Set-VSTeamAccount -Account mydemos -Token $(System.AccessToken) -UseBearerToken
$r = Get-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 76 -Raw
Update-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 76 -release $r
Changes the variable temp on the release. This can be done in one stage and read in another stage.
Set-VSTeamAccount -Account mydemos -Token $(System.AccessToken) -UseBearerToken
$r = Get-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 76 -Raw
$r.variables | Add-Member NoteProperty temp([PSCustomObject]@{value='test'})
Update-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 76 -release $r
Adds a variable temp to the release with a value of test.
The id of the release to update
Type: Int32
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: true (ByPropertyName)
The updated release to save in AzD
Type: PSCustomObject
Required: True