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DSB Maintenance Iteration 12: Agenda & Minutes (20 July 2022)
Date and time: 20/07/2022, 2:00pm – 4:00pm AEST
Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Dial-in details:
- https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjAyMzg2M2EtNTE2Zi00YmJiLWI1NWYtYjg3ZWFiYTI0MWM2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22214f1646-2021-47cc-8397-e3d3a7ba7d9d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2257cd8c59-9b50-4670-bc85-25281a11ec8d%22%7d
- Dial In Number: +61 2 9161 1229
- Phone Conference ID: 222 556 244#
- Quick Dial: +61291611229,,222556244#,,(tel:+61291611229,,222556244#) Australia, Sydney
Chair: James Bligh, DSB
Maintenance overview: Further information
Maintenance project board: See here
Decision Proposal: This maintenance iteration is being consulted on under Decision Proposal 259: Maintenance Iteration 12
The Maintenance Iteration Calls are recorded for note taking purposes only. All recordings are kept securely, as are the transcripts which may be made from them. No identifying material will be provided without the participant's consent. Participants may email [email protected] should they have any further questions or wish to have any material redacted from the record.
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the various lands on which we work today and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people participating in this call.
We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and recognise and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and connections to the lands and waters of Australia.
- Introductions
- Outstanding Actions
- Release plan
- Open / Active Decision Proposals
- Maintenance Iteration 12 Issues
- Maintenance Iteration 11 Retrospective
- Any other business
- Next Steps
Meeting notes
This week is the first meeting of Maintenance Iteration 12. The DSB has purposefully not curated the backlog to keep this iteration small, calling on industry to propose items for consideration.
- DSB/AEMO Issue #477 DSB and AEMO to meet offline and agreed on an FDO for Issue 477.
- This action will be carried over to the next MI
- Retailers to raise a ticket on energy usage data covering multiple FRMPs. DSB to table this in their discussions with AEMO.
- This action will be carried over to the next MI
- DSB (In Progress) Issue #435 DSB will follow up with the CDR Rules team and the OAIC regarding privacy considerations with sharing a second-party's details under the primary consumer's consent.
- CBA to raise a change request to drop encryption for the JARM token response. Issue #458
- DSB to update the proposal on #521 to incorporate the outcome of the discussion
- BIZA to advise DSB offline on behaviour of 30 Mutuals regarding #521
- CBA confirm whether or not validation is occurring if both methods are present, level of effort involved to make the change if not and whether the November timeframe is achievable with regard to #521?
- DSB to post early analysis on issue 484 to determine whether its covered in DP245 or whether there is further work outside of the Decision Proposal.
- ACCC to advise on whether MI12 is an appropriate iteration to resolve issue #431.
- DSB to work with ACCC on appropriateness of bringing Issue #510 in now and provide commentary on the CR.
- ACCC and DSB to post a response on issue #486 that describes default behaviour on how versioning will work.
- DSB to include v1 of Get Software Statement Assertion (SSA) in the Endpoint Version Schedule as a deprecation date has not been set for this version to facilitate changes associated to #486.
- DSB to look at SSA versioning in issue #486, overlapping with the discussion on issue #484.
- ACCC requesting input from industry on issue #507.
- ACCC to post a clarification on the need for the FDO for issue #507 to be brought forward if the purpose is not to enable enforcement action and to confirm dates the change will take effect.
- ACCC to provide commentary on the issue #431 that the combination of statuses is not valid and to confirm there will be no unintended consequence resulting from of the proposed documentation change.
- DSB to update the proposal for issue #431. If the Revoked Inactive combination is not a valid state, the proposed change is no longer relevant.
- DSB to remove the statement "Please note that the CDR Register entity model is constrained to one industry per brand which is planned to be relaxed in the future." from ResponseDataHoldersBrandSummaryList to address issue #481
- DSB to discuss the change set with the team in order to consider whether any change to address issue #510 should be adopted in this MI. If they cannot be adopted they will be moved to a later MI when new Register versions can incorporate the change.
