Superset for DDP: docker image build and container startup
docker compose up
Filter clause is
coid =('{{current_blob()}}'::json->>'coid')::integer
Apply this filter to the roles specified in the filter definition. We will create a "Community Organizer" role for SNEHA
The base image for Superset 3 is
for x86apache/superset:3.1.0-py310-arm
for ARM
The Dockerfile
may need to be edited for the architecture you choose
Superset will serve static assets at https://<superset_url>/static/path/to/file
if the file
is available at /app/superset/static/path/to/file
within the Docker container.
- Inside gensuperset there are two folders a. make-t4d b. make-client
Note: This script will only be used once or when we update the docker image. Once the image is pushed to dockerhub, then the dockerfile in make-client will fetch this image and we can create different supersets for different clients.
The make-t4d contains the the script to make dockerfile, and script.
This Dockerfile pull the base apache/supserst: image, and install the required python packages, and creates a docker image which will be the base image for the client specific Dockerfile in make-client folder.
command: sh "apache/superset:" "<output_base_image>" "<output_folder>"
Here the generate script will generate a full fleged superset folder that is customised specifically to the client.
The dockerfile uses the base image created and pushed to docker hub in the above step.
The script creates a new image that will remain on the system, and will be used by docker-compose.yml file to run the container.
command: sh <client_name> <project_or_env> <base_image> <container_port> <celery_flower_port> <output_dir>
For detail documentation on how we are customizing superset for Dalgo-> read Link_to_the_documentation