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This is an automatically generated list of reusable CM scripts being developed by the open taskforce on automation and reproducibility to make MLOps and DevOps tools more interoperable, portable, deterministic and reproducible. These scripts suppport the community effort to modularize ML Systems and automate their bechmarking, optimization, design space exploration and deployment across continuously changing software and hardware.
Click here to see the table of contents.
- Application automation
- CUDA automation
- Cloud automation
- Compiler automation
- Dashboards
- Detection or installation of tools and artifacts
- Docker automation
- Legacy CK support
- ML/AI datasets
- ML/AI frameworks
- ML/AI models
- Misc automation
- Modular ML/AI applications
- Modular MLPerf benchmarks
- Modular applications
- Platform information
- Python automation
- Remote automation
- Reproduced papers
- Reproducible papers
- Tests
- TinyML automation
- add-custom-nvidia-system
- app-loadgen-generic-python
- app-mlperf-inference
- app-mlperf-inference-cpp
- app-mlperf-inference-nvidia
- app-mlperf-inference-reference
- app-mlperf-inference-tflite-cpp
- build-mlperf-inference-server-nvidia
- generate-mlperf-inference-submission
- generate-mlperf-inference-user-conf
- generate-mlperf-tiny-submission
- generate-nvidia-engine
- get-dataset-kits19
- get-git-repo
- get-mlperf-inference-loadgen
- get-mlperf-inference-results
- get-mlperf-inference-src
- get-mlperf-inference-sut-configs
- get-mlperf-inference-sut-description
- get-mlperf-power-dev
- get-mlperf-training-src
- get-spec-ptd
- import-mlperf-inference-to-experiment
- import-mlperf-tiny-to-experiment
- process-mlperf-accuracy
- push-mlperf-inference-results-to-github
- reproduce-mlperf-inference-nvidia
- reproduce-mlperf-octoml-tinyml-results
- run-mlperf-inference-app
- run-mlperf-inference-submission-checker
- run-mlperf-power-client
- run-mlperf-power-server
- test-mlperf-inference-retinanet-win
- truncate-mlperf-inference-accuracy-log
- wrapper-reproduce-octoml-tinyml-submission
- app-image-classification-onnx-py
- app-image-classification-tf-onnx-cpp
- app-image-classification-torch-py
- app-image-classification-tvm-onnx-py
- get-dataset-criteo
- get-dataset-imagenet-aux
- get-dataset-imagenet-helper
- get-dataset-imagenet-val
- get-dataset-librispeech
- get-dataset-openimages
- get-dataset-openimages-annotations
- get-dataset-squad
- get-dataset-squad-vocab
- get-preprocessed-dataset-criteo
- get-preprocessed-dataset-imagenet
- get-preprocessed-dataset-kits19
- get-preprocessed-dataset-librispeech
- get-preprocessed-dataset-openimages
- get-preprocesser-script-generic
- convert-ml-model-huggingface-to-onnx
- get-dlrm
- get-ml-model-3d-unet-kits19
- get-ml-model-bert-base-squad
- get-ml-model-bert-large-squad
- get-ml-model-dlrm-terabyte
- get-ml-model-efficientnet-lite
- get-ml-model-huggingface-zoo
- get-ml-model-mobilenet
- get-ml-model-neuralmagic-zoo
- get-ml-model-resnet50
- get-ml-model-retinanet
- get-ml-model-retinanet-nvidia
- get-ml-model-rnnt
- get-ml-model-using-imagenet-from-model-zoo
- get-tvm-model
- get-onnxruntime-prebuilt
- get-tvm
- install-tensorflow-for-c
- install-tensorflow-from-src
- install-tflite-from-src
- get-cl (Detect or install Microsoft C compiler)
- get-compiler-flags
- get-gcc (Detect or install GCC compiler)
- get-go
- get-llvm (Detect or install LLVM compiler)
- install-gcc-src
- install-llvm-prebuilt (Install prebuilt LLVM compiler)
- install-llvm-src (Build LLVM compiler from sources (can take >30 min))
- get-android-sdk
- get-bazel
- get-cmake
- get-cmsis_5
- get-generic-sys-util
- get-java
- get-javac
- get-lib-armnn
- get-lib-dnnl
- get-openssl
- get-sys-utils-cm
- get-sys-utils-min
- install-bazel
- install-cmake-prebuilt
- install-gflags
- install-github-cli
- install-openssl
- destroy-terraform
- get-aws-cli
- get-rclone
- get-terraform
- install-aws-cli
- install-terraform-from-src
- run-terraform
- activate-python-venv (Activate virtual Python environment)
- get-generic-python-lib
- get-python3
- install-python-src
- install-python-venv
- print-hello-world
- print-hello-world-java
- print-hello-world-json
