This section uses the iModel Console to execute queries against the Stadium
sample iModel.
See Aspect Queries for instructions on opening an iModel in the iModel Console.
Recursive Common Table Expressions can walk a tree or graph, they are a powerful tool when walking a relationship hierarchy in an iModel. See iTwin Learning content on CTEs
All Elements may have a single parent element and any number of child elements. It is used for various things like defining assemblies and the subject hierarchies
Walk from a leaf subject to the root subject
WITH RECURSIVE subject_hierarchy (sId, sParentId, sCode) as ( SELECT l.ECInstanceId, l.Parent.Id, l.CodeValue FROM bis.Subject l WHERE l.CodeValue = 'SS_Master_Structural_Dome_Cabel_Connection.dgn, SS_Dome_Cabel_Connection' UNION SELECT s.ECInstanceId, s.Parent.Id, s.CodeValue FROM bis.Subject s, subject_hierarchy WHERE s.ECInstanceId = subject_hierarchy.sParentId ) SELECT * FROM subject_hierarchy
NOTE: The leaf code value was picked from the model tree view
Walk all parent child hierarchies and build a path from leaf to root
WITH RECURSIVE hierarchy (hId, hParentId, hCode, hPath, hCount) as ( SELECT c.ECInstanceId, c.Parent.Id, c.CodeValue, c.CodeValue, 0 FROM bis.Element c WHERE c.ECInstanceId NOT IN ( SELECT Parent.Id FROM bis.Element WHERE Parent.Id IS NOT NULL ) AND c.Parent.Id IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT e.ECInstanceId, e.Parent.Id, e.CodeValue, hPath || '-->' || e.CodeValue, hCount + 1 FROM bis.Element e JOIN hierarchy ON hParentId = e.ECInstanceId ) SELECT hCount, hPath FROM hierarchy ORDER By hCount DESC
This will include all parent child hierarchies, including the Subject hierarchy which is represented as a parent child relationship.