- Setup Maven run configuration (Specify -Dpippo.mode=dev VM arg)
- Do more advanced template usage (proper HTML, etc)
- Serving static files
- Forms (CSRF)
- Add authentication
- Users DB table
- UsersController
- Forms for sign up and login
- Throttle logins/signups based on IP
- Use Mailgun to send emails (confirmation, password reset)
- Add form validation
- Store the TldServerMapping in the DB
- LastQueryTime column to avoid exceeding limits
- Store results for domains in DB
- Admin interface for manually updating whois servers
- protected by auth filter (check session)
- Store expiry date when available in whois
- Cache whois results
- Disable registration
- Disable displayed errors in production
- Investigate /domain vs /domain/ url issue
- Setup DB:
- H2 for DB
- Sql2o for DB queries
- Flyway for migrations
- HikariCP for connection pooling
- Investigate Log4j Rollover
- Switch from Freemarker to Pebble
- Try Controller routing
- Setup Guice for DI
Possible Pippo Contributions:
- Add JavaDoc (such as to RouteContext)
Properties available in template:
- session (if present)
- flash
- prettyTime
- formatTime
- webjarsAt
- publicAt
- i18n