Sometimes you need to reference a Prim like </Foo/Bar> into anotheer stage but, when you do that, you want to keep the name and type of "Bar" in the other stage.
This short snippet shows you how to do it. There's nothing much to this trick. Just query the type / name of some Prim path or fall back to the stage's defaultPrim to get the same information.
def add_prim_from_target(stage, target, prim_path=""):
if not prim_path:
prim = target.GetDefaultPrim() or target.GetPrimAtPath(
prim = target.GetPrimAtPath(prim_path)
if not prim.IsValid():
raise RuntimeError(
'Prim path "{prim_path}" could not be found and there is not '
"default Prim to fall back on.".format(prim_path=prim_path)
creators = {
Sdf.SpecifierClass: stage.CreateClassPrim,
Sdf.SpecifierDef: functools.partial(
stage.DefinePrim, typeName=prim.GetTypeName()
Sdf.SpecifierOver: stage.OverridePrim,
creator = creators[prim.GetSpecifier()]
created_prim = creator(prim.GetPath())
assetPath=target.GetRootLayer().identifier, primPath=prim.GetPath()