- DSB to investigate original proposals in Issue #427 to consider how to progress issue #480
- DSB to determine how to continue this issue #480 post MI11
- DSB to consider withdrawing issue #484 from MI11 and to address this issue, along with issue 443, as a dedicated decision proposal.
Register / DCR
- DSB to stage the change for Issue 491 and consider a patch release.
- DSB/ACCC: DSB to work with ACCC to explore opportunities to reconcile actions raised during the Maintenance Iteration.
- Decision Proposal 249: Maintenance Iteration 11 is scheduled to go to the Chair at the end of the week for consideration and approval. MI11 change requests will then be published in release 1.18.0.
The following decision proposals are open for community feedback
DP # | Decision Proposal | Closing date |
Consultation | Decision Proposal 229 - CDR Participant Representation | Placeholder: no close date Link to consultation |
Noting Paper | Noting Paper 255 - Approach to Telco Sector Standards | Link to consultation |
Consultation | Decision Proposal 256 - Telco Endpoints Feedback closes: 5th of August 2022 |
Link to consultation |
Consultation | Decision Proposal 257 - Customer Data Payloads for Telco Feedback closes: 5th of August 2022 |
Link to consultation |
Noting Paper | Noting Paper 258 - Independent Information Security Review | Link to consultation |
Workshop | DSB - Energy Sector: Historical Data Sharing - Workshop | Link to Registration: Eventbrite |
Review of July-September Quarter and new changes: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/future-plan/projects/1
All open change requests can be found here: Standards Maintenance Issues.
The standards maintenance backlog can be found here: Data Standards Maintenance
The community can provide feedback on the process for Maintenance Iteration 11 in Miro
The DSB will run this MI differently, making change close to upcoming compliance dates is not conducive to standards development. As a principle, changes that affect 1 October, 1 November and 15 November obligation dates will be avoided. Exceptions will only be made for urgent changes with consensus from the community and approval from the DSB Chair.
This MI will therefore focus on gathering requirements. Any changes associated to CRs consulted on will take effect after Energy dates and future dated obligations will be set accordingly.
As a result the backlog has not been groomed. CRs that will be considered are those carried over from MI11 and suggestions from the community.
- DSB/AEMO Issue #477 DSB and AEMO to meet offline and agreed on an FDO for Issue 477.
- Consider including in MI12.
- Retailers to raise a ticket on energy usage data covering multiple FRMPs. DSB to table this in their discussions with AEMO.
- Analysis ongoing.
- DSB (In Progress) Issue #435 DSB will follow up with the CDR Rules team and the OAIC regarding privacy considerations with sharing a second-party's details under the primary consumer's consent.
- Waiting on advice.
- CBA to raise a change request to drop encryption for the JARM token response. Issue #458
- Waiting on advice.
- ACCC and DSB to post a response on issue #486 that describes default behaviour on how versioning will work.
- DSB to include v1 of Get Software Statement Assertion (SSA) in the Endpoint Version Schedule as a deprecation date has not been set for this version to facilitate changes associated to #486.
- Will be completed in MI11 and closed, does not need to be considered in MI12.
- DSB to investigate original proposals in Issue #427 to consider how to progress issue #480
- Move item to the backlog for consideration in MI12.
The following change requests were proposed for consideration:
Issue #414 - Properties in BankingTransactionDetail objects
- Some of the elements in the schema are in the wrong object
Issue #525 - softwareProductDescription should be marked as mandatory
- Documentation update, nominating optional or required
Issue #526 - Get DER for Service Point - allow for no data
- 75% have no DER record therefore no data will be returned, had thought nothing could be sent because its an array, but it's not so will have to handle this condition fairly frequently.
Issue #524 - EnergyDerRecord - mandatory values not available in AEMO's DER register
- Historical data has missing mandatory fields in API schema, so we have a number of options on how to treat it:
- Either return bad data which will generate a request to clean it.
