is the canonical location for presentations and code from CppCon 2023.
- "Distributed Ranges": A Model for Building Distributed Data Structures, Algorithms, and Views by Benjamin Brock
- A Common Package Specification: Getting Build Tools to Talk to Each Other: Lessons Learned From Making Thousands of Binaries Consumable by Any Build System by Diego Rodriguez-Losada Gonzalez
- A Journey Into Non-Virtual Polymorphism by Rudyard Merriam
- A Long Journey of Changing std::sort Implementation at Scale by Danila Kutenin
- Advanced SIMD Algorithms in Pictures by Denis Yaroshevskiy
- Advancing cppfront with Modern C++: Refining the Implementation of is, as, and UFCS by Filip Sajdak
- Back to Basics: Algorithms by Klaus Iglberger
- Applicative: The Forgotten Functional Pattern by Ben Deane
- Back to Basics: Concurrency by David Olsen
- Back to Basics: Debugging by Greg Law
- Back to Basics: Forwarding References by Mateusz Pusz
- Back to Basics: Functions by Mike Shah
- Back to Basics: Iterators by Nicolai Josuttis
- Back to Basics: Testing by Phil Nash
- Back to Basics: The Rule of Five by Andre Kostur
- Behavioral Modeling in HW/SW Co-design Using C++ Coroutines by Jeffrey Erickson & Sebastian Schoenberg
- BehaviorTree.CPP: Task Planning for Robots and Virtual Agents by Davide Faconti
- Better Code: Contracts by Sean Parent & Dave Abrahams
- Better Code: Exploring Validity by David Sankel
- Building Bridges: Leveraging C++ and ROS for Simulators, Sensor Data and Algorithms by Cesar Gerardo Bravo Conejo & Divya Aggarwal
- Building Effective Embedded Systems: Architectural Best Practices by Gili Kamma
- C++ in the Developing World: Why it Matters by Mathew Benson
- C++ Memory Model: from C++11 to C++23 by Alex Dathskovsky
- C++ Modules: Getting Started Today by Andreas Weis
- C++20 Modules: The Packaging and Binary Redistribution Story by Luis Caro Campos
- C++23: An Overview of Almost All New and Updated Features by Marc Gregoire
- Cache-friendly Design in Robot Path Planning by Brian Cairl
- Can Data-oriented-design be Improved? by Ollivier Roberge
- CMake Successor Build Systems: A World Tour of Build Systems Towards Better C++ Builds by Damien Buhl & Antonio Di Stefano
- Continuous Regression Testing for Safer and Faster Refactoring by Pejman Ghorbanzade
- Cooperative C++ Evolution – Toward a Typescript for C++ by Herb Sutter
- Coping With Other People's Code by Laura Savino
- Coroutine Patterns and How to Use Them: Problems and Solutions Using Coroutines In a Modern Codebase by Francesco Zoffoli
- Customization Methods: Connecting User and Library Code by Inbal Levi
- Delivering Safe C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup
- Designing Fast and Efficient List-like Data Structures by Yannic Bonenberger
- Effective Ranges: A Tutorial for Using C++2x Ranges by Jeff Garland
- Embracing CTAD by Nina Ranns
- Evolution of a Median Algorithm by Pete Isensee
- Exceptionally Bad : The Story on the Misuse of Exceptions and How to Do Better by Peter Muldoon
- Exploration of Strongly-typed Units: A Case Study from Digital Audio by Roth Michaels
- Express Your Expectations: A Fast, Compliant JSON Pull Parser for Writing Robust Applications by Jonathan Müller
- Expressive Compile-time Parsers by Alon Wolf
- File I/O for Game Developers: Past, Present, and Future by Guy Davidson
- From Your First Line of Code to Your Largest Repo: How Visual Studio Code Can Help You Develop More Efficiently in C++ by Alexandra Kemper & Sinem Akinci
- Getting Started with C++ by Michael Price
- How to Build Your First C++ Automated Refactoring Tool by Kristen Shaker
- Is std::mdspan a Zero-overhead Abstraction? by Oleksandr Bacherikov
- Iteration Revisited: A safer iteration model for C++ by Tristan Brindle
- Khronos APIs for Heterogeneous Compute and Safety: SYCL and SYCL SC by Michael Wong, Nevin Liber & Verena Beckham
- Leveraging a functional approach for more testable and maintainable ROS 2 code by Bilal Gill
- Leveraging the Power of C++ for Efficient Machine Learning on Embedded Devices by Adrian Stanciu
- Libraries: A First Step Toward Standard C++ Dependency Management by Bill Hoffman & Bret Brown
- Lifetime Safety in C++: Past, Present and Future by Gabor Horvath
- Lock-free Atomic Shared Pointers Without a Split Reference Count? It Can Be Done! by Daniel Anderson
- Monads in Modern C++ by Georgi Koyrushki & Alistair Fisher
- More Ranges Please by Roi Barkan
- Noexcept? Enabling Testing of Contract Checks by Pablo Halpern & Timur Doumler
- Object Introspection: A Revolutionary Memory Profiler for C++ Objects by Jonathan Haslam & Aditya Sarwade
- Object Lifetime: From Start to Finish by Thamara Andrade
- Optimizing Away Virtual Functions May Be Pointless by Shachar Shemesh
- Plug-in Based Software Architecture for Robotics by Abishalini Sivaraman & Anthony Baker
- Powered by AI: A Cambrian Explosion for C++ Software Development Tools by Emery Berger
- Regular, Revisited by Victor Ciura
- Robotics at Compile Time: Optimizing Robotics Algorithms With C++'s Compile-Time Features by Stephen Brawner
- Shared Libraries in Windows, in Linux, and yes - in C++ by Ofek Shilon
- Single Producer Single Consumer Lock-free FIFO From the Ground Up by Charles Frasch
- Six Ways for Implementing Math Expressions Calculator by Amir Kirsh
- std::linalg: Linear Algebra Coming to Standard C++ by Mark Hoemmen
- std::simd: How to Express Inherent Parallelism Efficiently Via Data-parallel Types by Matthias Kretz
- Symbolic Calculus for High-performance Computing From Scratch Using C++23 by Vincent Reverdy
- Taro: Task graph-based Asynchronous Programming Using C++ Coroutine by Dian-Lun Lin
- Tracy: A Profiler You Don't Want to Miss by Marcos Slomp
- The Absurdity of Error Handling: Finding a Purpose for Errors in Safety-Critical SYCL by Erik Tomusk
- The Au Library: Handling Physical Units Safely, Quickly, and Broadly by Chip Hogg
- Things Happening in SG14… by Patrice Roy
- Thinking Functionally in C++ by Brian Ruth
- Undefined Behavior: What Every Programmer Should Know and Fear by Fedor Pikus
- What's New in Visual Studio: CMake Debugger, Diagnostics Improvements, Video Games, and More by David Li & Mryam Girmay
- Why Loops End by Lisa Lippincott
- Writing Python Bindings for C++ Libraries: Easy-to-use Performance by Saksham Sharma