##What is Agafi/ROP?
Agafi/ROP is a Win32 command line tool chain useful to find gadgets and build ROP-Chains used by x86 binary exploits.
##What is Agafi?
Agafi (Advanced Gadget Finder) is a x86 gadget-finder tool useful to find gadgets in programs, modules and running processes.
The ROP search engine is based on 4 points:
- Search by objective
- An "executable/module/process/misc" snapshot
- x86 code emulation (QEMU support)
- Black box gadget analysis
Implementing the ideas mentioned above, Agafi is able to find very complex gadgets in short time.
Agafi in action ...
##What is Agafi-rop?
Agafi-ROP is a x86 ROP-Chainer tool oriented to build ROP chains for win32 programs, modules and running processes.
Using Agafi as gadget-finder + Agafi-ROP as good and fast ROP-Chainer engine, this tool is able to build ROP-Chains to bypass DEP in binary exploits.
Agafi-ROP re-building a ROP-Chain with "invalid chars" to "hxds.dll" v2.5.50727.198 ...
##Where can Agafi find gadgets?
Mainly Win32 binary files although other x86 architectures are also supported as RAW snapshots.
##What APi uses Agafi-ROP to build ROP-Chains to bypass DEP?
For now, only "kernel32.VirtualProtect" function is used.
##In which Windows versions does Agafi/ROP work?
Starting from Windows XP SP2 up to the latest Windows version.
##Is it necessary to install Agafi/ROP to use?
No instalation needed.
The only external dependency is the x86 disassembly lib (Distorm v3). Please, download this from (https://code.google.com/p/distorm/downloads/detail?name=distorm3-3-dlls.zip) and copy the 32 bit "distorm3.dll" library at the same Agafi path.
Agafi/ROP is released under version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
If you have some suggestion or some bug to report, please contact to the authors.
Agafi/Agafi-ROP ([email protected]) Gisnap modules ([email protected])