- Don't return any data but that is not schema compliant
- Or something in between such as make some mandatory fields make optional (so bad data can be excluded?)
- Historical data has missing mandatory fields in API schema, so we have a number of options on how to treat it:
- Issue #506 - Energy error codes for issues in data received by DH from SDH
In addition, consider issues carried over from MI11:
- Issue #477 - Secondary Data Holder Planned Outages and Status
- Issue #480 - 1.13.0 appears to have broken pseudonymity of Pairwise Identifiers
- Issue #484 - 1.13.0 Appears to have introduced new SSA error behaviours
- Tickets
Maintain the awesome docs on GitHub and improve them where possible.
- this was not elaborated on.
Get meeting minutes out earlier.
- DSB will review internal processes to ensure minutes can be published as early as possible.
Start playing music at the beginning of the call.
- Looking into options, no promises!
Staging proposals earlier.
- DSB will consider this however we are limited to timing on when decisions are available.
Consider splitting Energy and Banking MI call (question/feedback time).
- This will be considered on a case by case basis.
Questions raised ahead of time have a much better chance of being answered rather than adhoc in the meeting.
- There are challenges here with regard to non standards related questions being raised which are more appropriately dealt with in Thursday's Implementation Call. DSB will aim to keep Maintenance Iteration calls focused.
Post questions taken on notice to meeting minutes (with ETA for answers if possible).
- Maintenance Iteration calls are not an alternative for the CDR Support Portal (Zendesk).
Using the placeholder for the DP for people to suggest CRs for inclusion.
- This is a good idea and worth trialing.
Formalise the prioritisation process for the maintenance iterations.
- Responsibility for prioritising items for consideration in a Maintenance Iteration sits with the DSB Chair, delegated to the DSB. However, the DSB acknowledges that a mechanism for the community to 'up-vote' or provide feedback in a consistent way would be useful to inform this process.
- DSB to consider the adoption of a feedback loop from community to assist in the prioritisation of maintenance iteration candidates and advise.
- Tickets
How do we manage an issue or DP changing as feedback comes through so it's clear what the current position is.
- Suggestion to summarise the current position as an issue is iterated on to remove confusion where possible.
- Important to retain the original proposal however suggest adding an additional heading to describe the Current Hypothesis and strike through any out dated content.
- DSB to consider a process to summarise the current position on a change request as it is iterated on to avoid confusion and advise.
Did the holistic feedback CR work for everyone?
- Concerns that it did get pretty complicated but saved time.
- Monitor this MI to assess ongoing value in future MIs.
- Chair will monitor the MI12 holistic thread to determine value for future MIs and extract any contributions that warrant being considered under a separate CR.
- Tickets
Keep up the momentum of collaboration by collating questions, discussion pints etc.
- Definitely want to continue this.
- Raised by Ivan, calling out the challenge for SMEs, sometimes there's lots of contributions on a single change request with varying opinions that can confuse the issue. Raising questions to bring the discussion back to the topic can be an art form but it's an important role in the collaboration process.
Continue trying to convince Ivan to stay.
- From Wednesday it will be trying to convince him to come back!
James Bligh will take responsibility for Register items once Ivan has departed, depending on recruitment outcomes that arrangement may continue.
The DSB proposed keeping this MI small to minimise impact on the community which had consensus from participants as they are all consolidating their current builds for Energy Go Live.
- DSB to list CRs proposed for MI12 and once confirmed post on DP259 for the community to comment.
- MI11 RETRO: DSB to consider the adoption of a feedback loop from community to assist in the prioritisation of maintenance iteration candidates and advise.
- MI11 RETRO: DSB to consider a process to summarise the current position on a change request as it is iterated on to avoid confusion and advise.
- MI11 RETRO: Chair will monitor the MI12 holistic thread to determine value for future MIs and extract any contributions that warrant being considered under a separate CR.
Community to review CRs proposed for this MI in the minutes to determine if others should be considered and DSB to post list once confirmed.