The goal of clustish is to ease implementation of clusters (master/workers) in your projects. You can parallelise tasks while keeping a hand over your workers through the master logic which can provide an stdin interface for example. Dead workers can be respawned automatically.
npm install clustish
yarn add clustish
const clustish = require("clustish")({
respawn: false, // Do not respawn worker when it exits
multithreaded: true // Do physical CPUs have multithread support
// Common logic should be here if needed
clustish.messageHandler(function(msg) {
if(this.isMaster) {
console.log("From worker", msg);
} else {
console.log("From master", msg);
}).master(function() {
// master logic goes here
var names = ["Charlie", "Juliet", "Mike", "Oscar"];
var tasks = [[1, 100], [101, 200], [201, 300], [301, 386]];
this.ready(function() {
// when all workers have been spawned
this.workerLogic(function(worker, index) {
// send each worker its task (could be anything)
worker.send({"hookname": {"task": tasks[index]}});
}).done(function() {
// all workers have exited
}).eachThread(function(index) {
// set a worker per thread with its own env
this.add({"NAME": names[index]});
}).spawn(); // Spawn workers
}).worker(function() {
this.hook("hookname", function(task) {
process.send(`Hi my name is ${process.env.NAME} and I should read a file from line ${task[0]} to ${task[1]}`);
// worker logic goes here if dependant of a hook
// worker logic goes here if independant of a hook
this.exit(0, "Task done !");
When instanciate clustish you can pass an object as parameter as follow:
- respawn: boolean True to respawn a worker that exited.
- multithreaded: boolean Number of threads per core.
Defines how messages between master and workers are handled, when not captured by hooks. Using parent property isMaster
allows you to know which side is reciving.
- name: string Hook's namepsace.
- callback: function Hook's logic, one argument is passed from message object.
- master: boolean True if master can access it.
- worker: boolean True if workers can access it.
Hook is triggered by sending a message either to master or workers as an object which have said hook's name as a property.
in a worker logic:
process.send({"hookname": {"end": true, "lines": 200}})
will trigger hook with spacename "hookname" and coresponding value {"end": true, "lines": 200}}
as a parameter.
clustish.addHook("hookname", function(status) {
if(status.end === true) {
console.log(`Worker's done with ${status.lines} lines.`);
}, true, false)
here only accessible by master.
Defines master's logic.
Defines worker's logic.
Returns number of physical CPUs as integer
, as defined by option multithreaded
Returns total number of logical CPUs as integer
, as defined by option multithreaded
Loops callback
over physical CPU count.
Loops callback
over logical CPU count.
Loops callback
over count
- count: integer Loop count.
Loops callback
over defined workers.
Sets a worker with its env
Sets a hook accessible only by master. See addHook
- name: string Hook's namespace.
- callback: function Hook's logic, one argument is passed from message object.
Spawns workers.
Fires callback
when all workers have spawned.
Fires callback
when all workers have exited.
Sets a hook accessible only by master. See addHook
- name: string Hook's namespace.
- callback: function Hook's logic, one argument is passed from message object.
Exits worker.
- code: integer Exit code
- notice: string Notice to be send to master.