- print-hello-world-py
- print-python-version
- test-set-sys-user-cm
- activate-python-venv (Activate virtual Python environment)
- add-custom-nvidia-system
- app-image-classification-onnx-py
- app-image-classification-tf-onnx-cpp
- app-image-classification-torch-py
- app-image-classification-tvm-onnx-py
- app-image-corner-detection
- app-ipol-reproducibility-2022-439
- app-loadgen-generic-python
- app-mlperf-inference
- app-mlperf-inference-cpp
- app-mlperf-inference-nvidia
- app-mlperf-inference-reference
- app-mlperf-inference-tflite-cpp
- benchmark-program
- build-docker-image
- build-dockerfile
- build-mlperf-inference-server-nvidia
- compile-program
- convert-ml-model-huggingface-to-onnx
- destroy-terraform
- detect-cpu
- detect-os
- download-and-extract
- download-file
- download-torrent
- extract-file
- flash-tinyml-binary
- generate-mlperf-inference-submission
- generate-mlperf-inference-user-conf
- generate-mlperf-tiny-submission
- generate-nvidia-engine
- get-android-sdk
- get-aocl
- get-aws-cli
- get-bazel
- get-blis
- get-brew
- get-ck
- get-ck-repo-mlops
- get-cl (Detect or install Microsoft C compiler)
- get-cmake
- get-cmsis_5
- get-compiler-flags
- get-cuda
- get-cuda-devices
- get-cudnn
- get-dataset-criteo
- get-dataset-imagenet-aux
- get-dataset-imagenet-helper
- get-dataset-imagenet-train
- get-dataset-imagenet-val
- get-dataset-kits19
- get-dataset-librispeech
- get-dataset-openimages
- get-dataset-openimages-annotations
- get-dataset-squad
- get-dataset-squad-vocab
- get-dlrm
- get-gcc (Detect or install GCC compiler)
- get-generic-python-lib
- get-generic-sys-util
- get-git-repo
- get-github-cli
- get-go
- get-google-test
- get-ipol-src
- get-java
- get-javac
- get-lib-armnn
- get-lib-dnnl
- get-llvm (Detect or install LLVM compiler)
- get-microtvm
- get-ml-model-3d-unet-kits19
- get-ml-model-bert-base-squad
- get-ml-model-bert-large-squad
- get-ml-model-dlrm-terabyte
- get-ml-model-efficientnet-lite
- get-ml-model-huggingface-zoo
- get-ml-model-mobilenet
- get-ml-model-neuralmagic-zoo
- get-ml-model-resnet50
- get-ml-model-retinanet
- get-ml-model-retinanet-nvidia
- get-ml-model-rnnt
- get-ml-model-using-imagenet-from-model-zoo
- get-mlperf-inference-loadgen
- get-mlperf-inference-nvidia-common-code
- get-mlperf-inference-results
- get-mlperf-inference-src
- get-mlperf-inference-sut-configs
- get-mlperf-inference-sut-description
- get-mlperf-power-dev
- get-mlperf-training-src
- get-onnxruntime-prebuilt
- get-openssl
- get-preprocessed-dataset-criteo
- get-preprocessed-dataset-imagenet
- get-preprocessed-dataset-kits19
- get-preprocessed-dataset-librispeech
- get-preprocessed-dataset-openimages
- get-preprocesser-script-generic
- get-python3
- get-qaic-compute-sdk
- get-qaic-software-kit
- get-rclone
- get-spec-ptd
- get-sys-utils-cm
- get-sys-utils-min
- get-tensorrt
- get-terraform
- get-tvm
- get-tvm-model
- get-zendnn
- get-zephyr
- get-zephyr-sdk
- gui
- import-mlperf-inference-to-experiment
- import-mlperf-tiny-to-experiment
- install-aws-cli
- install-bazel
- install-cmake-prebuilt
- install-cuda-package-manager
- install-cuda-prebuilt
- install-gcc-src
- install-gflags
- install-github-cli
- install-llvm-prebuilt (Install prebuilt LLVM compiler)
- install-llvm-src (Build LLVM compiler from sources (can take >30 min))
- install-openssl
- install-python-src
- install-python-venv
- install-tensorflow-for-c
- install-tensorflow-from-src
- install-terraform-from-src
- install-tflite-from-src
- print-hello-world
- print-hello-world-java
- print-hello-world-json
- print-hello-world-py
- print-python-version
- process-mlperf-accuracy
- publish-results-to-dashboard
- push-csv-to-spreadsheet
- push-mlperf-inference-results-to-github
- remote-run-commands
- reproduce-mlperf-inference-nvidia
- reproduce-mlperf-octoml-tinyml-results
- run-docker-container
- run-mlperf-inference-app
- run-mlperf-inference-mobilenet-models
- run-mlperf-inference-submission-checker
- run-mlperf-power-client
- run-mlperf-power-server
- run-terraform
- set-echo-off-win
- tar-my-folder
- test-mlperf-inference-retinanet-win
- test-set-sys-user-cm
- truncate-mlperf-inference-accuracy-log
- wrapper-reproduce-octoml-tinyml-submission