Torrent To Google Drive Downloader - Helps to easily upload torrent/magnet links to Google Drive!
Torrent Drive Telegram Bot Using Colab - Simple Torrent to GDrive Telegram bot using colab.
RcloneLab - rclone GUI, qBittorrent and rTorrent on Google Colaboratory.
MiXLab - MiXLab is a mix of multiple amazing Colab Notebooks found on the internet.
OneClickRun - All in one Colab Notebook.
VT Scan Colab - Scanning Files on drive using VirusTotal via Colab.
Rclone file transfer - Rclone file transfer in colab with resume.
T0rr3nts-t0-G00gl3-Dr1v3 - This is a Google Colab notebook with QBittorrent and Rclone, which can download torrents to Google Drive.
Any-file-to-GoogleDrive - This is a Google Colab notebook with Jdownloader and Rclone, which can download any file to Google Drive.
Ytplaylist YoutubeDL - Download YouTube Videos and Playlist.
Youtube-dl Toolbox - Video + Playlist Downloder Simple Mode.
FFMPEG For Colab - Run FFMPEG on Colab with Files Mounted from Gdrive.
HandBrakeCLI-ColabNotebook - HandbrakeCLI with Files Mounted from Gdrive.
FastColabCopy - Python3 script to transfer files in Google Colab 10-50x faster.
ZspotifyColab - Zspotify on Google Colab with GUI Controls.