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Teensy TinyBASICPlus

This is an interpreter for the Teensy 3.2 that is fully based off the Arduino TinyBasicPlus that can be found here: This has been fully ported to run on the Teensy 3.2 utilizing all the available memory and eeprom. This makes it possible to add many libraries and create a fully integrated operating system for the Teensy 3.2. This is my first attempt at porting an interpreter so sorry if I made any mistakes and lets get going on porting the needed libraries for the graphics stack as well as input(keyboard or button/key matrix of some sort.)

Plans for the future

Well as of now I have a simple project: I want to make a standalone computer out of this. But I seem to have a little problem with the needed libraries, I just can't get this to work with the tvOut(Arduino) library. The PS/2keyboard library has no problems but the tvOut seems to not have any Teensy support at all, I am still looking into it but an easier solution is to use one of the other supported MCU's as a GPU and have it use the Serial port as an input. This can be achieved using an ATMEGA328P(Arduino) Chip in combination with the Teensy as well, If I were able to sort out the serial connection between them I could make a single board computer using the Teensy 3.2 and a ATMEGA328P. I am just exploring my options as of now. If you have a better idea or if you can help with porting the tvOut library than email me at [email protected] , I am simply just not skilled enough to even attempt porting it. The next "v1.2" release will hopefully have some extra commands(they won't be standard BASIC commands.) Or more work for the SBC project.


Version 1.3.1 has been released!

Big update to code, new functionality from main Tiny BasicPlus and Teensy TinyBASICPlus have been merged, this means that now the INPUT command functions properly as well as new implementations on commands, there are also some cool new features planned so stay tuned for that. This version now enables many features brought by the Merge of Tiny BasicPlus and re-enables much needed features such as eeprom and sound output via the tone command. SD Card support has been disabled out of the box due to issues with the library.

Connection Instructions

The serial port that you need to connect to it can be found out using the Arduino IDE, then you need to put this serial port into your favorite Serial Terminal. The baud rate is: 115200.

Full list of supported statements and functions


BYE - exits Basic, soft reboot on Arduino
END - stops execution from the program, also "STOP"
MEM - displays memory usage statistics
NEW - clears the current program
RUN - executes the current program

File IO/SD Card

FILES - lists the files on the SD card

LOAD filename.bas - loads a file from the SD card

CHAIN filename.bas - equivalent of: new, load filename.bas, run

SAVE filename.bas - saves the current program to the SD card, overwriting

EEProm - nonvolatile on-chip storage

EFORMAT - clears the EEProm memory

ELOAD - load the program in from EEProm

ESAVE - save the current program to the EEProm

ELIST - print out the contents of EEProm

ECHAIN - load the program from EEProm and run it

IO, Documentation

PEEK( address ) - set a value in memory (unimplemented)

POKE - get a value in memory (unimplemented)

PRINT expression - print out the expression, also "?"

REM stuff - remark/comment, also "'"

Expressions, Math

A=V, LET A=V - assign value to a variable

+, -, *, / - Math

<,<=,=,<>,!=,>=,> - Comparisons

ABS( expression ) - returns the absolute value of the expression

RSEED( v ) - sets the random seed to v

RND( m ) - returns a random number from 0 to m


IF expression statement - perform statement if expression is true

FOR variable = start TO end - start for block

FOR variable = start TO end STEP value - start for block with step

NEXT - end of for block

GOTO linenumber - continue execution at this line number

GOSUB linenumber - call a subroutine at this line number

RETURN - return from a subroutine

Pin IO

DELAY timems- wait (in milliseconds)

DWRITE pin,value - set pin with a value (HIGH,HI,LOW,LO)

AWRITE pin,value - set pin with analog value (pwm) 0..255

DREAD( pin ) - get the value of the pin

AREAD( analogPin ) - get the value of the analog pin

Sound - Piezo wired up to A14(DAC) and ground

TONE freq,timems - play "freq" for "timems" milleseconds (1000 = 1 second)

TONEW freq,timems - same as above, but also waits for it to finish

NOTONE - stop playback of all playing tones

NOTE: TONE commands are by default disabled

Example programs

Here are a few example programs to get you started...


Hook up an LED between pin 13 and ground

10 FOR A=0 TO 10


30 DELAY 250


50 DELAY 250



Hook up an LED between pin 23 and ground

10 FOR A=0 TO 10

20 FOR B=0 TO 255

30 AWRITE 23, B

40 DELAY 10


60 FOR B=255 TO 0 STEP -1

70 AWRITE 23, B

80 DELAY 10


100 NEXT A


Hook up a potentiometeter between analog 0(Digital pin 14) and ground, led from digital 23 and ground. If knob is at 0, it stops

10 A = AREAD( 14 )


30 B = A / 4

40 AWRITE 23, B

50 IF A == 0 GOTO 100

60 GOTO 10

100 PRINT "Done."

AREAD example

Hook up a wire to pin 14(A0) and plug it into various pins such as pin 13(LED pin) and see the voltage change.

10 A = AREAD( 14 )


30 GOTO 10

NOTE: To exit an infinity program you need to press CTRL+C. That will end the program.

ECHAIN example

Write a small program, store it in EEPROM. We'll show that variables don't get erased when chaining happens


10 A = A + 2


30 PRINT "From eeprom!"

40 IF A = 12 GOTO 100

50 PRINT "Shouldn't be here."

60 END

100 PRINT "Hi!"

Then store it in EEProm


Now, create a new program in main memory and run it


10 A = 10


30 PRINT "From RAM!"


List both, and run