Example datasets for 1D/2D hydraulic modelling. These public datasets can be re-used for testing and documentation of hydr(aulic|odynamic|ological) modelling tools. They are not intended for actual modelling, yet contain diverse components and functionalities to serve as good test models
Scope of the datasets in this repository is 1D2D hydro modelling in general, for any simulation software. First use is currently in the HYDROLIB-core and HYDROLIB repositories.
The example datasets will become available in a single zip file as releases, such that you can test your tools on a specific version of the data. The individual data files are also directly available inside this repository.
- Waardenburg Rural and/or urban 1D system, optional 2D grid, optional rainfall-runoff. Example model [1D flow] [1D + 2D flow] [1D flow + Rainfall Runoff] [1D flow + RealTimeControl]. pending.