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CrowdStrike FalconPy CrowdStrike FalconPy

CrowdStrike Subreddit

Falcon Spotlight Vulnerabilities samples

The examples within this folder focus on leveraging CrowdStrike's Falcon Spotlight Vulnerabilities API.

Identify hosts with vulnerabilities by CVE

Retrieves a list of hosts with vulnerabilities matching the CVE(s) specified. Also provides remediation recommendations when available.


This sample is dependent upon the python-tabulate library.

Installing tabulate

Tabulate can be installed using the Python Package Index:

python3 -m pip install tabulate

Running the program

In order to run this demonstration, you you will need access to CrowdStrike API keys with the following scopes:

Service Collection Scope
Hosts READ
Spotlight Vulnerabilities READ

Execution syntax

The following command will retrieve a list of hosts matching the specified CVE.

Basic usage

python3 -k $FALCON_CLIENT_ID -s $FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET -c CVE-2021-22947

You do not need to prepend the CVE- string to your CVE ID. Both formats are accepted.

python3 -k $FALCON_CLIENT_ID -s $FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET -c 2021-22947

You can search for multiple CVEs by passing a comma delimited string for the -c argument.

python3 -k $FALCON_CLIENT_ID -s $FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET -c CVE-2021-22947,CVE-2021-36085

Excluding columns

You can exclude columns from the result display using the -x argument.

python3 -k $FALCON_CLIENT_ID -s $FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET -c CVE-2021-22947 -x cve_description

Enabling the progress indicator

To show a progress indicator, use the -p option.

python3 -k $FALCON_CLIENT_ID -s $FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET -c 2021-22947 -p

Changing the sort

By default, results are sorted by creation date (created_on). You can specify the column to sort by using the -o argument.

python3 -k $FALCON_CLIENT_ID -s $FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET -c 2021-22947 -o local_ip
Available sort columns
  • cve
  • score
  • severity
  • cve_description
  • created_on
  • updated_on
  • hostname
  • local_ip
  • os_version
  • service_provider
  • remediation

By default, results are sorted in ascending order. You can change this behavior using the -r argument.

python3 -k $FALCON_CLIENT_ID -s $FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET -c 2021-22947 -o local_ip -r

Changing the tabular display format

Multiple formats are supported for displaying results. You can change format using the -f argument. Invalid selections are ignored.

python3 -k $FALCON_CLIENT_ID -s $FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET -c 2021-22947 -f simple
Available table formats
  • plain
  • simple
  • github
  • grid (Default)
  • fancy_grid
  • pipe
  • orgtbl
  • jira
  • presto
  • pretty
  • psql
  • rst
  • mediawiki
  • moinmoin
  • youtrack
  • html
  • unsafehtml
  • latex
  • latex_raw
  • latex_booktabs
  • latex_longtable
  • textile
  • tsv

Command-line help

Command-line help is available via the -h argument.

python3 -h
usage: [-h] -k CLIENT_ID -s CLIENT_SECRET [-b BASE_URL] -c CVE [-x EXCLUDE] [-f FORMAT] [-o SORT] [-r] [-p]

Retrieve hosts by CVE vulnerability.

 ______                         __ _______ __         __ __
|      |.----.-----.--.--.--.--|  |     __|  |_.----.|__|  |--.-----.
|   ---||   _|  _  |  |  |  |  _  |__     |   _|   _||  |    <|  -__|
|______||__| |_____|________|_____|_______|____|__|  |__|__|__|_____|
                     _______             __   __ __       __    __
                    |   _   .-----.-----|  |_|  |__.-----|  |--|  |_
                    |   1___|  _  |  _  |   _|  |  |  _  |     |   _|
                    |____   |   __|_____|____|__|__|___  |__|__|____|
                    |:  1   |__|                   |_____|
                    |::.. . |
                    `-------'               Find hosts by CVE

Creation date: 01.13.2021 - jshcodes@CrowdStrike

This solution requires the crowdstrike-falconpy (v0.8.6+) and tabulate packages.
    python3 -m pip install crowdstrike-falconpy tabulate

