Releases: ColdTrick/group_tools
Releases · ColdTrick/group_tools
- added: users can register if registration is disabled but they have a valid group invite code
- fixed: no groups to select in groups_river_widget
- fixed: error during saving of special states
- fixed: if trying to access a hidden group when logged out, correctly forward after login
- fixed: the action URL for user membership killrequest (#57)
- added: plugin setting to indicate if a group is hidden
- added: option to configure a group welcome message (#41)
- added: listing of the email invitations for groups (#42)
- added: option to join groups based on email domain (#43)
- added: option to relate groups (#44)
- fixed: layout issue in plugin settings
- fixed: you can no join groups you were invited for on the group profile page
- fixed: misleading translation for a group cleanup setting (#22)
- fixed: create group button showing up on some pages when setting was disabled (#35)
- added: option to allow group members to invite more members
- added: Portuguese-Brazilian translation (thanks to brunovb)
- added: tags to quickstart discussion widget
- added: suggested groups (based on profile information)
- added: group admins are notified upon membership request #31 (thanks to @beck24)
- fixed: crash when listing a forum topic of a hidden group
- fixed: email invites are not cleaned up on register
- fixed: group owner should not be group admin #26
- changed: better group selection in quickstart discussion widget
- changed: showing group status (open/closed) is a plugin setting #3
- changed: group index widget to include popular groups option #28
- added: status icon when discussion is closed and fast action to close/open a topic
- added: a widget to quickly start a discussion (index, dashboard and group context)
- fixed: no tab selected in group listing when group_tools is first activated
- fixed: group admin transfer no longer working for non admins
- changed: performance improvement in group admin transfer
- changed: discussion list now shows in which group the discussion takes place (if not already clear)
- added: auto join groups based on email invitation when joining the site
- added: different group ACL fixes
- fixed: problem with email invites from hidden groups
- fixed: in some cases email invites weren't saved
- changed: auto notifications now listen to $NOTIFICATION_HANDLERS
- changed: handling of invitations page
- changed: layout of actions
- removed: group creation limited to admins (Elgg core now offers this option)
- added: filter groups based on a tag field in index_group widget
- fixed: problem with group invite autocomplete on subfolder Elgg installations (thanks to Bruno Grossmann)
- fixed: unable to edit a group as a normal user when limiting group creation (thanks to buraddo)
- changed: group invitations (and add) no always goto mail
- changed: some logic when (re)inviting for better system messages to the users
- changed: discussion dasboard widget ordering to be inline with default Elgg
- changed: layout of start.php to be more inline with Elgg
- added: discussion widget from widget manager
- added: group_forum_topics widget from widget manager
- added: group_news widget from widget manager
- added: index_groups widget from widget manager
- added: group sidebar cleanup feature
- added: group profile fallback handling (error on old group profile link & redirect)
- added: group default access (if Elgg/Elgg#253 is applied)
- added: admin action to enable/disable group notifications
- added: option to show the group members in the group related index widgets
- removed: index_discussions widget
- fixed: deprecated notice in invitations overview
- fixed: url error in invitation
- fixed: PHP wanring in group_river_widget
- fixed: pagination in group members sidebar
- fixed: invite autocomplete not using default autocomplete features
- fixed: forum topics widget ordering
- changed: plugin settings layout
- added: featured group widget
- added: a index widget (for Widget Manager) to show the latest discussions
- added: widget title link for group membership (in combination with Widget Manager)
- added: option to invite all friends or all site members (admin only)
- fixed: outstanding invitations and membership request not always cleaned up
- fixed: incorrect widget title for group members
- fixed: deprecated notices in combination with widget_manager
- fixed: pagination in group members widget
- fixed: wrong action link in remove invitation
- fixed: bug with creating group invitations
- fixed: PHP notices and warnings
- changed: sending of group invite e-mails to be more generic
- changed: restored limited functionality of group activity river