The USD documentation suggests in a few places (sorry, can't find links right now) that Prims are meant to have one Payload. This however doesn't seem to be a requirement.
In the USD glossary, Payloads are described as "a special kind of a Reference" that is weaker than References. As it turns out, you can use References and container Prims to collect multiple Payloads into a single Prim.
#usda 1.0
def Xform "SomeTransform" (
prepend references = [
def Xform "SomeXformCube" (
prepend payload = @./cube_payload.usda@</PayloadCubeThing>
def Xform "SomeXformSphere" (
prepend payload = @./sphere_payload.usda@</PayloadSphereThing>
The Python and C++ projects in this concept show how to replicate this, in-code.