Required API scopes
    Hosts: READ
    Spotlight: READ

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k CLIENT_ID, --client_id CLIENT_ID
                        CrowdStrike Falcon API key ID
  -s CLIENT_SECRET, --client_secret CLIENT_SECRET
                        CrowdStrike Falcon API key secret
  -b BASE_URL, --base_url BASE_URL
                        CrowdStrike API region (us1, us2, eu1, usgov1)
                        NOT required unless you are using `usgov1`
  -c CVE, --cve CVE     CVE IDs to search for. (ex: CVE-2022-12345,CVE-2022-54321)
                        Delimit with a comma (no spaces). The string CVE- is not required.
  -x EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
                        List of columns to exclude from the display.
                        Delimit with a comma (no spaces).
                        (cve, score, severity, cve_description, created_on, updated_on,
                        hostname, local_ip, os_version, service_provider, remediation)
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Table format to use for display.
                        (plain, simple, github, grid, fancy_grid, pipe, orgtbl, jira, presto,
                        pretty, psql, rst, mediawiki, moinmoin, youtrack, html, unsafehtml,
                        latext, latex_raw, latex_booktabs, latex_longtable, textile, tsv)
  -o SORT, --sort SORT  Sort results by display column.
                        (cve, score, severity, cve_description, created_on, updated_on,
                        hostname, local_ip, os_version, service_provider, remediation)
  -r, --reverse         Reverse the sort direction.
  -p, --show_progress   Show a progress indicator as data is retrieved.

Example source code

The source code for this example can be found here.

Spotlight Quick Report

Produce a quick report of CVE vulnerabilities discovered within your Falcon tenant.

Running the program

In order to run this demonstration, you you will need access to CrowdStrike API keys with the following scopes:

Service Collection Scope
Hosts READ
Spotlight Vulnerabilities READ

Execution syntax

The following command will generate a Spotlight quick report based upon the details available within your tenant.

Basic usage


Saving results

Output the results of the report to JSON format using the -o argument.

python3 -k $FALCON_CLIENT_ID -s $FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET -o report.json

Reviewing saved results

You can consume a saved report and print the results using the -f argument.

python3 -k $FALCON_CLIENT_ID -s $FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET -f report.json

Adjusting the date range

Specify the number of days backwards in time to check using the -d argument.



If you wish to allow duplicate matches to be present within your report, pass the -a argument.



If you want to debug code and quickly find errors within code --debug argument.


Command-line help

Command-line help is available via the -h argument.

python3 -h
usage: [-h] -k CLIENT_ID -s CLIENT_SECRET [-d DAYS] [-f FILE] [-o OUTPUT] [-a]

Spotlight results quick report generator.

 _______                        __ _______ __        __ __
|   _   .----.-----.--.--.--.--|  |   _   |  |_.----|__|  |--.-----.
|.  1___|   _|  _  |  |  |  |  _  |   1___|   _|   _|  |    <|  -__|
|.  |___|__| |_____|________|_____|____   |____|__| |__|__|__|_____|
|:  1   |                         |:  1   |
|::.. . |                         |::.. . |      FalconPy SDK
`-------'                         `-------'

       ____          __  ___      __   __
      / __/__  ___  / /_/ (_)__ _/ /  / /_
     _\ \/ _ \/ _ \/ __/ / / _ `/ _ \/ __/
    /___/ .__/\___/\__/_/_/\_, /_//_/\__/
       /_/                /___/
          ____       _     __     ___                    __
         / __ \__ __(_)___/ /__  / _ \___ ___  ___  ____/ /_
        / /_/ / // / / __/  '_/ / , _/ -_) _ \/ _ \/ __/ __/
        \___\_\_,_/_/\__/_/\_\ /_/|_|\__/ .__/\___/_/  \__/

This example requires crowdstrike-falconpy v1.2.2 or greater.

Easy Object Authentication is also demonstrated in this sample.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DAYS, --days DAYS  Include days from X days backwards (3-45).
  -f FILE, --file FILE  File to import data from.
                        Data is queried from the API if this argument is not provided.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        File to output results to.
                        Output is not performed if this argument is not provided.
  -a, --allow_dupes     Allow duplicates.

required arguments:
  -k CLIENT_ID, --client_id CLIENT_ID
                        CrowdStrike Falcon API Client ID.
  -s CLIENT_SECRET, --client_secret CLIENT_SECRET
                        CrowdStrike Falcon API Client Secret.
  --debug               Enables code debugging 

Example source code

The source code for this example can be found here.