Plugin versions for different ILIAS releases are provided in separate branches of this repository.
- Fix: replace browsershot with direct call of puppeteer
- Feature: add an HTML file with server info to the archive
- Fix: avoid dependency conflicts with SOAP authentication
- Update GitHub address for the PDF server
- Add fault tolerance for failed PDF creation
- compatibility with ILIAS 9.5 and higher, PHP 8.1 and 8.2
- removed phantomjs and its settings for PDF generation
- renamed PDF generation option "Browsershot" to "Puppeteer on ILIAS Server"
- updated installation instruction for puppeteer
- applied ILIAS coding style
- new plugin version numbering: ILIAS version . new features version . bugfix version
- fix cron job failure due to changed ilCtrl interface since ILIAS 8.11
- update the link to the cron job plugin repository
- fixed 0040794: Description regarding sample solutions is not precise
- fixed 0040728: Text Subset Question with problematic display of best solution in html
- Improved MathJax handling. MathJax settings for server-side rendering are respected separately:
- 'Use for HTML Export' for the HTML files in the archive
- 'Use for PDF Generation' for the optional PDF files.
- 'Use for Browser' must be activated if TeX in STACK questions should be rendered server-side.
- If server-side rendering is not enabled, then the Script URL client-side rendering is added to the HTML files in the archive.
- uploaded files are added as assets to the archive and linked on the participant page
- files of the page editor file list are added as assets to the archive