.lang.Override + @SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) + protected java.lang.Object newInstance(UnusedPrivateParameter unused) { + return new DemoRelyingParty(); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public final getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + + public static final getDescriptor() { + return + .internal_static_services_connect_v1_DemoRelyingParty_descriptor; + } + + @java.lang.Override + protected + internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { + return + .internal_static_services_connect_v1_DemoRelyingParty_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( +, +; + } + + public static final int DISPLAY_NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; + private volatile java.lang.Object displayName_; + /** + * string display_name = 1 [json_name = "displayName"]; + * + * @return The displayName. + */ + @java.lang.Override + public java.lang.String getDisplayName() { + java.lang.Object ref = displayName_; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } else { + bs = ( ref; + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + displayName_ = s; + return s; + } + } + /** + * string display_name = 1 [json_name = "displayName"]; + * + * @return The bytes for displayName. + */ + @java.lang.Override + public getDisplayNameBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = displayName_; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + b = + ref); + displayName_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; + } + } + + public static final int LOGO_URL_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; + private volatile java.lang.Object logoUrl_; + /** + * string logo_url = 2 [json_name = "logoUrl"]; + * + * @return The logoUrl. + */ + @java.lang.Override + public java.lang.String getLogoUrl() { + java.lang.Object ref = logoUrl_; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } else { + bs = ( ref; + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + logoUrl_ = s; + return s; + } + } + /** + * string logo_url = 2 [json_name = "logoUrl"]; + * + * @return The bytes for logoUrl. + */ + @java.lang.Override + public getLogoUrlBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = logoUrl_; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + b = + ref); + logoUrl_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; + } + } + + public static final int PRIMARY_COLOR_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; + private volatile java.lang.Object primaryColor_; + /** + * string primary_color = 3 [json_name = "primaryColor"]; + * + * @return The primaryColor. + */ + @java.lang.Override + public java.lang.String getPrimaryColor() { + java.lang.Object ref = primaryColor_; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } else { + bs = ( ref; + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + primaryColor_ = s; + return s; + } + } + /** + * string primary_color = 3 [json_name = "primaryColor"]; + * + * @return The bytes for primaryColor. + */ + @java.lang.Override + public getPrimaryColorBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = primaryColor_; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + b = + ref); + primaryColor_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; + } + } + + private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; + + @java.lang.Override + public final boolean isInitialized() { + byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; + if (isInitialized == 1) return true; + if (isInitialized == 0) return false; + + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; + return true; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public void writeTo( output) throws { + if (! { +, 1, displayName_); + } + if (! { +, 2, logoUrl_); + } + if (! { +, 3, primaryColor_); + } + getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public int getSerializedSize() { + int size = memoizedSize; + if (size != -1) return size; + + size = 0; + if (! { + size +=, displayName_); + } + if (! { + size +=, logoUrl_); + } + if (! { + size +=, primaryColor_); + } + size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize(); + memoizedSize = size; + return size; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { + if (obj == this) { + return true; + } + if (!(obj instanceof { + return super.equals(obj); + } + other = + ( obj; + + if (!getDisplayName().equals(other.getDisplayName())) return false; + if (!getLogoUrl().equals(other.getLogoUrl())) return false; + if (!getPrimaryColor().equals(other.getPrimaryColor())) return false; + if (!getUnknownFields().equals(other.getUnknownFields())) return false; + return true; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public int hashCode() { + if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { + return memoizedHashCode; + } + int hash = 41; + hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); + hash = (37 * hash) + DISPLAY_NAME_FIELD_NUMBER; + hash = (53 * hash) + getDisplayName().hashCode(); + hash = (37 * hash) + LOGO_URL_FIELD_NUMBER; + hash = (53 * hash) + getLogoUrl().hashCode(); + hash = (37 * hash) + PRIMARY_COLOR_FIELD_NUMBER; + hash = (53 * hash) + getPrimaryColor().hashCode(); + hash = (29 * hash) + getUnknownFields().hashCode(); + memoizedHashCode = hash; + return hash; + } + + public static parseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data) + throws { + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + } + + public static parseFrom( + java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) + throws { + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + } + + public static parseFrom( + data) + throws { + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + } + + public static parseFrom( + data, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + } + + public static parseFrom(byte[] data) + throws { + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + } + + public static parseFrom( + byte[] data, extensionRegistry) + throws { + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + } + + public static parseFrom( input) + throws { + return, input); + } + + public static parseFrom( + input, extensionRegistry) + throws { + return + PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); + } + + public static parseDelimitedFrom( + input) throws { + return, input); + } + + public static parseDelimitedFrom( + input, extensionRegistry) + throws { + return + PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); + } + + public static parseFrom( + input) throws { + return, input); + } + + public static parseFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return + PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder newBuilderForType() { + return newBuilder(); + } + + public static Builder newBuilder() { + return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); + } + + public static Builder newBuilder( prototype) { + return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder toBuilder() { + return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); + } + + @java.lang.Override + protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { + Builder builder = new Builder(parent); + return builder; + } + /** + * + * + *
+   * Information about a Relying Party used for demo purposes
+   * 
+ * + * Protobuf type {@code services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty} + */ + public static final class Builder extends + implements + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty) + { + public static final getDescriptor() { + return + .internal_static_services_connect_v1_DemoRelyingParty_descriptor; + } + + @java.lang.Override + protected + internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { + return + .internal_static_services_connect_v1_DemoRelyingParty_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( +, +; + } + + // Construct using + private Builder() {} + + private Builder( parent) { + super(parent); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder clear() { + super.clear(); + displayName_ = ""; + + logoUrl_ = ""; + + primaryColor_ = ""; + + return this; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public getDescriptorForType() { + return + .internal_static_services_connect_v1_DemoRelyingParty_descriptor; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public getDefaultInstanceForType() { + return; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public build() { + result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); + } + return result; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public buildPartial() { + result = + new; + result.displayName_ = displayName_; + result.logoUrl_ = logoUrl_; + result.primaryColor_ = primaryColor_; + onBuilt(); + return result; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder clone() { + return super.clone(); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder setField( + field, java.lang.Object value) { + return super.setField(field, value); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder clearField( field) { + return super.clearField(field); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { + return super.clearOneof(oneof); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder setRepeatedField( + field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { + return super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder addRepeatedField( + field, java.lang.Object value) { + return super.addRepeatedField(field, value); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { + if (other instanceof { + return mergeFrom(( other); + } else { + super.mergeFrom(other); + return this; + } + } + + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { + if (other == return this; + if (!other.getDisplayName().isEmpty()) { + displayName_ = other.displayName_; + onChanged(); + } + if (!other.getLogoUrl().isEmpty()) { + logoUrl_ = other.logoUrl_; + onChanged(); + } + if (!other.getPrimaryColor().isEmpty()) { + primaryColor_ = other.primaryColor_; + onChanged(); + } + this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); + onChanged(); + return this; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public final boolean isInitialized() { + return true; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public Builder mergeFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + if (extensionRegistry == null) { + throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); + } + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + case 10: + { + displayName_ = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); + + break; + } // case 10 + case 18: + { + logoUrl_ = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); + + break; + } // case 18 + case 26: + { + primaryColor_ = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); + + break; + } // case 26 + default: + { + if (!super.parseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; // was an endgroup tag + } + break; + } // default: + } // switch (tag) + } // while (!done) + } catch ( e) { + throw e.unwrapIOException(); + } finally { + onChanged(); + } // finally + return this; + } + + private java.lang.Object displayName_ = ""; + /** + * string display_name = 1 [json_name = "displayName"]; + * + * @return The displayName. + */ + public java.lang.String getDisplayName() { + java.lang.Object ref = displayName_; + if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { + bs = ( ref; + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + displayName_ = s; + return s; + } else { + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } + } + /** + * string display_name = 1 [json_name = "displayName"]; + * + * @return The bytes for displayName. + */ + public getDisplayNameBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = displayName_; + if (ref instanceof String) { + b = + ref); + displayName_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; + } + } + /** + * string display_name = 1 [json_name = "displayName"]; + * + * @param value The displayName to set. + * @return This builder for chaining. + */ + public Builder setDisplayName(java.lang.String value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + + displayName_ = value; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + /** + * string display_name = 1 [json_name = "displayName"]; + * + * @return This builder for chaining. + */ + public Builder clearDisplayName() { + + displayName_ = getDefaultInstance().getDisplayName(); + onChanged(); + return this; + } + /** + * string display_name = 1 [json_name = "displayName"]; + * + * @param value The bytes for displayName to set. + * @return This builder for chaining. + */ + public Builder setDisplayNameBytes( value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); + + displayName_ = value; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + + private java.lang.Object logoUrl_ = ""; + /** + * string logo_url = 2 [json_name = "logoUrl"]; + * + * @return The logoUrl. + */ + public java.lang.String getLogoUrl() { + java.lang.Object ref = logoUrl_; + if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { + bs = ( ref; + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + logoUrl_ = s; + return s; + } else { + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } + } + /** + * string logo_url = 2 [json_name = "logoUrl"]; + * + * @return The bytes for logoUrl. + */ + public getLogoUrlBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = logoUrl_; + if (ref instanceof String) { + b = + ref); + logoUrl_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; + } + } + /** + * string logo_url = 2 [json_name = "logoUrl"]; + * + * @param value The logoUrl to set. + * @return This builder for chaining. + */ + public Builder setLogoUrl(java.lang.String value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + + logoUrl_ = value; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + /** + * string logo_url = 2 [json_name = "logoUrl"]; + * + * @return This builder for chaining. + */ + public Builder clearLogoUrl() { + + logoUrl_ = getDefaultInstance().getLogoUrl(); + onChanged(); + return this; + } + /** + * string logo_url = 2 [json_name = "logoUrl"]; + * + * @param value The bytes for logoUrl to set. + * @return This builder for chaining. + */ + public Builder setLogoUrlBytes( value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); + + logoUrl_ = value; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + + private java.lang.Object primaryColor_ = ""; + /** + * string primary_color = 3 [json_name = "primaryColor"]; + * + * @return The primaryColor. + */ + public java.lang.String getPrimaryColor() { + java.lang.Object ref = primaryColor_; + if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { + bs = ( ref; + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + primaryColor_ = s; + return s; + } else { + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } + } + /** + * string primary_color = 3 [json_name = "primaryColor"]; + * + * @return The bytes for primaryColor. + */ + public getPrimaryColorBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = primaryColor_; + if (ref instanceof String) { + b = + ref); + primaryColor_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; + } + } + /** + * string primary_color = 3 [json_name = "primaryColor"]; + * + * @param value The primaryColor to set. + * @return This builder for chaining. + */ + public Builder setPrimaryColor(java.lang.String value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + + primaryColor_ = value; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + /** + * string primary_color = 3 [json_name = "primaryColor"]; + * + * @return This builder for chaining. + */ + public Builder clearPrimaryColor() { + + primaryColor_ = getDefaultInstance().getPrimaryColor(); + onChanged(); + return this; + } + /** + * string primary_color = 3 [json_name = "primaryColor"]; + * + * @param value The bytes for primaryColor to set. + * @return This builder for chaining. + */ + public Builder setPrimaryColorBytes( value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); + + primaryColor_ = value; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public final Builder setUnknownFields(final unknownFields) { + return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); + } + + @java.lang.Override + public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( + final unknownFields) { + return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); + } + + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty) + } + + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty) + private static final DEFAULT_INSTANCE; + + static { + DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new; + } + + public static getDefaultInstance() { + return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; + } + + private static final PARSER = + new { + @java.lang.Override + public DemoRelyingParty parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + try { + builder.mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial()); + } catch ( e) { + throw e.asInvalidProtocolBufferException().setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial()); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + .setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial()); + } + return builder.buildPartial(); + } + }; + + public static parser() { + return PARSER; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; + } + + @java.lang.Override + public getDefaultInstanceForType() { + return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; + } +} diff --git a/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ b/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d98e4048f --- /dev/null +++ b/java/src/main/java/trinsic/services/connect/v1/ @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! +// source: services/connect/v1/connect.proto + +package; + +public interface DemoRelyingPartyOrBuilder + extends + // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:services.connect.v1.DemoRelyingParty) + { + + /** + * string display_name = 1 [json_name = "displayName"]; + * + * @return The displayName. + */ + java.lang.String getDisplayName(); + /** + * string display_name = 1 [json_name = "displayName"]; + * + * @return The bytes for displayName. + */ + getDisplayNameBytes(); + + /** + * string logo_url = 2 [json_name = "logoUrl"]; + * + * @return The logoUrl. + */ + java.lang.String getLogoUrl(); + /** + * string logo_url = 2 [json_name = "logoUrl"]; + * + * @return The bytes for logoUrl. + */ + getLogoUrlBytes(); + + /** + * string primary_color = 3 [json_name = "primaryColor"]; + * + * @return The primaryColor. + */ + java.lang.String getPrimaryColor(); + /** + * string primary_color = 3 [json_name = "primaryColor"]; + * + * @return The bytes for primaryColor. + */ + getPrimaryColorBytes(); +} diff --git a/python/requirements.txt b/python/requirements.txt index 6abda0712..2e462c389 100644 --- a/python/requirements.txt +++ b/python/requirements.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ git+ -grpclib==0.4.5 -grpcio-tools==1.57.0 +grpclib==0.4.7 +grpcio-tools==1.63.0 deprecation==2.1.0 diff --git a/python/trinsic/proto/services/connect/v1/ b/python/trinsic/proto/services/connect/v1/ index 78b5144ce..3cbe6ea15 100644 --- a/python/trinsic/proto/services/connect/v1/ +++ b/python/trinsic/proto/services/connect/v1/ @@ -305,6 +305,15 @@ class NormalizedGovernmentIdData(betterproto.Message): """Expiration date date of the document""" +@dataclass(eq=False, repr=False) +class DemoRelyingParty(betterproto.Message): + """Information about a Relying Party used for demo purposes""" + + display_name: str = betterproto.string_field(1) + logo_url: str = betterproto.string_field(2) + primary_color: str = betterproto.string_field(3) + + @dataclass(eq=False, repr=False) class CreateSessionRequest(betterproto.Message): """Request to create an Identity Verification Session""" @@ -317,6 +326,14 @@ class CreateSessionRequest(betterproto.Message): ) """Debugging information used to help diagnose issues""" + demo_rp: Optional["DemoRelyingParty"] = betterproto.message_field( + 3, optional=True, group="_demo_rp" + ) + """ + Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes. This is only to + be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information. + """ + @dataclass(eq=False, repr=False) class RequestedVerification(betterproto.Message): diff --git a/web/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.ts b/web/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.ts index 43eeee46e..66f42b406 100644 --- a/web/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.ts +++ b/web/src/proto/services/connect/v1/connect.ts @@ -472,6 +472,13 @@ export interface NormalizedGovernmentIdData { expirationDate?: string | undefined; } +/** Information about a Relying Party used for demo purposes */ +export interface DemoRelyingParty { + displayName?: string | undefined; + logoUrl?: string | undefined; + primaryColor?: string | undefined; +} + /** Request to create an Identity Verification Session */ export interface CreateSessionRequest { /** Array of verifications to perform */ @@ -479,7 +486,14 @@ export interface CreateSessionRequest { | RequestedVerification[] | undefined; /** Debugging information used to help diagnose issues */ - debugInformation?: { [key: string]: string } | undefined; + debugInformation?: + | { [key: string]: string } + | undefined; + /** + * Information about the Relying Party used for demo purposes. + * This is only to be used if the demo flag is set to true in the debug information. + */ + demoRp?: DemoRelyingParty | undefined; } export interface CreateSessionRequest_DebugInformationEntry { @@ -1276,8 +1290,97 @@ export const NormalizedGovernmentIdData = { }, }; +function createBaseDemoRelyingParty(): DemoRelyingParty { + return { displayName: "", logoUrl: "", primaryColor: "" }; +} + +export const DemoRelyingParty = { + encode(message: DemoRelyingParty, writer: _m0.Writer = _m0.Writer.create()): _m0.Writer { + if (message.displayName !== undefined && message.displayName !== "") { + writer.uint32(10).string(message.displayName); + } + if (message.logoUrl !== undefined && message.logoUrl !== "") { + writer.uint32(18).string(message.logoUrl); + } + if (message.primaryColor !== undefined && message.primaryColor !== "") { + writer.uint32(26).string(message.primaryColor); + } + return writer; + }, + + decode(input: _m0.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number): DemoRelyingParty { + const reader = input instanceof _m0.Reader ? input : _m0.Reader.create(input); + let end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length; + const message = createBaseDemoRelyingParty(); + while (reader.pos < end) { + const tag = reader.uint32(); + switch (tag >>> 3) { + case 1: + if (tag !== 10) { + break; + } + + message.displayName = reader.string(); + continue; + case 2: + if (tag !== 18) { + break; + } + + message.logoUrl = reader.string(); + continue; + case 3: + if (tag !== 26) { + break; + } + + message.primaryColor = reader.string(); + continue; + } + if ((tag & 7) === 4 || tag === 0) { + break; + } + reader.skipType(tag & 7); + } + return message; + }, + + fromJSON(object: any): DemoRelyingParty { + return { + displayName: isSet(object.displayName) ? String(object.displayName) : "", + logoUrl: isSet(object.logoUrl) ? String(object.logoUrl) : "", + primaryColor: isSet(object.primaryColor) ? String(object.primaryColor) : "", + }; + }, + + toJSON(message: DemoRelyingParty): unknown { + const obj: any = {}; + if (message.displayName !== undefined && message.displayName !== "") { + obj.displayName = message.displayName; + } + if (message.logoUrl !== undefined && message.logoUrl !== "") { + obj.logoUrl = message.logoUrl; + } + if (message.primaryColor !== undefined && message.primaryColor !== "") { + obj.primaryColor = message.primaryColor; + } + return obj; + }, + + create(base?: DeepPartial): DemoRelyingParty { + return DemoRelyingParty.fromPartial(base ?? {}); + }, + fromPartial(object: DeepPartial): DemoRelyingParty { + const message = createBaseDemoRelyingParty(); + message.displayName = object.displayName ?? ""; + message.logoUrl = object.logoUrl ?? ""; + message.primaryColor = object.primaryColor ?? ""; + return message; + }, +}; + function createBaseCreateSessionRequest(): CreateSessionRequest { - return { verifications: [], debugInformation: {} }; + return { verifications: [], debugInformation: {}, demoRp: undefined }; } export const CreateSessionRequest = { @@ -1290,6 +1393,9 @@ export const CreateSessionRequest = { Object.entries(message.debugInformation || {}).forEach(([key, value]) => { CreateSessionRequest_DebugInformationEntry.encode({ key: key as any, value }, writer.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); }); + if (message.demoRp !== undefined) { + DemoRelyingParty.encode(message.demoRp, writer.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + } return writer; }, @@ -1317,6 +1423,13 @@ export const CreateSessionRequest = { message.debugInformation![entry2.key] = entry2.value; } continue; + case 3: + if (tag !== 26) { + break; + } + + message.demoRp = DemoRelyingParty.decode(reader, reader.uint32()); + continue; } if ((tag & 7) === 4 || tag === 0) { break; @@ -1337,6 +1450,7 @@ export const CreateSessionRequest = { return acc; }, {}) : {}, + demoRp: isSet(object.demoRp) ? DemoRelyingParty.fromJSON(object.demoRp) : undefined, }; }, @@ -1354,6 +1468,9 @@ export const CreateSessionRequest = { }); } } + if (message.demoRp !== undefined) { + obj.demoRp = DemoRelyingParty.toJSON(message.demoRp); + } return obj; }, @@ -1372,6 +1489,9 @@ export const CreateSessionRequest = { }, {}, ); + message.demoRp = (object.demoRp !== undefined && object.demoRp !== null) + ? DemoRelyingParty.fromPartial(object.demoRp) + : undefined; return message; }, };