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Quickstart example: quorum-signer secret engine

The quorum-signer-plugin-for-hashicorp-vault is a custom secret engine that allows Quorum data to be signed within Vault (similar to the built-in transit secret engine).

This quickstart guide will demonstrate how to:

  1. Start a vault dev server and install and configure a quorum-signer custom secret engine with basic approle access control
  2. Configure Quorum to use the vault for account management by using the Hashicorp Vault account plugin
  3. Create new accounts in vault
  4. Use an account to sign some data

This quickstart uses the vault dev server. The dev server is quick and easy to set up but should not be used for production.

The dev server does not:

  • persist data between restarts
  • encrypt HTTP communications with TLS

For more advanced Vault topics (such as configuring storage, TLS, and approle token renewal) see the Vault docs.

Setting up a vault dev server with quorum-signer secret engine

  1. Download vault

  2. Download or build quorum-signer-plugin-for-hashicorp-vault

  3. Start the dev server (-dev-plugin-dir must contain the quorum-signer-plugin-for-hashicorp-vault build artifact):

    $ vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root \
    WARNING! dev mode is enabled! In this mode, Vault runs entirely in-memory
    and starts unsealed with a single unseal key. The root token is already
    authenticated to the CLI, so you can immediately begin using Vault.
    You may need to set the following environment variable:
        $ export VAULT_ADDR=''
    The unseal key and root token are displayed below in case you want to
    seal/unseal the Vault or re-authenticate.
    Unseal Key: 89TmuvV1EWRWSLCPXf7Ei7XfQ4MMfEs8DQ1pUKZz6J4=
    Root Token: root
    The following dev plugins are registered in the catalog:
        - quorum-signer-0.1.0
    Development mode should NOT be used in production installations!
  4. Setup the vault CLI using the values printed during start up:

    $ export VAULT_ADDR=
    $ export VAULT_TOKEN=root
  5. Enable the quorum-signer custom secret engine:

    $ vault secrets enable -path=quorum-signer quorum-signer-0.1.0
    Success! Enabled the quorum-signer-0.1.0 secrets engine at: quorum-signer/
    $ vault secrets list -detailed
    Path            Plugin                  Options     Description               
    ----            ------                  -------     -----------               
    ...             ...                     ...         ...
    quorum-signer/  quorum-signer-0.1.0     map[]       n/a                              
  6. Setup basic access control using approle:

    1. Enable approle authentication:

      $ vault auth enable approle
      Success! Enabled approle auth method at: approle/ 
    2. Create a basic access policy for all secrets in the quorum-signer engine:

      $ cat <<EOF >policy.hcl
      path "quorum-signer/*" {
          capabilities = ["create", "update", "read"]
      $ vault policy write basicpolicy policy.hcl
      Success! Uploaded policy: basicpolicy
    3. Create a new approle role with the access defined by basicpolicy:

      $ vault write auth/approle/role/basicrole \
          token_policies="basicpolicy" \
          secret_id_ttl=0 \
      Success! Data written to: auth/approle/role/basicrole
      $ vault read auth/approle/role/basicrole/role-id
      Key        Value
      ---        -----
      role_id    dab8be4b-f17d-a9fd-f124-19fbec9bb688
      $ vault write -f auth/approle/role/basicrole/secret-id
      Key                   Value
      ---                   -----
      secret_id             5442577d-22e2-423f-6e11-0980af45a4fc
      secret_id_accessor    93f3fdc5-e878-4955-e557-d7a25afef6ef

      The secret_id and secret_id_accessor should never be shared

    4. Make a note of the role_id and secret_id. Quorum/the plugin will need these to authenticate with Vault

Using the plugin

  1. Create the config file that defines the plugins used by Quorum, quorum.json:

    $ cat <<EOF >quorum.json
        "baseDir": "plugins-basedir",
        "providers": {
            "account": {
                "name": "quorum-account-plugin-hashicorp-vault",
                "version": "0.2.0",
                "config": "file:///path/to/plugin.json"
  2. Create the config file used by the Hashicorp Vault account plugin, plugin.json:

    $ cat <<EOF >plugin.json 
        "vault": "http://localhost:8200",
        "quorumSignerEngineName": "quorum-signer",
        "accountDirectory": "file:///path/to/quorum-signer-accts",
        "authentication": {
            "roleId": "env://HASHICORP_ROLE_ID",
            "secretId": "env://HASHICORP_SECRET_ID",
            "approlePath": "approle"
  3. Use the CLI to create a new account and store it in Hashicorp Vault

    $ export HASHICORP_ROLE_ID=dab8be4b-f17d-a9fd-f124-19fbec9bb688 
    $ export HASHICORP_SECRET_ID=5442577d-22e2-423f-6e11-0980af45a4fc   
    $ geth account plugin new \
          --plugins file:///path/to/quorum.json \
          --plugins.skipverify \
          --plugins.account.config '{"secretName": "demoacct"}'
    Your new plugin-backed account was generated
    Public address of the account:   0x88133AcAf18Fb9db5A79066e0dB5208cd9491Cc9
    Account URL: localhost:8200/v1/secret/data/demoacct?version=0
    - You can share your public address with anyone. Others need it to interact with you.
    - You must NEVER share the secret key with anyone! The key controls access to your funds!
    - Consider BACKING UP your account! The specifics of backing up will depend on the plugin backend being used.
    - The plugin backend may require you to REMEMBER part/all of the new account config to retrieve the key in the future!
      See the plugin specific documentation for more info.
    - See the documentation for the plugin being used for more info.
  4. The accountDirectory will contain a new account file:

    $ ls quorum-signer-accts
    $ cat quorum-signer-accts/UTC--2020-06-29T19-57-11.071220000Z--88133acaf18fb9db5a79066e0db5208cd9491cc9
  5. Vault will contain the new account (only the public address can be retrieved):

    $ vault read quorum-signer/accounts/myAcct
    Key     Value
    ---     -----
    addr    e45a97f61bf666ec6dcfa4b13b46ac94747ea358
  6. Start Quorum with the Hashicorp Vault plugin:

    $ PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore geth \
        --nodiscover \
        --verbosity 5 \
        --networkid 10 \
        --raft \
        --raftjoinexisting 1 \
        --datadir datadir \
        --rpc \
        --rpcapi eth,debug,admin,net,web3,plugin@account \
        --plugins file:///path/to/quorum.json \
  7. Attach to the node, create another account using the RPC API (available on the geth console), and use the account

    $ geth attach datadir/geth.ipc
    Welcome to the Geth JavaScript console!
    instance: Geth/v1.9.7-stable-f343ba05(quorum-v2.6.0)/darwin-amd64/go1.13.7
    coinbase: 0x88133acaf18fb9db5a79066e0db5208cd9491cc9
    at block: 0 (Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 BST)
     datadir: /vault-plugin-demo/datadir
     modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 eth:1.0 ethash:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 plugin@account:1.0 raft:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0
    > plugin_account.newAccount({"secretName": "anotherdemoacct"})
        address: "0x8effa64323cd1d737f068c09021dccdee1f2ce6d",
        url: "http://localhost:8200/v1/secret/data/anotherdemoacct?version=1"
    > personal.listWallets
        accounts: [{
            address: "0x8effa64323cd1d737f068c09021dccdee1f2ce6d",
            url: "http://localhost:8200/v1/secret/data/anotherdemoacct?version=1"
        }, {
            address: "0x88133acaf18fb9db5a79066e0db5208cd9491cc9",
            url: "http://localhost:8200/v1/secret/data/demoacct?version=1"
        status: "0 unlocked account(s)",
        url: "plugin://account-plugin-hashicorp-vault"
    > personal.sign("0xaaaaaa", "0x88133acaf18fb9db5a79066e0db5208cd9491cc9", "")